I 1 . 'ii. ty. yuf-i at t I'.t As!o l.k J' H.ire ! . A I truuUI Nation; t tUa Kenilworui Ivriti1rli ion, om For I'- l.ork !.:; ,..!o 'J l-at At ltt r.ii'iit ." lost of liord Will Be Brought to Charlotte. Mr. E. B. Moore, proprietor of the Selwyn Hotel, has leased the fine Oliver farm two and a half miles eouth of the city and will produce (his own milk, cream, butter and vege tables. The lease, which Is for 10 years, waa signed yesterday by Mr. O. Nt MWs'a, the , present owner , of : the place.1."-;,:; :".' -v:v-. This is considered a wise move on the part of Mr. Moore, who is known the farming world as one of the : fl'fjat stcw-k men "In the country. " In I vnnectlon with Kenllirorth Inn" Mr. Moore has had what Is known as the Kenliworth Berkshire herJ.r At a ' publio sale at his farm, near Ashevtlle, some time ago, "a sold more ; than $2,000 worthof high, bred Berkshire. ' The potatoes now being osed: at the , fielwyn were grown on the CenUworth . farms. : .. ; -;tvV'J-'':--'':f ' J Mr. Moore Is not a paper farmer, ' but a real farmer t& the manor born. Being ? born:, and . bred In : , ' Clark county, In the Valley of Virginia, on a ; magnificent farm he knows the ways , of the soil. ,, ,',")" T'. ;, fABM .WILL SAyB HIM MONET , ... " When asked yesterday . what ' ha : ' saved by his Kenilworth farm- he said; . "From $1,509" to $2,000 and much pleasure- and -better food for , the ) ta bli." . " ' .:'' -'" -. ;-fV j '-What'do "yoij Intend to tto-wtoh this . 150-aera farm, four acres of , which r lies within ,the.jclty limits, when ym take charge on the 1st of November1?" asked a reporter, ; who called to see Mr." Moore -"about the lease. . ' . "'Why, I anr going to stock it with the best milk vows that I can buy and will make my own milk and but ter, and farm it and make my vege tables. ;":- r-v--' ' "As you may know, this ts one of the richest farms In this section of ' -the country, r For a number of years It was Improved with stable manure and commercial fertilizers. Recent ly, it- has been in cotton, peas and other crops. The land is fertile and - will make fine corn, potatoes, tomaT toes and other, things for, the table." ' .,"How many cows ylll you have?" - ''About ,20i If I can get the right sort - I want -good milkers, for it la , dairy products that I must have,': "What other stock will yoi keep J .t "t shall have about 100 as fine Berkshire hogs as you can find any where. If my plans, are carried out, as I hope they will be, I shall have a public sale of Berkshire here once . a year. ' These sales will attract breeders from all parts of the United States. - The sale that I had at Aslie vllle attracted widespread attention. , THE KENILWORTH HERD. The' Farm Home, a well-known Journal ; of Springfield, 111., had the following account of the Kenilworth sale: , ., ,.- " Mr. E. B. MoOre, Blltmore, N. C., the well-known proprietor of the Ken . 11 worth Inn, made his first publio sale of ' Berkshire on September 11, 1907, Belling 42 head, which sold for $2,779, making an average of J96.18 per head. jt.f -i r.: . . ' ' " . "The most, ef ; the offering were in good condition, and considering It be ing the first public sale of, the Kenil worth herd, Mr, Moore said he was more than gratified at the high-aver age made. ' -. . ". - .- ; "Col. Vf. T. Merriman, of Wliliams vlllo, fill.,- cried the sale In his effec tive and incomparable way, and was ably assisted In the ring by Mr. O. O. Council. Vamlalia,..IlL, and Col. L. E. Frost,' of , Springfield, 4UU sales Manager, Mr. F. S. Springer, secre-i tary American Berkshire Association, acting as "clerk? ' " " ' ''.-!-;'-: "When Mr.