i j. t t ? . . (. . ,. -: on iv I:: -1 t i- i : 1 v J ,:i . .- to i.l ; i . i in .: t t. i re- t to t'ltrn. t 1 .'i tire. Ea.- , r. C, .a.i, who has been so ,' i.l, H able to .be out again. ,nu.M Snider- is: spending i j ; ss w ith her. parents In Lynch ! , Va. On her return home she i :;r. Snider will move into their ? r ;ty new home, which la built in i e bungalow style. i:- LE,UvSVILLE. ' . Correspondence of The Oterrer. ' Eeaksviile, Dec. 50. Tuesday af ternoon, Mrs. Phelps entertained e number of ladles most charmingly at bridge whist. Mrs. G. A, Mebane re ceived first prtee and Mrs. Ellett the consolation. ...': . -.v. " , Thursday afternoon ' Mrs.' Grlsson entertained the History Club. I The home was beautifully and elaborately decorated tn bells and festoons of ft varied nature and the refreshments -were elegant ,The ) programme waa as follows: Paper, 'Cape - Hatteras and the Banks," Mrs. Hopper; selec tion on the graphophone; plan solo, Mrs. Hoover; paper, "Irwin Russell, Slias Scott- and pianola selection. . j ' Thursday night twenty young peo-: pie met at Mrs. "J. B. Ray's for the " ostensible purpose of making Christ I i mas giflts, ut the masculine element; Interfered largely with this- purpose. However, a most delightful evening was spent, with ' no regrets for , the missing stitches. - Refreshments also furnished a pleaant diversion., i Friday afternoon the Thimble Club ma with Mrs. Sweaney and new an interesting session. ;:i A large number of -visitors were , present besides the ' regular members to partake of the Joys of this occasion, and its elegant ' Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ellett n-( tertained at bridge whist, after which she regaed her guests with Tier ueu- : al "lavish hospitality.. ; ' .. .', ; - Monday nlgbt the Ave teachers re siding at the homeof Mr. B. F. lle, Misses Terry an Matthews, of Relda vllle; King, of Spencer; Davisof Chi cago, and Anderson, entertained most royally about twenty of the young people. With such charming hostesses . the occasion could not fall to be one of delight Many dainty ad useful articles were the result of this night work (i i t , i Wednesday ' evening ' the same crowd met with the Misses King for a continuation of labor and feBtlyvty and -from the way in which some of thesterner sex pleaded lor work,1 la .bormust Indeed be sweet, when in such company. ? They were Initiated Into the mysteries Of V "Whipping." brier stitching, etc. until, perhaps they will be more Independent now than ever tf ,they can learn to do their own mending. ' . .-.i.. ".. I ' ' ' ''r .;i "' i IJIUlBimjF ll'JVft ' l."J Club met wVth MIs JoHns with an Interesting programme: "New " Eng land Home" iJfe;" responses to roll rallc "Colonial Life and Custom;" paper, "Social Life and Institutions in Early New England." Mrs. Ellett; reading, selections from Scarlet Let ter, Mrs. S, U Martin; vocal solo, Mrs. Ivle. , 1 '''' i, . - M-,rl , ; - : , I y - Saturday afternoon Col."B. K. Terry In-ited Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, Mr, and Mrs. Thompson, ' Misses Gobln, Mary Illly and Daisy King; Messrs. Claude and Charles Mslver, Brandley, - pier and Smith, of New York, to partici pate in a rabbit hunt In the nieadows, after which exciting chase the whole .. party enjoyed a bountiful supper at the Betner place, i where the colonel has his bachelor " quarters. - It was mo t" enjoyable and was crowned by an enchanting moon-light ride home. GOLDSBORO. Correspondence of The tscrver, , ; , Goldsboro, Dec . 