;,1 to T: o V- rv. v. rV c. r.ciscr " . pc - r ,f .shorts V;ikcs ! IViit op To of lies lluinors DixTinbcr liull Clique. . - , w Yoik. Oct. Sn. The cotton market i s firm ami hiBher to-day on Jin easier i nev inarft, ierort.i of a belter spot , . .luiixl and covering of shorts,-and -- . ... .i l... ..two iJ'll srnnrtrL - market cJ-el rlrm at a net a vni-e tr IS to Ti points.-- Sao were est.' )i ;icd . bales. i a mii-iifi .iix.nori tadv at an hi viitt.W l'i t to points and curln: th o.irlj- sftiOH sold up to n saw 1? to 21 points on ha active months a a reau'l of higher ebles, lew favorable weather re-purm ana covenn. x mo ' -.vnrd - movement was thecked by W) large ' estimate for 1 tO-morrcw'a reoointa at Houston - and reports werir that the .storciM in tha Southwest had been con fined to roast section tlius reuevina- ap- prehensions of damage in the interior. ' Alter selling oft to within 4 or 5 points ... of last ninhfs finals, however. under re ullsina; by yest erda y . buyers and a renewal 01 near pressure iutu r- furas-ed by rather gloomy reports from - New Orleans and tho arnouncement that thir balance vt th week had been de- rlaraf a- legal holiday in the Mat of " Wasliintrton, the. market firmed up again - and the highest point of the day was Jut fcefbrw the close "when there uras more aggressive Jiuil support and more ' KWlre- roverim v result ot tho New Oileuns wires , reporting an increased . fpot dumand and reports that cotton was ,,ltt bettr demand In rarelcr. exchange. . rhrios. Lat prices were within Pint vt two of th best. Southern spot mar- fcets-wre generally unchanged toe. ' litjrher. The increase in the Pecember premium attracted some, attention and revived rnmcrs conccrr.his a December t)llU i liqu. . . . - . Kejelpfs at the ports lo-day 1.313 bslei aralnst 4.H5 last week and lOl.tna last . ye?'r. , For the week X.QfO hales against , fel,si". last week md , last year. Te-day's receipts at New Orleans 16,210 tyles aitaiBKt 2S.CK last year. , V! STOCK MARKET BIOYAXT.. A'leV Going Through Painful Liqui dation Mocks H "ctmie llaojant In Ton At Rexwvcry ItankiiiK Sltua- lion WMIm-tly Improvctl Copper '" Still Advancing. Now York. Oct. & After g oinif tlirowjh rnme further painful llquiciatlon tho stick market became iiiit buoyant in tend-at a recovery, arid there was a no tably awewion of confidence that tha worst of the trouble wre safely passed. i" The outlook in the banking situation Is ronjjclered to be distinctly Improved. anditions in New York itself have made u wide recovery towurd the normal and increasing hones are felt of reducing tha period in which the tise of extraordinary measures must be prolonged. Tho r- ' adjustment of the loan ac-cmmta for the tonks proceds. and this was the factor i that caused the severe depression of th arly part of .the day In the stock mar ket. A factor of relief In the mcmey market was tho payliux out at J. P. Morgan r t'o. s nice in anticipation oi November lt rwipon and divMerMl obh imtlohn. eMtlmatd to run n high as IU,- and MM. 'Another feature of the day's news was the continued rise in the nrice of copper at the New York metal exchange In spite of a sharp reaction in the I.on don price of the metal. The preparation , of a plan for apportionment of Cnion Pacific's holdings of securities In other companies to stockholder made tht stork a leader In tho buoyant rally of the lsttr part of tho day, practicality all of "whlr-h, was held to tho strong clos lni., fondH were weak, lolul sales, par value. fiSSs.'KiO vS, Bonds were unciinced nn call. Total sales to-day rii. ls shares. Including-. Copper 32,700; Suqur :t,fiOO: . Tobacco ,J("fl; A. V. L. I.Sir C. fit O. 1,400, T.. A Jf. !.; N. & Vt. .TO: T'nnH. Reading iOKl; V. V. T.,.V: Southern ltatlway I.IWl pfd. 1.40C; L', a. Btcet !. 1W; lons KlufflcHl . ' Vew York, Oct K M., ts O, tt. 4s of fered 71 ' Balttm'ire. 0-t. "fi.H. A. I common ami preferred nothing doing. , ' Now York, Oct. ;.