1 1 v. I r. til v. r.-ut.w Kcv. J. A. . , I : f n 1 f.or., f: ; t. I.u., and 1 and v ; e. 1 . - vLena Brnith left yesterday for r,iri;-.-e. S. C, to spend several days wi:h friends. , " ; , Miss Ona Choate entertained yes terday a number of friends who are peni';rig their vacations 1 at , home rom . Ersklne College ' and tie Due West Female College. t Pus West, fi. C A number went from this city to attend the occasion. . x Mr and Mrs.' J. P; Alexander, of Xllesvllle, spent yesterday in the. city, stopping at the Central. - - Among the visitors In the city yea- terday were Misses Mabel Davis and Linda Crouse and Mr. C. H. Cllne, of iv j Mrs.; Frank F. Jones lias returned , 40 the .city from Texas, where sh . spent several weeks visiting relatives. - v , v-r MS and Mrs. W. J. Rierson return r ed yesterday from Walnut Cove, where ! '. : the soent Christmas . with relatives Mrs. Norman H. Johnson will re turn to er home In Raleigh to-day, ' She spent Christmas in the city with -her parents. Major .and Mrs.J, O. Balrd, on South Tryon street. . ' Mr. and Mrs.' C. at. - Davidson are ' .'spending .the holidays xat 'Vlnelanl. t mi , v ; 11 1 - ' 6 ' t Mr. and Mrs. J. O. White returned Jo their 'home in GaatOnia yesterday t , after spending Thursday night in the city tor the play at the Academy. . Amnn the visitors at the eeiwyn "1 yesterday morning wera Messrs. John i "Ji. McKayjohn Moweju ana miss 4 Jen McNeill, of Laurlnburg. K ' 1 - Mrl and Mrs. Percival Hall. ' of Lincoln -county, are visiting at the jiome of Mrs. Hall's father. Dr. Deorge Graham,, on North Church street . V2 Mr. and" Mrs. I-ouis Brown returned s VJo their home in Concord yesterday . - At, .,-. 1 Amv In til ft CltV ' with relatives. . r ? Mls Mildred f Blspbanv. has been fnrrpi to nostnone ner party, wmcn ' k was to have .been sgivea to-night in jionor 01 ner guesi, iib duuuuuih s,i -en account of Ulneas in - t"-e fam ily.. . r - ; Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Twll will leave v tA-morrow ; for Birmingham, . Ala, their home. " They .spent Christmas a. fci the city with relatives. ;. Miss Louise waaswortn is visKing relatives in Birmingham, Aia Mrs. ChaflesK Piatt entertained delightfully .at a bridge luncheon yes serday "afternoon at ner- name, jso. , io Jackson Terrace, in Sionor of Mrs. Snaenh M. Tull. of Birmingham, Ala "The dining room was - beautifully decorated In a manner appropriate to the holiday -season. A handsome guest of honor prize was presented to Mrs. Tull, while the first prize was -Sron, by Mrs. Robert C. Moore, and the consolation by Miss Anna Hobson Those present besides Mrs. Tull were: 3Iesdameti C. C. Hook, George Patter son, of Concord: H. B. Fowler, R. 8. Bosbee, Robert C. Moore, W. B. Rey , nolds,, Jj. B. Newell, Ralph W. Miller, - m m. Murphy, E.. w. Phlfer J. O ' Gardner, Wi A. Zweleri Misses Nina Howell and Anna Hobson. f '.'Miss Bertha Ludwig. of Statesvllle, , ss ui guest yesterday Of Miss Beu 1 laH Ritchie. (v k, . : ? me rro : Ke Nau Book Clab wllH meet with Mrs. Laban J. McDonald, m uiiworth this afternooji at e;cl0Clt. ,v - , V. " , . , , 5 Ml Mrs; Beast A. Patterson and dauvh. Mis , Muarea Patterson, V have ; fcne; to Athens. Ga., to visit at the nome pt sir. and Mrs. A.;H, Patter Miss , Elisabeth Springs Is "visiting . .; ai me noma .01 m.; J H. Badler," In raw creek township.'- -r vt. and Mra J. .J.' JStewart,, of x Mount Holly, were visitors in 4he city : yesterday, stopping at the central. ;:-.:f m,J - --f . f 'V -'!. . ''nil 11 in m --.v:'.; ' ' 2 Rev. and Mrs. H. H. 