l)OinALL VUST1JIDAV. Harvard C: Vnloll: Navy 12; V. P. I. 0. Purdue 0; Notre Dnme 17. Swarthmore 35; Bi-cknell L Army 23; Syracuse 4. - Kastfrn Lnivrrsiiy Penna. 51; Wooster (0. University 0. ' ' , Carlisle li; ChlesRO 4. V ifconsiu 17; Minnesota 1' Lafayette 22: Lehigh i. Antra 20; Iowa H. Pennsylvania Freshmen 26; Cornell Freshmen 6. V. M. I. 65- ESastern Collet. 0. . William and Mary 4; Hampden Sydney 0.'.- . "... . ' TALE DEFEATS ILYRVARD. Wins From Old Rival By Score of 13 to 0 Jielle on Lino Plunges and Scow Touchdown in Each Half No. Effort. -Made to Pile Up Biff Score Tale's Blagnjflcent ; Defense. Cambridge, Mass., v Nov. o 21 Yale superbly maintained her football supremacy by defeating Harvard, her oldest rival, In the stadium to-day by a score of 13 to 0. Without resorting, except on occasions to the scM-calleJ new plays. Tale scored a touchdown In each half on ' almost continuous plunges through the line. Either con tent, with a safe lead or wearied by her efforts in defeating Princeton a week ago, Tale to-day made no effort apparently to roll up a big hcore.. yet, r i. i i '! ' j - iuvjri. 1 1 a. i go a. a . . ir - J. Y"! " l.ur.-t, M.-iore and l;:ack phiye 1 well. I .;;. ire, O. Harris. Ueforeo, D. WhiU-liursl. Time of halves, 15 min utes. Score, ( to 0 in favor of the Juniors. -Mass meetings are being held every nisrht at the A. & .M. to practice the yells for the .Thanksgiving game. TECH REINSTATED. Soutlicrn Association Reinstates Geor i gin Tech Eleven Case Against Georgia Not Decided. Atlanta, Ga., Nov.. 2 3. At a meet ing of the Southern Inter-Collegiate Athletic ' Association held here this afternoon the charges of professional ism against the football team of the Georgia School of Technology ; were cleared up ancT the school reinstated 1n the association, x - The charges of professionalism against the football" earn of. tho Uni versity of Georgia were taken up but not fully decided. The Institution was reinstated pending a decision, which will probably be decided at a later date. f Although the charges against' the University of Georgia were not fully decided. Coach Whitney of that col lege, was barred from coaching any other team in the Southern associa tion. . ' Navy Defeats V. P. I. , '. . Annapolis,' Md., Nor. 2 J. The mid shipmen closed their local season to day by defeating Virginia Polytechnic Institute 12 to 0. The game was a surprise In the Improved form own by the midshipmen. The ' visitors were eomnletelv outnlaved and were when In the very last minute of the 1 constantly on the defensive with game the Crimson players by a for tunate on-side kick carried the ball to within striking distance of the Tale goal,; the sturdy line of Blue became adamant and Harvard was prevented from scoring. It Is years since such a magnificent defense has been made on Soldiers' Feld Nearly fO.OOO spectators sat in the Indian summer sunshine and saw the Harvard eleven struggle in vain against the superior prowess of the Tale team. On occasions a Crimson player would work his way through the Yale line or circle the ends for gains of Ave or six yards, but soon the Yale line would close the holes or the Blue players would fathom the Har vard onslaught and the Crimson would he compelled to kick. It was not a particularly thrilling game for long and spectacular runs were missing and there were few errors In the backfleld to give the opposing side material ad vantage. It was not until the first half was drawing to a close that the Tale of fensive machinery began lo" work smoothly enough to carry the ball teadlly down the field. From Tale's 4-yard