( ... . : 1 .!.- . - - - i - : i i- t ' "x - ' ; , ; i . , i l.fi i. . at i i 1 f f l'arlie!, L. i' i ,-r i-e, -U U Is I r revive 1 -y .V. . : Mate Waterway , l.iikm Liucrtainctl .on fctcmui-r i-ctiry. . ' Epecial to The Observer. Wilmington iN'ov. 7. The' water- "Works (situation, here na. got to , the p waaoxicai stage wiie-re coin me cuy ,3 ompttny are denying ownership the plant, the result of the re cent controversy over Its purchase by the municipality,' and the-, employes are inquiring "where they are at" In view of the approach of pay day at urday. It will be recalled that the city was to have, taken the plant over about November 1st, that at the last moment and just before the ? papers were delivered It was discovered that the net earning were very much entailer than" supposed by the city oA cloto and that the board of aldermen was at once convened in extraordinary session and the resolution . authoriz ing -ttie purchase of the property was " rescinded, . t The waterworks company Immedi ately notified the city that it consider - ed the ele made, .regardless of the fonri&l transfer and would riot re lease the municipality. 6lnce . that , time (t has -withdrawn from the office, Jeaving Superintendent Robertson and ht office- force In charge "With Chief ' Engineer John H. Sweeney and other in cxiarge out at me pumping siamm. , They consider that they are employed by the city and -all bills are made , out and receipts given in the name of the . clty.vTn-vtha meanrlmev,:; the city neither tnraughane8 commission, . nor otherwise, is exercising the least control over, the property; and the sit uation is An Interesting one. A pay roll ) is due on Saturday, t; Several of the employes In lesser position threat- en-to cease labor It their-wages are hot paid. In the meantime the city has appointed CoL Walker Taylor, Mr, ' C. W. Worth. and Mr. M, W, Jacobl, who compose the commission, to in oulre further into the net earnings of the -plant, but nothing has been ac complished as yet, en account of a a earn in Mr. jacotn's family ana tne absence of Mrs Worth from the city. , .JrUNBRAl, OF MR. JACOB. ,An immense gathering1 :of friends and, relatives attended the funeral of .- the lata -Nathaniel Jacob! from . the ' Temple of Israel yesterday afternoon ait I o'clock, the services having been conducted'; by ,", Rev. f Dr. ; Men- ntM.,... , kkl H , MAM..... garjpn. The- Odd Fellows of the four lodges In the city and all mera . bers of Campbell Encampment Non 1,. X. O.tO. Fir- assembled ai their hall and attended the obsequies in a body. The committal at the cemetery was with the honors of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, V Grand Master Perrln Busbee, of Raleigh, presialng, and Others Visiting Odd " Fellows- of high rank being: Past Grand Repre sentative. C. F. Lumsden and Grand Trustee C, D. Edwards, - - of Raleigh, . inil.Kiiiit J IP Rrimnn nf tin t , f Ov Fi , Home,, 'of, Goldsboroi Mr.," Ja- fnni ritinnav tT th home and-during his long and useful life was i member ot he board of - trustee f-tfw ' instttution. T CAPTAIN'' SKINNER'S ' REMAINS .ij'ARRivB. r, v ;v- -. fhi iremains'of the iate-Capt" B. W. Skinner reached here early this oorn ln from Jacksonville, Fla.. where he passed away Tuesday night, and were taken to tho family home, 611 Orange street, Tjvhere many 1 old friends took occasion to call this morning and have a last sad look uaori the face of their comrade. The funeral was conducted f 1:30: o'clock this, afternoon from' Saint Andrews - Presbyterian .church by the .pastor,-Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D.t and the remains war laid to rest in Oakdale .Cemetery; -k Captain kttmerwas one of the best known marine men on the fiouth Atlantic eoast , and l-'was' the founder and for many years proprietor of Skinner's Marine Railway in this city., y, rtr a fr-o-oTtr kva niomv trrvrrir.tjr A TKfl ,TnU,1TA4M v ! Senator Lee & Overman, Congress . men , L. Godwin n and". John' K email, Mr, George Byrne, special cor- sKwi n A am n ' Tks IXfaniifoAtllfnM' Record, MaJ: E. J. Halo, of Fayette--villa;. Mr, J A.' Fore, of Charlotta, and Coiigressman W. W. Kitchin, who Joined the party later from Lumber ton, remained over from the Btata Waterways Association meeting Tues- ' Wilmington business men, were guests of Capt Earl I. Browiv U. A., in cnarge oi uns-flistrici, corp-i ngi c 'river yewieruay morning on . im bov ' srnmenksteamer Mercury,' The party inspected ? the rlvei and Rarbor im - provwnentr on thS" Cape Fear : and 1 n,H VhAKt '4.lfi AntnlA , w nr.lt. of the fact, that the sea was a little rough and a majority of members of tha - party, are