-Stamlard Oil 396. ilnrward, Vk-k & Clark' Cotton Let- ew Orlears, fji., Oct. 30.-Although . Liverpool was quite encinragint this mwnlni; with futures several points lgh- tlun dt;e and snot'- '1'" with lain.i - KJU. tliv. .' llltl. Hltii.lHr(i nn nl'l r side to support the reaction. Ooivral Hs ' irwrt In ths tirr. .iitidings of rot ion In s, tlosrly .ushIukI It. Of course In forelKn market where lin.ir.ctal cunditions ;in .i , linrmal th'1 lallef tliat rnfnvoi:itde oni lde influences fcav- about spent, their ef ; feet is more quickly startid und v.'Hi csueo a sudden rflmrtte such n wt havi aeen lo-d!ty In LivrniMil. However, I' remains t Le seen nhellier these ealcu- latlons ctre correct. Ca.i we. so soon af ter tlim ost soriuus developments In li v ' uiij'S. count 4t once on the benefit of former norniiil condltimn and tne revival of commercial enterprise. The tiover nor of Oregon, ha1 declared five leni ' tiolldays owing to the inability of hanks . to c.1 nil lnans. Kastcrn banks and ovr stotk exchurge have agreed to suspend huciocsK until next Monday to prevent thcr evkl.ss slaughter of securities fol lowing Inability to get normal hank as ststanc. On the oilier hand nnnn.ln! news frotit New York is letter. Th !m portnttoT of twenty n.illlan gold to We followed op try further Import is said 10 greatly relieve the eltuatlon there, but iti these Iroiibtesome tlhies every on for himself first. Kenorw of bad weather fmpi 'lYx.i. a mtn storm iass';,g into siiitli Ti x.-.s itidued yomes 1 1 cover ing . inn! n i w i.H iry H n imlnt'i 'n future flnrlna th l:rt lair liol.r oe- corred J . wenlli' l tn.'.v how glflietul rains, some heavy. ;ilo In (lie fentnll 8uls. . Tl wpmioii v, havn rtettly egpressd Hint we -I'lill git full e.nn liensaiion fur the .in. oti neli I i suinuirr by bail wlnted wrMiln r neeived fieiiunii ptsctk-sl ci.nl, nm I .- . n. under onri.iaj trading onditi' l: would , iimloidd ,edly left. I ( suhst.i.-ti.-il hull Mlipiii ry4U higher jirlof . A i' i- m.l we.. tin r :" delay In srestlnr will n .-r. Ii. ;-.. erclse s hcne'ielal . , i hi i li. tkltu: r e SicDtoiih.tniii iif i.M.Jy ..in, n . 1 1 , I ill trijuili g tlie iiemu'.iN i'... hiinking hicil- !W.. Tile n.,.e wc.il.i.i iviv ichtiU'i decHecJ i .iin ilevelm in. m s mrr MinUi el Teisx A hi:: nl.l w.ive wnii v. ri low lemiM-iainri; Ih paaiilne m tlie i.i.i ljw-Kt. Ili.n.v stliei it chii imIIv indicated itir Hip lell. rifflcidl m.ir.i ,.iV 4 I', incite rein ' fl.ih n. Ktio.-ts fr in Sculi ' ' Texai inlmifj point,- ar liilff-inn. v.ii-n! N'FW YORK COTTOK 1H.U until .,,,.. .veakiess In the. lock 1 v .. l w. . , . the wejitl -r outlook iiui k. far 1..-.1-1 1(1 l'lnts higher; middling tip tin re t,c evi.iena of disiosillon In veil 1 land hi:"': middling golf 11.15: no sales. OTivlv enl 11 lock. if tha atiO:i will he 'uiTU-d fuillier. J. S. Ilaclic & Co'n f oitoii letter, , 'e York,' (ct. 30.-Uv-rpol dl '. played a tlrmfr tone ntid the strength of prl.es ye', i lay aflernoon was followed u b) advances of several ' Taints thi murtilng, Heporin of a , sever flood aiid wtorm In Galveston , .revived memories of tli great . disaster to that cilv vear ago and followed some lively coveritig. The Mriicr levels however, were not maln- ' talned any length of time as the bear , crowd who are in control iiiiliae every fLdvaiM'0 to put out nore short lines. , Owing U the tinceriain financial situation, all commodities well a sail ' securities -will be forced lower. The dtfttcaJty of getting money Is prevent- i Ing .tha holding of cotton for any ' advance) in "prJet'S. Tha weather In- 5 d 'cation : are favorable.