f...a .i'. ..'., i 1 dau-h-;. ". t-1 j- s returned ys- very "i fcf: " ii.'t'VVf v and the c I article, U saves i.I.-LlUS. rake cur patrons tslie a lively interest in winter stuffs, an "inter;. 13 cts.. 1-lb. at all grocers. t 2 ly f i . 4 :. n A'ashin-ton end other! ticipatcd to a nicity. Every department is briinful of ycur-cli s usual, moderately priced. , ' - , ; I..- . U.i KV.f l.v. IdU- U. J. i.. I JC. wVWl Ul LWuUd U III , IViUIXilUUi OISIIU 1 1-3 J- I' t . L. A. Dod-oi.h 13 now epend a few days with Mrs. J. P. Wil son, in -:.IaryUind. She will be home soon. ; ' : Mrs. James T. Bowman, of Bhelby, waa at the Selwyn yesterday. i . : 'l .;.... " Mr. J. P. Caldwell and daughter. "a, D. H. 'McCollough, will , leave t Is . morning for Winston-Salem, where they will be guesta at a house party given by Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Patterson. ' v Mra-nd. Mrs; C. N. ?. Butt left last - night for Harrlaburgr -." to visit Mrs. Butt's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Qrler, , ( ' 1 i Mrs. S, H. Payslnger, of Newberry, ft ; 0., arrived here last night to vlalt Mx Mary Bloom, v , -, " ' , , j Miss Emma Hall Is spending this . week at Jamestown. She goes from ' them to New York. i - Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Kimball, Mrs. Baron Mills, -and Mrs. James Young. of Fort Mill, S, C, were In the city . yesterday. - , ' v- - . i , 'r ' ; v . Mrs. II.' Preselar, of Monroe,' spent yesterday In the city. , ; t'-. . ' i ' , . i Mrs.-Robert Ai' Morrow, of Monroe, was Charlotte visitor yesterday,', ' Mrs. R. J.' Walker 'has "returned from Jamestown, . She was accompa nied home by Mr. and. Mrs. E. O.Para, of New York, who will spend, a'few days here, . v , r;-f . r Miss Callie Jfutch, of Monroe, spent 'yesterday here . . -MrC Lottie W. ' Humphrey , will re-. turn xrora Knoxriue, Tenn to-mor- row. 'tl f Miss Dora Allea 8Aer left, ' last night, for Atlanta., where she will visit flends. rr 1 , , J,- ; -, i it 4 ' ,! " Mrs. 'George . B. Hanna, and Misses Mary Spencer Anderson, Nancy An derson, Helen Rhyne. and Helen Brem will leave the last of the month for k Jamestown. ; Miss Margie Williamson, of MonFoe, spent yesterday in the city. - ,' ' , ' v ' ' Mr. and Mrs. I D.' Whltsett and family, after having lived In Charlotte for the past seven years, have return ed , to their, former home, in Colum fcus, Ga.. to live. .J , .i :.,' MIss Bessie Woodruff ram rotnm1! to ber home ImDilworth. after having peni a month with Tier brother" and friends In, Norfolk. ' - . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Z. A.Morrls. of Con- cordwere. registered at the Buford 'last night t - - -MIsa Johnsle Dickson leaves "to morrow for Condord, where she win jBirpvu, unaay wun irienas. . K ilrW,.'L,! iEwlng and brldej-' who was (Miss Ola DuKate, of Blloxl, Miss., passed through the city on train Nx, 8S last night on their way to Wash ington and New York on their bridal trtpk Mrv"",EwIng, as mLss DuKste. ' was ak student at Elizabeth College for" several years and was regarded as one. ef the most. beautiful and iatrB- tiv' young 'ladles that . ever entered, that institution, A party of her Char lotte and Elizabeth friends were at the train last night to greet her. Miss Ltel WlheconV of Hlich Point Is visiting Miss Lizzie Willeford at her teome on North Tryon street. 