Clothing and Shoe Specials' For Friday" and Saturday It's no wonder-that the trade in .these Departments , grows so fast. We have always ' kept QUALITY FIRST, PRICE NEXT. -. ... - .' .v' 1 -" ' ' Hen's Hats Underpriced , ' '; v )Ye sell the very' best Fur Felt Hats, in all the . good shapes, right up-to-date . Blacks,-Grays, Browns, etc ' v.. . . . ....... j . . '.S8c. and $1.48 Men's White Fleeced Underwear Something you have never been able to buy for less .than $1.00 suit before. Efird's Special Price Fri-, day and Saturday. '. ......... . , ,iB5 cents a suit Men's yooT Undershirts.. ... ,'.; 50 cents each Men 's heavy Knit' Overshirts . , . . . ; . 49 cents x Men's "Wool Sox . , v. . . . 10 cents a pair, 50-cent -Four-in-Hand Ties . ; . r ; . . 25 cents 25-cent , Rubber . Collars s ..'.". i ; . . 15 cents Men '$. White .Feet Seamless Sox . .ilQ cents a pair Men's heavy1 Satin 'Calf Shoes, Cap; Toe", heavy Sole's . - and all solid; worth. $2.00 a pair.;.. . , . .". I :. '. . .$1.24 Men's fine Shoes in Vici :Kid, Box . Calf, ' Blucher V and Lasts; $2 to $2.50eMng Shoes. , ,inra s mce. , . . ; , . . , ;. . .i.w Ijadies' fine, pretty Vici Kid, Patent Tip Blucher, al ! Solid 'Leather' Shoes, guaranteed to wear; no better ; ; Shoe sold , anywhere, for $2.00 Efird's Price.., $1.49 Misses i Kangaroo Shoes, Cap Toe, Blucher Style, s ail Solid Leather Inner Soles,' Outer Soles, Counter, etc., v, worth $1.50.- Efird's Price , ..... ....99c. ; , V . ; ' Two Lines Sample Underwear For Friday and Saturday Ladies? i and Children's Union Suits, Vests and Pants separate," - in White, Gray and Colors. . ,.; .. .23 and 39 cents Women's IIeavy Jleeced Underwear in Pure White. . U . .95 cents a suit ; High-Grade iWool Blankets at a Bargain Price Thev heaviest -and best all pure Wool Blankets made in North Carolina, full 11-4 size, beautiful Tans, Grays ; also 'White with Colored Borders ; Blankets actual ly worth $5.Q& to $6.00 a pair. No seconds or damaged, v Efird's Special Price Friday and Saturday ...$3.98 ; Swift's 'Pride": Laundry Soap Swift's "Pride" Laundry Soap, , the Purest and Best .'. Laundry Soap made , known to every good JJ Washer? Woman for its pure qualities; sells the world over. for strictly 5' cents a cake. Efird's Special Price ' ... 'f ' 3 cakes 10 cents Swift's 'Silver Leaf " Lard Again For Friday and Satudav Swift & Co.'s "Silver Leaf " Brand Lard needs no ; ; comments from us. . ; It is known for being the ;;. best and purest of all Lard. ' A new arrangement for selling it this time. - To women umy on xnutvy. in oraer xo save our j ; Lady Customers from the Rush and Jam on Safnrrlftv.. wfi have a rransred to have a senarate 3 l.- counter, at which we will sell, to ..Women . Onlyx 'j Wb;Frif!flv and Satrdav. . : $ I We have just two sizes, 5 and 10-pound buckets. . 5-DOund size . . . .49 cents 10-nound f size. . 99 cents t X Plenty for all this time. We have a plan by which : only' One Bucket will go to a Customer. 'Could :: have sold 500 buckets more had we had it at our a . iasu saie.. - - . , We fcope, every' Customer of ours will get a Bucket Swift's "Pride" Washing- ' Powder . , Swift's v "Pride" Washing ' Powder, ' Sells ; on ' its - merits. -It takes no funny . advertising to sell this to -T housekeepers and waster- . ' women "who know. The ' large ' Pound 'Packages. Special Saturday ,-.3 for 10 cents ; ; t-: if if nc ,: II 5 V Swifts Pride. Washing . Pender li. Ill J , Ladies' and. Children's Sample Coats . We have abeady sold more Coats this season than ever before in two 'whole sea- sons. ; New lots of Coats here almost every day. ; Three big lines Samples in this week. ;It being late in the season," we bought these at the biggest discounts w;e ' a ever bought Samples. ' : , ' . I ' . $15.00, Coats for.,-,; ; .... ,..,$10.00 $12i50' Coats for, ... ; ...... i ; ; , ; ;$7.50 and $7.98 $10.00 iCoats for. .,... .... ......,,.,., ' . .