- Warmer tmiieratHres--lta showers. We still favor he selling side of the rallies sticli as we t had to-day for we iM'tovc liquidation will otvur In cotton on a mucli larger araio than hereto ' tor, , I VKAR OIjD MOTU1SK. . -1 'i . near nin v mottier. fchf. e'ghtv-three years old. Ui rives on Elec. ne fitters, writ" W. K. Brunon. of - Di.bUn. Oa, sb - h taken fhetn tjt siiut two iesr and enjoys a excellent erpetlte. fel strong and sleep mutt." , That's the way Eiectrle DitUr affact the sfceu, sua toe mno aappy results toiiow m ail cse of fetnal weakiu ,unl g n rr.i dettllty, Wk, puny children too, grettly trentrtlMned by thtai. Gu.r. ei altO for stonwh, liver and kidney ..,v Yelk, O't. n:V I', h;:,I r.. ii lion. ine Htur the sevori the past ek. was UK- iin'ir;.n (! i niTid ironr the contuieni. u"- chants nd frHnncrs nio ioi:i This demand appeared In our iinrkrt yesterday and ls continued to-dav ali ,rbin quite line ot .contract. Thero wnsTaW less pressuw. 'from the otth. whero the uneasiness over the cxcIwiko Stuatton i KraUu.illy disappearing, as money slowly eases here. We hear of denositoM returning to-day to the Lawks Identically the same money that they, drey last week and t his i re turn of coafldenoe once started cer sta la relieve ahe situation. 'AK. the e(. tliose who 'bought so heavily yeslerdav mernluK were sellers, looking for- the advance to be only a reaction, and un less i the 'continent stops buying the mar ket will not I decline. . but' will '.continue to improve ' , . , Kw VorkA Oct ' 30. Flour dull. but steady.". R-e' flour4at-aay.r tJucKwnw, flour ateady. 1 - A - , . T Corn meal catlot; fine whlti amlyellow i - . . ..... R.M toi 11.66; icoarse fl. to ji.fc, ye slendy. Barley easy: malting S to i.u. Wheat, snot ateaay; no. z, win tor; Nil. 2 bard winter luminal. Otloni u to 14 hirher than last night December 110: May 112V ' - A ' Com, tpot easy: No. 6?i elevator; No. J white 7L Options closed H tnfc net advance. - December Vi; May. (7. Oats, pot easy, mixed 61; natm-al whHe S3 to 55; clipped white 65 to M. Beef steady. Cut meat" steady; picitiea nel lies JOW 10 !; picaiea nanm .ii to n-v. Iird dull: Western prime 18.75 to js.S: refined steady. . Pork Steady. Tallow quiet. Petroleum firm. Kosin nrm. t ur. pentine ensv. nice arm. juuiasws nmj. Knnir. raw Vsteadv:' fair rrtlnlng IliO; centrifugal 36 test $3.W: molasses sugar Jlfo: -xellned Quiet -;v . " . Lonee, spot riuiei, no, i xvm n; Santo S; mild coffee steady; Cordova 9 to 12. Futures opin!d steady and closed , o.u lot, net uncuangea to u poini.i higher,' -'v . " I Putter irregular; new creamery nrsi to specials 25S to 27; process common to specials 18 to 25. Clieese ouiot. un changed. Errs firm: nearby Drown ana mixcu fancy 34 to- 36. : x ? :, KrelKhU linn; cotton sieauy. romoes steady, unchanged.- 1 Cabbatres firm: Danish per ton W to ll; red per barrel fl.25 to $1.50. . , Clilcngo Grain and Provtsmnn. Chlcaeo. Oct 30. Grain price on the local exchange advanced, sharply to-day, wheat eel line up 3 cents,- corn 2 ecnts and oats more than 4 cents from the lowest point of the uay. At tho close wheat for Decembor delivery showed a, net gain of Com, was ajso up '4 cents. Oats were lc. higher and provisions t to Vt higher. WllfcAJ- IflKh. Low Cloe L - iati ; i.Miir . met e May.. ..... . IW1 XV"iA JI1'4 lec. ..... 37'i 97Hg Jilly ,99V , ,59 CORN- ; May.. .... IVc. ..... July " r-7'A K 44 1 4i - 57 i-H M4 4lt. i 14.W 14. Kr.l 170 7 65 7JU OATS Muri ?V"" Pi-H Jan. 14.S7 15.f.2 8.79 T70 7.2 14.M HSJ .4! S.60 7.60 "7.82 May .. LARD Jan. ... May.... R1ES- Jan. ... May;. Baltimore Pronace. TtalUmore, Oct. HO. Flour easier; un-j chnnKel. Wheat steadier; snot contract KKV4 t.i 100; Southern by sample W to 93.