f ( v ,1 i 1 f v ,1 ,.- it, 11 t -.: v . : j ; - j . in t: : i i -.-: ' j i - i, Oi j i ' iw i i . iiniom-3 or OsUr ClU'tl. rt oine 0iiMer- lioIous Mosea II. Cone, In Watauga Democrat. Let rno point out to your readers soma of the. advantages that will ao crue to the mountain region from the establishment, of ihe Appalachian for est -reserve, and these are all Irre spective of the great good the psople In the State through which our rivers . flowt below the .mountains .will ex perience if true ; flow vis constant . . throughout the year V The protection of our mountain , lorest irora nres; i. The enormous benefit , to "be de ' rived from free advertising'' such an enterprise-.wiu. give us. - , . It will cause the building., of good, roads; by the government. 4. Teach us how to care for and perpetuate our forests. , - 6..' Brlnar wealthv nboDle hern who ' will spend money and Invest among - 8. .Preserve the great wonderful natural beauty of 'this section. We - have the most "-beautiful mountain scenery lu the world, Take away our - trees, our shrubbery , our , bushes 'and v we lose all that, v Qur advantage now over the scenery at DarJeUlng, In In . dia, in the foothills of the great Hlm , alayan mountains which, next to the .. Blowing Rojck region, Is the most awe-lnspirln'g, Bcenery: in the world, is . that .our. mountains are covered" witn , beautiful ; forests,' the rich ; green Of . which Is lnclmparably finer than the appearance of the twenty peaks, each Over 20,000 feet altitude, -plainly vls Y lble from Tiger Hill near Darjelllng, s but the timber on , which la-not to ,ba compared to our tj That; scenery ,1s grand; Ours is 'sweCtr restful'; beautl- ful and much to be ' preferred. .' That - country .Is rough. and ruggedr and it Is difficult to find ' spot level enough or 4vhicn to 'build a. house, tet atone a town, while here we have a. plateau , most livable and most beautiful. 1 ; -y 7, ; I am confident thai, it - will re sult in opening this section to lndus ' trial 'development wi.-'.;' ' k, ' 8. ' It ! would r make " of ' this vr whole section one great summer resort, fur- nishlng, a. good market for the pro- - duce of tha farmer, bringing . vast numbers of people of culture and re finement Into our midst; I am sure it would, bring us schools and colleges. 9. It would bring ju in close' touch ' with the people of sthe whole world. ' ' 10. A few yearsagd when I first came Into. Watauga, your lands were of xi Mttle ; yalue.t ; To ; illustrate, ' ' I ; bought the Norwood pastures, one of the richest pieces pt land In Watauga, i.uww cres.jior ,uoo. Three years ago together with some other gentle men, i oougnt so.ooo acres of good timbered lands In Habersham and jung counties, Georgia, and In the asjommg counties of North Carolina at S2"per acre. This land had hnan bought the previous year for $1, per - acre, uenevmg tne Appafichlan for , est reserye bill would fait we sold out , at 14 per acre, thoufh we ; would much rather the Unrted States go ernment had bought those lands. if the government . begins buying lands mere win no more H, l2or4 per acre lands in this whola vast sco- tlon. Thefe' tfre ndff4"na ltfWiU tauga and I ftaven't the least Idea -that4f this 'bill carries , m Congress tnat taey win want any . Watauga lands at the prices that will be asked for them or wlllch they will brimr. -N 117 And now what the objection , to tnia splendid enterprise? It Is claimed that under U the poor man or tne la-rmer win jiave ri is home taken from hlnv Nothing of the sort. Do't you know the government of the' Uni ted States 4s the falrent and purest government In the world, hat It cares as much, and! I think more, for the humblest cltlsen' ln the country, as for thfe "richest? Jt te true that it will have the right to condemn euchsJands or such 4arjrlS5ut It will never Jn this world use' that right unless, absolutely - necessary 1 -to the enterprise." It will ou?h ao- farms to