5en: and -1 Mrs. J, F, Hays, of Ashe- vw-e, are at the Selwyn. " - Miss Bessie McCarver, formerly of tnis city tat jiow or Memphis, Tenn., win arrive here soon to visit her sla ters. ',', f .v " " . ' " ', ,s V.. - h. Mrs. a P. MoKensle and Mrs. H. .McSwaJn. of Florence, B. C; are, at th peiwyn. ; : Miss Addie Brock" ha - returned from jChraw, S. C, where she went to attend- theTuneral 5rner ; eis- 4. Misa Mabel , Ambury " (s Visiting irienas in J0iumDia. - . . " . , Miss Ellen Grady, of Morganton, ".la ; ; visiting nere brother, Mr. J F- Grady. V : Ploturea at the Odeon and Mystic r-" The subjects at the Odeon for the ' ' - latter part 'of this week are: "No - Children" and "The, Magic Drawing a Room." The latter especially is ex- ' tremely Interesting, , showing ' how v - two men create the most wonderful .,' ; , things, sots of. furniture, . pictures -j e ana oai;et dancers, out of two ham ', . v pers, and then make then! t finally i .aisappear .into: those same hampers. - and go up 'in smoke themselves. The r . eoflg reproduced Is entitled "The "Land of the Buffalo," and truly , ,'r -beautiful are the slides and th music of this ,cowov intermezzo. j' ' At thi Mystlo "The Life of a Boot- - v Diack" is shown, ' This Is the story ; - of a boy who, maltreated by IMs ..( . 'father, has run ;aay . from .home ; : and found employment at a boot ' .- blade stand. This life is rather hard , on the boy, and he finds consolation ' ' ' only In the frlendshlo of a little srirl v ''which he meets . and . which , proves ' to be an orphan, ' ? , . i -. ' ..- ;r;r- Mlw Esther Owen to Take , fart , In Programme. , "Miss E. Esther Owen, elocutionist will recite at the sacred concert t( - - Richardson 'Orchestra at the Selwj-n . ' " f t Hotel Sunday night WUh much j pleasure It is learned that Miss Qn . ;) has consented to assist. Mr, Richard- orf,and his orchestra In their worthy efforts for the Day Nursery. "Miss Owen's Interpretations reveal : unsus ' pected beauties In language, her read ' -, Ing . is natural and expressive,"'? are " , the comments ot a renowned Chliag ' critic, and Charlotte people are ln , deed fortunate to have a chance of ; hearing this elocutionist -,of lnterna- tlonai repute. Miss Owns pro- gramme next Sunday will be the fol , lowing: . Tennyson's "Victim." '"II lus tration of Mother Love," and Bairnls' t "Cuddle .Doom," ' ' , ' j - Mr. Hanson Goes to Seaboard. ; h ' Mr. Robert E.' Ranson, who has ; been with The Evening Times, of s. McKeesport, Pa., for two months, will go to Seaboard, this State, where he will be principal of the high school. Mr. Raiwon - worked . for The Observer during th summer, He begins his new work Monday. Vuu eart-'.gt.llliia.Rlhbon Vanl'M If '' u demand iu Ail guotl u.4ki liaiiuiO UNDER NEW . The Most' Modern and Luxuriant Hotel in 'the Carolina. , 159 ELKGANT ROOMS. , . J5 P1UVATE BATHS. Located In the heart'of Charlotte,- convenient to j-ailroad station, ' street cars and the business and .. shopping ' centre. Caters ; to ' high-class commercial and tourist trade. , . . Table de hole dinners t;tO to 8:3 k Music every evening 6:30; to 8:0. . - ' , , ,v .' . ' EDGAR B. MOORE, '- , BRIEFS.' : A Few Minor Happenings tot" and About tlw City. v s , . -i-The rooters for Chicago are aila- rtous, . ; : . iThe condition of Mrs. L. W. Sand ers, was improved yesterday, , Mrs. Anna Dixon 1 out again af ter having been confined to her home by illness. s , N j i-Ths Cranford Book club will irteet this afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. Ed. S. Burwell. , ' T ' - ; - '".y-The choir retiearsal of the First Presbyterian church is called for to night at a o'clock. , The Vlfainla Dare Book Club will meet with Mrs. John Van Landingham this afternoon at 4: 80, ' . ' ; -The Chelldon Book Club will hold a business meeting with Miss Mary rwln at 4.80 o'clock his .afternoon.