t ) i c -.ir- two Ei jr,.., j' ere c: e-f -ry r ty l.ro but Iture v.i3 n-moved -d saved. TI.9 ncarfKt fcyJrantwaa t .fo blocks aaay and on account of the t'litanca some time was required to Lt water on the fire. MUs Lou liiniS-ay continue very 1U at SU Leo's Hospital, Wjere aha 8 as been under treatment ior sev ; ral Jays. Th8 Knights o Columbus of this city held their annual election of of ficers at last night's meeting In Gris iom'1 Hall, over Helm's drug; store. The ofBcers chosen for the ensuing year are: R. D. Douglas, 0. K.; Al exander Daye, D. O.. K.f W. H. Mo Cormick,. F. S; C, X. Higglns, treas urer; L. J. Duffy, , recording secre tary; O.' Parati, W.: J. J. McSorley, C; Parran Jarbee, L.; F. E. Duffy, X O.;' H. McGuigan, O. J. - .-. ' ' Six candidates ' for 1 membership were Initiated and afterwards the members ernjoyed a banquet at Clegg's Cafe. Dr. Jarbee acted as toastmas ter and, after the address of wel come, introduced . Mr, R. D. Douglas, who responded to the toast, "The Ad vantages of the .Order in General." ;Mr.-0; Paratt spoke on "Energy the Conquerer of Difficulty." Mr. McQui llan , gave , a. shost address, .follow ed by Mr. McSorley. on "Fraternity." Mr.- McCormlck responded to the toast. "The Future of Our Order." V During last night some one visited " the pawn shop on South, Elm street una me Hege sporting goods store, 1 to r: a e ' . l:'a FcM.t, ' I-i-?. S.-. .'. Vi.'.t I.-'- ' Of rultimore. Tlif is i. ( u. t"'d la a C-.9 plant for Ii:t.h To!:.t, wi8 I: ore ye.-tcr-flay araln g-A'drs C la in r' ri to the advisability of lix-ilii.g such a plant here. He has been thinking e.-rlously of the matter for some time ar.,1 aftr the first of the year there "may be something definite doing along this, line, he says. High Point needs another system for power and lights In ort.T to accommo date all classes, and then it would bo a good thing to have in case of breakdown at the electric light station. or other em eiavucles. ' ' " .. There is a sorely afflicted family liv ing here In a settlement known as Clov erdale, in the southern part of the city. A whole family is stricken and the members had nothing to go on until kind friends took hold of tho case. One or two of the family have already died and there are two or three others down with ihe fever. In fact, the whole family is not a.We to do any wot k. Tho matter has been referred to the charitable or ganizations of the city, which ire doing their v best'' to relieve , uia situation as much' as possible. t i The 1.. I'. l"r I':'!--'"'!, t man l.u; muJT. The Elate board of agriculture meets to-morrow In semi-annual session. To day the finance committee met. Ma.1or "William A, Graham, its chairman, said that in Ms section of the State the farm ers were in fine fix; that upland crops, have ben much better than usual, that most of the crops are gathered, grain planted, etc Governor Glenn left to-night for Wash ington to attend the National Bivers and Harbors Congress, where he will te an Important speaker. . The Governor offers a reward of) $100 for Joe Blssett, wanted In Nash county for secret assault v upon Will London, whom he shot a niffht with a shotun with Intent to kill. Bissett is a desrxsr ste charactei and was some time ago outlawed in Wilson county. - The Masons of Raloigh will on the 27th of this month have a celebration .in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the rnembernhln in that ordor of Hon. John 1 Nicholas. The latter was one of the ichlef founders Of the Oxford Orphanage, Jennie fields continues to. improve. which was established by the Grand Owinsr 'to the illness of Mrs. Hector1 Lodcre of Mni'im. , - . - the turning over of the Elwood Hotel of . a charter is granted the Merchants this place into new hands did not take Jand Farmers' Bank at WatesvUle, capital place to-day. Mr. Kector was expected from Ashovllle yesterday to rake charge. Mr. Harrison.- who-has been managing I the Elwood,' will take charge of tho Hwannanoa iiotei ai Asnevme at an ear ly date. At a meeting of the stockholders of the People's Building and Loan Association yesterday the' following board of diree- stock 1125,000, J. A. Knox and others be- Inir stockholders. 