o: a.,:: v.Ar.iuxTs Ar.n i XI. D. ;tN-- U nr. J V . ' to ji.ui Election, ou .'on to 15o oa the 9th f From Folic County. ..p..-lence of The Observer. ambus. Oct. 18. The fall term t.-.j Superior Court of Polk county vened Monday With , Judge B. . . " Us presiding. .' " :J . OU man Jim Laughter (pronounced J awter), of Cooper Gapr wild has at 'n r.ded every term of court at Colum bus for nearly fifty years.,; was on hand as usual with his fiddle ' and mountain applea. and kept the crowd amused until th arrival of the Judge and Solicitor J. F. Spalnhour. The judge In his charge to the grand jury spoke of the capital crime In .North Carolina as murder, arson and rapevbut declared that In his opinion reduction wag a more heinous crime than any of these and deserved the severest kind of punishment Judge Peebles Is very severe on the officers.or the court, the witnesses and lawyers, who have to look out or get a sharp rebtike from the Judge. 8. B. EdwarJswthe newly-elected .clerk of court, is unfamiliar with the" du ties of the office, not having Uncle Bony Hampton, who waa clerk for a number of terms, to assist him, he having died In August, and was some what slow,, whereupon the Judge scolded him roundly and threatened to put aim Jn Jail if he did not do better. The Judge "sat down on" the -solicitor and the attorneys in a decided manner, declaring that ho, not the lawyers, was running the .Court ; " Before the court re-assembled after Uis Jinher hour Monday a largely at tended railroad mass meeting was held In the court room. Attorney W. A. Smith, of Hendersonville, one of the original projectors of the Appalachian feaUway, spoke in support of the pro- Ject and whooped up the rauroaa in , his usual vigorous style. Attorney Carson, of Rutherfordton, followed him and In a truly eloquent manner pictured the wonderful possibilities or this section if opened to railway tref : Sc. and paid a glowing tribute to the scenic arandleur of the Chimney Uock section. Attorneys Butler Justice, of Rutherfordton, and J. E. Shlpman. of Columbus, also made speeches and urged everyone to go out and vote for the bonds and not let indifference kill the project, as a failure to vote mi a vot, asalnst It. Mr. Smith uA ntnln n W pAarann tit ' Polk county, had been chosen by the directors a the man whose thorough knowledge of railroad surveying and ' snglneerlng, had best fitted him for the position of chlelf engineer and arlbter of.au matters connected wim department of the proposed road. Polk will vote on the bond Issue Octo . ber 28th. ' 3. H. Rlon. formerly of Columbia, oj u wno nan rrn n-Aitim m urn 1 Cabin Inn. has purchased a half In terest In the J. B. Livingston & Co. livery business In Tryon and will move there I with nia lamuy. T. M. Stearns and wife, or Cleve land,. O., are guests at the Columbus , Hotel on their annual visit to uoium bus and Log Cabin Inn. Rev. Zach T. WhlteslJos, of Ruth -erford county, a graduate from Wnf- . forj College, will opr-n the Central 'Industrial Institute Otnher 2Sth. Miss . Ellia Newman, of Columbus, will be assistant. . - - The OJoud and West Lumber Com pany had the misfortune to loe, by 'fire recently a dry kiln containing. . V. - A AAA . , tttmVa The Bahk of ' Tryon will shortly ' erect a two-story brick bank building ( S5x58 feet on Its lt next to the Bal . lenger Company. The second floor will he fitted up for offices. ? Tryon la considering the erection of steel partitions and, three-foot eon crete foundations, to be situated near '.'the location of the building recently burned by an Incendiary. POTOMAC SYNOD IN SKSSIOX. ' Tt Chuwh in Wlilcli President , TtoOMveK Worships thf Finer- of Meeting of the Potomac Reformed "Chnrrti Synod. ;. "Washington. Oct. 19. The Potomao Synod of the Fteformfd 'hurch In the United States Is holding; 11s annual Nimton in Grace Reformed church. 'Of this city. Th Is the church at The North Carolina delegation fared well, In. that we of the number was ' elected "president, while others have toeen honored as chairmen of Impor tant .'committees. Rev. C. B. .Holler "in the president. The following are ' ha clerical mem ber from North Carolina: Revs. J. L. Murphy, J. C. :,; JLeomrd. C. B. VVehler. Shuford Peel r. W. M. Cnusey, W. W. Itoe, I. s. Xtttler. O. A. Bnyder and C. P. Hel- ler. 