; i.. 1 t t..fl . i ' 18 ly ar.y and . a!'y ty t:.e co.n- i r .:y. when on my way i U3 town, I had peculiar e en tii avenue. A gentle- , r-.her email but good looking, . i up to tiie sidewalk and hjtch , i i (fnnitpv. the tiniest, eleekeet. . t little donkey ever; got out and v t to do eoni shopping. I m f i a to the donkey by some strange j-ow tr that I could not resist.- Seeing r: rproach. the fawn-colored beast locked 'me in -the face, twitched hit 7 AiUy, trimmed tail Hopped hie pon ccroug ears and brayed if he were la Is'orth Carolina., I smiled, for. I felt that I had met a long-lost friend and I knew the donkey had a simi lar feeling. I was a a bunch of fine hy to the donkey. , flo was aa a mint -Julep to me. Somewhere, way tack in the year that are paasea, fenerations that are gone, my fore fathers and th ancestor of that donjwy met on the same plentaCon n-nd the one plowed the other. Tha The owner eame out and was inclin ed to blame me with having set hit donkey going. He twore that he had owned him for tlx year but had never heard hint do that. before. I pased on believing that the don key a more n him man most peo ple give him credit tor. -.,'. A NEGEO rRlEXD TURKS UP. Eame distance down the street I caw great Mg black negrd, with Targe lips ftad pretty white (teeth, buy ft paper. A it is dangorou to star at a negro U Washington,;! Jiav made It rale to pa them by without paying much attention to tny brother in to tack, but there was eomethiag about this 4oy that at tracted me. I saw something fa mmar about 1x1 tace. The cloeer I went to him the more convinced did I become that I had eeen him be for. Finally 1 recognised-him a aa old,: acquaintance thai ' I had Jrnowa: : in ' Provtdenee township, therefore, t knew he could cot read unless he had learned since he left North Oarolinft. ' X walked Bp with out making myself known and ask ed tb negro If . he would mind turn ing to the weather forecast And ace what ft eaid for the next - twelve lumre, - 'I had naked very embar rassing question and . enjoyed the equation. The negro waa too proud to ftdmit that he couldn't read, but tie didn't know -how to get out of the predicament. -- A etc turned the paper ftbout I recognise at. X said nothing, but wondered - how he would ve him elf. X knew that h would tell a lie bat could not Imagine what sort of U It would be, X never saw ft' negro rear back on his ; dew-claws so. He evidently thought X to from the far North to treat him with so' much defer ence. , - - r - '- "W1L ,sr. 2 do declare that I have left my glaues at home," said he, atter feeling- in every pocket two or three times. ' - Glasses! You black rascal, you can't read,; said I, In all serious- ners.' ,.'-!' '."- Tm should -hare seen him r swell up! - He was like an inflated bull 'i'-fre.-'-" 'Why," said he to himself, "me Washingtortan and have to . take that , What does he mean?" I dld not give him time to think it ever before I added: "You may flood ' up all -right but you can't rain, Cam." I saw the darky's mouth begin to crack, and a emlle came over , his face as he looked at ma. , ? . "Say, ain't dls Mr. Eddy?- Mmt iuiu ja,M vr ;vh nuvu mw those big feet. What are you doing touyin a paper. You can'i read?" "X ho' is glad to see you, Mr. Ed dy. How Is all de foks down home? You txe me whut 1 bought de paper fur? hsu fur mer little gal--he 6am and myeetf snook hands and Indulged tn quite a pleasant , chat. He was ft playmate of my boyhood days and all of the stiffness . that Washington life has put In Wm dur ing his SO years here left him when he leg his mind run back to evi dence, when we ueefl to box; wrestle. gojewimmmg, fishing and bring the cows home together. I have eeen him several time sine and he Is Just as respectful as he ever was. Washing ton has spoiled him for strangers but for me he