- Story -hour will be observed ' t the Carnegie Library this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The atory of "The White Doe" will be told, , , rt , With live big shows at the Acad emv next week and the-Fall Festival la fuij blast, there-will' be nothing rural abont Charlotte next week." - ? The monthly j meeting ,rof the board of water commissioners was not held last night, but was postponed, subject to the call, of the mayor. . There will be a1 call meeting of tha . tCharlott v Day Nursery. at the Carnegie Library thla morning at ll o'clock.- Important 4 business will, ba transacted,-, " I '. 1 "Five " car' loads of the - water mains v tot - b installed have Arrived and th work of! laying them will be gin soon. In all there will be 12 or IS car loads. .y v . . i ' Marriage license was Issued yes terday to Mr. J. , M. McKelway, of Mountain Island, . and Miss Delora Hope,, of Huntersvllle ! They wllli be wedded .next Sunday., 4, '. Mira Saeed,, the assistant matron at' the jCrtttenton Home, will conduct the prayer meeting for women ,at Tryon Street Methodist church thla af ternoon. Mrs, H K. oyer. will aa slst , i. ' i ' , 1 ? -The hour of noon 6a Wednesday has been secured by the mayor tor a weekly meeting ' of the finance com mittee. BUls and other phases of the city's financial problems will be gone over.. r ,"4 -vrhe-case of Mr. LeRoy Davidson, charged with retailing whiskey to the thirsty was not tried In the recorder's court yesterday. His lawyer was not present when the time came for the trial ; It will be tried thi morning. ' Toa-exammation of teachers' be gan 'yesterday and the office of Coun ty Superintendent Cochran was a scene of beauty, v ; CalicQ In all varieties was much, in evidence, thougn not to an alarming degree. : The . examinations end Saturday. ; i;,iid.f;::-j. 'Hv-Jthi- earnest Workers of Tenth Avemns -Fresbyterlan church will giv "The Old Malnds' Convention" at St Paul's Presbyterian church Monday night 'beginning at 8:30 o'clock. An admission - : fee of 15 t cents will '. be charged.- tl'; . a':' v: k W' - : .v:? The Leonards will contest v with tHe Panthers in a' match game of basketball at the Young Men's Chris tian Association this afternoon at fx 4 o'clock, t Thii 1 . the r second :i game scheduled on'tna Claw B boys basket' ball : league; 't, k ',. .u-'-'i- ',-,- f-iThe receipts at the Charlotte oot ton ; platform yesterday amounted to ler bales of cotton. The prevailing price paid' was' lmS cents a pound. On the . corresponding date in 1808 cotton to the amount of 171 bales was marketed, the price "being 10:70 cents. ;' i "Oh, ingratitude, thou marble hearted fiend." exclaimed a Charlotte negro yesterday; when lie discovered, as he doth allege, that John Lank ford,, a Richmond negro to whom he had given lodging, Tiad robbed him of 810. . Lankford lodged last vnight In the, police station. , , ' - " T The .entire time 'of Superior Court yesterday ,; was ; consumed in the trial- of the snit of Squires Against the Life Insurance' Company of . Virginia.... Another speech ; must yet . be made ere . the case is sub mitted to the Jury. .It will probably reach an end before noon. ' j -Mr. E. O. Patz, vice president and general manager or. the Berlin Mm line Works, Is' spending to-day In the city.