- (;orn weak: spot mixed M to 64; No. 2 white til to i;J',4. . ' Oats weak and lower; No. 2 mixed W io iklMl- . Hye dull; No. 2 Western domestlcvW asked. . Huttcr firm, unchanged: fancy imita tion 2t to :'5, do creamery Ml to 31; do hullo !: to ffl; store packed 18 to 20. K&r;', fctciiiiy, unciiai ge;, to 27. Cheese firm,' unchanged; Jartce 16; flfith amrtll W'i. Sugar unchanged; conrse granulated 4X10; flno JJ.10. MVERPOOL COTTON. I.lvet'pdolt" Oct. 30. Closing, spot cotton in fair demand; prices 6 points higher; American middling fair 6.4::; good mid. dlhig i.07; middling 5.87; low middling S.'iii; good ordinary 5.07; ordinary 4.47. The sales of the day were lflinoo bules which BOB were for specul.itlon and export and included 8,800 American. Re ceipt 21.M0 bales. Including 12.2(f Ameri can Futures opened firm awl closed barely steady; American middling' g. o. c. Ot t Oct-Nov Nov-lcc. .... Dce-Jnn.. Jan-Feb l'Vh-Marrh... March-April Aprll-Mnv ... May-Junfr ... J inn -.Inly ... July-Aug 5. fit 6. H2 U.M i.ot 5.M 5.KW4 fi. M 5.5-.",4 5.50 Charlotte, fjoitun. These rustires represent the prices pal-l 1o wugnns Oct. 30. (iood Middling 10- i Strict middling ... I'll.. Middling .. ... iO.M The Dry floods Market. New Yolk. Oct. 30-Trndli;g In tlie dry goods insikct wss better In some I'nes for the day but the tone of ti e market i wus generally quiet. C incellatlons of ! ovi nine t'iM)d are lielnn made frtcly uno I .1 .......... I it,,llnn lu ,ff,ullni. 1,1 ,1 1 u I . , .. ,iii.. ,,.., f..-..i.. lower prices. Jobbers arc doiiij; u lict t--.-hout irade. sllhough It Is In small vol ume. Knit goods and l.oMcry are milct. Silk plei e goods are lending lower and .1. miuluHnnM of somo staples me re ..iimI. T1k Money Mnrket. New York, Out.' 30, Money on call cirong early in the day, Inter much easier, 4 l So !;r cent., clotrihg offered Tmi.. lnans nominal. Prime mercantile paper noiiilnally at Vt IO iO per cert.; terlihi' exchange Custer with actual lum.li ' 1 1 liankers' hllla at 4HJ.75 to 4K4 for d i id und at 4J.J4 to 471.50 for 6). iitiiv Commerelal bills nnmiiuil. Hur ullvee Wai- Mevlimi doltura 4l!U J in in " opened tawy ir.d nosed Him 'pen. nigii. jw. rios... Oil. .. Nov. ,. Dec Jan .. feb. . . March A:. ill . May .. June . July .. Au. ., 10.10 10,02 10.07 10,01 of.l j -- 10.1.- l.2d 10.44 9.1(1 Tl0.ll 10.08 Will 9.97 10.1 1 10.05 10.18 10. S ft.tfl lli.4 10.13 Ul.15 10.16 10.09 10. Ill 10.04 lrt.UM lO.flO iu.m-15 10 10 2i w.: 10.2. 10, 1 1 ie.07 10-10 10.08 Ofd 10.10 Cotton SreJ 4)i:. New Ymk. Oct. SO.-Cottnn seed oil hiircly steady with a good trade In Tu- turcn. Prime crudo 27; prime summer yellow :17V..; off mmmr yellow 44 to gemt off I. a iiinier yellow 43 to 40': prime wmie m ui, priuio winter yeuow u 10 The Italian government la planning to found an archaeological Institute In AtnenH srter 4ha model of the Uer nian archaeological schools In Home and Athens, France, Germany, Ena land, Ametlci and Austria have all long been t presented, and Italians wil no doubt welcome the opportunity for arcnaouicgU'al research In . Greece which such an Institute will , afford them. . - -..-' ' To rick a cold oulekly, get from our drugglkt wnne lull C-uidv Cold Tnblet rjlld Pr?ventic.' Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Prever.tles, for they sr not only safe, but decidedly certain and pronpt. 4revntlc contain no uuinine. o lasttive, nouimg hinh nor Vknliic. Takn at the "siioena tna" Freventtce will prevent i, Pneumonle. fcronchitiV I A rlppe, eto. lUnee the name, revenues, tjoofl for feverish children. 48 -Freventle 2$ rbnt. Trial 4 1 , AM , " i a.. I ' 4 '.-5 I, , ' - i.mkl lit. J J UuVvtt W.i '.fl HAit.1 one new warp building motion. It alzo has filling bui!d:n .' fLowPricoFor Ctuicli Shipment Greensboro Supply Company GREENSBORO N.C , Mason Machiipie Worllb V , has built more than i . . ! . For Fall Southern . Office at Charlotte. : ;: . V BDViNfiOiraRD,Atient. . Daily Cotton Markn. - Mew York. . Oct 30.-r43alveston. tone steady; middling 11: , net receipts Il,"ti0: gross receipts -11, stock 89,90; conti nent 1,057; 'cr.astwise ITS.. - New Orleans, tone tirm; middling iin; net receipt 10,210: gross receipts W,2lvj sales 5.800; stock -172,666. . hV Mobile, tone steady; middling 10H: net receipts 2.102; gross receipts 2.402; sale 1,008; stock 49.6B7; coastwise J, M. . Savannah, tone steady; middling in l-ib; net receipt 9,704; gross - receipts S.1O6; sale 3,171; stock 14S.0S8; continent 11,740; coastwise 66.;; '. ' v Charleston. tone steady middling 101-lu: net receipts 1,682; gross : receipts 1,682: stock 28,813; coastwise 1,441 . Wilmington, tone steady; mimuing 10; net receipts 3,321; gross receipt 3,- 321; stock 62.733. ' : Norfolk, tone steady: middling 10'4; net receipts 3,837: gross receipts 8,337; sales U&; stock 34,853: coastwise 2.024. . Baltimore, tone nomlnttl; middllrig 10 : gross receipts 600; stock New York, tone steady; middling 10.30; gross receipts 826; stock 156. 