1 The Carolina Cigar Company, of High Point, is chartered with C26.0C0. Steven O'Donnell and others being stockholders. This year the State hes granted char ters to 959 corporations. This is regarded as an excellent showing. '' E. B. 'Bradv. freicht aaent of the Sea board Air Line .here, Js dead of typhoid tors was elected: Messrs. E. A. Snow, W. C, Jones, J, J. Welch, P. H. Johnson, ; fever and his body will be taken to .T. P. Rcddlnar. E. M. Armflold. W. Ii. . Kernersvilla for hurlat. His Wife was a on . Rm.th r.Ti S:" wRAgan.T. E. Kirkman and J. A. Cllnard. jMlss Kerner. of that place.- He has been the r,lat .b.. Wr "ln ' a. secretly ana weasv urer will isjce - piece - some urns aiwut the 15th of the Dresent month. J .The dato has been set lor the oia-ume . ine piate 'glass windows. Pnllremnn 4 Glenn heard the noise t the pawn Jhop and" went, there immediately, 2,uty,tn8 would-be robber ran. .. Mr. B. Q. Hege sleeps in the rear of hla SJirend he the robber take a Winchester rifle and then run. . He . fired at the robber,-, but did not hit ' iP . . . Prof. C. 2.'Whirate. f n who conducted a fiddlers' convention urent here for about a year, succeeding Charles. S.' Allen. . - - " ' President Winston, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, tells Governor fiddlers' convention. . which will be filenn that if the State will aive this col Thursday night, s December 19th, In the lege, as 'much annual appropriation as it graded school auditorium. Every thing elves the Slate University and ths State will be done to make, it one of the great est things of Its kind ever held-within the State. 'Fiddlers of note will be in attendance. There sr several good performers: on tho fiddle living aere and tney sre . practicing lor tne event. vr Normal and Industrial College there will quickly be a thousand students. -The Governor offers' ft reward of $100 for X. W. Harris, badly wanted in Ire dell . county and: no doubt lit other coun ties in the State., for passing Bogus In Wlnstnn.Sou t,..- . . 'W. 1 VestB claims be is A nastrnaster tthivkn on hntel men. . - i- the board of - agriculture, Bruner has never; missed a Will , oe . 71 el Cl an . th rnftmi nf h n?eK tha rrfnrtninei. i: i f . u .J:. i nrill ka .mluul Kv ihu. hrmrA In whlrh chi-mber of commerce .Thursday night of this wek to form a permanent or- , ganizatlon. . The .convention will be slven .under the auspices s of the . Greenaboro Civic League. As a token, of esteem,. love and ap preciation of hta ervlces the mem- , bers of-Grace Methodist Protestant' the oldest active men in the country. Re- church have presented the . retirin cently he drove a wheat drill all day The people of that neighborhood say that he can now do more work than any of bis children. , ' Jacob Maynard, 'Of this' place, " lays .he has always been so useful. claim to-raising the " banner hogs this! Jt is deeided that the actual campaign year. Saturday he killed three only 1J bere by . the prohibitionists in their fight months old, weighing, respectively, w, against the dlsnensary ' shell, begin a 480 and 420. Mr. Jesse Frazier, 80 years old, living near Etoneser church in Randolph coun ty, claims the distinction of being one of i week from next Sunday.. This will make It a little shorter than was exneetcd but the prohiWtionlsts' say it will be alt the more lively, ' pBBlur, KeV. K. M . imlnnii 4tv. 1100, the amount having been raised ' In fPonse to a circular letter sent tout by some of the prominent mem bers who. conceived the idea for him to use it tn helping defray the ex penses of his trip abroad next spring. The Trinity College Glee, Club gave a deligthful conteert last night In the .. chapel of Greensboro Female College , fcefore a well pleased and appreciative rovn mkst drowned. Fatal End of a Pishing Trip in tha . , Altamalm lUvcr. Jessup, Ga Dec. 3. A telephone mes saire received here from Mount Pleasant, 2u miles away, 'gives the meagre details audience, ... , . , mf the drownlne nf four men in the