i r- .,... i A J ti ..s Ct server. ; '. ;vil. Dee. 10. Mr. W. D. i,.. c.n,. a young inan about 20 vt-ara o'i, ia at the home of Mr. 31. S. Brown, his brother-in-law, at ; -."-.epherd's fetation ia a rather crit ical condition. He was Injured about two weeks ago in a rather mysterious - way and has been at the point of death since, but la now somewhat im , proved. Mr. Goodman was employed t the Statesvllle - Oil and Fertilizer Com pany's plant and one night about two weeks ago was found by the superin tendent In an unconscious1 condition (but soon recovered and went to his boarding- house, where he was at- tended by a physician, Wednesday before Thanksgiving he called at the ' mill and eiiked for tols money, saying he was too unwell to do any more work, but he seemed all right and the ""milt people believed his sudden 111 ; nes was from natural cause - Wednesday night ! Mr . Goedman -went to the depot, bought a ticket for Shepherd's ' station, i, hia borne, and boarded the Charlotte train. When "Xaptain-Rowland-caned-on- htm for his icket Goodman was unable to And It and seemed to be dazed. He managed to tell the conductor where he wanted to go and paid hia fare in 'cash. The ticket was later found In his pocket. - When the train arrived t Shepherd's Mr. Goodman man aged to get oft by he aid of the con ductor, but seemed to be very weak and his mind" was unbalanced. A number of friends at the station re- allsed that ha wa in a critical con dition and took him to ' the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. fi. R. i , Brown, Immediately. Mr. Goodman was unconscious ! -when he-reached the home of Mr. Brown and the latter summoned local . fhyslcians at -once and later Dr. H. F. Long, of Statesvllle. Dt Long and the local physicians made a thor ough examination of the young man and found that he was suffering from . hemorrhages of the brain caused by a heavy blow on the side of his head. They placed him In the care of a trained nurse and have since been doing all in their power to save him. Be has since been at the point of ! death. Friday there was a slight change for the better in his condition - and he regained consciousness. Hia mind 1 still dated but he tried to explain how he received his injury. He says that h was assisting another employe of the mill put a belt on the shafting and that all he can re member Is that the belt struck him and knocked htm down. He does not remember the man he was assisting : and the oil mill people say none of , their men know of such an occur rence. Mr, Goodman also stated that he lost $10 but does not think that it was stolen from him. Mr. Brown will investigate the affair. & A few days ago Deputy Collector J. M. Davis and Deputy Marshal W. "A. 'Wright made a trip to ths north ern part of the county. While climb ing along the side of a mountain they noticed a man driving a steer to a cart loaded with meal on the side of another mountain over in Wilkes county, They immediately put after the cart and followed the tracks to ; an Illicit distillery, where the meal had been unloaded. The plant wbs a new one and had evidently just 'be gun business. A new SO-gallon still , and about (00 gallons of beer were destroyed by the officers. After de stroying the plant they took up the lail of the ox-cart again and track tjl it to residence in Iredell county. The cart was standing in the barn yard and the same old spotted ox they had seen plodding along the mountain side was in a stable eating hia feed. The man who was driving the team and who is evidently the owner of the plant will probably be arrested in the near future. Between 4 and S o'clock yesterday morning a burglar entered the home of Policeman Thomas Kerr, on Bell treet, and . ransacked every bureau and table drawer in the lower part of the house, evidently searching for money and other valuables. So far nothing has been missed. The bur glar entered the house by unlocking the back door. Recently Mr. James Kerr lost a bunch of keys and it was thought that they were stolen by one of his negro drivers. Yesterday