landsmen. .. Return ing to the city an elegant luncheon ' was served -on the boat to his guests 'by Captaln.Brown. ' All are well pleas ', ed with the organisation of the North Carolina Watersways, Association and an ertort wi b maae to nav a large attanAnn if Vatlnnal nivnr anil " Harbors Congress, in Washington, De- Member 5th and 6th, ' . v-m t ITAUJAN IMMIGKANTS AKKiVJfc '"'C. L, 'Fisher, general ngent of the Carolina Trucking Development Com- lny .arrived on the northbound train -this .morning from New York, convey- company near Burgaw, eight families of -about -thirty person from the ; smorea of Northern Italy. - They have : Just arrlvffj in this, country and. , of course, peak hot a word -of English. All are experienced agriculturists and come to ithljr country to? Join seventy vr mure- ui vnwic xounirymea aireaay - lorater,at BU Helena. . Other families will be1 brought ovar from time to tlm ana the population ofSt Helena jiji f eaenseveral hundred in few ears, f Tho ex beriments with labor fasm the north Of Italy hav en highly satisfactory, as St. ilelena testl- ' icy , ' i 'V CASH PAID FOIl TOBACCO.,'- No Script . of OtlMr Certificates Called ' Into. Pioyi at . Mount Airy Other Special to The Observer. -. 'i ' , Mount Airy, Nov. ?.-In an inUr view with business men here and some of th warehousemen, your corres pondent learned that every pound of tooacco so far sou on the Mount Airy market was sold for cash no certifl . eats 'nor' "scrlpf having, been sub Istltuted ior cash at any of the ware s houses. - It Is now believed that there h will be no need of using this method . in the -handling of tobacco on tha mar .. kpt httre. . 'a . ': .. The buyers and warehooseme.i ara ; working together and doing tholr ut ' mosi iot me xarmers wnich Is very graurying to me piantors aha bum np.H men, Ths outlook Is lnJ,'d . bright and thlji are l-H.linif up. Ifod It not bcn for thoe lm grnfp1 t situation at a jdanre in l Idt i'ti i v ' s"t a"'Ut t tot t t th C'n t i . 1 it -."! I Wfil 1 : 1V 1 f. : ' '.-! ' (T l rv. -..' ' ' -J r i i i,-,-t cay. i .1 i t . i . -( ' l -.-.-J; x that i.i i . . - - a few months r: ; " t t;uU line will be mure qukt i,,. 1 ... ". fnow fell for ! . hour , tho Blue Ei l-;3 j-.st-;r-.,.- i.i f'-.t of Mount Airy. -: It is loarnej that r.c-v. J'-' n A, Gil ntvX, of Hickory, will j robahiy be vail ed to the jastorala cf t:.e I'rc'sl ytcrlan cliurch in tiiis city and at tho Quarries at. an eariv datp. . ' , AV..F.. tanner and family left yes terday for Greensboro where they will wsld In the . tutu re.-.vi las Myrtle Hines has returned from a visit to friends at Ashevlllo. Mrs. Henry Al derman , has returned from a visit to relatives In Conneetlcutt. Haywood Merrltt left yesterday for a visit to his old home at Plttsboro, - ' One produce firm her has stored airsy In a cellar 700 bushels of 11m bertwlg apples, which' it doesn't pro pose to tap till prices' crawl up to the top notch next spring, v ; ,- TIIE WAY THEY DO IT. Fraud at Government Distilleries by . Collusion of Gauper and Store- keeper With Distiller IU Ids in . Virginia Likely. f ' j , Observer Bureau, r -. f U Post Building, - . '?' '..-.", ,-: :i'-v'v Washington, Nov 6.',, - For every gallon ot whiskey up on., which the government collects revenue the; distillers in some places ara tasking front two to threo gal kns"tls :the statement of " Captain John C. Capers, commissioner of In ternal revenue. 1 p?here is no way by which fraud can go on at any of the government distilleries except by direct collusion of the gauger and storekeeper with tho distiller. And this . collusion has? been going on in nearly every State to some extent, though most notably v in Virginia, There, on account of a number, of stills haying been moved there from North " Carolina, run out r by the Watts law, there" are . more distiller ies than the agents Aave been able to look after; 'i ' , . - ' "In most of the .-.ases where -makers of whiskey have been cheating the government out of the revenue tax, it has .been dona toy running a small blockade still,, but this situa tion' In Virginia la a peculiar one. There the distiller has got tne. gaug er in with htm and la making any where , from four ; to five hundred gallons a day, upon which he is pay ing no tax.