i bet ,1 tc -,vf -t in i;,,! i : : ;r. a."..i .:,.-. iv: :. .' . - v will rive in marri.xra tat r tuuuu.-r Ciara Kouns to Mr. Charles Haywood Stone . ... Monday evening, December tha - . sixteenth nineteen hundred and seven at nine o'clock E35 West. Seventh Street ' Taylor, Texas " - The honor of your presence reauested. Both Mis . McKay and Mr. Stone -re well known in Charlotte, Miss VA.vlcKav having visited Mrs. Frank F. Jones several times, Mr. Stone was for years traveling representative in the Keuth for the Continental Color & Chemical Co., and Is now located with the same concern In Boston, Mr, and Mrs. Stone will b at noma after January lBt at 25 Thompson street. SDnngfleio, Mass. , m Mrs. Frank F. Jones U now visit ln Miss McKay, in Taylor. Texas, and will remain until after th wed fling. , , ' Mrs. E. R. Bucher ha gone to her aid home In Lancaster, . Pa., to spend . tha Christmas holidays with relatives. Mr. and.' Mrs. C. T. Blanchard, cf ' Washington . were registered , among the guests a tne Buford yesterday. Mrs. L. L. Capehart and Miss Fan -v Aitin, 'of Monroe, - spent yeswrday ..-la The city shopping. - . v ' Mrs. R. C. Moore will entertain the - Afternoon TeaClub at her home In w DUworta Saturday. Mrs. Latta C. Johnston and daugh ter. Miss Mary Johnston, have return difrom New York, where they epent , several weeks, -x ,- , - . -" Mrs. O. ' T. Button I will : entertain this afternoon at her home on North College street,-at cards in honor of , her guest, Mrs. Daniel H. Beekman, of Somersvllle, N. J. . Mrs.-Walter W. Watt will entertain to-morrow afternoon, between, the hours of 4:80 and :S0. at her home on East Ninth street, in honor of her alster, Mrs. Ik B. Brelsf.trd, of Ohio, and Mrs. Joseph George Myers, Jr , of Philadelphia, who la the guest of Mrs. Fred Oliver. Miss Battle Elliott , will entertain 1 Che members of the Bessie - Dewey . BooHfl ciut Friday morning at her home on East Seventh etreet. Miss Flora Johnston left yesterday 'Iter Greenwood, Miss,, to visit Mrs. Dudley Avrey. Mrs, Avrey Is remem ' .bared In Charlotte as being Miss John eton's guesy several weeks ago. ' - Mrs. ' Charles W. Parker entertain ed lnfonrt&lly at her home In PteJ tnont yesterday morning In honor of her mother, Mrs. Walter Anthony, of wllllamsport. Pa., who Is her guest The Invited guests were: Mesdamas T. S. Franklin, W. C. Dowd. J. T. An thony. W. & Llddell, Charle IW. Tll lett, T. J. Prltchett, of Virginia; B. D. Heath. W. C. Johnson. F. C. Abbott, J. O. Gardner, Thomas Powers, J. H. HowelU Harry Shaw, C. B. Kinsr, C. B. Moore, Elmer Dye, Elllnwood, J. H. Van Ness, ' W. A. Zweier, A. H. Hammond," of Columbia, S. C; W. W. r Johnson, H . . A. Klueppejberg. W. F. Harding, Herman H. Hulten, W, I. Henderson,' J.f P. Woodalf, J. H. Ham, and Misses. Elllnwood and Eva Lld delL . . Miss Peter C Brunson will receive at her home on East Vance street next : Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. John J. Andrews. Cards reading as - follows were Issued yesterday: -Mra Peter C. Brunson at home Wednesday, December the eleventh five to seven . Mra John J. Andrews. ' The meeting of the literature de (partment of the Woman's Club yeatef : day morning at the home of Mrs. F, C. - Abbott. In Piedmont Park, was a most Interesting one. Mrs. Eugene Retl t ley' paper on "Thackeray's Satire, Its Methods and Objects." and that of Mrs. C, G. McManaway were both In teresting and Instructive. The .sched vled nrorramme was not adhered to , very closely, but the meeting was a moat delightful one, nevertheless. The week has been a notable one Uy remuu vi juy many ucu&miui bu clal events. This afternoon Mrs. Fred " Oliver will receive at her home on ' South Tryon street In honor of her k , guest, Mrs. Joseph George Myers, Jr., of Philadelphia. Mrs. Oliver will be assisted In receiving by the following ladles: : ...