1 i - m .: y ! :i h i ; i . i ( 3 tae 1,1 1 r. A yotiR tisan by the name of Stew art, who Uvea in this locality, U mado out of the stuff that goes to make great characters. For the past two years he has been paying: his way through ". Guilford College, by Belling pocket knives with the buyer's name thereon. This youns man en tered Guilford College with just $6 In his pockets and the other ex penses were met by selling knives thus literally cutting hla way through t i an education, ; ;. -' , The fine bay horse of " the North . fide Fire Company , died yesterday j after being down a --week or more, While the animal was being driven to a flre recently he gave way and j grew worse until the -end came. The animal was the pet of the flre fighters of the north side and there was real sadness , when this hero of many a flre passed away. : One hundred and fifty dollars insurance was carried on the animal lrTthe' Southern Live Stock Insurance 1 Company, and the check was forthcoming the - same hour that breath left hira. A large delegation went from, here : to Thomasvllle last evening to wit " ness the production of the "Union Dcpot.'by local talent of this- city, . The plays was put on here Friday . night - and , took well ;r and it ; was thought worth while to reproduce It In Thomasvllle The scheme turned out well for- the Daughters of the s Confederacy,, under whose auspices the play . was rendered. ' ) '. ' - . Mr. Lumpkin,' of JJew York,- hag - located here and 'opened up a, repair shop for. automobiles, having erected an addition to the Southern - Ma--chine Works,, where the shop will be ' located.? Mr. Lumpkin has had eight years' experience and believes" .' that High Point ' affords a good opening for just auch a business. . , Mr. J C. Welch, one of High Point's; prominent citizens, Is able to ':, toe out again after a confinement" of . several weeks, r . f , Y part ofHlgh Point's bond Issue will be advertised for "sale within a, .few days, to make needed improve ., menu on " the ---streets ; and waterworks.- .'."Hii :-5-'-..u.'t'' -, '' . .The depot lohngeT-ispoken; of In I these columns yesterday has -left l High Point for a season,! at least. , Last night Officer Myers bought her a ticket and told her never to come back again. ; From ; Greensboro she says she willgo to Winston-, t Mr. and Mrs. John 1 M. Harrell have returned, from their honeymoon trip,-and for the present are domi ciled at the home of the bride's - parents Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Pickett within a few days they will be domiciled at the beautiful home of . the groom on Bain avenue. - t f "i . ; u: ; . TO HAXQ JANUARY , 17TII. Xawson Addison, Colored, Murderer of i iwo lAegro women. Under Sentence , of Death. . Special to The Observer., , Chester. S. C. Nov.' 1 J. La wson AddiBon, the slayer of two negro wo- ( men, Matilda McMaster and Mamie - Haisell, in the Lo wry villa section -of this county about fifteen months ago. ' was convicted of murder in the first ed to hng Friday, January J7thi Ad-:-, j. dlson was ably defended bv Glenn & ' McFadden, two of the ablest df the local lawyers;'; hut "his, guitt was i so paipa d le, , aftd '.eo utterly without ha ' dow of provocation that the Jury read ily brought In the' verdict stated: One Of the wVmen killed was Addison's . paramour, and when she threatened to leave him for another man he slew her. The other woman was a sister of Addison, paramour. .v , . The conviction and sentence of Ad dison makes the second negro now in . the county Jail on the charge of mur der wn Is under sentence of, death. The others 3us Lee,, has van 'apoeal pending before tthe Supreme Court of t the state, ami until that appealjs 3. de cided he Will continue to lie in prison. ' Dr. S. W. Pryer is at Raleigh. N. C; this week as an expert witness In sev- r eral important