Fred Allison, one of the negroes who had been suspected of stealing the keys, was arrested. He was searched but the keys could not be found on Ms person. The officers think that ho knows something about the keys and the case will be thoroughly Investl-' gated. CROLEEX-HEXRIETTA NEWS. A Christmas Romance of Fnusnnl Proportions Expected Do Not Want Railroad Facilities Crippled In Any Way- Conference Reports Appreciated. Special to The Observer. Caroieen-Henrietu, Dec. 10. The people up this way have deckled in favor of our railroads, In advance of the meeting of the next Legislature, provided that body by rate Interfer ence should In any measure cripple the iron horse. In the one Item of fuel for our homes, churches, and furna.es, the railroads. Seaboard and Southern bring coal to our door, cheapor than country wagons can bring wood. ,lt Is a fact worthy of mention that these large towns are largely sur rounded by the finest ef timber, there being broad acres of forest land on every hand; at the same time, high as freight and passenger rates may be, onr supplies and travel come to us more cheaply by railway than by the wagons and livery stables. We would rather have more railroad facilities at present rates than -that by legisla tion our present roads should be hindered and we hurt The etiingency in money matters v. ko: vw auHurp me laooring people up nere, because they know that ultimately higher prices for ta bor will come to keep company with aavanoea prices for livinghigher meant higher. . A probable Christmas romance of unusual proportion will be the sur prising life union, in either land or water, or a prominent Shelby busi ness young man and politician and one ef our very popular Caroleen lady Rev. th D. Bogle, the - newlv.nn pointed Methodist oaetor. ha arrive with his excellent family, ail the way from Franklin. He preached two capital ' captivating sermons Sand'ay and made 4 fine Impression upon the , peopie ns is to serve. The libera! and loyal Baotist pie of Caroleen-Henrietta last week made a large eontri button la money, to the handsome Boiling Springs Bap tist High School building, a near-by enterprise, Our church people greatly appre- 'ate the eminent and kindly ear. vice whV?h The Observer is giving the churches in reporting the proceeding of Conference, Convention and other tfV.j.QM assemblies over the land. J. C. COTIIIJAIT, Son This writer hi for forty years been a member 61 the South and North Carolina Conferences, and he has in all that time never eeen a more ac curate report of Conference made than The Observer, has given of our late session at Salisbury. Mr. ; Forest Clower, the popular piano salesman" of Charlotte; after many days here with his best half and hi father, Mr. H. 1 Clower, ia now on a tour to Lenlor and Hickory. The little hild fit Mr. and Mr. B.' B. Byers died here Saturday and was intered yesterday at the Patterson Cemetery below Shelby. CHECK FORGER STILL BUST. Th Fellow Who Doped a Half Dozen Men in the State Working His Game in Other States Now Hunters Find sv Mail Pouch In ths Woods. 4 Special to 1 he Observer. ' Statesvllle, Dec. 10. K. W. Ivrrls, 'the (bogus traveling salesman who worke J Proprietor Gilmer, of Hotel Ire Jell, and six other hotel men in the State for $75 each by : forged checks on the Missouri Glass Company of St. Louis, and for whose capture the Governor of North Carolina has offered a reward of S100, is still do mg oiuunvsB. jar. uumer ia in re ceipt of .a long letter from the Mis souri Glass company in regard to the operations of Harris. Toe letter sUtea.that ae haa shift ed the scene of his operations from North Carolina to West Virginia anJ Ohio, and that he Is still doing a good big business in these States. He Is now forging checks for from ISO to $40. The game of Harris is a slick one. He has letters written on the station ery of the Missouri Glass Company mailed to his addsess to the hotels he expects to visit in advance of his arrival. Accompanying these letters are the forged checks, the letters stating that the check enclosed is for