.1 TV: 1.1 e ,r 1 1 .y cf a 1 t. -. ; y i ieres's 1 l.ere to-il 7 l tl.a interest tf . ,i il.yj Bub;:;Jy. ' Harvey D. ' ' r, jresIJent of the Merchant .e League, unJer the auspices of v the convention was held, . es ju ; ved the opinion that the meeting wouiJU. not only- hav;- good-result, lut the attendance and enthusiasm shown by the delegates' from vari ous parts" of the country indicated that the general public was taking a greater interest in the subject of th merchant ' marine and a subsidy for egolng crafts. "Die ronventlon was,'. .n.: a,,' degree, the beginning of a ' Jtaitrpaign . of education, but' the greatest efforts of the league - will : be, directed against Congress thiswlnter In .the Interest of the United States malt subsidy for ocean steamers. - H ' It is-estimated that 'the govern ment will have to ' appropriate abotjt $700,000,000 to place the merchant marine in a ' position successfully to ' compete with the merchant marine of other nations, i where subsidy exists. - ' ' , ' BENEFIT TO EVERY 'CITIZE2I: . It was asserted, byCthe. "advocates of subsidy that the measure Was not only of interest to the vessel owners but of direct benefit to every citizen of the United. States-and thaf-th ships were-entitled to this assistance as much as tbMrlverV harbor and railway r -''rr'" -" ,' The day's conference' was concluded with a; banquet this evening, . which success . of the -league -in -its- wCu-k so far. The star attractions at the ban- '&i&X2t New Hampahire. T senator- Foraiters address was ' a strong j argument in fatot Of bild-i Ina- ud an -American, merchant ma rine.. As bearing iipon nl subject he took occasion to discuss the pres en financial conditions which he s- ciarea rwere mevKSDW'oecausw. -? -n many Infiuehces, among; .which' wasj the - pas8ags1(ot, ,ths ; rat ,bill by the last OmgrpikmPjJiVm3ti 200.008 miles of railroad , dependent , upon ;"a rMe-maKing, commission, or. seven men 'sitting a Washington, , 4TheappHcationief our-inter-gtate commerce laws to our foreign 1 com merce,- Ssl ftHJ..HM h4 Tha Ian! should be amended la": JhU rejpect. , "This. is. gfineiallyrecenlid,:.ind admitted, and yet- the. public- sentl . ment it in. such a state that there, is general t hesitation to act.' -- It is impossible; r he r; said for our . a rents abroad' to successfully com- - pets with ; agents of foreign aaUons when ourxateslioJCahlPlBenls. ,arel fixed "and published , all over - the world and cannot be changed except upon -u aaysvjnoce, N v- , ifrf PB,OSPERITr-CHKCKED.r .'""vVe "are passing through" strange aker. -"The plainest .common sense propositions .'wth respect to- great business transactions ''are- whistled nnwn 1 ilia mini i li lucv -uu uwruhr pen toj suit the excited ; fancy of a of an alleged moral; regeneration of . h business, world, vAU this is un - natural.. unwarranted . and - Injurloua ' nd we are " now paying-the penalty. The most BtuD&ndousv DTosperity : the world ' has ever." witnessed has ' boon rYivnVpA and chilled.' ' .' "It -.wl'l-rvbe'J'monthsV;,-i probably longer,- befbr wo '.recover"' and v we never wilt recovferii tmless we -regain -.the confidence in the ; Integrity of each other, once mors regard success , In business as honorable, and content ourselves with sane, xregntatlons that will r minish wrongdoers . without bringing wholesale disaster, to the In ' ... MAntM..A 4 ' . ,atlAVA that :. ttl surest and best .way to, restore, our . "merchant marine is by a return to rURfTlminatlnar duties, and I. Continue to believe, that when we shall havef done this our flag will again soon M. flying over all the oceans. We should take that step ' at once, ut, .that seems to be for the present .Impossible.; In the meanwmie tnere is no eaiace tn n v kind of heln except ' only that which Is in the nature of boun ties or subsidies. It Is that or noth ing and that ut; far better, than not- - Ing"' ' ..