r i i .... : PARKER-GARDNER COMPANY 1 v. 1 AMUSEMENTS Cyril eoott. th ar tn E Award Pete's comedy sikkkm, !Th Pttoce Chap." is not only u excellent aor bctvon' if the cleverest bwwlr In the United State. . In XXDdan, Eng Ibjk!, when ne pnt Ms boylwod. too cqulned M tute s tor tHiletk In wy lornv but tt wa not until o hA - become a full-fledged ator In the United States thus tie became to tftrested In. . bowllnE . . nd ; ohilved uoh supremacy thut the test toawt. era in incw. iorn,ieaia w. tn mitcb carnet. ' German Crlenoe of Scott, who dearly love the game that Hemrfk Hudaon could play m ' well. fcave endeavored to prove the etar .a : Germaa. eaylnr that Tie could' not 'bowt ; eo vellvif 4ie -were an,En : Vehimao and IB wrlttns ito total ; in their humorous way,, they address Mm ae "Mr Cyrtt Bkaf Mr. Scott will be seen hi "The prince Chap' at the Academy; f Muelo to-night.,., - . .Volume wpon vohime have been ' written extolling the flramatic genlue f Effle Shannon. Recognized .able crtttca to he dally press, in, inaga sinee and other. pubUcUone -.,hav rVlea.wltai ne auwtme? jn trying to , flnd adJectlveBJCX -eujticient,- force,' to bestow upon the Aeilgmxul . stage methods of -this charming aqtrese. -Her -praises have even Inspired . (poeta, for In 'looking over th pages of a somewhat carelessly kept ecrap book In (possession of Mlas Shannon's another, who la her ontant compan- ' ton at home and tin.' the road, one finds many beautiui effusfions, - ex tjresslons .of ad'mlraJtlan for Iter true ' art and her charming- jpersonallty. In "?he Walls of Jericho" , Mies 'Shannon is reponted as having dis- i covered & P'ay f exceeding value, eo far as It allocs her talents a v4de range. Whla play wtll De'rresented at the Academy ; of ' Music to-monw, mattnee) and night. Seats cu-e . w celling at fiawley'e. ! ' rBrewster's Millions," a trtage ver-, ' " elon of - Georgej Barr McOataheon'a tntereetinir' novel of the name, -will be presea,ted here" at the Acdemy-of Music yrtday night oy the conon, Harris cxxmedlane. ' The i dramatisa , ,v : don was made by WtneneU fimith and : ? Byron Ongley and hae met iwtth the . imoBt etiTOphaitic eueceas. It ts now be ing .played r by two ' companies In . i ..America, swo tn England and by one v ' on the Continent. It will be presented " Stare wtth all the vtrlkinc sta ef . Vects Invented and conceived by Fred' ' erio- Thompson, -a nuteter mind In ,t this (pantlculat direction. " The . etory has a greett deal of ln-genulty and the slde-Ughts of burner and pathos -. which the author throw upon it em phasize k$ human interest i - - m Hhe cast which Messrs. Cohan (Harris Introduce e composed of Rob. ; ert Ober, ' Brlnsley Bhaw, Joseph . , Kaufman, 1 George Crofisatter Louis , Waflnee, Edmund Mortimer, Junei 'x MaJthla, -Ada May TaToorV Olive North, ' Nettle Black and other . ; well-known ;7teyers. . t;:y, ' ;: , TRAGIC STOP Y ' OF "MADAM BUT . .. ' "- XSHTLT'S';,. DAGQER. ' ' The algnlfloancev of anuoh la iPuc- cinl's ; "Madam. , Butterfly," - the .'', Japanese grand, opera which, wul.be ' given fhere eit the Academy of Mualo ; rrhtursdoy, might be lost through lack : , of knowteidge of Japanese thought ; and oharacter. . which underly vthe ' delicate fabric cyf the dramv unless it (be dearly explained. ' 1 Thto la es pecially true of that part where But. . terfly makes use of her father dag- ' ger.. , '-"-, -' '4.'