. 1 1 7- 1 ( no c. a s cf ( Op t;.a this uvi . .nr.f nt'g c aftrnoon and hi i::uiet t:-e i" 'J "ul timate of while the a was fcteady in tone, prices showed t loss of 44 to 43 Doints. tales esti- cf r t t r. -I fit (, :'),0 i) bales. !i n .iiiift opened steady at a decline 1 to 6 poiuia and durinir the early ma sold off to a net loss o 10 to 13 its owing to disapjiblntlngr English Ips, reports of an easlor spot basis In i bouthwest and scattering liquidation, ilngr for short account was : hold In fCk by apprehensions of renewed hull airport however, and before the gov ernment report was Issued had rallied to n.23 for January and 11.39 for. March, nr to 13 DOlntS net Mirhr Th ronnrt estimating the crop at 1I.W8.00O exclusive of linters, wan just about 4a line with avorage expectations hut uHniiv it. appointed some of the larger Ion Inter- mo jiiarxei lor it wan followed i ' i v.; ecu tone noml'ml; receipts j.iv.i; is IT il 1 ret receipts stock C7,;-j4; I 1 - , - .i e ( Pf-t rfv it. i s 1" '-. Sales 1,3; f'a , , tOet.wi.- S i i t'harloatnn oonstwise 24. Tin... umirjgton, tone stead; middling U: i ... a " gross receipt f.jsi " ,,,""ci "ne eady; middling net receipts S,6i; gross receipts 6,515;. sales S6.i; Wck 40,802; coastwise 4.615. feaitlmore, tone nominal; middling lift; xt ,r yl" 1,3l'Di stock 8,2,-a. New York, tone steady; middling 11.85: ",S'P" UCT; stock 144,840; contl- Boston, tone ataarfv. mMiina. n receipts 62; gross receipts 139; Gt. Britain rnuaaeipnia, tone quiet; middling 13.10; ";" -ovwi.ai? W. BLOCK J,. JI. I Guards against decay. 1 . Protects your -buildings. Defies the element. The Pioneer ready-to-lay roofing. ;. ALWAYS OX TOP.. and ill. ana for prices samples Greensboro Supply Co. Greensboro, N. C ...... u"vn nmoeii accompanied Df ,?!, . V-OnSOlldatMl . at all So no. Sh,B.t?,in 4S6M: Frano ,538; nonU. )i.iraorainariiy acUve liquidation. There r scaie aown ana some or. the local nulla ninn M v.- K,..,t..- uul ine aciina nntiHl.. ji. t -u luiai flinnaj Rrtt u a An( !lh?.rtly' Mor the .close -Tan-1 il.aub.438t. Itai ' i : inn Mimn i in.7 i -j--,, . otiuubiii vi.zai.4X! Jimn ThlM flrtiM. i.- ..." unW . . . v . '." mgn pojnt of the .dar ot 58 to 06 points jd a loss of about $2.50 a bale iyi mo closing figure of last night .The close was a little tip from the low est on covering. The trade Is eetirnatln linters at. about S00, 000. bales. and Joeal v. c?? .that the government has ?ll'rert,iI?aAed .th0 cotton, crop ' by the smoimt of the linters and at least 40(1,000 bales o that In their- tinlotr the figures to nt to an actual yield of about W.4(X).0OO Slit8?1"!14 SW.COO. tho - commercial froB of last vr. . .,;.. . Receipts at the ports T5.8C5 against i m last week and 76.029 Inst yar. for 1 7, MflUrst S7145? last week and 434.JS1 last yer. To-day 'i r-relpts.at mvTJbWDi. J? "rSr'.I t2,n?-twuly!' middling UH,: kiV b" receipts 27,623! shipments 26.078; sales 846; stock 67,543.-' rani1.!?; ta,Vtf.M QUlet; middling U14: net Sffii-iSr01 ro Mcelpts 3.83S; ehlp. AiFmpr.is. tone steady: net receipts 4,838; . gross snipmenis l.ozo; sales 700: ntnrl ssrtr.n ' ' : . AVtOoo, ; .1-. 