'it (-.i.-'-v: , 0. z i'- 'I i'' ' 11 1 1 l,r (t;l ' l.el ' lo " Ml I :''tl Wliil I'l I t 0 l'-wor. Je- i i. ; '.v Ycik. Nov. li-.Utr-r H'liighor j niitg the cotton market, tx-camc wt-aK t ni (insfttl-d durin? to-day's , trading tuih the close easy at a net Jcelino of S to 13 points. Sales estimated at, 173,000 Vales. . - ) The market opened firm at en a J vane of 11 to 17 points covering by shorts end bull svPPPt which was rnieouragcd Itv bvitar cables than expected, contin ued firmness In the Liverpool spot mar ket, bulllfh private advices from English ouses and cold weather in the belt. There was a good deal of selling from Hie atari, however, and utter an irreg ular morning the market broke sharply during the afternoon on report that rottou was beginning to arrive here for delivery on December contracts and rumor J' of unfavorable conditions In Wall Street, The close was at practical ly the lowest level of the day. Private , ,- n,n,, ..loin, thut filllv Ifl 41 factory hands have teen thrown out of employment lit ew iungiana , receniiy fiwing to dull buslne.. It a reported lltlHL W VI t-m'vu ........ front Liverpool. -to-day, presumably for deliver' vn iwuavvmi'i mivi w v- elttant rumors cf large .shipments in this direction frctn tlw South. On the ether hand 6.X bales have been with- ': far this month and It t reported that I reign i roont ior iv,vw uwica nujrw nmu has been engaged, c -' Receipt at the porta to-drsy TSMW bales ; agatnst S6.SS. laatvweek and""fc,61 last vear. For the week ifiOflO' rmle aanlnst ft. Muib anJ 414 Oil 1 . . . Ta. day's receipts at New Orleans W.042 against awt iw year. i operations not ; approved v . "V ' aMBHpai tock Market OnoraMon Which Be ; pin Yesterday s "Not Approved by i . twiNcrvaiiTC i-owcin 'Jwjw.-uih.imu- - awe of Hnwtl VcnturcB.-'.;. , "s New York. Nov. Ji-Tl e s Impression got abroad irt . the stock market to-day that the kind of operations which began to make thentaelres felt yesterdny were approved by the conservative finnn clal powers, whose efforts are nil bent t the present time to the mending of the rllnstUm, There was a discontinuance of the small ventures on margin wnleh ca me Into notice yesterday, This left the market uncertain and poorly siip jiorted. There was a dlnpoltion to bring into question In a comprehensive wy the effect 011 earning power of corpora tions and probable dividend payments of . the setback to trade which muut follow the Slnar.cial - - entanglements Reports from various quarters of reduction of operating forces, by factories, furnished food for the discussion. It ha been fe- tcarked 1ko that an upward movement Sn prices of securities lead to an early discontinuance of an important portion of the investment demand for small lots f stocks which has tteen so influential a factor In. tb absorption t'-nd definite re moval from the market of a floating upply of securities. s. - The demand for currency reflected om Additional urgency early In the day but the declining premium on currency again indicated an easing of the atraln. . The reported failure of ona of the larg er banks In Portland. Ore,, came late In the day nd helped to keep prices down 'to th end.. - ' Total aales bonds pnf tb1u 3,lSl,00O; " market liregiilnr. v, sl. fl. ! declined per cent, on call; 4 i Total aales stocks to-da." 419.300 shares, Including: Copper W.iwt; Pmeltlnf 57.700; rogar Tobacco SK: Atlantic Coast .Ine 1.900; C. k O. 1,900; Heading IOC,; riouthern Itwy, 0: do pM. W; ' trnton Paclflo : V. . Pteel 4I.S0O; V. Caro. Chemlsal U00- do pfd. 1.O0; Sloss Bhef-; Held 3H. . I Daltlmorc. Md.. Nov. 12. Seabonrd com inivi and preferred nothing ddlng. New York, Nov. lStndrd W 400. New-York. Nov.- 1J.-M.' &.O. collater al trust 4s 70 Vd. 111 . 1 11 'i 1 '' i 1 - .-. Dally Cotton Market. New York, Nov. 12. Oalventon, tone firm; middling J0 15-16: net receipts 23.0S; Jri-ss-ivcelpts a(2; sale 28$; stock 133, t; continent 2.H3; coaatwlse 88fi New Orleans, tone steady; middling, 1013-16: net receipts 18.012: gross reoclpta 18.27S: sal) 3,100; stock lfi8,W! Gt. Brl-j tain .500; ct ntlnent $00; cotistwiw 1,090. 