Al- "5 uniay morning at the .elect field first rresbyterlan church t,o , wire airuuionai oeacona . , Mrs. Hugglns, of Statesville, under went an operation at St. Leo's Hospit al yesterday morning and U reported , to be getting along' very well. Secretary T. Gilbert pearron. of the etate Audubon Society, left yesterday l?,r York ftn W,U he away un til Christmas. , t " ;J AOKl ' JUT RESIGN. f " ' Japanese Ambassador to the United States Expecicd to Return Home at an Early Day Talk of His Succes sor,' t,t t, i , - t, ' ,r Tokio- pec 4. The probable "reslg nation of Viscount r Aokl, Japanese amoassador to the United States, has oeen rumored for same weeks but the t. rumor has' been persistently denied. It , Is admitted, now however, that Ambassador Aokl ,may return o Ja .. pan at an early,; day. The, foreign - office declines to say if this means the resigna-tioiv; of the amlflSBadoT. ' Jn the event that Ambassador Aokl de- cldes not to return to Washington , there Is a strong probability that he wHl bs succeeded by Baron Kaneko, a former special envoy to the United States or Baron Chinda,. vise minis ter at tne foreign office. Baron Chin da is well known in America, where Jie was educated. He Is extremely ac tive and very sincere In endeavoring xo overcome the immigration dlflicul- bonrd Air Line bridge, The dead men are: . . JOHN HAKN. - W. F. HUNT, both of Savannah GF.ORG IS MOONISY. A. J. ELLIOTT, ot Atlanta. The four men and threo others Were In a boat and had lust started out fish ing when the boat capslsed and threw them all m the rivtr. Parties have gone from Mount Pleas ant to. the scene of the drowning to re cover the bodies. - George F. . Mooney and A. J. El liott, who lost their, lives In the Alta mah river, near Mount Pleasant, were both engineers on the Southern Rail road and with a party of mends left here a few 'days ago for a hunting trip. Mooney was 36 years old and leaves- widow and five small chil dren. Elliott, who was 30 years old, leaves a widow and one child. :) '..RAILROAD BILLS SIGNED. Alabama to Anver All tho -Restrain- ' nig orders on "January 6th At lantlc Coast Line Goes Under. - Montgomery. - Ala.. r)f. it rw. ernor Comer to-day Blgned Uie last . , three remaining railroad bills1 which were recently passed by the extra , ,. session of the Alabama Legislature The protesting railroads filed in the - Federal Court - supplementary bills . amending thelr-origlnal bills, enjoln .. lng the enforcement of the new laws by the state. Judge Jones granted the injunction. t , v , The State, by agreement of counsel . on both sldrs, will answer all the re straining orders on January 6th. " , Montgomery, Ala., - Dec ' J. The . Atlantic . Coast- Line officials had a Jong conference with Governor Comer to-day and' agreed to stop further litigation mttie courts and accept the new State laws under the same " conditions on which the Southern and . other roads came under. This agree mens win auow mem to cnarge a . ; . passenger " fate - of - 2 -1-4 cents - per ,.,DiVi' w. . -"' R)enccr Railway Trainmen' -Gtyra a . s. Hanquci, Special' t6' The' Observer. " .'. "Spencer. Dec. i. Th Rrnthrhnn - ----- - ' a. VI UVII Cl WO ' Jt ,ve" nanquet at- .the ' Railroad Mioung Mens Christian Association , , , here last night, the supper being , of the association restaurant. About one hundred guests were pvesent, in eluding a dozen visitors from Greens. ' boro, Ashevllle, Greenville and other places. A delightful reception was ten dered by Capt. and Mrs. C, M, Bob- bitt at their home In Spencer to- night, complimentary to Mrs. Bob ccr Methodist church. Besides about twenty members of the class, a num ber of visitors were present and the f event was one of the most enjoyable held in, Spencer this year, Mrs. I'obbltt wai he recipient nf tnany hearty congratulations on the sue - cess of the occasion. ' Mukes the IJver Lively. Orlnn Luxative Fruit Syrup elves nor rinnent r'll"f In 'uses of habitual comiti putlnn its It atlinulnles the llvr and r 'fr" the faMirrl 'action of the towels Without irritating these 'ftrn like pills nr firdinnrv ejitlmrtlfK. Does