C.13 r .' 1 -t ? "oney -Tony i. ' i- Ii on Ills Merits ; ; r liraninj Kor the AH-Ago : Develops Iiftecn Starters. , Jieci.l to The Observer. Barber, Dec. ll. The derby of the; Pointer Club of America was finish-1 ed here to-day-with the following! nps declared the winners: First, Val - yr. black and white pointer., bitch, owned by Easthara and Tyler, of Bir - rntngham, Ala., and handled by Jake Blshoo: second. Tony Mooring, black and whit pointer dog, owned by Seth Mooring, of Bryant. Texas, and hand w kvF r iorkhart- third Manitoba sivn. vtu.-H !""' 52 MbU. d f U&fSiSr dog'i.c.rt.y after the midnight hour fire owned bv Thomas Johnson, of Wlnnt- v-i.i v v - c Susr sstt7,j v the weather, SVSSS SStS 7-- 'Forecast:" V ' - last September and are well tSeUnK C'-AW! Thursday and Friday: the field trial patrons, of America. JLS tttfn lLat 'lnishlng northwest- winds. . im, firt has been a Pany, and the stock of C. A Adderton North and South Carolina fair Thurs AJ?VS22! t?i?was i tim? she Co. was slightly damaged.' the to- day an Friday except rain I Tweat -..nnA loss being in the neighborhood of "on, warmer Friday; - light variable 7l"SM22ftn timing southeast. ? V-B--r'-- the Manitoba, trial to September, and , , v.--,' ,i-l.t'- i Georgia, fair and warmer Thursday; fiTCo 1 5 1 tr , third aked by the dense amoke. ' He Jijtht variable winds. . v porc.on. and liJJ''aprung from hla bed and rushed down West Florida. Alabama and Misslsslp consecutlra first knd stamps neraa t?Ai.thls.time the rear and tk "nd warmer Thursday; Friday -cne of the best pointer derbies of tna " e;fo;eAw.1 Ton fire and in few raJn; ."ht l freh t windi. reason. Tony Mooring, although run- 0Xurhta means of es?ate by ' ni-Jncreaslng doudlneaa and ning lust back of the money In the VltSt "XPZ. Thursday; Friday ram; fresh i..a. tvM. ta1e hai nvr WAT) a. . i. vfnr HI. win here was a oon- . fv w k " , wlar pneandhe von lton rr iXB JL'LSIL Z fsrZ i and fastvj found two beylea or birds In splendid Ityle and also pomtea em- -les etaunchlf. -This dorja wnf i narapion auuiu s uuu vou., ' Jingo. Manitoba Rap came ail the way from WinnIpeg,KMflltoba, to compete Damaw t0 th hnmiag waj ftbout $(. in tnese Mais. He won his first place. 000( ; wh Moo Jngoraace. in the trials of the Independent Field, ThJ aJjolnlnt; gtore. owned by E. Trial Club held at Hutsonville. Ili. j. -Ra tni other, and occupied by early in November, and last week won the Lexington Drug Company, W. U third in the Continental Clubs trials. Wilborn, manager, waa damaged to He i a fast snappy dor on game and tne extent of $2,000, with $1,100 in ' wm no doubt prove a good one in his iurance The stock of the drug all-age form next year. The drawing. cotnpany waa damaged about $3,000, " for the all-age stake was made this i.:,,.. i: ,, . evening at headquarters, the Thistle, ana orougni orui imrrn They were drawn to run as follows: and brought forth fifteen etarters. Prairie Lad with King , wooiton; Oibson Girl with Outram; Tony Moor- fng with Furldufh Mock; Manitoba Kap with Deep Rlow Ponto; Pine-- hurst Jingo' with Masterpiece: Pine- hurt Winona with Spots Riprap; The Virginian with Dick Brisk Furlough Hobo-a-bye. . - " Quite a great deal of interest Is cen- . tered in this stake, as there is a number of dogs entered thst are own- ed by gentlemen who make their win- ter homes In this State, among them' - toeing the dogs of the Pinehurst ken- nels, owned by Mr. Leonard Tufts, of - SPinehurst, and the Furlough kennels, entries belonging to Mr, George Gould, Birds are found quite plentiful on the ground and good work is anticipated lo-morrow. MR. Pl'LUAM RE-ELECTED. Tor the Sixth Time He Is Put at the Head oi: ths Katlonal League. New Tork. Ic. U. Harry C. Pulllam f was re-elected p'resldent of the National League to-day for the sixth