1 Mobile, lone iuiet; nuiKiurg i"; net lerelntK 5;,7: crn receintM u!: sales stock G,.W: coast wlmt 1.BS7. M Savannah, tone quiet: middling 107-16; net recelptu 15 215: prnss receipt 15. '.fit; ale 3.S51; rtock 1(8.772; commiwIso I.SSJ. v CbarlestOii, lone quiet; middling KM,'.; lnt: receipts 1,016; gitwn relpts 1,16; alock ?.M0. , Wilmington, ton's steady; middling 10; net receipts 2,4fil; gross receipt 2,4iiJ; Block 37 I'M. : Norfolk, tone stendy; middling W:kl lift receipts 4,feT1: grtmii receipts I.S71; ales &i stock 3I.H3: const vle 6.r90 3alllmore, ton nominal: middling 10; gross receipts $30; slock 6.0K2. New York, tone, steady: middling 1'i.W); gross receipts M0: xales 1.10O; uf'K'k 112, M. Horton, tone Ktea ly; middling , 10.SO: ret receipts H; gross receipts 2ti5; .It. ItrHsiln a. 'hll'idelplilu. tono slcndy; middling J1.05; gross receipts W: stock F.377, Totsl tn-jiiy, nt aft port, net 70.157: lt. JPrltafh .7i: continent J.ou, stock 75S,?n. ' t'onsolidntml, at all ports, net 1S5.317; Gt. Ihitalri T.,9J:; ; France 47.SJ2:..-ccntl-rcnt o.j8; ,larsn "lK. Tot il jiep Sept. 1. at ell ports n-f f.4W,WI; Ot. Britnin 7:3.i74 ; Fiance 716; conlliienf. 701,027; Japan 11,3; Alixico 520. -, 1XTKUIOU MOVEMKNT. lloimton. tore stead': middling 1n?i: wt T-eelpM "1.312 i-uroH receipt jr.Sls; hlivments 1.'M: slc.k 72.4.2. Augusta, ton stcdy, middling l't; Tiet reeelptk 2.iai; gru recfti j,; shipments ,M1: mUn 1.S1H; stock Bl.n-.T - Memphis, tone steady: middling tftv tiet receipts 3.906: grcda roceltitx S.24; hlnriwnlM 4.2S2;. sale t-UK st ick S3,Wi, l. Iiul. ton' quiet: middling n; gross receipts 4,25; shipment 4.153; sales r,; stok tra (. in. lnn Hi. net reeelnt i W; gross re ceipts 9: shipments .'HO: stor k IU.PT7, Tx)nis'llle, ton Arm; middling jo';. tjttle flock, lotto steady: middling livy; nt receipts 13: gros roeclpis hlnmnU 1.441; stock 1I.XSI. Tot.rl to-dav, net receipta ?9.d; gross reeejpt 351; shipments .8I0; sales 4.2X; stOcH J4,76S, . Chlc(ro Grain ami 1'rotlslon. Clilcago, Nov. 11 Wheat prices on '.he local exchange broke more than J cent to-day because t heavy 11mldatlov At the close December was I' lower; corn dwn s cents: mils I'i lowor; pruvlsloit . 12!a to K. lower. Oten High Low Closo "WTtr AT May. IMH-.'IWH "1014 fr , m July ,. .; ., , ., M14' COKN AM.. W Wig May r:j &.si f6-j; lc.. . . tVi ' , : 65'i cixtr- v Hay .,v. .. . . Fl'4 40 . 4!", loc ,i .. .. 47 4ff 4tA, Pmlic"'" " " " r" ' Jan ft ,', 1317 12 02 12 9t Jsn , ;;, S0 7.97 i.j ' JH BS -' " t t Ai Jfn ., ,, 7.J0 .. y M. " " l'U 7 20 7'J Charlotte Prod a. orrcctsd daily by R. 11. Kicld ft Co.) Hensper head., v .. , ... ., . K5 . "."ldkcn prlng. .. ,....,. artflt Ihicks.. -.. ., :, ,f ., .... 25 Kkrs.. ., Hmtcr.-. ., .. '. , .. .... J'320 80 4'orn.. .... , .. ks Cdttoa wed .,...,. ...,,,. u r, . a.t..wapv '. mP . (Fj. - Th Dry Cooda Jlarket 4 ? New York, Nov.' 12,-Th dry . g cmd market ruled qulot WitU an easier len n"i y In insiny lines. A redacting in th j-tices of littings its ; announccxi. Cotton vrm are very unsteady. Export lrdo Is 1. .- V, . '.' '. ' ' IV.il ..' cei,hi'f Hit1,; J!..-v 1'' ',. Co; n. tt -;i;y; N. e'evat'r. Omions cl'fj urn hi,! L..J, . jM'Cirinber t:it. rpnt etisv: n.i-l 5.'. r.eef steady. Cut !)ii';US steauv. I. Hpl slendv; et ern prfum J.TO to . J': retiiicd qul;it. i'ork (inn. Tflllow H-mly. I'etrolenm linn: rowtn easy: Htniined einm.ni to good ti. Turpentine easy, 4H. P,i-e quiet. MoIhrhc Hi-aay. Sutnr, raw cnnet: fair refining $130; centrifugal 9n test $3.W; molasses sugar 12.95. Refined quiet. Coffee, Kpot quiet; Hi Ko. 7, Be.', Pan tos Not 4, 7 ; mild coffoei steaily; Cor dova 9 .to 13'4. Futures opened steady and cloved steady, net unchanged lo 5 points loweiv . . . , Butter firm, unchanged. ' . Cheese unchanieed. market steady. Eggs firm: Western firsts S to 20; sec onds 2t to Freights and peanuts fiiitet, unchanged. Potatoes and catbug weak, unchanged. Liverpool Cotton. , IJverpool, Nov. 11 Closing .' cnltnnt fpft in fair demand, prices S points high er? American mldallng fair E1; good middling .16; middling 8.96: ' low inld dling 6,8; good ordinary 5JS; nrdlnary The siles f the day were S.OW bale, of which 59 were for speculation and ex port and tncluded 7.M0 American. Ue celpts 3?,000 bales, including 30.W0 Ameri can. ,,: .' ,. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed quiet; American middling g, o. c, November 6.6! November-December., ,. ,. g.gt . Iecemner-Janu3ry ,. , j.m -January-February ,,i ..... ... . .,. 6 Febniary-Marcii ..... .',; .March-April.. ...;...,..,....... !L(f3 April-May . ,.,,., t.S May-June,... E 65 .Time-July .. .. ,. ,, s.( JuIy-AiigUKt., . ,,. ( 64 Stores. " Charleston, 8. C, Nov. H-Turpcntln quiet, aaiM none. ."i Ronln nulet; aales none. ' rA B C. $3,S; n fs.ar.; k !.:; F 130: o $:!: II SB.4T.; I $.1.90: K $4.70; M $305; N $5-70; W O tfi.10; W W $6.20. . Savannah. Ca., Nov. J2.Splrlt turpen 1n firm, 41 to 42Hi ale 1,505; receipts 941; shipment, 180. .v Kosin llrm; sales J.Wfi: recelrls 3.3: Shipments 1,3.2; stock B7.057. Quote: A It C to $3.35; I $:i.20 to $3.35; E $S.t to 3 fl; V $3.2.1 to n. 40: G $3. IS to $3.45: H . to $3.B; 1 $3.96; K $4.7Si M $5,10; N $5.75; W J $15; W W B.!5. ' New Orleans. 1a., Nov. J2. TleeelpUi ft barrels rostn; 10 barrels turpentine. Exports ftr New York $00 barrels rosin; 530 barrels turpentine., Wllmlnglon, Nov, 12. Spirits turpen tine nothing doing; receipts 14 casks. Itosln nothing doing; receipts 1SL Tar firm. $2.30: receipts 101. . Crude turpentine firm. $2, $3.2S and $3j3G; receipt 42. . Xew Orloana gpo tCotton, ' ' New Orleans, 'La,;-' Nov. 12.Cotton, spots were easier with price unchanged; middling 10 13-1fi; sales were l.SOtt bales on the spot nd 1,330 io grrlve. " Vutures opened steady. 7 to 11 points abo-e the the ,t:lose ' yesterday ns a re Mlt of th good showlnif at Liverpool. This advance was not maintained, how ever, and under the Influence of a predic tion of warmer weather and a les active spot demand there was a general reces sion In values. In the late session the market declined still further on the lack Of support ; given by the ring and the ciose muni anoitt trie lowest levels or the dny. The close was steady with the active months 15 to 17 points below the close, yesterday. Futures closed steady Nov. 10.40; Dec. 10.SP- Jan. 10.22; Feb 10 S3: March' 10.S6; pni io.2i; May lo.z;; June lo.&r, July Jr ., Jl V J New'- Yorlc.'Cotton. ' 'Kj New York, Nov. 12, Cotton, soet clon ed stesdv. 10 points lower: middling uo Unds 10.S0; middling gulf 11.05; stiles 1.100 tnle. , Future opened firm nnd closed easy. , upen. Hign. iiOW. close. Nov. -. Hoc.!;',. Veb. .. Mar-h April . ?.fy .. June ., Julv .. Aug. 10.15 V.45 10.67 10.2 10.31 10.33 10.67 10.30 in.33 10.37 10.45 10. W 10.33 JO. 09 10.04 lO.Or, 10,f9 10.12 10.15 lo.ir, 10 1r1 10.09 10.41 10.43 10. IS iu5 roTii iols Coniarallve Port clUclpis. To- Tit Tti. yeni Galveston, ,, .". .... n.026 40.O4A New Orleans ,, ,, 11,0 21.M1 Mobile ... 5. WW 8.5."M Swinnid- .. ,, .. 15.205 11,343 CI'arl.ton., ., .. ...... 1.016 CIS WllmlngtoiK,' -. ... .. 2.40 J.t'l I Norfolk v.... ' 4.CTI 4.033 Poston.. .. 41 I'Mliuielphla.. .... . 81 Vurlous., ,. 1 Toinl estimate.. .,... 70,157 . The Mopcjr Starkct. New York, Nov'l2 Mopei' on call lu rtronr demand. 0 to 12 rer cent., ruling rate 10; closed .offered at It. Time loans nominal, 00 end Hi days 1J to 15 per cent.!-six months 8 per cent. Prime mercantile nnrer "Siomlnally sf 7 to I) "jr cent.- ptei'lfrtg cxoliniis-o jr veruhr with nelual I tinps In ImnkerV I UN s 4; for demand and at 47f for 60-d-v hills: e'.T.merelt hills 47.'4 Uur 'liver W, 'Mfxlean dollar 44ij. Cotlnii Scl Oil. New York. Nov, 12, Cotton seed ell van cner for crude but stuadv for re lined. Prime crude "2 to 8; nrlme sum k r vell iw ST.' o M; off summer vellow 3m to 34': r"ode immmer yellow 24 to i--: prime white 40 to 42; prime winter yellow 42. . IWlllinore Produce. Itiilllmor'!. Nov. 12. Motir quiet, un chaiiKed. Wheat weak! spot, contract 11 to 100. -. v .