- -He Js In conference with Mf. R." J4 WalkerSouthern representative of the company, and Messrs. Charles A Watson -and Hal V. Worth, Atlanta and Greensboro salesmen, respective ly. ' -" ,.- ' , V'Some of the others "hav bigger names and are more talked about," remarked a plain-spoken man yester day, a he laid down the Fall Festival prozamme, "but to my .way of think ing, Ralph Bingham la the best of the crowd. I've heard him ; three . jflmes, and the last time with as much Inter est as thf first." 1 , &jAi funeral party accompanying the remalas of Mr W, 11. Tyler from New York to ;Anniston, Ala., passed through the city last ( tilgnt n route from Ncw York on ' tram. No. 35. It: consisted of his wife, his son, W. It Tyler, Jr.; and several daughters. They occupied a private Pullman car, Rocket- r,ln Meeting of Blarans In Ilalelgh. On" the , lsth about 6.000 Masons will pather fai Raleigh tor attend the laying of the corner-atone of the Ma sonic Tempi. Tha Charlotte coinman dery will . leave here j next Tues day, about 60 strong-. The trlp will be mad over the Southern In private cars. The Salisbury and Greansboro commandcrtes will Join that of Char lotte. - Those who expect, to attend are Sflkd-to notify to F-, M Winchester All tdd 10 Mstwna- will, go . from here.) . . . , MANAGEMENT- proprietor PERSONAL. The Movement of Number of Peo , plc Visitors- and Others. - Mr, Emile Clarke, of Salisbury, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday, . - Mr. A. R. Lasenby, a Salisbury con tractor; spent yesterday in the city, k - 'Mr, J. C.' May field, of Philadelphia, is at the fielwyn. - a1., ; . " .; Mr. ; William Whitman, of Brook line, 'Mass., . and Mr. George M. Whlt in. o WJiltinville, Mass., were In the city- yesterday,' stopping . at the Sel wyn. ' . ' :-.Mr. E. A. Jmlth returned yesterday from New York . i . . . V Mr. W. P. Thompson,' of Spartan burg, S. C. was at . the Buford ' last night , - e . Messrs. Jamea ?W tBrldgers and J. . P. Felmet, of : King's Mountain, spent last night at the Buford. : Mr. James T, -Bacon of Edgefield, S. C, was a Buford guest yesterday. Rev. Dr. -R. T. Vann, president of the Baptist University for Women at Raleigh, spent last night ia Charlotte en route to Shelby. . - . ' . Mr. John Cunningham, who had been visiting relatives in thla county, has returned to his home in Arkan saa t!., 1 " i . . Mr. Erwln' Hellenh of New York, is in xne city. . . . v - t" t, Mr. Frank B. Hartv has returned to the city after making an extended bus iness trip in the old. world. HEALTH BOARD MEETS, Monthly Session Held, But No Busl , ness of , Importance Transacted- will Ask Itor Yearly Approprla, ,tlon., . f . , - The 'board of health mnt. In mnntk. ly session last night with s Mayor Franklin at the helm. Routine busi ness was transacted .and a number' of matters pertaining to tho sanitary condition oi tn city were" aiacussed. luvery i memoer oi me oara was present.1 Chief Sanitary Inspector Por ter asked for information ; regarding his Tights, powers and duties in cer tain cases and this was given him. The secretary was instructed to draw up a budget or tne probable expenses of the board for the coming year that It