P r - yr.rkvi:U, S. C, Oct. 25. In Agent I ';:rtnes., at "naron, in this county, 1'ie Southern Itaihvay has a iman who t ppreei;:.tes his obligations both to his t mphyer and the public. He sees to Jt that boiuh get a square deal, and as a result the affairs of the railroad at that point are In fine shape. ; As la well known, there continues to be a ec-ijreity of cars and It often happens ihait shippers are forced to wait Indefi nitely for cars In which to ship commodities.-' It Is a well-known fact that the -cotton interests have suffered seriously from this cause during the past two or three seasons. Sharon Is J . . --. M ki v. .... 1 r . . i . . . jij'iw vi ucbi uuaiurss 1U1IUS in mis ff section,, and large quantities of cotton are shipped from there each yea. A to r- is generally known, ordinarily. 25 bales - ts considered a car load of cotton, but thlsrule does not hold good at Sharon , since cars became scarce, us every car that now leaves there loaded with cot ton earries 80 -bales, provided there 4 are that many ready - for - shipment Ordinarily In loading cotton the bales , tore set on end, tout the Hartness plan is to Jay them In two deepand in this .way double the number can - be '"iput In cars, and " at the same time double the railroad's Ability to. handle ..: cotton shipments from Sharon. Mr, , Hartness etateg. thaU with ;, twp Vxtra (r. hand he can very readily put 60 bales of cotton In a car that ordinarily -Is filled with 85. -There is n freight - congestion a.t-fiharonvjn'r is there likely to be any so long as the present ' agent remains In charge. It 1 said that the Southern Power " Company has practicality suspended I , operations at; Ninety-Nine Iajand - ori Broad river,, near Blackaburg," where It 4s th purpose 'to develop : 25.000 -horse-power, for the prpesent,, and V he force formerly employed there has "been transferred o Catawba Fall. It , 4s said that the power company has contracts for several thousand horse- V ' power to-be available at - a-specified 1 , time and in order to make good It i was necessary to concentrate all Its efforts at the tatter point for the pres ent, the work there being much fur ther Advanced than on Brood river. ; SANFORDNXW& BUDGET, Tho Politicians Will Be. Let Off the Anxious Scat Soon Building Notes of tho Town O, T. Club Entertain. . cd at Soap-Bubble Tarty. .. . Bpoclal to The- Observer, t- ' t 'Sanford, Oct 25. Mr. A.' L.. Mc Neill has about completed the laying wit and grading of streets in Arlington Heights. About seven - miles sndJa half of streets have been laid out, and a residroce. section with, several, hun. drtd lots; is made easily accessible fherefby. 1 - - ' f TWe contractors are rooflng-in - tKe large brick . factory of ;ih .'SarfTord Buggy Company, The company' eK pects to be turning out buggies by the first of the year. The new two-sitary 'brick building of the Sanford Bottling Company Is near lng completioiviand will shortly be-oc. oupied by Mr. J. R. Ingram, the; pro prietor of the bottling company,-, In addition to the two upper stories, the building has a basement tor the ac commodation vt the engine, and heavy machinery. " , - ' . Rev. G. R. Underwood M having erected a brick business btock at the corner of Market and Mcjver streets. The lower floor will be given overJro store rooms, and the "upper floor will be fitted up for offices and a lodge room. . . 1 ' "Mr. R. L, Strowd, of Ohapel Hill, who has recently made large invest ments here, was in the c)ty this week. He contemplates acquiring further property here at an early date. . The candidates for offices in. the new County of Lee, who have been on the anxious eeut for quite a while, hope tx know In a very short time now who will be the lucky men. Gov ernor Glenn has, made known his in tention to in a few weeks hold a pri many to decide ithe matter. The G. T. Club was pleasantly en tertained at a progressive soap-bubble party by Miss Annl&King attlie home of Ca.pt. and Mrs. D. M. Early Tuesday evening. , AH the guests were present ed with Bcpre cards,to which were at . tached clay pipes, and each was re -quested to v? "blow." Miss Margaret Womble was awarded the first prize, a picture, for being , the .moat skillful, blower," while Mis Sarah Allen re celved a- pipe ton consolation. tainty refreshments were served, the color scheme in the dining room being pink and white. - ... 