which- the owner . enters objection. If it tried td do so, - th owner would have the right either io jurys awara or an arbitration, and in such a case it would be valued . at much more than It Is worth to-day, This is the only abjection that ean be - urged, and I give assurance that the - government don't want farm lands, It don't want rich coves. It don't want (to and won't hurt the old settler. , It wartta m ridges, the timber n the mountain, sides;, it .wants those great v mostly unoccupied tracts to the west of .us, like I bought In the western JH of this gtate and North Oeor- 12. By the terms of the first sec tion of the bill creating this enterprise "land suited to national forest reserve purposes" are provided for and the '. government construes this to be "lnd not -ValuQibl for agriculture, so thai only non-agricultural landB would -be tfefllred.'..'-"' - v--. ' : 13. Section 2 of the said bill pro vides that the government can In , event condemn: land only; so long as the owners protect and perpetuate the forest on said land under such regula ttoririfia "the'Secretary of Agrlcultur may prescribe. It aleo .provides that , therBecretary shall advertise fo bids from the owners of lands M is pro posed to boy under this law, 1 .? ' 1 4.' v in the great forest reservatlhs of the Wert the homeseeker can. travel through and pick out ho agricultural lands he wants for a home, apply for ,,lt, have it listed, settle upon It when aisted,vbuild his home, .cultivate his ilclds, patent tt and spend the rest of his days there. . IS, I contend! that i (but 'few hare examined Jnto the merits of this matter-end really know' What the gov ernment, want or expects todo. If, you will wrtte to-the Hon. James wit: ; son.- Secretry bf Agriculture Wash j ington, A C and get all the literature ; on this matter and read It carefully, : If you will then form your own opln-, . on,;t.am sure you; will advocate this great' enterprise. ' - vi-j; -. .v.,;,.. o ltSittkM traveig from Tutocorln, ' -in th.3 jetrmio. southern part f IndiA. , norm no jeyporej a uistarwe of 1,700 railes, he will ee little forest, he will crqff jthW: beds of many. large jivers, n"ihr creeks and ; branches, all of -which-' for, eight months of the year a ie absolutely dry, nd n those eight months there Is no rain. , If he makes thnt.trlp a I did, and notes thecondl- tkns, be will appreciate the vahia of our forests which give our streams a constant flow. : 1 "It.' ff'on travels In Egypt from Assouan on the River INile, where the Knglfch have built the greatest dam end reservoir In the worid, to Cairo, R dlsrtancei of .toa mjles, And sees that : they, have n forests' and less than Ave Inches of r&4h fall in a whole year nnd the only means ifrey have of rsis :nihf,r I" by using hand labor to rfelse the- watr from the Nile so , that H may flow in artificial rfmlns out on the land, he will then appreciate the prophsed sys'em mf forestry, 11 In Germany thpy have found . It necessary to estabiiBh most stringent forest Jaws and you ennnot cut down a tree on jor,owft land unlws m ! ft int T!riAthrr.-r ' ,.'." ; 19 In -France Twhwi KeyTi ve ' - mifffred terribly from floods cnttd by Cie forests having toeen destroyed, thfy 1 ' 'Y :f 1 i. I v ' i i ;.; :i sr : t v-.:. ::r. I r . I. -.- ,.,!:. . f'I 'Ht' be . !-reir. r w:.- :-, n a .:...i :.cr -he akeiimeinwuM Ui the government have any of my land? Now, I don't believe there la a cuizen of this county who loves his kinds more, (than I do mine, tr one w ho would rather live on the-m than any where on earth, and yet I answered Mr. Llnney, arid I meant every word I said, that if it were nece.so.ry to do bo and by so doing I could certainly vi-uie , mis great and beneficent en terprise, I would not hesitate n mln lite about deeding my whole estate to wie government without one d-11ar' pay for it Theiiappiness I would have irom fiaving been the .means of .brine' Ing this great, jblesslng to the future