1 ' v;""- ""eipts iiz; gross re. t5..Ti-!itr "i""1" ; stock uoofi. -uiovuic. lone nrm; mMiiiinr na kock tone steady: mlddllns? middling 'UH: CARDS MASON MAOHIMP-IAin TAUNTON, COMBERS 1 V' ?vmap8. UP MACHINES SOUTHERN OFFICE AT CHARLOTTE fcuwiw HOWARD. AcrNT. FRAMES ;Th tbycm st CHARLOTTE. H. Ot ' II Li Csvolvlnx Flat Cri, Railway Head. Drawing Frame, f?lanlnx Frames, 1 Twlsteirf and Spooler , QuI!Irs and Reela, Loom, r', . 1 - J. ETOe trtx. vlutbers, tffvlax Primes V Intermediates, Jack Frame) .. Ci.lTAlUB L ATLAM. 4 .? . Do- Automatic FeeJ;r3, r c Openers and Trun! Breaker, Intermedhte " ; ' : Finisher Lappers, KlrschnerCerdlnz Dct:r2 Thread Extractor, , Waste Pickers, eti Raw Stock IVycria -EICETC- MULES :' LOOMS little .SSS la MrL:"T'': r rV'"":'.- .twv V'"",,', snipmenw ax; StPfk 4.TSS innA. L' ' - '-.LirJ gross ; . Knr-port Which Han Been in," Evidence ' . i,r f0 Time Abondoned Affscti , , Whole Mst; ; :'--- jc-y- v Kew York, Dec 10.-The support for t the raaritet, which has been persisted in unn pasi,- was eviaenuy acsu doned to-day, hut whether voluntarily or , r Jorcjpjy wu not clear. . -There was lur ther calling of . loans by the bank:fol- lowing that tf yesterday and the csU money rate was run up ta li compared ' "ml. ? mlmurn rate- ot ' W . ycaterdav. " t J .i M(l taa ct' on speculaave , sentiment, but the force of tne. depre , ;lon- was more direct than through ef- ICCt On. SentlmpTlt Tlio aallii.a- ed especially or the Hill stocks and t Heading, and as those stocks bad 1een picked out for, the most conspicuous op t ' J0" nppojrting the advance their sudden elapse was cf marked sympa . thctla effect on the whole market Some reiauve resisunce wag shown by. the coppers. u' - .'i . t imtncial sentiment Is sensitive td the inrge continuance of the grain of Kew - iw-K, tne interior demand has madb, 1 .S'h'SilJ tn Persistent heavy transfers. , J ni demand a keeping up. the premium ni,K..kllU.. ... : -T""" V- Vt"10 NBW banks to-day. J rovernment's favofable estimate 960; Stock 272,a9. .w-r i6' w-lour dull tnd iwiri:... flow llet Buckwheat wk. f vornraeai steady. Rye dull. -.1-' .v1""' ""y; o. z rea iv. 55. rot eteadyr No. i. 7 elevator. ;Ju ,0M c' Bet ll,s,M'r- 15- ,7; May 2 Oats, spot steady: mixed 54. ' Beef iV" Ioaay: western prime W.35.tef IS4o. Refined ' steadv. . Pork steady, Family S18.B0. , Tallow quiet' Pe rui. ' nown easy, strained com mon to aooa 14 ?s 4a r,,, oif-aay, Moiasses steivdv. raw nrm; fartr refining t3 30 to cpommyii a saat 13.77 to.. 83.85; mMe-ses:.iirar l 16 3.1B: r-flned quiet tos No. V 7. Mild coffee steady. 5r dora 9? to 13 Future, quiet at net i w iw points. Titter , steadv, unchanged. ' Chcwa uncimnKeo. narga nrTn( unchang-d. rrejehts and pesnuta quiet and eteadv -"""'a .r"t". sheets to 83. -ax-Lueca uun, i uncnangeq. CHARnOTTW PftODHCH. THE JOEL . HUNTER COMPANY (Chartered) I . t,, i, ' avwiaaij dAD AUDITORS. s . Cost Systems. T. . , . " jxuik jbununauons. Empire Bldj., AUantA, Ga, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. NEW TORK COTTON. New tork, Dec, JO.