-:-'" i-''- ."if.""' :'" He .approved! the ?;Galllnger ; bill now before Congress and said U 'would do much to build up' Ameri can shipping interests. - - . ' . ' A merchant . marine, he said, would supply American seamen for American ship's. . . v" - . " ' " IXJOtED EYE KESIOVIUD. , ' : v- .. ' '; .i 'i j I ;.r-v ''''-.', :-';,' Mr T. G. Kmith Token to Rex ' Ho pltal, Ralclah,' For an Operation A ' Hailrosd Man Gets a Car Load of Coal Dumped on niinMayor cf -. Ham!ct to He Tried For Turnlnq; : u lYlsoncr IxJOfe Citizen Who Went to TexnT- Returns Other, Nrws 'otes. ' r " , ' , Special to The Observer. Hamlet. . Dec,- 21. Mr T. O. Pmith, who had the misfortune of hatas one of his eyes accIdeMly, kmocked ot a short while eso," h3s tteem taken-to Raleigh and placed m r.ex Hospital and Dr. Lewis removed the Injured member.. -This was nec- ffiary Jn order ta cave (his lire, ..air, 'Fmitih Is1' one of Hamlet's best men, end It Is sincerely regretted that the accident has proven so serious, Mr. J., . Smith, a workman oil -."tljo railroad yurd here,5 -had one arm It- yoken and otherwise- Dadly bruised Wiiureday by (baviing 'a ; car toad " of coal dumped off on Jul m. ? He was mnder the trestle work of the coal chute doing some work and the shift ing engino came tip with a load of ooal, and a dooi' in the Wlten et the car - was opened and - th entire load fell upon Mr. Smith, which completely, burled t him. f ' lie " man aged to pu.i his vay out, but un" cwnscioua -amd a phywioian. was-surn-snoncd...- .-He . f do'f . nicely and,will be out 'In a. few days. - " ' :"t " . H li .regrfrf.trd by h!s rorrecpomid ent tbait a m-lstake was rn4e In the s rmonncement In tb nw scdul rn the P'.bcr3, whln froes Into fot on the f!h. ,TTf llionssht his ln F'Tnmrt wns posted ''on' the chwnjre Tr'il Cslarrh trfatments are h-inr fi.Hivl rut free, nn TO'Viit, bv Iir. ! ,.irn. ri-'n, M'K 'I'hwn titis are j.rr v""" to ' finr.l vtfhivit a r-nnv's ,.!' V t . ' I.''C i .".i-j- .. ''i t ;! ."t 'Va' V" i 1 " :i ' ' i 1' "iH .y. li,.s ; . ; . t ! : - . : ' . 1 r f.jer .... ; t. .e ' v el i Icon t :, 'c i r ff-f r- 1 v . .. c- tj it is l iLe ;1 ;i I t' ,t t;;a t rv 111 prove ttneCc'.d to l.f r s ' 1 tr: .,t she will soon be well sr,:n. Mr. C- B. T try, . of -the' best .farmers in the county, a .as purchased the pnwnt ?! !;e of Mr. C. Free man and will move 'Lis family. ln as soon mC'tr. Freeman ran vacate the house. Mr, Freeman has erected a "'nice'' residence on1 Jis farm about, a mile from, town -and will move 4iia family to ifabout the first of the year. "".'"-..' .' : ; Mr. Hunter Land, who was for merly w-ith W. R. Land & Co., but resigned last .'Fpriing and ; went .to Dallas, 'Tex lias returned to Tils cfd place here and B&ys sthat the Old North State is . good enough. ' Jor him.; " - . . .vv , r y Mr. A 'S." Cowaln. 