it: IX; C.V LI). i I I 11 THE WINNER. : ..vled in Celling Takes Lead In Miett-U and Wins by liaii 1, nsth. . . - New York, Nov, ll-Purslane, ntglcct (.1 in the betting at 12 to 1, won the j vu handican. one nillo. at Aqucuu" to-uiy. Kentucky Beau tet a fast race to tlie stretch where na tiuit. ana t ro lune talrins the lead, won by half a length, bumifjry: ' ' . First race, J-year-o'.da and up. selling, C furlonps: Oraculum, 10 to 1, won; Roo inhood. 8 to , second; Quadrille, 3 to 6, nurd. Time. i:M j year-olds and up, about 2 miles: Ala- mnnzor, 0 to 1, won; Kara, I to s, Botiuu, Agio. 1 to i third. Time 4:2. Third race, maidens, Iyear-olds, sell ing, H furlongs: Widden, 10 to V won; liuko of Bridgewater, 8 to 6, second; Crfano. 4 to k. third. Time, 1:21 2-4. Fourth race. Roslyn handicap. J-ycar- cldst one mile: Purslane,y 12 to 1, won Don Enrique, 6 to 2. second;. Killuloe, even, third. Time, 1:39 2-i. : ' Fifth race, 3-year-olds ,nd- up, selling, mile and a sixteenth: Qiilin Brady, 1 to J. won; St Valentino, 4 to 1 second; Kilter, 3 to , third. Time, 1:48 2-S. iuctb race, handicap, . 2-year-olds, 7 furlongs: Hessian, 1 to S. won; Durante, t to 1. second; ., Carollton, S to 6, third, Time, 1:27. HARRIMAN GIVES REASONS. Counsel Files ' Brier Setting Forth ; , . jwasons w hy Hp. Ham man Refus ed to Answer Questions of Commit. ' ' sioners Questions Related to Pur V chase of Stock of Other Railroads. '. New York, Nov. 12. The reasons given by E. H. Harriman as to why he should not answer certain ques tions put to hum during; an Investi gation by the lntsr-State commerce commission are set forth in a brief which has been filed by former Ju Jge 31. fl. Lovett, counsel for Mr. Harri .' man. Proceeding brought by the com mission to compel Mr. Harrl ' man to answer the questions is to . come tip before Judge Hough, of the United States Circuit Court to-morrow. i:v S The principal point in the brief Is h contention that the acts concern ing, which Mr. Harriman was ques tioned did not relate inter-State com . merce nor to a violation of the lnter ' tttte commerce but were designed to v compel a disclosure by him of trans . actions for which, "had they taken - place, neither the commission nor i the Congress of the United States could afford a constitutional remedy." s The brief also seta forth Oat Mr. Harriman doe not aJmJt that the Inter-State commerce commission has ny powers other than those conferr ' d in the act of Congress approved February 4, 1887, and the amend ments thereto. The-, questions to which Mr. Har riman objected related to the pur chase of the stock of other rail roads In the interest of the Union Pacific and to' the Union Paclllc dtvl dend, and more particularly the 128, 000.000 of Illinois Central, purchas ed at 1175 a shart. W. C. T. V. CONVENTION, Mm. Mlllan Stevens Eleo ?d President , o-Mrx. Carrie Nation Given the Cold Shoulder, But Later Sneaks to Large Crowd Jut Across the Street Asks That Football Be Stopped. Nashville, Tenn., Nov, 12. The Na tional Woman's Christian Temperance Union to-day elected officer as fol- lows; President, Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, ; Portland, Me.; vice president, at large, Miss Anna A, Gordon, Evanston, II.; conrspondlng secretary, Mrs. Hannah M. JD. Fry, Evanston, 111.: recording secretary, Mrs. Kiizanetn ahuokuhj Valley City, N. D.; aHlstant recordings 1 eeeretary, Mrs. Karan none wnram, Va. treasurer, Mr. Harriet Wright Brand, Kvanston, 11'. Mrs. Carrie Nation asked to be al lowed to address the convention but her request was refused. Khe later poke to a large audience Junt across the street. The convention adoptea me report rtd