expense money. It is 'thought that Harris has a confederate in the game Who mails him the letters and vhecks from St Louis. The police of that city have been working on the case and the chief tells the company that he thinks Harris Is the same man who worked a similar if a me under a. dif ferent name early In the summer and got lots of money. While hunting on the property of Messrs. Joe and John Stevenson, about a mile west of town and near Bostaln's bridge Saturday morning, a number of boys found a mall sack in the woods a short 'distance from the railroad track. The Statesvllle post office was notified and Postmaster Long and Assistant Postmaster Gouger went to the place and took posses sion of the sack. It was a special locked pouch and contained a number of letters. It is believed that some of the contents are missing, but the pouch contained only one registered package and this was undisturbed. The pouch was maJe up at the States vllle postofflee Thursday evening for No. 81?, wTilch passes through States vllle at 10:22. Mr. CI. W. Taylor, th mall carrier, took the pouch to the depot with the other mall and was under the impression that he had put t on the train. A letter from Mr. D. F. Barrlnrer, postal clerk on the train, dated Friday, but not recelveJ at the postofflce until after the poutih was found, reports t"iat It was miss ing. The conclusion Is that the pouch was stolen from the truck at the depot while Mr. Tavlor's back was turned before the arrival of the train. .TUMORS WIN OITT. They Defeat the Freshmen and Win the Class Chnmpionshln At the A. M. Colleire Will Be Awarded Fo'llltT Tn1n ClIT). Special to The Observer. Raleigh, Dec. 10.The last football game of the season at A. & M. was played to-day at 4:30 p. m. on the new athletic field. This ends the se ries for the class championship in football and the faculty football cup, which Is now In possession of the seni ors, goes to the juniors. Aitnougn under great disadvantage a muddy gridiron, a brisk wind and showers both teams played a brilliant game. This game was to play off the tie game played last Saturday. The freehmen kicked to ine juniors who stopped tte ball on the 25-yard ne. By a forward pass, an on-el.ie kick, and sn end run. the freshmen got dangerously near the junior s goal, but the iunlors got logemer ana got the ball on downs, From then on the ball remained in tho centre of the field and a kicking game was kept up. In the second hair tne juniors kick- eJ to freshmen, who stopped the bail on the 86-yard line, After a forward pass and a line plunge, tne juniors sot the ball, kicked to the back lino anj made a safety. The Juniors then rr-sortd to the forward pass, wmcn they handled well. When the fresh- m nwsam got tne can it reortea to a kicking xame and got to the Juni ors' 25-yard line, where they tried a drop kick but failed. Umpire, Sykes. Referee, Beebe. Time of halves, 20 ant 15 minutes. Score, to 0 in favor of the Juniors. LENOIR'S NEW OPERA HOUSE. It Will Be Opened Tills Week With a Convention of Fiddler of the Sur rounding Community. Fpeclal to The Observer. Lenoir, Doc. 10. Lenoir's new op era "iouso will be dedicated Thursday night, Friday afternoon and Friday night by the fiddlers convention. Up to date there have been thirty old- time fiddlers from the surrounding country that have signified thelrln- tentlon or, participating in tne con test. Flftv dollars will be xlven to the best wlefders or the bow, and as a consequence much speculation is rife which community will tarry off th prlies. - ,",:'.