'who recently sold his " mercantile - establishment, will, : the flrt f the 'year, Join the knights of the grip. H will V sell drugs for an old established house and will -hiave. he - territory In this section, which will- nabl thim to be (With, his family on Sundays. - A trial of more than ordinary In terest is scheduled ro take place be fore - ' Enquire '- Atkinson ' Monday. Hamlet's mayor "1s to toe tried (for turning a prisoner out tf the city's (lecku-o. It seems' '-' that deputy sheriff Siiad - awatoS . a colored , man arid wttibout ,th Tcnowleflge of V the mayor hiad placed him In te tombs, of which the mavor Is., or: cTWtrts to be. the'smle custodian whereupon ps Hbarated the prIKner. henee the suit aspalrnt the mayor; The outcome will be lookd forward, to w4th; a '!. great deal" of - anxiety. .W 'fp'i - v 1 P Afrlosn rmorVTVorst Cnem Strand. Magazine. - Millions and millions of locusts set tie .and millions and millions con tinue flying to' settle farther on. They have been; settling in myriads for, a hundred; miles ' and more, ' and yet enough are . left - flying to hide i the un! Oil k the ground nothings can be seen . but locustsso thickly do they pack that not a square Inch. arth or grass Is vJsi!bley Asyou;wi of wallr through them a narrow wake Is left lor a few-seconds tt In your';, track where hey have flowh out of. "your way, and as they rise in thousands before-your feet -the. noise, of cthelr like; aar electric power; sta- tlOO. IIOUDAYBOOSIMS Furnished b Stone & Earringer Co. The. Greatest demand lor any book ever known in Charlotte is that of the new. John Charles McNel'l . ; book, "fyrlcs : From Cotton Land," price $1.60, . First, lot. on sale Monday.,. Books illustrated by well-known ar tlsts make ideal Christmas presents. This Vear "Our Girls," and "The American Oirl.T both by'Hi Q. Christy and each price S3 are very-, popular. Christy's older books, Longfellow"! Evangeline and Courtship ' of Miles Stahdish are also going well These are 25 cents each. , Books bound "Roycroftie" have an Indefinable charm that makes ? one wantto. own them even it -already .the. possessor ot the jsame titles in other ; iwnnmgs. T w e nave securea this year in this ' style some of the most artistlo books ever made , in America- se iThe . - Rubalyat at i ' 1 2, "Borrowings end' More Borrowings," each 12.50. and "Poems We Love," at the same price, are a few of the many tHles. - ' ? "Vs :?" -1 ' Books of travel and description ap peal to . many . , and the publishers this year, have (gotten- out exception ally attractive . books 7 in this line. "Poets Country,,, by ' Andrew ' Long, description of the v country known, loved na described oy sucn Kngusn a nttinm ShnlteBnar; Rnntt. Kvrnn. Milton. Tennyson Burns and others, with; Illustrations, la colors, pries $5. l8 onft ef the1 most attractive. Others are "Historic ' Landmarks of AmerU M t Esther Singleton. Price $1.60 net The story of the White House, also by Esther Singleton, two to'umea $5. "Sweet Arden." I a book V of " . the Shakespeare country and the ,4,AuldJ Ayresnire". or Burns are two attrac tive books at $1.25: J .; -' fv,-"" J An author who reaches a wide cir cle' of readers each year? is Myrtle Reed. ' Her "Lavender, and Old Lace," ''Love Letters of a Musician," "A.ppinner In the Sun," 'The Spinster Book." "The Master's Violin," and the newest one "Love Letters of Liter ary Men," ajl sell well. Not only are they charmingly written, but the publisher have made, even In the $1.50 edition beautiful, books. We have a few of these In limp leather also at $8. , - . i - Giving: " religious and devotional books at Christmas is most appro priate, i'and on no line of thought la more- care expended either by author or bookmaker. Dr. Van Dyke's .books easily lead in pooularity His "Story of the Other Wlte Men" has been translated Into many-tongues.. We also have The Builders." and Tolling- of Felix,'-by him at each. The Miller ffooks. "Making the Most of Life." "Things to Live For." "Pilent Times," "The Joy of Setvlce," "The MillerTear Boqfc.'V;readlnsrs for every day) ; are also popular Price 5 cents per copy. . . Dainty . reli!oui booklets, nirh ai "Toung . M"' Fa'nlts ' and Ideals," "What ts Worth While," and -dozens of other splendid booklets we have at 85 cents each and in the dainty riinla serie at 50 cents and. In limp leather at cenw. "The y First True - Gentleman," fCbrJst), '.!'.' lyv Dr. Edward Everett Fale is on of tie choice little books this vear. Price 50 cents. . What Is the latest book ' out? Is the bewildering Question often asked t the book man, who, delucred by the.FOIi r.I NTTb "Dowd farm' nublishers' ;, announcements , . of. the (hun1iredfl-of books -published each month, rever can answer, that ques tion. , This year, however, there are a - few: exceptionally, good thinrs In fiction and many of them attractively enough often up to make excce.l!ni?-4 ly acpronrlate ChrlstmBS presents. Amnner them are:-"His Own People," bv l?ortli Tarkington, said to be a ehftrrnl-'.-rlv wr'tten ir'ory,' enntrflftin the glemour of th. old world srlHtoc raw, the wltcherv and faw'inntion of t l''ll rbt fnl Italian cnuntes c-n-(""' v"h t r" I 'TV 'v t't i v.-' t ri'-i !. ;i,a girl ! ti e ' ! if 1 r i. :-!" '- t. . i . I . , A .1 '.. Hii ... ... -.1 j L..' rs f-rice i j t- r ; -) In t!.e t i :.l 1 i f-1 I. ..i ); a you Rn 1 tha i u' r a 1 l,t":-! t "Jlenty 1 ..3 f r 1 " f the 'Alger and many others. Tn? Fireside series for flrU 'lnclujia.s? Mrs. Meade's and-Kose Carey's besf bocks. ..You really can buy en 8P-. proprlate .book for arh member of the tamlly on 'this 'counter, : About five years ago it occurred to" nn enterprising firm of publishers! in Xew York that It would be good bus iness to rlng out in a moderate price edition popular copyright Action that 'had genuine merit. From this idea has grown a business that is becom ing-enormous and has been a i)les3ing to.hundreds of thousands of people all ovet the country who have been encouraged to begin the collec tlon of good books at prices that enable them to buy a book as of ten, 'as they, perhaps, formerly bought r a magazine that, was , thrown away when read. Among the titles we have in this series now selling at SO cents per volume are: ."Princess Marltral' "To Have Vnd to' Hold," The Con queror," "Via Crusis,w "Dorothy Ver- nun, in mo ownoii i v-amaiis, ; a Singular Life." Tne Cost Marriage of William Ashe." "Wings V of . the Morning". "Right of Way." 'Hearts and Masks,"' "Voice of the people," "Rnh Knn tit r'natti .- ;4'CU of the Wild.'