not nsuse fr nrtr. nnd if mfM tmi plaflnt tit ( lie-. I ineireer i"ni" (nno nnd re- SIMON'S PETITION GRANTED. Supreme Court Will Review .the Case Involving Sharp (xmriiet i Hetween i Louisiana State and Federal Courts, Washington, Dec. 3. The 'Supreme Court of the united States has grant ed the petition of Ephralm Simon, of New Orleans, for leave to file a peti tion ifor a writ of Habeas corpus In that court in a case which Involves a sharp conflict between the Federal and the State courts of Lou! nana Simon was awarded by the State court 113,000 damages on account of an ac cident on the Southern Railway and aftewards was enjoined by the Fed eral. court from all efforts to. collect he award. .., V,"hen he underfoot to tiroceed re gardless of this order the was taken ln';o custody by the Federal authorl t's. and fine a $100 on the charge of contempt. The Supreme Court will review the entire proceeding SUICIDE DELAYS SAILING. NEW . MEDICAL SOCIETY. Admiral Evans Flagship Will Not Sail Until Thursday Owing to Self- Slaughter of a BuHsian .-Gunner's Mate, . i '(.! ' New York. .Dee. S. The battleshin Con necticut, the flagship of Admiral Robloy D.- Evans, will not sail until TOursday for the rendezvous of the Pacific fleet at Hnmptoh . Roads. The , warship . was scheduled to leave to-morrow and It is utwleratnnd the costoonement was canned by the suicide re-day of H,'.N Plro, a gunner s mate, ,wno snm . .nimseir on board ship.- The delay will permit an In nuest and burial to-morrow. une warsmps rtncoe yjna, virgin nnd "Vdtikton will' eall to-morrow . for Hnmnton Roads as scheduled. piro was a Russian ana naa cen m the "American navy for 10 years. - Re cently he received a letter from 1 Russia which informed him that one of his rela tives in Finland had beon . arrested and condemned to die, Piro brooded over the intelligence. - , , , ' . Tli6 Preside nt Getting a Line on Cur- reney Lrgblation. - ' ' Washington, Dec. 8.-mA conference was held at the White Jlouae this evening between the President and Senators Aldrlch, of Rhode Island; and Crane, of Massachusetts, on the xubjeet of currency legislation. The V'-esltleflt called In these two leading Senator th ordef that he might 8mve intlr views cuncermng the many pro positions that tiave been made to film during the last several weeks In fa vor of, plane ifor relievtnflr the cur rency atrlngency uncer rtich circum stances ' as has occurred recently. Senator Aid rich stated at the close of the conference that nothing" definite had been decided upon. S Bryan Hobnobs With Senators. Washington, ec. i'. -William J. Bryan spent an hour or more in the marble room of the senate to-day, the time being principally devoted to an exchange of courtesies with Senators. Most of the lemocratIj members of the Senate called during the time to pay their respects as did alo a nu ni ter of Itepubliran., including Senator Purkett, of Mr. Bryan's own tate. Governor Vardaman, of Mississippi, flkno ww airnong the distinguished Tlie Cabarrus ' Association ' RoMs an Election and Decides to Have a So cial Session in January Marriage License Issued :o 217 ' Couples Concord-Kannnpolls Road to Be Slaeadaftsse. Special to The Observer. a V Concord, Dec. 8.- The- Cabarrus Medical Society held a very interest ing and Important meeting at the city,! hall yesterday afternoon. Several in teresting Dapers were read by Dr. Foil, of Mount Pleasant, and Dr. Lat- ferty. of. this city. The annual elec tion of . officers took place and re sulted as follows: President, D., O. Caldwell; vlco president, J. C. Black; secretary and treasurer, JJE. Sm6ot, Dr. W. D. ' Femberton was chosen as a delegate to me next . metum? ui the North Carolina Medical Society. It was decided that the society have a social session at its meeting in Jan uary. A committee was elected to arrange for a 4 o'clock luncheon to be served on the first iMonaay in Janu ary, and the affair will be one of the most important social events, wi wt season. Register ' of Deeds Isenhour nas made an accurate count of the mar riage licenses issued by him during the first year