11 i - y. .. c. , ,. ... - i : ; c r ; 1 ; i ' A i . J J .1 , I . , . U i ' ' 1 C , I. 3 if Ir. ail . -. il. C. i . 1 . 4J3 North Tryon street. lie v. Vr. C. L. Lr'own. also missionary to Japan in behalf .of the Southern Lutheran Church, has been in the Presbyterian -iio:;pltaI here for several weeks, and Id m-arlng complete recovery. Ha will prt.iibly be able to ciil fur Japan in December. His wile is stopping at Lr. Holland's. -The following card which has een received in Charlotte, is of much inr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wellington Cobb request the honor of -your company, at the marriage of their - , ' niece ' f i Miss Eleanor Virginia' Farlsh ' ") , to . ' : air. Lynn Banks Williamson - pn the evening of Thursday, the , iwenty-nrst of November ' - at eight o'clock . ' ' . at Fourteen East Sixtieth Street , ' ' In the City of New York ' , , Mr.' and Mra. C. O." Howard, of San 'dy Ridge, Union county, were la the city yesterday. - f '. Mr. and Mrs. Isaae. Pearson Cald well are keeping nous In the home ot V Mra. "M. T." LeQrend. on the -eornor of Eighth and Poplar streets, and Mr. and Mra, Howard A. Banks hare moved Into the Torrence,'1 house on Eighth street.' - v, ; ' .Mrs,' t)avlj- V, Cannon,' of Concord, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. ; Jburg, Is visiting her brother, Dr. ( A. aa.. werron. : , , . . -, Mlss julla Robertson has returned f rdm Raleigih, where she visited at the home of Col A. B. Andrews, : ".The following Invitation (has been Issue,!:-" , " 1 " - -v ,Mf, and Mrs. Philetus K. Llnney announce the marriage of their, aaugn - . , . P!mmi Grace Mr. " Lindsay . Ferguson Carleton ' Saturday, November the second ' v nineteen hundred and seven ' ' North Wllkesboro," North Carolina. At Home - v; - . f - - after Novemner temn ' - North Wllkesboro. N. C . . " - Mr;.; Ellen - Mackenzie, of Illinois, ;' Is the guest of her eon. Mr. I P. Mac L daughter. Miss Iona Mackenzie. - ' Mr, and -Mrs. Joel Jenkins Hutch tson have rooms at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. M. McDonald and are taking their meals at Dr. T. F. Cost ner's. s ' Mrs. T. Sum pter Means, ef South carouna,' is tne guesi i ws. aicr Jdoore, on Tenth avenue,( Mrs.. Pan! Garrett, who had been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fran W. Garrett, of EMlworwi. iert yester day for her home, Norfolk,' Va. V'R Miss Emma Brown.; of . Salisbury. I. ..I.UIn. ;f f rQ Win b ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jordan have re turned from Guilford county, where they spent several days. . Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Verkins and f children. Irene an J Aubrey, left yes terday, for '. Greensboro, where they will visit friends ana relatives. 3 -Ur. inA Mra. Hull) Chatham, of El- jcin, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chatham. .Mrs. Chatham was to have v nnAaixrnn an nnemtion for annendlct' tls but her physician does not think It necessary now. Mrs. R. E. Little and Misses. Jessie v Moore and Rosa Moore, of Vades boro, are at the Buford. s - " Mr W. n. Moore and Miss Mary Morrow, of Gastonla, were in the city yesterday. ' Mlsse Irma, Wllleford arid Lucy , Bell 'Jenkins, of King's Mountain, were ln the city yesterday. ? v . : Misses Minnie and Liza Stanclll," of " Eocklngham, are visiting, friends In the city. They spent yesterday with Jlise Pat LeGrand. t , .a ,,t..t ; .i, i.iii-ii mi t r I . i - ...'in- iri.r-Mri' '":' 'w' :;',;" rev. H r Atkrvs improved. Former Charlotte - Pastov IJrtne; ' at - . Randora, Texas He Writes to His Conference Paper of a lucent Trip Hoallh Much Better. - - -Rev. H. I Atkins,' who was at one .tlma pastor of , Calvary . Methodist church, In this city, doing very laitft ' ful work here for three ysars, . and , who is now-In Bandera, Texas Is very much Improved in health i ' '. Mr. .Atkins was one of the best- . loved pastors ' who has Iiad work In this city, and many people here and elsewhere in the State will be glad to know of his Improvement. ' He went to Bandera three 'years ago m very feeble health, and with little hope In . VjmsAlf inri fmm Vila, frtpnila fur hl .. Improvement, but from the