-. Moore first decided to hold a. publio sale it was "his plan to go to Mississippi at the expiration of fcls lease at Kenilworth Inn, Decem ber 1,' 1907 , but on August 24th he leased the beautiful new 8elwyn Hotel at Charlotte, N. C, for ten years, and will feecure one of the best farms in Mecklenburg countyf- Just outside the city limits of Charlotte, and continue fct-eecling- choicest Benkshjlres under the name of Kenilworth Herd, ef which he is the sole proprietor. - -, "At the close of the sale he thank ed those in attendance for their hav ing been present at this his maiden sale, and said thafat his next, sale he would offer some of the choicest and most fashionable bred "hogs to be found anywhere In America,. , s "And it is known. that he has com missioned some of the most noted breeders of Berkshire to select for film a number of -fancy -bred sows i bred to the most noted boars, and especially to Lord Premier's Rival. - "The sensation nine months old boar - Kenilworth Longfellow 104166. v by Premier Longfellow 8800 and out of Artful Belle SOth 64047 by Lord Pre mier 50 001, was purchased after the sale from Mr. w. O. Purdy who paid $525 for him and will be kept to head ihe ; Kenilworth .Herd, and as his Jbreeder, . Mr, . Q. r, Q. Ceuncll,- says While I have had the pleasure of owning many ft great one, I have .never sold a pig that I held in higher esteem ' than Kenilworth . Longfellow, ' He U one of the greatest sons of Pre mier Longfellow. From this ; grand young boar we will , expect jrreat' re- ' I suits. .i--i-,'-i''ptv ; ... ;'. - ii':v -v . :-' "Kenilworth Masterpiece 10E97J, a "son of Masterpiece 77000 and half brother-ta Star Masterpiece, the $5, BOO boar, will also he retained for ttie Kenilworth Herd. ' "The animal sold by Mr. -Moore, buyer and prke for eacn ara as iouuwb. -' THOSE WHO PURCHASED HOaS.' " ! "Blltmore Farms, -Blltmore, N. Crf "Cleveland. 3. Z." A A. H.r Spartan burg, 6. C, Topper's Bensatloh 104051, ' "Co'cke,i-iW.:p,V''-XsheviIli,'' Premier Woodlawn 8d 85174. J205. . ' "Devohia Farm, ;Oreenvine, is, :C Royal Maid 104065, $25. , - y . w "Dufham, W.i H..A Toronto, . Ont; Royal Carlisle 68318, $50. "Hard man. W. B.,' Commerce, Oa.. - Nellie- Iee 4th 102409, $203 Royal . NH"' Baroness 97273, $225., "2 Idsay Hiram,' BlItmora. N. C.. Ducfl'fss Daughter 104068. $22; Danes flold Royal Maid 104064,- $22; Blue , Ridge Belle ,104058, $27;.. Topper's Lustre 4th 104045. $40; Nina of .Ken ilworth 104070, $21, - f "Mcars, ' R, A. Ridge wood,' 8, C, Bonnie Dea 20th 104044, $21. "Overton, r J. ' M., Nashville, Tenn., - Berks Pansy" of Blltmore 2d 81028, , $75; Virginia Watklns 10th, 104048, $50. ' ' I "Patton, E. W., Blltmore, N. C, Dora's Queen' 104055, $27f Dora'a Blossom 104054, $25 Sallie C. 104162, $20. - "Porter, JT, A.; Ashevllle, N. C Dora or Kiitmore 80165, $20. - i, y; , : "Purdy, W.' O . Louisville. Ky.. Ken I llworth Longfellow 104156. $525; Ken- t Pile Vnnt In to 14 Darti.; , PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed td .. cure anyrt etts of Itchitig, Blind, I Bleeding bri Protruding t Piles In ... w i day,-r'money refunded.- 46e i : 1 1 0 ' U 1 J . :. ; : : : i ', fiy; i y's c:.. r i - i . .:.!.t!!i i;:-je i $15; Our' La J v 'Lustre 104UT1, $23. "f'iiiit h, J. b., Pendleton. &. !., I'is gnVs Topper 104048, $21; :.largcry of Kenliworth 104069, $28. "Hchulhof?r, S. X. AVavriPsvIUe, N. C, Pansy's Gem 104062, $30. "Thomas, X, E.. Charlotte, N. C, Topper's Beauty 80161, $100; Top per's Lady 104050,. $23; Dora's Royal Gem: 104056. $26; Dorset's Lady of Kenilworth 104045, $29; Topper's Gem 30th 104047. $2$; Pansy's Dafcy Lee 104061, $25. - "Trice, D." M., Charlottesville,, Va., Kenilworth Dairling 104049, $32; Kenliworth Beauty 104052. $28; Top ay 104072, $23; British Countess 2d 103433, $125. "Way, Eugene, Ashevllle N. : C. Hunter General 104058. $30; .Master 9f Kenilworth 014073. $25.!'j ,-, TO MAKE GARDEN OF OLIVER. .'Utt.i: FARMi'.v-.Wv4:-;;!.l:i; . i Mr.;Moore harabont 1 2 k Berkshlres at Kenilworth, most of which witl be brought, -oere.r-' V -sii-. e; j; :.;-;: The Oliver farm should be 'a' rich garden and, Mr. Moore a trttckT farmer, on a large-scale; he made 800 bush els ef Irish' potatoes on his - Blltmore farm and ihad hla. last corn Sunday a week ago, and he can do much bet ter: Ttere for the eeaaons are , longer and the winter milder.