. i - - -t l.s-viioto cf V. trk LM ' !-t ln le ( ;;.)u nt COHvcr.iiou U;n I i' ' i 'iiJ.-j -Ktate-i-'haptcr in No.- X lv rrj Statu in tii3 Union iiistoric Vacin of North Carolina Keeclvo Ar'a!ie-Cw,,e1'"rl,t(, Monument to lie Erected at, Arlington. At the recent general convention of the United, Daughter of the Confed er cjvhich was he'd In Norfolk, Va ! to of the ."most ; interesting reports submitted was" (bat. of Mr?, I' JV. Fal con, of this city1, who. Is the enthusias tic, president of the North Carolina division. This report shows . that North - Carolina's -women of the- Con federacy ere- laying special emphasis upon education a. -one' special feature of their th-educa,rion of the children of Confederate veterana,' who hav not the : means withiwhlch,ii to educate themselves. . During the com ing years this work .will . b empha sized ty this division at aie.ver'- be - fore. It W1U be he principal work which these women will undertake, There are already two girls Who. ar receiving their education at the State Normal and Industrial College- - at Greensboro; under the care of the ed . ucatlonal committee of the tL D.C'n of tha western section of North am ollna. ; In " Charlotte -. the Stonewall jacKson r Chapter provide . ? every year, for .the education of one- girl at .. th Presbyterian, College. -As soon as one girl complete her course of study this chapter enters another,! itn . her stead. ; Speaking of. Ma educational work 4a her address, Mrs.1 Faisoa urg ed all of the various State chapters, which were represented by the nine Hundred women assembled in the gen eral convention to take similar actios to that taken In the North-Carolina chapter, and thus, provide the means with which to secure an education for ' scores of children, who have nc such mean within their Teach, bat whose father' fought and died for the Con- federate cause. ,- . ..:'M:-'.,vfi?-'V HONOR TO GENERAL LEETS MEM Mrs. Falson's report showed ah that every U. C. chanter in" North Carolina observed In a tilting manner the one: hundredth, anniversary of Che binth-. of General Robert , E, Lee - laM of ' the .excellent -organization of (he cnaptera m tMa Slate, and of th loy aky of the women , to that great led er. This leader who was "'too with out hate, friend without ?reproach, ChlWUn Wllhnil c1ivnMin., mot. without iTille,vhe who "hm beit de- sorioed by a comrade as "a Caesar without his. ambition, a Frederick without hut tyranny, a - Napoleon without Ala selfishness, a Washington without his "reward," W the .'leader wnom the wopien-of the South' love eat to nonor. soldiers-: home well kept. . ' "Another Interesting feature of the report irons- worth Carolina .'wa , regarding the home for Confederate veterans in Raleigh, which la in good uuimmun. were snort is maue to make the declining years of the veterans who make their home there : as comfortable and pleasant as pos- sioiei v.-.These women have ' already given more xnaa SSOO to Uimome. which receiver Its support from the state. . - s -Reference was also made In the report to tha fact that during the past year from ' of the" chapters of r the State a total of J IS 'crosses, of lionor have been . presented -to " as many veterans,, and that If more of the crosses "COuld iiave ibeen secured from the custodian they could have keen bestowed' v: t r rn.. , GROWTH IN THE STATE. : , There were 80 TJ. 