resolutions committee after uorne dlBcusxlon. The convention de ' clared for the wrae Htindard of puri ty for business men and women. It ' declared alao for woman suffrage. Mrs. George, f Pennsylvania, of fered a resolution urtlnr that football fee stopped. An lnterestlnK argument followed and many champions of the gam spoke. Miclilsran Joined Tennes ee In the fight against the resolution which was voted down. A resolution wan adopted, commend (hg the Pecretary of Commerce and Labor for inauiruratlna an Iwiulry "in ' to the disgraceful tralllc In women and young girls at preent carried on In ur country." Bark With Oiriro of Salmon Goes Ashore. an Pranclsco, Cal., Nov. 12. The iAlankan Packers Association to-day " received advices from Hewnrd. Alaska. tatlng that the hark Kervla had rarted her chain at Kariuk moor ings and went ashore at Julia Frd Point on November th. The vesncl Was With Its rarno of 40,000 cases t salmon reported lo be a total loss. The steamer' Naehagsk. which U now anchored in the Oakland Kiituary, twill sail at once for Kariuk to bring down the officers tnA cr.ew and also the cannery men who were to hare come down on the Servla. Uanks Will Import Gold Direct Iuii England. New Orleans, La . Nov. 12. An nouncement that two New Orleans banks have arrange' to Import 11. 4)00,000 K;lil direct from England was made to-night. The Commerelal-C-ermanla Havings tank and Trust Company and the Commercial Na tional Banks are the., importers, and announce that $250,000 of this gold -wa -shipped on a steamer leaving (England yesterday. 1 jMwcfl Call For Caucus to Assemble. Waco, Tex., Nov. 12. Congressman R. L. Henry, chairman of the Demo cratic caucus of the National. House of Representatives, ha Issued a call tor the caucus to assemble In the House November 80 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Henry in ansyer to a question gtated that ii would not be a can .dilate for the minority leadership of th House in the Sixtieth Congress. ' President Sierra Bead, Mobile, Ala., Nov. 12. Advice jfrom Peurto cortex, JJonduras, No vember 7th, atata that former Presi dent Terencio lerra, of Honduras, died n Nicaragua October , 25th, nd was burled at Grenada October J 8th. General Sierra had been mentioned as a possible candidate for President of Honduras at the coming election 1n Januttry. . 1 . ..... Wuggiidj XJtr a Foe to Ambition. You cin not accomplish very much If your liver la Inactive h rou feel dull, your ryes are heavy and Uht exertion xhaufts you. Orlno Laxative Fruit t-'yrup stimulatea the liver and bowels ud makes you feel brisrht and active. Orlno. Laxative Fruit Eyrup does net rnuseate r rrlpe and Is mild and very y TBTt to trske, Orlno tw more eirriv i 'ytS or ''t'!''tnry rn'hartlm, j:-fun .i.ii,.. 1L Ji. JoldiiU &, CV-W. 1 i . it Co. . ..,, i J.:-.s H.nonton Jlcturn.s I n : i An lm end Will io on I at Next Trial of Tliiiw Sa Tevt'auony Mill Change Whole Conijlcxiou of CuSc. - Pittsburg, Pa., Nov., 12. Miss Ida Veronica Slmonton, of tills city, whose name was frequently mention ed during the first trial of Harry K. Thaw. at. New York, returned home to-day after spending a year and ; a ilf in the jungles of Africa. Son cernlng the second Thaw trial, . Miss felmonton said: V; "I will go to New York, and will testify In the Thaw case. I have not been aubjeonae J but .will ; answer Summons from either side. , My tes timony will ' change the whole com plexion of the case. They story told by Mrs. Charles J. Holman, of iter being deserted In LonJon, is true. I will not tay which side my testimony will favor." i miss simonton arrived on the sieamsnip, America last Saturday While approaching land ; a wireless message was received by the captain of the ship asking if Miaa Slmonton was on board. - - -. , 'The captain came to- me," aatd Miss Slmonton, "and laid he had re ceived the wlrleless and asked me t I was there, :r told him no and ha marconled bacfc that he knew noth ing about It" . ' J When the ship docked at Hoboken, N. J., Miss Simonton said that a de tective met her as the stepped from the gang plank.