-. In the reception room: Mrs. Joseph George Myers, Jr., Mrs, M. A. Jackson, Mrs. W. J. Chambers, Mrs. W. M. Kin- , . caio, Mrs. w.' ju. tsnaw. Mrs. .(jnnr.es '"D. Wood. Mrs. J. L, Chambers, Mrs. E. R. Preston, Mrs. L. W. Humph ' ' rey. Mrs. R. L. Tate, Mrs. Walter W. Watt, Mrs. Louis Brelsford, Mrs.- J. H; Weddington, Mra J. R. - Holland, 2 Mrs. P. M. Brown, Mrs. Minnie Wris " ton Smith and Mrs. R. M. Oates. " . In the front hall,- Mlas Leila , Young, Brentaer. ' In the rear hall: Miss LJly Na-h and Miss Alice Holland. - In the coffee room: ' Mrs. Harry Prltchard Shaw, Mrs. j. Heroert now--' ell, Mrs. Thomas S. Franklin, Mrs. S. V D. Brooks, Mrs. B. D, Springs, Miss i-v rvi3i.i v n iin iilci , auulhitviu Htiu wiuo , Helen Rhyne. " In the dining room: Mrs.' A. R. sh.aw. mm. W. I. Handerson. Mrs. . Robert A Dunn, Mrs. J. Tv. Smith, v Miss Helen Brem-Mlsa Mary Brook-i'-enbroogh and M!s Blandlna Springs. , In the punch r room:- Mrs. Howell. Miss Lucy Oates, Miss Dora K'' Allen Sater. Miss Edith ,War4,vMk . Anna Kincaid and Miss Edna Hir- 1 ' ;. !Mrs. Jj A. Scott and Miss Isabel f Scott, of Statesvllle, spent yesterday , In thd city shopping . ... ( - Mrs. S. A. Kelly has returned from v ' a visit 3 frVndsi ana relatives la Lex ington and Thomasvllle.' , Mr. ana Mrs. E. R. Rankin, of Lex . Ington, spent yesterday In the city on heir way to Statesville to vWt rela . Uvea, ' . - , , , J " Miw Julia Robertson returned from , . , Philadelphia , yesterday morning whre spent the Thanksgiving Iholl- days with friends. ' , Mr. and MrsW, T. Love, o Ga tonla, spent last evening In the city, topping at the fielwyn, Mr. and Mra 8. 8. Currie, of Ham let, were regltfered among the guests at the Central last tiight ' . Mrs. James Ross will return to her You s re certain of nottlnjr the bst Va . full Kxlroct wlwt yuu irilr Jilu Kii bon. Jjcmand It of your grocer, J :.l jour or. no,v f.- t' t f y it' fj."-."-l la ample time. ;i los ai j pi .Lid fu;n'.:.ol ui en arpM- co-'.ion. J. r. tTi:VE.d EXOKAVING CO., manufac turers of Society Stationary, 47 Whitehall street, At lanta, Georgia. . 1 home In Bhreveportr La., this rooming after spending several months in the city as the guest of Mrs. E. L. Keoa ler. . -.- Mrs.' E. W. Brawley, .of MooresvlUe, sfpent , yesterday in the city, stopping at the Central. . -. - '. Miss Mamie Bays leaves this morn ing for Wilmington to attend t.ie Baptist State ' Convention and to re port its proceedings for The Observer, ' "Th reception "which was given yes terday afternoon at ".'Heathcote,' the beautiful Piedmont home of Mrs. B. D. Heath, ;Was ans elaborate social function and one of the-most largely attended of any that has been given in ChaT'ette this season.! Mrs. Heath was at home in honor of her sister, Mrs. Walter C Johnson, who was Miss Lucy Tyler Haley, of Columbia, Term., and : who v was married , . two weeks ago in that city. ' During the receiving hours several hundred Of Charlotte's most vromi nent ladles called to meet Mra John. son and to partake of Mrs. Heath's hosDltaUty; The hall, parlor, UDrary, and dlnltuc room were arranged In the bridal colors, white and green, wtth no toucn of other shades save in tne library, where pink carnations added to tha orettv effect :. ...: ' v The guests were received In " tho hall and from there Vers led to .the parlor, where Mrs. Heath, attired m a handsome