.' "t v In the mediaeval daye of Nippon, i..r,.when . th 'fihoguns.; were de-facto , ' rulers -of the land and paid obels- s- ance to a Mikado whoeie deification . by his people isolated (him from the ken of all tava (the Bhogun; when t1 fiery gaimural vustalned W dria-' - ' mio or feudal lord In revolt against . thf ruler, the institution of faari-kan ;i 'was established if or the purpdse of - punishing those of rank that fell un der the displeasure of the sovereign. Gilbert, in "The Mikado," makes . "the punishment fit (the crime," and "bollilnff oil" is suggested as the prop. , er mode of explMd on. Gilbert's idea was purely satirical. Death for dls ; " loyalty or through the Shopun's dis pleasure, meant eelf-destauctlon In the older Japan. - , The "auiroat mandate" front the MBkado, ,The Son of Heaven,"' was really a leDtre do cachet. It came In the. gulea of a "mwaase," and if accompanded by a sword or dagger ' , tfrom the Mikado., meant jthat the re ceiver was condemned to suicide. Accordingly he selected a close friend and in Mi presence committed hari kari "disemboweled ' Wmself. The Japanese , Ideograph lor hari-kari translated means '"the nappy dis patch." The weapon with the blood ' , -still on ibhe blade was then planned 1 ' n melted, wax, to form a preservative cwatinjr,, end wag; then gnv.n to the t'TV.f wh hc-ld it lu great venera- In Ue Criit act of-ths Pucdnl cpera ..1.1- .mJ. . r 1 - 1 nVMKMtM before the marriage ' scene-' Butter fly ' begs of Jier lover that ehe be allowed to keep "a young girl's possessions." Among these is the f atetf 14 dagger with - which her fia omiral father made the "happy dis patch." Thev American - bridegroom begs to see it, tot knowing1 1U sinister history.- Butterfly beseeches him to wait and lays tt away with reverence; Goro. the ; marriage trbker, .ap proaches and whispers to the young naval officer; t was sent ,by the Mikado to tier father with a.' mea-sage."-. The young officer asks softly: And. Aer father?" - -"Was obedient, replies Goro, with a gesture Indicating hari-kari..- -v . la tha second act me fatal dagger appears ' again. Goro;1 anxious to make a second marriage commission, presses the suit of : the amorout Prince Yaniadorl. strong; tn the belief that Butiterfly has been . deserted by her i American - husband. .Butterfly,' equally strong la ths faith -that her husband will v return. .. rejeots tihe prince. Goro prowls about the preim-. isea of Butterfly and ..' tnslnuatea to Suzuki, the faithful nald, rthat no oae knows who is this baby's lather." Butterfly, enraged, takes the sacred dagger, rushes to Goro wtlth, VSay't again and I'll kill you!" Goro howls for mwey and flees. - ' ", . Butterfly -lets iter eyes fall on the dagger end is thorrdaea at the thought that she was about to eflle.the blood of her ancestor with that of tier ene my. ' She . totters o the shrine and restores tt to tts iplace with a prayer. , ,,,' ' -In the last act of the ooera the ominous dagger appears and ' com pletes the oalam!ltou8t mission for whloh (fate, had destined tt. , In this act,' the poor, Kittle geisna wife v' is brougihjt to a realization ttfiat she has been set aside by him ehw loves, and vupplanted 1 by "a real American iwttfe," who Is anxious to take , from her the idol of her. heart, the aby son, ?TrouMe." fihe sends Susukt to play with the child without and then prepares herself for the final trag edy.. She sands before Buddha mo ittonlesa, lost In ead thought Then bowing before the roa she offers up a prayer. . Taking the dagger from Its waxen sheath she -piously kisses the blade. Holding- It before her eyes, she. reads the Mikado's . "messeige" engraved ton the Wade; , "To die with honor, when one can no longer. Bve with honor." , .. She then retires behind, the screen and ends her unhapolneaa. . Puccini, with his exquisite musical grace, symbolises the dagger and Its tragic significance with a ; harmony that is one of the fascinating Japa nese bits of Ma 'foefettUful . score. In fact many true - Japanese hielodtea are adroitly introduced througihout ths score, hut tn such a refined way as never to suggest any attempt to be tricky or flamboyant. - ,,, r . . . A 5EGRO IS THE HOrSE. A High Point Lady Kuns . Into the Arms of a Bock When ghe Goes to Her Kitchen Han Tate Robbed of zz in oreensboro. Special to The Observer, x ' .; Hlgrh Point, Dec' 23. The officers are making diligent search '.for the" negro who Saturday night entered the home of Mr; Pratt, on Hamilton street, and