line, three rushes, an on side kick and a cleverly executed for ward pass placed the ball on Harvard's -yard line. The Crimson players braced themselves for the onslaught, hut could not withstand Yale's plung es, and three rushes carried the bill over. Captain Biglow ad3ed another point by kicking the goal and soon af ter the players retired for a brief rest. The . second score came about 15 minutes after the second haf began and again Yale started in her own territory and carried the ball 70 yards without a loss to the Harvard coal line. Moro scrimmages were required for this score than the previous one and a for ward pass made nearly 30 yards of the distance. From this time Yale played entirely on tho defensive and subs were sent In every few minutes. With about 2 minutes to play, Har vard got tho ball In the centre of the field and then rushing it 20 yards, car ried off a brilliant on-side kick which placed it on Yale's 6-yard line. A Crimson score seemed inevitable. Th first rush went three yards, the se -ond a yard, the third a trifle more th hi a foot There th. ball went to Yuk on downs and the game euded. the ball In possession of the naval team and In Virginia' territory. A drizzling rain made the field soft and mushy. , , Alabama Wins In Last Mlnntc. Mobile, Ala., Nov. 23. Played off their feet and to a standstill in a sodden and water soaked field, with Ideal football weather .prevailing, Al abama pulled herself together 'n the last minute of play and scored their only goal, leaving them vctors ovfr the University of Louisiana by a aiore of 6 to 4. Army 23; Syracuse 4. West Point, N. .. Nov. 23. The last football game of the season on the home grounds was played here to day when West Point defeated Syra cuse by a score of 23 to 4. The weather was cld and the sky cloudy. 'CROSS-COUNTRY RUN. FIERCE GAME AT CHICAGO. Fred Bellar Wins Individual Honors Over Rugged Course Distance 0 1-i Miles. New York, Nov. 23. Over a rug ged course, laid out In the vicinity of Celtic Park and Laurel Hill, lie to day, the national cross-country cham pionship of the A. A. U., was decided. The Indivldul honor was won by Fred Bellars of the New York Athletic Club, and his club mate, J. Elsele, finished second. 40 yards sway. The team honors were won toy the Irish-Tiei!-enn A. C, under whose auspices tin event was run off. Three woks ago Bellars, who Is not 19 years oil. mr prisod the keenest Judges by winning a four-mile run at Celtic Pnrk, de bating Daly. Bonhag and other champion distance runners. The winner sravc a splendid exhibi tion to-day. He was up amoig the leaders nil the way. The distance was 6 1-4 miles and It took In some o the HtifTePt country that hill and dale run ners have been asked to negotiate since the event was Inaugurafe.l. Th tefm .Tore of the Irish A. A. r. men, five of whom flnls'.isrt In or der from hlr,l to svenfh nation was ?5, nnrt the New York A. C. teem scored 42 points. ' OX THE BENXTXH COURSE. Indians Put "Chicago Out With nn Ease Tliat Was Stnrt',!iiK Hcnscr's Great Work and Sure Tvc the Fea tureScore 18 lo 4. Chicago, Nov. 23.-The Carlisle In dian School football teim defeated tlv University of Chicago eleven hero to day In a fast, desperately foJKhi Sc'oiid Choice Cspture. Sixth Grand Cunsonltlnn Cun in Easy oslilon. Tlonnln.?. I. C. Nov. 23.The Squire, n second cl-olce. with Nntfer up, captur ed the- sixth Grand Consolation cur In i-'isy fusion fit Trnnlng to-day. My Crocc, of the Wnrrenton Hunt, won the rlnth himtirs' chamnlor steeplechase. ! r.lclit Unyal ftml Ivanhos were tho only winning fuvorltes. The truck was muddy. Klrxt nic 7 furlongs, Columbia course: Iviuc.inK, S to 1, won; isnncy to 1. econd; Klllonhrau, even, third. i to Time, game. The score was IS to 4. Thro f.eld iroals fmm niacpmpnt n,t u .