;e , ' V: ' i . :cr. . : .- . .ii :n, Dec. 5. '.. ' Trinity Cfl;:;e tVience Club held i i Rular monthly meeting a few HffO, In-the I hysie lecture room i f the Crnwell Science Hall, on which r-cssion there was a large number of t -indent and members of the faculty present to listen to a very Instructive nd Interesting programme. tTnder the head of current topics, M. W. J.Iarr, of the Sophomore class, read a very interesting paper on the vras tfurizatlon of Milk.' and Dr. I. L. Hendren. of the department of applied, mathematics. in ,hls characteristic manner discussed the Gyroscope The main feature of the evening, how ever, was a lecture by Prof. CV W. Ed wards, o Ithe department ot pnynic. on "Srfme, Recent Discoveries In Phy sical Science." The' lecture was a mmmary of some of the recent nota hie achievements In science during the past year, followed by an IntroducUon to some of the rather remarkable con troversies now engaging the attention of scientists the world over. The Sci ence Club is doing a great work In this collage along scientific, lines. .-; Every month meetings of T-hlaoTrsro tield under the auspices of the luV and matters thoroughly scientific and up-; A.4.t in their character are always discussed, ail.of wnicn are .caicuiaiea t stimulate a deeper mieresi in sci ence and th ewark of the department. ' Last nihght at 1 o'clock, In the hall In the Epworth building, the local Y. M. C. A. held Its regular weekly meet ing, at which time Dr. William H. Glasson. of the department of political economy, addressed the (body. The lecture of Dr. .Glaason was very . in structive aa well hopeful, and quite a Urge number of students and mem bers of the community were present to hear it. :rr Ai-;--, v.'i i i ' rt it S;.te to Arrange - S.'retflf? Ic txvcrn tt Notr.l lVciuli IVming j ;wcr aim Havana mimi-m- t'liillHiilOIU Havana, Dec. B. Society In Havana is much excited over the trouble which Jias arlncn in the attempt to hrin? nhout a meeting between nhos Kirchoffer.-the French fencing master, who claims to be the profei sional champion of the world, and Hamon. Fonst, of Havana, the am teur champion. Proressor Kirchoffer, who sent, a request to Fonat to U&: part in a public exhibition with h --. which the amateur declined,, an J at the same time offered to nght him a duel. ' The Frenchman In reply4 to this published a contemptuous offering to pay t:ie Cuban . fare to Mexico, where he would light him to Fonst was enraged at this and sent his seconds to Kirchoffer, who re fused . to recognize them and depart ed for Mexico, ' . . -: General Mendieta and Colonel Fer rara published a. statement 40-day to the effect that Kirchoffer had Insult ed them, whereupon In he presence nv,.. Ko.vttthaU team returned yes terday from Wlt Forest College and Littleton, where U had been to play these school It was defeated at tne former Institution, but won from the school at Littleton. M n' president Kilgo and Prof. Wooten, f the department of Biblical Htera tare are In attendance on the ort.i Carolina Conference now In session In 3few Berne. They will return to the college the last of the week. Prof. E. G. Brooks, of the depart ment of education, left yesterday af ternoon for Atlanta to attend a no table educational meeting. He will return the latter part of the week. The President's Gwssta, . Washington, Dee. 8 1--Presldnt Roosevelt entertain. at luncheon to day Governor Cummins, of Iowa: Gov ernor Comer , of Alabama: former Governor Pardee, of California; Harry 8. .New. acting chairman of the na tional Republican committee: Mar shal Bullitt, of Kentucky: Dr. Ci Hart Merrlam, Dr. Rlxey. nd Clyde and Harley Metcalf. of Mississippi. ' V Senator Johnstonc Cretlcntlal. Washington, Dec. 5. At the open ing of the Senate to-day the creden tial of Joseph F. Johnstone, of Ala bama, elected to the Senate for a, term of six years beginning with March 4th, 1909. were submitted by Senator Culberson. Senator John stone then presented the credentials of his coleague Senator ffankhead. nored. viLater he compiamea w police that he had heen threatened JL n.n.hit. n! allusion to the charges made against. Ferara. which Induced hl resignation e" of the Cuban' delegation at Ti HasTio. TAIT OFF TO BERI1X. The Secretary of War Asks the Amer- h ivxhacotf tf Yaimlnate All Jrw nnn. m Iti-oefvlne Him, Owing j to llta Mother', HI"- w,,,,an, St. PetersburgDec. 