'D; 'C. chaptdra In North Carolina at the time the convention was held, and alnca that time Mrs. Falson has organized four , more. ,..She will organize, several : more In the near future. The total membership la more " than 3,000-. There are 2t chapters of the Children . of the Confederacy In the State, . ight of these having been organised during the past year. Most of the children's chapters. lve encouraging reports of their work. , The work of erecting monuments In honor'of the- Confederate "cause is en-thuslasttcally supported by the Daughters of the Confederacy, and the North Carolina "chapters are proud of the fact that many of these monuments have been erected in this State,, and that others are soon to be erected. ; In her report Mra -Falson made special mention1-of several of thesey: dwelling with special In terest upon tne work that led up to the beeurlng of the monument fund to Henry L. Wyatt," the first soldier Who was killed at Bethel. This monument s soon to be erected in the Capitol Square, In Raleigh, this memorial being a -drinking fountain instead -of a-marble shaft . i ... v INTERESTING NORTH CAROLINA -'wan-ma ' s. i . North Carollnas sent ? a delegation of 2B "Daughters of the (johfacleif cy : to the general convention, this being the largest delegation from any one State. In closing her address, Mrs. Falson paid high, tribute to the part Nnrttn Pnrnllnn. haa tnkpn In thu h4a. tory of the United States, referring with pride to the facts which are "highly valued by- loyal North .;Caro llnianst but which ., are not 4 so thoroughly known to others, viz: That the -first settlement lnAmertca i war made- On Roanoke" Island. In America1 was born n this Island,; and rn Min mis isiana.. Ana. the first "tea parties" in America weret held in Edehton and ; Wllnilng . ton, long' before the famous party In Boston j the Declaration, of American Independence wass first- declared ln Charlotte, - Mecklenburg county, ' more than a yefir before the national Decla- - ration At Philadelphia and, best of all, : that iiNorth u Carolina ; was. I' first., at Bethel, farthest at- Chlckamaugi and Gettysburg, and' last at Appomattox." AH of i, these f announcements . were heartily applauded as were these of Ipter date; North Carolina sent I2Sr 4 men to the field tn 186X'65, out or 'voting population of llS.OftO, '' th's fitii'-'ibcr -being more than one ' ffth of the men furnished by all the Southern 1 States: In the war - with - Cub,! William .Shlpp was the v first man killed lh' the army and .Worth Barley thf first killed in the navy, liirth being North Carolinians; and that the first American : flag placed on Moro Castle , was that of North Carolina. ' . "'"" CONFEDERATE. - MONUMENT - AT ARLINGTON.- ' ' - One of tha latest movements in which the D.. A." R.'s are taking ppectal interest r the erection of a monument in the Confederate plot at Arlington Cemetery, -Mrs. Falson ' toeing i.ont of the leaders In this movement , i -. . . , . There are' now chapters of the D AR.'s In almost-every State of tne jUnion, but no ' State hits " a more active presidents non hfts more loyal women to the Confederate cause than the Old North State.1 Only One "IlKOMO QUINIXE" ; That U LAXATIVE ' EROMO QUI NINE. 'Look foi" the signature of E. W. - GRO VE. X'awl -ths - World -over lo Cure a Cold in One Day. 216.;. , I.. I. ' A typical Thank;-;; ivins Fay yf.-..,r-day was dark, clouay,- wnh a dan-.p-npsa in the air which "threatened "rain. Thus i TiianU5sivings - have- iilwaya been from time Immemorial. But despite this fact the prevailing feel- Ins f yesterday was one; of thankful ness. A large number of people be took themselves to the various churches in tha morning and there listened to sermons which were given to- discussions of the manifold. Bless ings which fall to the lot of man and their natural result, was to arouso in thflme' -who rnearH them a feellnar Of gratitude Those who could think of nothing better were thanKiui tnat they had a - day i-or .a- lialf NJayrKJlt. Practically all the business' htfuses tn Charlotte were closed yesterday afternoon;,- and '--many --were "croeed' all dav lon-r. Tlra - streets presented t a Sabbath appearance,, so marked. that. one i'couU Hardly buy. a. aoiii flnnaan a -drug- store' with out a surreptitious feeling that; the drug-clerk ,was ac commodatlrrg -hihj at-the-rUlt; of the Imposition of s $B0 fine. . . ; i. The streets .were.