is all right H Is stltl a rnM wurirv. -. ' SOME PECULIAR XOTIOXS. ! T Wfla nr hr Innr Wtri T ob served that the biggest mea are the clerks to the fifth or sixth assistant moguls, and the doorkeepers at the (Senate and the Rouse. The heads of departments and the Congressmen are not la the same das with the J fellows whom one meets on ithe way 1 to h inner olrel. There is some thing strange about to ; men who mind the doors to the Senate cham ber and the floor of the House, A , majority of them dye their hair and ! whtekera moeft of them tweferrtna-1 the walnut color, but there are some i wfco try bluish tinge. It Is a no- tteeable fact that none of them uee ! ? turkey red, that being an unpopular 1 r color oil the fetago, t Have , tried to ! figure out a cause for thin peculiar i orase, ftmt X am not able to come to i tny deftntte decision. , X have tarried : o " talk with the most pronounced types but I have ln unable to get fat anything vhera XnTtaet, 1 iav discovered that these boys, most f ' whom have passed into the years of - the yellow leaf do not pretend to be bureaus of information, but automalic ,rBaroents, with fierce frowns for he ;: .rtmnger:;.ftnd,; sweet ';.m4lS) for the riM ', -.who : are reftpon&fele , for their j'M.v;:Of course there are exceptions to n rule, and now end then a real rto4 oSd fellow, with mtfllow face, ffr.tle eyes and musical voice, greete you; fcut when yo ee on of tnU ront you fl Ilk taking him home ".ih you at -rare souvenir. If the d ar reader is ever in Washington v hen Cougres is la isestln. let him, if fre likes to stuiy hAiman nature, up to one of the dyed gentle- n, in a meek sort or way. and k J ' tbout some Umoue picture or t . MK tiiat is in view and note how I-. - he becomes.' Then try to pats !i ly lim to a gallery of th Senate " : e afcd hear him roar. J Hi at ' i 5s that of a well-primed tele : .i r ole; but before :you stop go i r t your i:eprefratjve and let i I -ft you in end note the d!ffer i i the Z'x'.b v.ty of W back and .rt see In W fuce.. I have met rtrrs cood advice. c '..vr-r, 'ne of the' best known .r l-e I ii5--v!!ic, N, V., aays: vrt 1: .1 With rl. 03- i :- ii, c-ii-A r c , is i t ;. I ! ' . t I ' .:3 . ". '3 Out s a me' A t..an ue. tt 1 . 1') w S r.iv,re badge and It- Talk! He cdi.M . :ic t::a hjrr.j off a bras cow If he fe.ars tliO Jingle of uny shelties. About the. time a fel low gets estabiishel In a ecai in the Supreme Court room, where he would like to hear the argument in some noted case, one of the guides and a flock wlircoma alorg and. back up eralnst the , wall ; li that ; dark, cloudy-looking room, where you feel as if St would begin to rain any min ute, there is no word of cheer, no snicker from a merry oeart or chirp from ft boiaterous trt the visitors cree.p in to the whispers of the guide. One -by -one the , men and v-women, wrapped for th outside tn overcoats and cloaks and furs ami muffs, come trooping n, feeling their way by the old gray-haired, pale-faced darky that aits Juet Inside and pull the door open and form tn ft sort of family circl. each ; on turning an ear to the knowing rulda who in the soft est voice possible gives the names of the great men, of the Suprema Court "That man with the ruddy com plexion and tha fine dead is Mr, Jus tice .Harlan, who ts ft Kentuckian," aid the guide."He ha been her loag time and there is no man la the world that likes a chew of to bacco better than he doea A funny thing about htm one day when he took up ft glass of water he looked at It and moved tt about so that the water would go 'round ; amyt round. You have seen people do Ugutds that way.