time by the members of the league in session here for-their faH meeting. Becretary-Treae- tirer John Heydler was unanimously re- elected as was the old board of directors, Max. rieiscamann, pr Cincinnati, brought. .tip the question of placing the pitchers' j they cannot see how the Southern exk bc-x ea a level with the diamond. There ' Pcts to take care of the heavy hoU--was a general, discussion but no action W travel when, with a greater num- was tafcen; A proposal that the number er J tT' .V ,,.7 of pitched ball to the batter be rduced occasions could not be accommodat from four to three was advanced. There ed. Each day complaints become were advocates for and against the more common about the difficulty In change and the question was left to be finding a seat on the main line Bouth deridrf later. The president recmn-' ern tralns. jt has already become a players drafted from minor leagues be - treated as puroiiased players. Shoula the national commUslon adopt the rec- . emmendatlon. Which Is In the nature of a reform And Is designed to do away with the practice of "covering by draft" waivers will have to be nought from ' clubs of both Ihe NatWnrfl and the . American Leagues before' drafted luy ers can be returned or disposo-1 of. . Status of Six-Day IUre. Madison Square Garden. New York, Dec. ll.-Eleven o'clock to-night found the relative positions of the rid ers In the six-day bike race unchanged A a W kl it 4 1. W J L. ,! J J Ing the day. At the hour named the Pogler-Moran anJ Rutt-Htol teams , mere leading, ' having covered 1.180 miles, while ftva other teams were , " pedalling along steadily a lap behind, r Two other teams were trailing several . laps In the rear. Breton's hard riding was the fea ture of the evening. In one attempt to 'get awfty from the bunch he fell . ' and brought Butt down with him. Neither Was seriously hurt. At 11 the score was as follows: " Fegler and Moran, Rutt and Btoi l. ll miles; Genrget and Dupre, Logan and Bardgett. Oalvln and Wiley, y: Krobes and Vanderstuft, Downey and Downing 1,17 miles, laps; Lawson p and MacDonald 1.19 miles. 7 - Preton and Vanoni. 1. 179 miles lap. ' : ': The record tor the 0th hour Is 1. 876 miles 4 laps, made by Miller anJ - Walet 1 . " ' . , Results at v Orleans. ' .'Nw Orleans. Dec. 11. In the best fin- lnh -of Hhe day at the Fair Grounds. Avaur;tr won the fifth rare by a none , from tli favorite, Sidly Prenten. Weutii . .'er clear; track lteavy, 4 ' First .ric. sIllrg. 8 furlongs: ljrsie1, . 4 to I;' won; ' Investor, 8 to 1, second; . " Free Bcoter. 4 to t. third. Tlm, 1:19 4 41. Socond rwe, furlongs, Mllnr: '1M wcn even, "wont Sussex,' 5 io 1 ; -1 vonl; OmtBsda, ' IS to l,- thlrl. . Ttme, ..I.W. - Third face, 6 furlongs. salllbKJ tew nt Down. 15 to 1. won; M Iks Delaney, 7 : i to I. .second; Inauguration, I to L third, Time, 1:11 1-5. Fourth race, mile and" 70 ysrds: Alma Pufemv 11 to 8", wen; Istrllng, to t aecond; Mortlboy. K to 1, tlilrd. Time, 11. ' f ifth race, 4 furlongs, netting: Avsun ' "teer, to C won; Bally Pwion. to i neeond; Roal Onyx, 12 to L third. Time, J:l. f hlxth rsc. mile and a nuarter, selling: TielkTl'jWj 19 to lj won; A'inrntiot l to 1. hnvior Faire, i to 1, third. Time, 2 14 1-5. '-" ' Meeting of American League. " Chicago, Dec. 1 1. -Changes In te league constitution, the awarding of the pennant to the Detroit Cvnb and an absence, of trades marked the an-,; nnal meeting of the American League cf Baseball Clubs to-diy. The meet-' Ing wl'l end te-morrow.' 'hrt-r-tt- The meeting approved a number of reports Including that of the directors et iu t.stTtw-n TJf Turlna this eummef of 19a 1 was treu tlfd with muscular pains in tHe instep of rr v foot," tayn Mr, g. Ptdlnr. of To r:ito. Or.t. At times It -was so painful J rn;M f.firdly-walk. Chamberlain's Psln ! .'