of his administration, from December 1, 108, to December 1, 1907. The total numbers 217 161 to whites and 66 to colored people. There were 35 less issued the past year than the year previous, when Mr. W. R, Johnston was register. .' Contractor X L Bennett, who is to build the macadam road extending frnm the cornorate limits of this city to the imaglo city of Kannapollsvar- rived this morning from Danviue, ac companied ty large force of handa. Ha will begin work on the road at once, first making all preliminary ar- rrngements for tne reai consiruuun work. He has another force at Spen cer, where hla mules and carts are temporarily Quartered. -This re-enforcement will be brought . to this county Just as won- aa they can get ready for them. - coRRurnoN rampant. Sari Francisco Jury, Wldch Rm Made 411 indictments, Js Discharged. - The City Rotten to the Core. , 8an' Francisco, Dec.' S. After hav ing met on one hundred separate days in which 95 sessions were held and having returned. 441 Indictments, in volving 47 persons, .the Oliver grand Jury, the most noted In the city's his tory, made its final report to Superi or Court Judge Coffee this evening and was discharged from further' du ty by the court. : ; 1 V Most of its work has been concern ed with 1 indictments for "graft" and bribery, connected with municipal af fairs and the public utility corpora tlons of San Francisco. The, Anal re port Is a voluminous document and iah lit TlArfc - - "We cannot even estimate the .vast amount of evidence-received by t showing "corruption and rlceof the lowest kind Involving tho great moral turpitude such as the participation of the former mayor of our city In tha ..flt earned by the prostitution of the lowest of the fallen women, which constitute a recital oi teemingi? 1U concelyable ain, ghame and violation of lawl - ' ' ' ' ' ' " 'The unlawful aid corrupt protec ,n ripn hv the police to vice for the benefit, pecuniarily and politically, of the heada of tne aominioxramm nu many ot the rank and file of the de partments Is unbelievable. If It were fAi. the low character of the wit nesses examined and the taitgled mass of contradictory evidence submitted, much of It undoubtedly perjured put In a way that peTjury could not be le gaily proven, indictments would have been found for extortion and conspi racy in forming house of III fame trust. There was not a property owner In San Francisco in whose property there remained any salvage, who was not rouneu, - , r rf ?- - ,r Cotton A--o-t'J ii S.;vs As "'rloaii Cotton V ! , rs h: nv-ign r.ujor. Manchester, Dec. 3. At the annual meeting of the Manchester Co'Udn As sociation held' hero to-day Thomas Coates, chairman of the Buying Com pany, caused a sensation. Mr. Coates was one of the delegates to the recent cotton congress in Atlanta, Ga. He said that he had been Impressed par ticularly in the United States by the "bare-faced and fraudulent manner In which sworn government cotton weighers in America actually put on five pounda per . bale to every bale weighed' -This, . however," air. Coates continued, "was not done .in the case of cotton supplied to Ameri can spinners," . " Alabama Fanners Devise Plans Pot Relieving the Stringency. 1 i Rlrmlneham. Ala.'. Dec. 8. A prac tical method of relieving the financial stringency existing In Birmingham JeCerson county and this section has been devised by local officials of the Farmers" Union and will be put into pracdice at once. The plan Is for the firmAM whn desire; to borrow money on .their cotton without relinquishing the title to it to place the staples in the local warehouse as collateral, on which the farehouse will issue notes hf hand or what is Dooulariy termeu. "scrip" to the extent of seven cfnts ner uouna. - ' - - v . . Pracucaaiv all or tne . mercnB-w doing awalness 1 in . the city have aarreed to accent the scrip at face val ue and-several of the banks have sarreed to take it as 'payment for notes held against merchants. Tha ew nlan has the entire ap nroval of offlclas of the. Farmers' Union In Alabama. ', . Special Agent Appointed. , Washington. - Dec. 