1 '. ' Something In That, j ; Lexington Dispatch. 1 C ' ' - The Catawba County News save: "The Charlotte Observer - and The Lexington Dispatch have been dis cussing the . merits,', of ,,; carrying an Irish potato in the pocket for curing rheumatism, and a nutmeg for cur ing neuralgia-. :. How. aooijt brimstone tied in a rag and, word around the neck to keep off Itch?" ' f Don't know. The Observer classes it with the madstone, et al. It - oc curs' to ua,T however, that anybody who' could stand to wear a souvenir of perdition v around his neck needn't .fear the ttca. , . T Health -;'.- Is the greatest beautlfier in tho world, and, of course, anything that helps you to health, Is Interesting to hear about , ' 1 .You cannot possibly be beautiful vhile you have to suffer, month tn and month out, from pain and misery, caused by female Ills. - - Better take Wine of Cardul ,nov, before the bloom Is gone for- ' ever from your cheeks, aid hope has departed from youf heart; Wine of Cardui, yith its v'onderhi effect on womanly health and lovUness, which re-invigorates the 'organs and rejuvenates the constitution ' and complexion. v , ' , . , " "It rejoices my heart," writes Mrs. Lucy Hennessee, of Mc' Mlnnville, Tenn., "to know that such a remedy, as Wine of Cardui, ., Is within the reach of every suffering womaa Before I took It, I : ' had suffered for about six years, more of less, with "womanly trouble V ' '" ' , ' , 1 v ,' , J,, 1 1 F;..:i.:l to The Ol ?i rvs:r. SUtesville. Oct. 3. Mr. anJ Mrs. Otto Henry, who wera married in Mobile, Ala., some months a?o and have since been living Ed Muskogee, Okla., where Mr. Henry held a posi tion in the railway service,:' have come to. Statesville to live. . They are stopping at . the home of the groom's parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. R. F. Henry, and the . son will be associated with his father in tho lattcr's Jewelry bus iness. :-, .'. .. - -. ..v , .; ;..-," Mr. "M. Lloyd Troutman, of Falls' ton township,, this county, who has been working in Lincoln county-: for; the- Amerjcan Aquaholst Company, ha3' given up his position with . the company and returned horse, He Iws, been appointed messenger in Collect-1 or (Brown's revenue otflce, , and . will begin November 1st. . . - . h. ' j Mr. J. Rh old Foster, wh. recently resigned V his y position i; as transfer Cicra at me tsiaiesvme aepoi, na cepted a position with the Southern as transfer man at via irprt ana na gone to Old Fort to begin work. , Mr, Lawrence A. Ervln has resign ed his position with the Stimson Gro cery Company to accept an appolnt-mpnt- in thn mllwav nostal service as suhstluita between Taylorsvllle and Charlotte, ' temporarily. Mr. . Ervln stood the Civil service exammatlonat Greensboro last spring and this is his first appointment. He went to Tay lorsvllle yesterday and expect3 t begin-work to-day. v?-i.-Hf-.".!? U-p Mr, R. W. Orr, who has been in the dairy business for years, has sold his business to Mr Walter ..Bradley, and the latter will move the dairyto the home of bis . father, ' Mr. J. ; ; P. Bradley, two miles; nsorth j . of town, and continue the business." Mr. Brad ley has been associated ; with Mr. rr in the management or tne oa'ry ir about twa years and has a thorough kaowledge of how : to . run an up-to-date and successful, dairy farm. Mrs. J. F. Abernethy,' of Otawba county, who was under .treatment at the Long Sanatorium several, weeks, ho. hr.Mt rfminpi hpr usual strength and returned to her homeyestsrday. Her husband came to statesyiue a accompanied , her honie. .' ' i rovio -p r nniwrt. of the . In terns revenue collector's office, has been at Ashevllle this ween m vs of the stamp omc there during the absence of the stamp clerk, who is off on a week's vacation. '' ' ' " The following members " of the ,,i .otinni fannitv Ara in Ashevuie attending the Primary Teachers ( As sociation of North caroima; Gillon, Murr, Massey and Glass. Miss rrtu fcitv.inV fftooii of - the : first grade,, was to have gone to Ashevuie, but h has been m tor some andv had to o to her home, at Afthe i t.A ,-i wihv- t .llov Rice, ot etotes1UCj has