20. Mrs. P. D. Gold, Jr., and little son, of Raleigh, who have ' been visiting ,i Mrs. Will fpk-er, hare returned home. Mr. W. H. Crulle, who was once principal of Vie Goldsboro graded school, but now a resident of Pittsburg, Fa was here this ' week, where 4iis many friends were glad to see him. Lieutenant Pope Washington; 'of the . United States navy, commissioned ' on ; the battleishlp Georgia, of - the pacific fleet,- made a :iort viBit here thU week to say good-bye to; his parents, Col. and Mrs. J. A. Washington, be , f ore sailing Monday., ,,t " The Chrifctmas bazaar held by the ladles of tha Presbyterian church a a great financial success and . their display of fancy articles very beautiful. ' - , After a sojourn o several months in ,te western part: of this Mate MWs Anna Pruett is at home again. Mr., Andres F, Falkener is at home from Warrenton, where he went . to attend the funeral of his niece, laughter of Mr. Henry Falkener. Mr. Herbert I Finlayson, of Norfolk, has been In the city this week on a visit to Ms mother Mr. Frank A. Daniels, who, Is studying law at the State University,, has arrived home for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. N. K. Borden, who has . been spcofiing a few days with -Mrs. K. H. OrlMin - at the-Hotel Gastott" n Iwbern, has returned home. Mr. Jlarry Farrles and bride have- re turned home from Canada and are rrcivlng congratulations and . a I. "srty welcome from all rf our peo I'le. ' , - . Tlie beautiful play of "Daman and Pythias" is being rehearsed by Golds boro talent under the direction - of Mr."' Ed J. Addy. and will be pre Knted early in January for the bene fit of Ruffin Lodge, K. of of this ' ' . .. ,. , . , ' '.I TlK-re wns an Important ; meeting a neans- aics pany at cf the Villngs improvement depart-1"' pretty home on East Front ttreet r "t cf the Woman's Club on last I .'V" a" very tastefully deco l.iy at the flub room. Th do-,Tii 'B Christmas colors, red and 'k- rAencn Apnrtmeu win green, which the green dinlnar room i tills week. The den!onmruntnJ rd library made espocially neetlns: ere very interentini;, H as helpful t to th, .house- - ("obb Lane and children, nt i. arr 1 the city, visiting Mr. W. P. Lane. Mrs. L. W . vtho Ua been vlnltlng her !"tte and :, Grw-nboro, ' 1 home. CapL N, i-'-vjn.ed - from PJch i v . t for an opera- i . anij his - many ' - t i ' fc.)' that It - -J' U liorden ' ' ' - Xo Gi.;. boro, an-1 we h;-.ve 1 Many p..nJ on Ihe cU wo: en are doing a great work f.sr Gol i.:boro ami these series of lectures inaugu rated by them are a rare treat for our people. , ' ' , Correspondence o The Otserver. Lenoir, Dec. 20. A most brilliant and intere&iting event took place here on Thursday afternoon when Miss Anna Corfnne Henkel became the wife of Mr. Gwyn Flnley Harper. The marriage ' was at the home , of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I P. Henkel The parlors were beau tifully decorated and an altar had been made of palms and potted plants. The ceremony1 was jerf orm ed by Rev. D. P; . McGeachy, of the presbyttrlan church, in a most im pressive manner. Just before . (the ceremony Miss Mary Henkel, ateter of the bride, sang la her dear, full eopraao voice, "Because of You" and "Thou Art like a Lovely Flower." Mies Gertrude Hall played the Wed ding- MBircb.. The flower gina were little Misses Bonnie Beall Reld and Virginia Henkel. The -ring earer, little Lila Henkel. ; dressed In pure white, with . golden hair falling to her waist; was a dainty picture. The other members of che bridal party were: ,v' Miss Helen Celeste - Henkel, maid of ; honor; Mr. Richard Har per, best man, and Messrs. Harry .Courtney and Richard JAamseur. The maid of Honor waa most nanattome'iy gowned In robe cf white lace over duchess satin and carried pink rosei. . The bride entered on the arm of her father and waa met at the altar by the groom and beat man. Always pttty and attractive, Miss Henkel was a vision of loveliness in free wed ding gown , of liberty aaUn, ; embroi dered with seed pearls and trimmed with duchess lace. Her bouquet waa of bride's roses and her ; veil was beautifully - arranged. ' One seldom sees a fairer or sweeter bride." ; ' r In the sitting room the bridal pres ents were UspIayexftad the popular ity of the couple waa attested by the iprof uslon and . beauty- of the ; gifts hey received. '1 - ;: ' v-ir-: ,-;-- " Mr., and Mr. Harper left on a pri vate , car -. for ''parts unknown,'1 but presumably, for Florida. They will live In Wilkeeboro. Mrs.. Harper . Is one' of Lenoir's most ; charming and accomplished daughters and is fol lowed by the good wishes of hosts of friends. . Mr. Harper, originally front Patterson, i is at' presemt engaged in buHlneav' in Wilkesboro.