railroad cases. i Joe Beatty, colored, Was before the 1' mayor Saturday :, morning on C the - charge of refusing tO.gpay- his street ax. Peatty had been arraigned on the same charge about one week ore s vlous, and on agreeing to settle up was allowed to go. I He failed to carry out his promise, however, and was re-ar ralgned. ;-.HW excuse was that he Is blind In 'one eye and' had a doctor's '. certificate to establish the fact. The A fact was proven, however, that Beatty Is able to perform manual labor, and " under the provisions of the new road law in South Carolina U Was adjudg ei that he Is lUhle to pay road tax; and in further default of the reulred , . amount he. wan sent to the chalngang for 10 days to-meditate on the folly of refusclng to. comply with the man M dates of the law. . ,. v ; T1IK BAM)OLPH .TEACHERS. . They Are United and Pro cr resolve in . Sj ilrlt Interesting Stcetlng Satur day. . : Special o The Observor, -1 . ; . .: , Asheboro, Nov. 12.The altndolpH County Teachers' Association met , c here Saturday with a goodly number , v of teachers in'attsndance, The . fol lowing officers were elected: prest r v dent, C0unT Superintendent J. tl. Coletrane; first vice president. Mr. D. 1L Wcatherly, of Frankltnville; sec- , oftd vice president.: Mr. Charles Las alter, of the Farmers High School ' secretary and treasurer, Miss Agnes Morlng, of the Asheboro ' graded -' school. - , , An interesting ' report . from ' the ' primary teachers' meeting, recently . held In Ashevllle, was made by Misses Erwin and Richardson. .. The assoct-' , atlon , then listened j to an inspiring address' on "The Spirit of the Modern Teacher." by Prof.' Lee White, of Jamestown. Miss Viola Boddle, of ' the State Normal College; was nres- ' ent and made a most . practical and j pleasing talk on the "Betterment of V Puhllo iv School'' Houses." A wo rvian's f- betterment ;; association was , Ttirganlzed for the Inprovement : and beautifying ' of the rural h school houses.- S :';.;' 'A'i?r'i; 4 ine pastf year nas seen - a great !; forward movement1 educationally in Randolph county and the spirit pre vailing among the, teachers bespeaks . great things yet to come. - i . Votes Special School Tax oV" SO Cents. EpeHal -to The Obervw. - , - Rockingham, : Nov. ; It.- Prospect district, Heaverdam township, Rich- nond county, has Just, voted a special tax of 30 cents on the $100 for school ; purpoees. This Is the second district : In that township that has voted a spe cial tax this, fall, . ; - . yn Case of rneumonla on Record. We do not know of a Simla instance whore a congh-or cold 'resulted In pneu ponia or consumption when Foley's Hony end Tar had bm tnken. It cures roughs and eoHs perfectly, so do not tak charevs With ww unknown prepa ration which rnsf contain opiates, which enure fiipation, a condition thnt r tnHn recovery from a cold. Ask . for FpI'V's Honey .and Tar and Wfun nny -uUtitut (Teredi - R. H.'Jcroan Mix. i , : v. : . f. f! c'i:;-. y.i U c:.. .1 i; . r. from the Jamestown l..--.,m.,iuun. Their arrr.il was acconijianied wih the screech of whittles, cheers and laurhter that betokened a glorious time. Among the more Important events recently in educational circles are the calling of special tax elections in riiinii nn,1 Randv Creek townships. They will be undoubtedly carried in faor of the tax. , It la nouceaDie that whowvir sneeiallv COOd schools are located in the county, a rise in property values always louows. ' The farmers are marketing - their ttmAupta nithnuirh not as heavily as usual at this season of the year and the great majority are accenting tne part cash and part "scrip" very philosophically. It. is the subject ! of many Jokes and much laughter r on the part of our country ; friends among the more - intelligent, while thmu tint an well Informed are , to some extent uneasy ! at