cmzen oi tnij wttiole region would compensate me for any great aacrl s VARIETY OP TRYON XEWa, Contract For New Bank Building Let ,v Mr.' U, B. . Logan Goes to Jn drum, s. Cv-New Agent Appointed by Southern i ItUwsylinlster wui liutia a Hoiua OUicr Items. Corresportdence Of ;The Observer. - . Tryon, Oct-i 26,-i-The building com mmee oi the Bank of Tryen met vveanesaay night ana : awarded the contract for the bank .building v to Wright . J Galnea lef : Tryon. v The building will be 25x50 feet, two stories in; height and situated ' on Trade street, adjoining the Balleniter Com pauy. iiw eeconu noor wm do ntten up for offices. Work will commence at once and the building is to be completed within three months. - The Bank of iTrvon'waa organized about ; three years ago and occupies a portion of the Ballenger Company's Duiiamg. Joseph Norwood, of Co lumbia, B. C is resident and Jf, B iiesier, o jnyon, casnier . Tne cap ltal stock Is $10.00. v i ; George' B. Logan, manager of 1 the mercantile department of the 'Tryon Hoslonr Company, at Lynn, . has re signed his position and gone to Lau- drum, 8. C- Where he has formed i partnership with A. C. Boone,' of Mill Spring) and B. T. Boone, oi Saluda, and ; purchased the mercantile busi ness of Gray. B. , Hampton,, at Laud rum,". Mr. -Logan is a son of r Col. Robert Logan, of Rutherford county, and has been residing In Polk coun ty about three years, during - which time he. has made many friends who will wish him well in his new yen ture. : . i,'.-:'x.:: Ith the Southern Railway at Colum bia, - S. ; C has been appointed agent hera to succeed S. B. Talley, who re signed recently to accept th position of cashier for a new ang ; Deing or sranlsed at Fairfax, a C 4 ; Rev. E.- N, Jovner rector of the Church of the Holy Cross, has pur chased a building lot, from the Ken- worthy tract on, Melrose avenue ana will erect & handsome residence. , Jv The Skyland Hosiery Company has opened anjofflce in Tryon, - taw com pany has a capital of $300,000, and will ureet a knitting - mill t Flat Bock; where the hosiery will be knit and. then sent to the Tryon Hosiery Comnanr for finishing, s - .' The winter visitors are arriving steadily .and practically every house M town Is already occupied or en gaged and a gay winter Is anticipat ed. es Hall Hotel , at Tryon ana me Mimosa at Lynn will i noon be in Mdlneswtrecerv 4he-wInter guests. "City. council met' last night and warded & contract to Wi Gaines for a new. guard house for $425, ths building to be of rock and concrete. 10x2$ feet, steel doors nd partitions. and completed by December 1st G. H. ; Holmes was elected cltv en glneer and glvert aupervteion of fhe grading of Trad sreet, preparatory to macadamizing.. Contract for grad ing was awarded 'to' C. C. Constant, of Lynn. . , , fORK OF SCOTLAND COXTRT. Two Important rivl! re Wcr on , the Docket One Settled In Favor of the PIMntlff and the Other. ' Owln to TImess of a Juror, Results - in a Miwriai. . ; . .. a,-,;--, fi; SBedal to .The Observtf.. " - L-Laurlnburg, y Oct ; 27-6uperlor court ror tne trial or civil cases was in session here last week with his honor, James I Webb, . presiding, There wera two cases of Importance set for trial, one being the case of Currle vs. Gilchrist, an ejectment suit involving the ownership of some six ty acres of land, The Jury returned a verdict in favor ofthe plaintiff. and jjLappeal was taken to the Su preme Court. "'The other and the most notable base; was that of C..E. Hose vs. Seaboard Air Line Hallway. ana was on the account of personal injuries received by the plaintiff about one year ago, and was for - the sum of $50,900, '; After the case had been progressing for some Wo ' or three days, one of the jurors was - taken violently, ill and the court was com- polled to. enter a mistrial and ad journ for. the term. This was Judge Webb's sec6nd visit to this - county, and the people were only too glad to see him return. .The farmers. of