-. . fnrn wik: mlxd sort, old, M to 6t'4. Oats dull; No. J mlxel 42 to 82. Rve steady! No. 2 Wetern domes! li SO. Kutter. eggs, cheese and sugar steady, unchanged. - ' ; Estlmalca. . -To- Last jrorrow. Teat New Orleans.-. ... ,. 13.17.000 n,541 (lalveslon.. -...'.'. . M-1fCno ro, Houston .5'-lO,:0O 33,143 - tmrkHte Ottoii. , - . These liattre represent the prices paid to wagons Nov, litli, Oood middling ... K14 Hi-let middling .. ...... ', Middling.. , 10 CLOSING STOCK LIST. Adams Express -JOS' 40H , Kt - 70 l"n 114 lUs Amalsamated Copper American Car ft icounary...... .;. American Car & r'otmdry preferred American Cotton Oil , American -Cotton Oil preferred .., Amorlrun KxprCM .... ..... Amerkatt Hldo 4t ljCatlier pfd, ... American Ice ........... .... , American. Linseed Oil Amerlcau. linseed Oil prefrrcd ... American liocomotlve Amerlcun ' liocotnoilv preferred. ... American Smelting A Ilcmilng .... American Hmcltlng ft lUtflnlng pfd, American Sugnr Ilelltilng . ,. ...... American Tobacco preferred certlf. Anaconda Mining Co., - ... . .... Atclilwin ..... ............. Atchison preferred .4, ... Ailantlit Coast Liu ........ ........ Baltimore 4fc Ohio f.. RulUntor Ohio preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit .... .... . ('AnaoHn Fftcliia ,,- .... .,. ,.,.,. Centrsl, of New Jersey Chisnpe-ike at ililo ..... ChlcsgO' (ir. st Western ',l., Chicago ft Northwestern ... . .. Chicago, Mil. & (St. J'aul .......... 41ilcao Terminal ftiTrsmlt ofd.. Clegi 'jvrmlii.il 4k Transit pfd.. Cclorjido Fuel V Iron ..... ... .... la M' (2 s.;tt a 314 72i 83 .' ' 60 lu 3I'4 ,142 mi - 7 132 iul'4 t . 10 . 1$4 inch i?rz 6 inch tr on: n:v warp building motion. It rJ:o , has filling builder - Low Price For Quick Shipment Greensboro Supply Company GREENSBORO, N. C. . '- CAEDS . mtxm lYiAbUrJ MACHINE WORKn COTTOrMACHirJERY TAUNTON, COMBERS LAP MACHINES ' ' ' l- , LOOMS SOUTHERN OFFICE AT CHARLOTTE . EDWIN HOWARD, AGENT. THE JOEL HUN TER COMPANY . PCBLIC ACCOUJITANTS AND AUDITORS ' ' ' ' SusgestloDs For Improved Acconntlng Blcthoda. , Oalanco SLecU Prepared. . ' 1'-' Present Worth Ascertained. SIl-20-2i Emplr Pld-. Atlanta. G. . Colorado & Southern .... ..i. .... 17'.i Colorada & Hcuthern 1st preferred. 4i',4 Colorado & Kouthcrn 2d preferred. -8344 Consolidated Gas ..... W Corn IToducts Itefir.lng .. . ? Corn iToduct Refining preferred.. 83 Delaware ft Hudson .. .. .. ..v Delaware, Lackawanna & West. .. 400 Denver tk Rio Grande .... Denver & Rio Grande preferred .. 60 Distillers', Securities 40JS rio ,.., ... .., ..... ......... m Krle' 1st preferred ..... ..... .38 Kri 2d preferred ...i .V General Electric ...... ......... Hj Illinois Central ........ i-jv International Paper ... ..... International Paper preferred 80? international rump , - International Pump preferred w.. w lowa central ..... ... " Iowa. Centril prefen-ed .. . ; Kansas City Southern , . Zflfc Kansas City Sotithcrn preferred .. w Iulsvllle it Nashville .. .. Mexican Central , Minneapolis & Kt. LouU ............ 24, Mlnn-Mt. P. V Sault Ste. M. .. 72 Minn., Ht. P. & 8ault 8tc.;M, pfd.. 118 Missouri Pacific j.-1 i ... - Missouri, Kansas ft Texas ,. .. ,. 23vJ Missouri, Kansas & .Texa pfd. .. 54' National Lead 38 - National R, R. of Mexico' pfd..1,... 42 New York Central ........ .......... ... New Yolk, Ontario & Western .... 29 Norfolk Sc Western 65 Norfolk & Western pre ferred ..... 674 North American -10 Pnelfie Mail a Pennaylvanla W People's Gas ... tz Pittsburg. C. C & St. Louis ...... 85 Pressed Steel Car 174 Pressed Hteel Car preferred Pullmnn Ptilace Car ....V... ., .... 138 Reading i.-... W Reading 1st preferred 73 Reading 2d preferred ..... .... 67 Republic flteel ... '. ! Republic Steel preferred . t Rock Island Co..... ..... .... ...... 