assaulted W -wife ..by grappling-' her and- cutting . her ; arm, v '-When J Mrs Pratt went to. Investigate a light she saw in the. kitchen the nerro tonlt hnM of her. ' She screamed and th negro1 puned her towards, a' window, where -. '. a d roaae pis aepanure mrough the glass. v .It Is not known whether" ths broken , glass cut her arm or a knife In the hands of the'vegrov - .Her hus band was attracted by - her screams and -arrived on the scene Jn time to get several shots at- the fleeing form, but all shots, as far as is known, went wild. , . Jllall Tate, of this city, was robbed of $21 in Greensboro Sunday nltht bv deft-handed individuals. He knbws he Had It at th station and when he arrived here it was gone.r He re members, getting, in the large crowds waiting for the trains but does. not remember any one's rubbing against him or touching his pockets, although he was looking for Just such a thing. - ' Arkansas Darls. Torkyille Enquirer1. s Several Southern papers have re plied to The New York Sun's calling Senator Davis, of Arkansas, "Jeff Davis II. We are convinced that they know neither The New York Sun nor the price of paper. , As for us, we .will . play dominoes some thing; worth vwhlle. Charlotte Ob server. -I, , - Indeed, that U a funny proposition and The Observer is exactly right Arkansas Davis Is about as much like Jeff Davis as Bloody Bridles Walte was like G rover .Cleveland. - In his day Jeff Davis stood for the right, the established order of thing and the constitution. The -New York . 'Sun was on ' the other aide, occupying about i the same relation to con servatism that Arkansas Davis , docs now.' . '.. : i , ' A delayed shipment of !Morris Chairs has just been received. Some of them we will sell as low as ' ' ' Some very fine ones in the lot also, which will be sold to-day at bargain prices. - ' ; , 'Ladies' -Desks . ;.V. . . .'. ... : '....'.$ 5.50 to $CO.OO . ; , ; . Leather, Couches .,. ...;... .-M ..... J $21.50 to $60.00 ' rn.V4 , A Bird('s e liable Dressers .V..' v . . . .V. ; . . , . . .'. . . ; .$27.50 to $85.00 - . , " : , ; , Hall' Racks. 1 .... . . ; ....... .:v. . .... . . . . . .).... . . . . .$ 8.50 to $40.00 , v- Children's Rockers, ... V,..,.. 35c. to $ 5.00 ' -f Rugs and Carpets,, . . ' : s , ; ; - 1 1-.; uFurmture ' GAFFNETf NEAVS BUDGET. : A Still Which 'Furnished Boys With Their Supply Destroyed 'Last Week '. Now Four Candidates For- One Office Hand Badly Lacerated In Gin Report Much, Discussed Yet. Special to The Observer. J ' ' , Gaffney, : a-';. C.. Dec. !; 88. Sheriff Thomas received information Thurs day night that a distillery ; was,' in operation -within about, tour miles , of King's Creek station, on the Souths ern Railway. Accompanied by Chief. of Police Duncan, of Blacksburg, he went to the scene,' of the 'alleged illicit operation and' found a still of about 80 gallons capacity, and be, tween 600 and 1.C00 gallons of beer. The fires had . been drawn, but the stiUj was hot and showed .'that . the operators had only recently left the scene. The capture of this plant. Is important, as it has for a-long time furnished whiskey for the boys. and younr men of the. neighborhood. . There are 'now four candidates for the General ' Assembly ' th' the ' field, Kimsey O. Huskey being the last to announce. Kimsey la a politician of i some considerable - experience, and the others had. better' look out for him. ' :,. .. 1 . ' Mr.- D. L.- Splawrr, who lives In the Limestone Mill village, .slaughtered 1 a hog the other day which tipped the scales at ' 610 ' pounds. r jue eDtainea 200 pounds of lard from the porker. A younr man named Cash, who lives about eleven miles from Gaff ney, in the Butler neighborhood, had I the misfortune to get nis nana caught in a gin Friday afternoon about 2 o'clock. He was brought to Gaffney, where he arrived about - i Ojclock, and Dr. J, N. NesblU dressed the wounds. The hand was severely! lacerated and " the doctor amputated ! one finger and: thought that another! one would have to come oft' . Drs. Steedly, Pitman and Griffith,. operated on Mr. T. W, Klrby Friday morning for appendicitis. The opera tlon was successful and, it no com plications ' occur, Mr. Klrby will be able to resume his: duties 'in a few days. ' .