may be, presented to the aldermen at their next regular meeting. The amount, will probably range between (15,000 and 820,000. ' - . It was decided to ask the aldermen to appoint a committee to decide on the definite" location of the proposed union stockyard and abattoir..' The board ot health will recommend no specific place. ' i REV.' DR. OIUl At BEUIONT. Weachcd on' Lepers' Question- One Profession , of ConversionRev. .Harold Turner to Preach To-Night if,At" the Belmont Methodist' church last night - Rev. W. W. Orr; D. D,i pastor o! the East Avenue Tabernacle, preached ah able sermon on the sub ject of , the importance of. choosing life through the power of Jesus' blood rather than to die in sin. Hia next was the questions of the lepers re corded In .II Kings 7:8, Why aitlwe here until we die?";, r-yx There was ; larg congregation present and ; deep religious" feeling was' ;evld en t One ( person. 4 professed conversion.. ( ' . t. ,v ":' ;-i : Rev. Harold Turner, pastor of.Br' vard 'Street Methodist church, -swill preach to-night N afternoon . ser Vices are 'being held this week. Thr will be preaching to-morrhw night and Sunday also. " . , . , . WILL MAKE CANVASS.".' " Ladles of Crlttentqn Circle to' Try For Prize The Magaalne Valuable to Housekeepers. w Several money prises -of value have been offered by Ihe publishing com pany of, the magazine "Good House keeping" for vllsta of subscriptions secured ' durtng the month of -November." In this cltr the -ladles who compose the Crlttenton Clrcla, will make careful canvass of the city In - the Interest v fit thi prize offer. The work 'to worth the while, ; even If the premium Is not won, for there Is ' a, good per 'cent, to be secured from each subscription, The money will ba used at the Crlttenton Home. The magaalne is a clean, valuable monthly publication., ft Is especially valuable to housekeepers, being -devoted largely to household helps and hints.' . i-';: i;i,is" H,'5' ? ' Mr, 3lauhews Win th Heater.' jar. J Calvin Matthew drew the number that called (or the Buck hot blast beater tlven away by the Allen Hardware Company yesterday,, ,Th card drawn from the has bore 838" and Mr., Matthew had the ma-jch lor It. Mlas "', Lttl - Phelan,. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H;,Phe lan, drew the numbers trora ths bag. The only condition was tha-t the hold er 'of the number be on hand when It was called out - 'A Jarire : crowd gathered to take part In the context. The, .r.Icucnha Liquor Trectont '- CUBE3T0STAT . v safa and rrompt relief.. Cell or writ to nearest Sanitarium, Address ' . ! HcKanna 3-Day liquor Cure Co. COLUMrIA,S. I20 1-3 lUla SU Lyuyuocjuuii HISTORY i ') i . ' , - . V The test values, .in spite of higher prices; i ; the largest ' lot and the ; largest salesv ' ' " JWe : have v a ;huge r quantity,; plenty, for to- clay and to-inorrow. ' , We ' A' guarantee as , t good 1 bargains f as you oryour neighbor goi. v yesterday. V c . - ,s v''''v"if.: This -sale doesnH in- -"terf ere at all with other business. The r :i.-v .i.4.t . . , ,. ! clerks in other depart ments will wait on you U carefully, as usual lUEY'S V13.W. Trade Street Onened an Office Here. . , f Mr." Lv D. Bronson, , of Kentucky has opened ' a cotton office for the Wooten Cotton Company, of Helena, Ark., and will sell the staple to the mills.-- ' He is at 7 1-8 South College street .t . ,. . Special notices ET VfitSQ BLUE niBBON VANILtA, yo. cut th oot of your xtrct ; petwe lo hklt ana aecura dovbU -Mtla jactlm.