- He( Is -a prominent young business . man -and has many friends here.'. - . Those attending the wedding, from a distance wn: Mrs. John Tount, Miss Mary Vount Messrs. Fred and Ernest Tount, of Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Vance Henkel and little daugh ters, Lila and Virginia, and Mr. Da- Lvld X Craig, of Statesville; Miss Rose Shuford, $ Mrs. Thomas . Henkel and Mr. Glenn Henkel, of Hickory; Miss Louise Flnley and Mr. -WaiKer Fin ley, of - Wilkeeboro; ' Mr. and , Mrs. Flnley Harper, Miss Mabel Harper, Meesrs. Jay and Richard Harper, of Patterson. ; '' Thursday night an appreciative au dience enjoyed a most excellent mu slo recital given by the young ladles of Davenport College m the college chaipel. Professor Nunvar, director, and Ml Rusmiselt,' who has charge of the vocal department, ; deserve much credit for arranging and che young ladka for the skillful . render ing sof the programue. v , s : ': --A:id''i An entertainment that promises t6 be f much interest will be given by the children in the graded school au- dltortum Friday nlgnu ;, ,j - At this writing, the Flddiers Conven tion is In full bloom. .The first aes slon was held Thursday night la, the Henkel Opera House. The flddiers be gan to arrive early in the afternoon from different parts of .the country. Mr. -W. C, Rowland was master of ceremonies. ' Great numbers rot. the well-repaid audience came away from this Arut session "patcinV and danc ln'.M , . - , . ' . Mrs. M. C. Sim . and : Mrs, Jane Montgomery, of Charlotte, were visi tors at the horn of Mrs. Mary Mont gomery ihere this week. Mrs. Ira Er' win has gone to Salem to spend the holidays with ; relatives. A large number of. Davenport students hjft on a cnartereu car Friday to spend the holidays at home. v - STATESVILLE. ' Ccrr'sp9.tdence of The Observer,'. V. '.' Slatesvllle, Dec. 20. There. Is a delicious feeling in the air, just a hint of snow In the breezes blowing fresh ly from the heights of the Blue Ridge and the Brushy mountains. The streets are filled with Christmas shop pers, whose arms on their homeward way are illled With bundles of all sizes and shapes. The country people have come to town, and stand in little groups before the store windows', dls cusJng the various tempting . waras displayed to catch the eye and lighten the pur. The children are already dreaming of the "night before Christ mas," of the stockings hung lira row, and of mdrrry,. Jolly old Sinta Claus, Banta has more , beautiful and costly things in his pack than ever before. The panic has not v frightened -htm "worth a cent," and he only laughs In his sleeve . when some one says "hard times." , ; - The young people of States villa are preparing for a pleasant, social win ter. Miss Isabel Scott's marriage, which Is to take place pn January id, Is the subject of greatest interest at present To-night , she Is being given a "tin shower" party at her home In the Statesville Female College.-: A number of functions have been plan ned In her; honor. . ' , . , , , Thursday evening Mlts8arahr Cowles approprlJte. Forty guests were seated at ten tables, when the merrv ratwn ban. After a close content,. Mr. Wil Ham Tomlln won th flrrt prise, a Dut or siaoster. while the consola- i ,c,n pictured Cupid entitled Pklrtdo, Skldee." whs beftowed upon nr ftimnie nerrlJ. Delicious r freshmentH, confuting" ' of a salad course, followed by ambrOKla- and yake, wer served by the prettr tiort e?.. and the pl-aant evnlnr drew to a c!o all too soon for the llght hwrted guefts, IVm Marie I.onsr, at Ijer hvrrn. Oak- i r: 1 1 , t -a. - - r t'.d t f.ncy I to i . i kt 1 i , t'l-o- i we Fln?era and tor a. a fi.w 1 -pretty embroi-ifcry, anil H'ork. which wns btli t complete th lut of char mas gifts. How much ws ciate some little gift into w. know the giver has put her t ought time and eye-s!g-ht. while every tiny stitch her mind rvertf l to u and dwelt upon'our friend. ;p. A very enjoyable luncheon of sand wiches, coffee, a fruit salad and choc olate fudge was served by the pretty and piquant young hostess, Mrs. Pe- gram's guests, outride or - ne duo, were Mra Llghtfoot of EtatesviHe, Mrs. Trumphy. of Philxdelphla, and Mr&'Ieadore 5tephany, of Seaford, Delaware. - ; OXFORD. Correspondence of The Observer. , - Oxford, Too. 20. The most elabo rate social event of the past week was a fancy dress party t the elegant home of Mr, and Mrs. H. O. Coooer. celebrating the - fifteenth - birthday of ineir second ; daugnter, -, Miss 8o phronla. The 'occasion ' was a scene of happiness and beauty. - Miss Mary Cooper, in costume of yellow silk and '.black ' velvet' '" representing a Swiss peasant girl, received the guests In the front halt ' Miss Lily White ' presided at the ' piano while the lads and : lassies enjoyed dance and games. Miss Sophronla Cooper, teautlfully robed In ? white. - repre ented "Rose In Bloom." v ; Miss Ruth Mitchell, in costume of red, was an y attractive ; - portrayal of "Red Riding Hood." t ' Master i James Tay lor, as a sailor boy, was very fines Leonard Mitchell, a college professor; miss Susie i Brown, as "Blue ueu;" Beverly Rfcyster, as Hiawatha, and Marie Starke, aa "Lavender and Old Laces," were all well carried : out The refreshments1 were, elegapt and of the superb variety ' Mrs. H. Q. Cooper, excels In . serving. . . - a The Oxford Literary v Club ? h'eld Its weekly meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Cannady, where a delightful hour was spent In the study of Shakespeare ; and refreshments served. , w ' ' . . " ' , ' " " ' '' . ' Mr and Mrs; J. D, Williams and two daughters, Misses- Lillian and Elnora, left Oxford Monday mornlna; to reside in Durham. The' bazaar given by the Episcopal aid .societies , proved a . success and the amount cleared was nearly 1200. The "Scotch Singers" gave a beau tiful entertainment in - the opera house Tuesday evening. . The songs delighted the audience. ' ; SANFORn. ' Corresponaence of The Observer, v t' i ; - San ford. Dec. 1 10. Misses Con and May Cross, delightfully entertamed the G. T. C. with a season party oh Tuesday evening. . , k .'',' The guents were invited Into a room representing vpring, and were asked to - drink of the fountain or Youth, a spr'Jng prettily arranged in one corner, and were given rods to fish. Mr. J. A.' McPhall and Miss Allie Willi lams, having caught the largest number of flsh, drew for Che prize, a little canoe. Mr, McPhail won it Niext -all were ummond to the hall, decorated to represent summer. Here they were bidden to hunt tor tfour-leaf clowrs and to eat apples in tine shade ot the ?'01d Apple tnm.'.' Miss Nell Davis and Mr. Jhn Mon ger, finding more four-leaf clovers (than the others, drew for the prise, a beautiful burnt-wood picture framw in the form of 'a, , four-leaf clover. Miss Darts was the lucky one, , ; - Next came an autumn scene, in whlcih muoh tun was exrxrlenced in hunting nuts. , Mr, Edgar Jones was.srlven an attractive basket - of nuts for finding more than anybody, se.v . . . 4 ; . Lastly, the guests were tnvtted into the diimlng rown, tastefully decorated in olly and mistletoe to carry out the Idea of winter.. All .were given dainty place cards designed n tiolly and containing a, verse, which each read aloud. . ::: iJr, . A dainty, fruit salad course V was erved. Miss Jessie Scott tamd Allle Williams were Invited guewts. After a moat pleasant evening the guests adjourned to meet with . MJss Flora Ray on. Tuesday , evening, December list, v'. - , ' , , t , i Correspondence of The Observer,' . ' ', Raleigh, Dec , JO. The San Souci Club, held the- first "meet ing of , the ; sous on Friday morning with Mrs. Palmer Jerinan.