-Snot closed .tanrtv 80 points lower: middlln? nniinii tnr.. miaouing guir t'.io; no wUen. . - Futures opened and clwed steady. , J Onon f ltl!i Ttv Cln.- 1'ec.' .. ... ll.ui . 1.m ii ii it on . ... il. (ft 11.23 lO.fao Feb. 11.12 hid - March !.. ... 11.20 n sn . m 7i April 11.26 . H.25 u.a May .. ..i 11.29 H.4K im June .. . jo.90 10.9U July ;. .; ... 11.23 r; ti le , ,i 7 Aug. ... . 11.00 . U.05 ' 10.47 10.70 10.74 10.79 10.83 10.84 10.81 10.7S 10.53 ?LJ hr "n p had but .moderate ef- Hens-per' head . Cotton heed OIL Aew irork. ,Dec. 10. Totton nil ws nrm tor spom out easy tor futures. Prime crude 28;. prime summer vaIIow as- orr summer yellow 87 to 37 ; good off summer yellow 37 to 3714; prime winter juiuiu wuner yeiiow . . NEW TORK CATTLE MARKET. New Tork, Dec. ID. Beeves. 8.70; exports 760 cattle and 8,100 auar- i oecime m prices proved to b consider. Ducks r. -la ... Z '""" 'T1 J. Calves, receipt 498. Veals SS to tAmi aoie. v v .pK. ,,n.4 .;,':,v.."A...v'. Egm.''X M" '5? Western 83.75 to $4.25; y-arllnga feitV J'- ,frd' S1. talue.200 - ftja-a arewd calves dull except fof prime" r!L5f ?a':2?M changed t? call. Rye- XX .V.f V"""".M"' iS20 Yal. City dressed veals 88 to $14; wun- ' k OTtS: 6 Cotton seea lZZZZZE U8 SL"Sft Pennsylvania - 22,000; : , Readin SS?1: J3.100; a tlnloii '".. eminern Kr.. i vi- 15,600: Pacific pfd. 600 Baltimowit Dec. lu.-8eaboar (iiwcrrm, noining doing. - , CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET,,' Chicago Dec 10. (Vmu .tWinta ,,. maiea at a?mut 6.000: iht t a.Mn . "V" w CIWl 12. to tO M WI- flaif. ere ?z.w to $45 ealves la ,,' - v Hogs, ; receintn M om m ' ilifitt-tyfa illpPiir W 8 o H H ;' light I Hogs, . receipts. t 84.85 to 8& " . XJCTV i ORK, IJOXDS. U. 8. refunding' Js registered .. U. S. refunding 2s coupon .,4 , j. o. oh registerea sheep 1.50. steady V common noining aeing. - - ' i-i irc- standard Oil 468. I 73 wl ri.l:MmM to H40F . cnolc uw W D, 8. New 4s registered V.7.. V - V S-- i ' ; Sheep. -receipts 12,000. steady.'-' W, VrX.V-" ' to therver ZHaI ?'V-9tt' Atchison general 4 .... ."... f .. Hnlhanl ' Special .."J101- Cf W.-in Liverpool the trad h4ve been selling for the past two S .Ktih'?a4fy." on 1116 theory that In th t pubjished. interview, with Secretary Wll w.1? time aco In which he stated Thar thie was the third largest crop he meant J2.OM.eoo, ; ;Thi afnoou Ihey , have been buying on the decline, while ..everyone on this side has been' sellli.i out on the idea ? that H.678-.09O ? bales m.ans overn.OCO.OOO, because the fcumu m. 'Vf1"'! "wtlrflated the crop. If JhiL'fi11-1 'wcrrect, it means that -awT a. a. 4t ' V VVS J " IU UtJ Kin "? fIareuWt 'H "won, Out Southi ern friends know whw u. .ui. - Yi" expeot the market will be 'ItVftrv.imoiToT nd movement hlrtcefS: 0r T1U Tr. The Money Market, - - - " wv. 4u money dq . iuwuib i strong, 12 to 25 per cent ruling rate o- Paltlmore i I closing Wd 15; offered 1! ."".f"? W Brooklyn Atchison adjustment 4a ofd I 'm " V ' "-vi, v , t lAuuHra wosii Line u,, r . vw. . 