-;,, : 4 ,-. - What are often called freak books have become " exceedingly : popular. Within the last yeaf or two bright Md often, synical auotatlons, . done up in attractive little volumes, among i the nest oelng "wise and Otherwise,"' price 25 cents; 'Cinders, J 5 cents; IlinsTf a ThlorH 15 mta "Fool- &S&0tX lif Finance," 75 cents; "Follsh : EtI-'i fluette," 75 cents? "Cynics' Calendar ForH08,M,75 centt; '.'Book of Spice," Lugen, 75 cents; fMasdins of Methu selah," 60 cents;.. "Reflections of the Morning Aftery 75 cents; Rubyat ofi Omar, Jr." paper-50 cents, burlap tl. . More people are teallsing the edu cational, value of good books anl are buying more, and better hooks lor boys and girls than ever before. The this by puttin Into books that appeal , - - - "".:'4 to young people the best work," both-, BEAJTTIFUL Parlor and Library Tables is ti df mandln Sigh grade literary; McCoy's, prices low, whers quality wnrv- inA tha. heat skill of artists. 1 photographers iand .prlptera , Among the choicest juveniles I this year is "Mote About the Roosevelt Bears," Price tiM' 'i-f:'' : ' ,"The Golden 6talrcase," poems for children, ' a beautiful . book ' illustrat ed , in solors.' Price $8.50. "The Child' ' Christmas," ' an imported child'sbook from -England,1 exquisite; ly pictured, bound t and illustrated, prtce $2.50. tl"Boys and Girls" irom Eackery,r $2; ."According to. Grand-; " price $I.50;"The Raggady Man;" by James. W. ReUey, - v$1.50; "Bird Neighbors,?; special edition, s $1 ; "Flower Babies," one of the prettiest books lnlhe ouse, $1.25; 'UncK Rer,l mus-and. BrrBAbbUtI.2B,rT4aJGKT T tiftlaV DsTinafi "i siaWasi " - as ri1 t ,f tf r ' " T1K Colonel" series,, delights numbers of young people every year, $1.50 each. Howard Pyles story of King Ar thar is a valuable book to any child. . Every parent should examine the "What Every Child. Should Know," series. Comprising songs. "y 5 " Fairy. Tales, Legends, -Heroes, Myths, Birds, ' Hymns x and Famous Stories. Price 0 cents per yolums. - - GrrEBOOKS.- - - ; There's Kotblnff so good as a book." Stonz; & iBarrinriCo. peopled cotunn - AH advertisements mserted In this column at rata of ten cents Der line of sU words. ..JJo ad. take for less than 20 cents. Cash In advance.' . WANTED WANTED La rgs concern of high stand 'lag, established over fifty years, desires to opan negotiations with reliable, ener pctio man to tnan&ge ealerT office; salary basis of $1,800 yearly and extra commis sions on ail business, payable monthly. Applicant must' furnish good references and have 11,000 in cash or bankable pa per. Address Secretary, Box Woorn ington, Illinois.. t- i. ,v t : i - v WANTED-Jun. lut nnatttnn Knnir. keeper cashier, collector, or any office work. . Last Is years In a bank., Best of reference ; P. O. . Box 636, Georgetown, S C. . ... . .- 'i' .. - .'.; " i'v-a... . .. .i' ...j - WANTED Permanent and- transient - boarders. Low rates. Ko, t West 10th Street, .vi':;,,..;.: g -, -r .-v-. , WANTEDYounsr man wants position - Jan. 1st with hardware house in the South; 6 years' experlenca in hardware. aaaress ur care UDserver. ., ;. ,; J.rf WANTED-Posluoit in prh'ste family as seamstress. Can furnish . good refer epecs. Apply to "H," care of the Press, Iarnsnr'a,ft.v..:'''.-1f;'Vi.f,.--' WANTED Position as salesman in gen eral meichandiso or grocery store.- iirtt of reference from former employers. Ad dress "Worker." care Obsarver. ' - " , !s WANTED Reliable white woman "for cooklns and general honse work. Good wsges to right party. : write .or 'apply iijus worm cnurcn street, city. WANTED-Everyboily to attend the bi? lirvitlnff matr.li ut th Knir Orminda Shot guns and rlfpa - Free attractions In afternoon, i Ladles and children invit -d especially. Xon't forget the day, Christmas Day. - FOH RENT. FOR RENT Hare opportunity to lease ' modwn houxe, centrally located, rea. linaile . rent, by buyit.g furniture.. Ad dress "E. 8.," care Observer. ' - FOR RKNT FurnlRhed rofm, modern conveniences, Apply 215 15. 