- The house looked lovely In ts decorations of hoi ly and ; Christmas : ells. v. Six-hand suchn waa nlaved. Mr 'Hnrv W. Miller won the club pri?;. Mrs. sell Sherrlll the guest's prize, and Mrs, James Pou the , consolation.-. Present were: Mrs, Julian B. T'mberlake, Mrsi IL W, Miller, Mra. L. A. Mahler, Miss Pat Mordecal, Mrs. James Pou, Miss Mary Laurens Hlnton, Mrs. W. H. Will to.mon, Mrs. C. B. Wrlyht Miss Blanche Blake, Mrs. C. W. Gold, MIjs Sallle Dortch,. Mrs, Alex. Webb, Mrs. Ed Chambers Smith, Mrs. II. A. Roy ster, Mra R. D. W. Connor. Mrs. Frank StronacV Mrs. Carl Woodruff, Mrs. W, D.: Martin," of1, Brooklyn. N. Y.I.Mrs. H.; W. Jackson, Mrs; Wat klns Robards, Mrs. Graham Andrews. Mrs. James McKlmmon, Mrs. Jos Ter rell, Mrs. Russell Sherrlil. Mra B.:s. Skinner, Mxa Gates, of Houston, Va.; Mrs. John Cross and Miss Austin Dargan. ,, .- . - ,' . ; ,'; ( ' FrlJay afternoon Mrs. R. B. Riney ol-ormlnrly , entertained the BrltlKe Whbt (iub In honor of Mrs. W. J. Martin, of Bro' klyn, N. Y After sev eral rubtxvs of brldgs had ben play ed a delicious course luncheon wus sTved. Mrs. Raney' guests were; Mrs. W. D. Martin. Mrs. Carl Wi!- ruff, Misw Jennie Comn.1 Ml T.mjj MordTal. Mls Mary La.urns lllnton, I Mr. 11. X. Royster, Mrs. Graham An drews. -Mrs. i-ranK m. rtronacn, sirs, pusfjell glierrlll. Mrs. L. A. . Mahler. Mrs.-Watklns r.olmruv Mra. Geor-e Thompson, Mrs. Ben Taker. Mrs. It IX W. Connor. Mrs. Henry W. Miller, Mr. William Hunter. Mm. .cn Aie. Miss Marv Dennn, Mm. Juil n TItn berlake. Mrs. William Boyali, , Mrs. Cl.arlfs Mclvl'.nmow;-. Invltatiot).i 1; ne '. iJj, wl.i- h f -' hern rrct-U-r-i . Xy Tl r 1 V. . . ; y v. her new lion. . I".' '.In, cf E c-f honor at a r:-; : i aftemofti ty ' . ' :...;h. A tlio: t ' .: ' t fppnt at LrL ' Thoe pLiviV Y., wc r .. rivtn t:.'.- Chamber$ i afterrfx-'i w Afterw.irJ t were p-mi Mit '1'o.t ens Illnton, r- ss Jennlo Pescua, : Thoms9 S. Kenan, Mrs. . Clarl.s II. Busbee, Mrs. l!en Taker, I.'.rs. Carl Woodruft and Mrs. C. B. Wright. ' - ' r"" Frljav evening the Evening Eri.ie Whist Club met with Mr. and Lira Frank M. Strofiach and had a delight ful time. ; There were five tables of players, who enjoyed the game, end afterwards Mrs, Stronach's delicious refreshments. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, EJ ward Fellowes, 4 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mahler, 1 Miss Annie Root, Miss Nannie Rogers, Mr. George Folk, Mrs. William B., Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Pen Baker, v Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. W..H. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. W.itklns Robards, Mr. nnd Mrs. Julian B. Thrvberlake and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. .W, Connof. ; j (. . 'The Kentness Book Club met Fri day afternoon with Miss Bell Pescud. Mrs. Charles McKlmmon entertain ed about twenty-five of her friends at a delightful little Informal tea Satur day afternoon. Mrs. McKlmmon was assisted In receiving her guests by Mrs. ' James McKlmraon. while Mra Julian B. Tlmberlaka r presided over the tea table. v-:The afternoon was passed In pleasant conversation over the tea cups. The event was a most enjoyable on4 ,': Mra? McKimmion's guests were: Mrs, James MoKlmmon, Mrs. Julian B. Tlmberlake, Mrs. , Hen ry Wilson, Mrs James Pou, Mrs. Shtt.. Miss Katie McKlmmon, Mrs. G. W, Lay, Mrs. Van Moore,' Mrs. W. E. Shlpp, Mrs, George ; Strong, Mba Pat Mordecal, Mrs. Ashby Baker, Mrs, Edward TFellowea Mr. W. H. . Wil liamson, Mrs. R. D,'W, Connor, Mrs. A. B. Andrew, Mrs. Moncure, Mra Palmer Jerman. Mrs. Albert Ander rton, . Mrs. -C W. Gold, Mrs. Herbert Jackson, Mrs. . George .Thompson and Mra Henry Litcbford. " The "Younger Set ' Bridge Club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Her ber Bueli and spent ta most enjoyable afternoon. (Those present were: Mra. A. H. Ball. Miss Lilly Ferrall, Miss Margaret Macky, Miss Nell Hinsdale. Mra Murray Allen, Miss