- t, ..Farms are run in connection with many of. the, leading hotels of ; the country nowadays. There is the Albion, at AUgusta, Oa., managed by Mr. Bryan Lawrence. ,kTh -; Albionj herd of cattle fs famous. The Tox away , hotel . make: their "own truck. So does the Plnehurst hotels. One of the pioneers In this business was the Old Sweet Springs Hotel, - -of - Old Sweef Springs, Va.- The farm there contains 1.400 acres. V '-. i ' In addition - to vows and Tiogs Mr. Moore will keep fine chickens, . - This enterprise of Mr. Moore will be watch ed with great interest by the" people of the State, and the Selwyn table will gain by reason of , the farmJsw ' Mr. Moore will rotate his crops. He expects to plant 40 or 50 acre In cot ton next year, ' , . INCREASE OF A BULLION. Register of Dccda Moore .Competes . Arduous Work of Competing coun ty Tax Returns A Comfortable In oreasa In Property Values During y Past Year. rJi--X', ; A total increase ta property valua tion of $1,000,000 In tha county js; In dicated;;by'V figures?; compiled; and mad publio yesterday Jy" Register of Deeds W. M. Mfoore and his collabor ator, after three months or more of painstaking toll. ,' Mecklenburg," ;in the computation and in the arrange ment of figures, is divided into three districts, of which the northern sec tio'n , of the county constitutes one, Charlotte township' two v and the southern townships the third.; No figures as to the Increase in property values within the city : have been yet submitted, as a different set of men are working on these books. District No, 1 is composed of Crab Orchard. Mallard Creek,' Lemly,, Paw Creek an4 Deweese; District No. 2 Is made, up of Charlotte townsmp, ana district No. ,8 of the rest.::;, Following are some of the most interesting fig ures, given three at a tlroa, to -order of districts:. ' ' : .. . Polla 1.97S. 4.163. and;-1,682-,. . Acres of land 154,176; 17,209, anJ 147.658. -: . '.. ' - ' Value of lands $1,886,368; $66$ 675. for open lands itr, Charlotte township. $1,243,208. The value of city loto is not included in the- aoovev .u In Charlotte township there ara J, 653 town lots, valued at $8,610,838, making the total value of all real es tate in Charlotte -township mora than $9,270,000. ' - !" Horses 1,441, valued at $90,337; ltO, valued at $79,595. for Charlotte township; 1,001 horses, valued at $59,- 845.',:' .:....;,:,-:-, i;' . , For District NOi 3. - ' Muleft 1.191,625 and 1,93. ... Goats 79, , 68. y.- Heavy cattle, 4.805, 1,232, and 4.2 52, valued, at $63,594, $20,557, and $52, 833, respectively. : - t v - Hogs 4.081, 671 and.S.255, total values $52,711. ' 1 ' - Sheep 328. 34, and 250. u.: . Bicycles 105, 175, and 56. Farming ? utenslI--$25,804, $5,746, and' $17,837.. ,.;,.t"" . Mechanics' tools $3,687, $5,440. and' $865.-' ' ' Householdjcaods $42,926; $38,843; and $24,080. , . -- -'Cotton on hand $6,403;- $14,710; and $3,180. ; v-.-v .- Personal property1 $868,133: $4, 143.780 for Charlptta township, and $64,082'"-ir':!''-:"--'i " allroaSs $l,ii3;2; $1,121,353; and $581,912. , " - i- ' Bank stock, etc 623,478; $1,128, 870: and $11,950. " Income tax, Charlotte' 51 township, $280,798. i- . . "5 . Building and loan, Charlotte town " ship. $245,491.' " ' - Total real estate foi' unty, $3, 291 141. ' !" ,'" 1 "" mm ' Total personal property 15,685,975. Railroads, $2,836,696. -Total acres of land 819.042. Baptist ' Sundat : Rcliool ' Programme . , . Arrangeo.'---v. if ' An ' Interesting musical programme has been arranged for Sunday after noon at the First Baptist Sunday school. It is follows: t -a- ... PART I. Muslr fcy orchestra. - - Hinging by school. " Brlectlon by erclientra. ,. . ' tt,liMr. Newcombe, - -Roletion br Sunsliln Choir, ' Chorne by school. ' ,,"."' Cftnft Solo-Mr. Hakr.', Selection by Ariel QuarK'U! W. Hrvy Overcarsli. 1st tor.on X H. Parks, 2d tmrr Cecil' Butt 1st. baritone! Roy JSMwit Devotional.