4U. iuunrr eaii i "!v""w a...,. er. wmo. SMiS., ... .. ., Rapid Transit cv. 4. months 8.. .Prime numnMu I Central of fWnria lar Tnn r ; t 'Ii' ct"o8 very weak with ac H'l" 1n bankers' bills at 480.20 o."...? "VJ?,- iqmmeroal blU Mexican . udvemmwi oond steady, pond easy.. ,.-. ' 104 105 ' 118 118 61 -94 Vi 85 l vi ! 86 , pfd.. lfH 1M 28 8 134 ... 3 15 15 19D. 35 8f 41S 19 6 32Mi 1ST 22 8 dollar Railroad . s''Kaval Stares. tirnI!iia?,-.Eie- JO-TPlrit turpen tine firm,' 44 ; sales 754; receinta shipments xi&b.,: , ra S i?K. t0. H'iJH I 8S.50; K 14.80 otted.T:",.,V quoUtlons NEW ORT.ira VO evmmi New Orlean Dec. lO.-Cotton, T spot F - -20 N. Q ; w 880. L'fJl6: .,mlddUn le were 800 bele on the snot and 1.825 to arrive. v.TUi.U8 "peMO "eady. 2 to 4 points , jrelow the close yesterday: as a result of V.a av,CM frora Liverpool, In -ra)eXE?Cttl0n bullish IT? limt by government there was an advance of w more nolnts As J'S .nce1 h keto" fnutd -t?ro5 mor nwvous and the fluctua tions were frannant . t ai-.i .lowing the announcement of to. ,'menfs figures on the erop estimate that -, drop-which sangod frirn 80 to 2? points. January going from 11.89 to'HU- iior.ya.ftNml'-4lJS 1Li nd WPonding ' Th iffi.'i' W ftcUv montha' 1 t.J,, '.5' &W? Ornate oon. w2Sean& -J360- "-Receipts: barrels rosin; W barrels turti,Hn yjsxporu, none,' - .. V"" ; tine teady. iMrtSlarpen ts; i I, 1 i . I . ii I i hi XJw?w 'to the IJverpoolv market tolmrow. 9 iSi. wfc,ch wdy the Utve V 0"ir b4dS! Dec. ll.Ml -Tan I ion JO to 15 higher. 1 h,."i: -APrU 10. vunv yuiy u.uti. 1 10.93; Feb. May 11.P1; . , nnlt'more Protliiee. . , Baltimore. ' Deo. , Irt.-riour " easier prlng patent '18.80. to $5.75. T Wheat weak' ' it.i ata wW,- ?rn --'"ler : old spot t Oat firm: No. mixed to Si Rve -Arm; Na 3. Western t to T 87 Butter r ? J"" tottitlim 24 to 2S: d( eream! "iji-, oo.jaoie 22 to 23. . r.nm mt-A 31 to 8?,i Cheese firm- la . v i WHEAT May s,? lecember July COhN. .r . May ..; ., December uiy .. .w OATS.. . tJecember Julv i." PORK. . . . January iy ," .... -:- High Low Close) . '1004 ' '100 ; 10 f . 84H- .ecu .1KSV'' 83H 47 7H 12.47 t unchanged. J14JA; flats 14H;;smhiu January ,. .. .. , 7.77 ; Dry Onon", rrltet. 1 rrsae continue joiton. varr ara mZ L.nJ 'JTw 9. ve.-wtaln. . Lining !' 5t'Jr 7,r"1 t Jower orlr.. Hoi erv and underwear for f!l win not he hut .the majority, of manufacturer w 11 not.showthelr lines until January T' May , ':, ...' ' 8.77 -4.12 i 1 .-.., .... i--.,8J6 I.Ji T.78 i 7.77 .77 8.92 LIVERPOOL COTTON. i ." CHARLOTTE COTTON. ' These figure reYn-aaanf r - m. anT araiw KagJU I minnnna- x ai- r a WAlA & AAA ' -.at :h'ct!. lr MOTlaffor i and tn- ...Vi.,u,ul$ American, : future Central of Georgia 2d Inc. 