- He followed her to a hotel and'aat In the parlor while sha was there. He watched her every move, hoping that she would step inside, of New York State so he could servo a lubnoena on hit. but sne anticipated such a move and took a train at Jarsey City. CHEER- OLD FLAGS. . ' Annapolis MldKhipmen !7hecr Con federate Flags as They Are' Belnjr tamed to Ktato houm Escorted hy Academy Band Which Woke the Echoes With Strains of 'Dlxle.,, Annapolis, M J., Nov 12. In the hands of the Confederate ' veterans from the Confederate Soldiers Home at Pikesvllle, and escorted by aev eral hundred members of the Society of the Army and Navy of the Con federate States In Maryland, and hundreds of women, many of whom went through the troublous times of the civil war, the 13 flags of the Maryland Confederate regiments were to-day placed in the flag-room of the State House at Annapolis. Before being placed In this, the final resting place, the flags were formally turned over to the State In the chamber of the House of Dele gates. Governor Warfleld accepted them In behalf of the Commonwealth. The tattered emblems of those who fought for the "lost cause" were car ried across the United States reser vation at the naval academy where tho landing from the meamer t.iat brought the party from Baltimore was made. They were escorted by the naval academy hand which woke the echoes with the strains of "Dixie." Passing through the academy grounds the flags were saluted on all sides. A hundred or more midship men who while they are to fight un der the Stars and Stripes, spring from atop that strove for the success of the stars and bars, burst Into cheers and threw their hats Into the air. Officers lrt'i the United States uniform doffed their caps in silent respect and as the tattered old flags passed the main gate of the academy, the sen try there presented arms, while the sergeant of the guard stood at atten tion with bared he'ad. MOOR.ES VILLE TELEPHONES. Officials of Exchange fake State ment ns to the Exact status of Agreement With Bell. Sreclul to The Observer. Mooresville, Nov. 12. A dispatch from Salisbury under date of Novem ber 8th, gives out the following In formation: "It Is learned from a reliable source that the Bell has sub-leased the prlvato exchanges at Mooresville n this State, and at ort Mill and Lancaster, g. c., thus connecting those exchanges with ts long dis tance lints," A representative of The Observer called upon Manager C. V. Voils and Attorney Z, V. Turlington, of the Mooresvllte telephone exchange, and asked if t.wcre true that the Bell had sub-leased their 'lno. They re plied that the rejmrt was erroneous and gave out the following letter for publlcaton: "DWe allow the Bell to connect Its long Ulntanco lines with our switch board and It pays us 15 per cent, on all business going over the Ameri can Telephone and Telegraph Com pany and 20 per cent, for ull business going over the Southern Bell Tele phone Company. This contract Is good for one year and after that time we own be released by glvng 30 days written notice. We remain Inde pendent and still retan our connec tion with Statesvllle and other 'points wh re wo now have connections. In other words, our contract with the Hell people Is just