this county are greatly put; out at the extremely low price o cotton now prevailing and only a very small ner cent , of them are selling,' but. several are : buying and storing It for better - prices, which ; they feel confident are com pelled to come in the spring, If not earlier. The yield has ' been fairly good" In this .community; ' WINSTON DAVGnTERS JIEET. Battle of Chancouorsvllle I ; Studied mud Derogates to National Convcn- Corrnondence of The Oosorver. - Wlnston-Silem,. Oct ' - 26. The James ;B. : Gordon -Chapter of ' the United Daughters of the Confederacy held a- most interesting meeting yes terday; afternoon, at "4 o'clocki. There was not a very large, attendance but the meeting waa prooably; ona ot the most interesting held in a long time. The battle of Chancellorsvllle was the study for Ore afternoon and a moat interesting, paper on this battla was read by jura. w.-t. Brown, Mrs. Henry Roan read a very- Instructive paper on the death of Stonewall Jack son. Each of tho ladles give soma Item of interest regarding the battle. One of the features of the meeting was the report of the'State , Conven tion held . In ' Greensboro recently. This was wade by Mrs.. W, T. Brown snd Mrs.' James Norfleet, who gave in a most interesting way a : full ao count 6C the proceedings of " the-convention. -.' - ", " ' The following named were : elected delegates to the national convention to be held in Norfolk, Va., beginning the $d ; of November: Mesdames "H. L. Rigglns, W,T. Brown. -W. P. Hill; alternates,, Mesdames,, John ; Gilmef, Delos Thomas and W, T. Carter, The; battle of Gettysburg will be studied at the next meeting. svf i , ' A CRIMINAL ATTACK . : On an inoffensive itiw-n' f ; rrefitn-nfy m.ido In tht apprnily ua1ms little tube callPd th "aprnii!.' It's general ly the retitlt of protracted ?rrvirttp(itlfn, f'-nfWtn Uvr tnrpor. lr. King's New l.itr "Ptflv trln th lvr, ftrvnt p pndlltis, and tabllh regiil.ir hllf of the bowclM. 30. t W. h. ilaild At t'O.'S i .uics j ) to : t. t uit 1 .nnvj.t liV i:i.i I'ul -:'Ut' ;Mrt men Oj".-iiniaie a MiooUr? tint: 1'aLins J-:v la TiinU-r Asms inents Other ?.oios. Eaoclal to The Cl vrv r. Loulaburg, Oct. 27.--In 'the recent suit In Superior Court in which Mr. J. J. Hayes as administrtor, was suing the Seaboard Air Line for dam ages for the killing of Tom Macon, the w rlter was informed and so stated in this correspondence, that the railroad CorrjDanv had offered to compromise the matter for $2,200. Mr. Hayes says, that this is not true, no offer of any amount having ever been nw-aa, anrf at ht earnest renuest tne correc Uon is gladly made. The Jury award ed $1,427, and an appeal has been taken to the SuDreme Court It is a subject of comment among the masses why the Jury was not allowed to a Bess punitive damages in a case where the circumstance were so ngsravwicu. The negro was on the sidewalk on the rnntn ntrfiet of th town when the locomotive Jumped over the littl bluff and killed him, notwithstanding wnicn fact the law, it seems, ooes not w itimnm)! of a iminitive cnaracter, A number of local sportsmen have organized a shooting club and at the meeting Friday elected Mr. R, C. Beck secretary and treasury., Much sport waa had by shooting at the clay pig eon. -Mr; Al Vf.v- Person - was the winner, hitting 21 out of 25ehots. t , Jtlrs. E. a Beddlngfleld of the cor poration : commission was ; here Fri day and met -with the board of county commissioners, taking evidence in the matter of timber assessment-in this county V The ctandlng timber, or rath er ft good per nt. thereof, is -owned by foreign companies and they chink thv have been aiscraminvea o"B; CY URIC UV., v." , ins. oeuune m .vwwu ' receipts on the local market and farm era art storing away,, declining to sell at present prplces. As to tobacco, the rumor prevalent that ' ths American Tobacco Company had taken its buyer off the local -market Is untrue. He is buying every day. .. . ' f ' J; '. MOORESVlLIJSSLTTERS; ; V- Attorney Turlington Hariii Nevr Of Warehouse Being Bone Now and ; win Be Completed to , ft Month's Time. -;i.:t' ; '"'' Mooresvlile. Oct' 27. 