- ' j , . - The people of Gaffney are stlU discussing the report of the com mittee as to the conduct of certain of the county-officers. It is reported on the . streets this .morning 4 that Governor Ansel has requested the resignation of all the officers except the. sheriff and coroner.' Tour- cor respondent feels satisfied that this re port Is without foundation; Mr. and Mrs. T. ' B. -Moaeley ' and Robert N. Slmma, Esq., of Raleigh, are visiting the family of Dr. A. M. Slmms, on Montgomery street. Miss Alma Bethea, ot McColl.i Is visiting Miss ;i Marie.:. Turner, on Johnson street , ; -' - , , J - 't j ! - 1 1 1 " " V' Hard Times In America. . , Louisville Courier-Journal.,;; 1, t ' According to a dispatch, from Wag ner, a D.; a weaUhy farmer of that section, having found tnat high wages and an occasional bail glven-for tihe benefit otf ''the handa" add not suffi ciently elmtpllfly his labor problem, proposed to purchase a motor car -for jthe use of the laborers. . , x - To emphasise his willlngnese to Siva employes a square deal.. , Mrv emeettaon Inserted this advertisement la he Vocal paper: ' 1 "Wanted Ai man: to plow. , Will furnish riding plow with canopy top. I will feed, . harness " ana unnucn J?06.1 canT tokia!t.0mJt5 wm -- mm I hm" fjvi irwiiitv' ra will. V. will also furnish hint tearm and bugry to drive evenings and Sun days. Should he prefer an auuxmo blle, will buy him ne." ' t - , t- ' Fair speech did ' not'i eufflc.. " . A dozen husky farm hands agreed to accept munificent satanes, ftut insist ed that (the motor car-should, be tn evidence before they , emtered ,- vpon their duties. Mr, Smeeteon rose ito the occasion "by renting- a car tem porarily and ordering one from a fac tory in the East A a reauV. of his liberality and Ingennuy he has rtaip tured the services o enough men to run his farm - , This Is a picture of "hard Umea" in the United States! , . 1 'An Imposing Sight Strand Magazine. ' The eight of six pair of elephants simultaneously at work capturing a half dozen struggling, trumpeting mates is an Imposing one. .Like pair of animal policemen arresting a prisoner, the great beasts sidle along side a victim, take him between them, tind jostls and squeese and worry him, tall first, toward a tree. , Every inch 1 contested . by jibe herculean fighters, . unti nearlng ft stout tree or stump the little brown, elephant catchers lld from their mounts to ,the ground, crawli under the ponder ous bellies and shuffling, lucking feet, Un cable slings about a hind foot rend take a turn around a tree.- - This Is the season of decay and weak ened vitality: good health la hard to re tain. . If j"u'd retnln yoitrs, fortify your rvstem with Ifolllfter'a Rocky Mountain I'm. thn 1iT.1t wftv. &. vnia, Tva-or Trtl.Sct. R. II. Jur-a to. 111 ... . . as gifts and ; make' your hoine . comf orta ble and beautiful. Open to ,-night until IX YOtXG MIMSTERS ORDAINED. Four ' Episcopal Clergymen ' Diaugu . rated Priest at Gastonla by Bishop : Horner Archdeacon .. Webber Preaches the Sermon; ; , t ' Special to The (Observer. ,', ; ' i' j Gastonla, Dec . 28. A very Im pressive ceremony took place in St. Mark's Episcopal church here yes terday morning when Rt. Rev; Jun ius M.' Horner, of Ashevtlle, ordained to the priesthood the following: 'Al fred Straifctow Lawrence, of High lands; Eugene : Deiflteadf of Wilkes boro; Rev: J.. Norton Atkins, of Blowing Rock, and Rev. WllHann H1U Hardin, rector of 6t. Mark's, Gasrtonilai. The ordination sermon was preached by Archdeacon Percy C. Webber, of Berton, of the Diocese of Milwaukee. - It was a magnificent eenmonr and was heard 'with delight by a large audience.