wtyte net dress present ed them to her eister, who wore her wedding gown of embroidered white cnifton, . f r Fruit DUhca was served In the hall, tea f and. wafers in the library, and ice and cake in the dining room. Green and whlf prevailed In the color scheme, of the'dlnlng. table and the refreshments served there. ; i r Th weather wta ideaL and every. thing tended to Increase the pleasure of this delightful social event " i ; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, will leave this evening for Chattanooga, Tenn., where they will make, their home, Mra J. A. Caldwell. " of Salisbury, visited Mra. H. A Kluoppelberg yes terday. ', . Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Poe and family were in the city yesterday en, route from Tayloravllle to LllesvIUe, where Mr. i Poe has been appointed pastor of the Methodist church. . .-.,.-: i i , BRIEFS. , 1 ,'J .4. oaw""ie "A ,:- A Few Minor Happenings In and About the City., Mr. George T. Wlngate yesterday purchased from J. B. Murphy & Co., real estate dealers, a house and, lot on West Fourth street Dr. E. C. Register Is now In London. He crossed on the Lnsl tania, the largest and fastest of the great Atlantic steamers. The Pegram-Wadsworth Land - -u.h1a mAA 4-j-v Ufa TVtn '"i""" BW". vv. Minor a nouse ana iui un wul Rrevji etreet for i 750 f Brevard street w.HM .. , - mere is no jet-up in tne enons ibelng'put forth to assure the securing for Charlotte of the two state con ventions and! things are coming, along nicely, , j.-v.-iV.': Tbe Southern Optical Company has moved from No. B North Tryon street to its ' new quarters beneath the First National Bank," at No. 20 1-2 South Tryon street . v Mr. Lloyd H. Todd and Miss Eth el Robinson, both of Charlotte, were wpilrln.l hv 'Snniro W O. Balles. at his home In York county S; C, yes terdays afternoon., They will make their home at the Gem Hotel. - Rev. Dr. W. H. McMasters will speak at the Trinity Methodist pray er service to-night on "Some Sabbath questions For. Christian People to Think About" A cordial Invitation Is extended to, all to attend. " Mr. Robert L. Womack will con duct the prayer sen-Ice at Prltchard Memorial Baptist church to-nlght in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. E. E, Bomar, who is attending the Baptist State Convention in Wilming ton. , ;h..i,,.:j.,o . .7- ' Thronm of fi '-""0. the county and adjacent oiuier o attend court qr take Part .in the a-reat mMiinm .v.. Laymen's Missionary , Conference. The streets have seldom been so thick with people. - The special train with th tatlon of prominent flclals aboard left, yesterday morning -v" w.u.ia. o, v as. scheduled. Other conferences similar to the one in Charlotte Monday will be held at other centres over the system. As to the Proposed City Purchasing 'The ordinance "'wnfoti .. .. . , J,I iu 01. rcuumg .i jaonoay night's meet ng of the board of aldermen, provid ing for the creation of the office of purchasing Agent ts a wtn n. in j opinion," said a , Charlotte alderman uu nuum . jirwoaDiy nave passed that night but for the refer ence to a 'salary' to be fixed by the mayor, and the finance committee. This incited tne opposition of some because they did not. think the state of the city's finances woid warrant the creation of a salaried office. It Is believed, however, that the city clerk and treasurer can. do the work TJlu IUU inconvenience and so this difficulty would be obviated. For that matter the amount whloh would be saved tha city would more than pay a handsome salary. ; " f ;-, Knights of Columbns Clwoso Xew Of it:;?'"5S'C:''s";s?. fleers.. ; .. , An . enthuslastlo