$5.98 n $7,50.':and-$8.00'Coats Full Long Coats in Solid Tan, Brown and Fancy Colors.. , . ....V.$2.98 and $3.93 Children's beautiful Plaid and Solid Color Coats.,... $1.88 .to $3.98 -. "U1'!','-''. , Sample Furs and Jiluffs ; Another line',wevare selling, more1: f J than .ever before." Big iline Furs ranging in price from,;;. .., .;.. ...98 cents to $5.00 each Muffs..,.-.... ... ; ,.$1.48 and $4.00 each' BIG CLEAN UP IN MILLINERY 2,000 Ladies' Hats to Be Sold Saturday at 10 Cents Each These are all piled out on top our Bargain Counters and there are Hats of every Shape, Color and Kind made for this season. Hats that have been , sold right; along during the season at prices ranging from 50 cents to $1.50 each. "Efird's Clean Sweep for Saturday.... ,..10 cents each V, '','... 500 Trimmed Hats at Special Prices These are erotten ut) sneciallv, for Saturdav's sellinsr from the verv best ShaDes : we could pick out of the Samples and Job Hats and made of Left Over Trimmings, Bemnants ;of Ribbons, Silks and Velvets. Every Hat Trim- 1 : . ' . . l ni T - liJl. T. - L . ' 11. l--1i 1.-J. 11. " mea correcx m otyie, ana me rnce jusx; a mue more man uaii wnai h ' would be in a regular way. 100 nicely Trimmed Hats for. . ... ... . ............. ..., ...$1.00 each 4 i 250 Hats ranging in price from. ........... .$1.50 to $2.50 4 ....., Children's Tam-o-Shanter Caps Big line Leather and Wool Caps, Tam-o-Shailter styles, Solid, Plaid and Fancy i fin We ' 9JH rniH rflnts M.p.n ' 4 Other Dry Goods Specials A w TWO BIG SHOE BARGAI1TS i 1,500 Pairs Craddock Terry Uo,'s . Southland Bell, $ Southern Girl andvAutograph Shoes; - all - the styles they 've made this year represented in the t lot Shoes of all sizes. The. Lowest -Price any one of these Shoes "Retail for is $1.50 a pair. All t piled 'out on top our Bargain Counter for ; Sat- -1 urday. ... .... ; . . . . . .... .98 cents t Men's Shoes For 50 Cents a Pair ; . f 1,000 pairs Men's Shoes, made of Imitation .Vici : ; a fairly good looking Shoe ; all sizes. 1 ; ; i Efird's Price Saturday . 50 cents a pair fob one Cent . Aluminum Hair Pin 1 .Key Chain anii Ring - -1 Long Round Coraet Lact 1 Good Flat Corset Lace 1 Shaving Brush 1 Tooth Bruah 8 t Button Hook 4 Cedar Pencils 1 Yard Hat Elastic 4 Dozen Shirt Button 1 Tape Measure 2 Thimbles ' ' J 2 Safety Pins 1 Thimble, ciosea ena 1 Looking Glass . 1 Hair Brooch I Box Mourning Pint 1 Paper Pins 38 Marbles 2 Balls Sewing Thread 1 Linen Collar 1 Cake Soap 1 Carpenter's Pencil ' 1 Dozen Good Pearl Button 1 Fine Comb 1 Paper Needles 1 Hat Pin 1 yard Daisy Ribbon 2 yards Spool Ribbon - 4 2 Heel Plates 1 Dressing Comb 1 Horn Hair Pin , j 2 Crochet Needles 1 f White Bone ' Collar Buttons 1 Doxen Collar Buttons 2 Fine Combs 1 Spool Turkey Red Thread 1 Dull Head Hat Pin . IS Pen Points 3 Lead Pencil -I, Whistle 1 .1 4 " Slate Pencils ' 7 Lamp, Wicks, small sis 4 Lamp Wicks, large size 5 Sheets Trilby 2 Sheets Old Colony 2 Pen Staffs 1 4 Paper Dollies 10 Marbles - , ' Rubber End Tops 2 Tops 1 Box Mourning Pins 3 Bunches-Extra Large Wire Hal Pins 1 Box Paper and Envelopes to match 1 Bon Crochet Needle l Collar Button 1 Lead Pencil with Rubber 1 Wood Slate Pencil 1 Yard Shirring Cord 1 Day Book 1 Pencil Tablet 1 Box Invisible Hair PH 1 Yard Soutache Braid I Black Beauty Fla 1 Roll White Tap 1 Rubber Eraser 1 Roach Comb . ;. ' ... 1 Box Blacking 1 Belt Pin 3 Pairs Shoe Lace 1 Beauty Pin 1 f"stmtt la QKit i"AnH 1 Box Invisible Hair Pins 1 .' 1 Hat Pin with Large Head 1 Card Colored Pins 1 Hair Barette 2 Balls Thread , ' 1 Roll Stay Binding In White and Black , 1 yard Battenburg Braid 1 yard Battenburg Draw , Braid, different colors 1 yard Wash Braid, alt colors' 1 Yard Hat Elastle linWhltt 2 SilveVPlated Button Rings ; '- ' : 72x90 inch Bleached Sheets, hemmed ready for use , . . . .... . 