charge of hejr- gra de temporarily, Miss 3 Jessie Williams, of Reldsville.v who . laugiu r-,nMM-,,iiH - hkaaI AAvnrftl vears.. Will come to take charge of Miss Morlngs jrrade Atonaay, ana rentam til the -lattet- has recovered, t . RevsJ. H. Pressly.J. Meek White and W. A. Kennedy will leave Mon day to attend the meeting of the First ot-netvtrtni-,, ftf h AttaorlatA Reformed. Presbyterian Church. - which convenes at'Edgcmore 8. C, Tuesday. NEWS' OF THE UPPFl CAPE FEAR Gun CInb TonrpaniCKt Farmers Are Piwperoti vernier ; in itouhibw Suit Work on School BnUdlng Short News Paraarraph - " Special to The Otserver. T?nttovlllB Aft. 2S There will be ten events of fifteen targats eauh at the, Fayettevliie oun uiud tourna ment on the fair grounds next Tues- ness men have Offered many hand- some prizes, anu -aar. , viuiain oiiuyt, a moii.imiwn tfaupiln salesman, has contributed a double-barrel, hammer- less brpec-h-uaalng gun. Tne nve in Vomatlonal professional BhoU will give an exhibition, 7 but will;; not compete for-the-prizea.'v,:;:; '"f:::ir-i- " ' The correspondent haa been In; the newspaper business over 4Z years, having begun his checkered Journal istic carear In August, 1885, and his calling has carried : hlm through country communities pretty much all over the State. jGertalnly In the upper never better off than they are to-day neat, well-kept farms aner nomesteaas unmortgaged, irood stock and vehi cles, and, in most cases.'money in the bank. In , the r early 70'a , the land owners of . the turpentino action Cumberland, .Moore, Richmond, Robe son, Bladen,' Qampson and Harnett struck a streak ' ot prosperity, when they fairly coined money, In the sky-, scraping prices of naval stores, where a man who had an old abandoned rosin' bed,, was almost rlch, But this was confined to a narrow area, and did not last lone, ," 'j. - r Work has begun on the construction of the' $10,000 building, of the State Colored Normal School. . W, ' J. Bryan Is likely to retain pleasant recollection's of Fayetteville to the last day of his life.- It was ht this hospitabla town that his palate was toeattudintzWT, by Bis flrst taste of boiled old North Carolina ham. In' Superior Court Wednesday Judge Jones instructed the Jury to render a - I .v.. . i - n ;:rr- 1 : ! 1 0:1 I. a . ..; 1 f cu: : , 1 p t . ' 1' fi i .L:i,!i"U:-vUic train villi his K r...'o. The case of Narier vs. A. C. L. Co. for $50,009 dampses has been sot for Monday. Chief Marshal Souders, of the Cum berland Fair, has announced his etaff, of which the following are of interest to Charlotte Observer readers: Red SprltiRs E. S. Kis, J. Townsend, II. Grantham, H. Currle, J. .'McCullum, O. H. Hall. Jr., J. F. Brown, G. it: Kay, T. A. Devane, Jr., P. A. Brown, J. T. Williams, J. A .Williams, Arph. McKInnon, David McMillan; iMaxton H. McLean, H. L. McNeill, F. 1 L. Black, D. H. SHaw, J. F. 'McLean, E. F. McRae, 'G. B. Sellers, B. L, Black, N. Alford; Lumberton J. A. Barker John Knox, Alex McAHis- ter-. ;;':.:-,. ;. ; In a negro row near the street car nival grounds about 12 o'clock Wed nesday night Maynor shot Montague in .the, arm, inflicting . a serious wound, , -"':-'. ' The -correspondent was Informed to day by President W. D. McNeill, of the Fayetteville Street Railway Com pany, that the line will be running to the grounds by the. opening of the fair next week. - . ' m :.:,; ' .,-1 ;, l:: . mill UNITED STATES COUKT, ' Tha Cases Disposed of at Statesville This week Nnmbcr - Seven c?n Federal Prison Doors Open to ; Thrco Moonshiners A ' IJncoln ' : County Pos master Who Tried to Bribe an Inspector Fined $2."0 , Cnf3 Against Newton Man Con- tlnued. - Special to The pfcaerver. ' v ' Statesville, Oct 25. United' States District Court which' has- . been t in session here since Monday, will prob ably adjourn this evening. District Attorney Holton, who was. unable W be here at tho opening of the Courft arrived Tuesday and has been prose cuting for. the government since. Judge Boyd Is presiding. . The fol lowing cases have been disposed of by the court: .: ; ' . J. S. Downey, McDowell county re tailing; , continued on account of the absence of witnesses. . R. II. Mason, Alexander, distilling, etc., guilty; a year and a day in the Federal prison at Atlanta and