8 .William H. Taft the American Secretary of War, end the members of his party left here. at noon to-day for Berlin. A party of Russian offlsers and func tionarles and the staff of th Ameri can embassy saw the visitors off at the railroad station. V r-- , The Secretary has asked Char lemagne Tower, the American am iasador at Berlin, to omit any for mal entertainment on account of the serious Illness of his mother t Mtll bury, Mass. - . . The Russian authorities are relieved that the Secretary' visit ha passed off without, any untoward Incident The secret police constantly guarded the corridor of the hotel where the Taft party stoped In order to prevent their being molested by anarchists or crooks. . " New York Inventor Takes His Own Life. New York, Dec. 5. Leaning back In a rocking chair. .his feet propped against the fender surrounding a glowing grate fire. Julius Koelllker, an Inventor of silk dyeing processes, to-night shot and killed himself In his room In a boarding house. A note on the dresser said: "I have notified a friend that I intend to die soon." Nothing is known as to his relatives or the cause of the suicide. 1 n, j v ' ' j i : J ,-. ? t ;-'r Ollt J'rOli! - -: i ,w : :; ' .....is ft,. 1 - Mlno Owner .: i i f AM I" H.-Rular On!y a iTvv.Uitionary Jleasurn. Washington, Dec. 5. rresident Roosevelt to-day dlrectod . General Funstoii to dispatch a sufficient force of regulars to Goldfield, Xev., to con trol the strike situation. This action was taken upon receipt of a tele graphic situation. This action was taken upon receipt of . a telegraphic request from the Governor of Nevada. The 'troops win proceed from San Francisco, and the strength of the ex pedition Is left to the judgment ' of General Funston. GolJfield is about 14, hours by rail from San Francisco. Carson, Nev., Dec. 6. -Governor Sparks confirmed the "report that he has asked the government for military aid to hold the situation in hand both for the protection of the mines and property of the miners and mine own- Unar,,.r,r.an they had denounced era of the camp. him as a cowara, wnrcn. -b-i .. uiie imj aiirrnoair ne siaxea xnat I-'ior;. -r t:,e Vice who merely f: out the terms of their Chiefs, 21 I r.-i.ioni have t. f n elcct ed. It is a strange If not a significant circumstance that in those 21 distri butions of the highest hm.r of the nation, the three eectiJiti into which the-country Is broadly divided nave flared on an absolute equality. The South has had -seven Presidents, the East seven, and the West seven. On that showing fortune has been scrupulously fair, and there Is no room for fault-finding In the South or in any other section. .But that does not honestly meet the real point of the Southern complaint While, taken as a whole,, the South has had its full al lowance of Presidential honors, no Southern man has , been chosen now for 60 years, a period ; represent ing half the life of tins Government All the Southerners were elected 'in the first- 0 years of our national history. ' T , . . No Southerner has come In sight of the White House , since - Zachary Taylor, who was ohosen In 1 S 4 8, and that choice was made offTIeHerarTay lor's Mexican .War popularity and in spite of the fact that he was from the South. He was ' not x identioea "witn v re I ( ' : , r-h;u: I Uiicola, Gra th, i f.sr r ' -nd. On the v it. Ihtyes, :.,: . the troops would be sent in, that he expected two companies would leave the presidio at San Francisco