-throngei-lnthe ihorning ; by the troops -vof " church goers on their way (o and from rell Kleus 'servfces;wMle In the- afternoon the crowds were less Inclined to move about and stood about upon , street corners;! wenf ta: the theatre 'prwlt ed for news front the football games. Others went to tho skating rink, to the leotrlc theatres, or wailed wfty the time making social calls. . .-All in an the day Was quietly spent, as: was attlh. ' Qltfca number sallied if orth to deal death to-the 'unsuspecting squlrrelland-lfaa jfleetfooted rabbit who dld not have.tlmo to be thankful. Last night the same places of amuse' ment werft" again open and again fre: quented, according to - the taste, lni clinatlon or proclivities of the '.-iadU VldUal.;;V:j i;i v One of the biar features Ht th day, of- course, ;! was the ' feastlngv." At every hotel tn the city scores of quests sat down , to tables which- lni quality and Quantity of the edibles set forth thereon were unsurpassed.. The menus published In yesterday's ": Ob server served to whet the, appetites of many not regular boarders at those Dlacea and the homeless wart derers arlfted-together' with ;thb of Charlinte. peqpla.: wha jlkei. thati way of celebrating the occasion, into the hotel trdlnlnr rooms for ' the Jlg meal of the i day. i In addition to these there were scores of .Informal dlnrtigs throughout the- city in all M circles, many; partaking of,; the nature of family' reanlona At t all these- - a seemly -mirth andf happlhess t ;held sway, though tie buoyant boisterous' ness of. Christmas time -was -largely lacKingv. . - But - j xnanusgivmg was worth while.--;--r A. ABTD M. THE CHASIPIOX. Victory Over the TJnlvorHty of Vlrjrlnla Testemay Afternoon Firmly Estab- : lishes..Honcrsto,.,i;;,,;.,,v.y- Liocai sports were mightily -pleased to hear that the Agricultural and Me chanical College of Raielghr took the scalp from the Colverslty; of Virginia yesterday afternoon on the glrdiron and thus firmly established its claim for the championship. honors of the South Atlantic States. ' Those who witnessed thesplendld -cotttest between A. and M. enf Davidson were con vinced that the Farmers had a strong aggregation of real talent, and not a few-ware willing' to wager heavily on the result of -the last game of the sea son.' " v'.-f,rHV.., .v.v -t -j.--v The Raleigh feUowf), paving largely migrated; to college from -"behind the plows, were possessed ot; that -strong and invln'clbJev muscle which always .counts. Combined with thelr weight, the A.-antr M. boys held their brains together and" kept right up to the ghrewd trioks which ot at all Infre quently bring the vlctorlea ' -.-Ooupled witjLMhe pleasure realized by Charlotte people at the. result of ; this, contest,' an, somtwha compen sating their disappointment that the University made such a poor showing against the V. P. I. aggregation, were the tidings that Davidson-wont ever V. M. I. by a score of .lO.to 4, this giving North Carolina two of the victories in the three games yesterday. The re ports show that Davidson' went; into -the gaime .pluckily and maintained the fighting spirit through the entire battle. fTh e " comparative ; strength of tne uaviason ana a. ana m. teams, in addition to the estimates which were gained by those' who saw the recent contest between them in this city, the honors go tor A. and M. ea-uly. , The Davidson and A and M. teams have made wonderful records during th, season- .which - closed yesterday; The former aggregation lost only one game end that was the wne. -played here with the Farmers. Davidson beat V P ' Iw Clemsoa anr a number of smaller colleges! In 5 : this and either Statea , , It tied the University of Vlrginis-v The v' Farmer-have a clean record behind them, having won every game piayed., w5f . - 'Tho State University ; aggregation has fallen behind Its uusua,!. fast, ca reer." , The .team- '-was- composed of some good men, but failed as a whole to iUringiltself loll any: ,: night state of efficiency for some reason or oth er. - :. A . :.