first - of ' his residence there the climate has proven beneficial to him. ' He has re- . rentlv attended a stsslon.of the Ger- frnan Mtesion Conference, and of his visit to that body he writes an inter estlng letter In this week's isme of tin VAMK .fBHillim fr allAtl Advo. - rate. He retains his membership in the Western North Carolina Confer- ence.s' "i:X-.,M:M''li:2: ' r Early last , night ' box1 No. 14 called ' out the fir '. department, but the , alarm was a' false one. , There was nothlnsr dolnff when . the nrmon ar- Ahnut ll'Sft nV1nfW the nutomfttln bells In the College street building of the . General Fire Extinguisher I Company's building began to ring and . police . omcers turned in the alarm. The department responded, but the sprinklers had put out the blaze which had caught in a barrel - of waste and twine. The automatlo sprinklers did the work. , , 7 ' IntMvst In "Cliadrcn's' Ilour." . :';:The "Children Hour"1 at the Car- u negle Library, which. Is' held "every nuay auernoon, is growing more popular with the little folks and with many of their adult friends. Yester day there was a large ' attendance present, and the children's room was prettily decorated. The story at that hour was "Pied Piper of Hamlin." and the entire-hour was thoroughly en Joyed. ., t . Mr. ,Vf. Samuel Krauos, of Monroe, spent yesterday In th clfy, . 1h gruatcut sellers lnI'ltTinfUhVin n". trerts are lomon and vanilla jf you try ttmm rro you will understand bv .the tniar all others. . J. jr. t i.: -:. r : Located In the 1 t r-f C .:lor; street cars and the bu : -.-s and high-class commercial ar.a tourist Table.de fcote dinners 6; 0 0 to to 8:30. EDGAR B. I.IOOPvE, PBES1DEXT CAUTER UBE s. & w.xornaALs is tee crry Party of Capitalists and Engineers In terested m the souui ,. etivni Railroad Passed Tlrough Charlotte Iiast Nlht Aftc Having Made an Insneo;lon Toiir in South Carolina Company Will r Kxpend About i $50,000,000 on the New Line, Which V Promises to Revolutionize Industry ' to Piedmont Carolina Sseklngf a ' Route loni Bostlc . to the fiea ' coast. 'jAWff r. Accompanied by party of capital ists interested Iff the project, -. Presi dent George L. Carter, of Jhe South & Western, spent a few hours In the city last hight, en route from Bouth Caro lina, wher an Inspection -has beea made of the country with a view to securing the teat .possible route for the line, which will ; run from . BostiC, Lhls (State, to the aeacoast. wun President Carter was Mrv J. T. Odell, railroad , man of experience and broad views, ; representing & ' large amount of the financial Interest that are behind the company, Mr. M'.' "W.: Potter, who is also along with? .the party, ia a New York lawyer, and chairman of the South & Western Company. The other member Qf the partyls Mr. M. J. Caples, .general manager, who was at one time wn. the Norfolk & Western. . ' - OBJECT OF VISIT. V- , rrhe object of , our visit, is' to , et Mr. Odell'n views of the country, so that he can help us decide if there is enough in this part or tne soutn .w Justify . the large expenditure of mony which will be necessary m construe inr the South & "Western." Said i Mr. Carter ta The Observer men Who call ed on him. "We ar now consiaering three passible "routes, to glve'v" con nection with the sacoast from Bos tic. One of these la via Gaffney to Charleston ; another through Spartan burg. Augusta and Savannah, and the other is down the Wateree country to Charleston. We hold large property Interest at Southport, Charleston and Savannah, but are not considering making Southport th sea terminal for our' line. . The line from Kant, Virginia, on the 'north -to Bostlc, Is 10 miles long. Rails are now laid for 109 miles, 80 of which are in operation. We ex pect to have the entire line In opera tion within twelve months. f "Work on laying the rails through the Rlne Rldae tunnel.' at McKlnney's Gan. will be completed this week. It Is possible that we wlir have the line In - operation within about - eight months. The total length of tlve road, after connection Is secured to the sea coast, will e about' 800 miles, and the cost will be .between l40.000.000 and 150,060,000. The cost tor build