- Among the visiting ministers who' participated in the ceremony were: Rev, Walter BmGth. of Charlotte; John S. Moody, f Hickory; . Alfred H . Stubbs, of AChevllle;- Edmund N. Joyner, of Tryon F . D . Lobdell, of Philadel phia, Pa.: David T. -. Johnston, of Llncolnton; John C. Seagle, of Ruth rfordton. ' At the , night service' Archdeacon Wffbber preached' a "powerful senmon on.kJChrUan' example- and Dr. Thompson, of Fernandina, F4a -, Vls--kors from several towns attended the xercises, The church was exquisite ly decorated with evergreens and pot ted plants.- r ' ' 'An Alabama Mlssourian. Montgomery Advertiser. l . Wa wIsh an manv nf our " eon. temporaries would stop using the ex pression - ;Money is plentiful." We are from Missouri some more. , tii-' v',-" "" " 1 1 " ' "" "'" " . , Nerves Steady.' Cleveland Plain Dealer. . "At the same time there Is no fear that any English fishing fleet will suffer by the way. A REAL WONDERLAND. South Dakota, with Its rich silver mines, bonanza farms, wide rangea and strange natural formations, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, In the home of Mrs. K. v. uarn. a wonaerrui case of healing haa lately occurred. Her aon aeemed near deatn with lung ana tnroat trouble. ' Exhausting coughing spells 00 eurred every five minutes," writes Mrs. Clappt"wheo I began giving Dr. King's New. Discovery, the great medicine, that saved his Ufa and completely cured him." Guaranteed for .cough and colds, throat and lung troubles, by all drugglsta 6O0. and $1. Trial bottle free. , ' ' PEOPLE'S coLunn All advertisements - inserted In this eoiomn at rate ot ten. cent per line of six word. . No ad. taken for less than 20 oenu. Cash In advance. . WANTED. WANTED Situation aa governess. . Can teach music. References exchanged. X. Y. Z., Box 87, Elizabeth, N, C. WANTED Position aa salesman in gn .eral meichandiae or grocery store. Best ef reference from former employers. Ad dress ''Worker," cure Observer. ' WANTED-Everybody to sttend the big - ahootlnir match at . the Fair Grounds. Shot guna and rtflea Free attractions In afternoon. Ladles and children invit ed -.especially. . Don't forget the day, Christmas Day, .... FOR RENT. FOR RENTTwo communicating- front rooms,, first Door, over Yorke Hroa ft Rogers' store. Hot end sold water bath. Geo. W. Bryan. ' , 1 - . FOR RENT One furntahod room. 810 East th street . . , BOR RENT Rare - ODDortnnity to lease ' modern house, centrally, located, rea- onatie rent, by buying furniture. Ad dress "E. S., care Observer. . . FOR RF.NT The "Dowd farm" for im. R. M. Miller, Jr. FOR RCNT-Furniahed rooms, No. i , L'arnegie court, - 1 - ton SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT The TCeerans home at 0i South Tryon street J, M. oatea . , CKIVKRNESS WANTEDA governess to instruct tnr-a email omiaien, on a girt to take imisio. mate ag,i expericnca, references and salary exempted with hoari and lauadry free n my hime in tlie eonnirv, lira. ; Ni Glcn Williams, wuuams, . nscoxANEoua , TUB AVHOLF. FAMILY wilt appreciate , rvicinr.-- uuy one wuny : uoni gione & ifariitger 10, Trial Catarrh trentrnf nts ar beinir mulled out ire, on '.rtueat, nv pr, Shonp, Racine, vvis. 1 vrm : test are proving to the peo l wivnout a penny'a v)ft tle (fruit vsiue of this aolentliio nrcKTlutlr.ri -K(i"wn to uhi . IkIs every. nli-re aa l.'r. i,Uon'a UunU, JliiiniiUy, Sold, ly Uuttena I (.armacy. , . MORRIS CHAIRS at' a bargain to-day. . Only 15.60 each for t! $70 kind. Park-er-Gardnar Co. -.'.. ii.... ' THE GREATEST authority on words Is - Webster's International Dictionary. Put It into your home for Chrlatmaa. 810 plala; indexed $10.75; stand M-60 to 8i. ADDRESS King's Business Collere, Char lotte, N. C, for special rates . for scholarship. Winter opening Jan. 3d and id, 1908. - , .