,- s mi ;.t 3::;; v. - y i a -r r.-vUi.g at ; a , 'l invitation to ail; pews free. v.v.tminster Eev. Alexander- Mar t !. jastor. . Services at 11 and 8; the l,orJ's supper-will be celebrated at the morning hour; .Sunday school at 10; the public Is cordially invited. St, paulRev. Charles h. RfS1 rastor. Preaching at 11 and 8 by the pastor; Sunday school at 8:30; pray er meeting Wednesday evening at 8, all are cordially Invited. Tenth Avenue Rev. A. R,. Shaw, pastor. Preaching at 11 and by the pastor, Sunday school at J:S0; West minster League meeting at 7;1&; pray er meetin gWednesday evening at all are cordially invited. Belmont Sunday school at 10; " members who signed the petition for oganizatlon of the church are request ed1 to be present; at - I o'clock the church will be organized by Key. Dr. A. R. Shaw, Rev. Charles Raynal and Dr. Martin A: Hardin. , AU are welcome-; :: .' " t i v'-rM ;- -j '; v" . Methodist.-: v Tryon StreetRev. H. : K. .Boyer, pastor At 11 the sacrament of the Lord's supper- will be administered; preaching at I by the pastor; men's prayer meeting at 10; Sunday school rally -day service at; J:36; ;E cordial Invitation to all.' : - '-" '' ' , Brevard Street Preaching at 11 and :45-by the pastor. Rev. Harold Turner; Sunday school at t; prayer weetlng at 10; a cordial invitation to all .v..- : - Calvary Preaching at 11 and 7:30 by the pastor, Rev. 3. P. Totten ; prayer meeting ; at 10:15; Sunday school at 9 awelcome to all. Cfwibrtlv Preaching at .11 and 7:4S by thV tfaMor.' Rev; 1C, M. Saort; Sunday ecjipol at ft:i5;. all are . wel come. ,' Eoworth Preackln -at 11 by Rev. A. Li Coburn, communion service after the' sermon: Sunday scnooi at s:o. preaching at Seversvilla at' 7:80; com munion service alter sermon; premni Ing every night neit week at T:0A Belmont Park Rev, W. 8. Hales, pastor,-V Preaichlrig thjs evening at 7:80; services tp-morrqw at 11 and 7; Sunday school at 3; Sunday scnooi ai ha Unrhum Mill , nhanel at :4B: nreac'.ilnr at 4:80. - Trinity Preaching at' li and 8 by the Tvaator. Rev. Plato. T. Durham; Sunday school at 4; a cordial invita tion-to all. . i ' , . ; 4 f ( LUTHERAN. St Mark's Rev. Dr. Robert C Holland, pastor.- Services and holy communion at 11: preparatory or con gretslonal service in the lecture room at 10:80; Sunday school, at 3:30; mid week' service Wednesday evening at 8. ; .... . ; a. r, p. rirst Rev. William Duncan, pas tor., preaching at 11 and 7:45: subject of morning sermon, "My Father's . God;" that Of the evening, "Hornets and Angels." Sabbath school at 12:15; session will meet in church study at ' Invitation Is - extended. East Avenue Tabernacle Rev. W. TV. Orr, pastor. Preaching at 11 and 7:80; men's prayer meeting at 10:30; Sabbath school at 3:30; Y. P. C. U, meets at 6:80; congregational prayer meeting Wednesday at S. A most cor : dial invitation, to all these services la .extended Villa Heights Preaching at 3:30 by Dr. Orr; Sabbath school at 4:30; prayer meeting Tuesday night at 8; everybody invited to all services. ' t -CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. ' First Church of Christian Scientist Services to-morrow at 11 and Wed nesday svehltig at 8:15; subject for Sunday, "Are Sin, Disease and Deafh Real?;" the reading room same ad dress. Is open dally except Monday lrom 3 o'clock until 5 in the after noon;; th public is cordially Invited to the services and the reading room. . EPISCOPAL. , Church 'of the Holy Comforter, Sims' Hal), Dilworth Bunday school and Bible class at 9:45. 