'Robblna re y turned yesterday to' their - home in etatesvllle,; after 1 spending ; the "holl days with Mrs,,S. H. Toungblood.; - Mlsa Nancy Lee Neabtt, of Moores '' ville. wai a guest" of the Buford yes j. teraay.'. , a? , ; ; ; Mr. and Mrs. J.B. SrrIth. of Bpen f icer, , were at tjie juurpra yesterday. - " ' " ' v . - ."Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pethel," of ? Spencer, spent yestarday io the city .( wm rnenas. a. u , - - t Mrs. . J. H. McCali; of Statesvllle, ' ' and Mr.; Harlee : McCali. v f nA Springs, were at the Buford yester i . Mr. W. B. Vorls and bride, who :r vas Miss Mabel Rea, of , Providence townehrp, have gone to " emlithfleld Ohio, where they will make their (fu ture home. -MJsav DafsyCoUfitt ' han from a visit to Morganton. retutned IHes Alma SmVth, of Shelby, spent " last evening in the city, stopping at iMr.and Mrs. Harry M Ichor and , iM i uentrude Melchor. of ,- Moores v.'. vllle. were .: registered, among he guests at the Selwya ti& ntght. The subscription dance at the Sel wyn Hotel last night, complimentary to the visiting young ladles and the college ; Rlrls home from school was one of , the most delightful events of the holiday . eeaon. There ' Were 20 or more couples dancing, the, music blnr furnished bv the Rich BTflson Oychefltra. The occasion was a thoroufshty enjoyable one and keen ly relished by all thom present - M1p Marie Cornell u, of Moores. file, is vMHng at t'lie home of Misses r.ra" and Lorcin FlttJ", on Elizabeth r -Ms. , . all rrf'orr3 'Rr.OKiv. ! d-map1 f-.r I !'ie Itil-hon Flavoring I tra--t t i' tor far Christmas and I ..v lears C .rti.ihs iliicst ever. i j 1 Cannon lias the a!... j of tl.3 r. ; iiliiluan Conxre-:-! ;vn, all l" In 3" warm personal friend anj shojlJ they go into their Individual districts and make a flsi't for delegates, it would make him a pretty strong can didate, and ha would be hard to beat would say that Taft possibly la lead ing afthe present time, but you know he la in dangor of being slaughtered in !the House of his owr friends, or rather, in the house of J Foraker's friends. If Foraker succeeds in get ting a ; fair share of , the : delegates from Ohio, It is going, to be prelty hrd to nominate Taft ' vtP?' ' ; Fairbanks la a' good, cleanV slrong man, and the country would make no mistake in homlnatlng ,Mrn. "fin rny opinion, he is going to s show ; a great deal more . ; strength .when y it comes to the convention, than a Irood many people look for. v Knox la a good man. would be perfectly safe. add probably there is no better lawyer In the United States. "Hughes, in my opinion, ia not well enough known, and I do not believe that t the Republican , party wants a Vlark. horse.' or .wants . to take ' a chance as to what the policies would oe unaer a man , like; Hughes. I should tray there may possibly be some kind of a financial measure paaeed, althourh In a-' conversation Senator "Aldrlch ..told .me ha was go ing 10 go very slow 'and be very care. rui; that , pos3lbly 1 legislation might only;make conditions worse. 1 For my own part. I am really, In favor, of a central bank, sftmethlng on the same system if the, Central Bank of Ger many, My observation Is that the men whdjtnew the least about flnan clal and business methods of -the country are the most anxious fellows to rush in and, prepare new currency The Senator denied that he asaall. ed President Roosevelt' la a - recent speech, before the 5otterar - AMocla tion and said his relations with tho President were most friendly, t "'eswaiwMiii-: fjiA'.