-ti recv-rmnended to ine. so I tried " ,il VPs r"?:nnletefy 'ured . by one c r i 'J b'M" I have eince rommi'nifled ! n .. .. .- of (itv friends, ml r,( whemJ r 'i it. '' j-or tale by iv. L. : ; r ; ) ! i. ' , : ! i 1 1 r, - J I r. -;t J.. s ; ... . .;, ii he f;.i;t l..? G-v; ,1 C.,.,j .G0 tor u.sliig c.kwory t.icu s l.-i a fame at Detroit on t'epteniber lCth. An important action was a vote ap proving a suggestion that the ff-nes tor the worlds championship each fall be lengthened to 9 games instead of 7. - . To-morrow the league will elect of ficers and directors and appoint com mittees to meet the schedule and rules committees of the .National League. FIRE AT LEXINGTON. v : A nuze Breaks Ont In the Taylor. Mendenhall Dry Goods Store and a , jjopg 0f 125,000 la Entailed Before It Extingnlsbrad Only Good Work rt- Fir(.mn kavpc th mock. ' Epeclal t0 The Observer. .-.. - morning -""""'!? was discovered in the rear of the Tay or-jaenaennaii tympany, one m me t"ne ' . . . TT - "" ":'.Y ' Y 7. . .. . tne nremen couia respona me ouua- inf waa a mass of flamea. ' It is esti- td that th atock' was worth about u 000 Md,th nrm carried $9,000. jngurtnce . ..... - wa'flsf Wbundlng.whlch U owned by R. B. McCrary, , are Intact,' but nothing remains u the " walls ,n1 k The next store. Whlchvts owned by the same parties was damaged bu very little, and the stock was dam tne atni6 parties wa damaged but' aged to the extent of about $200. It is occupied by A. Adderton & Co., and is tally Insured. ; The firemen worked heroically, and Dut ior their efforts the entire block WOuld probably have been swept by the flames. It was one of the worst nres thtt has ylslted Lexington in a number of years. The burned stores are only a few yards west of the court house. V -'v in fighting the fire It was necessary to tear away the wires leading to the electric light plant. and this caused considerable inconvenience until about noonv and especially to The Dispatch, which was due to come out early this morning, but was delayed by being unable to get current to run Its mo- tor. COMPLAINTS ARE 'NUMEROUS. People Anything But Pleased Over Taking Off of the Southern Trains Bridge to Be Asked or uor lan gerovM Crossing; , x Special to The Observer. Lexington. t)ec. 11. -The people of Lexington are very indignant at the action of the Southern Railway in discontinuing trains Nos. 11 and 12. and at the report that 85 and 3 are ta :be taken off. Business men say "?uAm".t , At the next meeting of the board of commissioners of this place a peti tion will be presented before the board asking that the Southern Rail way be required to place a brlflge over the lines of the road where what Is knows as the Cotton Orove road crosses. This Is one of the most im portant county roads leading from this place and the crossing is. consid ered a perfect death-trap since the grade of the road was changed for the double-track. It is believed that the commlMloners will find but little trouble In compelling the Southern to rv bridga ftt the cr0Mlnf ue"uon' in ChlMholm Trial Drags. , Birmingham. Ala.. Dec. 11. -The entire Jay in the trial of W, L. Sims. In the Federal Court was consum ed with arguments on the credibility of Alex R. Ohlsholm as a wltnee. The defense contends that QUsholm committed grand larceny In addition to embeialement and is therefore dis qualified from t testifying. Judge HunJley has the question unJer ad vlnement. Sims is charged with aiding an.1 abetting Chlsholm In embezzling funds from the First Katlonal Bank. Do People Turn Away? Von ran Be Instantly Freed From The Humiliation of Knowing That Others Detect Bad Odorg oa Your Hrrath, ArlHlng From Indiges tion, Smoking, Drinking and Eatlu;. Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free. Breath perfumes do not strike at the root of the evil. They only con ceal the odor for a time. But char coal kills the gas thst causes the odor, purifies the food lying in your stomach ana intestines, facilitates the process of digestion,, acts as a. mild laxative, gives tone to the system; in short, gives you a clean bill of health, And all the charcoal necessary to ob tain these results you can get In a box of Btuart's Charcoal Losenges, price 2&c. . The uses of charcoal are many. In art and electricity It Is constantly used, but It Is especially valuable where absolute. purity of product is required- As an absorbent and dis infectant It has no qual. That Is why you will Invariably find It. In every wMer-filter. Ptuart ' Charcoal ' Loienges are made from pure willow charcoal, with a sight mixture of honey to render them palatable, , They will filter your blood for you. destroy every particle of poison and : impurity, abaorb all the gas in your stomach, give you a sweet, clean breath, and relieve you from the awkward feeling you are bound . to have when you detect i by the expression 'of other people that they smell yoors bad breath Many who, are fond of onions avoid eat J?!?l f?f n oaor . they leave; One Nof Btuart's charcoal Losenge immediately kills this. how. ever. The same applies to smoking, drinking or chewing. c v - ; v We sre ap convinced that y6a will find these losenges Indispensable sfter once using them, that we win send you a sample package by mail, free, if you will send your nsme and ad drees to-day ls F."A ' ttiisrt Co.7209 Btuart rid., Marihall, Jiilchu ' . c or mott.-v r- 4 , ....... ( ! ' '9. , 5. if f . ,...r f.-rm. Si t'r ilu. til.SO t'.. J 10 v. - .'ii.i Ft. EXCLISn-M'LAUTT CO., 40 S. Tryon St. Investigation by IV elective at Fay- ctletille. -' Fpecial to The Observer. I Fayetteville, Dec. 11 Investiga tion is beln made here hv evpral uiiuea oiaies aeiecuves into the i robbery o. November it.h of 13. United States detectives into the mail 000. A sensation may result at any tfrae. v - .,-.,, .. . jnui. last Texas, rain - Thursday; Friday lair, colder In northwest portion; fresh southeast winds. , Arkarisaa, rain Thursday; Friday fair. West Texas, rain,, -colder Thursday; Friday fair. - Tennessee and Kentucky, fair Thurs day; Friday rain.-warmer. - west Virginia, xair '.Thursday, exeent snow in the mountain districts; Friday snnw or rain. LOCAL OFFICE U. S. WEATHER i . , BUREAU. , Charlotte, Dec. 11. Sunrise 7:21 a. tn. sunset 8:12 p. m.K - ,. .'';.; . .;-. TEMFERATURE (in degrees)." . Highest temperature";. ., -,. .' .... 45 Lowest tomperatme .... ,-.. .. 32 Mean temperature Z$ Deficiency for the day. , n. x 6 Accumulated deficiency for month. . 17 Accumulated excess for the ' vear. . (i PRECIPITATION (ill inches). Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. ni Total for the month 1.15 Total for . th year ., .. .... ...... 33.R.1 Accumulated deficiency for year.,.. 14.25 Prevailing wind direction -i.f .. .... N. W. . BENNETT. Observer. THE PATIENCE OF JOB. Could Hardly Endure the Torment of . Itching Piles. -' Itching piles is constant torment- so la eczema. No ,comf ort all day, . no rest at night. Can't keep your mind on work. ; , No use to go to bed. Suffer no longer; use Doan's Oint ment. It gives relief In five or, ten minutes. It cures In a short time- cures you to stay cured. ' Charlotte people endorse It' . Henry Grose, miner, living at 905 North Tryon street. Charlotte, N. C, says: "I used Doan's Ointment, which I procured at R. H, Jordan A Co.'s store, for a bad case of itchinsr j" hemorrhoids and It has undoubtedly i cured me for good. I have not been bothered since I have tried the remedy. It is a fine Ointment and I am pleased to recommend It highly." ' For sale by all dealers. . Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. '" Remember the name Doan's and take no other. BONDS. m m We offer $16,000 mortgage bonds of Sanford (N. C.) Cot ton Mills, dne in 5 and 10 yrs. Denominations of $500. Price par and accrued Interest. Sold in lots to suit. Full appraisal of property and statement furnished. Trnst Department, SOUTHERN LIFK A I , TRUST CO., Greensboro, N. C Capital -and Surplus, $350,000. E. P. 'Wharton, President. , A. M Scales, Gen. Counsel. R. C. HoodAsst. Manager, F. 0. K . OFFICE SEEKERS (other than political) I have for rent, 1908,- sev eral good, small offices, on ground floor, S. Tryon St., at from $5.00 to $10.00 mo., including light. Take your choice. F. D. ALEXANDER Piedmont Bldg. 'Phones 587, 645. "ON TOE SQUARE." V- llandsome line of Ghristrhas Gifts Ilenckel'g Work Bets,, Manicuring and Imported Toilet Articles,- Military, Hair - and Clothes Brushes, etc, etc. .- ';We have beautiful articles In these and want to show you. R. If. TOAN&CO- ' - WE KCstn CXOSE." XNURSESL. REGISTER i i Deposits. Loans. . . Cash and in Banks.. Gross Assets. ....... We solicit your business. New accounts welcomed. II. iii Dunn, Pres. 7. E. Holt, V. P. - A. G. Brenizer, Cash. A. T. Gunnney, Asct. Cash. in 66 Fixe Bnck, "KING'S" New., York Plaster Paris, ; ".ACME," "ELECTKQED' and "UNIVERSAL" Asphalt Roofing Felts, Plastering Hair,- Laths r Shingles and General Building Material We can save you money on all of the above goods, and de-' sire to quote you prices delivered at your railroad station. Write us. " - CAiUNAPOUDdMCO. ..- . Bole Manufacturers and Distributors. - 1 , : --r-.v ' Charleston, S. 0. Attractive Homes For Sale 8-ron house, .Elisabeth Heights, hardwood finish," all . modern.' splendid location, large lot,i 132x200. ; Owner anxious to inake Quick sale, For particulars and price,' apply at office. V " - ; r- -room' elegant home, South Tryon . street, on corner,; close In; comparai tively new. beautifuliy. arranged, inodern In every respect, two baths, hot water heat and laundry In basement 1 For price, , terms and other Information' apply at offl ce. ' , ' - i .- J. Murphy & Qompony Eire insurance Fire. Insure beiorrf i the i Are occurs If you waltx .until after the loss 1 See that' you are not only INSURED, but FULLY Insured tPa do it for you., .Just .'phone us and see. v - mBVfta' w. can The Charlotte Realty Co. A. G. Craig, Secretary. - IS East Trade Street Wood Fibre. Wall Plaster, "Hard Clinch? THE BUILDERS FRIEND . , . Freeilng does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it. water docs not make It fall off; hard as stone. Wrtta tor booklet-' Manufactured by , .'? vvu - QHARLOTTE PLASTER eo. ;WHH fof BooMel. " . . . Chu-IoiM, s. a. s When you have us to do your : ELECTRIC work - you may be sure of JHE BEST. v All; our. work , -guaranteed and no job too small for our. prompt attention: 'Phone 470 for the best' and ; quickest "service.' K t ' " ;. .'." BIADSIIAVV ELECTRIC COMPANY ; " ' . w No. 15 South Church St. - I J . ... f MONEY LOOT If you fail to carry ; ., INSURANCE I C',. ; Wc write Fire, Accident; Health;' Liability - and Steam Boiler. V. . CAROLINA REALTY CO., h - W. D. WILKINSON,1 Manager. V. -D. R.' LEE, Secretary. , p. LONG, Sales Agent dS North Tryon St. , , , . - . , Thone C09. COSY COTTAGE FOR SALE ;V.V.0y.:O."3f:.V fNew 4:r6om cottage,- near Elizabeth College; . - lot 50x140. Can arrange easy terms. See us at once. V t . , V V ffc , Co . r-') i lib .Statement Frevlous . - ; December 'Statement 3d Aujust 22d . . .. ...11,183,000.93 $1,137,542.33 ....... 1,824,253.17 1.693.428.79 .. .. 487,856.12 320.213.07 ... 2,734,040.91 2,555.671.37 Phone 842. then insurance means 'something. It is too late. Do it to-dav ' nV v ...., INSURANCE.. .. 1 , 1 .1 ,. 'Qrvipacd?.;: 3IT..TrycaCL-- ' L' o t:. io fpccisl price. i '1 V r ili.i.;.. i IB ESTATE CapiUl $75,C0X President, W. S. AIXXAXDEH. Secretary 1 1 . .