13 Rock Island Co. preferred .... .... 83 Ht. Ixmls ft Ban Francisco 2d pfd.. 29 St. Ii'tls Houthwestern .... .. .. 13 St. Loul Southwestern preferred .. 29 Southern; Pacific , .... Southern Puciflc preferred 103 Southern Railway ..... ... .124 Southern Railway preferred .... pi4 Tennesseo Con! & Iron ... ... 97 Texas & Pacific ...... ... ...,s.... ? 17 Toledo, St. Loul ft Wcat. xi 17 Toledo, St.' Loul ot West, pfd 83V4 Cnlnn Pacific ... 11H4 Union Pacific preferred ,. - 71 Cnlted State Express 70 United State. Realty .. ........ 39 V til ted State Rubber la'i T'nlted Stat ear Rubber1 preferred ., : 67 1'nited State Uteri ... .... S4"4 United States Steel preferred Sl Virginia Carolina Chemical ,16 Virginia Carolina Chemical pfd. .. .3'4 Wabash..... ...... , Wahaah preferred Well Vargo Exm-ess 20O-f30O WesUnghoHs;-Electric ,44 Vestern Union 84 Wheeling1 Lake Krle 4 Wisconsin Central v 1H4 Wisconsin. Central preferred 27 Northern Pacific ..... ..... lffl Centril Tether ....." 134 Ontrnl Lt.th,r preferred 7.H4 Kiefs' Sheffield ..... ... . 874 Great Northern preferred , lnlerhorotigh Metropolltin i Interborough Metropolitan XEAV YOIIK BONDS. T?. R. refunding I registered IT. S. refunding 2 coupon I,' H. 3s registered . C. S. 3 coup-m-'.. ' U. h. New 4 reglatarad IT. S. New 4 coupon American Tobacco 4 American Tobacco 6s... Atchison general 4.,. Atchison adjustment 4s Atlantic Coast Hit 4 hid ., Raltlmore ft Ohio 4s.. Bnltlmore ft Ohio 3'.4s.. Prooklyn R. T. cv, 4 t'entrnl of Georgia fa ... Central of Georgia 1st Inc. ofd.... Central of Georgia Tttc, bid.. .. Central of. Georgia 3d Inc. pfd Chesapeak ft Ohio 4 Chicago ft Alton 8H.. Chicago, B. ft Quincy new 4.. .. Chicago, R, L ft Pacific R. R. 4s.. Chicago. R. T. ft P. B. R. col. s.. C C, C. ft St, ImiIs general 4s.... Colorado Industrial 4 Series A.,.. Colorado Midland 4a bid.. Colorado ft Southern 4.... .... .... Cuba 8f.,.. -..-.... .... ....... Denver ft Rio Grand 4... , Distllltr' Securltle ... Krlt prior-lien 4fi..- ... ..... .... Krle General. 4,... Hocking Volley 4'4 ofd.. ..... .... Japan 't4s certificate ...... Japan 4Mi cnrtllicate 2d Series... Louisvlll ft Nash, l'nllled 4 bid Manhattan contol gold 4s,,,. ... Mexican Cnntrnl 4s... .v -.'... Mexican Central Is Inc ...... Minn, ft St. Ixmlf 4 ofd Missouri, Kan a ft Texas 4 M!ourh Kansas ft Texas 2d..."... Nitl'l R R. of Mexico, col 4s ofd. New York Central general ,1U..: New Jersey Central Jronertil 5. .. Northern Pariflo 4..., .... .. Northern Pselltc Ja..- .... ... Norfolk ft Western col., 4i ofd..... Oregon Short Lin rfdf. 4s., 1W4 1V4 Wi lilt 121 60 9114 SI 84 82 87 64 2!4 75 47 42 ' 89 88 - RS 68 f9'4 soy, 41 58 S1114 37 ' !M l'4 88. -7014 TJ6V4 N47 ; 84' n 8014 72 80 84'4 7714 ' 78',4 ' , 118 : 04 78 ''.1024 i ce 61 J. ' ? 79'4 .-' - '..'. M t 8S 81T4 - 2V 31 a,4 m 10 w j'enn, cv. S'.fcs... ......... ..... ........ Reading 'Oraeral. 4s., ' St. IjouI A Iron Mountnin col. St. Ixulfi A San "rancico fg. 4., St. Ioui Southwestern consol 4., BhoardfAir Lin.4f pia.. Southru 'Pdilc 4.. Southern Pacific lot 4 certificate. Southern Railway 6i..... Tea ft Pacific 1st .V...1 Toledo; St. luls ft Western 4s.. 4 Vnlon Pacific ..; ,..,..., Union Pacihe cv.j, in certJIiqate IT, S Steel 2d 5.i :,. Wabash lfits.j.., ,..,. i'.... Western Hit 4..... Wheeling ft Lake Kri 4,ofd...... Wlsconsirt Central 4 btd.. Japan 4 Certlncale A trillion v nt.. Aleliiaon CV.. 8s.'.w. Intert-orough Metropolltnji 44t SFiiM3 MA8S. ' Mill PC TJJE SEltVAXT GIRX Pennsylvania Profctwors Kay ISo One WkJi Iyct Tlwni $5,000 Income ' Mionld Ttf to Have Servants. Philadelphia "Prea.