fined $100. . C, M. Carpenter,- Hay wood,' maklnf opportunity to defraud (storekeeper!" gauger); -transferred to Ashevllle, J. C. Marley and Ed Cannon, Burke, distilling, etc.; not guilty. Bascom Johnson, Thomas , N. Locke, scheming to -defraud; con tinued. ' r 1 Robert Hlisklns, '. MitchelL distill ing, etc.; guilty of retailing; . ; prayer for Judgment continued. Ed Lall, Burke, distilling, etc.; guilty; a year and a day In the Fed eral prison and fined $100, : Tom Warren, Catawba, ' retailing; guilty; prayer for Judgment con tinued; to .appear at next term and show good behavior. James Vanhorn, -t Burke,- distilling, etc.; guilty; a year and a day In the Federal prison an4 fined $100,, J. R. Crawford, 'McDowell, aelling cider; mistrial; -nonsuit. - John OlliaV Mitchell, distilling, etc., not guilty; " " - - James Oaks Mitchell, distilling; not guilty. " - - - John Taylor, Mitchell, distilling, etc.; prayer for Judgment continued. George Randolph, Mitchell, 'distill ing, etc.; guilty; praye'p for Judgment continued. ' - - - P. H. Hemphill, McDowell, selling cider: nol crossed. v Mr. C. H. Curtla. of C Newton, is charged with fraudulent, use of the mall It being aliescd that -he solic ited orders for dogs; pigeons, chick ens, etc. through the malls, and, that he received money but did not ae liver the goods. This case was con tinued. A. C. Sain, of Lincoln county, was found aruiltv of offering to bribe a postofflee inspector and . was fined $250. Sain was postmaster at a small postofflee fn Lincoln county and wa so Eealous in trying to ' eecure new and more business that he offer ed a postofflee Inspector $25 to change certain rural routes that the tnall comlhir over them would be thrown into his! office- and thus Increase his business. . ' . ' . 1 A - CONTINUE TO HOLD COTTOX. At No Time Was Less of the Staple Be ing Marketed at Yorkcvllle Than at - Present Rev. W. W. Orr Conduct Ing Lively Revival at Clover. Special to The Observer. Torkvljle, S. C, Odt 26. There haa not "been a time in several years, If ever,' when less cotton (waa being put on, the market in this immediate sec tion at this season of the year than at present A large propontkm of the omtrees cotton, as wen as tnat eoia for future delivery, 4as already pass ed out of the hands of the producers and, although the glnnerlea are kept busy, most of the cotton is fcein waul ed from the gin back to the 'homes of the owners. ; The fact that cotten has been declining constantly for the ma jor portion of the present season does A very old lady wa pranrtms'-Jonex, - ' She had parsed her four rcore and three, And hsd nche or pains In hrr bene, For 'ie drank Hnllbter't Roehy Moun tain Ten. R. H. Jordan ft Co. ' , of various kinds. Perhaps you femember me writing you about four years ago for advice. . "Well, by you directions, I commenced taking , Wine of Cardui, and before had used all of one bottle, of this .wonderful medicine, I had com menced to Improve." I used to suffer so terribly with my head, that I could get no sleep, but novl am well,; and feel like a different woman. " My husband had no faith In patent medicines, but he is worougniy convinced, now, that Cardui is aomg Mr.URnnets mmor good, than, ll the doctors." Sold ev erywhere, at $1 .00 a bottle. Try it. McMlnnville,Tna TrnPT nnOK rttifi64w,B Woms. If yoa BMd Ad. X lUUSt DwUU vice, dBcrib symptomi, ttting sn4 we wlli rroly la ' VfTt T ATITPQ f'aJo f"111 ""lope. Addrnv Udi Advisory bept. I, ',' l.-i 1 t ! ! l.-i t- 1 eiT.-..i. ?.t i : . l e -m i.l i,' v t-' h- i out uiii 1 t : I f ti: :uii-. I. Ti;c: e din s n.t r - 1 to I 0 any s-rious l.u-lt of ca !i viui rtti.ii li to -meet rro. :.t ne. iU, and a prf of this the mer chants are.doirg about as -much busi ness as tisaal ct tiiis season, and much more than last fall. The farmers thoroughly appreciate the weather that has prevailed during the past four weeks, cr since Septem ber 28:h, because or the fact that there has not been BUfllcient rainfall during that time to lay the dust, and as a result the scarcity of labor has net been 60 greatt a handicap ia the matter; of harvesting the cotton crop as it would, have been under normal conditions; and besides the staple is free from stain and where properly handled Is bringing - the maxim uim market price, when; offered for sale. Interesting revival , services nave been In progress In the Associate, Re formed Presbyterian church at Clover fcr more than ten days past,- con ducted toy Rev. W. W. Orr. . A number of persona have already professed con verslonand the outlook is that there will be many more. Mr. Orr (has had lon and ' successful experience as an evangelist and when preaching In this section has large congregations , 10 hear him. ? Until recently he was In charge of a church in Charlotte, but resigned to engage ia evangelistic work. i. DOINGS AT HIGH POINT. Wescott Robcrson Wins His Case Be fore Supreme Court Play to Be . Given at Trinity High School Mrs. D.N. Welborn Carried to Salishury Special.. to The Oicrver;i V -W:'$'z- High Point, oct. z 5. wescott kod-erson,- Esq., returned last night from Raleigh, where he appeared before the .Supreme Courtis counsel A or Messrs. B. A. and Jk T. Best. Judge Clark dismissed the case In favor of the Messrs. Beit., '' 'The case was brought by the 'alrt in eastern North Carolina, claiming that Messrs. B. A. and J. T. Best special legatees In the will, were not entitled to share In the remainder. ; v:".V ... ; t. A play. "Jumbo Jum," will be pre sented In-the study hall at Trinity Thursday night October 31st. A Hal lowe'en box party will also bo given.. Detective Miller, of the Southern Hallway, and th chief of police of Thomasvllle, - were here yesterday working on a case. ' Nothing definite could be had from these officers rela tive to the icase, Mr. T. H. Spencer, secretary and treasurer of the Eajle Furniture Com pany, is Improving slowly from a spell of sickness and will be able to fill his position again, in a few days. Mr. L. M. Caudle, of Randleman, and bride, MissTeague, of Lady Lake, Fla.rf passed through here yesterday en route to the home of the groom. . Mrs. D. N. Welborn was yesterday carried ; to the Wfttteheed-Stokes Sanatorium in Sallsburv. where she will undergo an operaion. , ; ' FIDDLERS IEFT NOV. 20. - Fcnr Priei to Be Givm et Winston FKileni' Fcrt) of STp'odv p. w. , PWm Challenges AH the Wide World. Special to The Observer. ' ; Winston-Salem, Oct. . 25. There promises to bo a great gathering of ye olden time fiddlers here on the 20th of November when the. first, -annual Tiddlers' convention of . this sec1 tlon of the State wHt bs . held. ' It has "been decided to give four medals, as follows; . ' First best lead fiddler; best second fiddler, best all round fiddler and the sorriest fiddler. The last-named js the boony prize, of course. The medals wil) be of gold and will he ! handsomely engraved. It Is thought that there will be pres ent some 20 or 25 of the best fid dlers In this -section of the State, and some will also be present from other section of the State. Mr. P. W. Prim, the celebrated sec ond "fiddler, challenges ;' tho whole world to compete iwlth him for the medal for the best second fiddler. The contest will-be open to fiddlers all over the country, -. - ' For ClironKj Dlarrhocn. . ."While in the army In 1W I wm tak en with .chror.le tllnrrhoes," snj Oeorun M. Felton, of South Gtnsoni Pa. "I hav since tried many remedie but without mv . perman'int relief , until ' Mr. A. W. Miles, of thl phee, pcrsunded mo to try Chsmberlftin's . Colic. Cholera ind Dlr rhoea Remedy, one bottle of which Hop ped it at once." For tale If W. L. Hand ft CO. v- ,: --f.v ... - 6;; WANTED ''t The hardest cases of MORPHINE, OPIUM and LIQUOR addictions to cure in ten days by our new PAIN4 LESS method. ' No extreme nervous ness, aching limbs, diarrhoea or loss of sleep. Only Sanitarium in the world giving UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE. : Money can be placed In bank and payment made after a cure is, realized. Patients who can hot visit' Sanitarium can be cured privately at -home. Ref erenoes; Any Banker, Minister, City Official or Cltlsen of Lebanon. Write to-day for ' large free Booklet of particu. lars. Address ' ' -tf. CEDAltCHOFT RINITARLL'M, ; Dept. 9. , ,' Lebanon, Tcnn. '4 : r ... w -r X G.' COTIinAIT, ' E3 VARIETY OP GAFFNEY NEWS. More Room Required For Express oince Hog and- Hominy Expert Delivers Good Lecture to Suinll Crowd Butler Dawklns PleatU Guilty of Soiling Liquor, v Special to The6 Otserver. Gaffney.' S. C. Oct. 25. Manager Fisher, of the Southern Express of fice at this place, found that owing to the increased business of the office it was necessary to And more commo dious quarters, so he removed the of fice from Robertson street to Lime stone street, two doors above f the commercial iioiei, wnere .no . .wm have more room. , Prof. C."