Annie. Hins dale, Mrs. A. H. Arrlngton. Km Mary Latta, Mrs. W." N. H. Smith, Mis Loufee Linton, Miss Irtne Lacy. Mrs, Charles Fu n, Mlas Beye Heartt MJss Annie Duncan,. Mrs. Arthur Cobb and Mrs. Epps, r ,i There was an Interesting4 meetings of Wis domestic, science department of the' Woman's Club Thursday ? af-f ternoon 1n the club building.' There were several instructive short talks on the science of cooking,, followed by a number, of reliable recipes for a Southern Christmas dinner. , ; ' Mrs. R. T. Gray entertained -tho Olla Podrlda Club Tuesday afternoon. The Johnsonian Club met with Mm Beneham Cameron Thursday . after noon.. - . t Miss Daisy Haywood.' sponsor. ' for the Raleigh High . School ; football team, -entertained ; charmingly Friday night In honor of -the team.. There were about forty-five guesfs present and a most enjoyable' evening '' 'was pentr ;v Miss Hal Morton was hostess to the Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. There were two tables of players, who pass ed a very pleasant afternoon at that most fascinating game. Those . pres ent were: Mrs. Sunderland, Mrs. Sam Ashe, s Mm . William Hunter, . Mrs. It D. W. ConYior, Miss Margaiet Traptar. Miss Nannie Skinner, and Miss Phelps, of Washington, D, C. v ; . .. , T Misses ,Soulle, SophFe And ' Isabel Busbee gave one of the' most delight ful entertainments of ths season Saturday- af ternoon at the home of th Mr parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Charles M. Bus- bee, in onor oi inree oi ttaieign s Pill brides, ' Mrs. , Graham Andrews, Mrs. Watktns W. Robards and Mra Wlllla-m Royall. 'An invitation to this hospitable home sJways means ; a chnrming time, and so the guests found it on this occasion. The after noon was spent at bridge whist , Af ter the game a dainty luncheon was served. Present were: MW, Blanche Blake, Mm Henry Wilson. Mrs. H. W. Miller,. Mrs. L. A. Mahler. Mrs. Gra ham Andre-ws, Mrs.- Watklns RobarJa Mrs WlHiam RoyalU Mls Annie Root Kis Sarah Cheshire, Mita , Elizabeth Cheshire, Mra R. B. v Raney; : Mrs. Charles Fish, Mra Russell vSherrlll. Kus-lJira Henry, wagiy sntsa taiin vngj, Mra B. W. Baker. Mrs. F. M Stron sch, MrAV.i II.. JOr.es, Tdrs. Herbert Bueli, Mls May Johnson. Miss Sudlc Johnson, Mrs. Brown Shepherd. : Mrs. A.' II. Ball was hostess to the young ladies Bridge - Whist ' Club Tuesday afternoon.- " " , Mrs. George H. Snow entertained the vouna neonle of Raleigh Tueadav afternoon at a charming reception In honor of her two nieces, Misses Jose phine and Katherlne Boylen. i A most enjoyeible slx-4ourse lunch eon was given Wednesday by Mrs. Ed gar W. L'arbee, In honor of Mrs. A. H. Ball, formerly Mlts Mary Barbee, and Mrs.' William f Holt formerly Mies Lackle Latta. The table looked lovely in Its Christmas decorations of red And green, The very appropriate favors were very 'tiny little Christmas trees. Mrs. Barbee's gueu on this happy oc casion were: Mrs. A, H, Ball. Mrs. William Holt Ml!cej willa NorrK Minnie Mann, of E.luefield, W. Va.; Llzde Rogers, Katie Earbee and Lou! a McDonald. Thursday morn'-'T Mrs Henry Lltchford JeHfrhtfui.y entertained nt bridge whist in hoi or of Mr Oii bam Andrews and Mrs. Wat kin .4 Eo- Vardfl. . ' , ' . " ' , Mrs. Ktedmin Thompson and r Maryiret Eoylun Fvo n. beaut:" 1 ft'ptlon Thur.--!;iy uf:.' !OOn lr of Mrs. fi nils am Anlr--.v and re- Ere t r i : T i i i t i : r .1 . t v. '."le 'y ea- J -ye J i y tl i r- t. Profc- r V.'tuver c C. : : l Cot n was t -; ?y f ' t I l.ia lall l.andiijnie i ual uUJ.ina c.'y ren dered E r art the more t- . .