the "scrip" and prefer uncle samuei s gopa nara cash. On the whole everybody ts taking the situation good humoredly and quietly waiting tne time - when cash' s more plentiful .t : anri Mr 'Fuller Mnione , are spending ; part of their honeymoon here as tne guests ot uie -. uui parents, Dr. and Mrs. J., E Malone. Mr. Malone 'is a nepnew of the late Edwin W. Fuller,' and is at present holding a responsible position at Havana with A the ; .American Cigar rnmninv He neJlk Knanish fluently and in office and factory uses, that janguagef exciusiveiy . no mw In Havana there : Is -such a' large American colony that the social conr dltions are very pleasant and not as One would Imagine in a foreign coun try,1 Yesterday afternoon ' a recep- tlnn, was kfM lt the tlOmfi Of MrS. J. ,JJ Malone from 4 to e o'clock, and a number or our people in response to Invitations had the pleasure .-c of meeting the -charming bride, who Is a native of Texas. 't -v-;,- f ,f.. ;,: Coming as an entire stranger she has made warm friends of all whose good fortune it has been to make her acquaintance. 'rF-: ''-v' " .-t)"r.5 A number of local sportsmen 1 left Saturday for the woods and fields on a week's tamp hunt. The days will be devoted to birds and the nights" to the festive 'possum, both of these spe cles of game being very plentiful this season, - ' " , , ; " STORJIY TIMES RfeCALLED. T y-- - Wllshington' Light Infantry Gives . Banquet In Commemoration of ' Race Riot In 1898 Fire Burns Gin '.and 6awinllL ' Brecial to The Observer. ,1 x Wilmington. No. 12. News reach ed the city to-day that last Friday Capt. R. W. McKelthan. & leading citizen of Supply, iJrunswjcx county, iost his gin, sawmill and JO "bales of cotton by fire. If Is stated Captain McKelthan had no insurance against the loss, which falls very heavy up on him he .has suffered by fire ft number of times In recent years. A. tumentine distillery In close proxim ity to the mill and gta was saved by the hardest work.v ' r f --y -' ' Members of the Wilmington Light Infantry as it was constituted in that critical period In the : city's ; ; history which culminated - in the race riot here on November lOtlu. 1898, celet brated the ninth anniversary of the occasion 'with a bancfuet an-reunion laaLJrtghi ,10 the Masonic -Tempi There were about twenty-five mem bers of the com nan v present. Col. T C. James ,' presiding. . The principal address was by Rev, A. P. MoClurej D. D.. who was chaplain of the Sec ond Regiment of the State National Guard to which, the W. L, I.' bei longed at that timet Dr. McClure had for his theme "Some Lessons We Learn From" "Such' Occasions as This We Celebrate." The duty ; of the races one-to another was -clearly de fined In a masterly address which was listened to wltlt great Interest by the "survivors." " ' Other . addresses were by Capt. WllllamF. Robertson, nof commanding the company, ano Col.- Walker Taylor, member- ot the company who had wide -influence with both civil ana military i autnor itles here at the time of .the .revolu tlon ? Nearly all the members in at tendance Indulged in reminiscences of the revolution and were heard wun much - fnterest. The association ' of members elected officers, for the en suing years as follows: v President, Col. "T. C. Jamee; -vice-president, Mr. W, 2. Harriss; recorder Mr, Robert N. Sweet: commissary, Mr. J. D. Nutt, and chaplain, Rt.,Rev." Robert Strange," T. D. A' roast pig was the feature of the collation serv td as a part of the elegant repast. ' SEVENTY -TOUR 'MILES LAID., Ralls on Seaboard Vetwcen Wllmlng s -ton evt Hamlet Being Re-Lalrl lied Men Institute Branch In Wnl lace. ' . ,-' ; ; Special to The. Observer. , , , , "Wilmington, Nov. IS. Members' of the Howard Relief Company turned out In a body this afternoon to at tend the funeral of Martin Rath len, Jr.". son of Alderman and Mrs. M'ar- tia Rathjen, who passed away yester day morning after an illness of two menws witn an aoscess or tne nver. The services were conducted from Sc. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church and the remains were, laid to rest in Oakdale Cemetery. . . , - A team of between 40 and B0 Red Men from , the three tribes in Wil mlngton went up,: to Wallace last nlrht nd met Oreat Chief -ntv P.t ords -W.j Ben Goodwin, of Elizabeth City, who instituted a verv thriving branch of the order 'In that,' town. The degroon work was put on by a Wilmington team and was pronounc ed as good as was ever seen in the States The party went up on a spe cial coach attached to the northbound train and returned this morning. Seventy-four miles of the Carolina Central division -of the Seaboard Air Line between Wilmington and ' Ham let have now "been re-lald wftft the heavier rail and the work is going on. From Hamlet the rail has been laid to a point between Moss - Neck and Lumberton and on this end - the improvement has been carried as far as- Council's Station. The old 'depot which) gave place to the new union station at Lumbejrtpn- hits been re moved and is being re-erected at Elk to.' While heavier rails Is betnglald on Itht track between here and Ham let u is said - that i comparatively nothing Is . being done In the way of placing new Hps. -James Stevenson Hooper, of Wil mlngton, has received an invitation from the New York Historical Society to attend a meeting In New Tork City November 15th, and listen to me reading oi a paper on iu oign ers of the Declaration of Indenend ence," of which he is one of the lineal descendants, . APrEKDlCITI3 , U due In a large mesiure to abuse of the l"wels, bv employing drnutlc nurga tives.To avoid nil danger, use only-Dr. King's New-Life Puis, the sure, entl cImhimt and Invlsorators. Ounranteed fur li.1ache, blliouciiMs, malnria - nt ondice. at W. U Hand A Co.'s drug ftore.-' --.if-4 ';V.s 1 . , i 1 avn r. r-.-i jft foun-1 it liHt---!ry t i V.i iIo;;d t ir neighbor bar.'.s l..iv-e taken in rerird to the monetary f-trin-. " ncy. 'i'ha business of the banks is moving along nicely. Mr, David Alexander, whose mind is impaired and who has been con fined in the Iredell Jail here for five months, was taken hack to his old home In south Iredell yesterday by one of his brothers. Mr. Alexander Is getting up in yt.rs and his case Is very pitiful. He la considered harmless , and gave- little trouble at the Jail, except at times . when he thought some one was trying to kill him. . . Little Miss Mebane, of . Newton, who has been In the senatorlum here for treatment for some days. Is rap idly regaining her strength and it is thought that she can be taken home by the last of the week. Mrs. Meb ane, who has been here W4th her daughter, returned to Newton yester day, accompanied X by her husband, Mr. C. H, Mebane, who spent Sun flfly her, -"i" ' r-' -: '' " ' "'' :'' Mr. Sam R. BrownJ of Shepherd's, has accepted a position . with the gtatevllle Realty and Investment Com pany as manager of the insurance de partment Mr. ' Brown Is an experi enced -insurance man and came here from Charlotte, -where he- has num bers of friends who speak highly of him. He . is a very pleasant , and agreeable gentleman and etatesville will be glad - to welcome him as a cltlsen. Mr. Brown will move his family to statesvllle in the near fu ture. , , , ,v Miss Jennie Morrison who has been here for three months - nursing her sister; Mrs. W, J. Johnson,- who suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever, went to Scotts yesterday to spend" awhile at . the home of her father. " She will return tq Washing ton about December 1st v to resume her duties as a nurse In, the Oeorge Washington University Hospital, v ASKS FOR THE RUGS. Ramsey-Bowles Company , Receives Letter From