tO'C. i I cola zni twice as many Attractive Suitable Christmas Specials. We sell no Toys, but all cur gco&s zxz practical u::ful artidec, such as will last and be remembered. ' ' :!ay,cu nEMARXurt.E rncr.j Lrsi:.j' , A.D CUILDI'.L-VS COAl Special lot Long Coata la Lroad- cloth. Kersey and fixtures, eril everywhere $7.50 to 10. 00 Slack; Tan,-. Castor, etc., only. . .$5.Q0 each 'Another pig bargain in fine Coats, sold at $10.00 and $12.50: only $7.50 We can save you $5. 00 to $8.00 on $10.00 Coat, " , J Beautiful Coats, variety of styles, sold oip to $18.00; for. ,.$10,00 each - Also In the' same purchase : very fine Coats: . add up to $5.Q0 each. at...... .V.... ',. ,,.$15.00 HAMJItrrtCIIIEF SALE , -We commence our Handkerchief i seasan with a sale of extra, choice values tn Handkerchiefs. Ladies' nice Linen Handkerchiefs 5C, IOC., 12 1-2C, CtC; Initial Handkerchiefs, in . boxes. Tor Ladies, Men and Children, ,5c. up Special lot Sample Handkerchiefs, about $500 worth, bought at one - third off and sold same way, Inper . feet condition . , . . ; , . . . 5c, 10c., etc. -. Be sure and look ove'r our tland Kerchief display. We have a better . line than ever before on sale to-day. 1 BIG BARGAIN'S IX NET AND SILK WAISTS Beautiful Ecru Net Waists, with Cluny Lace Insertion; cheap at $3.00 '.1..,. $1.98 Extra lot, about IS or JO different . Styles, White and Ecru Net. Waists; , also Black And Colored Silks, worth $5,00- and $6-00 .$8.85 ' Special fine' Waists I.. ..$6.80 SOLID GOLD JEWELRY - Solid Gold Jewelry, such as Rings, Hat Pins, Scarf Pins, Brooches, Cuff Buttons, etc. v Special prices Sftc, 69c., $1.19, etc. . A full line ol Ingsrsoll and Swiss Watches, guaranteed. .$1.00 to $8.50 v CHIJfA, ETC. ' 3'v M - . : A" fine display of nice China at moderate prices. Also many useful and fancy articles suitable for gifts. HOLLY AND FANCY BOXES. , We have a , big lot of Christmas ' Boxes, all sixes, for Gloves, Handker chiefs, Candy, Combs, Neckties and ; t every imaginable shape and slse. It . adds so much to the attractiveness of a gift to have it In a suitable box .... , ..... .5c. and 10c. each DAINTY NECKWEAR Always desirable. We have the f biggest line we have had. Pretty new styles to Individual box - - v , . . , .-, , . . , ... . . . aoo, w ouc eic v. . , -. . . II AMUSEMENTS One- characteristic .of v VFerty-Flve ; ' Minutes From Broadway," George U-'- Cohan's wonderfully' successful music ..r:;y drama'" which Klaw .& Erlanger pre- MonJay night, is .the . cafeful atten- ,'-.'' hat an admirable pair of player been seeureo ror tne more important roiea, . o as . proven , by 4he presence of - Miss : ; Emma Carus and Scott Welch at the - i head of the company, but an excellent ' , dancing - and. pinging, ,jcb6rus backs ; them tup.1 Therf too, the, scenic phase !. has been made of more than secona k' ' ary importance. - The three sets usel ' are massive and rich, being convinc ing In their correctness and ? adding ....... 4.1..." mm o n I appeal 'of the play.. New scenery Sas been especially made, for this year's H tour so that it will i a virtually new production in tha matter oi scenery - and costuming, and not, as ao often baoDens with a touring company. tn worn-out, bedraggled and decrepit ao . cessorles that should long slnca hate ; i; been cast in the discard. The s role ; of J'KIJ" Burns , wUV be portrayed - b Scott .welch. - . - - 1 ' ' "I v . 1 , ' . Sahara's colore f minstrels will be the attraction" ,t ), the Academy-. of Music sSatur,day -matinee and;?nlg?it, - ' During hia eni?lgement the entire ; batcony ana gaiiery win ue rcaoi You . . for; colored, people. i .. ' . -1 r-i- ' "X)EDrC,.THRQT-rHK llxfc. ' -.5 all .gMitnU If wnulrl : Mtm ' -Impossible to overestimate the high - rWnntnr faf the nroductlon ot "Com mit j Thra' rthe , Rvb." which .will be tnr first tlm here at the 1 1 of Music Friday n-lght. - It " .v is a musical comedy n the ptesenta " 11 tion of wich the limit of extrava - irenee appears to have -been reached. 