-ctive. HlsNunt'u i::y tae voice vaa n?vor in better .condition, end his mny wurtn admirers felt proud of his tt ;..,J e'rsins. V'lo Charlotte Is Newton indeLte.l for. "the most excellen.t rendition of the part cf E.alph Rackstnw, for Mr. Harry Overcash has a voice that when once heard will lon be rexnem bered, and last night's performance will ever hereafter make him a fa vorite with those who had the pleas ure of listening to Jiis singing. " The parts of Dick Deadeye and the Bostomian, which were filled by Messrs. a M. Ilngrer and Anderson, students of the college, were most excellently - represented.' Both young men have appeared In amateur per formances before and are great -favorites. To-night they amply fulfilled the most ardent desires of, ' their friends for their success. - r But last although byno means least would we speak of the young ladles of the opera. There Is nothing more beautiful than a -bevy of bright haj-. py , young faces, and. when suddenly Sir Joseph appeared accompanied by some forty sisters, cousins and aunts, all . in the most becoming costumes, the -picture became one of loveliness indeed. . - , K l Miss Leah Coleman took the part of Josephine and with her pure classic features, soul speaking eyes, and clear sweet voice, she held her audience enchanted whenever she ap peared upon the socoe. , , ' As Little . Buttercup - Miss Pauline Phillips was most excellent -and ehe was soon ' as great a favorite : with the audience as with the jolly tars. ' A most perfect Hebe was Miss Sarah' McCorkle, and. many a wistful eye was turned towards her as she disdainfully rejected any. attempts of the sailors to win a fleeting glance from fcer merry twinkling eye. - On a whole -the- entire perform ance was indeed most perfect suc cess and our people are to bo truly congratulated in having so much tal ent among our young people, but above all in the fact mat such voices as those of Miss Coleman,: Professors Losh and Weaver, are constantly to be heard ,ln our midst .Too much credit . cannot be . given. Professor Loan, who as musical director . and instructor has done so much to call forth the talent of the students, as well - as to give : the citizens of our town - such ' delightful treats as the performance lastjiight and the Holy City last spring... . " Km.' a. A; Snyder and - two chil dren left last night for Hagerstown, Md., to spend Christmas with her parents, Mrs. George H. West has gone to Wilmington for the holidays. Miss Winnie WarllcK returned from Salem Academy ., yesterday, J Mr. Jones Rudislli,-who Is studying phar macy at the University, to In town to-day. Mr. D. McGregor Williams, a sophomore at Chapel Hiiy will re turn home this week. 4Mies Carrie Deal, of Asheville, Is expected home Sunday to spend some time with her parents. Miss May Williams closes her duties in the . Oxford graded school to-day and will reach Newton Saturday night. Miss Elizabeth Bos- clan, of the Newton , graded school. will leave lor iver Home in Concord to-morrow to spend the holidays. ' 'WILSON. 1 Cftrrespondence of The Observer, - 1 Wlleon Deot . 1, Wednesday eve ning. December Sth, Mr. WIlUs Fnederlck, Ragles and Mlas - Grace Tumllnson were turlttd in marriage at the JJethodlst church here. Rev. F. D. Swindell officiating. Owing to the recent bereavement dn the bride's family the ceremony,, beautiful and sweet in Its slimpllctty, was witness ed only y relatives of tho contract ing parties and a few special friends. To the beautiful and inspiring strains of Lohengrin's "Wedding. March," rendered , by Mrs. W,. & Harriss. the bridal party entered the church.The ushers, Messrs. George. Hackney, Jr., and John Gorham, wearing boutan nieres of UUes of tb valley, prectded the damefof honor, 'Mrs. Benjamin Simms Herring. She wore an exquis ite creauuon of blud messalJine made along the lines of the now: empire fashion, with sleeves of kimona ef fect This pretty costume was made complete by a round bouquet of La Prance roses tied wtth pink ribbon. The bride was accompanied by tier uncle. Mr. E. II. Adams, to the altar, where the groom and his .brother, Mr. Joseph C. Eagles, awaited them. The marriage vows were ,. plighted with ring according to the ritual of the Methodist church. . The bride wore -beautiful princess frown of white ' chiffon fashioned with panel effects, a veil of tulle and 'carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley, tied