( Lenoir should be proud of her new opera house. It is a house capable of seating about one thousand peo pie. The stage Is large with the latest style of scenery, Theetage scenery cost the management $760 and con sequently is capable of handling a ma jority of traveling companies of to day. Prosperity has been doubly kind to this little city anj her citlxens are good spendflrs when it comes to any thing in the line - of entertainment She also claims a population of abont 4.000 eeople with nine factories: and besides good public schools she also has the large Davenport Female Col lege. Notice to Our CnstomeT. W sr - pleased to snn jnce that Foley's Honey and Tsr for oouahs. colds snd lung troubles ts not affected by the National Pur Food snd pmg law ss It rnntatne no opiates or other harmful drugs, and w reeomntsNI it as ss r remedy for children and ,dults. R. H. Jordan Co, ... . ; thwn representative, C5 Trust tli BOOZE TO THE FROXT.' It Plars the. Lea dins Part in Two , Little Dramas in the Granite Citj High Prices paid For Wood in a Town Surroundedrby Much Timber hliort Aotcs. Special to .The Observer. Mount Airy, Dec. lo. -While en deavoring to quell a disturbance in the "lower end of town." A. M. Smith, Esq., of this city,' one of our best and most faithful justices of the peace, had to knock a drunk man down, The matter was disposed of yesterday morning before his honor, Mayor J. H. Prather. Booze, the great, played a lively part In , the drama. j , . Sunday evening Isaac Gravely, a white man,' fired several shots at George Thacker and D Cook, also white, who. Gravely said, had been following htm all dev.- trvinr-to-olek- a fuss with him. The shots missed the mark and the nartles were ar rested by. the officers. .The difficulty took place .three; or four hundred yards from the Southern depot. Boose was at the hi torn . of this, also..1 The city was full of neoole Satur day and. the stores did a fine busi ness, much of the trade comlnr from the country. wood haulers are comtna- to town nowadays and wood la quite plentiful, but if sella at double its value.: A fellow in a city expects to pay high prices for wood, where it is shipped by railroad, but here, where it is hauled to .town in wagons, it looks funny to hear a farmer say, when asked, that he will sell such a load for, say $1.90. when Jt would take about five loads like hia to make a good, solid cord. It means that one pays from $5 to $6.60 a cord for wood In an wood country. It is hoped the legislation over the new law redacing the passenger fare on me railroads wiu not cause the Southern to take oft any of its train' between this place and Greensboro and Winston-Salem, j . Items From Bingham School at . Mebane. ' Special to The Observer. Mebane, Dec. 10, Monday night the glee club gave i delightful soci able, which was largely attended and enjoytd ty au. A tolly season of good fellowship prevailed and every one enjoed the singing, old-fashioned games, etc. Miss Emma Craig, one of the offi cial stenographers for Bingham School, ihas just returned from a de lightful trip to Jamestown. The par t consisted of Messrtt A. W. Craig, D.,A. White, Miss Myrtle White, Mrs. E. P. Cheek and Mias Emma Craig. Write MB. HESTER, wrltes:-"I used the trial bottle of "S-DROPS" and it helped me so much that I purchased a dollar bottle from a druggist in Gillespleville. and bave used over halt of It When I got your "S-DROPS" I was on crotches; now I can walk sod Date been plowing eorn tor two weeks. I have walked ten miles In belt a tfay, and sot feel tired. "e-OROW Is the best remedy I bare ever used. I bare recommended it to five diBerent parties who are tattering with Rheumatism, sod It is wring them." An Effectivef Reliable Remedy Those whs are suffering tbe terrible tortures' and stony caused by Rheumatism will find quiok relief by tbe use of "S-DROPS." It is the one remedy tbt will almost In stantly relieve tbose exoructatlng pains ceased by this most dreaded of all dlseassa Apply "S-DROPS" esternally. Rub thoroughly en the afflloted 'aching parts audit will stop tbe pala In a very short tima Tak "S-DROPS" Infernally. To effect a enre it is necessary to cleanse the blood of urls sold and otbsr poisonous matter and put the system in a perfectly healthy eondi wuu. n uvu tan uu wiou aonm 70a wiu V GET A If you are uttering with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble, a.a Grippe, woiae, couftne, Lumoago, soiatioa, aout, Aetrtma, : Catarrh, Neuralgio Hoadaoheor other kindred diseases. rT" "fl-OrOP" avif lejreM mf glum, ooomlttm, aoaftol, -r f F TJ T PDPPT