'Mr; i George C. Goodman is having tho, two rooms oyer the front of his drug store te modeled and as soon as completed will be occupied; by v Attorney Z. V. Tur lington. One of them wilt be Mr, Turlington's private office, . and the other will be nicely fixed up for s reception room. The walls are be lne caldmined. The offices when completed will be in keeping with Mr. Turlington's growing practice. The'Offlce now occupied py r. Tur lington will be fixed up as a private office for Dr. F. A. ' Carpenter, who ; has formerly occupied the office with Dr. N. G. Moore, .out owing, to tne large office practice of these two ph slctans it necessitates an office fori each one. . , I Work has been begun on the Mooresvlile Cotton Holding Company's warehouse and the foundation has been laid. Tho. work will be rushed to completion as early as possible and it Is expected that it will be read for cotton within JO days. ' . ti GRA .NTTE CITY NEWS NOTES. Good Opening For a Wood Yard at Alonnt Airy Fine Property Sells at a Barimiii 'Personal Mention. Bpeotal' to Th Observer. . .w , Mount Airy. Oct 27, Mrs. . Will Lineback has bought :, the hosiery mill boarding house . . on Franklin street, this city. ; The" price paid was only 11,600, which is perhaps tn test bargain In real estate sold here this year. This lady has ' gpoa pat rohage and will do well. The citizens are complaining a trreat deal and talking wood fam inc." Enterprising men could make a mint of money here by estsbllshing a first-class wood yard in this city, as the eltv has nothing of the Kind. Mr. Jeff Biizard, or tnis my, nas sold his house on Pine street to Mr, H. Schafer and is having a aplendld dwelling' erected near the Mount Airy irrantteiuarries. l.. Mf. Levi ' Roberts. OI nonnnynra, Ind., has built for himseir a nice res idence near the Second Presbyterian church at. the doarrles. :".-.?' j Mr. W. C. Rtepo mn pnrcnaiwn from George W. sparger, r.sq xne nice brick residence on South street State. Auditor Addresses jtoDcson Conn Teachers. ? ijiimnerion.. wet.- . a iri;u5i tflntltnte was held here yesterday, and was one df the blgtest institutes that has ever been held irt Lumberton, The rtroaramme- was . an, Interesting one, Dr. B. F. Dixon. State Auditor, being the nrlnciral sDeaken Th appear ance of this large hooV of teachers, both gentlemen and ladles, was such as to mate the people or Robeson proud. The body war composed' of many of the most Intellectual and refined citizens of the county.,. . , Men's Fifth Avenue Styl , . s Clothing that shows the most careful, ; ; Dainstakmg. effort in designing. - Famous ; New York styles the stvU that mir, Fifth Avenue 4 fashion centre. Clothing V-v of character "and re- V nned taste. Ulhisk" r whatyou seek, exam- -r ine THP - PTPTf-r ' AVENUElline.of' rtnen suits at your ; clothier). '; ; t Thejr have snap, finger, vigor in every ore. For everv man i , .of,eveCy uium uicie a a BUll lO fiUlt HI " THE FIFTH AVENUE line. The linen label , coat pocket, under all. fair Condi . tibnsriVa guarantee of satisfaction to the" . wearer to the very end. '',e5easonabIy retailei from,$16.50 to . .'A5-00- appreciative clothiers.-: . ' Mine - ?lakert of Tltn'i A I " ""i !:!, of Walter, and Mr. John Cyru V.'atsou. of JollCsfHro. ll!"!it Tlinf. fr Tin Words of Union Spoken Jut u:o Bau xwacijetl ifcj Zenith. Special to The Obrvcr. . , . , vv aaer, Oct. . 