meeting of Char lotte Council. No. 770, Knights of Co lumbus, was held last night m the hall on South Tryon street The following officers were elected lor the ensuing yqeari Grand knight, C. A. Williams; deputy grand knight, ' Y, , y. Hall; chancellor, John Shaughnemy; finan cial secretary, W. D. Reynolds; re cording ' secretary, W. J O'Neal; warden, C. J. 1 Rents: lecturer. John Williams; advocate, T. C. Toomey; In elde guard, M. J, Rocher outside guard, William Campbell; new mem ber, board of trustees J. H." Crowly. At the conclusion of the affair a de licious oyster supper was served In the council rooms, Dr. II. JI. Wilder. Home To-Morrow, Dr. and Mra. H. M. Wilder, who pent two ' months abroad and who landed ln Boston the '28th of U A month, are expected to return to the city to-morrow. Dr. IE. C Boyette, who has been looking after Dr. Wll deT's practice In his absence, recelv. ed a card from him a few days ego nfrtlfylng him of his Jnte-ndafl return. lre la now la. the tatefc visiting rel atives. 1 -i.: . (, , ' .J rcnsoxAL. The Movements of a Number of Too-:-. pie, Visitors and Others. Mr.-D. R. Dawley,. Jr., of AshevlHe, was a visitor in tha city yesterday. Mr. C D. Loane, of Plymouth, was registered among the guests at the Selwyn yesterday. , ; f .Among the visitors In the cltr ves terday were Messrs. W. H. Atkins, Harry W. Anderson, Arnold A.- Hipp ana u. s. Roberts, all of Atlanta. Ga Mr. Edgar Bv Moore returned yes terday morning from Ashevllle, where ne spent several days on business. Mr; C M. RnrnAai. nt Srnnntnn Vo. was registered among the guesti. at ma uurora yesterday. Mr. George Penny, of High- 'Point, spent yesterday In tbe city, stopping at the Buford. . " . ;' . . k t . Mr, '. p, C. Harrison, transportation ciera in tne omc or General super lntendent W. N. Foreacre, t of , the Southern, left last night for Norfolk, v a., to visit relatives. Mr. Jeremiah Goff has returned from a visit of several weeks to rela tives nd friends in Rhode Island i Mr. T..O. Lawton. Jr.. of Oraenvilla. 8. C, was registered among the guests m xne eeiwyn yesterday. - - h -Col. John W, Hinsdale, of Raleigh, wa; . Charlotte visitor yesterday. - Mr. William Ledbetter. of - States- yllle, was registered among: the guests iu? v-ouirat yesteruay. , . Mr. W. C. Brown, of Raford, was a visitor in the city vesterdav. Mr. T. J. Allison, of Statesville,. was a unariotte visitor yesterday. , Rev. George. H. Atkinson, of Mon roe, 'wast at the Central yesterday. Mr. Gaston Meares, of ..Ashevllle, a visitor in the ' city last nlsrht Mr.'H. R. Snyder, of Great Falls, was registered among the guests at the Buford last night. ' Mr. . L. ,C, Caldwell; Statesvine, spent yesterday in the city on busl Mr. J. C. Ballard and A It. Huss, of Cherryvllle, spent, last night. Among the guests at the sCentral last night were Messrs. G. L. Bern hardt, and J. A. Beall, of Leribir. Mr. W, M. Tucker,- of High Point, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday, Mr. Fi M. Buckley, of New York, advance agent for the big "musical was a visitor in the ity last night spending to-day in the city, stopping at the Selwn. Mr. Francis ,w. D'Olier, of Phila delphia, was a guest at the Selwyn yesterday. CMr. Ray B. Dlehl, Of High Khoais, spent last night in the city with friends. Col. John S. Cunningham, of per son county, was registered among the eueats at the Buford last night., Mr. R. A. Sentelle, or waynesvine. spent last, night in the city. Mr. A. C. Miller, a prominent usi ness amn of Shelby, was a.vlsitor in thA oltv last nlirht - - -.i.