At,l1 1"16 w,u nned free of eharge to every ; 9 1 la I r IlCiCii reader of this paper upon request. Writ today. Large tlza Bottle (30O Doses) tf .00. For Sale by Druggists, Aik Your Druggiat for tha "8W ANSON PILL," a Curs for Conatipatior. Price t5c SWANS03I RHEUMATIC CUBE CO., (Dept. 43) 174 Laki St CHICA60 The South's Largest and Oldest. The life Insurance Company ' of Virginia HOME OFFICE - - RICHMOND ORGANIZED 18T1. This company is over thlrty-sii year old ahd during its long ea reer has won tlx hearty approval and support of th people by Its promptness and fair dealing. ' ' A Few Figures Total payments to policyholders over SEVEJT AND A tfrs MILUOX DOLLAR - , r"" Assets ever THIUCE MTLOON' DOLLAR. , Iniuranc in tore over FIFTY-FIVE BULLION . DOLLARS. The Life Insurance Company of Virginia makes Llf Insurance available wher It was one beyond th reach of many. By its . plan ach member of the hem drcl can he y partner in mak ing -i A Safety Fund for the Family Th company issues all ths most "approved forms of Llf Insur ance Contract from ISOO.OO to $26,000.00, Tirra rneuiois payable quarterly, bkmi-anntallt " AND annually. . . t Th company' issues Industrial Policies frotn ' M.0 to 1108.09 with premiums paytbts weekly on persons from two to seventy :i years of age. ; v-,-- .-., . ...;: ' ALL CLAIMS PAID WTTTITX TW'ljlNTV.rOTtlt IIOURS AFTER RECEIPT OF PROOFS OF DEATH, , , . This Company's Creat Growth is Du to '. Cause One: , It Conservative Management . - Cause Two: Its Absolute Fidelity to its Contracts,' , Cause Three: Its wide range of policies,' affording . Insurano ts : arh mtmber of tbe family and to all classes. Cause Fouri Its progressive spirit and -Quickness in discerning th Insurance needs of the masse, and It readiness la giving ' Insurance adaitsdto their requlrementa II. T. Page, Supt., 207 S. Tryon St. - , CIIAELOTI1J, IT. C MUSCULAR PAIN3 CURED. "During tho summer of 1D'8 I was trou bled with muscular pains In the instep of my foot," says Mr. S. Pedlar, of To ronto, Ont. At t!ms It was so painful I could hardly walk. Chamberlain's Pain Balm was recommended to me, so I tried it and -was completely cured bv - one small bottle. I have since recommended It to several of my friends, all ef whom speak highly of it." For sale' by W. L. Hand It Co. IS j , ' v- - - - . 4 How about beating your home? SEE HACKNEY BROS.. The Plumbing and Heating Contractors. " We carry full line of supplies. Phone S12. v W. Fifth Sfc, . . CHARLOTTE. Through'. Trains Daily, Charlotte to Roanoke, Va. Schedule in effect Nov. 23, 3W7. 11:00 am Lv Charlotte, So, Ry. Ar 8:30 pm 2:16 pm Ar Winston, 6o. Ry, Lv 2:26 pm ' t:50pm Lv W'neton, N.A W, Ar 2:00 pm : 5:0rt pm Lv i Martinsville, Lv 11:41 am :25praLv Rocky Mount, Lv 10:26 am 7:26 pm Ar Roanoke, Lv 1 :2i) am Dally. Connect at Roanoke via Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural Bridge Euray, Hagerstown, and all points In Pennsyl vania and New York. Pullman sleeper Roanoke and Philadelphia. Through coach, Charlotte to Roanoke. Additional train leaves WUirton 7:30 a. m,, dally except Sunday, for South west Virginia and Shenandoah' Valley points, r M. F. BRAGG. '- ' Trav. Pass. Agent. W. R. EEVILL, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Roanoke, Va, . CURED KEOF i:" i Lrr its a t r - avr EUMATISM WMNIH9T0II HESTER. Cex.Ohlo. irse iron au rnsumauo pains. OF SWANSOiTS "5-DRQPS" TODAY rut Crds and Francs v V V ; ;4 V. :v. CHATJ.OTTE, NORTH OAROLniA ; I . . WOUISTER'S- R::iy tl::r.t:!.i Tea ::zzl A gjsy Mencin hr 9mi Paoila, , grind Odd NaUtb sni Rwswag VIW. t AspeeiSo for Censtlpatioa InSlgesttoa, Lives sad Kldoer troubles. Pimples, Ecaema. Imaui Jkoo. Bad Breath, Snrsia Bowels, Haadaohe an Badaaose, Its Book? Mountain Teals tab let form, eents bo. OeMine mvJa by Houjnrraa Sao Ooatraaw. Madison, vrta fiOUES. NUGGETS F0I tAUOMf fEQPLS N. ' R.1Tnnnw1n - arntAma' Ami,. lished only ss lnfwms"n and. are not guaranteed.', Dec. Wh, JW7. v , Ws a. m., Vo. 4 daily for Washington and points North. Pullman sleeper and day coaches to Washington, v - - 1:80 a.