6th street. FOK ItENT Knmlshed room; private family; uonvenlciu'es; close 1 In, Tlc phone 7o3. .- . for 1. 1. K, M.- liaiur, 3t. FOH f;ENT Four or five rooms, suit- nblrt tor light hoiwokwijillg. Adar : "C. J3M" care Observer. , FOR r.F.NT-Furniahed , Cample Court. . rooms, . Ho. t Ff'Ti LUNT-My resident N-. 1 ! r .'i t street. 7-room house, V. O. ;. . .. i'. - it. r ... j, i;;h't a f .7"! a fntW-rnMV t.lit: fijr l '.! .:, t ( . . ('!t. fc.iii.il ,e t'-'.i.r I If t tunie.l to t.:is o.iH'S. If r-T - ' ' ff 1 !. V 'turn tl : T . .. and Whin-rr- f .'!:, ;P(1 Cr'l, .-'"I- . I A r . i,.s. Writ i"r :. c-.tJ Company, liica- hi. c. FCTt KALi;-:'-ixv -1 tmirlni? car with '.top and gas Umis, $1,100. Ham & Ross. FAR RAL15-Ixn? established, general awency tar S. C. of old life Insurance company. Ubfrnl reneval contract. Ah sunid Incoma tn m renewals. Address Box 168. Dillon, S. C. T FOR. SALtr-CadaUao ' Ham & Boss. . - runabout, ' !0. FOR SAl.Ei Fine drug business In grow : Inlt town nf titrlv ftn thnnqftntl' n.-i jed man. Address "W," Hilor City, N. C. FOR PALE Distillery, v sou, death of owner. ftx 12, Salisbury, H. C at once. ASdress ' Rea P. O. FOR SATXWayn runabout, $375. Haw .-Jk Ross. , - . . FOR RALE Clean .tip-to-date stock - of dry goods and notions in hustling town of 11.300 Inhabitants. A'. bargain. Addre&s Vry Goods," care Observer. ;,,!:. a FOR 8ALT3 OR ' RENT The ' Keerans home at 904 South Tryon street J. M. Oatea ' ' - - FOR SAI.EMoxwell Ham & Ross. . $700 - runabout MISCELLANEOUS. SALESMEN VWANTEIV To carry our line of show leases. Liberal commission to reliai l partiea ' Columbus Furniture & Fixture Co.. x . , , , i STRAY ,COW at COB E. 7th. Owner can !!&. describing,- paying ad and feed bill. GOVERNESS WANTE3D A governess to Instruct three small chlldien, 0n a girt to take music. : State age, experience,! references' and salary expected with hoarl and .laundry free in - my home-' in the country. Mrs. N. Glen Williams, WUllams,- N. C. , t . ' - TEACHERS WANTED Many desirable :. openings, N. C. and South, principals, nt. - Bherldan's; Agency, Greenwood, w ROOMS and board . fcr. gentlemen.., Wast seventh, 1 IT NUMBER 0,224 wane this time. Holder please call and get your pip. Consoli dated Cigar Store. SPECIAL DEHVERY-PaelraRe deliver ed to any part of the city for 10 cents. 'Phone 1345 Irving Dickey. " , GOOD PAY-Meir wanted everywhere -.to , tack signs, distribute circulars.r sam ples; etc - No' canvassing. National Diet. Bureau, Chicago, 111. ' . ; THREB DAYS MORE-Have you tried for the $25 offered for' the best adver tisement tor Mrs. joe person s Kemeayr A LIFB scholarship Jn Kliuc's Bust- nerr Colletre. Charlotte. N. C Save ti on one course of $10 on combined , by reg istering at winter opening, Jan.. 2d and Sd, 1308.' i . f LADIES' ' DESKS Largest-' assortment v vnil InwMt nrir.ea. . ta tn SM. At W. T. McCoy's. i , -, ,i . AUTOMOFILB-Twq cylinder M-horse- power runabout. Perfect running or der. Price JZ50. A. Durwell, Jr.,' ( West 8th street SUG-AA-At Kenny's, O S. Tryon,, 19 pounds 'for the-dollar, . ( : . , AUTOMOBILES I now havftn stock 19( models Rambler, Ro and Ford cars, i A. Burwell, Jr., 6 West 6th street. FOR MORRIS CHAIRS-Latest styles In cushions with or without foot rest See W T. McCoy.-- '.,. .-: . . - : . ;.'