1 There are eighty people employed jjn the ' performance, made up of -come-dians, singers and dancers.whO have r wca distinction . In their ; respective lines of woTk, and the scenic and cos : turn display is described as massive . And hrautlf ul. Two sixty-root cars ' are required to transport tha equlp - men, from which ome idea-ofits -' .1 immensity -wy hvj'u - f' have the original company and .J.'V:, production iere is assured by the "' fact' that there is only one Coming Thro the By" organisation In' ejt , tstunce. The comedy of the : piece is , said-- to be wholesome, clean-cut and - of tha kind which keeps th; audi-, ence constantly -convulsed with laughr ter, "while the musical score is de scribed as unusually melodious. JlnT . Ung and "catehy; t Outside ::r of:,fi. I , choruses.' the programme specifies up wards of twenty numbers which are . said to become quickly popular. This Is the kind of entertainment which commands tne aitenuoo u mi enjoy the best in stage penormnncw. - and U it receives "the patronage nere which it deserves, and wilch has been bestowed upon it. -elsewhere, it will iV b witnesse-? :by an audience limited w -hvtha -canacitv of the theatre. " The sale of seata begins this morning at Hawlera.H;,;:.i'::;;":?;;,,; , . , .v; , in 1 . ' ' Ladles Working "Hard t Make It Puce: Object JtSitlrely vnseinso. .Aa the Jly of the - opening of the charity bazaar draweth, near and yet nearer, tha ladies -who are backing this' enterprise are bestirring them selves to ' assure its unbounded. ' suc cess.. "Nothing But, th most unselfish Of motives prompts themthe making easier of the lot -of those poverty stricken sufferers who are, to find rest and care in tha charity, ward of the Presbyterian-Hospital. The object is not to preach theological do-rma to tha Chinese or to reform the Hotten tots. It Is the essence of practical Christianity at which they ore 1 aiming, hlin mm. 4.,, 1. -i-rtpeai of ; this" n.dinance, and . tn? en TILVT B.VZAAR. THE COM5HTTEE DIVIDED. ' Majority Report of Aldcrmanlo Com mittee Opposes Slaughter Houses w of Any Character !n the CltyMI Vi'norlty Report, l"vori Substitute.. 1 The report which was asked ' by the board of- aldermen at tt&.laat meeting from' tha special wrjhmlttee' appointed by . Mayor FrankltA to .lh Vestlgate the prop'osltlqn of thef" pro posed Union: stockyard! V and .; city slaughter house will be made by that committee at tha'TleTtt meeting." i It will be'lo-the'shapa of a double re port the majority . favoring the en- foreement of the : present ordinance prohibiting slaughtering within ; the eltrltmite'tharftvorinf the jind tha cause is one. which houJ4 en list-tne cordial assistance of everyone. Thursday frnd ... Friday. ! .December; 19k nif.19k-. M fm tha. Aavm MAr flnrt B.. l",.. J ...VI " fc tor this event; " whiclt promlse to be most enjoyabie ln every way, ;TheAu ditoriuth t.ia -to. j be the. headqnrarlers; where booths', will a arrangea . ana sapper serVed-v' ?.': " " lr ' To-morrow TOorafg,,T-at o'clock President Roosevelt will press the but ton which will start the machinery of tha b'lxaar in full blast Throughout tha day the famous Steele Creek Band will, furnish music. The baby show, which win 'be the event of the season ln the Infantile social set, will take place and? a warm' time t predicted; The Murines liave taken" out lextr life insurance for theocaslon andt wtllj fear ' n .vi. .;At liightt aha wooa-, men's Band' wfU s furnish' j tha J lung power' which will ferlng the musio in. to transient, being.. in ? aaaiugn . . w, tha baby ehw4 tha afterntto-a'spej actment of ' a . SubstituW- .which will permit tha building and operation of a modern, sanitary establishment, to be run undor ithe upervlswn of a a-ove-rnment Insnector . in .the : city. 1' This -decision waa ' reached last nlaht at a meetiriaf iOf' the committee, consisting - of - Aldermen W. W. . Hay--wood. A. Bunn. E. S. Williams, H, C. Severs and W S. Shelor. 