'bld.v c ventral vi ueorgl& M inc. Dld....i' tneeapcaKe & Ohio 4M-S,, . ,vu... vmcago. .'Alton 3H told. -v. :,,- Chicago, B. & Qulncy .new 4s...... Chicago, R, L: & Paclfle R R. 4s. Chicago, R. I. p. n. R: col. Ss.. C, C e & St Louis gen, 4s. ... Colorado Industrial 8s Series A.... Colorado Midland; 4s.. V.. Colorado & Southern 4s.. .. ...., Cuba 5s hid ..i... ..... .. ."C Denver ft Rio Orande 4s bid !!. DisUllere' Securities 8., ,. Erie prior lien 4 ..... .... . Erie General 4a hid - Hockmsr Valley 4s ofd., Japan 4H cerllflcata. Japan 4Hs. certificate 2d Series bid'; jjimiifiiw naenviite untried 4s Manhattan consol .rold 4 . Mexiesn Central 4s. i s. ... 'i..:..-' ..-? , Mexican Central 1st Inc.. .; :; W Mlnnr & St. Louis 4 hld'w " 78 M ssouri. Kansas A Texas 4s bid: i S3 New. York New Jersey North ern. Pact fin 4 Northern Paclfle- Da Mil Pennsylvania ev; .... Ft. Lojtils & Iron Mountain eol.1 ea st. U A tan Franolsco fg. 4 bid St. Louis Southwestern consol" Southern Pacific Is. . , . . , , t Southern Paclfle 1st 4s ceralflca'ta'; Canhdlan Pacific ..... Central of New Jersey Chpaa noa Ira aV rthln Chlcavo Great Chicago & Northwestern s Ch cago, Mil.1 is (St. Paul .. Chicago Terminal & Transit ut-Nvgo .t erminal & Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron Co orado & Southern . .Colorado & Southern 1st preferred fv0 jcta ini".r.v'." tXirn iTOducl. HaHrvlno. nX Delaware & Hudson 7.' .... l'"" Dblaware Lackawanna & West.'. Denver & Rio Grande .... 7oW0 Graai preferred:; Erie .?? BecurlUe" V. Erie 1st nrAfArraU"! .. ..... trie Id preferred V.V General Electric .V.: ... .... IUinol Central . ., Internaf'nn-,1 t.r.. """ "" International Paper preferred '.''''" Ki International Pump ..... . ." L. anternatinnai -Pnmn Iowa Cwiiral .T, " Iowa Central preferred Kansas City Southern ...... Kansas city Southern preferred IOU SVl H Koahulll Mexican Central . M iineepolls A St Louis ..... m - L1' 8te. M, Miiia.. nt, w.. v Mnitir uta maT Mesouri, Kansa ft Texas ... NaS hlT Tpx" National R. R. of Mexleo"nM'"r.'M New York, Central .... .. 7"-" New Yfirlr rtna.li a. r... '."' " Norfolk: Weiem Pacific Mall .. .. ... Pennsylvania .... .... People's Gas ..... .... " Pittsburg, c. C. & St LouV..',".". " Pressed Steel Car .... Pressed Steel Car preferred .'. Pullman Palace Car .... ' " 5 Reading " 95i5 ! Heading let preferred"..";;"..""" 63. , goading 2d preferred .... '.'.'.'. m i ncpunuo Hteei . : , our , bemUful display ct ho flay Good! . Nothing Ilk i it ever shown Ja Charlotte' Watches, . Diamonds, T Fine Jevrelry, Cnt Glass, Silver and 1 Hand-Painted China Novelties of U kind. prices and quality r guaranteed. Coupon with every cash purchase of $1.00. v Ask for them. M 1 - ' j ! GARIBALDI, BRUMS ! & DIXON I -I.- ,'.i.v i v,,,. 1 .v.,,,, ?" Viiih B. Charles COTTON TARNS. ' fX)TTO? GOODS . and corro.f WASTE. .ifVty- ;.i"f'A iKf'av;'''R";"''w.'''''. " '..1 - " ' Offlcea--?Mrlotte. N. C, Bo tofa. Bias, and AmsierdaA. If. X. aJalst Office Amstcrdaaa,' N. pfd. ' n : 1 Kepubllo Steol nrefonwi ,95V Rock Island Co' ; WX Wana" Co, preferred .'. "".': L leV ul? &Sa,J Francisco 3d pfd... 2.111- V0"1,' Southwestern .. ; 1 1- Southwestern preferred, fouthern Pacific ..... . wf'4iSluA1I.6r .'