ing! the road from Kant, Va,;to Bos tlo was about 120,000,000, a dlaUnce of only 110 mum : "We will get to Wilmington through the a A. L., which runs ; through your city. This should -give you di rect connection with the Ohio river and Westejrn roads. From Kant, Va., our line -will be extended 85 miles to Elkhorn, Ky.i to get connecUon,wlth the Chesapeake Ohio. -- ' , Asked about the effect the . money situation would have upon the con struction work President Carter stat ed that there would be no suspension of operations, but that he expected the present stringency to affect every business interest and every ; home Jn America. In reply ; o a question as to the Influence the construction 1 of the South ft Western would have up on himiness interests In piedmont Car olina, he said it should have the effect of bringing1 about a mutual help be tween the . officials pf-th road and the business Interests of this section. "It will bring a pew et of people to you, and bring a new set to us bring ua closer together, said he. He made no : expression of the reduction which would probably be wrought on coal when the f supply from ' the Cllnchfleld mines Is turned In this direction, except to eay that Jt should prove stimulating to, all manufactur ing Interests, v ' SKETCH OF PRESIDENT CARTER. President Carter has the . appear ance of a shrewd financier. ' He Is pleasant and obliging; and talked free ly about -the gigantic Industrial pro ject of "which he stands at the head. He has a manner of suavity, but his general disposition strikes one as be ing identical with a man who has the genius for making money. In a word, that Is his characteristic, He " was bofn and reared at Hlllsvllle. Carroll poimtv: Va, He -took -a contract "for he building of several mUes of rail road In that section ana wasi no suc cessful that he was later enabled to buy a controlling Interest m the Dora furnaces, at Pulaski, Va, H engag ed in the iron business for some years, moving to Bristol In 1889. - About 1900 he began Investing heavily In timber and mineral lands and shortly thereafter organized the Virginia r A Southwestern Railway, purchasing the nM fioiith '- Atlantic V Ohio and the Bristol, Ellzabethton ft North - Caro-', Una and merging them into wnat is now known as the Virginia & South western. At the same time he organized- the Virginia Iron, Coal & Coke Company, with a oapIMl o 000,000. Later the two concerns were thrown Into litigation, and receivers were appointed. ' Judtf Archer A. phelegar, formely a member of the Supreme Court of Virginia and now one of Mr. carter s attorneys, was ap '.AiMfii vint receiver on hehalf 0f fhl rrtPf htMSta i HMry K ! Eastern share-holders.- - Mr.. Carter j retired from th companif and said; Lrz:i iss: T'dty t nt recovered and the-receivership dis-- solved. 1 About this time he took up the old 3Cs Railroad project near Johnson City, and bought the line, later merg ing It Into the South & Western Rail way, of which U now forms a part. This marked the beginning of . Hhe South Wistern. Mr. Carter owns nearly a million dollars worth of real estate at Kings port Tenn., and ' his holdlnar' at John City will Hffsreirate, .it ' Is .laid, about half a million rtoivjrs. He also owns property. In TJnlcol county. t Jonesboro, Bristol and In soothwpst Virginia. Rexldes thU. he Is the prin cipal stockholder i the' Vlrgtnia-Po-cRhontas. Coal A Cok ; Company, which operatpg mlnea and cok' vnn In McDowell countv, , W"t Vlrtlnlt. nd has holdings' that wlil v pmlwiWy irftrgt( 'ApraI million of floll-irs Ha la also tntprp'ed Jn the lumhr Lubhie&s and. has a.cuinb:s ct. suLlu con' hc tr;t-i 8:S0, 1 .1 i t,:.iMon, C-Urs 'to .re. ilusic every cver.Ins 6:30 Proprietor. near-Caretta. W, Va., which are own ed by the Kingrport Lumber corpo ration . , .. ; . AS A POTENTIAL FACTOR. The South & Western road prom ises to be one of the greatest poten tial factors in the Industrial and com mercial expansion of the South for many years.. Traversing as rich a coal region' as there is ,ln the coun try, the road will handle an Immense tonnage for the .South and the coast wise trade will afford a much more di rects route than can , be secured at