'The laymeB are Geosse McCor kle, D. H. IMnklf, J. V. Moose and iAlexaader peeler. - - Dr. Murphy made the report fot - Catawba College, located at Newton, Kctenue Va-n In the Party tlio Nljit t John r.rame, While BoJiig Arrcsuil, Was Shot Have Warrants lesiied AarHinst Them by Wife of Deceased jjan lilackbnrn and Brooks Coun sel For Mrs. limine. Special to Tbe Observer. ,. . , . . Greensboro. .Oct 19. The expected happened this' morning when war-, rants were issued by -Squire D. H. Col .llnsupon the affidavit of Mrs. John Rrame, for United States Marshal J. M. MlliWkan, Deputy Marshal J. M. Baley. Revenue Agent E. WW. Ccriven and Postofflce Inspector P. H Goethe, who constituted the party that par ticipated dn the shooting affair on Summit avenue one night last week; while attempting to arrest John Brame an alleged illicit distiller,- who receiv ed two bullet wounds, from which hs died at St Leo's Hospital Thursday of this week. Ths warrants ; were given , to Constable David Scott who called at the government building this afternoon at I o'clock i and served them upon Messrs.. BaJey and Scrlven. They went to 'Bquirs Collins' omce, accompanied by United States Dis trict Attorney JL . E. Holton. ' Mrs. Brame's counsel la ex-Congressman E. Spencer Blackburn ' and he and So-, lioitor A.- L. Brooks were sent for. The attorneys held s private confer' ence and decided to proceed at ones with an investigation of the case, so the witnesses were summoned, but they could ot all be found this af ternoon, and by agreement the three men were, placed under fronds of 5, 000 each, pending a hearing before 'Squire Collins Monday, October 28th, at 1 p. tn. The bonds were readily given. Marshal MUUkan Is spending a few daye in Indiana, attending a reunion of the Mllllkan family, and Poatoftke Inspector Goethe Is out of the city for the day on official business. EMPEItOR JOSEPH'S COXDITIOX. Has Made Some Improvement But Ilia Condition to Not Entirely Satisfac tory Lays Aside Ills Uniform. . Vienna, Oct. 19. -Emperor Francis Joseph has now been ill nearly thre weeks and, while he has made some Improvement his condition is, not yet entirely satlsfaotorwy. There is still a certain amount of dlsquletcude re garding the ultimate outcome. The catarrh is not diminishing, and the etrength of the patient ha been re duced because of lack of nourishment and sleep. The disease itself, how ever, Is not causing any actual un easiness, the main reason for solici tude being found in the general con dition of the aged monarch. Up to the present time the Emperor has worn a military uniform, but on the advice of his physicians he Is now chest completely. On his head he wears an old .fatigue cap, such as the fashion In the Austrian army several decades ago, After the regular examination this evening, the doctor declared the con dition of the patient to be relatively satisfactory. BAN OX SUNDAY MARJUAGfrS. Catliollc BlHhop Places Ban on Sab bath Marriages Order Result of Many Scenes of Disorder at Wed ding of Foreigners. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 19.Rlght Rev. Bishop Regis Canevln has olaced the ban on Saturday and SCunday mar riages of Roman Catholics in the Pittsburg diocese. Only by special permission of the bishop can mar riages be celebrated on these two days. This order Is the result of fiany scenes or disorder, often ending In bloodshed, at the weddings of foreign ers: but It will apply with equal force toj!:ngllh speaking Catholics. It Is wlso considered conductive to the bet ter observance of the Sabbath, making It a day of worship, instead of merrymaking. WILKES COURT ADJOURNS. Congested Docket Reduced -Wilkes horn to Have a Bank, Which Has Ixng Been Needed. Special to The Observer. W!lKeboro. Oct. 19, A two weokn' term of civil court lias Jut doted nd Jinlgo WHrd Irft for lili home onr Ihe 1 o'clock rain. Nn chsps of arent Inmortoncn wero tried, nut a large numhr was nonsuited and eomproinine'l and the congmtcd docket m considerably reduced. Uru:k nr lu-lng nl':l on tho irrniind to biilM the Rank of Wllketbnro and