8L Martin's Chapel, Davidson and Tenth streets Sunday school and Bi ble class at 3:30; evening uraver and ' sermon at 8. St. Andrew's Chapel. Seversvllle Morning prayer and -sermon at 11; Sunday school at 4. ' Chapel of Hope. Bast Fifteenth Street Sunday school at 3:30; evening prayer and sermon at 8:30. St Peters Rev. Harris .Malllnck rodt. rector. Sunday school at 8:45 Morning prayer and sermon. 11 Evening service, 8, Pews free. . ," BAPTIST. Ninth Avenue There will be three " services to-morrow at 11, 3:80 and . ' TA AAM SiS-aJ V. . is - , ncjs wno w aiding tne pastor In a luiciini. nuiHisv rnniii mostiH at 1:11. T.iere will be services to-day 'at 1:10 and 7:45. All are Invited to i - j q m Fmchard Memorial Rev. Dr. E E. Bomar, imstor. Services at 1 1 and 7:45; annual conference at 8:30; Hun- . aay scnooi at ;ju; ipuour invited to ' all iheiu, jierviees. Tlip naRtnr v,r.r.,.u lor a tun ait'-nflance m mctiibt-rft und .friends at this, the beginning of hfet econa years pwtorate. BIO StTCESS ASSl-HEJ). Over Twelve Hundred Dollar Worth or llckcts Sold For Fan FmUvsJ Programmes Complete Hig Sue cess Certain. tprom every Indication the ap prvacoing. . lesuvai will et a new record In this State, The Campanarl ana wunson musteei programmes have been completed and will be ;' published in The Otaserver xhortly, and everything s almost ready for .the grand opening. Governor Glenn has Informed the managers that he win be here In good time to enjoy the opening re ception ' . In honor of Hon. W. J. Bryan. -.; '. It la planned ' to have a great street parade and royal all-around good welcoming ovation for the din- . tlnguished Nebraskan. , A gentleman from Winston-Salem writes that a big crowd will attend the festlval lrom that city, similar letters hare come from Stateevhie, Gastonla,-; Monroe and other towns nearby. Orders sre received dally from out of town for seat Yeservat Tons, and tickets are going fast in the city. Tickets may be purchased at Jor , Can's drug store, the Selwyn Hotel, Charles M. StiefTs Charlotte Music Company's,'-Stone &' Harrlnger's and fi m "the blind roan on the corner." From all appearances the festival this fall ts to be an all-around ph ; nomenal success, . i m mfm, i. ,i ,', ((t ,", Tetu'licrs Exflmlnatlons 1 Tills Werk. TiiursJay, Friday and Saturday of this week are the dates upon which the examinations for teacher cerdlj- a will ts hejd In the office" of the iy suprfntendent of schools in - i ;rt h"uM.- This is the last call r V vrtnt season and all "who ' TTtlflcate houl4 tke ' notice vviujvw. - vv vvivb A i . i . .- ; of t'..a 8:.--Kl:-.:.!er.i of to :.; ecK;,--,,.,u"-ir Co;:.on JloUin Coni i any waa hc-U at- tae court bouse j-".iter Jay morning- and 'organization wan perfected. Following the re election of Mesors. -M. Davis, T. J. Renfiw,S. B. Alexander; C, II. Wolfe, S. B. Faulkner. W. H. Belkj and B. T. Price as a board of direc tors, the capital stock of the corpora tion -was Increased from 31.000 to 110.000. Within the next two or three days a meeting of the directors will bs held and officers chosen, v The prevailing sentiment of . those present seemed to be that cotton snouia oo neia unui i cenis can uc . obtained for' It A quorum of the members of the Cotton Association was not present, however, so no defl- nlte or binding action was taken at this meeting. l- The directors have vnot yet Ueter- mined whether the company shall confine Its activities to the field, of warehousing the cotton of the. farmers pr engage in the buying of cotton. Messrs. Stewart & McRae havs been retained as counsel. FIRE. OX EAST STOXEWALL. Chief W.' 6, Orr. Sideswipe a Yonns; Stan on Independence Squaro aa tie Hurries to the Fire - and Knocks Ui9 Down Fire Loss About $800 The' ilre ; department ' was call ed out yesterday afternoon to extin guish a fierce fire on Bast Stonewall street, which .burned one negro cabin to the ground and badly damaged the two adjoining ones. The houses weme occupied by Susie Relnharat, Hannah Weeks and Ed Phillips, all colored and were located at Nps. BOJ, 504 and 608 East Stonewall street The loss 1s estimated at from 8800 to 31.000.