'Squire severs was absent. Messrs, Haywood, Bunn and Willlama made up ft the ma)nrltv Annnsln th ltnf fit slaughter houses of any kind within the city, , while Mr. w. s., sneipr compoaod the minority., . v .The., cjty aldermen will ' take the flnal whack at the matter at their coming meeting. It has been under discussion a long time and la one of great importance. The offer to build toe 'establishment and run-it under govetnment inspection was made by local butchers,? who reaiied that tha work had to be done somewhere, PEOPLE'S COLU REV, R. P. SMITH RE-ELECTED. Superintendent .of Synod teal Home ,, Missions to lie main 111 iui -uiianre i-ol the Work in the State-MivW. i;H. Beut'a gpianaifl Offer, v ' The meetlnig yesterday: in the -par lors of the Centra HoteJ ot the ,exe cutlve committee on synodlcaf home missions is said by those who were nresent to have been the .most enthu 1 wANTEDOomBetent mala atenor. slasuc eve, heldtlty, .Such a "- atCaWniSr degree or interest was manuesiea tnai jcellent refcrenve. Apply K. X, care Ob' not only waa Rev, H : P, ,Snjlth,. .; of ., wrver All advertisements inserted In this column at rate often cents per line of six -words. No d. taken for less than 20 cents. Cash, In advance. ASK YOTTtt FRIENDS about Mrs. Joe 1 DM.n. OrAi aab tk.m It 1hV have written an -advertisement tor it yet, BRONZE INK 7 OTANDaVBaina- fci -Christmas.- Mary useful - arucies lor men. Queen City Printing to. . WANTED Ashevllle, re-elected superintendent of WANTED Representative for Western tn hm ,Tnlsion work, ihut Mr W. H.1 flnanclal Institution. Must be hiah- . . - - . . -A ...I. - . -ill. ' y7 " 'T ' v"-"" w , uv. Aaaress wnn references ana- e claXSttti the city ordinance forbids It. - i HENRY GOT OFF. Ttaiin't Attended Court as Witness Be- . cause He ITadu't Been Told to rvrmA irfff. Nnmber and '- Wide Variety of Cases Tried Ytster- . dav. j - ' 't-Vr .. "I had ome warrauts swore out, but nobuddy summonsed' nie to come to court."' said Henry t HaydenV' the negro who was arrested charged with contempt of court because of his fail-? ure to answer to his ' name ae a, wit ness In . Monday, morning' court. ". ', i "That is correct, you honor,", cor roborated Chief Chrlatenbury. - after hearing the man's story and the war- rant was dismissed., with an njunc . tion to the general public ' that, wit- : mamaM tmilflt Att.An.1.,' . .. Jim McDanlels and Charlie Goings were' fined lis ana oosib ecn w frT Tnm Pearson and John Kelly, whlto men; t were fined ' $2S and costs bers to be rendered : by the . ,best known musicians of the city, has been arranred. To-morrow nieht tne Hor nets' Nest Riflemen ;wi'l glva a: drill Again throughout Trida music wll be a feature, especially in the after noon. Reinforcing this- will be a cake walk for the children in the after noon, followed aV night by a jtjQafed' mtmd .'alftvi nt& . C&i'.. v -vf.l: 'iK!fii;"S::.,; ; Not least among j tha attractlona Ut the bird supper .to be. -given at me Auditorium to-morrow ' hlght. . under kthe direction of Mrs. j. H. Wedding- ton, t The prices will be 'reasonable and the fare seasonable andvedib'e. ' ' )nRST IN 30 YEARS. Hailstorm Vwts Charlotte and Con- tlnnea iw row wmntea rim ie mnber Thunderstorm n 1$ Xea?, The first December hailstorm S in the history of the local weather ob servatory. which i 80 years