whnt we attempt ed to nr.ike all telephone companies do by statute. "We have not sold out and do not cnmtemplatn doing ko. We are still mlependent of the Bell Telephone Company with jiiHt physical connec tion with a truflle arrangement." This collection with the Bell peo ple wa made by the Mooresville exchange as a matter of great con venience lo tho here who want ed to use tho long dis tance service, but It in no way, man ner or shape gave the Hell any con trol over out lines. Tillman Says Cannon and Brya'.i. Danville, 111., Nov. 12. Senator THU man, of South Carolina, declared to day that Prexldent Roosevelt will not accept a third term end that 8enkv Cannon, of the House of Tfcprestuu tlva, will be the Republican nmli,. "Lryan," Mr. Tillman said, "will be the Democratic nominee without a doubt. He is the greatest living Dem ocrat and the proper man to entrust with the affairs of our government" Judge Bllilcr Elected Mayor of Macon Macon, Ga Nov. 12. udgJe A. L, Miller defeated Sir. John T. Moore for mayor in the municipal election here to-day by 185 votes. Judge Miller was defeated two years ago by Bridges Smith by 89 votes. It looks Ilka the aldermanlc hoard will be evenly di vided between the .two tickets. ..-'I urn -; Prominent Educator Bead. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 12. J. B. Cunningham, principal, of the Birm ingham High School, and onu of the best known educators In the Stato, died to-day of . typhoid fvr. : ;, ; v .4 v .hi ' i,,.. ,,K- V ' I,, ': Cnndldate : For Foraker place. ? Columbus. o Nov, 'It. Former Governor James E. Campbell, who is a member of the State tag commis sion, to-day said that he is a recep tive candidate "for ""United" Htnte Han ator to suceeej Senator J. B, Foraloer. J'.ijnt :: v of X'1" A ic I.iiiV-AU V, and s;4!;U ..i t i;, ---J Aroi lug to the in-vS t t.'C LawU'N- and Wortl.los I.' tiioiit. Hamlet Messenger and Itclcw (Colored). Sp,.1nir hA nililHflon it 1 K'litor Ws C. Hlvens, of the Ansonlan. Wadonbi-ro' leadinar paper, upcaks out In clarion notcK In defenee ot'the mwtrtfatea poruon ui our race. The n'ro race In the South has heen ludced bv the hoodlum, cut throat element of the race, rather than by the respectable element, and this win a mops inh'stlc and dlscourajrlncr to those of us who are striving to litt -no nd - morallzo ourselves.' Not to pre dominate and associate equally with the uperlor race as scheming politicians would make- believe, but a fair chant e to live Is all tho sensible. Intelllfrent nejtro fluka vrlth 4,ia an mm TirrtnftP an t A ffllHXdfl alto happiness, liberty and protection of life under the law. The Ansonlan says: Th idle and vicious part of the color ed population in this county has succeed' ed In ntaklng themselves quite notorious recently and we disltko to heur some people in speaking of. those occurrences seemingly condemn the entire rece. An eon county's colored population Is. far above the average of th race anywhere in the country and the . better-" element ought not: to be condemned and classed with the worthless portion. There sro colored people In this town who have helped to build It up and are helping to carry on Its bustnesx, doing a work for whleh they are peculiarly fitted, and tho rural districts contain . numbers of the same class who till the soil and make possicie tne wonderful industrial develop ments. They take newnnutwm and hnn. dred' of tbem pay regularly in advance for them - they are prompt to pay their wxes ana to settle accounts tandem And above all, they know their . places and prnunn tneir numnie duties with . no uiougni or desire for social equality In the common acceptance that