to-tnor- ro. Thin will nrartitallv nliioa t'r town of Goldfleid under, martial law. Southern politics br policies, and his The action of the Tonopah mine own-1 candidacy had far more prestige up ers in closing their ' mines has In a here thah down there. Indeed, he was measure. complicated matters and it i distinctly suspected of a lack ot loy- may be necessary to send troops to that town In conjunction with Gold' fleld.t the two being only 20 - miles apart- Governor Sparks states that his resolution for' asking for- Federal aid Is to fully protect both classea altv to hlx section. " '' ' It was this suspicion which, accord ing to ; tradition, led to a planter tb write to him, saying: "I have worked hard and been frugal all my life, and the results of my industry have main ly taken the form? of slaves, of, whom I own about 100. , Before I .vote for President I want o be sure that tfce candidate I support wrlll not so act as to divest ms of my "property." , . To this Old Rough and Ready Is said to avemade reply: "Sir, I have r Goldfleid, Kev., Dec a B .Tht mine oers committee which - advised Governor Sparks to make the request for Federal: troops, states - that It Is only : a precautionary measure. The mine owners are preparing to start up with non-union (miners. As this camp Is strongly unionised, the attempt tojthe nnoT to Inform you that I have VLvrZZ been all my Ufe industrious ana iru likely to be resisted. That the miners gfllld ofat the fruits thereof are have been quietly but , industriously ,"u ' . , -loves of whom X preparing for trouble Is evidenced 1y mn'L 1 wL Tvior the fact that they have 60? stands of 300.. Tours, etc. " Witt Taylor arm In their quarters. Last night a ' Southern and slaveholdlng large quantity of powder was stolen President came to an and. From that from the Booth mine and other depre- 'day to this no man of the South has datlons are taking place in the outly-. had a serious ' Chance at tne jresi- Ing districts. The streets of Goldfleid) are quiet and there is an entire ab sence of rioting, brawling or even agi tation "and heated controversy. On the surface Goldfleid Is enjoying a holiday. - PIXEVILLE EWS NOTES. Chli?-( Record-Heruld. "It's an 111 wind that bl s good to no body, as the poet says." "I know It Tle rnp in tocks has made it r.cces wiry for th? people next door to sell the l.ii,o on w ht h tlielr dauphter has been practicing ulstlit and day for the past six month." Kogoro Takahira. -( 1 I I f , . tX-ijf- ft, 4 J JJ , , v.- '&; coj-yj? toht czmzprtrsT. wastt How the; Village Spent Thanksglvlns: v Isltors Comlns; ana Xiolng The Beautiful Snow. Correspondence of The Observer. - . PJnevllle, Dec. 4. Thank3glvtn passed off most pleasantly In our vil lage. Many of the absent boys and g!r's returned home for the occasion and found the "fatted calf" prepared and the other accompanying . good things. Misses Fannie SImms, of Charlotte, Minnie Garrison and Margaret War lick, of Fort Mill; Messrs. Holmes Scott and Will McLelland. of Steele Creek and Rea Lea, of Sharon, were guests of Miss Re beck a Nichols at the home of her aunt. Miss Nannie Gil son, where they enjoyed a splendid Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. Burgess Nichols, of Charlotte, spent the day with his daughter, Mrs. Will Johnston. Miss Louise Parks and the Misses Wall, of the Presbyterian College, Charlotte, were the guests of Mrs. El la Parks. Miss Beulah Younts gave a turkey dinner at her pretty home on Main dency. .:v- . ": With the rise of th Republican par ty and the election of Abraham Lin coln, the West became the seat of the empire. Excepting Cleveland, who was elected by the Democrats, and Roose velt who was nominated by the West and as a friend of the West, the East SEABOARD "Th Exposition Line o iorfolk. "" and aepurrures, a well as th time and connection with other companies, art lven only as Informa tion, and are not ssuarantMd, Direct line