Mrs. W, A. McQueen ' : Asking That Rugs Be Sent to Clie- "Araw, S. C ; -y-': ff:,:.; y' Special to The Observer,';; v-s.y.;' , Statesvllle,' - Nov. 12. festerday the Ramsey-Bowles- V- Company re ceived a letter -from Mrs. W. A Mc Queen, . one of the ' alleged sharpers who visited Statesvllle recently, ask ing that the rugs which they selected while here he shipped to Cheraw, B. C. The letter was dated at Cheraw -Saturday and Mrs, McQueen asked that the, rugs be shipped at, once. She said that she could not send'the money Just now but that her hus band would give his note j' for the amount of the price, of the rugs, which is something, over $80. ' '.She also, wanted a number- of othe'r. ar ticles shipped along with the -, rugs. She gave as reference for her hus band's reiiabllity the"Cheraw Bank." The Ramsey-Bowies' people have written In regard to Mr. McQueen's standing with the bank, but have not shipped the'rugs: w, ' v A Statesvllle man who knows these women-says they , belong to good families of South Carolina and have been considered good people. , ' r LABOY RELEASED. . Actor Who Accidentally Shot Another f Member of Theatrical Company Is -' Given FrrsdoTTv Antotnobllo Races Arranged. Special to i The Observer. ., f , Wllmlngton,4 Nov. 12.--Davld Labov, member , of, a repertoire theatrical company, ; who accidentally 1 shot and seriously wounded . Francis Marion, a member of the same organization at a boarding house here Friday morning, was yesterday released from' custody upon an affidavit from theMnJured man that the shooting was entirely ac cidental and Laboy was m no way blamable in connection with the affair. He had been held In custody In default of $500. The condition of Marlon at the hospital Is so much Improved that the physlcfcins say, he will recover unless complications set In. His mother from COLDS --AND CROUP IN CHILDREN. ".My little ftlrl is subjiet to colds." says Mrs, Wm. H. Serlp, No. 4t Fifth 8t; Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter she had a te.vTllila cough but I cured her with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy without the sid of a doctor, and my little boy has bee npreventnd rrany times from lmvlng the croup- by - the tln-ely use of this syrup." This remedy Is for sale by W. L. Hurtd & Co. 3 AT LAST A ' RHEUMATISM V 1 CURE Aches and Pains In Side, Back or Bones, Nwollcti Joints All - ' .' Disappear , By Taking- BoUnlo Blood Balm. Thousands of Rheumatics , Cured by Its Use. LARGE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL! - Have yon any of the symptoms . of Rheuma tism? .Bone pains,, sci atica or shooting pains up and down the leg; aching back or shoulder blades, swollen Joints or swollen- muscles, diffi culty in 'moving arounu 10 you have to - use crutches; blood thin or skin pale; skin, Itches and ' burns: - shifting pains, had breath; sciatica!, lumbago, mut. Rotanle Blood Balm (B. B. Rt will remove every symptom, be cause B. B. B. eends a rich, tingling flood of warm. rich. Dure blood di- rect - to the paralysed nerves, bones and :. lolnts. eivinr warmth 'and strength Just where It is needed, and in this way making a periect, lam ing cure of Rheumatism ill all , its forms. B. - .. .... invigorates - tne blood, making'Ut purs' ao4 rich and at the same time destroys the active poison in the . blood which 'causes Rheumatism.- B. B.. B. has made thousands of cures of -.rheumatism after all - other medicines, liniments and doctors have failed to, help or cure. .Weak, Inactive Kidneys fre quently cause Rheumatism. It. B. B. strengthens weak kidneys and blad der, draining off all diseased matter and all uric acid, so the urine flows freely and naturally. - . BOTANIC BLOOD HALM (D. B. B.) is pleasant and safe to take; com posed of pure Botanic ingredients. SAMPLR. BENT FREE by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, G&. BOLD BY DRITOOISTS or sent by express. At $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, With directions for, home cura'j,-. -4 fm : . i . 