6l; tit Bri tain 2.301; continent 1.7T5.I - ( ; Boston, 'tone) steady; 'mlddllnr 19.90; net receipts 10; grosj receipts 3,534; Gt. Britain 400. , ,.. Fhlladolphla, tone steady; . middling tl.lf;,net receipts 24; cross receipts 20; slock .4,483. ' , , ' Port Arthur and (siblno Pass, not re ceipts 4,6V; groas receipts' 4,t3; continent 4 619. Fort Townsend, net rVcelpts 8,962; gross receipts S.b2; Japon 3.962. Huvannnh Add HSO, bules to exports to France this week, r Total to-day, at 911 rott. net 151.312; Ot. Britain 8.701; continent 19,271; Japan 3,f(2: stock 750,22. . Consolidated. it-ill pnrts. . pet 226.850; U. Britain ft'., 8X3; France 33.435; conti nent 56,5J4i Jajp.'in Z,t Total since Sept. 1st. at all potts, net 1.784,008; Gt. Britain 491.862; France 15S. ; continent 444,839; 'Japai 6,821; Mexico INTERIOR MOVEMENT., Houston, , tone steady; nilddiing 104: net reeelpts--10,18U gross receipts 10,til; shipments 9,309;. sales h'M; stnek 7L1. August.?, tow steady: mMdlihg l: net ivcelrti 2,105; gross receipts 2,80; snlpment173l; sale 129; stock -49,179. Memphis, tone quiet; middling 10: net receipts 4,M7: gross receipts 5.751; ship menta 4,491; sales 1..W; stock 71.528. St. lxjuls. tone dull; mtddlinic 11: net receipts iH; gross receipts 3,446; ship ments S852: atock 5.144. Cincinnati, net receipts 65; gross re ci ivts 55; shlnntents 538: stock 9,13. ljulcvjlle. tone firm; middling 10j net receipts I,1M; gross receipts "-184: shlp raerlH JAB; atook 14,807. - Total to-day, net receipts 1"l.0K; grnnH receipts 23,457; shipments 22,360; sales i.Vsi; stock 22UXB. Estimate ' To Tjist Year. : 7.041 16,416 morrow. New Orleans.. Houston.. . .. 14-17,000 -7,0OiJ CompftraUTe Port Receipts. To- tist day. 10.210 2.406 9.701 3,312 J.W2 3.s: Year 81,700 21.081 2,621 10,000 2,830 620 Mir. 18.407 Gulvcslon...... New Orleans. Mobile.. Savannah.. ... llminston..., t'hnrlestoil . Norfolk l'cnsacola.. .. Total.. , '0.352 81,360 Cliarlotte FroUm-e. I (Corrected dally by R. II. Field & Coi I Hens-pcr head .. 1K1MS ! 'hlckens-ring . 20fr3i j Di:cks , T "5 I Kgcs 23 ! Huiicr 1M120 Rye' ... . ., ... 1 8 Cong .. 8 Cotton seed .. .. , 30 Oats-feed a S3 New Orleaus Knot Cotum. New Orlonn. La i Oct. :. Cotton, anot Hi in 1-13 higher on all trades; mtiiriiina- : s.ile 2,100 bales 6i spot and l.ow to arrive, Futures opened steady with I he nctlve month one point below the close vefPVr- day. Keporta of a severe storm through out southern Texas which were received shortly After th opening sent prices tin with a Is. und and th market became verv sctlve. Iveports of tu frost and u more anguine' view of the nnanclul situation also were oiillHi factors. At the closo, which was steady the active months were ft to 26 points sbHpe.the close yesterday. Closing bids: Oct. 10.24; Nov. 10,25; He. lO.LM; Jan. 10 20 Feb. 10 22; March In Arril lo.-ti; May 10.3U; June lt,U2; Jui ' NAVAL STORES. New Orleans, Oct. io. Receipts; barrels rosin; 110 barrels turpentlsn. 