.no Pfefcrred ..' ''.'' m 1 fuiiuifrn Kau way ..... Texas & Pacl'fi,.. Toledo. St. Ijouia Toledo,. St. Loul TTnion Paciflo .... nwn Paeiflo preferrel .. , ' t'T, ted (States Express .... .. UnUed State Really . "" ' ' Jilted .States Rul'ber "... " ? r preferred ':; -.iai niaiM r?ffBl 794 9$ 91 2Si 16 97'4 88t4 m West.. & West pfd.. . Kansas ft Texas 2d Wd- SOU R, R. of Mexico col, 4a 7H rk Central general fu,,f .'ia,nlfal e,wa ., I" - noutnsm ruuiway s Texas ft Paoiflo 1st 100 824 . PI . 84'4 .lnr-4 ,7J j 81 .83 87 9S'i f.irt - - -ii- . 7 Toledo; 8t U A Vr.tW. Knlon, Pacific 4-.. .t'...7v 1,10 rnlon Pacific v. 4- rMn.i:'M J1.. western Md. 4s...- . 1 u Wheeling Lake Krl 4 nM : 'v, i?I Wisconsin Central 4s -Md.. J -'w Atcnison cv.. 4 M ;; ...iv.;; ra. j. ... ' . ..... ... ..... " B.i...iii. ',:...,-4.ii.ii.vi; Atchison cv, mterborough Metropolitan '2? 85 81 88 te wagons on Dec. frooa n.iuciing Strict middling Middling , loth. v. -.... 11.00 10.76 Athrn Knfferera Shonld Know This. . Foksy Jionev and Tar has cured many cases of shma that were considered Vn- Adolph Bueslhg, 701 West Third St, Davenport. Iowa, writes; ' "A rovere cold contracted twelve years ago ,vns neglected until It Anally rrew Into -sKnma. Ihe best medical niriu avattahia December-January . January-Febrnary.. Febmary-March ,. Mareh-April Aprtl-May ,. May-June June-July JulyAugust t-Sep ' ." i.; .... . ... . ;;vi:i"' vuBuni-nrnwmrier:..,.-(i tepTmor-uctot)r October-November .8! R.96U 8.97 8.M S.99 8.98 8.87 8.764 fid',. a nivmjAfn . tu-eni- troll-la en 1 11 an. to rtnirbiw ommmded xireiy cure-i me of asthma which had i2TnT0W ,n;..on m fop t'v yeara If 1 had taken It at the start I would ha-e and bcwel runn n 1 it'.la ; wlrtoadlaWeeiMo-Tke Kings New Life Pill should vl yT, t.tme53T- ' Guaranteed absolutely jaiWietwe- in ev,ry case orjnonoy tuck, at all dnj itvrts. CIAT8INC' STOCK LIST, fei ....,'"."i ' 1' 1 fl,:,. .i ..;....' ... .... -.. Adams Express .... , ij maigamaiea laopper i.:.. ;,,.. , Amencan uar & rounary ..v. 31T Amerlcaa Car A Foundry pfd.,....; ; 88 American Ccttcn Oil ..... .... .... rni American Expree . '..:....' .'...iy::c& s1 American Hide A Leather fd. m American Ice American Linseed Oil ... .. a American Linseed Oil preferred.v..? it ; American Locomotive ... gnti American Locomotive preferred...,, ' 87 American Smeltln & Rennin j rm. American Smelting A Refinln xrfd.a; i Amarican RnRsr Roflnlnv, V,,,,, American, tolmeco preirred certl. Ttv I Anneond -Mining . CoM.i.;;... , y.,vi; JgJ Aicuimin ..-.. .,,. -..... 71 Atchison preferred .. 1 r ! Atlantic Coast Line .... 70 Baltimore .It Ohio '., Battltnqr A Ohio preferred :,v '.S 78 1 Brooklyn, Rapid Transit ..; .'i..y ;? fcj JJnlted States Steel Preferred ra n a.,: Carolina Chemlcn! .. . wlKan ? Ca,n" Cftn"el Pfd. .. Vabash prrred' t;';.;.": "'" rgo Evpres ofd.. ,. Westinghous JZlectrie .... " . w estern union . .. . . Vhe.Ilpg A Lk Erf W scone in Central .... wisronslnjentml preferred . Northern Pacific-.... ......... Central Leather .... .... . Central Leather preferred .. , floss Sheffield .v! Great Northern preferred .. . Interborough Melropolltsn .. Interborough Metropolitan pfd 10; 1 01 11 29 23 5174 3'.4 It 22 M7vt - 61V4 66 88H - 904 ' 81 414 70 45 23 112 77 0 19 19. 