- Th way they do this is so simple that it is exceedingly difficult to detect them, oecause.the inspector; has to be on the ; apot. at the very -moment tho distiller aulbsti tntes a'prlvate' barrel ton tho - one which tha gauger is jrequlred to use; Tha gauger ia required -by law ,-to stand at the spout v through ' which every ; drop of distilled , spirits imust come,' and as soon as one arrel is jllleo ne jmust roll i that" barrel away Into tl iwarehousa which; is so huilt as to prevent anythfng's 4elng taken out without the knowledge of the gauger. Then he nust put under the spout another toarrel. A Every, (pound of grain the distiller purchase must be accounted tor in the quantity of spirits, distilled and gauged, tout there UU a : margin of, '20 per cent;f- that Is," the distilled aptrlts f gauged must ba 80' ?per .cenU of the maximum amount iwhlch thatrkind of grain can produce,? ? After this 60 per eent has been gauged toy the gauger, the cus tom has, grown " up in soma localities for tha ' gauger then to look another way or take i walk, , during iwhichr tlme the distiller puts under the spout another barrel and after filling it rolls it 'down the hill. ' ' -ThIs is the most, common way for the" i government- toM-toe i defrauded of the .. revenue, ., although there are other devices, 'all of .which, however; must be with the collusion of the government gauger." This. official, may uot always be a willing party r to the fraud.' The distiller making a Jarge amount 'xt money by It Is able o tay a fair amount to' the one wh allow! him to do It, but he ftsnerally Is able to do It by Intimidating the fellow, and-threatening to shut down his still and throw him out Of Jab If he does not look the other way or take that walfcrla-i.'0yi'.i;4''''."' f A vlg-orcnis campaign has been go Ing on .In Virginia during the past several weeks, and Commissioner Ca pers has ordered a thorough investi gation of the situation. He has sent four revenue agents there, taking them- from North Carolina and Ten nessee, and he ha put fifteen: addi tional revenue u inapectora ; From these reports have &een turned in to him giving Information' upon which a number of -raids have been mads, Some of the largrest distillers and tho most influential la Virginia are about to t) ried,y v f vZACH iM'OHEE. ( 7" ' RABID tTTER.XCEf V, . Some Rpeent Deplorable' Outbreaks by , - i .Ministers of the Gospel. . 'Montgomery Advertiser..;, ( -'-Vtiy. ia It that ministers of the Gos pel, who above all. otters should set examples - of moderation and charity, sometimes become, utterly rabid in their ',. utterances? 5 ;, For ' example a few days ago a: minister In- Phila-: dolphlft declared that it he buld liav his way he would re-establish the rack; the guillotine and the stake for blasphemers. How can a minister hope to make people better by assert ing a desire to go back to the cruel ties and Inhumanity of dark ages? Can he find anywhere In the teachings of Christ authority ior th practice of worse, than savagery? , He is living several centuries too late. And her we Hnd a, Kansas, City minister say. Ing: ? ' ' - '-' "The world Is more cursed 'through the hooka of to-day than blessed.. If I had -my way every book in the world. excepting1 only ithe Bible, would be burned and great would he Ce rult of removing 'dangerous literature from the reach of mankind, In the Bible one can find every form of pure literature,- end the themes ar not those to corrupt tho minds of both young and old. I myself am a great read er. - True, my reading . has .-been more along- the line ; of philosophy than anything else, and J denounce It all as a source of corruption' ( ; Rrpubllcan Victory in, Ncbraka As . sored. Lincoln, Neb., Dispatch, th. - Jte1 elJ"tlon return served to ton flrm previous estimates and "to emphasise the victory of the Republican State ticket They show he election of Judsre Reese by a rlurallty of not less than 1C 000 and posilbly 20,000.- The vote of II. T, Clarke for railroad coiyjnlssloner will exewKJ this, and that for the tiro re fretita for The University will not be far Seiilnd. The Ttepubllcans gain one dls trict court yu(? and powfljly two. ' , W, J. Bryan sent a tpksram of con amtulatlors to Mayor Tom I Johnson, (v.inm.-tiiing on the result at Cleveland, Mr. Brvan said: . ? - . - - "Mr. Johns-jn ha fouehl a great -tight for puMlc Interest ar.iliist treat Odds, Not only wert- tht eorpoiallons orposd to Mia but hi. tl' l:-'liii-;,co bt Ui DOr li.ir.il nil'inninmitlon wa brouvht to ber i. uot m W'.n victory Is not pny i T -i i It1 ui 'i t-t a I'-iory for tho ' 1 ' I i ' e t ii3 f;im- l.h FAILS. 'Vorth Pmvnall J'aniiraeturln Coin pany Goes t Hie Wail as u IU'Mtit of Arnold Priut orks i uiiore. Kurlington, Vt., Nov. T.