-'''f::t-;'''':-.'i,-., . ...a.. FOR KKNT-T-ROOM HOUSBk FOURTH yvard: 402 Wett Uth, modirn convert- lence n Mt Unej fifl, 7 South A, strret, 4-room cotur. W. J. AHTHtlf HENDKRSON & F.HO., 219 N. Toon. ; KHNNAtLY'8 D15UCTOTTS CANIHKJJ fwh ty expred Jtmt received, m tent ,por pouna. WOODAUi ft 8HEPJPAK1J. old tenU for Charlotte. , . WHY DON'T YOW 8HAVB " YOUR i self's Just 4 the line of shaving ar- tlcte we hive. Ertuhes end iop, rTtszors and Strops. - Toilet Wtrs and l owder. Thoy mnVc shsvins; . esy. JAU. P. 8TOWB5 & CO, Druiyrtate. Phne . , NtClJ TO-DAY-SI DOZEN NICBOltEEN .'Ciim it Oc.j Hnep Rnni. Turnips sod Turnip Salad, Bunch Turnips. Norton I Yms Sweet Potatoes, nlc Apples end ? New 4 York Grapes, sama nice ; Ek plnnte, Okrn; (Spanish - Onions, nice Country Butter, fresh Ricks, Cnn I Macaroni, new Buckwheat in W. IB, 24, viBc, paclcte'. Just In, Dr. Price' Olerv Koodt at ISo. puck''- 'Phone 1222-22U vJKO. W. SMITH.. Something good to eat all the time, , CAtTUFLOWERfl. Ctj'fJlJMBKRB. v Florida Oranses. WcVel Pears arenmon - Horn of the frwh thlnpra yi will find wrf r rf-t, ir i bj itf trail nri . th,MA eerly, though they won't . last long, Thonos H or lis, X N. Tr'ffl. FIFTY TO 8F,Vf.'NTY-FIVlfi PEII CENT, eff on second-hsnd typewriters. tm rriehlncs at price thai will astanlsh you by thMr chwirnesa. J. sj. OHAr- TON & CO. U7 B. Tryon St 'Phone aoi THE NEW YORK UJNCH ROOMS 1H H. Tryon, W, Tradet 22 K. Trade, " newly retUted, , marble-slabbed luneh counter-, nixke a very attractive luncn end dtnlnj rooma Kill of fare Includ ing all the mark! affords. Try our og sand niches, . . o. rift flS, . lliono Itt. $3.75 All-Vrool Blankets, ' $2.53' Not soiled or seconds; just a leader to begin our wh ter sale of Blankets. North Carolina made, pure wool, silk bound, as sorted borders, size 10-4; . regular value $3.75. Price i, .$2.93 pair v $5.00 Blankets, $3.93 Same quality Blanket, as iu-s, in 11-4 size; : value $5.00: Our leader price ; .$3.93 Pure Hveenic Cotton Com forts Economicallv Priced We sell cheaper , (Jomfprts, tilled with -sweepings and '. , rags' at 75 and 98c. These . are filled , with pure cof- tgn, j covered , with- good quality silkalines 4 and satinst beautiful natterns. 72x78 Comforts , . . . $1.50 72x78 Comforts.. V...$1.75 72x90 Comforts. . . , . ,$2.50 72x78 Comforts, covered, beautiful quality floral An Immense Suit Buoineos , v Our Suit; business has already: so' far doubled' last season. In biit few'in-, j, stances 'where1 customers have looked at our' line have we missed sales. "Belk's suitsare the, prettiest," is the "unsolicited criticism we often hear, .Well earned, .. though we feel, for into this , popular growing department we have invested an immense amount of money and energy. The immensity of our purchase borders -almost on' to speculation; so determined are we that every pdpular, style shall f have popular representation. " ; , McCall's November Patterns, Fashion Sheets and Magazines Are Here. ' , B Wholesale and Retail 2' ' MOLUSTErTS ' Hacky Ocuntdn Tea Buggcf s , A Buy Mrtldfw fw But PmM . ' Brtngi QoWwi Health snd tiwmi Vlfor, , ' A frwiflo for CoMtlvotloo, Indirection. Liver Bd Kidney trouble. Plmiiles. Ecwm. Impure Uloml, 13 a4 Breftth, blnsirlfib Bowoi, HoBdmjba and Boht. luBoouf MounUlnToln ttvb ifv ems. cents a bos. Ofnulos snmle by Bmxsstkr Dnna CompavT. Madison. Wis, GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR 8AU.0W PEOPLa How's Your .. , Digestion? Better try ' , ' i, S , 1 i Ida Litliia Water Fine for the stomach. Uiver BJidJddneys. All Drug Stores, L'-;-r "i .. i- " i . A, , . - v- . .4 . -,'... i Brannon Moqaig : Company , .Distributors. 