- service. , . - . IWBU(ly. RTik Wn(riti by lichml- - - - Mectten . bv orchentra. ," . Holo Ml Ohla Irvine. -' - , . Violin SoIflM-Mr Huntings. . ' Pnlo Mis Grace Bddlns. . ' ; . . Closing , hymn. . . s iMf. SIfford Changes. BnV ' Mr. TU J. -.SIfford, who haa peen engaged in the grocery business in Charlotte nearly a .quarter of a cen tury, will resign his - position ; -with Mr. 8: H. Youngblood to-night, and become manager for a local company which Is getting into ; position to handle coaL The location will be on Mint street, near the Good Samaritan HoanlWl. His many . friends Will learn this with much interest, "s i HARD TIMES IN KANSAS. , The old dsyt of granhoppcrr nd Amiith ke Hlmnt fortottrii' in the nrnv wroun Knns of to-day; although s cltl- ' m . , . 1 . t til.. I - tXi OE. voueil. cart rtimiuuury, - rias noc yet forgotten a hard time he encountered. He mvs: "I was worn out and dUcour sciKl hy couching nlirnt and day, and could find no relief till I tried Dr.- kliig'i Kew Dlncovrry. It took en than one bottle to omiWely cure me." The tfett and mort' relUMe cough' and cold remnly end Jung and. throat hentwr evor rti.tr er, tiuarantoed lif W. L. Hand A Oo.'s tng store. Wo, and L TrUl bottle free, - : i M l i n li Was a -():f i'.tccs by a Vu'A 1. i Cirundsfanl - r,;Ulon Asriiiuu A?;iia Siuw--ffil Slldwnj Atirar tiona Rt'san Suttii!?; Vp i.,t Moy ins Away Iiforp the lay Was. Done Fair Has Iiwn Woil latron izttl and Ghmj Down in History, as a Itecord-Breakcr In Kvcry Re ' spect..; . . ,"' ' . . The great Mecklenburg Fair Is at an end. 'Perhaps 'twas a pity, iper haps 'twas ut natural anA therefore seemly, that Its end should , come In the form of an anti-climax, f- Certain it is that not over ' 8,000 persons passed through : the gates into the "magic city" yesterday and last night. Feverish unrest was in the- air and early in the day some of the shows began packing up to leave for Salis bury and for Columbia, S. C; where fairs are due In a few days. r ; Everywhere throughout the grounds : from entremity to extcrmity . - of the ;. midway1 ; with Its babel -of unharmonious" sounct ' and horta tory mingled with derisive speech. one felt si that ; one 4 was witness ing the beginning .of the ' end.- At night, of course, with the brewing aside of business ares and '.with the relaxation of commercial responslbill tlesj the population of the city stream ed forth with something, of Its old time volume and street car after street car dunvped its human (eargro. alive, very much. alive, near the entrance to the big gates. ; The hundreds ana hundreds -of electric lights lagaln lit up the scene wlth a brilliant glare which marked it a place of festivity, befora entering which tha, spectator should , leave ; behind ,- worry. ' .-dignity and all the nerve-consuming -brood of foibles and ailments which. mar the perfection of twentieth century .life. ' ' . " ' A LIVELY TIME. " ,' C Not that tha spectators were to be transported backwards to soma dim, prehistoric period of the rusty past pot that they were to take part for a few hours in an existence to which the strenuous life was unknown and foreign. The very opposite waa true. Strenuosity. entered into every phase of It. Whether one vied iwlth his neighbor In hurling showers of con fetti or In defending one's ' person from the keen lashes of a whip ruthr lessly wielded, soared aloft In the Ferns wheel, strove ; desperately 'to beat the fakir at hist own game, with the odds 1,461.242.411 to 1 against him, or engaged in a bargain coun ter rush for a street car. when, one had had enough and , was . essaying to go home, there was nothing rural, nothing dull, nothing which savored of boredom and ennui in It all. But the show was not what it had been. THE BALLOON ASCENSIONS. vv Yesterday, as on every day that pre ceded it, the double balloon ascension was one of the leading features. For an hour before the rise, hundreds of people walked back and forth and watched the Inflations of the can vases, which grew - as the minutes pacsed, from uncouth, inert masses of cloth into moving, living, struggling giants, tugging madly and impatiently at the confining ropes for their , lib erty. As the all-important moment drew nearer, all eyes were centred on the figures of the two persons who were to perform the star feat, which was for them merely their dayrwork, with