- .'. . !v ' " ' The season closed all over the coun try.yesrteraayfand the 1907 page has been -"written: The year -"has- beea practically devoid of casualties and t fatl !? S ? f" . " '- vv witness the State's team f orglngr-t the- front . tmi plucking the laurtls from the brows of her sister- States. i NEGROES GOING TO WORK. ' ;;,..;; -- .... . .?. ' ... ;, i Panic ' Forcrlnr ;ilhe3Qlorod "Element ' to Scck FSnpirvmcnt For a lsvell. 'J, hood. ?for Rapidly.. Than For . Scv. ' , Aocordlag. to well-knowh business man, the tiegroes ar -fapplytn-f tot work as they seldom have- in the past on . account of the present financial stringency. For a numbar of years the farmers have had a hard time ae curing? sufficient labort - work (heir crops through. ut It "to sald - that th.e negroes are already wanting; to.' fen gage themselves for nexfyear to thi county farmers. They are, moreover, hunting -work In the city, . . indirectly, the fact a there re so many Idle negroes la accounted for by; the shutting down of so many huge enterprlse-i In this section of the country, notatuy the i power , develop ments where largforee have been tem-porarlly laid aside. The negroes are afraid to face- a- - twelvemonth without soma hope' of securing work, and for this reason thdy are making early applications. i ..-, "If the panic does -nothing . more than' this . throughont the country, It will have served a good-purpose," was the timely comnjent of : the ; promi nent cltlzenvsv who have been observ Ing these things. - . ; k fctttxincAvr phaver, 'Mav the Lord .help you in ok fTurft. AVHl-m Salve Vnown iN all:' writes J. (i. Jenkins, Chapel Hill, N. C. It nulckiy took th pain cut '-of a felon f-ir me iml ctirl It In a wnnlxrfirlly tbnrt ttrnf.'' Ttft ijrr earth for" .am-es. Tbuins and wound, aiSc.- at all druggists. - i s ) i , : - I . ! 5 . . . . ' - ?.r..V 1 'I v.:-. f.Ied yc-'a-r-Cay a:u-n;i,ttn .vln-n iha houtlor hol-J ing- the special Thanusiiving service arrived number-of friends talitns their seats by-the sides of the wearers of the gray who were there in. abun dance. Re. Dr. R, C. lIolla4, the : chaplain ., the ilecklenburg Camp, preached the" sernron.. ile "la mucsh beloved by .all or tne .veierana. and,tthey; gave ,fclnt fine .attenUon. Th fhiiiirpn tit the Confederacy were present With Mrs.- Jv. ir.-Sexton, and added Ufa to .the- ccaaioa..-...- By ho means an insignificant ieai ure--er ithe'servico w.as thfe. singing under the leadership of Col. V. . Stke f,i.Th .veteraps and special help havfc.'been . pracUclng - for this service tarvsevtral weeks, and ineir yesterday. 4atternooa -.evM'eacea ins fact that age has not altogether brok eoi-ilhelr ..volcea a- it :-was , thMi InsnlHna- ta the-.old soldiers hrxwjthairsoul Into ith; songs -they Selected: and ,o hear. tne oww-- loned aongsiof the. jooff f jem,5Z racted And ravlved, 5be0g unr, wltn such, splrlt-and: seeming nders(aaa tn&.,,The service -was extremely Inter? esUng. V-A--f---''' -.' wnvETi tkihosig;. ; - Latest Stunt VTiUifrlbe w -rranamitter oa the CIst-pme Advantaires. iw-i.rfl 's-.ijJk V CvThe newest stunt ;ln . telephoning U u r.i,.thiv tranamitter, on the. chest sad apoutvout'tha language- Placing the.transmltter on, the ,-chestflr. batk nr -i,b.v la Bufflclejit to secufia , the communicating ; eonnection and the skeptically-inclined, iare-, asked :to nuin -. thA ' Mraertment. .Thera ..are nm i(-vantB3fa Jn this novel method of modern. talking, mora.than-enough in omnenaAte. for-tha disadvantages, u tthere-.he;.anv at alt If aT lovet want to dlstrulsa Ms voice: i ami shroud IvlaaweelhaaruiQ; Jsoine. ro mantic tmTstsnr. -he la able to- accom- nHsh thla fhrmif h fAe neW.Wav.df ."Jot ln Vio 4allrlnr " Then if it ShOuU hsppen-thftt-a "frusband wa-jted -o telephone his .wifafthat -wouldn't xet home-' until late , in theevenmg. h. receiver .. will .klreadv b In lts blace and,' the "hubby" t ber-goai be