- ' ' ' That the "problem" -of the servant girl Is something that Is not very fun ny would", with difficulty be gleaned from the remarks concerning- It by Professor vPatten, of the .University of JPenneylvanla, The, aociologists un consciously mak an uproarious joke out of moat of our tribulations which they ; aubject to aclentlflo treatment, and our West ? Philadelphia authority, whose opinions 'were ; published In The Public Ledger yesterday, has sue-; eeeded beyond our most sanguine ex pectations. -, Professor , Patten aays, in effect,,' that we should have no .ser vants unless we are people In the en joyment of Incomes of $5,000 or $10,- 000 a year. The whole trouble begins when ) we crave cooks, "second girls' andtall the adornments of the fine es tablishments which are maintained by the aristocrats. Wives ought to .run to their' own doors, pare their own po tatoea arid aweep their own front atepg. Instead of a proper spirit, what do we see? Women who read novel and gin false ldsais about the dignity ofldeness; wives who wish to live like the wealthiest n their ken; mothers -who regard household toll as infra dig, for their daughters; hus bands and fathers who have the same Ideals for their womenfolk, and try to balance the pyramid on its apex with a result which all see ,in the present relations, between mistress and maid. What I-easier than to believe" that If there were no seVvants there would be no servant problem ? It is very true, as Professor Patten aays, that If the etreets' were clean there would be les use for the' dust brush, and we might then eliminate one of. our troublesome oligarchs. But, as our sociological expert may not have not ed, there to dust In the house with the green shutters In the green fields, and In ships whifth stil the seas. There will be dustv in the balloons and all the wireless things of the future.- We do not really see any hope In this direction, therefore, and are In a good deal of despair. Patent dusting machines, automatic dish washers, beds that are made by press ing a button at the town -hall, con centrated food tablets and kindergar tens and nurseries administered by the State at public- expense will help toi deliver us from our thraldom to the servant girl; but, after all is said and done, are we willing to live like the creatures of some sociologist's fe cund fancy? Why not let the "lady of the i house" continue 1 to ... read her novel and fill her mind with romantic ideas, even if her husband can bring home only :$1,200 a year? Wr have always thought, that engaging and dis missing servants andtalklng about the feat (like shopping) - were enjoy able pastimes rather necessary ..to feminine civilization, In ' this . country. We entirely disagree ...with DfPatten when, he says . that woman . should work. She should not work any more than she -b!i a mlnd to, and as she probably will not. In any event. If she be at all clever and there Is escape front ,1'tkWe ajtall be Juat about where we were before !we Invented that pro found science which l. known as tio clology. As la the solution of the real problem, we are totally In the dark. but we incline to the opinion that a great-many thousand so-called maid servants In thU country ought to go West to marry the cowboys, so that they can at the earliest possible time employ servants Of thelf own at their husbands expense. When we are well rid of these " household despots, who are obviously 1 meant for higher posts In oar social acheme. we can amend the exclusion law and admit a eult- aoie numoer. . or the taiinese and Japanese" ' ', ,'. Karth Onlpg Down Railway Track, OH City Dispatch to The Philadelphia Itecord. ,, " ., 3 A ; seemingly bottomless pit has been discovered between Lottsvllle and Columbua. Warren county, on the new cut-off Of the Erie Railroad low grade. It , was . not discovered until 800 feet of railroad track had been swallowed up Ina night. Superintendent- John Braff, who ha charge of the ;work along the Erl system, aays It beats anything In his v lonr i experience as a rail roader;: ?-.-.'., 'i--v,.! -..r.Vf.