(, ml race, hunters champion sttenlt j , .'....., . .. chase, .l.ut J miles: My Orucc. UH to 1. accouiiiea ior trie,wo. Warrcntim, 1 lo 1, and even, sec Indians points. Walter Stefftm i OIM'; TeK-fare, out, ihrd. Tne. 6:33. Quarterback on the home team, scorej i Third race. Grand Consolation. " fur for Chleaitu by a dron-klik from thalliums. Ctlumhla course: The Souire. li 30-yard line. in almost every deps.rtment of ths game, especially In llm pity. th In dians had tho better of their' rivals. The sneedy attack which hid swe;: aside othrr Werftem teams, whs slriwe I up by the fierce ihy of tht lidUi gcards and tackles. The rhi.-ag,. on 1 were outsprinted and nften (- mi'.dfMy Jioxcd in and the manun b tck'lcld h i rto chance f get Ft inel on the lonR. twisting, dodging runs, which lnvc made the players n it.il In this srv;i,n The Carlisle tciiu wa without tV services of Mount P.tvis.inl. tiu spectacular (iiarterback. A broken thumb; received li the Minmsoui game, kept hin on the side lines. !!ut at . that, ho was scarcely inisceJ. I ... e l,",,If.u.(a 1 til J ilii.l fiilf nti. i L U, 1VI ."""l " ond; Smoker. Z'lo 1, third. T'uiff. 1:3.1 " ' M Kmi'tli race, lienniiiK kj finl, inllo and a luur. v oiiuniiia cnuran: uigoi tviyui, 11 to HI, won; fins and Needles, a to 5. and oi t. c'-cotid; Heuucleie, D to JO, and ot!T, third. Time, t;45. jf'.li race, 6Mi furlongs, Columbia ft 'irse- CtiMlien Chief, 3 to 1. won; Tn akoe. b I" 4. second; Wonder Worker, I to 5, third. Time, 1:13. tsixtli race, sidlliiK, nillo und tliree-slx-t.enilis: Ivanhoe, 8 to 5, won; Killie eiai'kle. 4 to ii secrnd; Ocean Rpraj. ev en, third. Time. 2:07. SOUTH KRXEUS WOX. 5 , t , r-( ' ' ' r I ' . i. special to The OI-M-rver. Statesvllie, Nov. 23. Invitations are put for the marriage of Mi.s Joe Anna Clndfeiter, a popular young woman of Eufola, and Mr. William Tate Setzer, of Statesviile. The marriage will take place .Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Airs. Sidney Clodfelter. , : , -Savagc-Hnter Marriage. Miss Bessie H. Savage, a, pretty daughter of Mr. Nathaniel Savage, of North College street, was married last night, at 7:15 o'clock. In the parlor of the manse of Tenth Avenue Presby terian church, by Rev. A. R, Shaw, to Mr. Charles C. Hnhter, a aon Of Mr, Cicero Hunter of Mallard creek town ship. . The bride ? wore ' a navy blue voile, with bat to match, , and tan gloves.": The ceremony was ' witnessed by a few intimate friends. . Mr, and Mrs. Hunter will lThere. Mr. Hunter is ft moulder at Uddells. His torideVas a popular cleric in the millinery department of ; Belk. Bros, store. , ' , . . ' NEGRO SHOOTS TWO OTHERS. Ona Tried to Save His Fellow ind Got the Full liowd of the Gail IHm Bclf and ! likely to Die. Special to The Observer. . . - v Newton, Nov. 23. Brown Peterson, a negro employed by the Broaddus Ives Lumber Company, shot two men to-day, seriously, wounding- one of them. Feter son works ot the mlU and was to pH up lumber as H came from the planer. Tom Silvers, colored., who was a the planing 'mill, told P'terson J not doing his work , right and Peterson cursed hTm. Silvers Insisting on brtng obeyed, wrestled with Peterson, who, af ter ho broke from Silvers, ran off to Ms home over a mile away - and came back with a gun, hlch he aimed at Silvers, but Cornelius Allen, another at tempted to divert the gun from Silvers and got the. charge WmaeK. wh? Silvers received only a part of the