present. Coming through - the. rich farming lands of Virginia and enter ing Tennessee through a tunnel cost ing a million of ; dollars, the line en tens and the most fertile fields Of that State and run through the roughest mountain section in the South when it strikes the North : CaroHira domain." Much has been mid about this monumental project 3 and ' Its meaning to the industries ' of ' pied mont ; Carolina, The Obssrver carry ing a column tory a few mornings ago of ithe competition which would likely follow Its construction In ; s the sale , of coal.: -1 The cllnchfleld ' coal mines of Virginia will be developed at a cost of an immense amount of money. - President Winder, of i the company, will expend $2,500,000 - of his own money In pllclng this pro duct on the market It is perhaps safe to estimate an ' annual produc tion of coal from this development at from to 10.000,000 tons ; The' party , left last nl?ht for the roal fields, goinar to PiIIHrv to catch the western train to Ashevllle. ' BRIEFS. ; A Few Minor Hnppenlngs In and . - About tm City. Dr.' John 'Blair, of Monroe, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. , -Miss Mollle Erwln, of Ashevllle, Is visiting the Misses Rankin, on North College street. - ' Yesterday was a beautiful autumn day the sun was shining and every? thing around was bright and mellow. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McLaughlin, who was burned Wednesday afternoon, does not im prove. He is in a serious condition: In an exhibition game of basket ball at the Young Men' Christian Association to-night, at 8:10 o'clock, the Golds will contest with the Greens. . A. M. Nevllleharged wlta aban doning his wife, was dismissed and nia wife was made to pay the costs tn the case by Recorder Smith yes terday morning. . --Mecklenburg Camp, Confederate Veterans, will hold its regular month ly meeting this morning In the coun cil chamber at II o'clock. Recitations will be a feature of the gathering. The board of aldermen will meet Monday night to take un ' business which should have been attended , to last Mondky night, but which got off in . tracn tor tne . "first street niat ter. ' ''' Mr. Charles E. Fratjar fnas been appointed deputy grand president of the Fraternal Ordr - oft Eagles of North Carolina by Hon. T. A. Bell, of Napa, Cal., who. Is the worthy grand president or tne order. .., ; Bird dogs disappear every Jay; thieves are abroad In the city, The man who owns l. good setter or pointer has no trouble keeping him during tne summer but this time of year the sorriest mongrel is in danger. AIL those taking part s in "The Spinster's Return.' play whlchIs to be given next Tiaay nignt at xryon Mertiodist church, are requested to be -present, in . the church parlor promptly . at 7: 10 o'clock to-night. It Is announced . that Assistant General Passenger Agent, W. E. Chris' ttan, of the S. ' A. ,L. with headquar ters in Atlanta has been promoted to a - more responsible position in the Eastern offices of the. company. Mr. C. E. Frlck, of this city, has been re-elected treasurer of the Con- Vocation of Charlotte, and Rev, F. M, Osborne chosen as secretary. The Convocation adjourned at Greensboro Thursday night after a two days' sea The First 11 service In the new Methodist church of North Charlotte will be held to-morrow and Rev. Plato Durham will preach the sermon. Bish op Morrison , and PresiJing Elder Thompson ,are both expected! to be present, s 1 -The Selwn will serve a banquet to about 200 people for tho Greater Charlotte Cluta on the night of ,the 15th, when President Flnley, ' of the Southern Railway, .Governor Glenn, of Raleigh, and the j Governor - of South Carolina are here. .' t ' - .North Carolina's eollectlve exhib it sat Jamestown were glvm a total of 115 medals, according to a report giv en out 'by the State's commlsnlosers. The exhibits were various, represent ing the horticulture, agriculture, com merce and industry of the State. ; . ' The directory for the'1 Western North Carolina Conference, which con venes in Salisbury next Wednesday has ' been Issued. It M nat little booklet giving a list of tne preachers and laymen about three .hundred of them, and