143 90 71 70 IS M 13 72 107H 13 374 19 164 MVi 115 79. 18 88 14 74 ; VI 10 i4 4!tt4 3i 124 7 JWTi 18?t For Good Buildinir Brilr aaaress Rock HiU Brick Works, Rock Hill, s. a., : or- . v Catawba Brick Con Van Wyck. S. 0. , FRANK P. MILBURN & Ca ARCHITECTS WASHINGTON. O. O. BEWAPJC OF FREQUENT COLD.?. A succession of cold or a irQtrM.ji cold Is almost certain to end in chrfnid catarrh, from which few persona ever wholly recover. Give every cold the at tention it deeen-es and you mav a.u this dleagreeabl disease, Hew can ydu cur a cold? Why not s try Cliamt'er laln' Cough Remedyt ft Is hihitf ZZL bmmended. Mm,, M. White, of Butler' Tenn., sa.vsr- "Seventl years ago 1 wsi bothered with my y throat and v W. Someone t6M me of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. I heiran tilna- i .- ,7 n . vim,... iscia ana lung re soun py v. J Haud A Ok PABCPERIXO A MERICAX GIRLS. Social Importsnce Ont cf AJJ Propor. Won to Tliclr Aclilevement. December Centuri'. ' , ? The Importance of the young wo-' man, ia American society is out of all, proportion to her achievements, and jnaturally, where wuch Importance Is the- rule, the aoclal (tone, however "sray." Is unlntellectuai and devoid of the meHowness which make tha fjormal Intercourse of, hiKmen haino. an InsUtutlon. instead of helnr taught . vuuunwa tnni ner iDusineai la to jerve, and that her only chance of happlne ia in service aha U vi.t.,.1. ly taught that sverythinr mut be dona for her. Th reward of a wo man existence- love, respect, defer ence are thu praeed at tha . wronr end of life , , To berln with, the sense or values is lost by ths profurfon of v-ivisiinas, jtaster ana birthday pres ent showered unon hea ovar ... Ms Whately said of literary atyle, "H y-nV accentuates everything' accentu ates nothing." - " ,,n. ach extravagance tbe beauty ef 'simplicity disappear, and, beside thk luxury of such a alrlhood ; ths lfU of nature and .of .comruou hu man 4ifs lo their preclousneas. A glorloua . sunset, the nightly miracle of stars, the treasure oi noble -poet-ry the heritage of hnmnn utA. what r ' the to most dehnfnaa .vimrea wain a spectacle of color ed lights at the theatrsf Space fails to follow up the themeto epeak, for lnsunee, of the approximation of the life of girls to that of their elders Is are and , entertslnment. which Is but part of thr lavish and unappre ciated Idolatry tha,t attend from cra dle to altar none the ls a mon trou folly that It Is committed In the name of parental love. WHKTfPY Best for Hedkinal and FaxnUy Use 4 Quarts, m Shipped In Plain Sealed Package, Express Prepaid. - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. " r v. bur Motto i ; ';' ";--" "Not How Cheap, but How Qood" temlt byavrss m P. O. MeneylOt, ' THE fOUSINX SUPPLY CO., 0 RICHMOND. VA. ' ' Referencsi Planters National Bank. Matte tin Jaiituird 1 with Independent cylinder V .. v.. .'Vf.'",; tnoii4MS ' ' ' HALTONt JACQUAJtD THOMAS HALTO.V8 SONS, rbUadelphla. Pa. JENCKES SPINNING CO. COTTON YARNS v ; Mala OfOcet PAWTUCKST, B t PUIIadeipbla once: Mariner A Merchant BalUtttsj, a. rr.iiiiiwt, uiasger. HIGH-GRADE SPINDLE? LOOM. AND VSSVf; .