term. Honor to whom honor if due." Thousands of reputable negroes, aside from our la ree list, of readers )n the Southland will be grateful to Editor Fivens for thus attempting to set right a mallcnnnt wrnnc n thorn an inof fensive people. The vtoioua and Idle of "u race, or any race, l a menace to itsbest Interest and they make up a problem which requires the best brains of both races combined to splve. , 1 PlalnUffs Indebted to Defendants. Special to The Observer, a Asneviu?, Nov. 1 2. The case of Orris EldredgS against tha Bessemer Ctttf Cotton XT 111 a atnA ' T.I111 A eUh" . - - - -- w..u w U.1U K7.llJ( hag ended before Judge Boyd In Unit ed States Circuit Court in a victory for the mills. . Th 'defendants set up a counter-claim to the claim by the defendants of a Judgment for $5,000 and alleged that In fact the plaintiff was indebted to the defendants. The plaintiff alleged that It had secured a judgement for $5,000 in New York and it was on this that it sued. The defendant contended that this Judg men was not valid. The Jury so held an further held that the plaintiff to the action to the defendants In the sura of $3,144.43. 'Judgment for this amount will be rendered arid present ed for signature of the court Reld Newman, 8 -year-old son of Mr. C. L Newman, died last night at 2 o'clock. The little fellow was a general favorite with all who knew him. THE WEATHER. Washington. Nov. !2.-Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: Virginia, cloudy Wednesday, frobably occasional rain In east portion; Thursday fair: sllnhtly warmer; frean nortn wmas becoming variable North Carolina, partly cloudy Wednes day, rain near the coast, frosh north winds; Thursday iar, warmer. South Carolina and Georgia, parjly, rinudv Wednesday: Thursday fair. warmer light to rresti norm winas oe- comlngfvariabie. Eastern Florida, showers Wednesday, colder In central and soith - portions; Thursday air; llKht to Iresn north winds beoomlnir variable. Tennessee, fair Weonesday, warmer In west nortlon: Thursday fair, wnrmer. Kentucky, fair Wednonday; Thursday partly cloudy and warmer. West Virjrlnla, partly cloudy Wednes day and Thursday; fresh winds mostly southwest. Arkansas, fair, warmar Wednesday ana xnursoay. ' Sl'ECIAU FORECAST. Waihlnaton. Nov. 12. The Weather Bureau to-nlht issued the following special forecast: Hlorni wanilnss. are dismayed on the Atlantic coast ' frqVn Fort Monroe to Morehead. N. C." , -4- LOCAL OFFICH T.T. 8. WEATHER BUREAU. charlotte, Nov. iz. Bunrise 6:56 a m.i sunset 6:W p. m. TKMPBR ITURB (In decrees). Hlrhest temperature 4 l owest tcmnerature vn Mean temperature i pencieney tor tne flay i. 10 Accumulated deficiency for month., la Accumulated excess for year... 1( PRECIPITATION h InehenV Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. m..... 0.14 rorai ror tne mnntn 0 97 Accumulated deflclemr for nonlh. 0 03 i iuai ior tne year g 54 Acciunillatfd detlcloncv for vmnr . ir'oii Prevailing wind direction n p W. J. BKNNISTT, Olwcrver. STOCKS AND BONDS Bought and Sold. Those who desire to sell or buy stocks of responsible com panies are invited to cor respond with ua Trust Department SOUTHERN LIFE ft TRUST CO., Greensboro, N. C. Capital and Surplus, $335,000. E. P. Wharton, President. A. M. Scales, Gen. Counsel. R. C. Hood, Asst. Manager. "ON THE SQUARE." Use Jordan's DEMAL for chapped skin. (Like Huylcrs, it is , the best). R. II. JORDAN & CO. . t ' Tboo f, r -1 WB Nmmt' CLOSE." ' JJUESIS'--.ItEGISTEK, BALM 'February 6 to April 17, MX feventy days, costing only $403 end t?P, including eliore excursions. Fpecial fea tures: Madeira, Cadiz, Seville. Ale'ws, Malta, 19 davs in i:gpt and the Holy Land. Constantinoi.le. Atlicns, Rome, the Riviera, etc. Tickets ftood to stoo over in Europe. Tours Round t World and to Europe. Sicily, etc. V. C. CLARK, Times Building, New York. ;i Plead Guilty to Embezzlement. Anniston, Ala.