to the principal crtles North. East South and Southwest, donedule taking effect Aug. 4th, iw subject to change without notice. . Tickets for passage on all trains ar sold by this company and accepted by the passenger with the understanding that this company will not be responsible for failure to run Its trains on schedule time,- ot for any such delay as may be Incident to -heir operation. .Care Is ex ercised to give corree". time to connect ing lines, but this company Is not re sponsible tor errors or omissions. - Trains leave Charlotte as joilow No. 40, dully, at 6:90 a. to. for aronroe. Hamlet and Wilmington, connecting at Monroe with 23 for Atlanta, Birmingham end the B7i,thwest; M Monro with U for Raleigh and Portsmouth. With 66 at Hamlet for Raleigh, Richmond, Wasb- uisivii, iim tiu m xau rlson and McICinley. all the 2;n,'.:i can Presidents except the j.rc- ut Chief J.Iagi."!rate, canif out of t ie mid west In every conetstom etaolne fl-dlC In every contest In the Republican party that section has shown Its mas tery. Here In the East we are hearing a good deal about Governor Hughes k the next candidate. It is a question, however, -If In the West there Is yet any serious thought of his nomination in the coming year. Only a most un usual combination of circumstances could bring the Republican candidacy to New Tork. . This sectionalism Is not as proscrlp live In Its spirit as it might seem. There l undoubtedly and unhappily some active prejudice against f the East among Western Republicans. But to point to that as the animating cause of their preference for -Western candidates would not be entirely fair. The choice of a national .convention goes by favor, and it la only every day human nature for-the dominant West erners to pass the honor " around among themselves. ' That . part of the country is the youngest,' and, therefore, very self conscious and eagerly . ambitious. When the 'West shall have grown old and gouty and had a eitloty or power and. preferment Its gorgeq ana mair ferent statesmen may toss a President to the patient East now and then or even to the long-faiaisnea south. r t;.e i OUt S AVI J.ltw 1A . - . street at which the toV vmAS( lah Rhyne, of Stanley Creek; Messrs. E. W. Younts and J. A. Russell. of Charlotte; Mrs. J. A. Younts, Miss Annie Lee Hoffman, Miss Annie Rus sell, Messrs. W. M. Morrow, E. W. Russell and Prof. Dubose. Mrs. A. W. Taylor entertained at a dining at her home on Gay street. Those present from a distance were Mrs. W. O. Adams, of Rock Hill. 8. C, and Mrs. Robert McDonald, of Nor folk. Va who were guests of Mrs; C. P. Hennegan on Friday. Miss Banks Dunn, of Charlotte, is rpendlng'a few days with her mother. Mrs. E. E. Jones. Messrs Orler Williamson, of Salis bury and Guy Taylor, of Rock Hill, have returned after visiting home folks last week. Mr. J. B. Nichols, of Charlotte. Is the guest of his aunt, Miss Nannie Gil- eon to-day. Miss Reheeka Nichols accompanied Miss Fannie Slmms to her home In Charlotte last Saturday, and she will spend a week'or ten days. The "beautiful " has been on a steady downpour since early In the forenoon to-day and the children In the village are frantic with aetignt wnue tae older folks are hugging their chimney corners and grumbling because it snows. r r - 4."v' CttnHtj Mm Siuzo Aoki. A XFAV JAPAXFi5; ASIBASSADOIt Wahlnrlon Dec. S A calbe me r .3 (j-'-y from Tctl-J a?i thafthe Japanese government - has . chosen Baron . Kogoro Takahira -to succeeJ Visro'unt Aoki s ambassmdor to the N. W. No. for Hickory. Lenoir: and western North Carolina point. . No. 44, daily, at 8:30 u w I Monroe Hamlet, Wilmington and all local polntal ectnectlng at Hamlet with 43 tot Colum bia, Savaanaii and all HorWa points? No. 132, dally, 710 p. m. ror uxonro. connecting with 41 for Atlanta. Blt-mln. hare and th s Southwest: with 14 at Ham. let lur Rlchmorj, Washingtou and New Vork, and theast with at MsEroe for Richmond, W