41 K-tnortar-t For -Olasgsw --421- barrels rt..ln, ;,; ' ,y . ' , Savannah, Ga Oct. 80, Spirits lurpen tine firm. !) wtUei "8; receita 506; sliip- Itosln flrmj sales 1.878; receipts l.f.41; .shipment mi stock 3,40. A H C $3.: n 83B&: K 84: F 84.10; -O 14 to 84.15: 11 $4.10 to 14.?n; I $4.4t; K $4.80; M 5; N IS.W;' W O 13.85 to 85,90;- W W.HW. . Charleston. R, C . Oct, ' 30,-Tiiroentlne Itvm. 4M4 JMlea " nonet A" - ." Rosin firm: sates none. A. B C tl.70 to n0; K M6 to 83.98; F 83.90" to 13.97V, a vs.m to n.t.'jt; n " k 84 75 to 84.80: M $4.65; N 85.49 to 85.45; W Wllmlntrton. Oct. 80,-Splrll turnentlna steady, 4a"; receipis so casks. Tar flrtn, 2r receipts 64. f'rudi turpentine firm, 82.J0. S3.7S and $3.75; receipts u " new yokk poxds. IT. g. refunding Js reglntered .... la" ltu t". S. refunding 2s coupon k C, B. 8s registered If. R. Ss coupon ..,., IV K. New 4s realstered -..... C S, New 4 coupon..., JolV lo24 111 118 American' Tobacco 4s. American Tobacco W.... ... , M . SI l 85 ' Atchison general 4 ' Atchison adttstment i Wa Atlantic Const Line 4S l'nlilitiore .ft. Ohio if...., 4- Baltimore & Ohio 3'tt.... Mrooklyo 11, T. cv Js.,,, Cnlrl cf,Geuigi 6 ,.....7,, River; MUls.. y ' . , Central of Georgia '1st Inc.T.... . Central ot Georgia 2d Inc. of 4...,,, , Chesapeake & Ohio ia. ...... 88 6S 90 mi 69yi 7JV4 40 69 Chicago. &-Alton 38 i.nioago, ts. 6z yunicy new t. ...... Chicago, R. I. & P. K, R. 4s...,..., . Chicago, K. I. A P. R. R. col 5s..' Crlorado Industrial 6s Series A.... Colorada Midland 4s bid..........,.,,, ioiriio s boutnern Cuba 6s.... Denver 4s Rio Grande 4siOfd. a 101a. ....... .! 4ea 93 Distillers .Securftles 5s. Erie prior lien 4s....... 89 ' a S4 84V !S ;. "73 12 80 . : XS'i 79 81 ) 87' 117H 84 V4 87 Kite uenerai 4s.... Hocking. Valley 44,8 ...A..... . Japan 4'4 certlt'cate... Japan 4H certificates 2d Series..., i,vuisviittt 4X jMasnviue L-iaueu s... Manhattan consol gold 4s ofd...... Mexican Central 4s.... ....A.... .... Mexu an Central 1st Inf...i...,',..r. Minn. A St. -Loo Is 4s ofd... ......... Missouri, Kansas A Texas 4s Missouri, Kansas & Texas 2d ofd. Nat l R H. of Mexico coL 4s ofd.. New York Central general 9.... fitw jersey, central geiu s oia.... Northern' Pacifle 4s...... ....... .... Northern -Pacific 3s Norfolk- , Westernconsol 4s. ....... ('88$ Oregon1, Short Lino rfdg. 4s., ... rcimsyivama v. J4a...... v. ..v.. Reading General is.... . ...... 8t u ft iron Mountain col. ur bid mi St Louis & San Francisco fg. 4s. 7t St. . Louis Southwestern conso 4s,. Seaboard Air Line 4s bid..,,......,. Southern Pact tic 4s....... Southern Pacific 1st M certificates. Southern Railway or " Texas & Pacific lsts ofd............. 65 63 Ti So W 10S -65 93 811 90 108-f 64 tt . 76 764 8u 1M 4 Toledo, St.'L. A Westcru 4s. ....... i nion h-acino sw... Colon Pacific cv. 4s cerilticatc-a .. t'nlted States Steel 2d 6..&. ...... Wabash 1st Western Md. 4s bid.... Wheeling ft Lako Erie 4s ofd........ Wisconsin Central 4s.. Japan 4s certificates ................. Atcnihon cv. 4s , Atchison ev. 5a... Jnterborough Metropolitan 4Vis .... CLOSING STOCK UST. " I .' ... , ' ' i Adams -Express i6 Ainalgumated Copper 6Hi AmericanCar 'ft Foundry 25V American Car ft. Foundry preferred ; 83 American Cotton Oil 2i'4 American Cotton Oil preferred .... W- American" KXpress .... i. jm American Hide ft leather pfd 11"4 American ice American Mnseed Oil .........; VA American Unseed Oil preferred.... 16 American Locomotive 37Vi American Locomotive preferred. ... - 84V Amerkrfh Smelting ft Kefining ... American Smelting & Refining pfd. 85H American' Sugar Kefining - ...108' Ameiicnn Tobacco preferred certlf. ; 61 Anaconda Mining Co ;.......'... 34 ' Atchison; ...'...rt.v.' 751 Atchison preferred... 87 Atlantic Coast Line Vt.TV..,. Italtlmore ft Ohio ...,.',. 80 Baltimore Ohio preferred 75 Brooklyn Rapid Transit S1 Canadian Paclflc... ........... lio Central of New Jersey ,. v.. -IS-) Chosapenke & Ohio - ,T...;.. 2T Chicago Great Western ' "H Chicago ft Northwestern .. 130 Chicago, Mil. & St. -Paul......... 102i Chicago Terminal' ft Transit ofd.. 5' Chicago Terminal & Transit pfd... IS C. C..,,C. & St. Umia .............. 61 Cclorado Fuel & Icon .............. 17 Colorado & Southern .S. ,;.'.'.,...... IS'4 Colorado Sottthem 1st preferred. 42V4 Colorado A Southern 2d preferred. Consolidated Ous ........... 80t Ccrn Products iteiining . a Corn. Products Rcnning preferred. 50 Delaware ft Hudson ... 