- ; ....... I I! II S: a:oT. First National Bank Capital,, j. ..$ 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits Assets ... . . , 1,900,000.00 : . . : Your business respectful' 1 -solicited. . v;. Every courtesy,, and ac-, commodation extended. con- N ' sistent with sound banking, H. II. VICTOR, Cashier; - The Merchants & , V ' f ?F CHARLOTTE, N. fc , Capital $200,000.00 . flnrain 1 nn rW r!n 13ie officers of this bank will be pleased to meet or- .'..'..( 1 . it'll .,': 1 - . .... .1 corresspona wjin xnose.,wno contemplate ; making' changes, or opening ;new"v . . -accbuts. W ?6m PER CENT. AND THIE DEPOSITS, r. AIM AJJJ.K IlHTnSTTQ - - ' . Offlcers: Geo. E. Wbjs, Fj-esldent. Jno. B. ROss, Vk Fraldeat . , . . , W. O. Wflklnson, Cashier. . , t 1 1 ' . . . r m Charlotte s ; Showing, at close of second year - ; . ' Capital; . . ... , . . . ; ; . . . ... .$m000.(Xi V Profits,.:.,.. ;t. 33,000.00 ; Solicits the business of corporations, firms and-in-"dividuals. . " : r . , J. IL LITTLE, President. L. R. DLA Southern Loan Tnis bsjik antra you tmejeeued facilities for ' year BUSINESS, as Us attsntloa is devoted r EXCLUSIVELT : INOS ACCOUNTS.. -' . v Y-'W , . " DIRECTORS! Jno. M. Scot, Jas. A. BeU, - Dr. R. L. Gibbon.' . J. C. Reld. , P, M. Brown, E, T. Cansler, .. J. W. Conway. A. M. McDonald, Leroy fcprrogs, Lancazter, s. C. K. R. Hayneav CUffalde, JC. a " . OFFICERS: " ; Ja M, SCOTT, Pree.T W. ALEXANDER, Vlo j W. It, JENKINS. Cashier. ? Ihe Charlotte ' : . ? ;t CIL1RLOTTE, N. a A Tha chief concern of the offlcers and, directors of this bank ta , the welfare of Its depositors and the security of their deposits. The Charlotte National Bank was founded by man of means, in -tegrlty, aiid successful business experience, and Its enviable record f has given it a reputation for solidity; that extends far , beyond : v. Mecklenburg county and North Carolina. If you .want absolute i- ' safety,, it Is here., We j solicit your business, B. . HEATH, President. , JNO. M. SCOTT, Vk President ' '.''...";'4"' , W. H. TimTrCaahlec.' J , American Trust Company : solicits business on the basis " ;;.'" . .of extending to customers - , ,v,. . . ' every banking facility war- J rantea oy tne account. GEORGE STEPHENS, President. , , , ' ' 1 ' T. S. FRANKLIN, V. Pres. ;W. IL WOOD, Treas. Hlgh-Grade Preferred Stocks 10 Eina Mfg. Co. 7 per cent St Int.. 'if 7j.ni ryn nig, uo. per cent...... Iflo W Charlotte 1 pec cent Bid TJrwIn S per cent ...;..;,...,., joj V80 Fairfield 7 per cent, A nt lot tO-MO Rhodeblss 7 per cent. int.... lul BANK STOCKS ' "WB OFFER. RTIRJraT. 10 Cltlsen's National, Oastonla.... 10-80 American Trust Co.. ......... lft-M First Nstlonal .... .. .. ..... 10-30 Commercial '..., . 130 in 173 :.0fO N. O 6s.. N C. 4s. t Hid 1.1,1 vjI iti Wort. It E. 6s....... ...... I sr lir.-. 0... -1- Hi. L oi o:::r;;;v Cirrus SIC.C - ' Vice rrc.;. .t, n. a. Duyx. and Treasurer, f JOIITJS, ilcDOXAXD. nmnn " Farmers National Bank PAID ON SAVING3 I yWt n. j ' r .... v . 1 -. Trust Co. O. M. PATlERSOJr, VU ft-. GOOD, Cashier. & Savings Bank SAVIN03 to W. S. Alexander. - -T. W. Hawkins,'1- ' ') W- A. Watson. ' W. L. Jenklna. ( National Bank TUB t ; W. S. LEE, V. Pre -J. E. DAVIS, Asst.- Treas. 6 and t Per Cent. Non-Taxablo to Highland Park per cent A Int. 1M Lncntter 7 per ent...;....-.e..:.W 20 Leu4se 7 per cent. ...; .,. .7. 9 7 onrcn -per cent Bid , CO fulMirben Realty 6 per cent...... VM w ooa.nae per cent ...Lid AND BONDS. ' .WE CAN Use, SUBJECT. ' Merchants A Farmers. , . , Charlotte Trust ' r .' . J First Katlonal, Gastonla,- " - , 60 North CsroUna R. R, Battery Park. Asnevllle. Southern L. ft 8 , Charlotte. Citiz-n"! N.iMonel Onstinla 4 "..:ie.nw r. c. AT30TT & CO.

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