of age, visited rCharlotte yesterday afternoon at 11 minutes after 2 o'clock, contln winar for four minutes. Accompany Inf w4 the first December ;tthun derstorm ' aln,ce; December JJthi' '1894, a period of 1$ years. The storm ar rived, in the cltyr at tha time, stated above and continued for. about 20 minutes, J. Daring this i period there were several flashes , of lightning, and : The trecloitation of ralti - was Very I'aaurinjr on'y 16490tha of an tm' oeptn.: me nau aionea wmo fell in, plentitude for 'four minutes war o reasonably; large size, v about the average. There i were none, ob served so far as known aa! large as water buckets, , or even goose 1 eggs. Charlotte -Li f not, given toseeing,. the visions "which sometimes ; visit her sister, iowps, . taking the shape of air Snips ana simitar pnenomena. vuiib- quently, a bare, .plain,- unembelllshed rtatement of the facts satisfies." But the fact that a record of at. least 80 vetars standing was broken yesterday afternoon," along with the ; moftotohy.,1 Is noinething wortny or attention ana Weather Observer, Benrtettwho. may b' considered responsible, since .the blame is his for lour weather, hwa a Kht'to be rroud of the' feit which hr tngtneered, yesterdav.; ' " , t W is Impossible -'to. forecast' what the aldermen will 4o -with these reports, but those especially who are engaged in. the. meat business will await- the result of ' ; their- deliberations with paJnful Interest :'ry'vZ J..'k TWO MORE TRAILS GOING. . Southern to Drop Trains No. 85 and S Between : Charlotte arid ; Waah- 1ngtn-What May Ensue. ' I: v ! There is a welt authenticated-rumor afloat to the effect that the Southern will drop trains Noa. 85 and tod Suttday. .; While no official an nouncements of this change has been made, it Is ' credited by those wha are in touch with railroad . affairs. No. 36 will arrive from Atlanta, Ga as heretofore, and connect with No. 80 from Jacksonville f or Washlhgf ton. xram -no., so wm not leave here, for Atlanta nntll after No. 29 arrives. The cutting off ef these two trains between Charlotte and Wash ington is in keeping with the South ern's policy of retrenchment as . ex emplified in the elimination of trains wo. , 11- and V 12 between , ,cnari9tte and , 'Danville last Sunday. " A Charlotte traveling man, who wasr discussing this'' rumored change with an . Observer, reporter last night, stated thet If the Southern continued its retrenching policy, much further that North Carolina 1 and Virginia would not have , a better service than the charter of the Southern calls, for, namely, "one train each way every day." - - thirteen men to support thirteen mis sionaries; within the bounds ot the Syon. The pressing need was never before so strikingly presented and the spirit displayed on the part of laymen as well as the ministers present au gurs great things fgr the cause In the State.' :' '-'i I.' The meeting was held in the parlors of the Central Hotel with the follow ing named present: Rev. Colin Mun roe of Ijenoiri Rev. R. P. SnIth, of Asheville; Rev. W, R. Winter, of Lin- eolnton; Rev. W. D. Morton, of Rocky Mount? Dr. ?R. F. Campbell, of Asheville; Rev, William Black, or ua- vldson: Rev. S. M. Rankin. 01 Greens boro; Rev. Dr. A. D. Mclrfire, of Wil mington; Rev. Dr. H, a. mil. 01 Max ton; Mr. w. Henry Beik, of Charlotte and Mr. T. B. Bailey, of Mooresvllle The session was called for the purpose of considering the resignation or su pirlntendent R. P. Smith, who desir ed.' to devote'; hla entire time to the work In the bounds' of j. the, Asheville Presbytery, perlence. O. A. Q , care Observer. WANTED For U. S. vtmy, able bodiedi unmnrrted men, between ages of SI and K, oltliens of united Statca, of good oharaoter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Wn wanted, now for servlca In Cuba. For Information annly to Recrultina Officer. IS West Trade St." Charlotte. N. Cj X6M1 Sputh Main gt, AshevHln, N. Ci Bank Butldln. Hickory. N. ,C.l 41TH Idbwrty LKt, , Winston-Salem. N. C.J 12tiV North main oi. oaiiBDurjr. r. -( ivhm TmllSlnar. Cntumblit. 