J. T. HuKtrd ttnne building. Wilkeilwiro hn nerded a hank tor a long time sad the people win nion realize a Jung-felt need. White Man Csrves a Negro. Special to The Obw-rvef, Salisbury, Oct. 19,--Whne worklnsr on the new station this morning, Cor nelius Wist, a negro, was stabbed by John Floyd, a white man, and the wound is an ugly one. The men dis puted about something that norther ho Injured man nor those about him could tell, and tho white fellow stab bed the npgro near the groin and raked him nrroas the body. He bled profusely and was carried, after walk ing up town, to the Whltehead-Stokes Sanatorium, where he will bo treated inn assailant was cantured and is being held awaiting the result of the injuries. ATTEMPTED HEINOUS CRIMEV"' Claude RlgslK-e Is Wanted by f )fflcers . ' For an Attempt at Rape on Mrs, " Calvin Page, of MorrlwHIe At- - .tacked Her as She Was Walking ' Along Road About Night. fpedel to The nt,wrver. . Durhsm, Oct. 18. Officers here r dlll- fcerttty on th ontlork for the man Klggibes, who li wsnted for tttempted criminal assault near MorrUvllls Tburt- day. 'night. The me&trre particulars of tliU Incident reached hero from Ralolglt jrwterday afternoon, but the mlu fsrts ver learned t'V'Wy, and It wu also It-arndd that tio rrr:t of the fugitive ' j!l neon niaoe. Trie news yeswrday ar tcmoon wu that ono HlRh or Hugh HitfKttbee u tiu nuaj wanted for an al tptrttt. tt crimlniil unult unon Mra. Calvin Page. To-day a mwwge ald tht Claude RlggfHf wn the one wanted, and - that ih ofritr all over thin M-f:tlon were k 4 to look for him, us It u thousht certain tlwt- he Is now in this pirt of the country. ., " The nartleuUrs of the attempted eflm ln.il ivault how that it wtu a vlcioua uttemiH at a trrltl crlmo. Mr, lg walking long the' rod alwjut night vhen ihtt wsi sttiickej by Rlggtbee, nd ih hrvte, as rportPd here, mada an ef fort to era iir into- trit huhm nwrby, (jittinir from tn nun, ho rn r, reaming, end Oils frlgritnc(l the itCKall nt and he scped. She refognised lilm f i:iauxl KigKie, hewevw. ihii t-vening K- wa reitorted ' hem that no oim of the- description of RlgKlr had mn ecu or ntura pi in uu action. ; , . ., Kclurned Te( anient Found 43 Years Tpeclal to Ths Obwrvcr, vintn-8alem, Oct. 19. At P1jmnith fi yean Mr. WHlUm Sprinkle, of Vienna township, L1 this . county, found "lanwnt iwiongins te Anitinvo I.. Hn t'-o, who erlttil in the civil war at O i.a, Aiicptiany county, n. y in nv r, i4efity-nftn Regiment, -"tit i or VolunUwri. Mr. Sprinkle kspt the i"(.rn?nj until yetirdny, whn Iw null r 1 It to Mr. Jfendeesf MartihtvlUci 0.'The i nis t!it addrew f 0e ovner of the t ;, ,! rst -if wriu-n in the hook, It i ' t. ,mrd In 111 baek of Ih tota r 1 ct. A short time ago Mr, Sprinkle oo , ,i t rs.i revndnio witli m'ne one Is Stable Drivers K,ne Desperate I '.' '.f V. 51. Morgan "ri; U S!y l.i l ay ettcvllU Horses Winners Centen nial Annlverary Celebrated. Correspondence of The Observer. Fayettevilla. Oct. 18. Two neeTO employes of the Barnes livery statues oji Donaldson street got into a quarrel last night about the occupancy. of a cot In "the stable, and Waddell cut Dunn badly with a rasor, the latter being sent to the Hlghsmifih Hosplrtat, A correspondent or yesterday s x ay-. tettevilja Observer says: ; . ' - i- "From Blount street to a Bridge on Wlnsaow Is thronged every Sunday with from 40 to 69 men and young boys from 12 to 18 years of age drink ing, gambling and using vulgar and profane language. The coal chute Is a den of this claes: they meet here, men of all classes, and engage In these Tices even the ..'northwestern', and iforthera portions of the enj are large, ly represented In this gang, i Respect able, families have been , forced to leave their . franl porch n Sunday evenings to prevent this gang's TOur ing out their vuJr&r. language in ths ears, of their eone and daughters." r-. f-Thla to f-fdry,! town. t :': ym -f- Tayetteville Is Jubilant. "Juanlta,',' the t flue trotter f Dr. Beavy , HighT smith, associate surgeon n the.Higb smith, Hospttai staff, won the . $209 nurse: "Silver SocksA W M, Jtfartin's horse, won the third premium,, in the Stait Fair racing, and Kaalefa "Dil lon" won the blue ribbon, In the horee how, .,"'. v - . , 1 .'" -v ' t Mr.