1 i 1 1 . i i- : .-? 1 :. 1 ; u ( r 1,. 3 w I t.a - ;rt ia t;.- ljs.'i t. 4 Tl: will d tae late I.Tm. :.Tar.earet H. I'.riJeM was admitted to probite here yesterday. She leaves arv estate valued at between $600,000 and 1700. 000 according" to common report. Aside from the usual bequests to rel atives a,nd members of the family $6, 000 is left to Sewanee University, S500 to. the State University and $3,500 to Rev. R. W. Hogue, rector of the par ish of Saint James here. The will is a lengthy instrument and a numher of conditions are Imposed as to the be quests to relatives. . -PnllAwina rhi1illM flmnM tn.fi. Itshed only bs information and are not guaranteed. October 6th. 190J. 1:16 a. m.. No. 40, dally ror Washington and points North. Pullman sleeper asd day coaches to Washington. . . 8:39 a. m.. No. S, daily, for Richmond and local points, connects at Greensboro for Winstoc-Salem.- Raleigh, Qoldsboro, Newbern and Morehead City, at Danville for Norfolk.- . .. 7:65. a. m.. No. 29, dally, for" Atlanta, f unn.an steeper and aay coacnes. Wash ington to Atlanta. , t - l:& a. m.. No. 27. dally for Rock Hill, Chester, Columbia -ifd local stations. - 4:45 a. m.. No. 44. dailv. for Wnnhlnv. ton and points North. Handles Pullman car and Jay coaches, Atlanta to Wash ington. -7: a. m., No. IS, daily except Sunday, for Statesvllle. Tavlorsviile and local points. Connects at Mooreaville for Winston-Salem, and at 8tatesville for Ashe vllle and points West - 10:23 a. m.. No. S3, daily, for Columbia and Augusta.. Handles Pullman sieoper, Mew norn 10 Augusta ana any coaches, Washington - to Augusta. . Dining car service. -.'. . 10:0s a. m,, No. 36. dally, for Washing ton and points North. Pullman Drawing Room sleepers to New York and Rich mond. : Day coaches, - New - Orleans to Washington.' - Dining car service. Con nects at Greensboro for , Winston-Salem, Raleigh and Goldsbero. ' 10:13 a. m.. No. 11. daily, for Atlanta and local stations.- Connects at Spartan burg for Henderconvtlle and Ashevllle. ' 1140 a. m.. No. , dally, tor Washing ton and points North.-Pullman Drawing Room sleeper to New Tork. day coaches Jacksonville, to .Washington. . Dining car service. s -, ' - - 11:00 a. m. No. . dauj, for Winston Ealem, Roanoke ana local srulons. - u:w a. m., ro. t. aauy, ? ew xors ana New Orleans Limited. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping cars. - Observation and Club cars. New York ' to New Orleans. Pullman Drawing , Room sleeping car, New York to Birmingham. Solid Pull man tram.' Diiliuf car service. 4:10 p. m.. No. 41, dally except Sunday for Seneca, B. C and local points. -' - S:3) p. m.. No. 2, dally except Sunday, freight, and passenger, for Choster, H. C and local points. , i- 6:40 p. ml. No. 21, dally for Washington and pointr North. Pullman sleeper, Au gust a to New York. Pullman- sleeper, Charlotte to New York. Day coaches to Washington. Pullman Bleeper.ausbury to Norfolk. Dininc car service. . 6:60 p. m., No. n, daily, for Richmond and local stations. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond. 7:li p. m No. 24, dally except Suniay, for Statesville, Toylorsvlll and local points. Connects at SlHtesvllle for Ashe vllle, . Knbxville, Chattanooga, Memphis and points West - :S.i p. tn., Na 43. daily, for Atlanta. Pullman Dl;eper una diiy coaches, Char, lotte to Atlanta. , 9:06 p. m.i No. 33, dally, New York and New Orleans Limited for Washington and points North. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping , cars, ' Observation and Club cars. to New York. Dining car ser vice. Solid Pullmch train. .; , 9:35 p. m.. No. H5. cally, for Atlanta and points South. Pullman Drawing Room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham. Daycoaches, Washington to New Orleans. , Dining cut service. 