'Phone 835.: ; I ' 'FRESH1 LOT GRITS AND BAMPS. W. If. CROWELL. . ,TIvnea 714 and 297. i I 4 '' '1 J . A. When You Are IIousccJcan!n$ - - y .. you'll probably come across great many articles of cloth ing or housefurnUhlngs 109 oiled, faded or stained to usa longer, and which are atlll too good to throw' away. t , Bend them to us 'let us look them over and ace, .It cleaning or dyeing them will not put them in condition for further use, It cosis nothing to get our 'tpert adviceand It may mean a big saving for you. Cb!:tte,Jtc:3 Itzii) . r .,,1 . - - 1 - - . . -. ... j Xnnd"rcr. rvrs. Cleaner, . I tt Bouili Tryon Street. . j satin $2.93 and $3.50 Woolen Dress Goods the Staples, as Well a3 the Season's Best Novelties 85c. yard for 50-inch All- ' Wool Chiffon "Panama r Blues, Browns and Black; 1 : value $1.00 yard. 50c. yard for 52-inch Cream White Wool' Batiste.. 38c j yard for 42-inch bright, ; plain : 4 woolens; splendid for. , children s . dresses; .'usually sells, at 48c' 25c. yard for a splendid line Worsted Plaids for chil dren's dresses, 1 r .' 25c, yard for Cream White Sicilians and. Cashmeres, no mcnes wae; vame ooc. 98c. , for ,f ancy,x check All 5 Wool Worsteds-Grecn 'and Black, Navv and Black, Brown ana Black checks; width 44 inches. Many New Attractions in Our Ladies' Ready -to- y Wear Department , $70 Long Coats at $5.00 ELK BROS, $225.00 buys a beautiful new "Mahogany Case Upright -Piano. You sb'M not fail to' see this instrument. kOf course, w o riot claim this Piano to be. the best, but we do claim it to be the best Piano that v can be bought or sold in this or any other market for $223.00, and we can prove it. . " Terms You can .buy .this Piano on terms of $25.00 , cash4 and $7.00 per month, with 6 per cent, interest - If you are looking.' for, a good Piano at a reasonable . ' price, you should not let this chance sjip. ' PARKER-GARDNER COMPLY , piano Department.- AJj 1 rvi lu Wm mi y v. v -""tINl y fit, WCJIUHtU tl .- W I r.'.NJ Long-Tate Clolliing Ca Goods Gent cn Aprcvni Cctr;: r!)!o at 0t:r .Exr Just 50 ladies can wear or.2 of these bargains. A full 'cut oXMnch coat collar (coat made good quality " Tan Covert: The material in this coat is worth the ,$5.00. When -these are gone there will be no more.1 Regular , value easily $7.50., Price. .$5.C0ff iu.uu values ai o.yv . This line . comes in .' Tan, - Castors, and Black; sev eral 50-inch . length ' full ' cut styles; regular $10.00 values, at . $8.50 .$8.50 Black Cloak, $80 : ; 50 ; All-Wool Kersey 48- , inch full cut Black Cloaks rthese cannot be dupii-" icatea; o.ou vames. .o.uu A lot of splendid new, popular styles, , in short ana long, loose ana enu fitted Cloaks, including a number of, the well known '."Wooltex" 'best'.1 productions , ."', . ..$10.00, $12.50 to ?Z5.W. Wholesaleand Retail our Suits look at . ) the fabrics look at y" the' stylcsand, when you; find & suit that pleases you, look . at the price. Youll y be- surprised ai the values we offer , Ye-can fit you out tft .vour satisfaction. If van irivo .us1 a i .;.. -J-.... O . .: '

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