Its certain attendant pleasure. Worry, danger arid toll, In anything In the world in which woman chdosei to compete with man she is the cyno i sure -of all eyes, and to she was yes terday. Suddenly the word 'was given, the bonds were severed and the two monsters went soaring up, up, up. Into the unlimited, unfathomable regions ethereal. Both were carried by the breezes several hundred yards to the east. Professor &ola cut loose first; while Mile. Theresa's vessel carried her above and beyond. After mount ing for a few seconds her balloon ap peared to cease to mount?, but swayed' back and forth, while the little lady sat on her giddy perch all alone and looked downward where her compan ion aeronaut was still gliding smooth ly through, the 'air, and downward further still where was the gaslng mul titude, each with head and hack bent and optldal .organs strained. Then she, too, suddenly seemed to become homesick for Mother, Earth and cut away. Neither aeronaut was hurt and both landed not far from the same place, a" few hundred yards ' to the east of the grounds. RACING 'EVENTS OF THfi DAYi The grandstand was : about filled when the hour for racing arrived, and this event proved,; as attractive tfs on the' preceding days. There were only two races for a purse of $300 each. In the 2:25 .pace there were three en tries with ; the . ; following , results: '"Maaie C." got first money,' entered by X E. Plerson; ' "Jessie C."cme second, entered - by Penny Bros.? "Lucy Gentry'; was third," entered by the Virginia Breeding Association. THe following was the result In the 2:27 trot: "Running Brook,"- by T. Cov ington, won first motley; ."Zella MacK.1"! by C. F. Bunch. . -second; .'Valley Medium," by Penny Bros., third, and :.' . ) 1 ' v, J ..! Just scratch a matcK light ' . -.'. the Perfection Oil Heatefr-f3 r ,'and.top. shrvenBg. Wlier-. r, - ever you have a room that hard to heat that the fur nace doesn't ' reach there ; youH need a ' ', PEffEcnonca - (Equipped wlila Smokeless Device) - Just the thing foe buzzard time or Between seasons. Its genial, 1 glowing heat makes any loom cheerful and cozy. No smoke . ' students. Made of brass, nickel plated with the latest kripfoved eenteJ draft burner. Every lamp ' ! wwrranted. Write our nearest, agency for de , scrqptive circular if your dealer cannot supply ' the Perfection Oil Heater Of Rayo LAmp. - Ctandnr 1 cil Comriny , ' The fair vshish cKw J l.it u' ht has boon remark 'i lily fuocrssful Ir.nn every point, of view. In av.t'rwlance it nay broken all rvorJs -nt twa part oi the country, it brinsj pretty fairly oa timatert that a total of 45,000 peopla visited the grounds during the four days. Not only did the city turn out in full force, but the country people gave the Institution a fine patronage for which the officials aro very grate-fuL.-From a financial standpoint, the Fair has never been approached by any held In this county. The midway attractions brought In a mighty reve nue,, monster prices being paid for choice tenting lots. Even a few feet aown behind the norai nan sow reaa lly at a fine price. . Thare never was a larger number of attractions at pre vious fairs and from this source tne treasury was considerably re-enforced. Weather conditions, too, have been ideal and it appears that no better time could-have heen. selected or holding the show. . There was- no real appearance f rain during the entire four days a Everything has passed off in a manner that satisfies the people and the fair: management, and no body has any serious kick unless It be the fellow who played the fakir at a losing game, and he haa nobody to - blame hut .. hrmsetr. - Tnere nas been,, as usual, lot ' of criticism about some or tne mm way attractions, out ii Is renerallv conceded that the au thorities endeavored to handle these affairs , In a proper way. ; They ; are delicate things to fool with m a com munity like this, but the officials -claim that thev were riven roper cur Ding. There was much money lost on ihe fortune wheels, but tma might nave been - expected hy those . who