loan, Allen's condition la regarded as critical. Silvers' wound s m the arm and. shoul; der and is not serious. Peterson has not been arrested. Electric Line From " August to At lanta. ' Auguata, Ga, Nov. 23. Negotia tions are being perfected tfor the At lanta & Carolina Electric Railway Company, of Atlanta, to secure an old aurvey of the Seaboard Air Line between Augusta and Athena for an electric line from Atlanta, via that city to Augusta. ; The contract for the construction o the entire line from Augusta to Atlanta has been let to an Alabama firm. THE WEATHER. Washington, Nov. 23.-Forecast: Virginia, rain Sunday, followed by clearing In west and north portions; Monday fair; light to fresh north winds. North Carolina, rain Sunday, followed by clearing, fresh northeast winds; Mon- dny fJr. South Carolina, colder and fair Sunday; Monday fair; fresh west to northwest winds. Georsrla. fair Sunday, ccldcr In east portion: Monday fair, light to fresh west winds becomlns variable. West Florida, Alahama, Mississippi and toulsinna, fair' Sunday and Monday; llpht north to northeast winds becoming variable. Eastern Texas, fair Sunday; warmer In west portion; Monday fair, light north winds becoming variable. West Texas, partly cloudy and warmer Sunday, powslbly showers by night In extreme west portion; Monday fair. West Virginia, clearing in west, rain er snow and Colder In east portion Run day; Monday fair. LOCAL OFFTCK V. fi. WEATHER BUREAU. Charlotte, Nov. 23 Sunrise 7:06 a. m.; sunset 5:13 p. m. TEMPFJtATURE (in degrees). Highest temperature B7 Lowest temperature 47 Moan temperature 62 Excess for the day 4 Accumulated deficiency for month.. 31 Accumulated exce for the year... K PRECIPITATION (In Inches). Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. m... 0.92 Total for the Month 4.2R Accumulated excess for -the mohth. 2.2S Total for the year , 32.15 Accumulated deficiency for year .. 13.51 Prevailing wind direction N. E. W. J. BENNETT. Observer. ' LttHt out . of Houeer, coupled with his slashing runs and line plunginc made up for the ground gaining and scoring abili ties of the regular quarterback. Houser, in fact, was a whole team i-i hlrnsslf. Backed Up by Impregnable Interference be carried the ball two ... thirds of the tlm in th Indian sttnrlc. and eldom failed to gain ground. Aiken and Little Boy opened up great " gaps for him between Jones and An- derson and on dan lies around tho end Hendrl'As and Exendlne put the op- w ma iri v m n msr rr t n a maw aii m n , v "-"f tui-i.s wuv ymj nun ail , ease that was startling. Houser's best . work, however, was with his toe. , Three times he negotiated goals from placement with Balentl holding the ball. Intcrci-lii!." and Hiuippy (in mo Night Si-ore 22 to 20. Despite the Inclement weather a i fair sized rrnwd wltnsissej the game Men's Tinli.tltl un,1 Tat, nr .. I'... ,1, .. ...;, a u.,.l IV... ,.,,.,, .. ' "i " "! i 111 Minn n.tnin iftuui'. lani in.ni ue- hvi.i..i -the Stf 1 1 1 1 1 r t r- n.nd Ath. letlcs. The gi.tn was fast and snappy from the vt-ry beginning and quite a number of sensational plays were made Including several Held troals thrown by Stewart, of the Southerners. The game was of such character as to make It hard to determine which of the two teams were the stronKer. i Williams aaved the day for the Souther'ner !by tin-owing goal within a few seconds of the blow of the time-keepers' whistle. The score was 22 to 20 In favor of the Southerners. GOOD CLASS CAME AT A. & M. Juniors Defeat BoplHimores in Con test For Class Championship by Score of f to 0. Spc-tal to The Observer. West Raleigh. Nov. 