ashlngto nd Nw York, and the Kast. with 12 at Monroe for Raleigh. Portsmouth and Norfolk! Through sleeper on this train from Char lotte. N. C, 10 Portsmouth. Va., dallv Trains arrive In Charlotte as follows No. 1 :46 a ir... daily, fren pbtaU North and South wmw No. 46. daily, U:46 a, ra.. from Wil mington and all local points. No. 122. T D. m.. dally, from ii,k... YV. ikBiiwnjr poinio. N. No. E9, U:15;a. m.. dally, from Wilming ton, Hamlet and Monro, also from points East, North and Southwest con necting at Hamlet and Monro. fonnectlons are made at Hamlet with through trslns for points North South and Southwest, which are compos, td of vestibule day coaches between Portsmouth and Atlanta, and Washing ten and Jaekscnville, and slefilna ears tttween Jersey City, Birmingham and Memphis, and Jersey City and Jackson ville. Cafe cars on all through trains For informatics, time-tables, reserva tions on Seaboard descriptive literature ecply to ticket agent or address 1 JAMES KER, JR.. C. P. A., tt Selwyn Hotel. Charlotte. N. 0. Southern Railway Ilshed' only s Information and am not siwranma.. uciuDer tu, vnu 1:15 a. rru. No. 40, dally tor Washington and points North. J- Pullman sleeper and fill V ftAAPhfftl In Wn.hlnvtnn . . :30 a. m.. No. S, daily, for Richmond. buu iuLu iHiiniB, connects at oreensboro for Wlnstoc-8alem, Raleigh, Goldnboro. Newbern and Morehead City,' at Danville for Norfolk. - , . T:56 a. m... No. 39, dally, for Atlanta. Pullman sleeper and day coaches, Wash ington to Atlanta. ' , , 6: a. m., No. 27, dally for Rock HUI, Chester, Columbia and local stations. :4i a. m.p No. 44, dally, for Washing ton and points North. Handles Pullman car and day coaches. Atlanta to Wash ington. . : .. i . ... . . . -. 7:10 a m.. Kn M Aatlv MMnf o,.h.- for Statesville, Tayloisvlile and local iiuiiiis. v.uiinecis at mooresvuie ior win-stpn-Satem, and at Statesville for Ashe vllle and points West - . - and Augusta. Handles Pullman sleeper, S?w. "r w Augusta na cuty coaches. Washington ., to August. Dining car service. . . . - ... . id-tin a m Mn ! 1 allv . 1T7 -t. I. ton and points North. Pullman Drawing xwuui BicairBrs 10 new iotk ana nicn mord. Day coaches. New Orleans to Washington. Dining cat1 service. Con- 1prt t. tli-nahArn fAr WlnalAN.e1.m Raleigh and Qoldsbor iv:ij m., xmo. jl oa?iy. xor Atlanta and local stations. "Connects at Spartan burg for Hendertonvllle and Ashevllle. 11nO m V A aLIw m t-i ton and points North. Pullman Drawing xvuuin sieeprr to .'Mew xora, aay coacnes Jacksonville to Washington. . Dining car VC V KB, 11)0 a, m.. No. IS. daiij. ror Winston Salem. Roanoke and local stations. , 11:05 a. m.. No. 87. dallv, ew York and New Orleans Limited. "Pullman Drawing Room sleeping tars. Observation and Club cars. New York to -New Orleans. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping ear. New York to Birmingham. Solid Pull man train. Dining car service. 4:10 p. m.. No. 41. daily except Sunday, for Seneca, S. C, and local point. . 6:30 p. ,)n.. No. & dally except Sunday, freight and passenger, for Chester, S. ?., snd local points. (:40 p. m.. No. 84, dally for Washington and polntr North. Pullman sleeper, Au gusta to New York. . Pullman sleeper, Charlotte to New York. Day coaches to Washington. Pullman sleeper, Salisbury to Norfolk. Dining car service. 0:80. p. m.. No. it, dailx- for Richmond and local stations. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper. Charlotte to Richmond. 7:lap. m., No. i dally except Sunday, for Statesville. Taylorsvllle and local points, Connects at Statesville for Ashe vllle, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga, Memphis and jtolnts West . 8:1b p. m.. No. 43, dally, for Atlanta. Pullman sleeper and day coaches, Char lotte to Atlanta. :06 p. m.. No. 38, dally, New York and New Orleans Limited for Washington and polnrs North. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping cars. Observation and Club cars to New York. Dining oar ser vice. Solid Pullmdn train. - 9:35 p. m., No. 85, dally, for Atlanta and points South. ' Pullman Drawing Room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham. Day coaches, Washington to New Orleans, v Dining r service. 10:43 p. m., No. 29, daily, for Columbia, Savannah and - Jacksonville. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper and day coaches, Washington to Jacksonville. Tickets, sloop! n car reservations, and detail Information can be obtained at ticket office. No. 11 South Tryon street C. H. ACKERT. Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. ft. H '' HARD WICK, P. 'CM... VT. JL TAYIOK. G. P. A., Wsshlngton, IX C R. L. VERNON. T. P. A.. ' Charlotte. N. C OB HATKE'S FINE WfflSIOES ; DISTILLERS ESTABLISHED 1867 - lfit?Vff C. All goods GUARANTEED PURE and just as represented. If not satisfactory, your money refunded. We prepay all express charges and make good all losses and breakage. Shipped in plain packaees. - 1 Gallon . , $2.25 . . 2.00 Tin Richmond Rye Whiskey . , Straight WTiite Wooden Corn . Straight White Copper Corn . . . . 225 American Fine Gin ; "r . . 20 Imported Holland Gin". ..... . 4.00 Maryland Peach Brandy . . . . . . . v . 2.50 New York Apple Brandy; . .... 20 Virginia Apple and Peach Brandy ... 4.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey ...... 3.00 Private Stock Corn . ; . . . ... 20 Hatkes Virginia Mountain Rye . . 20 Merry Old Kentucky Rye . . . . . . 3.00 Golden Corn.., . .. . . . . , . 3.00 Old Four Hundred Rye or Corp-. . .. 4.00 Old Five Hundred Rye or Corn ; . 5.00 'Old 1867 Rye Whiskey ...... 6.00 Bottled in Bond, Atherton Rye . . 2 Gallons $4.00 3.75 4.00 40 7.50 40 40 70 50 '4.50 40 50 50 70 9.50 110 4 Quarts $25 2.10 235 2.60 4.10 2.60 2.60 4.10 3.J0 2.60 2.60 3.10 3.10 4.10 -5.10 6.10 4.25 r SQuirts $4.20 4.00 420 ;4.75 ;..70 4.75 4.75 7.10 5.75 -4.75 4.75 5.75 , 5.75 7.70 ,9.70 11.70 80 C Our shipping house is next door to the express office. Shipments made same day order is receited. SEND IN YOUR ORDER NOW; Write for circular and prices on Beer, Bottled and Bulk Goods -- - . A. HATKE tu CO 4 .-' , - . . , - - ' lax art . ' East Cary Gtreet ' , ' s Richmond, Va., The. it ;y v. .-.v ; r t: 1 ,r ln t.J KVL'P Cut Ot pyi.U,-, ! members to ktop tl-.e po..;; or tne union. The Portland, Main, rxprr. T. soles Georgia with the thou nt v-.-x the cotton gin yet remains. j;ut that kind of K.n la no gnod In the fix. It will le denatured firiT-nog for some of our Southern fraends npt Christmas. But here's to It that the eggs win not be of the cold storage variety. John Hot Air Is an Indian who Is' holding down an allotment in Okla homa. ,A lot of his namesakes recent ly arrived in Washington and are fold ing down Jobs in the High Protective Tariff Department. ' A Georgia cotton - warehouse, man concluded he wouldn't hold ths far mers' cotton any longer. So he sold It and skipped with the proceeds, about two, 000. i This occurred - the day after; Georgia, went dry. ; . t - ' r f- t - . - . , t t . :. 1 t f V, ; : t I.;- . ,i- 1 iTMiiiiaire. ",t,,i v-l'i't is ?'' "V.'hy, a ."rjtu-r from h; n I'rat, ;o. r? the fi.ie of him 1 will i.cin as iiinoccnt as a lamb." ' v BADLY MIXED VP. Abrsham Brown, of Winterton. N. T, had ' very, remarksble exnHrlen; be f sysj-'DoGtor rot badly, mixed tip me; one said hesrt disease; two called It kidney trouble; the fourth. Wood poison, and the fifth stomach end liver trouble; but none of, them helped me; no my wife advised trying Electric Hitters, which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me more good than all i the five doctor nrMnrihnrf " n.... - . - W . . - lur Wood poison, weakness and all stomach usr kiiu KMuiey voinptaints, by all drug gists, 50c , - , Consultation. ' Sacred Haa.rt Keview. , ' Friend You've never been called in consultation have you? Young Doctor No, but I'd like t be. It's nice to charge ten times as much as the other doctor for Bavil, that you don't know any more aboi j the case than he does. - $2.50 BUYS $2.50 4 BIG QUARTS Virginia Dareffins Sent by. express, prepaid.; Special Holiday Offer: Gart ctt Ci Co. .'