fur nlshed the patronage. JThe fakirs car ried away a sight or money- can do heard on all sides, hut mat was their business,' and they generally succeed when given the chance. Despite all the knocking that has teen done ana will be done the Fair haa been a glorious success. ' 1 . " v-'--,; CAR AND TVAGON COLLIDE. Serersvillo Street Cnr Runs Into Ijoaded Lumber Wagon and Small While Boy Is Painfully HurtHow It All Happened. A Seversvllle street car collided iwlth a loaded lumber wagon near Fite's atore yesterday afternoon about 5 . o'clock. Harry Lowder, the small son of Mr. D. S. . Lowder, an em ploye of the Southern, was thrown from his . seat in the wagon to the ground and badly bruised. A gash was cut . In Ms tight leg and another on the, rtebt side of his head. , His right ear was also torn. The colored driver, who was directing the two mules. , was struck by a piece of lumber and knocked unconscious for 4,-few moments, Immediately after the collision the white boy was brought into the city and carried to the Presbyterian Hospital, where his wounds ' were attended to. While painful, they are not serious, and he ivTlll be able to be out In a few days. The accident was probably due to the carelessness of the colored driver, who drove across the track without looking back to see If a car was ap proaching Both were going m the same direction and, owing to tho weight of the load,-the driver could not get1 his wagon out of the -way. The collision was: not a heavy one, the wagon only being tilted over. The' shock, however, was sufficient to throw both occupants out on the ground. '" T. W. C. A: NOTES. Fine Concert Being Planned To Morrow Afternoon's Meeting to Bo Addressed by Miss Grecver. The 5' o'clock'; meeting tev-morrow afternoon of the Young "Women's Christian Association .will be ad dressed by Miss Margaret E. areever, of Elizabeth College, and alt ladies are cordially. Invited and .reqursted to attend.. An Interesting programme s being: arranged and the meeting promises to be exceedingly helpful. ;The association Is planning a con cert to be given In the Selwyn Hotel next Friday night, when Mrs. Burmelster," who 18 well known here, will play. UiA, violin. She will be assisted by ar number of 1 local mu sician. . ; .-' -. Miss Mildred Watklns', Bible class holds . Its usual meeting Momlay night and she will , talk on the sub ject1 of "The. Divided Kingdom." It Is hoped that a large: number of ladies will go to the, meeting. Vf ' ' ' " '"'" ' ' , Mr." William E. Curtis Coming. V The fame of the Selwyn1 Is going abroad. Mr. Edgar B. Moore yes terday received a letter from Mr. William E. Curtis, the noted Wash ington correspondent of LThe Chicago Record-Herald, engaging rooms for his wife and himself and a party of ladles who svlll arrive In the city this morning. They will remain over until Monday afternoon. 5Il ill . . Heater m ho smell imokelei. device prevents, ixao font holds 4 quarts of 'oil burning 9 hours. Fin, ished n japan and nickel Every heater warranted. . which M so much appreciated by workers and ' ' ; :irty ot :.. 1 (.;. 1 v " ; s .- j iiih.-r-t ;i . I ri.-irui.-f.-t - " . -a ; rrivt- in New "i' ork Mon.i.iy fro .i thrir tour through the votton b(-'t, the Mississippi valley and Gr.it Lakes. Ths trip was maJe In a 10 cjieh special-which was operated hy the Southern Railway under the suT pervision of Mr. M. V. Richards, su perintendent of the land and indus trial department. THe special--was out eighteen days during whlah time it visited a 'score-of States and stop ped in mUny large cIUm. Of parti cular Interest 40 Charlotte people la the statement that the dlnlns; car service, of which Mr. O..L. Best, of this city Is ( superintendent, . served 7,000 meals .while the party was en route. The' special reached New York but 10 minutes Jate. Carolina-Virginia . Game To-Day. , .Particular Interest is being mani fested in the outcome of the football game this afternoon between the ri val Universities of North, Carolina and Virginia 1 on the Richmond gridiron. Charlotte is' full of loyal Cliapel Hill alumni' who are confident that! the contest wilt result In victory to the blue and white, v The Observe will post , bulletin -announcing the , re sult ef the gam as soon as it Is ever. MAKES HOMELY WOMEN PRETTY. 