-i-Receivers wore appointed for the North Pow r.all Manufacturing Company, of North Pownall, to-day on petition of tUe North Adams National Bank, of North Adams, Mass., the bill of com plaint alleging indebtedness amount Ins to about Jl.370,000. The prestlt action ia due to the financial strin gency and the condition of the Ar nold Print Works, of North Adams, Mass.,. to -which the North Pownall Company sells its products and which has been placed in the hands of a receiver. -. : 1 . The North Pownall Manufacturing Company was - Incorporated in Ver mont In- 1904 for the manufacture end sale of cotton goods, with a capi tal stock of 1300,000., Its assets and property. are valued at U.800,000. The corporation employs about 400 hands in its mills at North PownalL Henry . E. Warner,- one of the re ceivers appointed to-day, is also the receiver of .the Arnold Print Works. Normxa ox common stock. - Cotton Oil Trust Declares Seml-An-s nual Dlvldea on , IrJ:emd Stock . and Issues" a-statement. . , i New - York, Nor. , t.r-The directors of the American Cotton Oil Company met to-day, hut took no action on the dividend on the common Btoclfc. --The usual semi-annual dividend of per cent, was' declared on the nreferred Stock.y:.-;. .".j; 'i ili':'s j-'W j. no roito wing statement was given out ; after ;the meetinf of; the direct-. '"The net promts of the year? lover and' s,boye all fixed charges and divi dends on the preferred stock, amount to 11,75,346, of Which $334,684 has been appropriated' for permanent Im provements, leaving a surplus of 31 320.6J2. blinder ... ordinary - circum stances the .directors would at thjs time' declare, a 'dividend on the com mon stock, but in view of the finan cial corny tlons now prevailing they considered it for the best interests of the stockholders' f o' conserve the cash resources, of the company and there fore have deferred action on the com-. mon stock until financial conditions havel resumed a normal state.! IMPROVED TONE IX DRV GOODS More Goods Being Sold by' tle Job v bers; Collection Are Modi Better--Print aoths Quiet; Ginghams are' Active, --'v; - j ,.' . . 4- .":,f-- 'v Boston. Herald ' 5th. : v. , - '-' ' ' ' ' There "is a decidedly better tone'to the dry good market than was noted a;, week ago. Not only.!? there ap parent a more confldenj Reeling, but more goods are beinsrmojved by the Jobbers,; Buyers- who last week re fused : to even, look at goods are how Placing orders, though it Is true that the aggregate of such business is still ' of moderate dimensions; Busi ness is still limited to actual needs, and no one. appears to be willing to anticipate future needs, except in the placing of orders for delivery 1 next spring,. and a class of goods- that must be ordered now in order to n- sure their delivery when wanted. ' Perhaps the most encouraging fea ture of the situation is the improve ment ' noiea v tn ooieotiorwt - wmcn - is considered a strong point by the trade. In this direction conditions have materially improved during the past week, and money is now ooming In tmeh more freely; This bear out the statements previously ; made that the retailers were having ;' a very good trade,, and that the strength ot the situation layVin the fact that the public had not yet felt the financial stress, - and, poestbly would not for some timer it. at- all. October was a fairly good ' month, though, the .closing days did not bear out the, promise of : the ; first two weeks, , When- compared with the eaime month .In the previous , year, the - aggregate ' volume of business was smaller, but October; 1906, was a phenomenally active , month,.) and i it could hardly j be expected , that j this year would see. as many goods sold, especially jn view : of flnancial' condt tiona and the ; cut made . the 'price of domestics y the Chicago Jobbers. . Of .the. advisability, and, necessity Of making this cat there appears to be fcut one opinion in the trade, and the house which Jed off in: the move ment Is, comma- In . for a . good.; deal of the crttlclsm. , It may be true that the; trade is Just entering upon a period of liquidation and readjust menu, but it is argued that it was ill advised end s shortslfhted to . predpl tale ' the : matter, y especially ; in lew of the fact ,tjiaf the houses first cut ting ; ; prices- had.'-,; very Vtew-;;" -of ,? the foods to. sell' at--ahy''prtcev'-.v-v.-4-i-.'' The dry goods' trade .is in a rela tively stronger position -than other trades, partly on account" of the fact that -the . consumptive ' demand , for goods his in many lines been great er than the capacity of the mills to supply, but- Also In large measure lon account of the v conservative policy that has been shown by distributors Of - dry goods since the flrst of the year. Stocks are small In" the hands of Jobbers, and ' recent sales must haa tended to reduce whalrvor ovtreur-ply there r.iicht chance to ha eredlled to tonvri':t who bought for sprculative roTPres and were 8dy lo sell -'out their, Ontnicts wJien they heard the first whisper cf trouble.