27.In the rlad noontide of yesterday. . at beautiful fcOUthrn 0.i u . . ui air. . . . and Mrs. J. H hiiHnmt Mat.V t u accomplished daughter. .imo iH.iiH. in rns nrsoaNA v 0 host Of friend n. ..iaw happily married to Mr. Johtt Cyrus vvatson,vof jonesboro. - : In the shade of tha arent aU nav. twenty-five flteDa nur rmm k-. . I 'wWl ereted a concave arch ten "lsn ana entwined with golden -vv uu Lcuar, - ! na n nt ai aah mm a leading from the house out to ' this " was . carpeted w.ith white cam Mid and set off by short stakes,' flam boyant WU4 solldago and waving rib bons of cream crepe paper. Just-at the Sun nMrtit th mtrl. an," MISS Cora niTnn. . rt -. Wit, standing out by the, arc, accompan ied by the organ under the ,'artlstle hands of Miss Bonnie Nunn, of Rocky Mount, very effectively, sang "Because I Love YOU." As tha sons closed and w xne emotional , strains of Mendels- sonn s , : famous air, ; the wedding maren be ran. First came the uah ers, Messrs. Robert Lee, of t Four Oaks, and Hard Rose, of Chanel Hill, i Next came the srroom and ids best man, Mr. James i Nicholson, of Swan Station,:, v Then Jn succession followed the waiters Mr. John Hol- lowell, of Four Oaks, and Miss Bes sie Swlnson, of Walter; Mr. .Albert Holland, of, pinkney, and Miss Annie Belle Rose, of Whitleys; Mr. Edward Shaw, of Jonesboro, . and : Miss Cora Dixon, of Walter; Mr. Hamilton Cald well, ; of ; Charlotte, i brother of tha brde, and Miss Florence Watson, of Jonesboro; sister of the groom. Then, following the two little flower girls. Misses Minor and Arnnle Howell, who. clad in immaculate white, passed along strewing petals of roses over the hymeneal way, came the bride on the arm of her maid of honor, Miss Bessie Lambe, of Slier City, , i !The maids, in regular order, fell out a few yards on either side of tfie arch and the .bride and groom moved up directly within It And thus the performing minister. Rev. Dr. John Farrles, pastor of the First Presbyter Ian .church of Goldsboro, from his seat a space In front-of the arch, stepped forward and, as a large, symbolic, paper bell, just 1 over- their heads, moved by the balmy west wind, swung gently to and fro, pronounced the sacred words that made , tnem man and wife. The bride was modestly gowned in white taffeta. She carried bride's roses and her veil wis looped with lilies of the valley. The maid or honor wore pink point d'sprlt and carried pink carnations. The brides maids were attired In dotted swlss and parried ferns and white carna tions. Dlrectlv after the ceremony tne bridal party retired to the depot where, under a shower 01 rice,, tney boarded the 1 o'clock train for i the home of the bridegroom at Jones boro..' Cbarrus Mart to Wed m tho Oty of Much learning, - Corword. Oct, 2e.-albarrua county will furnish the 'groom for quite an interesting marriage' to take place in Boston the 28th of this month. The parties of this romantic alliance are Mr. R. Wrenn Fleming, I no. a town shlo. a son of the late , Thomas A. Flamihsr. and one of the most prom I nent farmers of this section, while the brid-o-be is a Canadian, being Miss Unm Morr son. who frequently vis- Med her sister. Mrs. Ml hw Ohler, for merly of Mecklenburg county but now of Oklahoma. ; Mr, Fleming left last night for Bos ton where he will meet Miss Morri son by appointment, and Tuesday they. will be married. After a brief sojourn, in the historic city, they will come to Cabarrus and live on the plantation of the groom, located In the western part of the county. Mr. Fleming is well known 4n this city and throughout the county by a large circle of friends, and the a;rmoiMice ment of his marriage Is somewhat of a miprlse to many, .' vfel Marriage la Announced. Special to The Oberver. Ltmioerton, Oct. 27. Invitations have been receive! hero to the mar- rinffm fnf M(m Beulah Hardlson, of MockaVllle, and Df. R. B. Beck with. Of Lumberton. The marriage will take place Wednesday at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, November 6th, In the Methodist church at . Moekrvllle. Miss Hardlson is a daughter of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Rardlson.. Dr. Beck with Is a prominent physician and esteem ed citizen of Lumberton, and t:ie an nouncement of this marriage will be read with Interest. : They will visit the Jamestown Exposition and other points on their bridal tour of two weeks. es age, size and on the inside ty Zxccptknal Ch ion.., i i A,. cov. Pickera Ilsvolviiij Flat 0ard3 Hallway Head3 and : Drawir ' Frames' f r A. H. lyAGNBZJRN, Southern Accrit CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Hardwood Mantels We manufacture and carrv a larsre stock ot Hardwood Mantels: also dealers in Tile and Grates. Can fill orders promptly. Write for catalogue.