3. Secretary fitraiin. of the Deoartment of Com merce and . Labor, to-day anounced the anointment of Albert' Q. Perkins of Memphis, Tenn., as a special agent to investigate trade conditions abroad with particular reference to foreign markets for . cotton seed products. Mr. Perkins Tyill take, the place ot James L. .Benton, who recently re signed on account of ill heaitn. Air. Perklna Is endorsed y the Cotton Seed Crushers Association and by many prominent .men of the South, '. ' Liverpool Exchange's Holidays. Liverpool, Dec. 8. The cotton ex change here will be closed December 26th and 26th and January 1st and 2d. . Our delicious Cd Liver -.rt::n ;itl:-t cl!. Letter tbn cii-fn:Iii:r.:l czl liver cil czi er.ul;l:23 to restore health for CII pccpls, delicate children, ytcsI: mn-dovTii persons, and sfter sickness, colds, ccushs, bronchitis and all throat and lun troubles. Try it on our guarantee. R. n.' JORDAX A CO, , ; charlotte, JS". C MANY BODIES RECOVERED. Officials of Pennsylvania Mine An nounce 25 Dead at Midnight More - Btxilen In the Mine. " . Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. S.-r-After a search of all, but one entry of the Naomi mine of the United Coal pom pany, located near Fayette City, 85 mlleasof here, where a territlo .explo sion ot black damp occurred Sunday night, It was announced; at midnight that 35 bodies had been recovered. Offlcers of the mining company ad mit pevenal additional bodies naay be found In the unexplored entry and others are positive that at least three more men are in the mine. Rescue' work wa suspended late to-night owing to fear that a second explosion might result seriously ' to the rescuers. The unexplored entry is filled with after-damp and offi cers of the company insist that It must be ventilated before It is enter d. There Is some friction between officers of the ccmpany and the 13 deputy State mine inspectors oh the scene. Owin; to the main entry be ing filled In with debris the bodies have been brought , out through an airsnart. - FRANCHISE ASKED FOR. The Rurgraliain Traction Company Asks the Burlington Aldermen Fo , a - 60-Year Franchise For Street Care The- Petition Tabled -Klec-- tlon ot Water and Sewerage Sy-. tern Carries. Special to The Observer. Burlington. Dec. S. At a meeting of the board of aldermen of the city. held in the mayor'si omce last nignt, in netltion asklnar a franchise for the use of the streets for the purpose of laying tracks . and operating street cars was presented by the Burgaham eenOy chartered by tne State, .The netltion was resented wy' Messrs. J W. Murray and John M. Cook, of the Piedmont Trust Company.- A 60 -year franchise for the use of all of the afreets with the four years' time In which to complete and put in opera tion a line from West Burlington through Graham to Haw River was asked, and the petition met opposition from some members of the hoard, but all seemed anxious to grant a iran chlse for a shorter period with the number and names of streets stlpu lated, and Che petition was tabled and! a meeting for the purpose of dlncuss inar and deciding unon the matter was called for Monday night, December 9th. The election! held Tiere to-day upon the Question of a 1100,000 bond is sue for an addition to the present water and sewerage system, passed off Quietly. The election was carried toy a majority of 200 votes. , MISSING CASHIER DEAD. Bod of D. R. Rankin,' of Lawton, Uluaiioma, uanic .rouna in ixeea, ' Lawton. Okla Dec . 8.W!th" the head and shoulders floating above the water, the body of D. R. Rankin, tne misslnsr cashier of tne defunct Mer chants & Planters Bank, was found late. this afternoon by an Indian hoy, in Cache creek, two miles north ot Lawton. 1 'Rankin disappeared on November 7th, . immediately . after the bank was closed. It is believed that he commit ted suicide. Rankin owed the bank $S,lPo on an unsecured note and tha ac covnA were $662 short He carried ITff.OOO life insurance made payable to nl wife, He made a will shortly be fore his death, . conveying his other property to his wife and three babies, Rankin wa ft prominent churchman, being superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Sunday school at Lawton, and teller of the Indian mission , conference of that church, embracing Oklahoma and In dian Territory. J ' ' X . -1 ' 11 'i mi it-r it f r - " T vv.