-t Nov. 12. James M. Ragan, former postmaster and Frank Roberts, former registry clerk in the Anniston postofflce, pleaded guilty to embezzlement In the United. States District Court here ' to-day. Ragan was sentenced io serve Ave years im prisonment and pay a fine of $3,000, and Roberts was given a sentence of 13 months In prison and a fine of $328. . Ragan is alleged to iave embeszled over 13,000 and Roberts $184 of postal funds while in charge of the postofflce her. .."..: - ,1 ?. . . Tlie Commercial National Bank ' ; OP CILVRlxnTE, K. C.' Ample capital, large resources. J. A. Durham, W. E. Holt, P. M. Brown, J.W. Cannon) Jr., S. B. , Tanner, R. M. Miller, Jr, D. H. Anderson, E. '. C. Holt, A. J. .;Hagood, 1 W.; Sanders, a W. Cramer, D. E, Rhyne, R. L.tJIb ' bon, H. C. Eccles, L. Banks Holt: C. Johnston, W. a Alex ander, a S. McNlnch, C. H. Duls, Willis Brown, T. H. Haughton, F. D. Lethco, A. G. Brenizer, R. A. Dunn, J. p. WUsoo. R. A. DUNN, president ! ' - " . - , WM. HOLT, Vlco President " - , v ' ' A. G. BRENIZER. Cashier. ? V . t 1 A. T. 'SUMMEY, Assistant Cashier.' . . ' 1 .Assets and Personal liability Z-ml ASHAILPAYTODOWN We offer five new 5-room cottage, wltn sewer age and bath, renting for $12.00 per month each, .. or a total of $720.00 per year, for $6,750.00 being 10.7 per cent, on investment The Charlotte Reolty Co. A. G. Craig, Thono 377. Wood fibre Wall Plaster, "Hard Clinch " THE "BULDERS FRiBND 1 r . Frccalng does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack if water does not make it fall off; bard as stone. Write for booklet Manufactured by . .. ; ..... eimRLOTTE PLASTER GO. Write for Booklet Chariot, w. rt rvaovED into larger and better quarters, ; at N o. 15 South ' Church street. 'Phone, write or drop in to see us if you have some work to be done. , , . BRADSHAW 'Phone No. 470j , FOURTH WARD LOT ; The most desirable building lot' in Fourth Ward, close in; can be bought at a bargain fif taken at bncc. . . - . . For; further informition; call or 'phdntf ;!:' - ; CAROLINA REALTY CO , ' " W. D. WILKINSON, Bfanagcr. B. R. LEE, Secretary. J. P. LONG, Sales Agent - 4S North Tryon St ' 'Phone 609. COSY COTTAGE FOR SALE New 4-room cottage, near Elizabeth - College; . .lot 50x140, Can arrange easy terms. , See us l.-at once. i,lv ' - ,7 " - ' ' 4 . ' ' .k ( " 1 .'Phcna535. - Nice liome, ciglit rooms, newly painted, papered, etc. In perfect repair; close in N. College street on big lot. Other information at office. FOR SALE . ' Three of the finest build ing lots in Dilworth, $950 and upward. v F.D.Alexander Piedmont Bldfi. ' : Thone 587.. We cordially Invite your account ' . BntECTORS! - i Over Three, Million Dollars. Will secure you the tide and pcssesslon or an Ideal home. If that proposition in terests you, come and see us. We also have several cash bargains in vbwu. wtfj ono oi mem win make money for the buyer who acts at once. If you are looking for an investment that is bound to prove a mcney maker yau'd better not miss this chance. Some tne may be ahead of you . to-morrow. Act to-day. Je E; Murphy & Co 43 N. Tryon. Thone 842. Secretary. Offlos is E. Tndo St. - "k ELECTRIC COMPANY ' No. 15 & Church St ' S3 W. Tryon Bt. L 15 u ... :;i i JLw Lot located on Jackson end UV.t streets. Ten houses with a ve k!y rental of $12.Q0. Property is close In and locatd In a section t:.kt always commands ready occupants in case of vacancies. Will sell on a basis ofteen per cent, to the investor. Cn di vide the property eo as to sell one, four, or five houses in a block." SCiiTim F.EA1 EST.TE IC.'