. WILL GIVE REWARD of. $10 for arrest. wiui eviuence ; convict, oi persons who - destroy r trees on my property, on Sharon road near fair grounds. J. K. Wolf" :-v.v.1,;;'.- $'-?.)iX;xm "i ' MACHINIST-OPERATOR - wanted ' for one-machine newspaper office in . good town, to begin work llrst of year. Must be practical printer, sober , and I Indus trlous and thoroughly 'competent to Keep up machine. New model No. to be installed. State wages wanted and experience. Gazette Pub, Co.,- Castoula, N. C. . , , -4 - k. . , ROCKERS Over one hundred styles to select from, . lio: to $30. . W. T. McCoy. SEE OUR Cheval ' "Mirrors, ' 8having Btanas, reoesiais ana xancy unatrs loo Christmas gifts. , W. T. MoCoy. . WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack : signs, distribute ciroulari, samples, eto.j no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertis lug Bureau, Chlcssoi , jV AUTOMOBILE Pope-Hartford ; touring car. Good . condiUon. .Price $m A. Burwell,- Jr., 6 West 8th street CHARLOTTE In Picture and Prose; beautifully Illustrated, historical , and descriptive booklet of Charlotte. - An Idral ;, Christmas remembrance. Price fcic., postage (c - For sale by Stone & Barrlnger Co. , .' t , EFKCIAL NOTICB-Famiiies wishing a nice box ; of Florida oranses, my own raisin, for Chrlitnuis. - 'Phone 1318. J. A,. Allison. i, , . ., ., BIMPMcrTT Davenports, Just the thing for a gift.. All styles, $38 to ISO., W. T. McCoy. . , r ,!,- ' RKADINO 4 Price $IK. Mh street. - Standard Motor Blcyclo. A. Burwell, Jr., $ West LEATHEIt . GOUCHF.3-Lrge assort mont at lowest prices. M to $73. W. T.- McCoy. , , , . V"fl AUTOMORILR absolutely free. Ask wilier uioining jo. ... . , LADIES-Give him a hox of good cigars. We have best sicck in city to select from. Oem Restaurant Co. ' AITTOMOBILB-Rantbler touring car. In fine rondlti'm. Price A liurwell, Jr., i West 6th strct-t. CHRISTMAS CIOAR-Ve have them in all the poplar brands In all sixe boxes. Oem Rwtauran; Co. WFHTF OWL CKUU-'vv'e hvo control ' of this popular .cigar, and It's a nice (.'lirtsimua . present. (Jem Host a m an t Co, KO, r,75 WON the pM. 1 lease rnrf and Ni-t your Imx of lltty trn-eertt i?nr. II. -S, Jilcliat-I, Cctittal llolcl Ci.ar t utiiJ. RARB CirAX-?ri5;-To vmt mod-rn hotme, rkira in, at n-aimnalilf rnt, by buying f'trnituie. AUUii-!s "li a.,", cure Vu-i'-rver. . I:.t!Ii(;:-J VtlST-W have the r-est cl.ap"t br!ic.e wlti.t score pa-is. i Queen City Plintllig Co. . ( .. J PAY Tfi Men everi" l ," r.mvHtthi. ::. I nivt-rx.tl i -i : i. .-' - Ti. tl t ' Hi I ' 're. I r i - : to . ' HOSIERY For "Women and Misses. . ; Reduced : prices on Silk Hose Monday and Tuesday. Onyx Hose Is the very best Hosiery In the land, not only in wearing qualities, but for the beauti ful patterns and , the fineness of quality. Those who call for . fine Hosiery alw lall for the Onyx. 5) : A - f , l l L. .; . r 'v- s . - " J . ' : i ( - 1 ( i . SPECIAt f ; i . 11.00 for Spun silk Hose. . Black ; fonly; worth $1.85i - ' - , V. I-6 Black Silk Hose, "cotton or . - silk sole; very fine quality, r Special ., v 1'2S . $1.75 Silk Hose all colors; special i ... .11.50 . ' y. $2.00. Silk Hose, special . u t ; .$1.65 i . $2.60 - Silk Hose, i embroidered. I beautiful designs. : Special. , . .$1.75 '. "I iii' . . 1 : Black and Colors - ' For beauty, elegance and quality, you want to see our line -of -Umbrellas for ladies. ' , . : '! y.:; :- ' ',' ' ' ' . . .. ; . The handles are beautiful 'an;l, carefully selected. Mounted on close roller frames.5 The materials are union 'silk, twill silk and plain silk, witfy or with out tape edge. . ' ' ' ' , ' t-''"' ' . Specal Lot For 'Monday, and Tuesday ..''