- . Vermont Breaks Coaling Record. Kewnnrt. ft. I.. Dec. i. The toattle- ehlp Vermont, of the . Atlantic sluad- ron, which la soon to sau tor tne jra- ciflo, has won the navy record ror coalinsr ehlD from four barges at the naval coaling .station m, iarraKans Bay, - She averaged 255 ions an hour against the battleship Virginia' rec ord of 868 tons an . hour. The ver- mont sailed this arternoon ror-iomp-kinsville, to secure her powder and sheets before, sailing for Hampton RosAS. 1 ' The battleship made an average upeed of 19 01 knot an hour for four hours under forced draft during her run to Newport. This speea is , re garded asi record or her class. 1 , ' 1 ' 1 1 111 . ' ' Railroad Employe Instantly Killed at , Fayette Ule. special to The Observer. - ; Favettevllle. Dec. 8- -Ned .Brown, an employe of Raleigh & Southport Railroad Company, while crossing the tracks In Its yard in this city to-night about 8:30. was run over Dy an en rin and killed Instawtly, the engine passing over his body and cutting him in half. Brown waa from Rose- boro, this State, and was well thought of by the railroad company. Former Minister to Venezuela Dead. WaverlanJ. Miss., Dec. $.Oeneral Allen Thomas, United State minister Nebraskan'a callers, and he remained f Venezuela during the secorm aa for some time in consultation with ; ministration of President ClevelanJ, that gentleman. Mr. Bryan left tn iilKht for New York, ulmica 3iU nnd daughter will sail smm for i;u- top. - ' ' , . " u,d at his rtome hre to-day, a?cd 11 years. .lie. hold the cumlmsloit of a briadiT -en'jral during the (tlvil . MASSACHrSETTS ELECTIOX. A Considerable Gain In. the No-LI cense Column naverhill Goes "Wet" and Fltchburg "Dry." Boston, Dec. 3 The collective re sults of the municipal elections held in thirteen of the S3 cities in Mass a chusetts to-day, shows ax very con slderable gain in the total of, the no license column, and while changes were made In the liquor policy of two cities, one onset the other. Haver hill aroused by a vigorous temper ance campaign, voted to go "dry" af ter ten years of licensed llauor sell ing, by a majority of 779, as against a majority or 814 ror license last year. Fltchburg. on the other hand. after two yesrs of no license, voted to authorise the sale of liquor by a majority of S44. While none of the other cities changed their nolle lit this regard, the opposition- to license was miflh stronger than In previous ypsri, and In Taunton license wa carried by only g votes, while last year's maiorlty Was 938. The total vole of the 13 cities on the license question compares as follows: 190 Yea, 88.818; no, 83,822. 190T Yes, ,88,6875 no, 87.521. Bl Democratic- Ranonet Planned. New York, Dec. 3.-Tho Democratic State committee is making plans for a meeting and banquet of prominent Democrats from all over the country for January 8 th. The. plan Is to send out Invitations to a nuuber of promi nent men in the party to meet in New York on that day for the purpose of talking over Informally the plans for the coming national congregation. . The Bryana Going Abroad. Lincoln Neb., Dec. 3.- Mrs. WH Ham J. Bryan left this afternoon for New York. Accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavltt, she will sail Saturday for Europe. Asthma Sufferers Should Know Tula, Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of ashma that were considered hopeless. Mrs. Adolnli Bussing, 701 West Third St., Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A sevem cold contrncted twelve yesrs ago was neglected until it finally grew Into asthma. Ihe test medical skttl Available could not give, me more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was rec ommended and one fifty-cent bottle en tirety cured me ot asthma which had been growing on me for twelve yesrs, If 1 had taken It at the start I would have been saved years of suffering." R. II, Jordan & Co. . National JUxl Crosa Ouhirw. Washington, Dec. 