- ,r ".-- '. .' - - These' resales' must how have been ptettx well dec ned up, stid the fact thait Uhe mills are' still holding: their goods so (Irmly shows that any hope for a rw abnormal brea in price? be fore the nrst of .the year- Is doomed to disappointment. Recent drives at the . market lor . plain . brown ,, and bleached cottons have not succeed ed 'in shaking the position of agents and manufacturers on iota, and it may be stated .on good outhorlty that the is!tton of the mills Is so strong that ho change In prices from Brst hands ' 1 contemplated on any line of goods which has- an estab lished name and reputation. ' ' Thv sxlent to which the possibility of cancelation enters Into the cal culation is variously considered, ac cording to the " standpoint of ths ob server, but undoubtedly - there has been a great dear of talk about can celations that has bad Utle real foundstlon. There has been some rancelatlon, but Investigation shows that It has , been largely con fined to goods oversold by the mills, and In all eases confined to goods on which delivery was some time over due, .There Is no talk of eaneelatlon on any of the lines which are in quick demand from the retail trade, sueh as. ginghams, etc : , ' ' -The Fall JUver print- cloth market Is still quiet, thoUKh this is princi pally due to the lack ot available goods, rather than to lack of de mand1: The current stocks are , hard ly equal to one week's production, while fully 70 per cent, of the capaci ty ef the mills for .the next three months Is under, contract. The, sala for tha week were estjmatd at about 40,000 pes, of which -15,000 ; pes we7a 1 spot snd" .' fntuwr.1The production iM 229.0 ::'pc and,;; ths delivery 200,000 j.ca- - vlv . J:r, E(tr'-n eitntlnti'-- H la '-- vm::.oxt cotton t - : .!'- -..'. r .-t i.i ;t ; - ! to r I t i .-.!. tra i.-t v-ry q.iict. Kjj u' t iit;)t only 5,. j res r.f reruJars e"uld t-e purchnse-i t I'. .1 I aver l,i. i week, and that thse will .-be r.i.iiU' on wide looms. While print cl it ii prices are nomi nally firm, it is thought that current prices could be shaded a little for de liveries extending into next year. For 2S-lnch, 64x6 ,-s, 4 7-Sc is nominal ly quoted, but for forward contracts 4 3-4c can be done. Wide goods have been sold on tha basis of 6 3-4c -far contracts for standards, - and even better than that Is claimed to be pos sible for. delayed - deliveries, "i ' , The rally in the cotton market Is an tofwrtant factor Mn the price of plain joods. 14 With prices steadlly declining and spot cotton down to 10.80c. It looked - very much like lower prices on goods, but now - that it iaa rallied again, closing yester day at'ltlOc, it is seen that the de cline was- largely due to abnormal conditions, and that the market was bound to go up again as soon as the depressing influence was lightened.' The position of dress ginghams- re mains very rtrong. ; The cards for the spring ginghams of - liW8 were shown by the agents of the Bates seersucker ginghams - last- week, ' and the i; total available supply was promptly sold at; the price fixed some time since. The Jobbers were limited In U&eir: allotment,- getting about 25 per cent .; of : the quantity wanted. The makers of these ginghams have evidently decided to i follow the plan which seems to be s popular i this year, and "limit, sales to- the actual capacity , ot the mills. This leaves only the ' A.:' F. Ca- not yet , t open among the leading lines ?: of- - dress ginghams. :-''-',y::-.y'' The peculiar feature of the situa tion is the lateness of the. , date on which - the manufacture y of i dress ginghams for the spring " trade a has been begun. Under ordinary condi tion the tnlilwould have been . put at twork ; In -June ; getting-: ready for thij deliveries due the following Jan uary, and -though the sale has- been so greatly restricted, it is dtf flcult to see how even now the desired quan tity of goods can be turned out . ; 'Ginghams continued to sell very actively from the jobbers.; and some good bills have recently , been ; sold. A few good Jobs have also . been moved at attractive ( prices, ; one in particular of percales' having proved to be a success. As a rule, however, the purchases ' of the ' retailers are limited to actual needs from day to day, and if the goods are not wanted it appears to be MI , use to drum for cs&tom. 5 , " .J? It is announced , that the prices . on men's wear : woolens and worsteds wiU be lower when the samples for the fall of 1908 are shown. Manipu lated fabrics wiU be Miown about the middle of the current 'month, and fM goods of this class slight reouciions hftva iriMLdv been decided " upon. The position of the wool market does not permit of any great reduction in cost, but rt is ien mat n.wui u -ceedlngly difficult to set the prices current last year. Duplicate orders for spring goods are more plenty, and a good amount of business is coming forward for worsteds nd a fair amount , for fancy woolena Medium priced worstedsv are having the best inquiry. ,i -,)'(: r '' -Vl'-' ' y;!' ' s" KPIXXERS EXTEH YARN MARKET Prices. Are Irregular Offers Being ' Made Subject- to Stock Carried Slany Laire Spinners Not Making Any vuoiauons. , ?? .