telling Where they are to be entertained during Conference. " -Capt. R. J Thurman J, the fath er of Mra Paul Chatham-and MUs Margaret iTnjirma,nd, of this city, and Mrs. Hugh Chatham, of Elkln, I very III at 8t, Peter's Hospital. ' It was Anwuul! lUttl wouiu n uvr uji morning Thursday night but herallled "aay ... w tnrtn,riv a f,t. the city.' He has been transferred to Atlanta, and will go there to live. The McKsnna Liquor Treatment .. UUIZE3 TO GTAY Saf and prompt relief. caU or write to nearest ' Sanitarium, - Addrcif cdio'MAT ucrc-icurico:.:?:," COLt'MDH, 8- C. ; ' KriDSMLLE, N. C. 1206 i-i Main gt Thone 418. " Tlon 15 f, DAYS FOR Sstatfs Sailing Our buyer, who is in the North, has. sent us a' big express shipment of eMUlinery he bought : very cheap from a leading house. Our Milliners are busy preparing some fine things . for to-morrow's business. , , ' . We will have on sale some of the latest styles now worn in New York at specially low prices. - . ; CLOAKS AND SUITS 1 ' ' . f Almost every day we receive new things for this department - , We have a fine -stock, especially well bought 1 i . Some fine values In Coats at $3.00, $7.50, $10.00 and upwards. SAMPLE SKIRTS . Still selling that . fine sample 1 line of Skirts at one-third off. ' If you have not 'seen this line you are un able " to-: appreciate . the saving - It means to you on a real stylish, well tailored' Skirt.' ee ' them Saturday. ANOTHER SALE DRESS GOODS - REMNANTS SATURDAY, , ' " 25c. and S9c. a Yard. Will put on sale to-morrow another big lot of Dress Goods Remnants. Good lengths of nice Woolen Goods, worth up to 60 and 60c. a yard, at 25c. A yard.. - "' . An exV.ra fine lot of good lengths pure Wool Dress Goods in all colors, the' staple colors and materials, at 39c. yard. . - -.-.. Goods in this lot worth up to 75o. a yard and plenty to choose from. IVEY'S FRANK P. MILBURN ,& "03 ARCHITECTS " , WASHINGTON- D. ; O. FRESH CELERY AND Vks.. OR Me. hundlSf two coope fresh -Chicken Ifio. to 40c Will have1 Turkeys Saturday, l Applos Saturday UOe. peek. Fmm 8Mii- d&y.f8o., Lemrns 15c. ERIDOBRH & CO.. ii , West Trade street. AH! HERE YOU ARE. GOM BKBCHT'S ' shipment of Goose Liver Wttrst, Pas trom 1 Hard f Salami, .Frankfurters, fresh .Balaitil. Ring Huusage and r.omt of thooo delicious Smoked Tonvurs, nnst lot this seeson. Going fast hurry, MILI.ER-VAN NKS8 CO.. 27 North Tryon St 'Phones 8 and U8. ALLAN'S HEADACHE REMEDY WIM. cure you when other remedies fail. If it doMn't we will rafunl yur mwipy. . Price 3 cent WOODALL & 8HKP PARD. CIGARS AND TOBACCO-NO RETTER and fresher line in the city thnn ours. Nearly every smoke that is good. And we carry also a nne line of nltits. See them.. JAR P. STOWE & CO., Drug glstn. 'Phone 179. BLtlK? RIBBON VANILLA js WELL . known to the good housekeeper who will have nothing but the best. 1 FIFTY TO SE VENTY-PIVK PER CENT, oft on v second-hand typewriters, too machines at price that , will agtanimt you by their chearnes. J. E. CRAT TON i CO.. W S-Tryon 8t. 'Phone Jul THE NEW YORK LUNCH ROOM3 2 N. 'Tryon. 29 W.. Trade, C4 E. Trade, . newly relit ted, marble-slabbed . lunch counter; make a very attractive luncn end dining rooms. Bill of fare inoluii Ing all the market affords. Try our egg sandwiches.-;-.,; i .,..- FOR BALE. -ONBi OF THS . W.VJE8T os for warehouses, or manufacturing trftcS In the city, ISO feet fronting on both railroads. Will Ml as a whole er - divide to suit piirrhawr. Cloee in and a Murrain. J.: ARTHUR HKNDERJON r BRO. FOR RKNT; VROOM HOfSK, Dlt worth, 15; J-roorn house, modern. -near nfrw (V''1 d school,- $20; stable' and lot, cloee in. 3 per month; 6-room houite, N, Clarkson, fo; ' houses for colored ten- ' SPti t to rooms, ft to U per week. ' Hous and lots, big ana little, for xulu et attractive price. E. L. KtiESLKH, !5 8. Tryon St. 