10:43 p. m. No, , daily, for Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville. Pullman Drawing Room steeper and day coaches, Washington to Jacksonville. Tickets, sleeping car reservations, and detail ' information - can be obtained at ticket office. No. 11 South Tryon, street C. H. ACKERT. . Vice Pres. and Oen. Mgr. 8. H HARDW1CK, P, T. M. 4 W. Hi TAYLOIC. O. P. A., Wnshirigton, D. C. , R. L. VERNON, 1 P. A.. . f Charlotte. N. C. SEABOARD .,- "lhe Exposition Line q sforfolk." Tbese arrivals and eopurtures, a well as the time and connection with othef companies, are given only aa informa tion, and ate not guararireed. Direct Una to the pMnclpal crtles North. East, South and Boi'thwest. Schedule taking effect Aug. 4th, lo'... subject to change without nolle. Tickets for passage on all trains are sold by this company and accepted by the passenger with- the - understanding that this company will not be responsible for failure to run Its trains on schedule time, o tor any such delay as may be incident to heir operation. iCair is ex ercised to give corree. tune to' connect ing lines, but this company is not re- sponsible for errors or omissions. Trains leave Charlotte as follows; No.-4t -daily, at t-M a.- in. for Monme, Hamlet and Wilmington, eonnectlnc at Monroe with 23 for Atlunta, Birmingham end the Siithwest; at Monroe with U for Raleigh and Portsmouth. With 68 at Hamlet for Raleigh, Richmond, , Wash ington. New York and the East No. 133. dally, fct 10 a. m for Lincoln ton. .Shelby and Rutherfordioh without change, connecting nt Llncolnton wlin C. St N. W. No. lb (or Hlckorf. Lenoir, and w stem North Carcllna loint. No. 44, latlr. t u if Monroe, Hamlet, Wili:ington and all local points, cctnectlng at Hamlet with 43 toi Colum Lia, Savannah and all tioruia points. No. 132, .lally, 116 p. m. ror Monroe, eonnectli g with 41 for Atlanta, Birming ham and the Southwest: witii H at Hum let for Richmond, Washingtou and New York, and the East with 3 t Monroe for. Richmond, Washington and New York, and the Batt, with 32 at Monroe for Raleigh. Portsmouth and Norfolk. Through sleeper on this train from Char lotte, N. C, to Portsmouth. Va., dally.. Trains arrlvt In Charlotte as followST No. LX 8:45 a, m dally, frcra points North a ad South . - , No. 4Kg dally. n-,j& a. m., from WU mlnKtoiT and all lock I points. Najl.7p. m.. dally, from Ruthef fordtn, Shelby, Llnoom'.onV and CAN. W. Railway oolnta No. CT, li'13 a. m., dally, rom WiltnlngW ton, Hamlet - ana Monro, also from points East, North and Houthwast, con necting nt Hamlet and Monroe. - Connections are made at Hamlet with all through trains for points . North, outh and Southwest, which are compos ed of vestibule day coach between Portsmouth and Atlanta, and Wushing. ten and Jacksonville, and sleplns - cars t-etween ' Jersey City,- Birmingham and Memphis, and Jersry City sad jHoaton Vllle. Cafe cars on all inroiiglt trains. For Informatlf-n,' time-tables "reserva tions on Seaboard, descriptive literature apply.-to' ttekM-agents rr address - . ; JAMES KEH, JR., C. P. A. 1$ fcYlwyn Hotel. , , Chariot!. N. C. maws' Through - Trains Daily, Charlotte to lioanoae, va. BchudulA In erritcl Jury it, Drr. tliOamLv Charlotte, So. Hy. Ar 6:Wpm 215 am Ar Winston, flu. - I'.y. Lv 2 M ptn . Z.iit) pm l.v w jnHton, in. n y ' Ar 1M ii ; ;K) pm Lv Martinsville, 4:25 pmLv Rocky Mount, 7."'. r.m Ar Mmtnoka. . LvU.4f.am LvlO Mam tiUpm Ar Koanoke, "Lv V.luaia fially. . Connect at Roanoke via - Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural UNdge.Lurav, M.iertown. and all. nointe In PrnnMvU vnnla and New York. Pullman siwpor Jir-HHOK una I'nuuneipnis. Through coach. Charlotte Roanoke, Additional train leaves - Winston 7 30 a. m., Aa ly except Sunday, for Honth wst Virginia and 6iindnh Valley Southern Railway points. 