8. Ci Havnesworth and Conyer Building Greenville, 8. CJ or uiena nuuciinic. oparunounc. o. u. FOR SAf.K.' FOB t 8ALE-At McCray refrigerator; comparatively newt ; in active service three months.. Else about 8x10 teef. ori ginal cost about WIS. for a quick buyr SJlit frets- it. Address P. o, box li. lAiirlnburg, N. C. ;" ; FOR. paTE Sawmill outfit consisting ot one votoe null rone teed nracticaw lyniw.-Patent appliance for removing sawdust. All belting In first-class con- FANCY GOODS of all kinds at Flour- noys. FOR TOUR health's sake, use Barium Springs water. Ask jno, n. rnarr. . LEATHER GOODS-Handsome port folios In solid learner. iianasomB pre- ents. Queen City Printing co. FANCY GOODS Of all kinds at Flour. noys. - s FIND the laraest and best Dolls for tha money at journoys. 4 BARGAINS Win save you over halt 1 your money on Chrtstmas presents. In- pect our stock. , ; Queen City Prlnung Co.--.'v'i '-vf. -:;,::-: - - i ' " '. - '" ' CIGARS-Chrlstmas pacUnges from Kt to H. a Michael, - Central Hotel , Cigar Stand. FANCY GOODS of all kinds at Flour-- noy 's. -''- f ; :: '' . ,; -'-,;"?'-':' " ' ' ' :JZjH' SEE THE handsome Cups and Saucera at Fouraoy'a, : ' , TVPEWR1TKR REPAIRING Largent ' and best equipped, shop in the Sutj;. , Bt work and prompt service. .T. E.. Crayton & Co., !1T S. Tron itpxt. Phone 8M. v ' ' ' ' TAt-TY CARDS All designs at less than:, half price. Queen CltyPrlntlng Co.. , a LADIES' BEDROOiyi DESKS Mtr a full and free discussion" ot rf'J . "L" the whole "Ituatlon. it was VSacM.'. Averag net to accept Rev, Mr. Smith s reslg-. wel-ht lm puna. oood condlUon. 8 nation, but-to 're-elect, him for n.aMJ log , wagons, 8 of which arwrnew. other 4 year, ' it being i convincingly f Also chains and grab complete. : For shown that the work would suffer If j particulars address Box 71,, Pembroke, he gave it np and that the need was if. C. , : never more -urgent. id curoiw' : , th'A meetlnr wai Mr. W. H. Beik's or fer to be one of thirteen men. each to maintain a' mls9ionarv within tne bounds of the Synod. One of the fea tures of ihemeetinv was the stirring address of ev. William Black, synod leal evana-ellst. The sslon was a most harmonious and enthusiastic one...'.( , , '".',... JfOR S4LE-Revolvlng book caae -with nnng doxbb igr aonuraeniv ana icgiu and insurance blanks under lock and key. Address D, care Observer.., :-'.;. . FOR SALE Bargain la stereoptlcon, with to slides. Monthly payments.. U P. Bogle, Caroletn, N. C Chid Porter Serves Notice, on Slangh- V:; ; , , tee, House Jim. :,'.- Chief Sanitiary Insnector Porter has served holies on the proprietors of the buwnerlng establishments; wwen FOR 8ALE-lmproved Victor tapering arm talking machlno and a splendid se lection of reoords-about-60. All Infirst- rama nnnltlnn. mn : irnruf H' nW. Pr- gala t cash purchaser. Address Victor, "tare The Observer. 1 a '(' Phrtier - Gardner Co, FOR RENT. ara seina eonductea in ine cuy in vio- nr Tw.i hnu latlon ef the city ordinance and un-, clM9 t Brid,, &Ce.. less action authorising other, conduct 4 1-.. ..o , , ., r j en 'his part by a repeal of the ordt- j FOR' RENT Oft SALE House opposite nance or modeatlon thereof 1 tak- (. - Myers Park, -.with five acres land, fwelt :by the atdertnen by the thne -the .fflar': IB-flay', notice, expires.; warrants wui wini; . , , FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS fine is. provided for and the ordinance ron . RENTModern - 7-room haevbeen technically in force for: a " Worthington Ave Dllworth. good while, but the chief haa been -net-. Mrs. J. W. Carr. 