-. - While on hfs way to' the fire, Chief W. 8. Orr sideswlped a young white man standing on the square -with the front wheel of his buggy and knock ed him : to the ground. f; The man's name was Henry Newell; a eon or Leander Newell, of the county. He was gailng with eajer Interest at the first of! the wagons hurryfng: to the fire down East Trade, street and In his desire to see all that was going on stepped out at least 15 feet from the curb. Chief Git's buggy touched him as it flew by and knocked him to the ground. No bone were broken ond no serious harm done: , ' ; ,' ASSOCIATIOX TEAR REPORT. ExcoUent Showing of First Baptist Chirrrh IjCt AH the Baptist fTwmhes of the State. , ' The statistical report of the Baptist churches In the Mecklenburg-Cabarrus Association has Just been tabulated, and the following figures constituting the report of the First Baptist church In Charlotte will interest many In the city and elsewhere In the State. These figure show that this chupch leads all of the Baptist churches In the State during the year beginning September 1. 1906. and ending 'September 1, 1907. Pastor's salary, $3,180; building fund for repairs on Sunday school room, 38, 028.88; ,foreign missions, $1,318.25; home missions, 3839.55; State missions, 3877.13; incidentals, $2,100; Sunday school extension, $1,500; ansorlatlonal missions, $160; poor fund. $102; orphanage, $82.88. Total. $17,6R2.70. " - New members added Jurlng the year, 221. Too Anxious to SHI Mortgaged Mule and was jvaonea. -An evident undue desire to rid him self of the possession of a likely-look Ing mule nas landed Amsl Kirk pat rick, colored, In the hands of the pow ers which be. Amsl mounted himself on Mis animal Friday and meandered to Gaxtonia, where he offered It for sale for $100. This amount soon dwindled to $25. The suspicions of the Oastonla folks were aroused and a query was telephoned to Charlotte officers to learn whether or not a "mule wis missing, t Investigation yesterday proved that Mr. J. C. Reb man, of Seversville, had a mortgage on the beast. The negro was sent for. Trjon Street Sunday St'hool to Observe 1 ituii n This afternoon the Sunday school of Tryon Street Methodist church will hold a special "Rally Day" exercise, beginning at 3:30 o'clock. All mem bers of the school and all visitors who will are urxea to be present. The following programme will be pre sented at this time; The programs Is as follows: Opening inn ly the school. 1'rayer. . Flue to by Prof. Harry Asbury. Scripture re.-vlin. 8ong by the school. Hon try qnanpttH, composed of Messrs. wtimn, Kirny, tiuyi-K nn Culpepper. Sitlo by Mia Ads Craven. Report of cliso. n Uenedletlon. -M Paiors of lurorporatlon' For Meek Icnimrg Holding Company. In the office of t hit clerk of the court yesterday papers of incorpora tion issued by the. Secretary of State for the Mecklenburg Cotton Holding Company twero Moil The Incorpor alors are: Meters. W. 8. Pharr. with 50 Kbarfw; T, J. Itenfrow, 10; C. H. Wolfe, CO; W. 11. Helk, 20; B, T. Pnre, 20; a. 11. Alexander, 10; J. M. Davis, 40. Bach share represents a value of $5. The ' total T authorised capital stock is $1 25,000," or 25,000 shares. It can benln business