- E. Quinn, the ''hog and hominy" expert from the , Depart ment of Agriculture at Washington, delivered a very interesting lecture to a smalt audience in-the court house Wednesday. The - lecture was a good one, replete ' with salutary advice to the farmers, and it Is to be regretted that a larger number were not pres ent to hear it. ' Mr. J. - Moore, l. 1 enterprising and energetic young, man of the city, haa erected . a building between tne Merrimao and Globe Mills and will put In a line of groceries, and in con nection therewith will handle all kinds of fresh meats. . . Mr. A. W. Clary has bougnt ine J. H. Curry cottage, on Buford street, and will .occupy . same as a residence. , Butler Dawklns, who was seni up tn.the United iStates Court at Green ville for .selling whiskey, entered a plea of guilty yesterday berore juage Brawiey, and was fined 1100 and giv en one , month's imprisonment In Cherokee county Jail. Mr - Charles Wadswortn, a memoir of the well-known firm of J, W. Wadsworth'" Sons Company, of Char lotte. Is in Gaffnev to-day on c-usi- noiu. Mr: Wadsworth was surprised at the- evidences of r improvement whfrh ar visible on every nina ana which have, appeared since he last visited the town. , . - NEWS NOTES FROM ELKIN. Pcllhi Blanket Fcr Next Year's ShipmentMore Than a Slue or the Rosdned of the l.ikln Alle ghany Railroad Completed a Word of. Sympathy rot tne paper. Speolal to The Observer. Elkln, Oct. 25. Mr. Moss, repro- sontlng the E. H. Hamilton company, of New "York, has been here several days this week, placing orders with the v Chatham Manufacturing Com pany for blankets for next year's fhipmem. Work on the Elkin & Alleghany Pallroad is progressing nicely during tho fine weather. More thana mllo of the roadbed has been completed. Everything looks brrght for the road and people along tin line are sure that it -will be pushed to completion as rapidly as posiile. Much sympathy Is felt for The Charlotte Observer throughout this section In the death of one of Its Sacred Heart Academy Belmont, N. C. High-class school for young ladles and girls. Pupils received any time, For further Information, address SISTERS OF MERCY, - Belmont, N. C. The Red Gross Shoe For Ladies - BENDS Wmi THE FOOT.' These real handsome Shoes : have welt sole, extension edge, and are as soft and flexible as thin soles. Soft Vlpl ICld, Blucher, Lace and Button, opera toe, military heel; size 1 to 8," width A to E. ' Price'.,.;: 4.. .'. ...$3.50. GILREATH & CO. TheStove SEASON , : will soon ' be here, these ' .' cool evenings testify We have Just what you wish, tmnt tha larss Rase Burner J - for your hall to the Oil Stove ' lor your nam roem. x Give us your order now. Ui; McCausland &;Co. fiove D esters. Roofing Coatractuw, ' ' Ml ft. Try on Street Pointed China Fow articles comtn rnora 'beauty and real usefulness than the artistically designed : and beautifully painted China.' . The various piece we are ' showing - are remarkable for their dainty pattern and color ing. t . C. A. Soutlicriand Jeweler lwrvwv-V dfc4.i.wj hcra Representative, 3S Trnst . CiJ.?, CUAHLO - most brilliant writers, John Charles McNeill. While he was not person ally known here, yet, every reader of The Observer feels that he knew him through the verses he had the pleas ure of reading and enjoying, written by him. North Carolina has not only lost a writer, but the South has lost one of the best poets- of the age in the death of Mr.