'Phone 6s0. ing under Instructions from , the city government In .waltlnf .v',5fwr";:.'-,','"': . hoUsv , 'Phone V Immlgranta For.Georgia. ( W-iMtnnah. Oar -Dec. " 10. The I v 1 w, r.i. tviA.ta witk!Pwer is avaiiaoie. - wouin noia steanyhlp Eugenia, from p,1!:' ning mill equipment of 6,Wi spindles or FOR RENT We will rent the manufac turing building known as eur "city Shops. ,r The building is 40 fet wide, 113 feet long, four stories, mill construction, sorinkled. heativt. llorhted and . elecUlo pnwer Is available. - Would hold a spin Shop Windows Like Scenes ; Prom . , Wonderland., . - v , Reference has been made previous ly to the.artlwtlo work of the window decorators of the Charlotte stores. It is more evident every day. - Many of the windows have been transformed Jot tearing' oft : tha weatherboardlng' Into veritable scenes, from XalryUnd l" ; i fr. some wares ; of -eoursaJend, them- from an.emptyouse in Norto Char. lotte, buiiaing, wiu ve "v1" fire In whose ruddy - warmth?, they basked contentedly. They could not raise the; money and went to Jaiiu Mary Lou Powell was fined 810 and ' costs for disorderly conduct -Charlie Brown forfeited hla bond of $10 for amrearance tor trial on a f. warrant rising nuisance olJtaftt' B!,Dralran and " disorderly V' induct cost J.' W. Patterson 810 and Wra costs. W. M.' Morgan forfeited an appear ance bond Df ItQ for cruelty to his urnrffnn wan arrested once bs- . fore on a similar charge, ut wu let 1' go on -tne conawon - iv " mvv lie not repeated. ' - tonds of 85 were forfeited byNen : iti.- mnA rhpater. Benton for be Ing drunk. Bedford Jol'y was, fined ' ts and cwta for simple assault Some wares ; ot course 4nd them selves 'to nhe ; decorator's - art with greater readiness and in a greater de gree than others,' hence there Is a difference In V' tha appearance. . In nearly every store, howfver, -from hardware to book atore, an attempt is being -made for will -be made to at tract special attention and to typify the holiday season.. ,;' V . 't " Among the windows whlch are at tracting attention are those, of the Little-Long Company on North Try on, i the Kress store, Thompson's, Berryhill-Suther Company's, Stone- Barringer Company's, Van Ness' and many other MBrteIweJSr, to Be Dedicated to Mr. Mlsa Cornle Fore, of the manage ment of the Presbyterian College an nual, an-d her corps of aaslstanta, have been soliciting advertisements for that publication, for the past few weeks, Marked success has rewarded itheir effort. 4 Tha annual, - which beara the .poetic name of 'Edelwelssf,"; 1 is edited jhls year i iby the : senior class. At a meeting of the seniors a few daya ago It was decided- to dedl' cate this year's book to the memory of Mr." John Charles McNeill, who was an' honorary member of oneof the literary societies at the collegevt-. The ."Edelweiss"-; last year wan , a high-class, production of tha ' first rank, and judging from the personnel 01 us stair, wis year s wm rise to tne mark of the best,, if it does not pass It. , t 1 .'i'-. - ' "" " T' ' r 1 ln.'" 1 f .'"'..i s,'... Board of Directors toSIeet v The regular monthly ; meeting of the board of directors of the Young Women's Christian Association . will be held in the association roms this morning at 11 o'clock. The member shin v committee will meet at 10 o'clock and the campaign - committee at 10:80 o'clock. It Is desired that all these committees meet promptly in order-that they-may e aoie to transact what business they may have on hand before the board meet ing. .'