-; - - - , - v. J,-H. WEARN & CO., .Charlotte, ' N C. - ANY DAY'S MENU that you may glance at It printed for this restaurant Is a menu that will captivate you as well as sharpen your appetite. From oysters and soup down to desert WHAT WE SERVE ' Is appetizing and healthful. It's a long Journey to find a better menu, healthier food or prices more popu lar. Eating here means satisfaction as well as good. humor. GEM DINING ROOM. How aboat heating your hornet : SEE HACKNEY BROS.. The Plumbing and Heating uontractors. , We rsrrr .a fall line of snnnllM. " Tbone ti, $ W. Fihb BL. CHARLOT1E. iaillIXXIIIXI)IIXayiXCK Are Yon Engaged? If o, yon will need onr of our SolJUlre Diamond Rings. Any P size stone desired from Ten ' Dollars' up, , Our prices can not be duplicated for same Equality' goods. Every stone . guaranteed as represented or ' money refunded. . GAR1BAID1, & DIXON Leading Jewelers. TTXrrTTTt'liillllliirTTj:j ft Dr. tQ. Jfyt Batcblsoa. A . UatfLlson. : , E. Kye Hutchison & Son IWSURAWCE;: "', ; FIRrJ, LIFE,,. ACCIDENT . OlTICn No. t Hunt r.nlMlng. uiwf.rtr wsasksa ... . fa t S i M tt THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY C( Amsncsus AII-Wroagbt Steel S9IU Palter Aft "Giant" Stitched RskHet ..-V ' '' ' Bhliis. - I ; We carry fa stock Yala aad Towns Hoists up to tlx taoa capacity; also a , fall line of Packlae. Plpv Valves and I1U SappUe Going To Build? DON'T DO IT. Until you have communicated with and received prloes from Button r Bourbonnals. who manufacture complete House Bills, Rough and Dreued Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Wood Work of all kinds. Bottle Bote . and Packing Cases ft spaclalty. Direct from the forest to tha consumer. Hutton A Bourbonnals, Hickory, N. Q. Delivery fi Delivery Wapns f Wagons and fe81'1' Harness iW Harness At our shops, 220 N. Colle go street, wo build about SO , different styles of business wagons, and you can save ; about 25 per cent, by buying direct from us, as we have no freight and other expenses that a retail dealer has V to pay. , Wo will build any kind of a wagon to order. ' We Wadsworths' Sons Company CHARLOTTE, N, C y The American Machine S Manufacturing Company Cuccessors to Machinery and Conlractlnf Boslneag of . TEE t. A. TOSCTKIXS Vtj, ' -CDLARIi OXTK. W. a Y21RN tub kijid wTrn inz ' Keens Oil Off the Brery. Machine accurately balanced Cut Flower Time has coma again. We , hare them, as usual, and tha unusual . kind tha kind that art , Just a little 'better than the ordi nary commercial kinds. Wa groir' fancies In ROSES, CAR- -NATIONS,' etc. ' f - : : - We make handsome Brides' Bouquets, v Wa ship the hand somest Floral Deslgnsi used In North Cafollna, we do. Writ us, ttlsgtaph or telephone. w -hla,t "y point -quicit fj J. V21 Lin Jley Ncrscry Co. DR. 0. L. ALE2A1TDER '' DENTIST : ' " . ' r , M CAIISON CnUDINQ , ' -' r: - - ' r" - . . ' Southeast Corner rotR-ni axd n:vov et XnciriuC vmi ti 3 and Spoclsra , and Eeeb REELS paittxted oil gcamx Tin Wkn. rtnsn. " and tested, at speed before shlpptng. MACHINERY for - Farm " and Factciy " - ; 4 , ' --':';-;'; , " finginea ',;" 1 Thrta kind, front 11 to VL P. - , ,J Boilers." i-' . v. ' . y -j.'-ir'-ij r--". n Return .Tubular f and Portable ' on skids, from tt to 180 It P. f Improved Gin Machinery pingle' Q Ins and Presses and com plete outfits of capacity of 109 bales per lay and over. Saw.IIilb Four or are kinds, all else la tti tn tba South. Pullep and Shaf t:r All ttses, from the smallest to com plete cotton mill outCU. UDDELL rr CI tr! C. I