when 1.000 shares have been subscribed. Children Outside to Attend Graded School. , An arrangement has Ibeen effected between Oounty Superintendent of Schools R. J. -Cochran and Mr. J. Hlrshlnger, of the cl:y" board of S4;hool commlssionern, whereby on the payment of a stipulated sum by the county, to the city schools chil dren who are just -on the outskirts of the new city limits may a:$end the graded schools near the free. This applies to those who last year attend ed the Dllworth school and v Myers Park school. Mr. Becgers to Be Manager. To-morrow morning Mr. 'Samuel Seegers, formerly of the firm of Hayes ft sogers, will become manager ot the Climax barbershop for Mf. W. II. Young, the new proprietor, Mr. Emmet Wlshart. who is the manager now, will attend the North Carolina Medical College In the mornings and ply his trade as tonsorlal antlst In the afternoon. He will have a chair In the Climax chop. iwvrrrms said he woi:ld not livh 1 peter Fry, Wociniff, V. wrlw. "Af ter dorterlng tr tmo years with the bt ruysirians in wvnemirg, nd situ gt- fir m wnrae. tne .aoetm- nuluut ..... t had any bubfne to attend ti I b"t- t-r attend to it at once. I mirt n.if H-wH4y lv another month as Uters ws no eure for in Foley Klrtny thire was recommended to me by a Mend, und I unmedlatsly sent my son to Uift store for IU and sftsr taking three buttles I It Utn to getbeHer swi eontlnueij f m i r.ruvn until I wss tnuriy v until I ws entirely we i ." , i l: - . i J.5 I'-:.-. a lkite v -.m:-t w..- was hauli-;l to the city lock-up yes terday morning between tne -hours of 1 and 2 in'a mingled state of Intoxi cation and tears, was .fined ' 125 by Kecorder Smith in court, provided she does not leavs, the city. s$he went street car riding Friday night, ehe said,', with . gentleman friend, but the latter took French leave, after, leaving his address. So Mattie sat her down on the front plazaaa of the residence of Mr. R. O. Alexander and gave vent o her loneliness by wails Uti. VhtnH nmit the neieh toorhood. She declined to be com v.j forted, but liked the nlace too wen to leave, so the police were called InJ a-hereupony she resistea arrest vigor ously, wing voice and limbs, - " , - Jim Frasier s case was canea at last and a bond, of $50 required on the charge of I embexxlement The specific allegation Is that while - a driver for the J. W. , W'adsworth Onnnf nflmtiinr en manv occafons he collected the fares' and permanently, silently, selfishly pocketed them, v ' George Edwards ana t. m. orown were fined $10 for assault and bat tery, while HaseJ 'Kennel was lined ior souciiing pascuB5. ,. l Passion Play ThU Week. , Th 'Rdtsonia Is announcing the re turn of the celebrated "Passion play." which excited much Interest. and ad miration there 'several weeks ago. it depicts the principal events m the life of ' Christ, reaching - the climax In the croclflxlop and the resurrec tion. So like the Siriptural account is the rendering that It la .easy t Imtfglne that one is an actual specta tor. -. -. .- - ' ' ?V- It will be shown at the .Edisonia October 7th, 8th. th and 10th Mon day, Tuesday, .Wednesday and Tnurs- day. It Is a grea,t- drawing cara. A Runaway Lad Is-Wanted: Two Charlotte oys. Cash Robin son and Hub Allen, left Friday morning on No. 11 with the avowed Intention of wintering in sunny Flor ida. Mr. R. I. Allen la the (father of Huh. and Is anxious that he be ap prehended. The police at Gastonla were notified, but have been -unable to locate them In hat vtown. ; The boys are about 18 years old. If any nersons who know , aught ; of their persons who know auoght i of -'their whereabouts