-.-j-.- , -New York Commercial, , 6th, . . - -'Cotton; yarn spinners have now entered the inarket in search of new business and; the price irregularities so' noticeable during last woe a nave been still turther increased, ; The larae solnnera as a. rule are still hold ing out of the market having suffi cient orders on their boons, so it Is Claimed, to run their plants up to the end of the ear. The advent of the smaller, spinner, nowever, . in senrtii of business has still further weakened the . situation, and as sellers in this market expresa it, "there does not ap pear to ,be any bottom to 'prices.!' Rumors of cancelations on piece goods for next spring delivery are afloat In the market and ar being constantly exaggerated and distorted in passing from hand to hand. Con servative members of the trade claim that the cancelations are by no means means- as bad as reported, and the manner In which buyers are holding on to the goods orders - for spring shows-that they still have faith in the markets, in the meantime, however, yarn dealers 'State that their stocks are 'accumulating, ; as . the ; weaving mills, as well as knit goods manufac turers,! are' not taking their , usual supplies of yarnr for thir period of the year-?';i.;;iw ,. ,' - Weaving1 yarns are weak and the quotations made are by no means re liable, e In some . quarters they differ according to the houses tn question anywhere from 14 to 1-2 cent per pound. . It all depends on how anx fous the' dealer is to make a sale as to what price la quoted. . A few well known weaving mills .lave been In the market, for supplies during the past fejv days and have paid fair prices as compared with present quotations for the yarns' taken..--- g.j.'1 " " " ' '.' ': OFFICIALS COXFER. President Carter and Other Oftleinls of Sonth & Weetem Confer With Spar tanburg MenProeeetllngs of Syn mf'wAfy- : ., ,v: Ppeclai to The Observer. ' Spartanburg, S. C, Nor. 7. Presi dent Cartef, . Of the South & "Western road and a party of offlcUHs hell a con" ferenoe here to-day with representative business men in the chamber of com merce with ..reference to building . a road to epartanburg. Vhlle no an nouncement as to whether the r line wilt be constructed to this point was made, it is believed the officials have decided to enter Spartanburg so ,as connect with , the Charleston & Wewtern Carolina road. The Lutheran Synod of South Caro lina, held en interesting session this morning, The . devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. V7 B. Crook, these were followed by an address by Dr." , Holland. v chairman of the board of missions, who spoke ,A- of me strength of the Church in' the South, lie- made' en urgent plea for greater aotivity in mission work by the Church. Rev. A. J. Volght, D. dean of the Theological Seminary at Mount Pleasant, delivered an excel lent address on the education of young men for the ministry. This was rouowed by the report of the secre tary, which showed the Synod to be in an excellent condition financially. i ' in "' - - r-, . . Going Some. , , . From The Philadelphia Record, i "1 Th boy -stood on the brldft of a schooner beside th rtptaln on a star ry nljrht. v It suddenly berame neces sary fur the. captain to go below, and he said to the boy: - 1 "Here, take the wheel' I'll be back In a few minutes. Eteer by that star an.i you will be an right." The boy be,in to steer the boat, anJ conn he got her out of her course. Th star now n i-ard eetern Inatesd t' fit.ea-1. -J j- iouta,! down to the "i'l, klfi"'T, corne up and find us J. 0, COAlinAlT,-.Soo,.,rrfpw-' xrnst REVEXtE COLLECTTOXS LARGER Screwing Down of Lid by Prohfbltion- ; rsw was xvo rereepubie street on Collections at" States viila Oflioe. Kpecial to The Observer. SUtesvllle, Nov. 7. Thie prohlbl tltlon movement niAv ha iloi-mnlnr the use ot spirits in the State, but it certainly is hot affecting the internal revenue collections in this district Tho reDOTt of Cashier Ttnhrt. nf the revenue collector's efflee, shows " the rouowing couecuons during the inutna oi vciooer: . -- : ! f . i t.U'ii ..... ? . t etoftt spirits .;,, ..'