- HOW ABOUT a Teacher's Blb with her name on In gold? From. (l.tS up. at gtone A Barringer Oo.'a. SEND IN ALL advertiaementa written for Mis. Joe Person's Remedy by noon to-morrow. i5 contest closes than. ' BUY Christmas Boxes and Holly Tags, - etc. stone A Barrlnger Co.'a SHIRT 'WAIST BOXER make, nice gifts. See our stock to-day, Parker-Gardner Co. . ' . H -" WE JIAVE a few choice "Raanflie,! books , still on hand. Buy early thla morning. Stone & Barrlnger Co. TEACHERS WANTED-Many dealrabla openlnra, Nj C, and South, principals, assistants, rural schools. 1 Special enroll ment. Sheridan'a Agency, Greenwood, s. c. OUR 25-CF.NT COUNTER Will aettle that ploblem tn three minutes. Try it. Stofie A Barrlnser Co. . . WILL QIVE REWARD of $1(1 for arrest, with evidence to convict, of persona who dealroy treea on my property on Sharon road near fair grounds. . J, K. Wolh LADIES' WRITING DESKS at $8.S0 t $60. Parker-Gardner Co. CHOICE bunchee of Holb'. V- to-day. Stons A Barrlnger Co. EFECIAL NOTICE-Famlllea wishing a nice box of Florida oranges, my own raislnc, for Christmas. 'Phone 1318., J. A. Allison. SPECIAL PRICES to-day on Leather couches. - Fncea rrom IZ1.W to 13. Parker-Oardner Co. (50o AUTOMOBILE absolutely free. Aak Mmer clothing co. AUTOMOBILES Hand Cars. Mwry-go rounds-and Rocking Horses at actual coat At C. B- Flournoy A Co.'s. ORIENTAL RUOS, Wilton Rugs. Vslvet Rugs, ' SmyrnA Rugs and Axmtnsur Rugs at special prices to-day. Parker Gardner Co. ; -.. -. .,'. . LADIES OlvS hinya box of good ctgara We have beat stock In city to select from.' Oem Restaurant Co. LIBRARY and Parlor Tables In great r variety. Any price or wood wanted, Parker-Qardner Co. " CHRISTMAS CIOARS-We have them In all the- poplar 1 brands in all else boxes. Oem Restaurant Co. LADIES' TOILET TABLES and Cheval Glasses at eoccial reduced cncs. park- er-Oardner Co. WHITF OWL CiaAR-W have control ot this popular cigar, and it s a nice Christmas present Gem Restaurant Co. PIO DISPLAY of China Closets In Oak. Early JqUsh and Mahogany. Parker Qardner Co. 'frit) " --i t.Z 1 Just tie Thin? for ; Christmas Price J3.C0. .;. ON DISPLAY . unu-io::& ; Off MOT. STORES Writ for sample j -to the ' V ft - i )"V 1 Charlotte, lie: Recipe for Delicious ' Golden Glory Doughnuts 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup sweet milk. 1 tablespoon Golden Glory Cooking Oil. 1-J nutmeg, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder, 1 quart flour (or a much a may be necessary for proper consistency), 61ft salt and baking powdor with the flourv Roll-out the dough and cut with a tin doughnut cutter, - Use a deep frying pan nearly full of, Golden Glory Cooking Oil. Get , the oil hot enough to brown a bread crumb In five seconds. Carefully drop the doughnuts In and do not overcrowd the pan. Theywlll soon float Turn' them over a soon as possible. - when brown take up with a fork and lay on folded cloth or blank white paper to absorb the adhering" oil. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. , BRANNON CARUOXATIXO CO. Holiday '..JK . r , . ." , , Matt Orders Filled RESIOtBEIt MELLON'S ' . Over 400 Schools and Colleges now using ' IVER.S X& POND PIANOS i ( J $5.50 each,, - - ' " . t , , - ' 1 :30. . Gifts for Men " ! Nit T 1 i Anticipating fhe immense . . ' L ' Is J f t M holiday trade which. we are , having, we have sent in new' ' orders and have just r,e v ceived and added to our al-, -'- : i '..' '.-.-1 V'-':'fW ready large stock many new ' and beautiful articles of , .wearing apparel act 1 only ' useful and worthy, but es- pecially appropriate for . - C3iri8tmas gifts. - We ' cannot begin : to enumerate them here, r- but, . we do say that if it's some thing the right-up-to-now . ,: clothing tore ought to carry, we have it. 1 Doat overlook ear magnificent line of highest trad Suit and Overcoats, It will interest yon to see what wo hare to show. ' ' . l i on Day of Receipt. CLOTHES nr.;? . :;y" Over 4J.O0O Ivera 4b Fond Pianos made gnd, sold pvery piano war ranted and guaranteed. It Is the piano for you to buy If you wart tsn beat, gold on reasonable terms. Co