-George u Brandt who marries Miss' Enun- L.', Everett at Rocking' ham, .Richmond county, on the a 0th instant, . is a Fayettevme , man,, ana wll knowlh ,ln tho railroad, service, besides being prominent in baseball and fotftbAlI tdrcles,'.. . 'Mrs- Pembroke Jones, et wew iok. has been visiting her father, Mr. W. J. Greep, at his countiy. place, JTofcay Vineyard." ' ;ys-' ' - Dr. ..wiuiam ? M. Btarr, ioo years old, of , Waslilngton City, ; cele- brated his centennial Anniversary rtne nAher'eveninav'With the Ottdeat Inhabi tants', Society of the national capital. where a gold-headed cane-was; pre sented to Wm not that he needs it now, but to use when he docs need It Dr. Starr served in tne Mexican ana civil Wars: end. in his 'speech, before the society, (he stated that the secret of longevity was . conservatl8m--keep- Ing juat within the line ox mammum nhvsicar and Intellectual 'effort He never ron as fast as he -could run. or walked as fast as he could. walk, or ate as muqh as he- oould -eat; - and, above all, he never drank as much as he could drink. Dr, Btarr-iras a sep tuagenartan relative in. Fayettevlllet rf a collateral branch of the 'Starr family. Oot J. B.-6tarr, who ws a distinguished artillery' omcer. in cne Confederate service, ana is now une ranking old Southern soldier of Cum berland county, colonel Btarr is now 78 years old, and has lived a. , life modeled a good deal after the formula of the Washington physician. Strange to say, they were both California Forty-Nlners, who went to the paci fic coast seeking gold, but never met, amid that strange aggregation or an sorts of men from all sorts of coun tries. Tour correspondent does not know what was the luck or tne Washington Starr In digging gold, but ho does know that the .jrayeoievuie Btarr cooked dried peach pies n San Francisco, and that his companion, Mr. George W. Lawrence, owner of "Haippy Valley Vineyard, " also a iwue sep tuagenarian, peddled tnose pies. Colonel Starr wan tne commanoer of a "forlorn hope" hody of 75 or 100 men, who answered the can or Oen J. B. Magruder, shortly after th battle- of Bethel, to storm am ar tillery redoubt Just outside of Nw pert News, me narranvo i tniMtorv emeditiom has never, eo far as your correspondent knows, been in print, ana it win oe ma. juctwuio o.h privilege to give It soon to the read ers of The Charlotte Observer . j As is always tne case, me pnyai- clans and nurses of the Highsraiui Mosnltal are reticent, but It Is known that the condition of Mr. W. M. Mor? gan, a prominent Fayetteviiie man, whose Illness has already been noted in The Observer, is critical to-aay, and that the chances of his recovery are small. The LaFayatte cigar tympany, John Underwood president, has open ed in the iron front Lilly Bulldln-g en Hay street a pool and billiard room, bowling alley and cigar and tobacco stand. Itg quarters are very hand some, and the interior fillings are cor respondingly complete. HI A DEN COURT FROCEEDIXGS. finod itahr-h of Prisoners Sent to limits dniiaTossnutn Godwin Ar ranges Institute For Farmers of Ills District Water In Cape Fear Very Low Now. Special to The Obterver, Riiza.heit'hjtown. Oct. 19. The fall term of Superior Court, Judge E. B, Jones presiding, has been In session hers this week and came to close yesterday morning. A large number f criminal ea.a were disposed of and a few civil actions went off the of r-D-IIXIGMA. Fi ji ' i,i i in Flgure and fact are oulte correct! Both hand. ia, are gone: ; v Vet, as we hardly would expect,' ; y . Tne worm go smootniy on. -But to the master's great mlsllkfng, IU only service is lnstriklng. '. Louise surveye her frock of white, . Her uih of dainty blue, . r . . r And slipper-buckle gleaming, bright, ; With admiration due; , ' ' Tet fancies tnor than all of those, The broidered work upon her hota, on the porch, as Grandpa wrignt UtKl It came with droning, blundering flight,.. And bumped against his nose;' Then grandpa Jumped, 'and aneeied and . At this 4uli: beetle o the dusVi. - -. .t ...4 , "-.. ':' M. C- S. ' 870-BOBBT-TO TOMMT.: 'J ... ; "' '!