-, , " - ' - : . "The large, very fleshy man to his right is Mr. Justice White, one of the treat lawyers tn the tend. ' He came from Louisiana; drover Cleve land appointed him. He is one of the big dogs of the, bench. , - "The man next to the end there Is Oliver Wendell Holmes, a descendant of the poet - He has a very peculiar voice, as be came from New Eng land." A r ,f4, k ' v ;i ;t j 'r i . Xot ft word do the vtoitors ettcr.'' but they snucxl cbte to th rulA and drink In his fund of informev don. .'..,:'.,.,,' .-BED BHClt- Washlngtoa, D..C ' . t-', , AUTOMOBILE WORLD Being gentlemanly and good-natured has created the right of way for many 'motorists. There are more than 200 men In New York City working on improve ments In automobile. ' Experiments are under way In Del aware with building roads of a mix ture of clay and crude oil. A Philadelphia builder has sold 25 touring ears to customers In Cuba, to be delivered -by January 1st.,- ," - New York dealers have formed the Coupon Club, to meet Informally ev ery day at luncheon to discuss trade conditions. New York City's new electrlo police rm f va1 nra artnn VtAtrm m . ltd sSn SV V WCB;Vei ' VQSjII ' IW MSJV JJ emaihlng a delivery wagon on the urat oay iv was in servio ,-.., ' . m On make of foreign car led all the Americans, tn registration In the 'of fice of the New York Secretary .of State during ft recent week, William K. Vanderbllt, Jr recent ly ordered rom a French maker ten cars of ft racing type . of el-horse power, for which he paid $12,0 OA apiece.-- , - , Pennsylvania State highway Offici als are experimenting with 2S1 vari eties of limestone In search of an in expensive, yet. satisfactory, road ma terial. , , Indian motorists - are gratified at the action - of the State Railroad Commission. In limiting the rates which rallcoads may charge for haul ing road material , Tires have three natural enemies that are dmtruotlv to rubber, light heat and, oil, and each has Its own peculiar ' effect which should foe guarded against - Calcium chloride never should be used in an anti-freezing' solution If It be liable . to . come In coataot with aluminum, as it is almost certain to corrode the metal . 4 Straight-lined bodies are tabooed la newest models of British cars,' curves and "lines of beauty" now being the principal aim or tne roreign manuiao turers. . ' -, If a slight knocking sound Is notic ed when the engine is operating un der a heavy load, an immediate rem edy may be generally effected toy ingntjy retarding toe sparx lever. . Asa Ooddard has resigned as sec retary of tne Cleveland Automooiie Club to devote au of his time to the cause of good roads, tn which the has been interested (or some time. .- What Is declared to be the most ef ficient newspaper delivery -service in the country is maintained at Fresno, Cal., where automobiles are used to cover the entire city and suburbs. --' Three physleian -'are - enrrolled ln the first class and several other pro fessional men in the second in the automobile school recently opened b the Bedford Y. M. C A, at Brooklyn, A lamp using ..alcohol for. fuel, wftlch Is said to give from seven to ten times a much illumination as an electric light at a cost of leu than a cent an hour, U recent arrival from Europe. V . , , :t''Vi:'''J' ' AccOrdlasr to Amerlcen ; '-VConsul General . Skinner; . at Marseilles, French farmers are readily able to C reduce denatured alpohnl at tram K A to 70 degrees strength from the pulp oi. grapes, appiea ana peara. Dealers' who make a specialty of small cars report a steady demand for mcaiuni prscea ma:nine, the outlook for the coming year Indicating that these cars will be uied In larger num- uc man ever oeiore. ',,,-' I , "''' . . 't, i Federnl offlriila rtranito three Pittsburg labor leaders snd two imynytr raw on caarres ot mnus Jn dhs matin with Hffl k ukui. they were to receive about 175,000 for 4,suv automooiie. The authorities of Wiesbaden." Cer T,.v e !' l here r ".1 'Is, s' r-.'