will notify The Observer, the Information will be appreciated. lilttle Brevard McDowell KendrlcU Dead. - .: : ' Brevard McDowell, the 10-weeks. old child of Mr. and Mrs. , Will O Kendrlck. died last night at 9:80 al ter an Illness of several weeks. The funeral will be conducted this after noon at 4:30 from the residence of Mr. J. A. BigRsbee, No. 205vEaet LWj erty street Rev. J. E. Totten. pastor of Palvarv Methodist church, will conduct the services. The bereaved parents have the sympathy o( numer ous friends. "Hop O' My Thum." A pretty and attractive picture was on exhibition at the Theato yester day, titled the "Tom My Thumb." It Is a realistic presentation of the old storv which has delighted mil lions of children.' Tie narrow escape of tha hew of children from the miehtv sword of the fiendish ogre the lad's presence of mind In averting inirer ftnri effectlna1 escape are all depicted Interestingly. Sticks to His Flute. Mr. Franc H. Jones, formerly of this city, but now of Atlanta, has written back to a friend for some flute music. The Inference Is that he has Joined Uncle Sam's cljolr. For Chronic Diarrhoea. , "While In the srmy In 1S63 I wm tak en with chronic diarrhoea," says George M. Felton. of 8outh Gibson. Pa. '1 ha.v klnce tried many remedlei hut without nv poimannt relief until Mr. A. W. Mllei, of thU plaee, persuaded me to try Chamberlain's Colic. Cholers nd Dlr rbooa Remody. one bottle of which stop red it at once. " For sale by W. L. Hand tz Co. Founded 1842s 'Siner their own praise." The beautiful smg-" ing tone, perfectly bal anced action and touch, combined with' 'un equaled durability", is the REASON, and the ONLY REASON, for the high esteem in which . the Artistic Stieefl is held in ex clusive musical circles; add those ; who are in- terested in higher mu sical education, ; - J Chas M. Stlcff Manufacturer ot the Artistlo Stleff, Shstv ana Stlcff ' , ; Self-riayer Pianos, ; .'. Southern Wareroom: 5 West Trade St., : CHABLOTTE. N. 0, o.H.wniiOTH;i:r, IT f 9 t v -- - -' . . I r- -r- 1 p r " ' " " f-1 f - ' I . - Czzs.?Ziz O C.no Ccal & Cc;;-'C6. M.O.DROOK3 GE1N.MCR. s VWWVWWW sf O The Great Religious Drama' Ci THP dicvtov r,v ' V will be presented at . TIH3 EDISOXIA Monday Tuesday and ' Wednesday. No one can . afford . to miss it ooccooooooooocoooooooooooo Home Is what we all fancy and aw Xond of. Nobody makes pies, cakes or pot roast like mother, Next to home, though, ' , f , I v ' Food at This Res taurant Is as Ideal as is obtainable, good eating and-to . appease appetite patronise . us. GEM DINING ROOM. ' For your The Stove will soon be here, as these cool evenings testify. We have Just what you 'wish, from the large Base Burner for your hall to the Oil Stove for your bath room. Give us your order now. J. N. UlcCausland Co. Mbtsj Dealers, Rooflag Contractors, Ml A Tryon Street. Cooking s HOUSEHOLD Necessities:: Rogers' Stain Floor Wax, Lucas' iWax - nish, Waxing Brushes, Floor Sweeps and Dust-Down Sweeping Powder, Furniture and Metal Polish, Ala bastine and Galcimo WTall 1 Finishes, - Enamels and Stains for wood-work and furniture Japanese and Our; Favorite Gold Paints,' Stove PipeEnamel and Flat Back for metals. iU We sell all the little things about the home. We have mentioned a few of our leading brands; Tnake esnecial efforts to, keep a 6tock suited to household requirements. : , -' : - - - -Our recommendation of any material ,is a guarantee of quality.