--- Podunk. Oct. the 1 Dear Tommy? ' -v I got yure lettur and was glad to here from you. If "yott wanted to make turn munny ; why didont you go to the mint instead of that prlntln .shop. Look what a mess you nuvdt Of It to; a ges the geati must have, had printer's pi - for desert as I dldfcnt see no uthor pie on yure bHL ine reton-i'm nun is to gii you 10 np me do sura the teocher give u the uther day. . Hear it is. A farmer had a bushell of nice seed wheet that hs wanted to devlde with anuther farmer. The wheet Wat In a bushell bag and they dident have any tkale-to way.it and all they had haadey was two feed mcahurs; , one held pecks even, and , the other VA pecks and by peering the wheet back and fourth they inanajed to 'devlde it equally with out puttln snyof It in anything hut the bag .and two -teed 'meshttrs. f That qUeari me; can- you. tellf . lt me sdvia you to lorn to apel rite aWay; I am ashamed ot you, onest yura the llmmlt ' Goodbye til nocks-tlme. yurca trully. T-- : , Bobby. :',; , so-so. ' W-CHARADE. ' - ." ,. Beneath the aaure Soutliern skies . As fair as LAST the valley lies, '"...,. " Shut In by verdant hills; From balsam heights the breeiei tnrlng. And to the lonely exile bring a ror mortal ins, Fdonlo landscape, healthful gale, Posies no charms that can prevail Against the heartache's thrall; No mors tho wanderer shall see Hl miner kus of low degree. Tne al.1i or rar corn well. 1 rusticus; 372 ANAGRAM, One hazy, golden day in October I was out wauevng, ana, met a party or children wiui DaaKeta ana pans on weir arms, us ing a stranger in the place, my curiosity wna at once arouaed, as to the nature of their expedition. "For surely," I thought, "they cannot be looking for berries, so late in the seaion as this." As they an nroached me I stopped and cnoke with them, and one little tot shyly held UP her nasKet ror me to see, sxying, -i get TKN BUNCH." and when I aaw the con tents of her basket, the object of their jounpey was Known. 1SXH.XL. 878-OEOGRAPHICAU Mr. "buhdown is not witty, But In iinanoe he is wloe; And the Central State Committee Know where deepeat wisdom Ilea" For no principle he's noted, Nor for any special tenet; But the Legislature's voted. -r- C:.crr2 Fc:lcr CcZzs, cf U:.cz.a9 r.'.'r-wl.o h " 73 yczrs , . c!J, o r. :r..'ccr cf 1I3 Prccby tc CtzrcU, Frc.T..t in : rclL'cG, a Jong end stren- hz$ fccca greatly benefited by i . tho uso of Daffy's Pure Malt : :s!.ey end conscientiously, U reccr.mends it as tho best " tense stimulant for the old ' 'larri 73 years old. Was bora $41 ' :l$M County, N. Y., on' March 21 ' r 1834. .s Our farnily moved to Michigan ' v - , suuiujr aiicr mis. A grew Up On tDC farm, then studied law, wa$ admitted to the bar, was County Clerk of St. Clair County, Mich.; which office I held four , years. J Then was for a time Secretary of the Midland Railway of Michigan.1 J moved with jny. family to A farm in - Gage County, Nebraska, in 1874jwa3 t member "of the -County Board eight years. ' In 1890 was elected State Sen. fttbr. Foster, my middle name, has been t' s transmitted in the family for over 100 J years from father to son. Mrs. Collins i ' and myself are members of the Presby- r. ' terian Church of Lincoln, where we ' , have lived jorihe last four years. Wc celebrated the fifty-third anniversary of V! our marriage on Marcn iod, IWI. ; "From early vouth have been a stren ' uous advocate of temperance principles And a.frnnorlvnnnrvuft tn thonoj. l Im,. In any form. , Over a year ago I began to.feel a gradual decline of the vital forces. I had read and heard mnrh about the benefits to be derived from the use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey by.those in iny condition, and was aavisea py an 01a tnena ana temperance worker wno Had received much benefit from its use to overrnm m prejudices against liquor And try itr took his advice and have been greatly benefited bf it, and can consden- 1 1 i tiouslr recommend all those passing into the "sear and yellow leaf" of life to take Duffy's Pure Malt i ' Whiskey."GEORGE FOSTER COLLINS, 2509 P Street, Lincoln, Neb., May 15th, 1907. 9 .... -1 - Tiia. cboscs porna counii'" 1 4 Pur Tualt lnJhl8ui7 i ii 1 , , , wmhivsi auiicucu uywarmtii ana moisture its pal 1 ataouity ana irecaom irom injurious suwtances renders It so that it can be retained by the most sensitive stomach. 