wlth a sash of tulle, J j , ; ; ; , The groom is a most popular so ciety man and prominent la business circles, being one of the members of the Boykln Wholesale Grocery Com pany. The bride, the daughter of the late Prof. J. I. Tomllnson, .r noted educator and man of totters, la one of the most attractive and universally admired of the young set and pos sesses a charming personality, ' The ; popularity of this young couple lis plainly demonstrated by the beauti ful and numerous frifts showered upon th?m. Mr. end Mrs. Eagles will spend their honeymoon 4n the North. - The out-of-town guests extending the -marriage wer Mr. Allen .Gray Tomlln-ion, of High Ilnt; Miss Bai lie Kills and Ml Fanny Adams, of Washington, D. G; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eagles. Misses filly and Fan Fables and Mr. W. W. Eagles, of Edgecombe, I,nt Wcdne-l.iy evening nt It o'cKxk at the ele-mt homo of the bride on Kunnn sirei-t, fir. Naithr-n Andermm. Jr.. and. E. s I,.-.ie Far mer- were nr,Ji-d ir, marr!;' 1-y El der V.'i'l'.am X.'on 1 u ,1, i r. The home had been : be'' u! ally decorated tf--r the event en 1 rrv-tited a' scone f loveliness as t:.e tii lil party entered the parlor. E'-r -t !' -re ; event Mr. I), J I. p' - i, trrthfr tf (' i r,.,,; v . -- rt , : j. . : i . t . . r. - ' . ? j 1 i o C: r th ! .i a i . o c--'..: i i .' i's .' :.ue. J vi ry f' e ; t'.h :.:i-fifs "fca- x: x , : 1 gown v. ' tl.at would nako a ( ' ? a r- i i i at'.- '.t, 1- 1 V: ' t t. It IV en-y. ihe la tl :t i. I'.y t -ment of trains n,i could five s-. j debutantes a net ' .1 I -nil ths art of not fallinj over on-- .'. i .ov.dV.-i with stately tread ar-j w.'.lt her srns folded, Just liv-e a irlnre r'. 'it across . her, chest The, princess looks very l'.l.e a ne grees. ; The: manager says she U an Indian and was -born at' Eryn Mawr, Pa. . - v ..... . ., A. RH.L WOXDEHLAND. , South . Dakota, with Its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranet an j strange natural formations, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, in the boms of Mra E. D. Clapp, a wondtrful case of healing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lun? end throat trouble. . Exhausting-coughing fnells oc curred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clapp,1 'wheh I began grlvinsr Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine, that aved his life and completely cored h'm." Guaranteed for couKhk and colds, throat and lung troubles, ty all druggists. 50c. and 1. 5jTrlal bottle free.' .1 - t . - i. : - .- . Picture Torrorico Paint ed. 10 North Tryon Street. :PTOFOAIIIrJ!I7PF Ever witnessed in Charlotte; ; Since " Friday. our.store has been aowded with purchasers Our annual clauh ' ter sale is even a greater, success than last year's great achievement To cct; the unprcccicntcd dc msnd v3 ivcrc ccmnIIctl to tcl- circplj fcr 50 nizro enecs cf ccJs vAiioh G2i:p Inst nvSilly express. Tlicse ivill Co cn z:Az to-n:crrcv crJ Up "Cr.rr.ivrJ cf : Bcrino' will ccnt!;;::3 t:ntil Tirccdhy uiklr.ih.it Yciicrn'tcf- fcnl to r.:iC3 tlii3 el::::: ! t ! i I 1 t : It, j. -- c: C y ( -rv.r ti ' 1 t , 'l. r-nj i It t-r, l.i 1 . cr.3 I i 2 l.U E ; 1 t:.e t I 10 secor.-l ye:r can. lnd;i'r T"v tli Governor: a. ii. ak: e .to::. - 1'rlv ' t retary. : Ij'jLj' . L a A 5 ' " ' The above named party is a.wEIts man, less - than the average - Kiz-?: welpht about 126 to ISO, height about 6 feet 5 or Inches, . dark -.cor ri-'xlon, black or very dark . ha', black or very dark sparkling ey , square face, rather . sharp chin; wears 6 to - 1-2 shoe, quick - ste?, quick Spoken, erect, square shouldei .-t, wore dark short mustache, not heavy. Are 30 to 33 yeara Was a merchan dise clerk and mica cutter. Al $100 reward offered by brother, .f deceased (Wesley B. Connolly), of Penland. N. C. Said amount is on. deposit In the Mitchell County I unit, Eakersvllle, N. ,C, ' .'..- .Frame AMiff '10), aa V I.' 't. f- r-i ft r "i r r 9 r -