23. At 4 o'clock to-day on the .new athletic NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, Ln., Nov. 23. --Cotton, spots were firm with nrlces nmrbanged: middling sales wcro 1,300 on the spot end CO to arrive. Futures onened steady, 4 to 7 points below th" close yesterday as a result of psor cables from Uverpo:,!, The msruet early showed a disposition to seek high er level and with lltrht onVrlnRs as a bullish factor started to advance soon nfter the onenlnsr. Tradlns- was lirhe and durlnar the early s"islon there were manv more otrers to huy than sell. The result was a dull but steady market. I t t ' .!,' f. 'i Pr. , ! ,- ,. i . '" T I i r , i '' ? P'i h s i n i. c v V, t ,,. ;., Mi r wen 8 to points au.ve t.,e eio ,,. ttr:iV. !nr bl!- Nov. 1'iri n.. ..iaiil; 1 . M.;-4; Jan. 10.SI; Feb. 102- y-rcb 1 f lo'es" 10'; May loe0; June ll'Ml Ju GUILFORD COUVTY FAIOI FOR SALE. We have for sale a , farm consisting of 493 acres, and located 11 miles northeast of Greensboro, it has on It a dwelling; of four or five rooms end some outbuildings. - A timber expert estimates that it has three-quarters of a mil lion feet of pine timber and , a large amount of oak and Pine wood. Price. .....$5,000. NORTH CAROLINA TRUST CO., Greensboro, n. C oilers his 'prcl.'.'S.:'.t'nai" services as "Party of Third Tart" . ; to a limited increased number of . . cllenti over 1907. Real Estate Dealer, Home Provider, Fire Insurance, , Loans. , Room in my agency for a small increase In house renting -: - and care. ., - ,.''" HNo property Venting under 219 month cohsldered. Whlte" property', exclusively . - ( handled. . Yn full Information, terms, vcon Si:V:y'-' dltlons, etc.,;: call ff i; J P. D. ALEXANDER f The Commercial National Bank ' '- OF CnARLOTTE, N. G. ; ' ,' Ample capital, large resources. - We 'cordially Invite your account DIRECTORS: .!. X A. Durham. W.,.E. Holt, P. M. Brown, 3. W. Cannon, Jr., S.; B. . Tanner, R. M. Miller, Jr.. D.' H. Anderson, E. C, Holt. A. J. : Hagood, L. W.; Sanders, S. W. Cramer, D. B. Rhyne, R . L.. Gib ' bon, H. C. Eccles, L. Banks Holt, C. W. Johnston, W. S. Alex v ander, S. a McNlnch, C. H. Duls, Willis Brown, T. H. Haughton,' . F. D. Lethco, A. G. Brenlaer, R. A. Dunn, J. P. Wilson. ':.' :.:'v.r ' . OFFICERS: ' R. A. DUNN, President, - t ''r ' WM. E. HOLT, Vice President ' ; ' : v A. G.' BRENIZER, Cashier. ' ' ': A. T. 8UMMEY, Assistant Cashier, if Assets and Personal Liability Over Three Million Dollars. in V m , . 1 i - i Located thirty to thirty-F.ve minutes' drive south of the city, on, the Southern Railroad. ; Thirty-eight acres In each tract. -Will sell separately or as a whole. , Price $50 per acre. In close touch with Southern Power Com: pany's wires. ' , ' - : -' - SOyTHfJI REM tSTATE 10A!1 & TRUST COMPANY Capital $75,000. . President, . W. S. ALEXASDER. ' Secretary and Treasurer, ' , a. morris, Mcdonald. Surplus $100,000. Vice President, R. A. DUNN HOMES HFC SALE -room cottage, DI1 worth, water sewerage and gas; nicely located. $500 - cash; balance easy terms. - ' ... - ?.5 10-room house, E. Liberty street, all modern conveniences, large, lot; If ' taken in next week $8,7B0. ' 6-room two-story house, S. Tryon street, lot 84 l-2xJ50, city water; $2,250. $(00 cash; balance easy terms. 9-room house, First Ward, close in, lot 1 0019 2; house v. heated with i steam . and ' all modern conveniences, $8,000. i . . S-room cottage, E. Ninth street, shady side of street, large lot, all mod- . em. $3,000. . . - . J. E. Murphy & Company 43 N. Tryon ' Phone 842. H. . M. . M'ADEN; . v. ...... .President H. : M. , VICTOR. ; . . . , . . .... .Cashier First National Bank CHARLOTTE; N. 0. ! f ORGANIZED 1S85 w Capital. v. 300,000.00 Surplus ;and Pront? ' ... ,'.u4..; 240,000.00 Assets.. 