'phono M, ., mm Special Notices A Number of Dressy as Well as the Plain Tailored, Fitted and SerxJ, Fittcd Styles Ready To-Day For Your Inspection. . Several Splendid Styles at $25.00 Of the popular hard finished Herringbone Serges, Tailored, Semi-fitted Coat, best satin lining; skirt a popular plaited style, with fold; cut full. Blue and Browns. Price. i ..... ..... ...... ,'....123.00 , , $12.50 Instead of $19.50 ' . . ' For a dozen snappy Prince Chap Suits of All-Wool Broadcloth and Stripe Mixtures; Venetian lined ' coat, plaited skirt, "with one: fold; mall sizes;" splendid for misses and small - figures; fl.60 values, at ' I1S.30' Instead of $230 For ten good styles of A!IWool,Herringbon Cheviot Coat, semi-fitted. ' velvet collar; skirt plaited, . with fold. Colors: Dark Red, Navy and Brown; $22.60 value, at,.., ... t, ,..$1$0 " $18.50 Brown Broadcloth Suits at $18.50 . Coats dose-fitted, Beldlng satin lined. A ' stylish. Plain Tailored Bult. - in Brown only; $18.(0 value, at..'.., '..,$16410 i Stylish Ooaks v $12.50 value 60-Inch ityllah Covert Cloth Coats, special.... $10.00 - , Bhort Coats -Tan and Black - - We are doing an Immense , business in Shbrt Coats, because we have the . correct styles, moderately priced. : ; . i , , - . 15 short, 27-lnch length seml-Otted five-button full, satin linedAU-Wool Tan Covert Coats. Special .......... ..$1.60 All-Wool Broadcloth close-fitted full satin lined Short Black Cloaks. Special , t ,,. tk.. s,, ... ...,.$T.SO Woolen Remnants at Onc-H alf and One-Third of Value ; .. . One counter Woolen Remnants, goods that retail regularly at 20 to 60c, a yard. Each Remnant ticketed and marked, sale price about one half to one-third less than regular prlcer ; . ' , Many Other Specials -Hero's a Few; , 10c. Linen Torchon Lace., . , 10c. Plain Hemmed Cotton To wels .... , ..... ..... '. 7c 15c Plain Hemmed Cotton Towels.. ..... ..... . .'.-.10c. ' 5c Cream Sicilian and Cashmere ... . .2&C. $1.00 quality crisp Black Imported Volte. .-.85c. $1.00 quality fine Chiffon Panama. ................. ...V.8&C. :. Beautiful line White Mercerised Madras, new patterns. Price. ....20, 25c Regular 15c. quality fine gauze Ladles', Fast Black Hose.. .... .10c. pain - T2x90 Bed Sheets, good quality, full bleached. Price.. ... ...... 60c. HeavV quality 7 l-2c. Solid Gray Ou ting, v ........ , v. 5c Smooth, Unbleached Domestic, ............... ..... ... ... .. 60,,; Domino Ginghams, retails at 7 l-2c; ah size checks, green, blue and , brown. Special.. ..t. Be. Ladies' All-Linen White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. i . ... ...60c dosen. ELK WHOLESALE Dinner Parties, , : Card ParieSn Wedding Receptions, Afternoon" Teas, Small affairsLarge Affairs. . Simple Affairs Swell Affairs. Banquets, It matter not how Btnall, It matters not how large, Brannon's Ice Cream is Always Used. Thone 835 ,. , t - - "... Brannon Carbonating -.Company Entrance through Barringrr's Garage, , '' 20 W. Trade street. Llttlefleld & Steere'a Can 4 dles. Ful line Chocolates Just ' received by express. Nothing finer on the market. J W. M. CBOWELL. Thones 744 and 27. "fiVTP IT AT HAWLTflVB. Da flot ' V... r- Prccrastinate : Rcmcmbrr jrour j Sunday Cigars, . ' Tobarco nd Clgarettea - - -must be i bought to-day, if ' you have ' forgotten . them ehen . you reach , home to night, 'phone and our quick messengers will deliver them. Ihwley's, Pharmacy Academy advance sale three t , days ahead, . Tliones 1$ and 260, ' FH1VATE SANITARIUM Por tho exrhuilve Ireatment of I)IlltSLS OK WOMIJX 51r. jtoM V. Moiuilxn, 31.. I). -Graduate of German and Ameri can Hospitals; 2fl years' experi ence. Firt-class v accommoda tlnnH. Xng distance telephone. 813 lYadjtri-ff, Atlanta, Ca. W - t .3 i f. if : " tar r? UP Long-Tate Clothing Tli Home of UPRIGHT PIANO FOR CS50.C0 We offer two or three slightly used. Upright Pianos at $150. You can pay for them on the easy pay plan if you wish. It costs no moj-c, except' the interest at G .percent:'' ' ' ' " ' The. standard pianos of the .world en cur f.Dcr. . t V- ( , L-i nCJy - k . ..v ..... .... . RETAIL An you having Overcoat thoughts these days? -Most men are. If you find it difficult to determine just what . sort of Overcoat wilt please or : serve you best. weU take pleasure in giving you the benefit of our knowledge. ' We have Overcoats made by the best tailor thta -country affords short, medium, long, single . or double-breasted Overcoats In all wanted stylea , Al low us to show you ' Just the Overcoat you should ' wear. i Good Clothe. J Owrai!