-m.. No. 8, daily, tor Richmond and local points, connects at Greensboro tor Wlnstoc-ealem. KalelRh, , aoldsboro, "town and MoreheadCity. atDanvUle for Norfolk. . . 7:56 a. m.. No. 89. daily, for Atlanta, Pullman sleeper and day coaches. Vasu Jngton to Atlanta. !:2t. m.. No. 27, dally for Reck H11L Chester, CJolumbla and local stations. ttM a, m., No. ,44, dally, for Washing ton and points North. Handle Pullman car and day coaches, Atlanta to Wastw ington. , , , r , , .7:10 1 a. m., No. tt, daily except Sunday, for Statesvllle, Taylorsvlile and local points. Connects at MooresvlUe for Win-ton-Salem, and at StateeviUe for Ashe vllle and points Wst. , 10:55 a, m.. No. 33, dally, for Columbia snd Augusta, rionules tubman sieDai-, hi w York to Augusta snd day coaches. Washington to Augusta, Dining car service ; . , 10:05 a, m., No. 88. dally, for Washing ton and points North. Pullman Drawing Room sleapers to New Tork and Rich mond. Day coaches. New Orleans to Washington. Dining car service. Con nects at Greensboro for Winston-Salem. Raleigh and Goldsbor. - s 11:00 a. m.. No. 80, aally, for Washing ton, and points North. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper to New York, day coaches Jacksonville to Washington. Dining car service. : . ll:O0 a. m.. No. SS, oauj. tor Winston Salem. Roanoke and local stations. 11:05 a. m,. No. 87, dally, ?'ew Tork and New Orleans Limited, Pullman Drawing Room sleecimr tars. Observation anil Club cars. New Tork t New Orleans. Pullman Drawing Room - sleeping ear, i urn iq xtrmngnsm, . BQU4 rilu man train. Dlntn ear oervlc. 11:10 a. m., Nov 1L dally, for Atlanta snd, local station. Connects at Spartan- Qurg.ror uenaersonvtue and Asnovllle. 4:10 p. m., No. 41, daily except Sunday for Reneoa, 8. C, and local points. . 8:40 .p. m., No. 25, daily except Sunday, freight and nasscngec. lor Cheater, & C., snd local pomts. - :06 p. m No. S4, daily for Washlnerton and polnu North. Puiiman sleeper, au- iuna to new lura. runman sieeper, charlotte to New York. Day coaches to Washington. Pullman sleeper, Salisbury to Norfolk. Dining car service. 6:60 p. m., No. 1 daily, for Richmond and local stations. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond, 7:15 p. m.. No. 4. dally except Sunday, for Statesvllle. Taylorsvllle and looal points. Connects at Statesvllle for Ashe vllle, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga,: Memphis and points West , k:s p. m., no. 3. aaiiy, ror a.uanta. Pullman sleeDer and day eoachea. Char. lotte to Atlanta. :oo p. m., no. n, aauy, New rerk and New Orleans IJmlted for Washington and polnrs North. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping cars. Observation and Club cars to New York. Dining car ser vice. Solid Pullman train. 8:36 p. m.. No. 35. cany, ror Atlanta and noints South. Pullman Drawinr Room sleepers to New Orleans and Binning- nam. uy cJtcnei, wasningum to sw Orleans. Dining car service. 10:45 p. m., No, 29, daily, for Columbia, Savannah and - Jacksonville. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper and day coaches, Washington to Jacksonville. ...... Tickets, sleeping car reservation and detail information can be obtained at ticket office. No. 11 South Tryon street C n. ai;ivb:kt. Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. B. H HARD WICK. P. it . W. H, TAYLOE, O. P. X, i Washington, D. C R. L. VERNON, T. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C SEABOARD n mw iniiiii uii acpuriurea. ev wan as the time and connection with ether companies, are given only a informa tion, and are not sniaranteed. direct una to tn pnncipal crties North, East, South and Southwest. dcneaule taking effect Aug. 4th. 18ft. enbleot to change without nntica Tickets for pasaage on all trains are sold by this company and aocepted by the passenger with the understanding that this company will not be responsible for failure to run it trains on schedule time, ot tor aay such delay as may b incident to 'heir operation. Care is ex ercised to give correct time to connect ing lines, cm tnia. company is