7 V fw-, ftvunv. wu iurKu(aunK suuiiuant ana (omtvouuas up ine nerve tissues,tones up tbe heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles arid richnew to the blood. It brings into action, aU .the vital forces; it makes digestion perfect, and enable you to get from the food you eat all the nourishment it contains. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens and sustains the system! is a promoter of health and longevity,' makes the old young and keeps the young strong. ' ; " . i;v ::'."--: - ." ?,r .sly K.Hr al St' And it's Cashdown to the Senate, Shout, O patriots victorious, Till the vaulted roof you wreck' There Was; never name so glorious (If you'Ve cot it on a check); Hit the plaos a common mortal Nevermore may hope to win; y what Callfornlan portal Eid this statesman enter in? . M. c. a. CHARCOAL KILLS BAD BREATH Bad Odor of indigesUon, Smoking, Drlnklne or rtln Can Be m stanttf ptopped. samplo Package Blalled Frea. Other people notice your bad breath where you would Dot notice It at. all.-1 It Is nauseating to other people to stand before them and while, you are talking give them a Whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comes from food fermenting on your 1 stomach. Sometimes you have It In the morning that awful sour, bilious,.! bad breath. You can stop that at once by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Losenges, the roost powerful gas and odor absorbers ever prepared. - Sometimes your meals win reveal themselves In your breath to those who talk with you. "Tou've had onions," or rTou've been eating cab. bare." and all of sudden you belch In the face of your friend. Charcoal Is a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one . knows. ' That Is why Stu- 374-HIDDEN ANIMALS. 1 This furbearing animal ran into an African fort and crouched behind an ob itructlon." 2. This fierce animal prang in to a tendon tumor and hid behind a crowd. 8. This farm animal boltj into a lot ot conrs linen cloth and hid behind another inlmal ot ths same kind. 1 This api y little animal was invited In by a small bird and cowered behind a- litila horse. 6. This small animal found its way Into a mathematical instrument and hid behind an Oxford court 6. This wild anl- m.il crept Into a thicket Of lichen used tn dyetnir. and skulked behind a bit of foot 7. This Indian reptile crawled Into a plant and trlud to hide behind n small lock. . This furry animal crept Into a held that could be rented and hid behind o. meadow. . This dog was taken in by a Hcotch mortgagee and concealed behind a little tun. 10. This Tur-coated animal crawled Into underground military pas sane and hid behind a titled soldier. 11. This perverse animal walked into t llttlt bud and tried to hide behind a diamond. V 578 TRANSPOSITION. - . Oft ftrJI Walk abroad, ' ..'.;' ;'; ', ', f.meet a young school ONS3;. , ,w..t She greets me in winning way,, Jler face alight with fun. Hop ways are winning, and she wins, Was never known to lose; v ' With modest mien receives her gains, And , treasures up her TWQ8- . . v, ,.:' nan, Railroad T'ropio At lend Funeral lOngtncor Holton. - epfHai u The otwrver. ftpencor. Oct. 19.-a large number of locomoiivp cnRlnners, trainmen nd memlitTs of the H. of Ij. 11.. o Spentcr, went to Danville to-dny, to attend tlio funeral ot Engineer Charles K. Holton. of this placu, who died frjirn Injuries suntalnoil In the wrecknf No .14 at flreensboro Thurs day r.lght. Mr. Holton was well known In fraternal circles and had many frlcnda He had been married only a nhort whllo and leaves a young wire and one child. docket. Mltohcll Monroe, colored, was convicted of murder to the second de- j art'e Charcoal Losengea are go quick gree and sent to the penitentiary for to stop all gases and odors of odor Taken Violently 111 Will Vlnlllna" Hritlior, " Special to Ths oixxrver. apencer, Oct. 19 While on a visit to a brother. Mr. .William Loftln. at New London, Mr, Nannie Webher.' wife of George W. Webber, of Iredell County, was tsiken violently 111 - this week and Is not expected to live! She la reported