-oit-s : " wresaino Cononnd. , GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. B H.l If la'llm a i OFFICESi A. II. Guion . McKcanMafflU Cuioh - Maffitt Co. GENERAL COTriUCTOnS. Surveying-, Grading, Concreting, v Xo. S Hunt Bldg. , Tbono 30a. You grow strong, blood pure. nerve leady;. cheeks red and rosy, you 'IT well and happy again after taking Ii" lea. G Tablets v it a i R. U. College Annuals and Catalogues ' Let us furnish you with something new In the CoU lego Annual lin this year, . With our new equipment ; ' .. type, - presses, etc. we are 1 - fully prepared to give you , something fcnUrely different from that which you have , ' beretofora been using. , tt , you' want something sped ally attractive, see Abe observer; P0!ill'6 iiOUSE- CIUKLOrTE, N. C. , Thoiio ;J27. orENCER TURNER ' m COMMISSION, MERCHANTS NewYork. PlUladelphla. Chicago. St Louta, London. England. Yams and Cotton Piece Goods. - f,T: MSOWArtD STREET !! SJSISLPT-?TREBTT .new Tons CHICAGO READ tF YOU 'HAVE TO SELL. LIST IT LV THIS OFTER . M yoo have houses or stores to t,nt t. 0 rnt ,et m yr collecting and T . trouble and Worry. ,, Tbt place to iMora your property ia in this agenc , ? fi1. Qocttrane. .-uranco and Real Estato Agent. '..,v. z ":. ''' Si"1 I Manufacturers and Jobbers ; rVeqnently nnd li necesMry la bayo Banking Jactlltlrs in ad. dltion to thosei offered by local banks, . .... ,; .... first . National Bank - of racnuo.YD, virglma! - ' Wltb . s . $1,000,000.00 Capital Earned ' Snrplos $600,000.00 $5,SOO,000.00 Deposits " -$,OO0,00O.T)i Total Reonrce Off erb Just the Addlilonal cllltles Reqntred. loo. M. MUIer. JrM Vk-a Preil. dent j 4 Chaa. IL Ramettf. Tu slstant Caahlerr c. Jnii AMiataot CasWe v O r,p,,n HOOK AND "ROGERS -ARCHITECTS' CHARLOTTE A GREENSnnnA v HUBBARD BROS. & CO WANOVER SQOARE. NEW YOIU. cnange. Asaooiat nr.l." a - rt Pol Cotton EschangI T. T "T VT"" f eotton for f ntnr uvery, n CorrepondeiHJnVA ; .' ' .' SEASON ,". will soon be here, at these ' . cool ' evenings testify. w . , hare Just what you wish. , . from the large Base Burner for your hall to the Oil Stove for your bath room. V., V'"41 W : ; Give us your order sow. J.: II. f'tfesbJ l fn. etovo Dealers. Roorj Oatractfcrv A. D. SALKELD & BRO ; cojotissioN ; acxiAvri fc.a, .... .,iav.ha aaay,.- a " , . Ml fAWnard Street. New COTTON YAJtyi, PredTs Vletor & AcJ-elb. HUGH IUCRAE & CO., ; : " Bankers v : 8lcnanwvtt SeeoHUe WILMINGTON. Jf. C. -Washington. IX C- 40S Ctolorsdo EL'j. Cotton Hill StOJ LEONARD L. nUItTZ.'?. - . ARCHITECT ' Fifth cow. Trust EIJij. Thoue t:x Cn-RtOTTK. ST. C T T & ..Is'. LC coaivipsiox ;:r: c Ccttcn Yzzz2 rr.i C:" coNfic:r:T'-,T? i n.::j.'ci, mu t 1 1 t r -s i i C. :;t:t 'tv'Trio :'ftr:-T''

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