1 No woman' no matter hew regular her feature rmy be can be calW pretty At her complexion Is bad.- Orlno Laxaflve Fruit Byrup aids dlgentlon and clears tallow blotched complexions by stimulat ing the liver and bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup ' does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and plea rant to - take, , Remember- the name Orlno and refuse to ac cept anr aubstitute. . R. H, Jordan St Co.. W. L. Hand Co. . , PEOPLE'S COLUMN :,: AH advcrtlsemento Inserted to this column at rata of ten cents per fine of six words. No ai. taken for let than SO cents. Cash to advance. WANTED. WANTED Position as book-keeper in mercantile or mill office. Experienced In shorthand and typewriting. Bella Bailey . McConneUsvflle, S. C. WANTEDPractlcal cotton mill man, open for position afUr Nov. lat; expe rlonced on coarse and fine numbers. C B. J., care Observer. WANTED Position y competent ste nographer. References good. Prefers position in bank. Address "T," care Ob sorver. '-, WANTED Two good brick layers at once. (1 times Issued.) Apply Falls City Construction Co., Shelby, N. C. FOR SALE. FOR Sjtl.E Finest combination horse, 6 years c.ld. drive nicely, and elegwnt sailer; lady can ride or drive him; weight 1,050 pounds. X Arthur Hender son. ' FOR SALE Olds runabout with back seats; very little used. . Special price $373. Mam & Ross, Charlotte. N. C. FOR 8ALI5 6D0 acres htrdwood timber; origlnnl forext; oak, chestnut, hickory, poplar, pine. W.M, Pratt, Marion, N. C. FOR SALE To introduce our high grafle fruit cider we offer U in 18-gallon kegi st $f a keg for a abort time. All flavor, floods guaranteed. Cash with order, Carolina Cider & Vinegar Co., Columbia. . a - . ' , FOR f '.LE CHEAP-Thlrty-flvs horse ' powei tubular boiler and fixtures and enrrlne, shafting, pulleys, mortise, tenener. ripsaws, paneiraiaer and blind machinery. F. W. Ahrena, Morehead street. FOR SALE .5,000 feet 1-Inch oak lum her. Rankin Lumber Co., McAden vlllo. N. C. j IXDST LiST Diamond locket at fair grounds. Fngraved K. 8. B., 4elgn woman' hepd blowing bubbles. Reward for re turn to this office. FOR RENT, FOR RENT-Residence In Dilworth. For torma apply t0: O:' Ai' Robblna. . , - HXRCELLA NEOCa IT ISN'T TOO LATE yet to get In line for that $S Mrs. Joe Person Is going to give awsy, a WRAVEltS - WANTErU-Flne ahlrtlng and dresi Rood. Narrow Crompton tit Knowlea Ixiomi. . Aberfoyle Mfg. Co., HOTEL proprietor, axnerlenrd, aiteceaa- ful and well recommended, winhee to make a chansre. Intereated nnrtles ad- rireartvlth full partloulara. 1. A. M., care UMtcrver. --. , ... -...A.....i. DR. WAKKF1ELD can be conanltad In hla office In the Hunt Building every dny. Houra S:30 to I. Freo hour to the poor begina at 12:30 every day. WINTER IS AT ' HAND Now la the time to acna your urunericH ana cur tain .to ua to have dyed or cleaned. Queen City Dytlng and Cleaning Work. fine! BUSINESS OrPORTt;MTTan. ernl mercantile eatabliahment wanta a viver and mane aer. Mutt bt able to take enough etock to be peraonaly Inter eatedi For p&rtioalar addrasa.Box , Stanley, N. C. , hJ fl TJKPARTMENT of Agriculture, office the Swroturv. waahinaton. I). C, Octobar 1(1, 1(107. - Notice la hareby giv er that the Secretary of Agriculture haa. under authority conferred by law, lauel n amendment dencribed aa Amendment No. -4 to Rule 1. Hovlalon 2. to brevent the .epread of eplene'lo fever in cattlo. This einendment, which becomoa effee five November 1. Wl. crohW4t the In te-r-late movement of cattle from the moil fled nuarantlned area Into . tha pnrl8hea of Lincoln and Claiborne In tha Ktate 01 iiouiaiaua. unieaa aucn cattle hall have be-n . properly trated under the euperlvlaion - of - an Inspector of tha Pureau of Animal Tnduatrr. Conlee t4 Amoudment No. 4 to Rule 1. Rcvlalon 2, mnr ontstnefl- itwn me tiuet of the Bureau