as unconscious . and ex tremely low. flhe Is about 50 years of age, and her relatives have been summoned to her bedside. " r a term of twelve years, Four were sent lo the roals In Columbus coun ty, from throe to eighteen months. A good many linos were imponed for carrying concealed weapons. The people aro very mucn pieaaeu wiui Judge Jcmes and with Solicitor N. A. Sinclair. The next term of court will be held tho second Monday in March, Judge Long pretaxilng. Oongrefnn flodwln wMl hold an institute here on the 5th of Novem ber for the benefit of the farmers, When a number of government ei perls will give Instructlonn in the various departmonts of farming. These institutes will be held In all the coun ties of Mr. Godwin's district during next month.. V The watw In the Cape Fear Wvef U lower than it has been In many years, and the boats are unable to make the regular trios, imposing a heavy loss on the shippers, and em phasises the neoe!lty ot the proposed locks and dame to be built by -the governmeat. MiMtrlal Kcsulta in Caw ot W. V , Mlk at (irrcnNtxiro, Oreenaborot f)t. 19. After, delib erating over four hours this aftwiwon the Jury failed to airree and a mis trial -was ordered in the csee tn Fed eral Court against W. V. Miles, , a deposed postmaster of Mllesvllle, Cas. wall county, charged with stealing a letter containing" money, The triaj lasted over two dya Court adjourn ed for the term this afternoon ajid Judge Boyd will go (o gtatOKvllle d open court there Monday, - ; Jf retlng- of Kentucky Honvmon Closos. lxlngton, Ky., Oct 1 1; The meet ing of the Kentucky , trotting horse breeder's association Jtoaed to-day. tnrea oisunci ireaturcs were offered to-aay in the Btoll sUks for 2 : 1 S trotters, the iiOi pace and the ,2;ZS tr o ts.,JUi.thrce,.Jacei..wera. wonbv Mr. favorites,. The biggest surprhts of the .been caught. Sacred Concert at tlo Manufacturers' Club. The nlchifdson Orchestra will give a sacred concent In the parlors of the Manufacturers' Club at 9:30 o'clock to-night. A delightful program nw has hcn Arranged, and the members and their families are heartily invited. Tho programme follow; ,' ,, v Overt-ire, "Light Civalry,',.,...von Supps Sextette from "Luoia m iimmer- mnr.r" ......... .......... Donlxetti T'le Mrtrteraliigcr von Berlin ......Llncke Quartette from "Itipoieuo . vcrui Uarua llongrolne No. .,....RrHhmi I.vslstrsta Vftlnm ..,..,,.. ...,,.,Unck Knhemlon Olrl iKelectlon) -,..........Bttl(e March from the j SymphonleJ,'Le nor", ..........,,.. IUlf Throe rrisoncrs Jlr ak JH at Grwns. Special to Ths Obtsierv; ?, Greensboro, Oct. II. Three colored prisoners, Ernest Llnebvrry, Herman fellers end Archie Williams, escaped the Jail here to-night by sawing the bars. ' The escape -.was discovered lm msdlaiely. Jrutahafugltlscs Juvsvnot There were . twenty t is f m1l),i? in Mar)ln,vi1lr i. o.(-r m vers old and ( ona j meeting was the straight victory of prisoners In jail, one under sentence '.-.r) uwaiiijwij v.utn. , j ueuge?iYOQa uoy in me t:v paco, .,Jof fleatn. ous foods, or gas from Indigestion. Don't use breath perfumes. They never conceal the odor and never ab sorb the gu that causes the odor. Besides, ths er t of oslng them reveals the ' reason of their tase. Stuart's Charcoal Xosenges to the first place stop tor good all sour brash and belching of gas and make your breath pure, fresh and sweet. Jurt after you veeaien. men no one will turn his race away rrom you when you breathe or talk; your breath will be pure ana iresn, ' sua besides your food wtll taste so much oetter to yott ar your neat, meai. Just trv tt " : -- " ' v Charcoal ,i does . other - wonderful things, too. It carries aways from vonr stomach and Intestines all ' the Impurities there massed together and which causes the bad breathy Char coal is a purifier as well as an ab sorber. . '.-..; i1.-k;:rf ' ..f. ?