- ' Complaints will be -adjutedi to the satis-f faction of our customers, , without argument. .' ; Prompt delivery of all orders, advice regarding Paint wants freo, and we solicit the accounts of reputable ' people. ' ,ri,,. . v , Torrcnce Paint Company, II, , 1 ; , ."t- ' '' iiiVi i'lii'iiii 'i' 1 " imi 11 1 " " ' ' 'J . s ' ' - k .. '"., III Attractive c 11 i in rtriiss.i-.r DINING ltOOlM CHAIRS Ali styles,. from a cane seated one at 85c.,rto a' $7 o-niDtrTwrt p A "mMFCLT n Tot4oW nfwiAisi 4 BEAUTIFUL. DINING ROOM itUGSA handsome Tapestry Rug, .9x12 size, at $16.50. Oriental Axminster Rus'9xl2, Goods esre full fucked fw shipment out or town eunumers, . I I I 1(1 r ,, . '..'.'-' ' . g n f' ' 1 RICMMONO, VIRGINIA mm VU you will not near rea- ,-.( a son be'll 1 surely . rap your knuckles ,Take tho matter, of Book. - . " . " t --cases, for Instance: An ordl nary - Bookcase It ; always . bought Just large' enough for the book ' you nave,: or too large, in order to have room for future purchases. ' ' ' , If noughts, too ( large 'you, will' have unsightly ; .empty shelves staring'"'at70u" In tn'ute ( reproach.'' If bought Just large enough you will - soon havrf books scattered all over the house, beng damaged by , dust and handling. r -----. REASON SAYS ' ' Buy the Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase. .Small enough - for "10 books; large enough for 10,000- books. "May your knuckles not be rapped. ; ; ; 'v.'; j r A large stock, all woods, all finishes, all sues now on hand. Call er write 'for catalogue. Stone & Barringer Co. Booksellers and Stationers, Floor Finish, Floorsatin, o - Lac, FloonPaint and Var-: in Paint that are useful The excentional " quality SAID and finish of -our furniture for Hhc dining room will find favor in the eyes housekeeper. -':'X . ' nTTaTwri pnnTT TA'RT.'Ra" ; . From a six-foot Golden Quartered Oak, 60-inch t6p Table at $o0.00..Otherv i-Tables $9.50, $11.00, $15.00, $18.50 and $25.00. j ;. - HAITDSOME BUFFETS; '- i. ' '? V " L . - . - -k- I4. m l iV SS A A . ' - In Golden Oak at prices In Golden Oak from $11.50 lb $100.00, Excellent . Values at $22.50' to $50.00., ? ' , . - :Y ; - OTITKA CLOSETS i-' A In; specially selected Golden Oakfrom1 $18.50 jto $25.00, $28.50, $36.75.". VJ.: T. fJcGOV, la , tl.t t: ty cf C1 ifiY-,--net KJ U . J.1I4-,) ,.1 K.r..1y-t0M7c"r CI fcripticns that ire c Suits . . ...... Oyercoats; The Tate - - , Furnlshias Goods 2d liat3. Suits to order in tht f.i .v?vv Mail orders filled , 1 r1tf-"'-::0i'fiVA,v,' 1 -' ' Ed.Melllm Ma Remember, 'Mello Handsome in design and the best possible manner, it wm wear weu, a wcu ao look well; ancour little prices on each piece add; , the ; more to'its attractiveness. ? ' ' .1 T. 1:1. il. Thrill rvotr TT111 A CPA ' ' 1 -t- ifrnTiT iruwirii rii' ill. ii 11 il 11 11 li n 11 1 11 ji 11 - UUmIV kKsV HUH M . as Mi and beauty : of design ;of-the most ; particular Oak at $6.00 to a Pedestal from $ib.ou to $du.w. - vie?rma or inm jfei9 50 $15.00 and $18.00. ; .S , . ( 4,.,.: cf dl do- !utcly brr.nl Ecw-fjoOvls. .1 .. . , , , v . .... .,C-3-C3 to C10.C3. Brown Go. tailoring department. . )J Wa'itivite vour attention to vtMs kind , of clothes bV cause it is ; . better for.., ua .both to have you wear tho superior qualitV V,- J . . The' clothes .we sell hava , . ' '"" . . an individuality and1 superi ority all of their own that makes them very noticeable on day of receipt. n's Clothes Fit THE GENERAL APPEARANCE OI OUT S uriUlUlv ucawo a.. favorable impression. It proves worthy of the fullest conhdence. , , ' finTsETand constructed, in i ir I I. w ill a fga, sr tuu uu ; 11 11 11 iLiLij u Lf as w - - -, : . rf ' - Vl ; ." ... mbvhbw.' !.. ;-v. "'.'.,. issa ..saw vxw " x in handsome leather one" at; t

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