.V.l'i n.on.u Tobacco ,v i.ii. ,.. .., a07,a.3J Special tax ......... ... $50. ii Total for month V. -.;L..K8S.315.S The C.olleptinno nf fino r Inst month, October,- are the largest with one exception for four years for one month. The collection on - spirits alone is the largest for a single month for more than four years. This .of fice . collects from 40 -counties In the western part of the State and in these counties: during ; the past, four years me prcmoiuonisia nave been at work, as well as In all other portions of the State,;-Cashier Roberts says he can't understand whv It l ttt th r,wmi. collections on spirits are on the in crease wn-en tne pronjwtloniste claim the manufacture, sale ana consump tion Of tha ardent ta a iht ilMMiM In North Carolina. The Increase . in m couecuons on spirits over last year la no small item. Examination of the books show that during the month of October, 1906, the collec tions on spirits wsre 3S4,sSM4; and this rear durlnr netnht the amounted to 177,077.11. j ,' Collector George H. , Brown ha been in charge of the office since July 16th, 1106, and during that time he has collected 13,266, 105.61U ' MONEY TIGHT AT CAXTOX. Lower Class Of Employes Suspect - necic payments as a Fcneme to ; Defraud Young Matt Falls 23 i:!'cet,j:W.;'; i Special to The Observer. ' Canton. Nov. 7. The strinrencv of the money market Is being tVlt here In the fact that the Champion Fibre Company paid off this week by checlMnstead of in actual cash, aa has been their custom, Mr. O, W. Hampten, cashier of the Champion Bank.1 stated that he had made every effort to secure the money but had been unsuccessful. It is feared that some small trouble may result from inn as we son win io awe to cash the checks very slowly at best, and many ef the lower class of laborers regard this as a scheme on the part of the company to keep them, out of their money The merchants and business men ot the towa are doing all they can and it Is hoped that any show of disturbance will be avoided. . - .. ,. Mr. Horaee Gregg, a yrung man living In Canton and employed In the electric department ot the Cli amnion Fibre Com pany, had a very severe - fall this even ing, which resulted In a fractured leg and many bruise, about the body. Hi was craw Una throua-h a window tmm the reof of one buildlmr Into another wnen mi nana siirpeq ana he fell head long to the eoncreto floor, - twenty-five feet below. He turned allahtly In the air so that ha fall on his right side. Catarrh of The Stomach A Most Dangerous Disease, Which Causes gerioae Remilts, ITnlcea Properly Treated. , ' Catarrh of the Stomach Is very eomrnoa ana is known as one of the most obstinate diseases, which, when neglected er Improperly treated with cheap patent medicines, tonics, drugs, pills and ether secret quack remedies, result itf a broken down constitu tion and , often - oensunqptioa and death. , .' .: . ' Catarrh of the Stomach, like every ether disease , of the - stomach, ex cept cancer, is the result ot poor di gestion. The digestive organs have become weak, there is a lack of gas trio Juice, your food is only, half di gested, and as a result you btcome affected with loss of appetite, pres sure and fullness after eating, heart burn vomiting, waterbrash, tender ness at pit of stomach, slimy tongue, bad taste in the mouth, constipation, pain tn limbs and face, sleeplessness, nausea, belching of gas, diarrhoea,' sick headaches, dissiness, mental de presslon, nervous weakness - and many other common symptoms. ; . If your stomach cannot digest the food you eat' then the stomach needs a rest, as that is the only way you can get rid of your catarrh: but In the meantime your body needs plenty of nourishment, because you , must live, and In order to live yoa must eat, and it yoa must eat, your food must be properly digested, and If your stomach is too weak to do tha work, then you must ? get a substi tate that will do the work. ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the only known substitute that will di gest your food as well as any healthy stomach. : They contain vegetable and - fruit 'essences, - aseptic pepsin (gov. test), golden seal and diastase, the very elements necessary to digest all fooda -..- . v , . Stuart'g Dyspepsia Tablets are not a secret remedy and for that very reason thousands ef physicians " alt over the United States recommend them to their patients for catarrh, ot the stomach, - dyspepsia of - all, kind end other : stomach troublea , Ex periments and tests have proven that ene grain of the ; active principle contained e In ' these tablets will di gest 1,000 grains ef food. - - ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets" are In the form of pleassnt tasting tablets or losengte and are sold . in ' large fifty-cent boxes at all drug stores.