-1ft - h ' Among the guests registerea ai tne ftllfor, ,Mt nInt were Messrs A. C. 7 tf-v- nd J. V. Dev- ennv' Of Shelby. Mr. S. WHall, of Raleigh, was a Ohariotta visitor last night. ' Mr. N. P. Hubberi of Waynesville, iment last night in the cny, Mr N. ft Dasher, of Hkkory, was a guest in the city last nignt. IX THE SUPERIOR, COURT. Docket ConslderaW Cleared hy the rvrt Officials' Work Yesterday. Bob Harris and Frank Hargett, the two white boys who stole some of Joe Vita's fine fruit several . days ego,were dismissed by Judge Fer guson yesterday with the payment of the costs In the action against mem, Lester Medlln, who confessed to the larceny of ft large quantity of goods from various stores in tne city through misrepresentation, was given two years on the, county roaas. Tim white, colored, was fined tlO fnr "totlns" a Distol. and 110 for gaming." ' . . . Fannie Smyre, a colored blind tigress, was. given eight months on the roads.'.-- "-r-. " A rhariie Coleman. Jim SOrlngs and Frank Boyd, bound Over by the re. corder yesterday-, rooming ..iur enui Ing, got off with the payment of UO o.nd the costs. -, ' TunrA. Cnln. for retailing, was sent to Uall for three months. Robert Porter, for a like offense, paid the costs and five, and Williams went free. . . - :. ' .";'y BANQUET AT SPEXCER. ,f Cnpt- 3. D. Whitehead, of This City, Takes Part to Swell Event at Spen cer. ' - ;f Capt. J. D. Whitehead returned yesterday afternoon from Spencer, where he ' went Monday " to attend a big meeting of the local Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Which was held there -that night. In talking of the meeting Captain White head declared that H was one of the most interesting that he had ever at tended. After a . short session at the hall, th 75 members present re paired to the local Y. M. C. A Building where a dcllffitful spread had been prepared.' - During the course of this banquet speeches and ImnromDtu talks were made by a number pres. ent . Aside from Captain Whitehead, the visitors were Mr, W, V.' Hamil ton, Of Knoxvllle, Tenn.;' and w. O. Roitselt Of Greensboro.' ' . Delighting Large Andlence. . V The Hutton and Bailey Stock Com puny delighted another ' large ' audi encfc at the Academy of Music Mast night. The offering was the pastoral comedy drama ."The Little Princess." All the roles In the play were clever ly portrayed and the specialties be tween the jets were exceptionally good. - ; ' v The plays that this company is nr. tenting are' all new and the players themselves are far above the average repertoire actors. .-To-night's hill will be "The Power of Friendship." , There will be a special matinee thlg afternoon for ladles and children. Th offering will he jthe farclal comedy "Three of a K!nd." There to a change of Specialties at every per formance. . : : j, , . . I ISaptl.it Slnto Convention To-Day. The Baptist State Convention, which opens In Wilmington 1 this afternoon, will be one. of the nvwt largely at tended -church gatherings-to be held in thlg State during the year, A large delegation will represent the ".Baptist; congregation of , Chnr. lot'e, tiinne of theoe left lat night, aud the others. will ea vl, the-Ma-board on the early train this morning. r i ON We are .having a fine 'trade- on '.. , f L .., 1 ' ' Suits. We sell finely Tailored Suits for cash ' much ' cheaper than' you can buy same gtade elsewhere. - We have put reduced prices on ft good many 'odd 'lots i Suits" that we want to clean up. rf One lot Suits, were $26. 00, reduced tori.8o. ': - . Special lot good Suits, worth about double; $4.98, , f 10.00, , $12.50, etc. We have a splendid line of new, pesiraoie suits, Bought late, very cheap, and sold same way. 7., .: ' -- . ,1'-' if ., V , ' ' - '1 Selling strictly for cash, we can save you money.-, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS . New lot desirable Ladies Coats re ceived by yesterday's express. They are special and It will pay you to see them. : Special ; values, $9-30, $10,00, $12.50 etc. - ' ' ( ' MILLINERY Pretty Hata at about half former price. , I ' " . We have a full line to show you. ! f CHRISTMAS GOODS We are filling; up our new first floor with a fine display of Christmas Nov elties, such as ' China, Dolls, Books and thousands of Novelties. These were bought at closing out figures and you can get big bargains. DOLLS! ' DOLLS! DOLLS! We Imported our Dolls this year and are giving much better values than ever before. Beautiful Dolls of all kinds at attractive prices. IVEY'S PRIVATE SANITARIUM J Tor the exclusive' treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN Mrs. Rasa F. Monnisb, M. D. Graduate of German and Ameri can; Hospitals; 26 years' experi ence. First-class accommoda tions. Long distance telephone. 849 Peach tree. Atlanta, Ga. New crop Seeded iTalsins, Currants, Dates and Figs. W. M. CROWELL. Thones 744 and 397. 1 Special Notices TO LET-I'VB JUST ONE MOUSE FOR .rent, but, It s tne nest W bouse in Charlotte, isew (no micro dcs, unless you "take thorn with you), modern throughout- biUlt for comfort and oon- .venlence. It challenges comparison ; with higher priced piaooa It s on K. JOth, between C. and D. Now, don't 'fell speak at once. B. L. KKE8L.ER, 5 6. Tryon street. 'Phone 3(1 HARKKT & PAGE. ELECTRICIANS. Everything electrical, house, mill end line work a specialty, V also furnish retlniBte j for city lighting plants. TIARKIT ft PAGE, 2 W. Trade 8t , Charlotte, N. C Shop 'phone D2t Night call Jfo and M83.v-,.;;.-.-Uv-. FARM FOR SALE, 100 ACRES NEAR Myers Park; not outside city limit, on the new big road, will soon be worth W.W), It taken In next few days price $4,600: One place for poultry and truck Int. Don't ml It. J. ARTHUR HK.H. " DKRSON A BRO. . . , :. 7W7 FIFTY TO SEVFNTT-FrV E PER CENT. on on seconu-r.ana typewriters. : son mocMnts at prtrea that will astonish you by thlr chiapne. . J, E CRAV TON CO.. Zl a Tryon Ut 'Phone Jui TOO LATE! ;; TIIE BIO CHEESE IS 11 gone; no more orders tauen. To be cut and delivered We1rieliiy. De cember 4th. , MILLER-VAN NEtiS CO. WHAT WE SERVE 18 APPETIZlNfl and heaUhful,; It's a wng journey ,to nd a brtter menu,' healthier food or prices -n more popular. Eating her means satioiaction as wen as gooa nu. mor. OEM PINING ROOM AND LUNCH COUNTER. , - WOODALL' at BHEPPARD, AFTER Jnnimrv Int. ITfH will b loCftted Mt Zl South Tryon street, next to 0u Kes ! taurant. V'-r ' -. ; t - - '.' y: :, ' '' . . 1 ,. ., ' . .,,1 1, .. ' '. LOOK AT THE SIIAVINO MATERIALS we have now. ; Ha you sn our window? Full lln Strops, Mirror. Krttnhet, etc. And thn bent P.xors made. JA3. P. 8T0WB A CO., Drug glitti. 'Phone 179. , ITS AN OPEN SECRET THAT TH8 hest CHke makers urn JJlu Kibboo ltmon and Vanilla Extracts. WW ARE HlUDQtTARTEn?! - FOR 8fr-6ri lMnn, Currant. Cltrnn, Or mm;" snd Jemoit Peel, PhIled Almonds, l'x, Putts, eto. Jttiytng la fifty e lit In at wholfwtte wv enables w to t.i!JiJL!J suns , . 11.. $fc, "sjpr .""'-W HKIUitia CO., West Tra4 HU . 