49 cents each i FuU size Bed Comforts . ..... ..... ...98c. and $1.48 ! 10-cent Outings in all the, new patterns and colors . . . . .8 1-3 cents $2.50 Rugs ..$1.99 . $5.00 Lap Robes - ..... .$3.48 12 1-2 ' and 15-cent Cotton Fleeced Goods,-large patterns and figures, all colors , ; :.. ..i..... .10 cents ; The old and original Cannon Cloth j full yard wide, worth 12 1-2 cents a yard ; .now.. Efird's Price ..." , ..10 cents '44-inch Black Brilliantine, 50-cent quality.. .... ;.. ...39 cents; - 56-inch Wool Broadcloth in Black, Navy Blue, etc. . . . . . ; . ... ... . . . . .50 cents ' Fancy Plaid Silks, Brown, Navy Blue, Black and White, 27 inches wide; worth $1.00 a yard., ; , 75 cents j Ladies' New Style Elastic Belts Black, Brown, etc 39 cents 'Extra High Back Back Combs. , ..10 cents ; Fancy Colored Cords, 25-cent sellers. ; i . . , 18 cents Ladies' All-Wool Hose in Grays, Blues, etc.; actual v value 25 cents a pair. ' . Efird's Price. . :v 18 cents Women's Black Ribbed Hose, full size and length; actual value 10 cents a pair.; Efird's price for Saturday. . .5 cents' Yard'wide All-Wool Embroidered Flannel. . ..... . . ,50 cents a yard: Yardwide Black Guaranteed Taffeta, Guarantee on the v selvage of every yard. ; Special . . . v v r . . . .V . . . v . .... 75 cents a yard ; Boys' extra heavy Knitted Hose, with an advertised name on would sell for 25 ; cents a'pair. Efird's, Special Price for Friday and Saturday .-.15 cents a pair; 2 for 25c, High-;Gass Goods L'nder Price. Nothing so Good but; that Efird Cuts the Price. " Our Standing, and Positive Guaranteer 'Money Back for . Any Unsatisfactory ; f;Purchase.,? ' 'J " j "i : ' A y vl" , ; . Courteous, Clever Salespeople to wait on you , ' ' ' . Goods exchanged just as cheerfully as sold. ' - ; 5-Cent DryGoods Counter . i f The greatest Bargain' Counter of Dry Goods we've J 4 ever had. ; ; Short Lengths of all kinds -of Dry Hoods, such as t ; Cottonades, Hickory r Shirtings, Blue Striped f ; Denim, Dress Ginghams and other Dry Goods ; ; worth from 7 1-2 to 12 1-2 cents a yard. Pieces i in lengths from 10 to 20 yards. J Efird's Special Bargain Price for Saturday t .-. . ... .T. . ... . .5 cents a yard ; ; : : Black Dress Goods Specials For Friday and :; Saturday - ;; Woolen Dress Goods, qualities worth 25 to 39 cents 4, ;; a yard, on Special Bargain Counter for Friday !: : ; and Saturday. . .. . . . . . . ...12 1-2 cents a yard ! : i i !! i i t i i i . Efird's Variety of Odd Specials at Odd Prices lam Oil Buttermilk1 and Glycerine Soap, 3 cakes to the box; regular price 25 cents. Efird's Price . ... ; ....17 cents Menncn's Borated Talcum Powder. v. . .10 cents a box , Cuticura Soap . , . . . , ... 16 cents a cake Sweet Maiden Soat). 3 cakes to box . .10 cents Mason's Stove Polish, 5-cent boxes. . . ... .2 for 5 cents Two Bottles Petroleum Jelly for. . . '. ... .... .5 cents i vctawu uauiim v uviiyv ..... .u a&ca ivi xv ccuw Fairbanks' "Gold Dust," the old 5-cent size .. .y ...3 packages for 5 cents Swift's lied Bird Laundry Soap 3x cakes 10 cents Milk Maid Toilet Soap, 3 cakes to the box 10 cents Mrni'ft Red nnfl Tan Hnx . . . . .2 1.2 ranta a nair "Good Luck" Baking Powder . 10-cent size. .3 for 20 cents 5-ccnt size. ... ...... . . ., , .... .3 for 10 cents T., n t j ... 5-cent size . . . 3 for 10 cents ' 10-cent size..;..... ..J. 3 for 20 cents "Arm & Hammer" Brand Soda, tle big Nickel size V . .... .... .. ... .:: . .3 cents a tiackar-fl "Success" Soda in full pound package. . . . ... .3 cent3 Special for the Boys Flint and Glass Marbles, four ; different sizes 1 cent each "Dandy Cup" Coffee, a high-grade Roasted Coffee put up in pound packages. Special. . . .11 cents a pound 1 V ( What1 We; Advirtise. - We Sell 4' lV. ) l Stores Tllso, at Goncor.d, N. Busy Sfore'. " JBorner Trade and 0oet?e Sts. $ What Ue Aivatk:, ; X lit w.u