- Send us your name and address and we will send you a free sample package. The relief yotf 'wilt . get from this, trial package alone will convince you of the merit of Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablet. . Address F, A. , Stuart Co. ISO f Stuart Bldg Marshall. Mich. HP! 1 SATURDAY MATISEE AND NIGHT Henry Miller llveent IIKNKY , , ' ' . "V700DEUFI -s. ' In tho Tteot of All Collepe plays BROVN OP HARVARD Direct Front Tlecord-I.renRtnsr Runs -y: In 'Sew York and thlt-nsra $00 Mj;ln t Hie I'rinwss 'ii.catre, - Kew Ywk IS9 ?C?-T at the f.'arrfeltrt.estre," Cli-nco Posts now on sale -at Ilawley's. IJ-liT-I J-M. J-... (, Ml' ). fracturlna- hn lpr shmit the knee and nip. He. was piclwi up m an unconscious condition, and given imme diate medical attention. . i A HARD DEBT TO PAT. "I owe a debt' of eratiturf never be paid off.' writea a rirw of Westrield. Iowa, "for my rescuefrom death, by Dr. King's New Discovery, com lunira wen so seriously affected that - death soemed Imminent, .,n I commenced-taking New Discovery. The omlnlous dry. hacking cough quit before the first bottle was used, and two more vius iTmuv n- vorapiei cur.. routing has ever equaled- fcew - Discovery for coughs colds and all throat and lung complaints. Guaranteed by W, 1 hand & Co., drucglst. - 80c and JJ. Trial bot tle free, ., The Stove : SEASON . will soon ' be here, ae these - cool evenings testify. We .-' have Just what you ' Wish, from the large Base Burner ' for yeur hall te the Oil Stove for your bath room. -. ( - . , QlTd to your order new ' 11 McCadsland & Co. Steve Dealers Roofing Contracture, . Tryoa Street. TO-XIGIIT AT 8:S0 Only - Appearance . A- i Schumann-Heink The World's Greatest ' Contralto Management Henry Wolfsolm , Opera and Song Programme : - Seat sale now on at Hawleys. ; Prices... , .$3010, ti.vO, $1.80, $1.00. BRICK. mm I ARCS STOCK. PIIO50PT EIITPMEXT. Georgia-Carolina Brick Company v T. - HOWARD n. STAfTOIU), President , , . Writ tor Prices, jiil o. Presbyterian College For Women CnAItLOTTE, x. a Qpens September 5:1907, , Catalogue furnished upon application. Kev. J. R. Bridges, D. D.t President (JNCORPORATEDl " . CAPTTAZi stock $$0,000.0$, rn, ; ' Thle Is the largest, best equipped business college ta North Care- . Una a positive, provable fact. Book-keeping, Shorthand, Type 'writing and Telegrrphy taught by expert. Positions -guaranteed et''t money back. Railroad fare paid, Write tor eur aew Catalogue and ; , Offer. , :.".-.,) AAArm King's 8uslnss College, Charlotte, N. C et Baleigh, ,K CL- Hotel Mzgg Philosophy Where you stop Invariably governs' what you get; sometime you got what your -money pays for; more often you get less. Tou seldom get all you are really entitled to, which la why - you complain of the house and, the latter complain of poor business. ' This hotel is conducted on -the plan that - ' comfort, service, good cooking and the right atmosphere are worth more than they cost, from both your standpoint and ours. If you agree with us and want to how thjs plan , works, just stop here th naxt time, - t - Just a step beyond tb station. . CllEEXSBOnO, X. C " 66 Fire Bride, "KING'S", New- York Plaster Paris, "ACME 'V "ELECTROID" and "UNIVERSAL" Asphalt Roofing Felts. Plasterinj? Hair. Lath?, ,' Shingles and General Building Material, We can i save you money on nil of the above goods and.dc- j , fire to quote you prices delivered at your railroad ! station. -j .Write us, . , . j : ywr, T5 a1 $ IT f mnf m, a .. &tj, CIIAIILOI III, IT. C. n .... iv. A Bus Mtdkln for tm tv-y-" " Krtnei SsUia Kwlth ars ftintwsd V ". ' AsnwtfleforConsttpttion. tr,A '' f ,( nd v-'oy troabiei. Flmpiea. l-wu- v 1 Lianri. but Sfeatli, Blnrt ii-a Bowkk, i t A BMlMK-he. lis Back; UouetutalisAtri': -IH form, id oena a fcot. Ow-'ai if boLums Vma Coupaxv. &uuoq, v aasai ' BUWIII Ow . . .... . . . a tpUttins kMkdaelist r!aa all vt jraas mcKS k HiMitiar !" ifArrtla in. bi.plt alt - I U it aod tUni lamodiatalj-. , fesiar Sum, sad Me. . . . All OiaoUta. ; , Charlotte Souvenir Spoons . A very, " useful and exceedingly handsome article for visitors to carry back home with1 them is .one of. -our Charlotte V - Souvenir Spoons. - . ' ', They were ' designed especially for . us and are very appropriate;' We have them in sev eral styles and sizes, ! .' B. A. Southcrland Jeweler Iled end Butt, Dry Pressed and Common Building. ; 99 ' 1 a ... . Wot V r. j ' r, j V U ZL Ttm I urru 1