. r id V. 5 X' Who COTiJljt 3 J afcoiJt f.;e C , ; i roiUars to tr.t 1 CNCORPORATta 3 trr? ' . : wixtcr orianxa jaxvahy i, isos' . . Save $5.00 on Single Course or $10.00 on Combined Course by c. Registering befor January 6, 1808. Railroad fare -paid. Ehort hand. Book-keeping, English f' t. Write to-day for New Of fers, Journal and Catalogue. 'Address -- - " ... . Charlotte,' JT.fC . Ot r , f - IUleih, JT. ft toturts who violate the speed limits. . The Charre of a 11.000 entry fee for the stock car road race to be held near New: York April lith is exeus sd by the promoters saying, that the expense will he large, the oiling: of 42 miles of road . being one - costly item. ,,-,- - The latest development of the mo torcycle is ft v machine with a long wheel base, somewhat resembling an automobile, as the driver occupies a chair-like seat some distance to the rear of the .motor and steer with a wneei.; .. , qaore - foreign automobiles were brought Into the country tn Novem ber, this rear, than in anv .nievious November, the - number being 1 45, valued At $422,425. . The previous record for the month was in 1901,'$$ cars, worrat J7i,7i?. -4: a.i . Two miles to ft hospital in less than three minutes recentlv was made at New York by a motorist, wno had run aown a toy and who. secured , from a policeman permission to take him to .the surgeons before he was arrested. ' Annoved by her male rivals and bv boys, who would invade her cab every iime - sns sxoppea, stsu von ' rapp, Berlin's first - chauff euse, was forced to apply to the police for permission to carry a young man with her, ara body-guard. Prices of machines shown it the recent London Olympla show were reduced on an average of 21 per cent over , those of last year, even by the richest firms, largely as a result of the general standardization in, prog ress In England. It Is of the utmost Importance that the bolts holding together the parts of a live axle housing be drawn up to their -full capaolty at all times. Any slackness may permit a slight amount of play, which will render them liable to rupture. . 1 , . . ; Do not ring the bell, nor turn on the lamps while the battery of an electrlo vehicle. Is charging, as the in creased voltage will burn them out in a short time. Keep the carriage body open so as to allow a free circulation of air around the battery. . . ; , 5 Offlelal of ft New York company which operates 100 taximeter cabs and gasoline vehicle in that city claim they have been forced to spend 1150. 000 for foreign cabs within the past 10 months because American ... manufac turers decline to build that form of vehicle, J '' - ' , s ' The' French Minister of Public Works has issued a call for a conference to be held in Paris during November of next year to consider road questions which have developed as the result of the growth of automobile traffic. Del egates are expected from all civilised countries, i State Senator Frellnghuysen, guthor of New Jersey's drastlo motoring law, has announced that he will fight the attempts of autolsU, to have repealed the provision requiring ,, a motorist from another State to obtain a New Jersey tieens as soon as h enters tie latter Suta By taxing '' outside nndertskers : $1 for each body brought Into the town ship for Interment, the authorities of upper Darny Townanip,' ra, wwen Uee Just outside Philadelphia and which contains ' several large ceme terlea except to raise $3,000 a year for good roads. , v '(, ' Plans for a, new 'Stat road from the Idaho Una 17 miles east of Spok ane, . to Puget Sound, thus connecting Eastern and Western Washington by a highway which will run directly westward across the Cascade, have been announced . by . State Highway Commlsaloner , Snow. , of Washington. , Once ft month about one-half gill ot kerosene should be Injected Into' the evllnders and the anxlne turned over by bend a few . times to . wash . the burned lubricating oil from the piston nA rlnrn. Tt fn hm lnlected throurh ih taomnresslon relief cocks .or by removing the spark plugs. s Backed by an organisation having a membership of 26,000 known' as the irnirhts of tha Oolden Chain. Charles Wi Thatcher id touring the country arousing interest n tne construction or a fclarltwav mm Nw '. York tft Sail Francisco for the use of both automo hues and horse-arawn vemcies. - l mbm - Af , ivir. Mill h TW peslsd to the Supreme Court of that Btate a suit won ny a motonei wno recovered damages for Injuries dose to his oar by sinking 10 inches Into a sandy etreet. The decision will set tle nllw , whtVi nr tnt n automo bile hag the same right to a highway . . . & ......... .- as ,a norse-arawn veaicia ,...! ,, - ' Paradoxical as It may . seem, the headlight Is Just as necessary OA a moonlight night s a dark on. An examination of serious automobile sc- Tht ftneet Cffe Kubiitltut vrt mni be recently been rrodil by l)r. fsnotp, cf pae'ne, Wl, "Tfou Cun't h'lve to boil It twenty or thirty mtrurta "Stida In a mlnut,' sevs the dwtor, "TTnlih Cor ff " i really the client Cuflre, Imita Hon ivr yt firodiff-d. Nf't a fVdin of rl Ceffee Is it iihr, liiith .Coffe IrmBton iC IBufl (""'1 f t" '' i ' 1 or f :. i r ', ! . . I V It wouil r 1 o f t : id i , i !.i.p-...- 'y f . Ill .-v." . I i- J . cldent in th past year shows that over 100 happened at sight half of these when - the moon was - shining brightly, v Of these, probably 25 were brought on by optical Illusions caused by the moon's deceptive light Plans are under way .for the build ing Just outside of Philadelphia of a motordrome similar1 to, but t an Im provement upon the famous Brook lands track in England, a two-mile oval track Is contemplated, 100 feet wide, except at the turns, which will have width of 125 feet The cost is estimated at $500,000 and promises are made that it will be .completed by Juna . v 1 t . . . . j'".'f y"-': During the month of September Ital ian touring and automobile clubs win hold a series of trials for commercial vehicles under 'the patronage of the War Office, and the Ministry of Agri culture, will conduct a contest for ag ricultural motors, added to which It Is likely that the Postmaster General will thoroughly try out a number ot vehicles deslgued for carrying malls. ' As a demonstration of the ability of American cars and American drivers to stand up under the greatest strain ever Imposed on man and machine, no better; event could bo found than th run from New York' to Paris, proposed by u Martin, aa event that nas al ready attracted world-wide attention. Encouraged ' by- the success - attend lng the use of a six-ton electrical truck for hauling coal at Its mines, at She boygan, Wla, the C Belss Coal Com pany, one of the largest coal compa nies of the country, has decided to in stall similar trucks et its branch docks at several Oreat lake point for re tail or local delivery. -..,-..,, , . .. ... . ,. -.. - A . A .. .... ..s , r liungiy As a Deer r: : ; v- and Can't Ect If, When Mealtime) Comer, Yo Snf .'fer From Yai-ot Kind, f ' Hunger, Yoa're ft JDs- " ; , . , .- ppu , ;, . ' - How to Cure AU fctomucl troubles. i. good many people get mad wfttn you tell them they've got dyspepsia, but way down deep In their atom achi they kaow theyvo got it' :.V' -I'd love to eat it. but I cant,-. Is on kind of dyspepsia. .-! -3 r. t hate to think of ir ! anotner kind. - There- are' thousands of peo ple to-day who hate their nvmla. and love them at the same tlma They haven't that fine empty-hungry cat-everythtng-ln-sigbt kind vOf feeling which goes with every goo 1. strong, healthy stomach. - That's because they have dyspepsia .Ant tnen there are others whosa mouths rv.n't water at meal time or at auy other time. ;They eit at the, table snd go through the motions, only banie lt' tlm to eav These yop too, are dyspeptics.' : - Every possible - kind, of (tomach trouble can be cured by tAktnr some thing which will just take riwht bold! Of all the food n your ;omH-h end -digest It alon without C-e Wlp of tne atomacn, ana let - tn ronwen take a rest' v.:".;:. -;..