.-:, v ' One hundred and fifty Umbrellas withl attractive handles, on steel frames, the clolh of union silk.:, V The regular value of these Umbrellas is $1.50. .Special Monday and Tuesday. , . . . $1.00 "$10 for Umbrellas, Gloria Sillf, pretty, assortment of handles, princess style, "sterling- silver tipped: " , -(k!-'i - ' , -r - . , $2.00 for Ujnbrellas, good quality sillc, pretty' handles."5 , ; . .Better grades, we can show you some exclusive novelties, Every one a new Umbrella, at prices ranging at ' ?.. $2.50, $3.50. $5.00, $30 Open Evenings Until 10 ' Oclock. Free to You If You Own a Farm Don't forget to drop a postal to day ' to The Progressive : Farmer, Raleigh, K. C and get this "biggest, brightest and best Southern fartn is, , weekly" free one month as offered in yesterday's, paper. Uo it to-dox. Jet lie Tllrj fcr 'Christmas ' Price $3.C). o;i pruY . UM-O i ti?;o;T V STC7.ES I Write for samples i ' . . '"to the ;; i . TIIE v "CCinVIY. - ClcrlcUcILC. yO i 1 nun . a wter j ms v ss m h m m , . & ,. m m - I-IOISERY' GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS AND UMBRELLAS S THE CROVVELL SANATORIUr.l j,,;; . ciuittcrra; x. c. , 'j For the Tre(mont of WHISKEY, DnUG AND NTmVOTJS , ,. IISEAlKi ... , ; Will reopen Janunrt, IfiOS, 8. BL CROWELLi M. D. . . ..." 4'. i . Over 400. Schools and Colleges now using I VERS & POND PIANOS ( -will prevail at this hotel, la addltloa to the chatactrr! ,t:j ' cheer and hospitality which are Inseparably l!r.!ie3 v. " Clegg management If you are looking for a hotel vi '' '.. ' t :.t.. ' '......- i thjngi are a little bit better anJ c !cr tr.-.i c"'- . i, J : m stop tier the next time.. r 7 r.-t a it ; 1 .If) Handsome Silk Lisle Hose, rialn and Embroidered . Plain Black Lisle Hose.'. . . , , .2.V. Plain Black Silk Lisle Hose. .50c. Embroidered Black Silk . Lisle Hose 73c. and $1.00 ' ' " ' , GLOVES The best Gloves on the market will be found in our stock, and our prices are less than you will find ; - elsewhere. ' ,' . , .- . Our Special ' .; $1.00 2 -clasp Glove Kid - Glove very soft, pliable quality, all colors; regular $1.25 Glove. 1 - ' $1.50 for Dent's 2-clasp Glove, an : colora ' , , , J 11.00 for Undressed Kid Gloves, all ora.' , ; ' ' " 1 , ' $2.08 for 12-button Gloves, all col ors. , ' . ..$3.50 for l-button Kid. Gloves, all colora' , 1 : 25 and 50c. for. Cashmere Gloves, ' all colors. , -' , ' - ' IIAJNDKERCHIEFS ' 4 '1'-'1 "' 'I'-' t r; We are showing a specially ' well selected stock of Plain and ' Em broidered Linen Handkerchiefs. 1 . , Plain all Linen Hand&erchlefs -; ' 10 and 15c. ; Plain - all Linen Handkerchiefs -,,;..',. .;......;..' 25c. Initial all ' Linen Handkerchiefs .'...'. ,;.4.....i.M .,..,, .....15c.' Embroidered all- Linen Handker chiefs.. .w. 25, 50c. to $1.00 16 North Tryon ' Street. PRIVATE SANITARIU;. For the exclusive treatment ot ' DISEASED OP WOJIEN , Mrs. Rosa F. Uonnlsb, M. D. " Graduate of German and Ameri can Hospitals; tl years experi ence; First-class accommoda tions. Long distance telephone. S49.Pcacb.tree, Atlanta. C, T ' k : : Over 43,000 Ivera & Pond Pianos made and sold, -Every piano war ranted and ' guaranteed. , It Is the piano for you to boy if you want the best, Bold oa reasonable terms. ):: V'V; ."