-r ; :,VT'- - Strangely enough, this great sink hole Is not visible to the eye, and un til the railroad, was built across it the earth vaa apparently as solid as could be .iJealrel,:-',M:r.''i Braff said he believed that at oh time tha section wa covered TJy lake. In the course of time. It 1 thought, a, crustot six or seven feet formed on top of this lake, but below-that for a great dis tance seem to be nothing but mud and water and the trunks of great ' Malaria Slakes Pale Blood. 1 The Old V Standard. GROVES' TASTELESS CHILL TONIC ' drives out malaria! and builds, up' the sys tem. - For groari people 'and chil dren, Sflo. I nt(M,;n C I'JTH TRYCM ST.. CHARLOTTE. fi.'CV Liiii.1 . : Revolving Flat Cs.rU, Railway Heads, Drawjn; Framcj, pinninj Frames, Twister and Spooler s; QuUlers and Reels, . Looma, ' , C0MBEH5 fc Manufacturers , and Jobbers y rVequently nnd It necessary to have Banking Facilities to ad dition to those offered by local banks, - ;s-1 - . , . . TIIB , " e , First Naticnal Bahk OF "TJC1IMOXI), TIBflDfIA, With , - . 1 Sl.OOO.oOO.OO Capiui Earned - Surplus 9600,000.00 : : $3,&00,000.00 Deposits $9,000,000.00 ' Total Besonrces Offert Just the AddlUoaai Fa clUtles Kequlred. f ' Jno. B. PurcclL President) Jno. M. Miller, Jr VlceProsI dent; ClMuk. IL Bumettt. As slauat ' Cashier; 4. C JopUn, Assistant Casbietn. , THE COUNTRY'S " ONLY TEED. Mr. Tompkins' Lucid Statement of the Currency Question anKxplana - tlon That .Explains. . Concord Tribune. " The position of Mr. t. A.. Tompkins on the need of a more elastic curren cy, as set forth in a letter published In The Charlotte Observer and repro duced In The Tribune,: Is in keeping with the general opinion of the finan cial .world.;' in his letter Mr. Tomp ktn puts the matter very clearly, apd plainly, showing theWhy; and how. of the need In the matter of more cur rency. . The - last .Congress had tbls matter up. The need has. been point ed out repeatedly for several years and the general opinion is that the coming session, of Congress , will pro vide a way for more circulation cur rency. : 'There is," saya Mr, Tomp kins, "abundant, property . and good business and , the only trouble is shortage of currency." This, la plain .ly stating the situation we confront to-day., There - is. as an aamit. . no deep end dangerous reason' for finan cial troubles, nor continued stringen cy. But there is need of move elas tic currency. There Is also the more reason, In the light of these present condition, an urgent need of putting every dollar ir circulation. Kwry dollar taken out of circulation adds Just that jnuch to th burden the fi nancial world Is bearing tinder a. re stricted currency. It is a, great our den we bear, tremendous prosperity, (Treat .crop movements, and Increas ing demands Tor money to do busi ness on and therefore the demand for circulating money Is great. Looking beyond this present stringency hw the money world, many of the best bus iness men and financiers are of the optnlon that 'prospects are brighter than ever before and that as soon as the present conditions are reliev ed and more money provided for the united states win nave on nana a greater and more general era of good business , and prosperity than ever before. . - V.. ... ;,.' ' .... -v The Origin of Kissing., North American Review. Of lglnally, kissing was a form of mere salutation corresponding -to the custom among the Esquimaux of. rub bing noses. Thus, in the very olden days, it seemed to many a seemly and even plotit act to kiss the feet of Idols, Just as even now millions would rejoice In the opportunity after the modern manner, of course to kiss the toe ' of the Pope. St. Paul ex tended this phase of the ceremony by Inventing and enjoining ; the -; "hoy kiss." or kiss of charity, signifying Christian love and 'brotherhood. So far as we have been able to learn, this method of presenting evidence of fellowship served satisfactorily while confined to 'the brethren: but gradual and apparently not unwilling, participation in the minds of so many husbands of selfish, disposition that the ; practice was long ago discon tinued, and 1 now never observed, except under an unusual stress of clr cumstances,i