- V - . m ffrst'lot of l.mmlgtanta fw, thltwouM mak am ctory for knit g Fate,. arrived to-day. About 800 ofiiios. ovpralla, trousers or other sit the new mrrlvale will fee sent Into the interior countlea. , FOR oods, mllar mnnufactnring. The D. A. Tompkins Co. , . BADLY SnXED XT. -Abraham Brown, of Wtnterton, N. hi a.vrv remnrkable expurlen-ie; re ,; ' Doctor rot badly mixed ip over (L; ine said heart disease; two called It Lwnfy tro'iMe: ttie fourth. Mood polnon, i and. the, fifth stomach ahd liver trouble; . b it nenc ct them helped my wife Sdvlsd trying Kfet tric mttr, fc which ,r retorliig me to perfpet healthy One hottle did me move good than elMhe nv doctors prpicrlVrd."" G'iarflntesl for Mood pnlson, wifakneos and ail stomach r liver and kidney complaints, by all drug To Celebrate North Carolina Day, - North Carolina-Pay . wlll;.be cele brated Interestingly and appropriately by the schools of the State December 10th. which al'a on Friday 'week. Heretofore these exercises have been held on October 18th, which Is also University Day,; when that Institution celebrates ' tha .. momentous incident which marks the .beginning of . its life, when the fathers gathered 'neath the spreading limes or tne uavia pop lar and decided on the location of the institution. This yr, jhowever, this date was deemed too. early t for : the majority of the schools especially for thnm ln the country many of which had not opened, and so - December 20th has been fixed Instead- -- rocxp. FOI'ND-Oold bar"pln7" same at Observer office. Owner can get HHBCfcUiAMIOOUK. ' OOOP1! CQUW MRMCINE The fceason for coughs and colds I now at hand and too much care rannot be lined to protect the children. A chliu is iriich more likely to ointraet diphtheria or scarlet fever vnen ne naa 1 a com. Th.i ! CHICKERING and Ivers & Pond oiHokcr'ouciiro jbm we , pianos.- The king. of Christmas gifts. rsa. nm"rr' j . .. ,., . r.uru; ,n j j ftrKcr-uaraner to. tew ot tnose wno mvi mm 11 sr win ing to ue any other. Mrs. F; F. Starch er, of Rlnley. W. V.. says. "I hnvo iiaver: used, anything other than Cham berlain's Couirh Remedy for ny ehlfd ren and it has- always given go-d aatls oftnn " . Thl ramAilv enntalna . ma opium or other narootle and may be giv en as confidently to a child as to an adult, For sale by W. L. Hand A Co. Weak Women ' To weak and ailing women,' there is at bait one L way to help. . But with that way, two treatments. nut be combined. One Is local, one is oontuuv tlonal, but both are Important, both MMOtiat ; Sr. Shoop'i Kigbt Cure is the Local, V tr, Btjoop'i EectoraUve, the ConitlUitianal. TlisfonTOr--Ih-,8lw traeous membrane suppoiltory ittatAf, while Sr. Bhoop'iSertorativeis wholly an internal treat, pent, The Restorative reaches throughout tha entire trstam. leaking the repair of HI, Aerre, all tlwoe. and all blood ailments. : V-P Th "Nlaht Cute", as tta nam tmplUa, doe Its work while you ileep. It ioothe tare and in flam- No OftlrlaLMcetlns; of Health Board. No official meeting of tha' board of health was held last blrnt. owinr to the absence from the. city of several fi mnm ttrrtitoL hru local weakneaaei and members whose opinion it was desired i dincbargea, while the Kettomtlve, eaaes nervous to nave peiopj.aenmie, or nnai huuh . ciiBmeaL tnt renewed ricor and atubiuon. is taken onany of the matters taken ; un., j A number of nuestlons; pertain; Ing tiy the weUare of the citya health conditions were oiacusseq. ; xpene con sisted mainly in devising and planning; the beat ways to keep the city clean, being matters of detail wholly. Salisbury ,aitd rtohlbitlon,r, : " 'Is there' anything In tha nature of a fight en liquor brewing in Sails-' hury?" asked an Observer man of a prominent Sallsburian last night -. . "Not. before next t spring ;i at the earliest,' wa the reply.s"And then It depend If the prospects for State prohibition continue good; -v a . local