12714 nelaware. ' lAokawanna. ft west.... : Denver Rio Grande ....... ......1,. WJ, Denver Rio uratide preterreo . w Distillers' Securltle ........ ........ 40 Krle m . . v....i,.,,,,,,. 7v Brie 1st preferred 87"i 12rte 2d preferred iif...,z zi General Kiectno j Illinois Central 120 International Paper 9'4 International Paper preferred, . t International Pump 114 International Fump, preierrea t ..... f Iowa "Central ....... ....... ........... 10 Iowa Central preferred.;. SB Kansas City Southern 224 Kansas City Southern preferred..., 44 i.ulsvllle Nashvm m Mexican Central Ui Minneapolis ft m. IjOuis ............ -.'s 'MinnA St.. P.-Is Sau t Ste. M....... 714 'Minn., St. P. & 8a,ult tay M. ptd,. 110 Missntit'i f acino m Missouri,-Kansas ft Texas-. ......v.. 24 Missouri,; Kansas t iexas pw..,, National Lead ........ ; Ti Nat'l H. Tt. Of Mexico Sttt. Otd..., A New TTork -Central ,'.... M New York, Ontario ft Western,. Norfolk, ft western 62 Norfolk ft western preferred 70 North j American: ....,.., li Pncllie Mall . i :f Pennsylvania , ..'' .,e HU4 People ' Gas ...."..;.' is Pittsburg1 C C.' St.rlAa.,...k. 57 Pressed Steel Car) ....;.)...........,,... 14 89'. 17.7 7$ 70 87 Pressea fteei car preterrea.......... Pullman Falaee Car Reading ,.., ....-.. ..... Reading 1st preferred ................ Heading. 2d preforred ftym. .....' Ropubllo. fteei ...... ......... nepublle Steel preferred ............ if4 18i Rock isiana jo...i,.-......io.w,.... rtnew inMnd. Co. preferred .St, luis & San Francisco Sd pfd. St. -Louie Sout iiwestera 8t. Iuls .Southwestern preferred.. HoutheFn 'Pacific , )anr 30, r.74 Soutliern Pacific- preierrea Southern Railway ..w...... ., Southern Railway preferred Tennessee Coal ft'Iron! ,. Texas is Paolfto 103 12'A Toledo, St. IxiuH ft e. .......... HT4 Toledo, St. Iuls A .tVeat pfd....... 3." Vnlon Pwjfc M f nlon . Pncliid preferred..,.....,,. 7 - l ulled Hlates r.xnress. . ....... I nlted States Realty ............. t'nlted States Ruthcf ............ Fnlted Slate Rubber, preferred, fulled Stiiti-s Steel Hulled State Steeipreferred ... V'lrlnl. 'n ml nil Clieitdi'tll A M 1ii4 (l-IVj 24H 84 li',4 Virginia Carolina Chemical gpfd.,.. 8 ash preferred . u;g aii' I'rifn Fxnress . ofd. Westinghoiise Ivlwtrle ,..,.. Western I'nlon ..............,... Wheeling ft Lak.r Erie , Wisconsin Central Wisconsin Central prferred , , Northern" Paelfti .... tv.i.tral lather - . Central Leather preferred Hhtss Shenteld irat Northern preferred ,,..,., Intt hnriicli Meinjiolftsn ..' Inierboioii4,ii Melropolltad X& 3- iff 2 74' 3.14 HIS - V.MH CI hcti ' C :VTtt TEYCy CT., CHARLOTTE. N. CX kliJl.i Rsvclvlnj Flat Cari j, Railway Heads, Drawing Frames, Z plnnln; Frames, Twisters and Spoolers , Qulllers and Reels, Looms, , .ETC.. CTC Manufacturers a j , . i . i. . i 1 . i and Jobbers weqneatly and It necessary to have Banklac Facilities to ad' ditioD to Ummm offered by local banks. ' -. ; .. , . . .TJTXS , 'first : fetich B OF SaCHMOXD. VIBGINU, . - With $1,000,000.00 Capital - " ' Earned Snrplua $600,000.00 ' $5,o00,000.P0 Pepoalta $9,000,000.00 - Total - Roaonrces Offen, Jost th AddlUoiul Fa. ctUUea Required. ; -- Jno. B. rurcell. President; Jno. HI. 'Miller, Jr Vice Presi dent; Cbas. ' R. Bnraottt. At a'atant Cashier; a. a Jopllo, Assistant C4Uhie. , t CATLIN 8u CO. QmmlBlon Blercbanta - ; 345 and 347 Broadway, New Yfrr Boston Philadelphia COTTOtf YARNS All number Skeins, Warps, Cops and Cones , -COTTON- GOODS. A Business Opportunity Life Insurance la not a luxury It la' s, necessity. Wherever civilization extends there life insurance flourishes The people want it can't do mlth- out it must have It get it. But they do not go in search of it. They have, formed the habit' of waiting until the ggeht brings It," explains it and aids them In .selecting the kind that 'win'' beet erVe their purposes. The Equitable Society Is looking for Industrious men of Integrity tjld reputation to sell its Standard Poll cles. : Experience js not essential. Any intelligent mant can,' from the start, earn a fair living as an agent, under the guidance which '"The Equitable gives. An energetic and resourceful agent can -n time ' accumulate ' a liberal Income.' if Identified 'with The Equitable. - , If interested, write,' .'phone or call. W J. RODDEY, Mgr., Rock HUk S. C. TRY1 OUR ii , 1 1 - N omitUMm; mm Clean, and burns well i . : we- know it will . . . : ; please, yotie,,, ,(,, 'v I v' 1 f 1-'.:: .