1 - v - vimnt, Trav. l'ass. Agnnt. W. R. BZVII.L, Oonl Pass Atnt, - ' J.vjnwKfl.'Va." '' "- 1 Hewers r.37Clvbj Fht Cards Eaihray Headj : ( fS r Frames - A.- H. USAOHDtLfnM, Gouthern Agent CHARLOTTE, NOETH, CAROLINA hardwood Mantels . We manufacture and carry a large stock -of Hardwood Mantels; also dealers in Tile and Orates. Can fill orders promptly. Write for cata logue.' ' ' - . 1 J. H. WEAEN & CO., . Chnrlotte, N. C. ANT DAY'S MENU that you may glance at If printed for this restaurant is a menu that win captivate you as well aa sharpen your appetite. . From oysters and soup down to . desert, WHAT WE SERVE is appetising and healthful. It's a long journey to find a better menu, healthier food or prices more popu lar. Eating here means satisfaction as well as good humor. ' . GEM DLXING ROOSI. lhiw about heating your home? SEE HACKNEY BROS.. Ie' Plumbing and Heating Contractors. We) carry a' full line of snpplles. 'Phone 312. 8 W. ViUU St. .... CnARIX)TTE. GUN METAL LEATHER .7 t nnw Minaiiirrcii the handsomest leather the tshner has ever given us. ' We have fashioned two very urning Shoes of this superb leather. They .,..11. ih. talBnfr'a aim. THE TEACHER, niucher style, ex tra heavy ater-prooi sum, ui fashioned lo. rubber heel. Every - business woman should wear this , shoe; slz 2 to 8. width B to E. Prim.: $1.50. THE ' FAVORITE, Court . Blucher, light welt sole, ciose eoge, eainiy . opera plain toe, Cuban heel. The dressed woman appreciates this Bhoc, slw X to 7, width B to E. Price.. . ...S.50. G1LREATII & CO. Are You Engaged? It so, you will ncd one of oar Solitaire Diamond Rings. Any size , stone desired from - Ten Dollars up. Our - prices can not be' duplicated or same quality goods. , . Every , stone guaranteed as represented, or money refunded. GAQAIDI ClUIiS MI Leading JeelcM M WW Li 4 kj V- s. 1 j M THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY CO ' AOWIS FOn ' I American aU-Wronxht Steel Split Pollers and "Giant- StPthad Rnbhdi v Holt lag- " '( . IT ssuTy stoclt Tate and Towns Hoists ? te sis tons capacity; Mm " run Una ol Packlnc. Pipe, Valves and Mill SappUe. JiflsH Received SO HEAD HORSES anil MULES TERMS J. W. Wadsworth's Son's Co. The American Machine & Guccesaors to Macnlnerf nntt Contractlna Dusineaa of ' I - JVC t. A. TOSIPKIXS CQw - . ; ; ; . . . , . ; CIIARfj OTTK. N. C YARN. REELS . s THE KLNI WITH'TnE PATENTED OIL GtTAlHJt . , Keeps Oil Off the Yam While Doffing. Every Machine accurately balanced and tested at speed before shipping. fcM Cut Flower Time has come again. We hava them, as usual, and the unusual kind the kind that are Just a little better than the ordi nary commercial kinds. We grow fancies In ROE3, CAR NATIONS, etc. We maks handsome Brides' Bouquets. We ship the hand somest Floral Designs feed In North Carolina, we do. I Write us telegraph or telephone. We ahlp to any , polntaulck. , J. Van Ufadlcy Nirrsery Co, POMONA . G ' , t E. Wye Bstctilimav 9. 9. Hutchison. . f. (iye Httcto S Scn irJ'SURAWCE " ' FIRE, . LIFE, ACCIDENT omCE No., Hunt nuliaing. Bell Tbone 429X mat and r.ovin.? France in dpinniiij Fran: : Spoolers and Eeeb ', 1 o t .f EASY Manufacturing Company MACHINERY ; ; i' .-.-'.--W-:-,;w-:?.i.'. ''. ' for farm and Fectery Engines.'., , '' Three kinds, from li to 180 H. P. BoUers Return Tubular and Portable a ., skids,. from li to 160 IX. p. Improved Gin tlachinery Single "OIns " and 'Presses and com ; plete outfits lot capacity of , lot - bales per day and over. ' n ?. : 4 .Saw Uilb . r,,.r Wnda, aU sizes m u la the South. , Pulleys and Shafting ' All size, from the smallest to com plete cotton mill outfits. LIDDELL COMPANY - .ChorloUo, IT. C. , mw c.vnsox cczxxixa - 1 Southeast Ctrsef ; rorr.xii axd tt.ic;i ex:.: -. . "C.:r!ona, N. C' - - Z'l- - :.