fore the wife can deliver her lengthy orations,- . ontheU subject iofi clubs. There Is no disadvantage at all un less It beitvVCehtral.! ijiftio will by thus losing the Identity of the voice, b ulmhle to-df9p?rn -servrae cord ing to the individual merits of each patron. . -;-'.;. LOITER NOT AT ALL. fiiri;:. Notice Posted -to Warn 4Peaetrta9 That HlooWng Tdewalkfi' is Liable to Cost Them f 50 Apiece. . . .Pedestrians In, the neighborhoods! Independence Squarfc "stopped, ; look ed and listened" yesterJay when tht-y beheld aposter'proatrntng-in -targe black lettarsj" that. whooever dtC ed loiter there or on. any part thereof In such a way as to impede tramc.is bud- iect to a fine of S50 for.-vloUtin a crty ordinance forbidding sue.-i rac- tlon- The populace was.rathar start led at he edict though it was mere ly in accordance with a statut which kn. heM a tv' frTna Kru- f vftari anil (HU, U V ,1 I .V rJVWW w J ... w . ' - one which the board of public '':? some time" ago dive rtJl the to.ice department t "enforte. f t "I wonder what the devil :i will te nextr" ' exclaimed , an raverage ,r!t'j-h as he- flrrlshed reafllnirth norlcf aril stepped to th.edge Jif.the'sld-iwallr so that ills" expectoration might hot The StomacH A Bloodless Fight' Between a Tablet and a HabltTho Tablet Wins. -- At the age of 82 darenc had goo'd digestion. He had gastric Juice that could dlsstlve doughnuts and turn apple skins into good blood corpuscles, i . ' At the' age of 24 be -began to be profuse about the waist and lean backwards, tap also" began te culti vate several china In his new-found pride "he begun to think it hta, duty to gorge himself on everything, the good and the bad, for appetite feeds on appetite and every good thing Is abused, .is -x v -: ' ; .y tHU pictures showed that he took oh weight; after h put. his collar. on; . At the age of. 28 Clarence married afidwent ;to '.baardlhg. 'TOn tojr of all this he attended oyster suppers and wine pinners: .which reduced the size of his collar from 16 1-2 to 18; With still abiding faith in-the strength of lils stomach - he gulped 'his mCals and chewed them afterwards. " . j s-At the age-ol 28Claronce began to hear an inward voice a. warning from the itomach. . ulfter each: meal ho would feel bloated and belching became a habit. , ' " ; i I Her began to be a Jlght ater and a heavy thinker. 'He tried to think out 'a cihe, fori now i- ha. would ;Pait down at hjs meals, absolutely dla; gusted at the thought or sight of anything tov eat. 5- ) t He'would- sit down at his -meals without the trace of an appetite, Just because it was time to eat. fViH would often feel a gnawlngs unsatisfied, fstlll-hungry'l feeling-,, la his stomach,-, even. . after "he . was through eating; whether : his meal was well coolted or not. -v..; ?,-And he. suffered a good .-many other -things with hls-stomach that he could not, explain, but that made him grouchy, miserable, out-o'-sorts and generally tour on everybody and everything. ; ' ' Finally ne read an account, soml thing -Uka thls.- about the-w truly wondefful results' obtained from Stu-at-t'sr Dypepiav-Talet-4rr-al- cases of stomach trouble, dyspepsia, ana so. on, ; He bought A SOc. box at the drug store' and, tosk the whole box. When he -started he had little faith and lesa appetite." " When ht finished he had absolute faith and more appetite,- and mora good cheer. Things began to taste different and better to him. k. . .