or vwhen a peculiarly plausible pretext can be found. As a, matter of ; fact, the kiss Nprescrioed bv the Apostle was as harmless a thing as the kisses -of Arabian' women unon the beards of their male rela tives; ' 'but, as the requirements of the times became less rigorous, tne distance between cheek or forhead and Hps seem, to' shorten, and aiban donment of tha pretty custom be came necessary, for reasons which we need 'not recount '7 " Standard Gravel Roofing Guaranteed 10 Years and we will be here to make (he guarantee good. v Needs no repairs .. Applied only by I WARREN -EIIRET CO. Established 1852. -H Charlotte, N. C. . Thone or postal will bring oar man. For Good Building Brick address ' t, Rock Hill Brick Works, Rock Hill, S, 0 ' t or '. " , Catawba Brick Co., .Van Wyck. fl. C. r """" ' v -:- - -feliti.,' -: flutters, Ravias Frames . (ntermediattSt Jack Frame , Vi-lam B. Charlas VOfflcea---Charlotte, ,N. C, Boston, Blass and Amsterdam, N. X. - Main Office Amsterdam, X, . .1 . ' m v ; . . 11 filagla Ufl Janinard , win independent -' egrlindcr ,,..-..- f,. : - "A-fr T', -'r motion. i 1. t i , ,f ,". THOMAS IIALTON'S fSONi, . k ".-'-' -t &l. , 11 . 1 I f L ' a i. s. i .. -,. i. Vfe -v .- taa. ikaBHsjajsaf ; ..t- . . .. ,' : - JENCKES SPINNING CO. 1 C (( 4. main Office: 1 PAW1UCKET, ftl High-grade spindle, .0 .'. ' ..... ' Sconree BeJt Oils and Greases, tubri Greases. Ready-Mlxed Paint. Cold Water Paints. Agents XW attics' DresBlao Compound. GEO. B. HISS 01 1 CO. -.' . . CILVRLOTrE. fl - ' , 1 - - -' - ' y spencer turner; CO. "' , COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' . . OFFICES t New York, PlUladelphla. Chloagc St Louis. London, England. Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods; ; - PAULSON, LINKRoOm. & CO. Cbttoiai 87-8 LEONARD STREftt , - - . 120 CHESTNUT STREET . . 186 MARKET STRKET . . . . ; READ, IF YOU HAVE TO SELL, If you have houses or stores to rent, let, me do your collecting and save "'. ' trouble and -worry. " The place, to'insure youV property isn'thi'a agepcy.' . " j"'" 1 , r R. E.-- Goehpane. " ' , Insurance and Real Estate Agent. ' ' ': ' TRY OUR u Qean, and burns well wc know ; it will1 please you Standard Jce and Fuel. Co; Ld tti Ice ' : Pbe 19 CTAHrunn GOAL . . X : r (1 . in IliWvJ'. ' Automatic rcer3,.- Openers and Trunk, - Breaker, Intermediate an? Finisher Lappers, KIrschner Carding Beater? Thread Extractor,, , v Waste Pickers, eta. '. Raw Stock fryers ETC.. ETC. 4 COTTON i YARNS. COTTON COOPS v ', AXD COTTON WASTE. . ' it t . v IIALTON'S-V, t'.i tSB n-i , t. ,, w ,. .'.I.,, ,'-.t ' t , ' -1 , V? f me. At. - ,W,ille1aM. Paw ' QOTTON YZIRNS ; ;t, ; , -1. Philadelphia ' Offlcot . -f ' V Wrlner" Merchant- BuUaursj, ' -1 y W.'JL' SPELLIS8T, alanagef. loom, engine .1 and valve ' - NEW YORK PBXLAOKI.PHIA ' CUTCAGO ; THIS LIST IT IX THIS OFFER HOOK AND ROGERS I CHITECTS-- .CHARLOTTE A GREENSBORO. N.C ' HUBBARD BROS, is CO., ( HANOVER SQUARE, NEW, TORK. ',' MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex cnange. New Orleans- Cotton Ex ensnge. Associate Members Live . pool Cotton Exchange. . ORDERS SOLICITED -For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future -'. delivery, Correspondent , lnvitsd. ! A. D. SALEELD & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . M-a Leonard Street, NEW TORE. -.f V. ", . COTTON VARVB - DEFT - Fred'k yietor & Achelis. HUGH MACRAE li tiOfi , t ..Bankers;, , : , MlsceHaneons Sonthern Seru"Ules WILMINGTON, N, ft . Washington, D. C, OS Colorado Eldg, Cotton Mill Stocks. V. LEONARD L. HUNTER ; ARCHITECT Fifth fioor,' Trust Bldg, nwne 30. CHARLOTm N. CL - ' JAMES E. MITCHEL'LCO. , ' COMMISSION 5IKRCUA NTH, ' - Cotton Yarns and Cotton ' - -. I- CJloths.' '-. . CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED -Philadelphia. 112 nnd IS OicMoutSt. , Boston. 183 Rummer,, gt ;j New l'orlt. No, 1i rsonarr) fit. icartoua. Si & Trroa tu 1 ' t 7

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