-;o v. Charcoal Is now by far tho best. most rsay and mild laxative known. A whole bosful will 'do no harmj la facL tha more ou take the better. Stuart's Charcoal Losengee are made of cure, willow charcoal and mixed with Just a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, but ot too sweet. N You Just chew them like .candy. Th are . absolutely nann ies. . f- Get a new, . purs, sweet , breath, freshen your gtomaeb for your next lineal, and keep the- intestines In Igood working order. These two things are the secret of good health ,and long life. v You can get all' the charcoal necessary to dd , these won derful but simple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. We want you to test these little wonder , workers yourself before you' buy ; .them. Bo send as your full name and addrese for. a free sample of Stuart's Charcoal Loaenges. . Then after you have tried the sample and been convinced, go to your oruggist and get a I6o. box of them. You'll Itel better all over, more comfort able and "cleaner" Inside. ' r Send us your heme ana saaress to day and we win at once send yott . 1)y--Tnalr-"sampl- package, fresv Address v. a. rituart to, jiwh Btu art Uldg Marshall, Mich, . " , ', S75 IUDIiLEl. My name la like a Sandwich nude; a rronoun is tne meat: A preposition each side laid 1 . " for bread.the Word complete: No wit I have, yet sharp am I, And st'-on. vet small In ,slxe: Though I can neither laugh nor cry, I bring tears to your eyea ,'-'" ANSWERS. VS60 March. , . S61 The letter S: score, core; Fweapttig, weeping: (trap, trap; scold, cold; sharp, hard.. .,.- 2-l. Haw-thorn. 2. Church-(h)lU. 1 Hmmer-ton, 4 Camp-boU, 86S L Autoc-rat 2. Wh-elk, S. Acro bat 4. Har-ass. 5. For-bear. !. Dande lion. 7. 8-hara 8. B-ox. 9. P-otter. ltt F-ralL 11. Toma-hawk, 12. Panta-Iopn. 18. C-rook. K Gr-owl. 15. ITeat-hen. 16. K-eel. 17. Sole. 18. Ray. 19. Dar-llng, 20. Fj-carp. 21. S-plke. ZL S-hake. 3641 October twelfth. 1 Indian sum mer. - ;..'.. 8C-Ma-on, drug-gist, brake-man, mar chant far-mer, carter, car-pen-ter. black- sn'itti, gold-smith, fuller. Bs 'Jonntcr-pane. 267-Is-li. 9-Newcastl underSyme. For Good Buildingi3rick address ' Bock Hill Brick Works, . Hock HiU,S. 0, - or Catawba Brick Co -Van Wycka S. 0. . a rn f THlsTs to certify that all drtjffgtsts are " authorised to refund . "your . ,moner It FolsyY Honey and Tar fails to-cure your (ugh or cold. It stops the cough, heil the lungs and prevents serious, results from a cold. 'Cures la grippe ough and -prevents . pneumonia and ennsurnptton.' Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a ' yellow package. - Refuse substitutes, R. H." Jordan 4s Co., W. L. Band A Co. CI Hand Pointed China Few articles combine more beauty and' real usefulness than the artistically designed and beautifully painted China, The various pieces we are , Bhowinf are ,t .remarkable for their dainty pattern and color ing. - ' - ' ' B. A. Southeriand Jeweler s IJSA! M..a.,.ui.. i .jsssassaswws I ) II J r ,v . I 1 I 1- YOU; 5 Heard ot ' , He fl pic ide The New. Scalp Phophytaetie Newbro's Herplclde Is the flrat Prophylactic for the half and scalp. . Its formula harmonises with the theory (now a recognized fact) that dandruff, -ttchlng scalp and falling hairs are Of microblo . origin. . Herplclde defends, the hair and scalp against disease and by ' destroying the ' scalp microbe or dandruff germ (a tiny vegeUble growth). It eradicates dandruff,: stops falling hair and permits the hair to grow, as nature intended. Almost marvelous results sometimes follow its use. Miss Clutter's letter and . photograph cer tainly speak for themselvee. . - 'I herewith enclnst you one of my latest photographs, which will show you what Nowbro'i Herplclde has done for my hair.. Btnoe using your remedy my hair Is much longer than it -'.was, and it has that luatcr to It that one's hair always hat when tliclr scalp is in a healthy condi tion,"' - - '(Signed) MADELINE CLUTTER." 8961 Mich, Ave., FUt Z10. . , Herplclde Is dulgtstfolly fragrant and rcfesh ing. ' It Is free from oil and makes the hair light and fluffy. , -' i Two site, BOO, and $1.00, at drug etores. Scud 10o, In stamps' to tb Ilorpicldo Co., Ixpt, NH Detroit, Mkh., for sample. GuarantM-d nnder the Food and Drugs Act June , JO, 1000. ' Serial 2io 115. - v........-' ''..-v':;'---'?'4-,, .;, , JJ sure you get Herplclde. v -- ?. . JOUD 'ANA GOMP21NY Applications at lYonilnrnt Barhor tiliops. h I ; t 1 1 1 " - ' ' 9 ; i,.: i ) - )

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