-- ;: Now he has no more dyspepsia, no more. Indigestion, no mora loss of appetite, brash, ' Irritation,.,, burning sensation, .heartburn, nausea, eructa lions,, bad memory, or loss of vim and vlgorr ?; f i? . -?,v,. m ; ;,; ?. Remember,' one V lntrredlent pf Stu art's D'-'pepttfl;'Tabjrft will digest lo you S, 000 grains of food, Just as It did" for 'Clarence. ,. s? ' ' ; -; J - - ; This relieves - ,youy-(.emacn-' sf the work of digesting until your stomach can-- get ' strong and healthy again, Tour stomach has been , overworked and abused, ;, 5 Ifs fagged out,,, v. It need -rtsU""' - :-.;...: s,??.?' Let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets a do the work for ; your , stomach. Tou will? be surprised Ifow-fins you'll . feel after eating, and how lusciously good evet-ythir.gj will taste to- you. - Heed the call of the stomach howl There's a world of good cheer in one bog or Stuart's DyKpepsia Tablets at any orug store,, 500, 1 .t ,t -,. , Send us your name and addrcw to-day and we will at'nncetnd you by mall a sample package free. Ad flrfss'' TT k: Stuart Co.. JQ E'luari Eiag., Marshall, Mich, "- - Our til vL wt Stores New York, secured many very sp cial bar gal na . New, York manufao turera were very . blue over . the financial situation ahj we bought -i? '-' a - -'. t .rt.. many goods at almost our own prices. 1(; ' ..'".' i-fl& "'iU?-5-,- A&$ new rtT,T,rvEnv ." .yxu?p:v- . - .r iThe prices; are yeryi much . lower than earlier )i In" . the season.' : We bought', many lots of - desirable, new jjats Trimmings, etc, half price. It Is the end of the manufacturers' HrWi-''rl"'i d-'rt Tiv-- i sSof season and they were glad to get any tirloe. - ;' ;K.:-:-'-,i'-'v Our Milliners are turning out some beautjful new styles at very tempting prices'. ' O i' ?eh : ' " ;,. ;-;: r .;." OVR BL't. .DSS,jGOOi)S DE We have been doing extremely welt in this department. We have what you want, at reasonable , prices. "!Tevery best values at 50c., 75c. $1.6d yaril AN ENOR3IOUS OF Such a variety to choose from no trouble to find what you .. want . '; New lojti"fdIes;., short Covert and Black Coats Just received, $4.50, $5,00, etc- f.; - ...- . , Special, purchase Children's and Misses' Cloaks, Solid Colors and Mix i ' ..." ; ; '( tures, $3.50, 4.00, ' $5.00, $8.00, etc. I , . .. FURS . ' We bought these Furs at closing out prices, and It will surprise you to ;, ' . ,vr.','t -,' see how reasonable we can sell you y- ' - - pretty, stylish Furs. Vji" . J? p. i ii r-tii ,; ( ;NEWf. SHIRT-, WAISTS . .. Pretty new Shirt Waists at re- ... i ..... - . . .j ,-r , . . duced. prlres Nets, Madras, Wool Albatross, etc. . PRIVATE For the exclusive treatment of DISEASES OP-WOMEN - Mrs. Kosa F. Moanlsh, M. D. " .: r Graduate of German and Amerl canxHospftals; '2e years' "exp(rrl encoi First-class- 'accommoda tions.'. -Long 'distance -telephone. - 349 Peachtrce. Atlanta. Ga. ecialitiGis ELTOANT - INB - OF L B A T H B R .goods. "Most anythihg'yon. went lf this liner ArHctei ' rrom a few1- cents -apt lift us show you what' W nave. They i Are irailes. - - - JAfc'1 Prr-tTOWfl & CO., ; Druggists. 'Phone 1 . .. .;.f THE FLAVORING EXTRACT MAKK8 or mars the cake.x If yon always use "BU10 Ribbon. Vanilla you are certain of -perfect -results,- w . ; k- ; TO LEf-tI'VE' JUST ONE nOUR rOR rent, but it's the best Vw house in Chirlotts; New. (no. microbes, oinloss youw jake. thfem with you), rooders throutrheut, built for-osntfwt and-conr venlence. It 1 challensos rompsxlson with higher priced plaeos. It's on H' 10th, between C, and D. Now' don't all apeak afunce. Ei fc. "KftBSLER, ti . a ryoj street; '.'Phont 'M)-;T HARKKY & PAGE. ELECTIUCIAN8. Everything electrical, hfiue, mill, -nd Hue work a specialty, w also furnish atlmates for city . llshtlng plants, HARK3JT 4t PAGE, 248 W. Trade St, Chwlott, -N. '!. k1 Shop 'phone 821, , Night calls 110 and- ml FARM FOR- BXT.KrW'XCKKS NEATt Myers Park; not outsldt city limits, on the new big road, .will soon be worth fi,ffV. If taken In next fw days pries 4,00:-fln place for poultryaM ruek Inir. " Don't ml It. J. ATtTIIVR IIMN DETISON A" BRO,- ; " -;-; FlPTY "TO EVB'NTT-FrV'KPKn CENT, eft' crt sacond-hand typewritera .) machtnea st prKy-s'that will aaMnlnti ou ly inir cnapne. 