not re sponsible for error or omissions. . Train leave Charlotte as rohowsi ' -, No. 40, daily, at 6:30 a. m. for aronree, Hamlet ond Wilmington, eonneetlng at MorJ-o with 13 for Atlantj, fJlrmlngham ano ojiunwt.i v muiiro Wlin ss for Raleigh and Portsmouth. With 64 at Hamlet for Raleigh, Richmond, . Wash ington. New York and th ac " Nm daily. . at W a, m f, Llneoln lon, Shelby and Rutherfordton without hange, eonneoting at LlncolntoH witn C, N. W. No. Is for Hickory. lnoir, an3 w stern North Carolina twlrtt " . No.: 44. ally, at :3 u m, R Manroa Hamlet. Wilmington ana au local point. ctt neoung at stamiex wiui for Colum. bis No, m dally, M6 n. m. tortlm. connecting with 41 (or Atlanta, Blrmlnir hara and "h Southwesti witliM at Ham" M tor RlchmoiJ. WMhington and New York, and the Tiast with at Monro, for Richmond, W ashingto aneT New York? and tofV Bast, with 12 at Monro for Raleigh. Portsmouth and Norfolk! Through sleeper on this train from Char-toe..N- C, lo Portsmouth. Va . dally. Trains arrivt tn Chariott as oliows NoSud'sfutt dtUn UCa No. 46. . dally, Ti:4S a. m tiom wiW Kington and all local point. ' No. m, 7 p. tn.. dally, from Ruthet fordton, Shelby. Lineointoa nd C A K W. Mllway point, ,.. m e' No. t. 12: a. m.. dally, rrom Wilming ton, Hamlet Snd Monro, lso from points Bast. North and Southwest con necting nt Hamlet and Monroe. Connection ar made at Hamlet with all ihrouxh trains for ooinra . w-tiT fouth and Bouthwc, which ar compos.'. ro vi fiuoui. ua7 cuacne oetween Portsmouth and Atlanta, and W.hin- ten and Jaokacnvlll, and sloping ears tetween Jersey City, Birmingham and Hempnis, ana Jersey wy ana Jackson ville. Cafe cars on all through trains. ttons en geaboardt deacriptlv llteratur scpiy to ficKei ar-DTs er aaares ' , JAME8 KER, JR., CP. A.t U Selwyn Hotel. . Charlotte, N, C, Southern Railway V. . -Z.' mli i "ill" siintr"' ' '"''' EwSIJ''- ' THE CliARLOTTE SUPPLY GO MQxstn America sj AU-Yfronghi Steel RpHI ' P Betting, BTrT V stick Ti ana Towns " ftflJUn Packing. . Pipe r I DpTtan?as0tfeCekd.,et rlarT U o7 Salt Is Just as im- tmrZ--! hl3 U Beflect4 because most people don't ' realise how1 important it is, -, , . , J. W. Wadswdrth's Son's Co. The American Machine & MnulTacturing Company . ( v , . v Encceaaor to Machinery and Contracting Boslaess of . ' . .. . 1 , THE D. A. TOMPSINS CO. - " .'4- ' ' , " ' CTIARL OTTE. N. C YURN ' THE WITH THE Keeps OU Off the Every Machine accurately balanced DR. C. L. ALEXAHDEB DENTIST .. . ; - - CARSOX BUILDING Son then st Corner " " 1 FOTTRTH AND TRYON STREET. Chariots. K. a Pilosis 1ST. 49DevaiM . Hardwood Mantels ' Ws manufactur and carry' ft large stock .of : Hardwood .Mantels; ,:! dealers in Tils and Grates. Can fill orders prom ptly. ; Writ tor cata logue. - J. H. WEABN & CO.; . ' '. V Charlotte. N. C." Cut Flower rime has come - again. W have them, as usual, and th unusual kind-ths kind: that ar just a littl - better than th ordi nary commercial kinds. w grow (ancles In ROSfES, CAR NATIONS, eta. y ' We make handsomf Brides'' Bouquets. We shin the hand somest Floral Designs used in North Carolina, we do. Write us! telegraph or telephone, w ship ts sjbj point ciulck., - POMONA S. Q " S a . a, w. Jf. von alleys and ' "Clgnt SUrch&l Rsbbg ' Hoist n ts six totis cwsxgrjr nJo s" ValveW aad,.tili fiuepiie. -'1 ' J REELS PATENTED OIL GVARD; TSrn Whils IJoaplng. ' ', f ' and tested at speed befor shipping. MACHINERY For Fanned Factory , . Engines . -1 Three kinds.-from 19 to, 180 B. P. Boilers Return Tubular and Portabl on skids, from II to ISO H. P. , Improved Gin Machinery' Single CTmh" and Presses and com. plote . uints of capacity of 101 c f day and over. Saw Mills Four or five kinds, all sisea Ja us t in the South. . i , i Pulleys and Skaf ting ; AH sizes, from the smallest to com " plot cotton mill outfit. ir. . LIDDELL COMPANY , ' , Charlotte; 0..V .'4 E. Nye Httchlsca &, Sch iwsOraaice : , ; FIRE life , . ;, accident - OFFCE No, t Runt Ualldlug. , Bell Tbone 4393, .v. ' v, , werieeft!! s.yifaa

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