4 . ? About 80 or 38 In Reduced to,.., WHOLESALE "GET IT AT HAWLErS." Lava Lotion WithBenzoine for 'chapped, hands and face. Just the thing f qr these cold days when the skin becomes rough and smarts. By our quick messengers. Ilawley's Pharmacy Academy advance sale three) '77 days ahead. t . Those IS and S$0. SS FRANK P. MILBURN & CO. ARCHITECTS ' VrASMlKOTON. D. C V Th pleasures of entertain ing ar doubled by th ralla tlon that' on 1 . properly dressed It's compliment to' one's guests as well a an tvl dene of on' breeding. Th beat-dressed . men la town ar among our patron. : snrs overcoats ' ' , TAILORED TO TASTB $20.00 to $30.00. CuuHiss & Co. Inc TAILORS, , S. Tryon St. . " , s$ SEVERAL SPECIALS FOR TO-DAY V Robe Blankets $10 and 98c. , ; ; A new line of Rob Blanket In a beautiful assortment of rlcrv dart v patterns Each Blanket enough for a Robe. Price.. ..$t.M Another line of Robe Blankets equally as pretty, not so heavy. Price i .... ..... ....Mc Wool Blanket Bargains Single All-Wool Gray Blankets that were they In pair would be worth . one-third more than special price 98c. and $L25 each $5.00 11-4 All.Wool Blankets, $3.98 North Carolina 11-4 All-Wool Blankets, a lot we cleaned Bp from mill at t end of season; assorted borders, IS.OQ value, at...... ,.i..,,;..$J.98 Soft, Downy Cotton Blanket at 98c. Fair 7109 pairs large "slse "soft, downy' Gray and White"" Cotton Blanket.' 7 Prlc' . .....Mo. '1 , j Good Comfort Varne Splendid values In Comforts, not th kind filled with lumpy cotton.- Each Comfort is filled with pure cotton or down that has been sterilized and. Is hyglenlcally pure Prices..,,,. ... .....98c. to 1M , .- - .'-' Woolens Reduced' ' Another generous reduction in Woolens. These are odd piece and lines " we will discontinue. The lot contain some elegant bargains, it's a .chance to buy children' dresses at a saving; 0c, 75c Woolens re duced to, .... . , . , , ..... . .S8c : ' Neck For and Muffs Rich Variety 98c. to $4.80 for Black and Brown Long Scarf and Throwtlea Large assortment. ; . - . $5 00 and $7.60 for Gray Squirrel, Isabella Fox and Opossum Muffs, Scarfs, Throws and Muffs. - $10.00 to $15.00 for Glossy Black Lynx, Sable and' Isabella Fox, Jap Mink and Squirrel Throwtees, Scarfs and Muffs. $25.00 to $81.00 for Mink Muffs, Scarf and Throwties. The slaughter of Women' Suit continue, To fill up the gap made by last week' big sales, we put the knife lit lot more of our regular stock. These Suits are not' the most expensive! the original , values running from $18 50 to $32.60. Lot represents samples and odd lots that, on account of size being bro ken, we have decided to close. Materials the best, the majority being All-Wool, in Cloths and Mixture. The style are correct The lot muAvbe closed, and to do so the price 1 cut one-third to one half. ' ',;;..- ' . 913.50 to $15.00 SulM, $7.60 ' About 25 in this lot, original "'price $13.60 to $18.00, Reduced to ...... .................. v.... ...... ...,...$70 $15.00 to $2250 Sulu Reduced to $10.00 7 this lot, values and original price $18.00 ...... ,. ... ..... ., firt DM mxs'vk t msmi, ;--': paw s'nasp'.-'- mm m ' - To correctly, express tru J'Art (a Clothes" require th skill of master tailor. ., Th garments must b perfect la orery mlnut detail. These ar th tort of Clothes w invite you to txamlne, to purchase, to wear. -''V: - ; -'i ; r . .i-.' .. ;-v. .r - ,.:',;.' , . ; ....... , , Long-Tate Clothing Cdifipiany I Good sent oa approval returnable at our expensa. AIM : I VERS: AIID ,P0I1D PIAHC 1, ,4 L C J M im il .S (J $32.60. .$10.00 RETAIL ; , ...... , -r-v'. -. r ,(. '1..-' , : K , ' - for Christmas .would bo a most acceptable gift.. It pays to buy a Piano of high grade They last "longer, the tone is sweeter and .tha touch more responsive zv.X elastic. The Ivers & TcrJ is that Piano. Wg vrnr.tyri to eco our new Cr::.t:r models., ll-y tcr::?, it yc : wish. t-

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