. Norfolk, Va." ' ' 'UNDER - NEW ' MANAGEMENT: .: .: " me SELWYN V .rlA1-?1.! "nd Lunrlnt notel In the CaroMnaa. . ISO ELEGANT ROOMS. l 75 PRIVATE BVTHS. ' 5 ' Located In the heart of Charlotte, convenient to railroad station. - ES? .cars and tt DU8lneM and shopping centra. Cater to . nigh-class.: commercial and totirlst trad " t -Tab, a note dinners ;0 6 to a;S0.: Muslo every Tenlng"-8 . feDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor- Here for the Holidays If you expect to be . on the road through the holiday sea son and In this part of the country, Just make It a point ,to "holiday" at this hotel, where 'you will find th right atmos pher and something substantial tor the satisfaction your, special holiday appetfte. We are making preparations for the entertainment of the "away-from-homes." HOTEL .CLE GREENSBORO, N. C. . Jast a, step beyond the station. If 'people hadn't liked - good whiskey, in 1857 . i . wouia nave cnanged the r; But they liked it, then since, so it ha9 remain s same for forty-nine A. Gnckenhelmer & - Distillers Plttsborgb '''mm A " ' V. quality of. . - . A turn mvyjH, --. i and ever edthe ' I f years! , Bros. ' f f 7 vmmm iUJ , .. AH goods guaranteed under th Par Food Law and Drug Act Do not spend your money foe compounded or rwtiflwl goods, whan for to ssote money you can , get the straight article, Look for the Pars Food Guarantee which roa : wQl find on all oar rood, it mean muchtoyoo. Toa buy direct whan you order from na Wear Whcdaule dlatributora to theeuitomar.andiuaiw ' ante satisfaction, or Money refunded. Goods alnpped la neat plain packages, express ebarges prepaid' at price named, Writs for special whole.. - sale prices In bulk lots. Booklet complete list and full infqrmation mailed on reooest On list named " below, w make good loasesand breaksg. (ALL FULL QUAETS) , . - 4qts.- " 8qts. iAstevp (best the world over). ...... ...13.10 ' S5.9S ' f O-M pt4 Suk at Ud Awl Uck. with knt tad Wakmr) ' El Maue i-,M corn whiskey).. imn'.nt 2.60 t - 4.85 C.25 7.50 11M 12qts. 4 9.00 7.50 9.00 11.60, 11.B0 10.00 11.25 9.40 11.50 .12.50 PUT UP IN STONE JUGS, SAFELY PACKED IN PLAIN CASE, . ALL CHARGES PREPAID. 7.65 6.55 ' 7.45 6.30 7.65 8.50 r AU CHARGES 12.50. PREPAID Brsndy. .62.85 Donald Kenny Malt Whiskey (medicinal) 3.25 Blue mage tva. Mountain).,.,...,,..... a.oo Huron River Rye, extra, fin (bottled In -. bond) .;.............,......,...... 3.95 Dr. LeBsrroft's Buchu Gin (medicinal).. 3.40 Kelly's Royal Com (th finest).,.....,.. 3.85 Kell Copper Distilled (bottled In bond) 3.20 Kelly's Medicinal Malt (bottled Jn bond) 3.90 Mis Tempting (finest Maryland rye)..,. 4.59 1 gal. 5-yarold Ky. Rye 1 gal. 5-year-old W. C. Corn 1 gal. Holland Gin ' s 1 gal. Extrk Fine Sherry 1 gsl. Porto Rioo Rum :" 1 gal. Extra Good Port Win 1 flsl. 4-vaar-old Maryland Poach 1 gal 4-year-old Va. Apple or Peach Brandy 245 SPECIAL OFFER. S Gallon Old N. C. Corn. ............ ....... 6.00 3 Gallon Old Kentucky Rye.. r.. ...... ... 6.00 3 Gallon Fin Gin 6.00 3 Gallon Appl or Peach Brandy........... 6.00 4ft Gallon either abov. ................. 9. B0 All order west of Mississippi, add 50 cents additional for each Quarts, except Kelt Copper Dlstillsd (bottled In bond) on which for order outside 'of Virginia, the Carollnas, "Maryland and District of Columbia, add 10 cent for 4 Quarts, f 1.05 for 8 Quarts and $1.80 for It quart. . . Carrying charge on freight order 1J less than abov extra charges. TLeFluLaKcnyCo.,Ise. 3tr Tim Upon " UAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY nUD" - KllLjUa LiadLaniDiaaMPbmilJS) ft hnil.Ti. . "rilU'j Bttttcs::" , "', U .' ' i

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