.'! S TDSf CC"?.'.'iY . Capital $75,000. President, W. S. ALEXASDHtV. j . , v ... .' , . -. . I 4 II t V 2 First National Bank chaSlotte, n. a- ." i ' ORGANIZED 1865 .Capital.. ..$ 300,000.00 Surplus and Profits . v 40,000.00 Assets.; ... . 1,900,000.00 . .Your, business respectful-,-.Iy solicited.' .-,. , , , ; Every k courtesy and ac- , commodatiori extended con-n . Bistent with sound banking. H. IX VICTOR, Cashier. The Merchants & Farmers National Bank Capital, $200,000.00 ; Surplus, $iooioOO.GO The officers of this bank will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate' making changes pr opening new ; ' accouti; ' ' POUR PER CENT. PAID ON SAVINGS AND TIME DEPOSITS. ' - Offlcen: Geo. E. s Wi bon, President Jno. B. Ross, Vice President ' W. C. Wilkinson, Cashier. . -,v - Showing at close of second year Capital....... $125,000.00 Profits 33,000.00 Solicits the .business of corporations firms and in ,dividuals. . , , J. VL LrrXLE, President C. L PAT1ERSON, Vice Prat. L. R. HA GOOD, Cashier. Southern Loan xnis nana oners you unexceiiea lacilltles for your BUSINESS, as Its attention is devoted : EXCLUSIVELT 1NGS ACCOUNTS. , . x P. M. Brown, E. T. Cansler, J. W. Conway, Jno, M. Seott, . Jas. A. Bell, Br. IL L. Gibbon, J. O. Reld. . A. M. McDonald, Leroy Springs, Lancaster, S..C. " -: , J r' OPFICERSt - .. J. JNO. U. SCOTT, Pre, . W. S. ALEXANDER, Vloe prea. . W. L, JENKINS, Cashier. , . J sassssasjssjssjsjssssssssssjsjsssjsjBsa U The Charlotte , CHARLOTTE, N. C. The chief concern of the officers and directors of this bank the welfare of w Its depositors and the , security of their deposits. The CharJotte National Bank was founded by men of means, in tegrity and successful business experience, and Its enviable record has given it a reputation for solidity that extends fa? beyond Mecklenburg county and North Carolina, If you want absolute safety, it Is here. We solicit your business. B. P. HEATH. President . ' JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President , '. W. H. TWrrrY, Cashier. ,l BUNKING Commercial Banking. 4 cates.,, 4 per cent, on Savings Accounts. ' Facilities in each department are ci the best. American Trust Company Capital and Profit .'. ,. ,. .', 4' $45.000. , Trust Building. -.j: ;. Southern Mill Stocks and Bonds SO Loray Pref.. ...... ...... i ' ld. w rciiun ........ E0 Florence .. J 60 Olympla 1st.,. aita' 70 1 bo inarK. ............... SO Newton. J..., 50 Salisbury ......... J j'ja Bid 100 Iltd Hid Hid 1 .... 40 Wlscossett..... T. ........ 25 Kon is '. Pell City .. .N ...... M Victor ....... i..... ...... .......... !0 Hartsvllle ..-... ru nrtvwyu MIVM ...... v riunuvj ... liia . w usitney 5a HighLana VArK Trtt,. ...... HO preraoBOTTcoMPaHY i ! , Surplns $100,000. : Vice President, ' K. A. DTJXN. L.iL Secretary and Treasnrer, 1 " A. JIORIUS, JIcDONALD. 1 , V f k S4.. Trust G6i & Savings ; Bank SAVINGS to SAV- DIRECTORS: , , W. 8. Alexander, TT W., Hawkins, L W. A. Watson. ' W. L. Jenkins. ' - It R, naynea.'CUffsida, W. fl National Bant per ( cent. Time ' Certifi 5 Erwln Cotton iiill Pref, Wl 100 10 Chadwlck Pret and int. Hosklns Prof, and Int............ joo ' to Hoeklns common ....... 135 lfl Wisblngton Pref. 0 Nantucket Tret....'.,,. 25 "American Warehouse JO (lernian American Pref.. ........ 1.M0 Ully Mill per cent. bond.... J, 000 German-American bonds i. M.noa aty of Concord 5a Ji3L.......! JL rkIA U " Am 1(11.1 109 ' Bid 81 i Bid ' Bid Bid ' Hid - V.f - ind ' '. 3,w in. c. m vm w,,,sc. . Sj f.ll. A .: tM A. jL flMS ff'T'T- (M C, W 1310. r,