-".' . Stuart's Dyfnepi Tablets do this very thing.- They are tompased ot the best digestive ka-rn " U ec.'enca, and are abwlu'ely af. On in gredlant alon of on of the tab let will digest S.00O grains of food! The . tablets do xactty th work that a good, strong, healthy stomach - Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure all cases of dytpepiia, IndioiUon, turn ing or Irritation, loss of srretite, bloat, braaX belchir-T, avcrsu1 to food, fermentation and gus on (he stomach. . Stuart's . Dyeper.-'a lablett i:ii make you feel "foja ieCjre and after each meal, end - maae our stomach strong end heathy rila. Thy will make you l.appy. tend us your ti.ria an! s r !.-! to-day end ws;l ct on"e uctl jou fcy mail a ta-i- fn;';n- ftee. A.Hre r. A, : . -r, .j, ;rt .: .. - i - r Wb?' - - v . ( ..." f . 1 Jill v ' f zzz-zizzyt is fj.vcn :-.t 7Z VLU ccc-t fcr a Gr! -t.u p:., t x H ! S O -3 ? - - r HJi. tsa th3 rrir.J ci ths receiver cf tucli ci c;-r:;:: j C ' - 3 7 1 ta ccccczJ cnccuri-tncr.t frenx ycu, lis: tcccurjcia tj r Sr r i fit! driydycii2dreawiaijiJoii C v.'Jch j t t -3 Lzzod, descriptive of is fcsferfoa encl sHowH how 3 xi.:r: ccrc 1 - J " T" a ( iuAv C2p:tii.ccco,cco,c3 , Tj:Lt'3 a-it9riyr ? ftlfeSSlt Hill 1 H 1 UiOfNiiiiiiii1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiibiip ii!iB.:.ii '" I ,1 ...a K-v-zyyj r. . . - White otar unable to find 1 attend to every part of our buggies and : ' ; we guarantee to navfe used : in' their -manufacture ( i ? v M fivOT hii(rDTf iire."A firftrle?; anrl pmmnAtt Rtmnoc 1 - X A Tr a '11 a t Catarrh cold fa bead. Hay Fever, rapidly in fects the 'mucous membrane of . the throat, and lead to graver , compli cations, unless promptly attended to. We recommend Icing's Sarsaparllla Internally to purify: the blood. ' and direct treatment' with Dr. King's Ca tarrh Remedy (a douche comes wjth each bottle). It cftlns a foothold from which It Is hard to--dislodge. With treatment of these two medi cines any ordinary case wilt yield quickly th very worst cue will b greatly ' relieved. ' The price, . $1.00 three for $2.(0. and guaranteed. Sold by Burwell st Dunn. . , , c lost dp Only 'a few days more .to .try for tne Write an jadvertiserfient i ;: 'for" NJ;.--",. 2 f..rs Iw2 Pcrscn s I J " I vj f snd tend it in at encc. j ' ' AdJrc:3 I 0....we .- k.tjUli - ' ' - V " : ' ' : -w-m . upoa requccL ' . ifffill1 ... There may be otter , ' - - btiefcfies as jjood . as .thul tor the money but we them; . ! Careful workmen !. . ti " r - . hrr a Tr a Th a im n n o I'. .v .f , , 1 , , , ,,, i Y -4 ?i " ' (INCORPORATED).' . . ' ' ' V :S:'';-v":iLUMBEIlTOH. H. C. . : . c X" '- A well equipped hospital for tne treatment- 1 of all n6n-contasions, medical'', and 'surgical' t, s ca$es. Jot and cold baths.' Competent corps A A ; of trained nursc3. .; : '- r' , ' J eS . Special department , for. the scientific, ethical . y and humane treatment - of 'hiskey and drug Y 4 - . "? " ttalrlnn PhallaMi Prcsbyteriah folleg Foftfen Opens September 5th, - ip07. ' Catalogue furnished ' - Rev. J. R. "Dridcs, D. D.t 'President :4BIG QUALT3 t te r "i W . w J v. a. V y 1 v X r;:c::.l LVV.y O-.'cr. w . 1 are ; a X h Ennnln j ; , mil nMAl M&naer ! V T-"'p'" 1 'k 1 i.: s 1 1 a m s 1 w upon, application. ,r 1 ; ( ....... r . 1 19 r iMf vi :' r"i 1- rt i i" j t t ti c i- 5 1 "" f W f j I lf I r-iti ' mj f ' r : - :,. i i, ::. . : . ( i. ' ; "y I c, . t i ; t 1 ? ii i . - r""-y, r-n1 autonjo?)!?" .lr4d wt I .. i :i;itn in . i t i' j in tha vh-U-.'.: - - i j ,-. S J t