- McNeill. " Mr. Frank Tharp expects to go to Florida next week to look after the gathering and selling of the products df his orange grove. r , ROWAN'S JAIL ABOUT COMPLETE Only Steel Cages Remntn to Be Plac ed -Is BMleved to lie A mo to tvitn s. stand a Mob Blood Poison News- elutes Amputation at Little , Girl's '- Arm. : ' : . . Special to The Observer..' Riillitburv. Oct 25. With the plac ing of the steel cages Rowan's - , Jail will be complet and this work is to consume tout a few days. The Salem Iron Works took the contract and has given the county a $11,000 job' that Is said to be very fine. Mr. H. 8. Car roll is here puUlng on the finishing touches.' . , ; -. '. The Jail has attached to It a good residence and" Is built with a special view to convenience. It Is flrenYoof, and Is believed to be somewhat mob- CROSSE' SHOE "Makes LifeS Walk Easy" $00 t AO Call on our agent la yaur city, or write us y LEWIS A CROSSETT, nC., No. Abington, Mass.' WHAT HOTEL IN GREENSBORO ? Most travelers prefer this hotel because style makes way for good cheer, good care and home-like, toothsome cook Ing. Cosy window corners, big easy chairs and an unmis takable atmosphere of geniality, along with the other char acteristics of the place are what have made the HOT'EL GLEG The home of care, comfort and eatable cooking. Just a etcp beyond tho station. GREENSBORO, N. O. Architects, Dealers, Contractors and . -Users of Building Material. Our business of distributing Ce Rooting tmd Building Material gen NOTHING to be the LARGEST BU 1 UNITED STATES. We are not so upon your mind (although It Is in s we are to ,'ndicate to you that that our brunds, prices, deliveries customers rcnerally must be a lit to have won such an army of frls business represents, . We do not think you wilt bo doing yourself justice by buying anything ' In our line before first consulting ua w will Quota you delivered and tell you all about it. WR1T1C US. J. Ross Hannhan, Pres.; Pcjrre G. Ilnnahan. first Vice- Pres. Frank C. Ford, Second Vice Prea. J, S. Hanahan, Jr Bec'y. and Treat. . v Carolina Portland Cement -Company . ' CHARLESTON, 8. C. Branches; Atlanta. Birmingham. New Orleans. . - Presbyterian College For Voiiieri CHAR LOTTE, N. C Opens September 5th, 1907. Caiiloguo furnished - , upon application. . , .; . ' : ' Rev. J. R. Bridges, D, D Presidents r " CAPIT AL STOCK t2o.00o.0ft - ' This Is the largest, best equipped business collere in North Or 5 llna a positive, provable fact Book-keeping. fchorthand, 1y re writing and Tolegrtphy taught by expert Positions guaranteed tr money back. Railroad fare paid. Write for our new Catalorae asi Offer Address King's Business College, proof and Rowan has hil r s mobs than fires. There is a p' lr-e. f r the "hung" juries who must stay oat over night. The completion of tha job is promised wlthrn 30 days. Tin buildlnels electric-lighted and steam heated. ,'. Salisbury friends of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mitchell Urlnson. of Newbern, are saddened to learn that their lit tle daughter, Mary Steele, has had to submit to an operation requiring the amputation of an arm. The little girl injured the arm many montns ago, and from that developed blood, poisoning of an aggravatea naturs. Shs was taken to e hospital In Phil adelphia, where the operation was performed. Mrs. Brlnson Is remem bered here as Miss Ruth Scales, ono of a family loved everywhere. y Two Editors and the Pickpockets. Greenville Reflector. , Here's one editor ' who Is glad he did not go to the State fair, for after having sounded such a warning sgaimrt' pickpockets,- some slick fel loe would have surely made the ef- ,, fort to touch him it there had been . a glimpse of his fat pockets. So we' stayed home and escaped. , Not so ; with Editor - Bob PhtUtpa of , Tha Newbern Sun. He also talked loud about pickpockets, then was .bold enough to go to the fair and ; lost all he had. Poor Bob!. May be the renew wno loucneo. mm gui tnuuiu to buy a street car ticket ' r . ; . - on H.CT 0 ! A Q01 run and jump a sudden. . throwing of all weight on the ' arch of the shoe, sending a shock -throughout its length. The rigid arch of . the 'comfort- able Crossett supports the instep, and does even more it absorbs all sudden jars like this and saves the shoe, . 1 BENCH MADE. sgoo MM ment, Llmo, Plaster, Fire Brick. ' orally has' grown in seven years from KIN ESS OF TUB KIND TS THE desirous, of Impressing this fact deed gratifying to be able to say so) we must know our business. , and and the treatment we accord - our tie nearer right than our competitors, nda and. customers as this volume of Charlotte.

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