1,900,000.00 , Tour business respectful ly solicited. : . Every courtesy and' ac- commodation extended con sistent with sound banking. : M. VICTOR, Cashier., HOW TO CITBE A COLD. rsreful ns you can von win slonallv tnlto cold, and when you do, Rft . .nertlclnn of known reliability. nn ti has an established reputation and that ls' rertsm w nw cure. uen a medlclno Is Ohamberlnin's Couuh Rem edy It na Rftln'd a world-wide reputa tion by its remarkable cures of this most common aliment, and can always be d nenderl upon. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the luncs, aids expectoration. opens in mittiiuh. .... ni.m nature In r...inrlns! the tystem to a healthy e(lntii. Hon. During the many years In whlrh. it has been in (tenerui ua we nave yet to i.im nf a slnsle case ot cold or h.m- of the itrlp having resulted In pneumnntii hen tnis renwray was tisea, whlrh shows conclusively tnst it is n rertaln preventive of at dnnirerous disease. Chamlterlain's Cough Remedy contains nn nnlum at other narcotlo and mav h given as confidently to s baby ns to an dutt. r or saia ojr v. u. nana et LO. AITO RACES AT WILMINGTON. Tlie 3leet YeHterday TTft Wrlghtsvllle Beah a Slices IVsnk Ilerbst and John E. Piatt the Winners. Spe-Hnt to The Observer. Wilmington. Nov. 23.-Frnk Herbert driving a H-horse-power Muxwell run. aiiout, won the froe-for-all Ume race anslnst ll comers in the automobile meet this afternoon at Wrlghtsvllle Beaeh, eoverln the mile and a half course In I'M. Tli enen f.c . VnrA field, the Junlof and sophomore teams nbont was won by John K. Plmt, time of A. and M, College, In. the midst -ofi 14 P n half course. , ai showers of rain and on' a muddy grid- tnenith the course woh heavy. nd the iron, played off the tie for the class v"1 W8" H football championship, at ws, an'r.V.c.r.?nlM tmsed by something excellent game, characterized by brilliant plays. -The - juniors .over 1 people. many outclassed the sophomores, however, the letter's line being weak. The sophs kicked oft to the juniors but by line plunges they worked back Into the soph's territory, where the remainder of the half was played, In the second half the juniors re-entered to scor.' TbeV . kicked. o t sophs and when the latter' tried to A, n. c. E. Harvard ; Lawrence ficl. 8ch. C. P. E. BURGWYN Civil and Hydranllc Engineer, ' Virginia Trust t'A. Uldg. Rk'hmond, Va. - Rlvent. end "hiirhorB 1mnrnvi1 kick out of danger they blocked their Wharves and terminals constructed. Iri k. The juniors workca back to tv.--!r ori-;nal place and a desperate ;; tovk' place. "After two jowni ....rtt broke through the lln : '' : - -t if, i. water powers developed. Railroads num. Water-works erected, i Re pofts on" jirojiefUe. Bewer aystents dvKigned. Clear water filtration. -ON THE SQUARE. Let us work for you. We fill Prescriptions promptly and accurate y. We use the purest drugs and give what Jjhe doctor calls for. il: li. JORDAN & CO. Iltona t, ; "WB NEVER CLOSE., -NUESES-HEGISTER. INVESTMENT ' We offer five new 5-ro.om cottage, with sewer age and bath, renting for $12.00 per month each, ' or a total of $720.00 per year, for . . . . ... .