1. c; roN :0.r Jt S. Tryon Bt. "Pliona 104. the -new , York tancm rooms m N. Tryow W. Trade, ZU K, Trade, newly rettttsd, ' matble-ifiabbed lunch Ccountori make "fc very atlracttve h-nen f end dining rooma .1:111 of far includ-Ingralt-the market afforda, Try our egg ? tandwk-hea '- r , RICH CUT GLASS ' WB 1lAK "JUST , received a large -EhipmentijoC rich cut rlas" of the not4 Monros cut Call ; iMi Innxx-t this line U yoit- wteh t gt ithe finest f goods and save money. XWODALL Jk SHEPPARD, Trada and WB tRTILL HAVE SOM13 OF THAT OfrmHrt't?!Rtterkraut and some Gvrman ..FranUftirtera. Yoa know the rest: .but flon't forget 'that freih MitH of -ltir - we haw just opened. , MUXER-VAN KOtlfl 2Sf FINt'aT FRUIT CAKE 5V.. Table RHlttina ne, and 1M Kl-ra to 2uc., Jmtf I to I2e Fotato Ct.ij :.t. poiind.t basket Orarwa JOo.. ?5., Hr.tjrtl Nuts 15c mld Nuts Mo.. E-nirll;'h Walnuts 14 ?!., soft 'shell 'Alrnotula rTsU;e,rrpU nd Ui.- Mn 1tt , 1" ..- J2',4. C!ry S and loo. BRID XAiS ti. C04 Ui West Trads street MM3 i -12.. '-''1.' 1 ' T- "r":- -' '---' "A," ' ? ?'' ' s ' t WHOLESALE w . , : . holuster'5'- ' Rocky LT5r.t2ln Tea Ciiggets -a Sn-qr NsIMm for twfHk. . T - -Brtftti ttolOtM- ttaitttt SflS RMSfKl VifW. - ; 4 nttto for Ootntl Utttta. Infr--Mon; xtr r t4 Kl4ay trouklei. Hmwlea Inpurs t&MtLpad BresUt, 8'arcUn fta-wl.' HeaSMh apd -SasktcbBK lujtoakr MounttlsTeala-tab. tyrta. &cmM bos, Oasalas -n4 bf OOU) JttJGOETS FOt SAUXIW PEOPLfi t?. i New croD Seeded Raisins, Sf Currants, Dates and Flg-s. W. 1L CROWELL. Tlwues 744 and .397.. ' . -.1; - Hoi Fountain -1 m Nothing- can be more re freshing; on these cool days while -you are doing your shopping op. out -for an even ing; stroll- than our delicious Hot Chocolate or Bullion, daintily served. Try our various Hot and Cold Beverages. t .... . Ilawley s Pfiarmacy Academy-advaDcs.. sale three , (, days ahead. .. , t. Tbones 13 aod 200. I 1 -V" r1. ' " a 6trRIOR . SUnFRISTNO , , ' . , SURPASSING FIXE ; sflDA LlTUIA : ' ' ", " CIXGER, ALE , ' " "Fit for the Gods , Dny; ; pELiaors, ; mellow "j- -r.- 4 i i " A Bouquet BleaA As Any Blend , . 4 - , r c ' - ' ' From- Boasted . '-' . Foreign Shores. BaVXXOJf. CARBON ATTN Q 'coD?A!nr. . v- -, ""5- Fifty Copies aad Odd Lois lA&l' Suits H Dnfc . . . ' Half to One- Third bft Value; ( ' - ! '- -CI , , '; . :t nun These Siiits are hot the ih5st expensive; tEc origi- hal values running frdnl $12.50 to $22.50;. , ' ' 1 E5f represents s'amples and odd , lots that)' on ac- count of sizes being broken we have decided to close. Materials Ihe best, tne ni alority Deing all Wool, in . - ',; '-'jr- '.!...,... ,.."?. ...1-.. . ClothS iiid Mixtures.' The styles are correct! The lot must be closed, and to do so the price is cut brie-tliird to one-half. ' ' ' i $12.50 16 $15.00 Sflits, $7.50 'liioiit 25 in tlifs lot, or igifial ice $12.50 to $i5;00. Reduced k : ;::::;:.$7.50 $15:00 td $22.50 Suits Reduced Co $io.00 About 30 or 3o m inls lot values and original price $15.00 to 22.56. Reduced to .$10.66 e ;-i ' i .. k)0 at t tkf4 -na.j. vlt ', 1 ana every The Sort of Clothes to lar iaisiil M fft'-;;?; fad oa;,Tvhlf h you. lh ,t Iqre . ro.rre,ofc ly (sihionablydressed at todsrt , eost, are item, for service,. .in all, the author Uatlve styles ;pi ad-sanqed j ' cut, and, in the. highest class fabrics of ; exclusive weaves., Indeed, you' will see uncommon, out of the ordinary. saruift ills If you come to - look over our - collection of fashlo nabla clothea " -? LMte HihgCouipany Known for Style , Pff U1. Til. 11 IW 1 J " AN IVfcRS AIUD POWD PIAnO f . - ' f . -tv- L.J I i0-HI, I 1 fS.$ m y.tv -sP-V RETAIL t Fit and Quality. n . i i n ,i i ii ,, mi i 7 for Christmas, would, be a most, acceptable .gif tt , It pays to buy a fiand of higH grade. , THey last ioxiger, the.ioiiq.il sweei5r.aij(i m tQjLiclj.inQrb ,resg6iisiytfaud elasti;Th? Ivcr. .p6n'I ii that Piano JVeAvnntva to see' dujf B6w" CHIistr:u;s ; " a 11 ''',,:,; r - -V i- ' IV;-r, "';4i utner nay i II liWW miilMiMMMa.lwllln'H WII''''1 t wia iih"m awiimi' ir I ' n5iini !rtid 1 1 models Easy tcrhis It yen . Trish: . ' .... .r.v --. - . ", ; i. ' ." :