of Anlm.il Induatry, wboae ad dreiiM I Washington, D. C. Jainca WU on, Secretary 01 Agriculture. l!clice of Administrator's Sale of UYC17 Business. - Tho tmdernlgned, admlalMralor of the etate ot George A, Rurna, de ceased, will, expnae for : sale r-the livery . buRlnesg of aaid eatate,, to gether with the good-will and all Of tha property - connected there with, at public auction. ; Thla la one of the flnent - livery bunlnrBKeg In North Carolina,' and the pal it made for tho purpoae of (windings up the estate of George A. Durn. Horse and vehicle are In excellent condition, end- the . pur chaser -will be guaranteed a lean of large and commodious atablea for" a long term of yearn at very reason able rental, '. ' ' . ' Time of Mlft, Tuearlay, November ith. 1907, lf.it o'clock p. m.t, , .: l'lac of aale, livery stable of Oeorg A. Purna, In , the , .Cttjr ot Fayettevtlle, N. C. .4i,' Terma of aale, ah. ' 1 . , ,, iNOOLD, , AdmlnlHtrator of the Estate ot (.. A. ftnrmi, deceased. - Till 2dAiy .of. October,. 150Z. --4 - .' t - - 1 3 .!,.. 1 ""II!! - H.l f : RonPTiiiFiiOiTS cur mill . LARGEST AND CLST EQUIPPED CCLLILniE.5 Cmesapelake. 6 Ohio Coal & Coke. Co. M.O.BROOW GEN. MGR. Given Away Dec. 31 . We are giving Coupons with' each 25c Y purchase of anything in our store. The person holding number correspond ing to the first ' number drawn receives $50.00, second number $25.00, third $15.00 and fourth $10.00. . . , The Largest and Best Stcck In the Gty to Select From ' Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Combs, Face Powders Talcum Powders, Tooth Pow ders, all Face Creams and Lotions, Cha , mois Skins, Stationery, finest Perfumes, : Sachets, Soaps, etc.; Rubber Gloves Syr .' inges, Water Bottles, Flesh , Brushes, ' Sponges, all Patent Medicines, Braces, Trusses, Supporters; Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco. Prescriptions filled by graduates only. Every number a lucky one, because you save money every time you go to English-Marty Co. The Biz Drug Store at 40 South Tryon. il Banc 1 a mother .should be a source of danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother' Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great ' pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided bv its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions, are" overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and tho ; serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by tho use of Mother's nfl Jtt1P4fvQ', " Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold," I JJ?HEE5rj K says many who have used it. $1.00 per llU vUMkiWU Xy, bottle at drug stores. Book containing " , , j valuable information of Interest to all women, will ft!!rrilirr'!rlf be sent to any address free upon application to n r IT I OlAOnaO PCGULATOn OO.t AUantm, Ga. 11 il a4L JJ mm) ' c Wi T. McCoy THE HOME FURNISHER $20.00 TO $40.00 -The wise man is now armed with a Light Overcoat, for, , no matter how warm tho noon' .6un,:it'8 bound to .be cool at' night. ,i - ' , ' , Light Overcoats of all sorts, including Rain- k , , coats! . ' . r ' t: 4 . , , ' , l J 1 t . j, t Men's garments to order ' in the tailorings ' department : ' ' ' - 1. ' v The Tate - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Every mother feels a, - great dread of the patri and danger attendant upon ' the most critical period ioy to all. but the suffcrinff and . We art abowlna loma beautiful new Ladled Deeki . this week, aoma of, them unufual bargain, a Deslc la one of tha most convenient artlctea of furniture, being attractive "la appearance and moit uaefuL v , x J Golden Oak or Imitation, il, hoyany Deaka. .15.00, StUf, 7.80; Golden or Weathered Oak Desk $9.00, 11150, 113,50, up to $18.00, Bird's Eye Maple and Mahogany Dei, $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, $20.00. Desk Chairs to match all - IVake, Prices ran from ....$2.50 to $7.00. We will be pleated to have you call and Inspect our , line, .whether you buy r not. s , Brown Ob. i'

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