$6,750.00 being 10.7 per cent, on investment. The Charlotte Realty Co. Those $77. A. G. Craig, Secretary. Office 18 E. Trade St. The Merchants & Farmers National Bank . . OF CHARLOTTE, N. C, Capital, $200,000.00 ; : i Surplus, $100,000.00 : Thfe officers of this bank will be pleased to meet or correspond with .those who contemplate, making changes or opening new : accouts. - FOUR PER CENT. PAID ON SAVINGS , AND TRIE DEPOSITS. , Officers: Geo. E. Wlbon, President. Jno. B. Ross, Vice President v XV. C WUklnson, Cashier. t S3 Wood fibre Wall Plaster, "Hard Clinch." THE BUILDERS FRIEND ' Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage win not crack it; . water docs not make it fall off; hard as .atone, Write . for . booklet. Manufactured by , . ... .,.- QH21RLOTTE PL21STER GO. Write for Booklet. Charlotte, N. G. Charlotte Trust Co, Showing at close of second year . - Capital $125,000.00 ,: Profits . . ...... x:. . . ; . . . . 5 . . . ... . 33,000.00 Solicits the business of corporations, firms and Hn " . dividuals. : . , , ' l.VL LTTTLE, President. O. M. PATTERSON, Vice Pres. ; Ik R. HAGOOD, Cashier I When you have us to do your ELECTRIC work you may be sure of THE BEST. All our . work, guaranteed and no job too, small for. our prompt attention. Tone 470 for the best and quickest service. ' - - BRADSHAVV ELECTRIC COMPANY .Vf ' No. 15 Sooth Church St. Southern Loan & Savings Bank This Bank offers you unexcelled facilities for' your SAVINGS BUSINESS, as its attention Is devoted EXCLUSIVELY to SAV INGSNACCOUNTS. P. M. Brown, . E. T. Cansler, J. W. Conway, A. M. McDonald, DIRECTORS: Jno. M. Scot. Jas.. A. Bell, , . Dr. R. L. Gibbon, J. C. Reld, W, S. Alexander. T. W. Hawkins, J ' . W. A. Watson, W. L. Jenkins. ' ' Leroy Springs, Lancaster, S. C. - ' , R, R. Haynes, Cllffslde, N. C. - - OFFICERS: ' 1 JNO. M. SCOTT, Pres. W. & ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. . 4 W. L. JENKINS, Cashiers - .. 335" FOURTH WARD LOT The most desirable building lot in Fourth , Ward, close in ; can be bought at . a bargain if 1 taken at Once.-' : .( ..... . , -Fpr further information, call orjphone--- - : -CAROLINA REALTY CO., W. D. WILKINSON," Manager. " 1 B. R. LEE, Secretary. J. P. LONG, Sales Agent- 45 North Tryon fit. - - 'Phone 60. , The Charlotte National Bank- ' , . . CHARLOTTE. TX. .C " ; T The chief concern of the officers and directors of this bank Is the welfare of Its depositors and the security of their deposits. The Charlotte National Bank was founded by men of means. In-' tearity and successful business experience, and its enviable record has given it a reputation for solidity , that extends fa?1 beyond Mecklenburs; county and North. Carolina. If you want absolute, safety, It Is here. W solicit your business. , , , B. D. HEATH, President. , ' JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. ;.;,;,; -.t:;:,t':..3f XT. H. TWriTY,- :Cashktv?fi;SS-2'?, 0 COSY COTTAGE FOR SALE New 4-room cottage, near .. Eliza6cth College; (. lot 50x140, 4Can arrarigeeasy terms. See us , at once. , , ' ' 'Phoa 535. 203 IT. Tryon St. ' BANKING Commercial Banking.- .4 per cent. Time ; Certifi-, cates. . 4 per. cent', on Saving3 Accounts. :r' ; Facilities in each department, are of -the best.",,-.- American Trust Company Capital and Pronu .. .. '. ..' .. .. .. 9430,000. -, - Trust ,; Buildings , Banh Qtochc, Bonds, Loans 10-M Peoplo's National Bank of "Winston........ " 10-30 American Trust,-Charlotte-......... 10-20 First National, Charlottt - 10 MurchJnuon National, WllmlrtKton 30 Flrnt National Bank, Qantonia , 3v40 Charlotte UaJty Co Cbai-totU ... .,. t.000 N. C. to, 1919 ti aw.,, ...er lO.onft N. C, -in. lf'10 r.eor m.,. 10,000 City of Concord 5a. 1M7 ...... 2.nt A. T. w (A os, lyii Waj.ww m jnoniBKe ijoan on i.y? vaiuui'H, SIS.friO Ht Morignff Lean on Uvftj-) valuntlon. ....... a. .... . 4..f ... - ... . i -e -4.aa ie . its -v ; let ina . . i" : ins-Kid P. C. ABBOTT CO. -