fight may not be risked." ' buildt up waited tissues, bringing about renewed StMSath. vteor. and energr. Taka Dr. Mioop's Eertoratlve-TablotS or Uauld-M a general tonia t tothesrstea, F positive local help, use as well PARQAINS-You will -be surprised at the bargain prices we have on Booh ana wiristma piesenta. Queen city i'nnurg v, , WHISKEY drinkers should use Barium Springs Water to restore heAlUt to their " burnt out stomachs. Barium Springs Co., N. C. - WD WOULD not be Imitated if our work was not a suci-ms. Queen Dty Dyeing ana cleaning works. v . , DO NOT. FAIL to see" the new styles la Leather Davennorts . and . - couones. Nothing so acctptable as a gift Park-, ruaruner ta. MAOAZINES-yWe can save you from 19 per cent, to 25 per eent, on the sub scription price of any maaasine or publi cation. ; Queen wy rnnting vo, ; SPECIAL BARGAINS in Felt llatreaeea. The iS kind at 112.60. Aleo. a special it at, 86.&0. parker-uaraner wi. THE ANNUAL MEETINO ef the stock- 'holdnra of the cnanotta BuiKunx Loan Association will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In their office. 2u8 North Tryon street. All stockholdera ere re-juestcd. to be present, 4 FIND the largest and best Dolls for the .money at rlournoy s. , d on iJgM;- 8;::o ' Mullens pharmacy. - - 4 n -k tf OLuOiJ'O SEE'TIIQ hnndtome Cups and Saucers at Fournoys. -c f i-.". " ma I "; LEATHER Chairs and .Rnekers. The largeet stock ln the State tw select froni. Parker-Oerdner Co. FIND the (ara-oft and best Dolls for the money at , Flournoy . ' - AtlTOWORILE- absolutely free- Ask Miller Clothing Cp. , COsTtTMERSIn bras er wood, various finishes. Just the thing for the bed room to hang your cloihos on. . I'arkur- Gardner Co. - ' 13 REWAnn. and no auctions aeked, for the return of my ovMroat takfti ftom pullce omce on Monday last. M. Shunnonliousa, . Holiday shoppers will find here an 1 unusual dl-, play of Ladles' Deeka.-; Suitable they are for any , room in the home. . -' - We show them in Oak. Mahogany, Bird's Eye Ma- . pie and Curly Birch. The prices are . most reasonable and they ; begin at $5.50 and go as high as. ;65.00. . 1 t PARLOR- AND- LIBRARY 'TABLES ' An endless variety of ' Parser and Llbray' Tables. ? Almost any style and prlcei that you can imagine. , ', , Come and look' over .our -stock to-day. ' with everything In tha way of Cut Flowers. Th best service. Tne Here wa are again. , Thr choicest selection of Cut Flowers. lowest pricea consistent with quality. - - Just word about our Fancy Carnations, Roses, Lily of the Valley and Violets, They are the New York kind. . The best ever. Don't fail to secure eome of them. DILWORTII FLORAL GARDENS, . W. O. McPhee, Prop. Ctuurlotte, N. C r 'Phones: Night call 881; bnslness 800. ' '' iHH 4r414wa2ri,'a 44Ha44Naw' 4,4HaM4MV4' 424 f Thorn p go n Hospital (INCORPORATED). LUMBERTON, N. C. . A well equipped hospital for the treatment of ajl non-contagious, medical and surgical cases. Hot and cold baths. Competent corps of trained nurses. ' Special department for the scientific, ethical and humane.treatment , of whiskey, and drug habits. Descriptive circular sent on request. DR. N. A. r Resident Pbyalviau and General Manager, - ; - LUMBKItTON, N, C. V , r Presbyterian College For Women CHARLOTTE, If. O. - .Open's September 5th, 1907., Catalogue furnished: - upon application. , ' : ' Rev J. R. Bridges, D: D.i President J (INCORPORATED.:. ' CATTIAL ETOCTC f39,0CM&. Thla la tha largest best equipped Ousineae colleire tn JTrth Cnro-i llna a poettlve, provable fact. Book-keeping. btiorU-and, Uyv wrltina" and'Teleir phy taught by etrerts. Positions guarantee! c money back. Railroad fare pajd, rlte for our new Catajja a.- Offer. Addresa King's Bualntss Colle;K Charlotte, K. er K-iV '. gists, two.