'J Secretary tim.t delivered a t brief , address at ma third annual meeting of. the American National Red Cross Society held here to-day. 1 The present of ficers were re-elected, vU.t -President, Korretary Taft; treasurer, Beekman Vlnthrop; counsellor, A. W. Cooley; w:raary Charles . L-Magco., lte ports of the oiiicer were read and ac Cfp!ed. 0 Honey is like , Steam. Let it Freely, Escape And 'tis of v Ho service lb any one. Confine it . Within - Certain Bounds and You utilize Its energy To perform .1 Service for-,;. You. That is ' What an . Equitable Policy ' WILL DO FOE YOU, W. J. RODDEY, Mgr., Rock UlU, H. C . mm sQ0 S I ; ' . n e I Wfc . v.... f . I' - - There's r.3 lz:zz:z ti tr; "-'J t -d--Jics' h a stLT, c!.r..:y C. :: wecr Crossett3. Cro:;:t3 Ci r well end are so surpla rc- . that they go anywhere into tu:l nesa or fun. ' MaajaaaaaBBaakBaaa, -1 mMm" lit if fj BENCH MAC- ItJalies.LifeSVfelk Easy Can on mr t jefit la jroaf city, or wrtu o LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Infc., No- Abington, L jiPM irisiE.ippc wm- M . . . , ; fef-r a nipt nlrv E want you to deal with us, therefore, 1 we are naming you especially low prices jfl on the highest grade of liquors. Look k over this list and make your selection. Jr.Kftnd lis rmitfanp(! for whit vnn wanf by either Postal or Express Money6rder or Registered Letter, and goods will be sent you promptly by express the same day . order is received, In a plain neat package All Express Charges Prepaid. C Remember we guarantee our goods under the Pure Food Law, and if they arc not satisfactory, return them to us at our expense and your money will be refunded. 8BW9 aw. JfUmLMM mm i $2.50 y BUYS $2.60 4 BIO QUARTS , ' Virpa Dare Wins Bent by express,' prepaid, Special , Holiday Oiler. Ucrfcl!:, Va. Whiskies, Brandy and Gin InJyaa. hrlil, Eureka Rjra ..,,..,.. J II Dan Rlvw R3. OravOooaa Rva....... Inipectloa Ry.. ...... 3 SI Hlghaptr rvn Ry ... a J. Bumgardmr Mt.Ry 4 St N. C Com WhUkr .. M Va. Cora Wbiky, old I M I till. 51 7 20 It 14 11 M III InJaaa. fir lit. Vt. C. Corn, vary aid... St Swmi Qln 2 Ii HoUn4 Oin ,. 3 IS V.AppW Bnndy..... $ II Va. AppU Brandy. old. St Va.Appl Brendy.oldtil 4 SI N.C, Apple Brandy... 3 M tach Brandy, Virginia 3 SS Slilt. 111! 7I 8 71 111! 11 M 171 II M Bottled Whiskies, Brandy and Gin, 4 Full Qta. Eureka Ry S3 21 , Dan River Ry....... 2M f Oray Oooaa Ry i SI Impaction Ry..,... ..................... 4 II Monttello Maryland Rya S II Hlffhaplr Pur Ry...,. II N. C. Corn, vary old.... i 3 21 Apple Brandy, old and mellow.....,...,, 3 21 Poach Brandy, aid and hm1Iow.,.,.,..1., II Bwn Oln. 2 II Holland Oln 3 41 Mccarty WhUluy, BoUld la Bvai, Mrr. U I M Qta. f 4 2S Ml J5t 7 7 79 IIJ4 l 7 - SH 4I f7$ 12 Qta. IB IISI 14 21 17 M II in 14 2S ll 1 14 jy C, In addition to goods shown on above list we will be ' pleased to quote you prices on all kinds of Wines, Liquors and Cordials. r - IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. . Therefore sand your ordera to The Cousins Supply - Company, Pi TtiOHHelliMeKall-OrltrKocsi, RICHMOND, VA. Here for the Holidays If you expct to be on the ' road ' through tha holidar sea son Snd In this part of ' tha country, juat make it a. point to ' "holiday" at thU hotel, whera you wilt find tho' right atmos phere find aomethlna; aubatantial for tha Batlnfaetlon ot your, Special. holleW appetite. . We are making preparation for th entertainment of the "Hway-trom-homea." . MOTEL GLE - - . . - Just si atop beyond th. .tatlon. , CRECXSnOKO, C i . 1 ; f 1 i' ' i , , , UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT oho s: The) Most Modern and Xiuxurlact JI"tfI Ii tli Car::ito. ,' 150 F.LltfiANT ItOOM;. 1J riilVATH lUTUi. Located In the heart of Charlotte, convenient to railroad etat.'n. street cara and the buwineaa and .ahopplas cer.tr&. Cafilu t hich-elaaa commercial ana tourist traJ. Table do hote dinner ;00 to 8:30. Mu.-lc every evcnlrj 6.: 5 to 1:30. .i i !' i .iUui. 1.. it Jvjr..,iu si. t'O. Wiir in tho Confcdaate army.