-..--i. Stdnferd Ice ,:enil -1 rtr2l Co. flutters, 'Intermediates Covlsj: Frames - Jack Frames Vi!!:3m B. Charles Offices Cliarlotte. N. C, Boston, Masa-and Amsterdam, 5. T., 1 - i : Mala Offlce Amsterdam, Jf. T. - v Stag,, lift- - saJ! Ja-quard ' ' ' ; 3i with Indepcndem cylinder M ' . motion. ' ! ".- 7 i 1 . r THOMAS II ALTON'S BOKaV JENCKES, SPINNING GO. v eOTTON YARNS Main Otflcet PAWTUCKET, Is. t HIGH-GRADE SPINDLE. Sotmree Belt Oils and Creases, XnbH Greases. Ready.Mlxed Paints, Cold , Water laiaf. Ajenu Wattles' DrcKiine Comis-niiid.' CEO. 3. HISS OIL CO. cTLr.T,oTrn. it. a J. SPENCER COMMISSION OFFICES: New Tort PhuadeIphla,. Yarns and Cotton Tiec Goods. PAULSON, LINKROUM &; CO. Cottom 7.9 ikoTf ARD STREET 120 CHESTNUT STREET 186 MARKJUT 6TREET IP YOt HAVE TO SELL, If you have houses or stores to rent, " ' ' trouble and worry. - ' - , The place to insure your property is in this" agency; x' ' R. E. Qoehrane. r,"r; !1 ' ' Insurguco and Real Estate Agent, 1 s , " ' HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers , ' . . Miscellaneous Southern .- SeouHlos f . . "WILMINGTON, N. C. Washington, p. Cn 408 Colorado Bid. Cotton MiU Stocks. LEONARD L. HUNTER ARCHITECT Fifth floor. Trust Bldg. -Phone 370. - CHARiVDTTE, N. C JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION JIERCHANTH, - Potton; .Yarns and"" Cotton . . Ciotns. ... CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Philadelphia, 123 rmd IS uieataat St Boston, lot Bummer 8c New York, No. 91 Leonard SL Ctrulotta, ft Trroo St. . ' . Some Exceptional Offers 1 From the Iow (() L t a ?; t ' i Ci .. ) ATLANTA, C " if e V- Autornatic FeeJer3, v Openers and Trunk, ; Breaker, Interneiiate and Finisher tafpers, ' . . .KlrschnefCtrdlng Beaten Threid Extractors, 1 . Waste Vlckers, etc -' Raw Stock DQ ertv CTCETC. , ccrrro-v yarns. rjoTTOjf goods AXD COTtQS WASTE, USB hamon;s tTACQVABD PMYiiflHalUft, I - i Philadelphia Offlcoi ' larlner A Jderchant BoUtflgaV W. A. SPEUUSST, Hiugetv,. LOOM, ENGINE. AND VALVE "TURNER CG. MERCHANTS ChIcga St. Louis, Xxndon, England. - - NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA . ' . - CHICAGO LIST IT IS THIS OFFER let me do-your collecting and'sv HOOK AND ROGERS -ARCHITECTS- CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO. N.d .- - , -. "- - , Yams HUBBARD BROS, CO, HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. f". f. y V ,V't ssasBaaBSsnsBBBBt -- ' -..". ., MEMBERS OS New York Cotton Ex cnange, New Orleans Cotton Ex- cnange, Associate Member Live pool Cotton Exchange. ' ORDERS SOLICITED -For the pur ' ' chase and sale of "cotton for future ' delivery. ''' Correspondence Invited. A. D. SALKELD & SRQ.; COMMISSION MERCTIANTS. 73 Leonard Street, NEW YORK. ,4T X)TTON " ' YARNS. . -, . 5 DEFT . , Fred'k Vietor fctAchells. - prtced article for. family tue. to that which gratifies the most refined taste. I am offering ' the very best values at the lowest prices. In order to supply an increased demand, I am putting - up a case containing four full quarts of Yadkin River North Carolina, 6-year old Corn Whiskey, for $2.50. This whiskey is absolutely pure, ard in wood and the Jbest ever offered at the price. ' Other Exceptional Offers are: ; Atberruarle Rye, 4 full qaarts, $3.00 . Mountain Rye, - per gallon, $2.50 t ' Lazarus Club, - per gallon, $4,00 ' - - 7h0 Prlett include Exprt$ Chargta : t , UMfe for Prtc0 List of Othtr Brand$ - Largest If ail Order House tn tfti J1 South ; : , . ' L. LAZARUS, LYNCHBURG, VA.