-v ", HHllSKlt NEWS NOTES. The Sttadenta .Hnvlmr a JoUv Tim During tb HoUdey--Thre ,New Cubans Comlnar Manv VI xl torn nn Hand.; 1 tjyTy, -;. . Special to The Observer, --.- 1 - . Whitsett. Dec. 27. -The della-htful weather : of the weak and the l&rre crowd of happy young; people here have made this k holiday seaaon that will be long remembered for its many pieaseure. - Jt number or dinners and reunions and a larre number of visitor have added much to the social delight of the season. - Chi Christmas Eve a Christmas tree was held for the students who , re mained over for the holidays, and each one was given tome present. The gathering was notable not for the number present but tfor the widely scattered place ; represented.-'. The frataerjng represented worm ana' South, Carolina Virginia, ; Holgutn, Cuba;-; Sagua la Grande. Cuba: Ha vana, Cuba, and Buenos Ayres, south America, thus sivinir a repnaientatton of three States and two continents. Music and refreshments added to the occasion and the singing or tne itu ban national air, followed by the chorus, America, was much enojy ed. ' . ' ; , ' ' Professor -and Mrs. Wimbisn spent the holidays in Raleigh and Greens boro. . ' .. ' Prof. W. C Rankin, or the uoias hro- r.ltv schools: Prof. C. C Rarn- hardty of the Oak RW faculty, Prof. J. fi. Greason,, of the Orange Grove hool. anrt . manv'other lormer stu dent are here for tha Vacation. - . Sfn.lcnta are already Dexinnins; 10 return for the. openlmr of, the spring term, January 1st. ThreeV new Cu ban students are on tne way ana wiu arrlv.'Buday.--.r-i''iNv"Vi';vv . Mr. Josenh Portuearro. of ' New York City, has been here for B-.rt visit with -Or. and Mrs. Whitsett. v. Seventy More : Bodies Brougitt vp S.IX :!; TOm I'KTT M11H5." .Jacob's Creek. Pa. Dee. 27.- Darr mine yielded' aiote victims i of the ex plosion of December lth t9-day'sev entr or , more . bodies : having ? been hrouarht to the surface during the 24 hours . Rescuers are removing debris from entry No. 17, among wmcn mere is a rreat mass or Domes, tno3e rn view and those already brought total- in over 200. i : The rescuers . oeueve they are within rfcach of all of the bodies that will be recovered and as air is now being forced to the most remote workings., it is nopeo to nave the' work, practically completed early to-morrow. ". Tbo Act of a . Worthy Colored Man. A colored man by "the . oame : of Neeley called tt'Dh' county Jail Christmas and left a box of oranges, apples and candy for. Deputy Sheriff Johnson to aistnoute among - me ni.ff.rn Drtnonefs. In resDonse to Mr Johnson's Question, he declared tha he had no relatives nor particular friends among the prisoners, hut that he ' Just .wanted to remember - them. This is the first time in .2ft years that such' an act has been perrormea, al though several cases have bccurred before where negroes brought Christ mas gifts to relative." 1 ' -, Favorite Again In Evidence at New i . Orleans. . j .V. j t f,i New Orleans, ; Dee. 27. Favorites were Again In. evidence at City Park, to-day, funr finishing in front Summaries,. first race. I furlonic: Rural boy, U to l. won; Bisk, 8 to 1. swond; BltUr man. 15 to t third Tlme -1:02. ? ''' Second : rac, ,-..- irlongs, selling: Cooney;.! to t ' wor.t Telescope. 3 to 1. necond; Robin Hood, 11 to K third. Time, 1:14 t-fc . . ' ?j! -tVi, .A-..-. Third race, 7 ' furlongs' Lnt, t to 2. Won: Gild, 2 to 1. second; Colt nes; 11 to S. third. Time, 1:282-5. . ; Fourth race, mile and 70 yards; Hyper ion II. to 20, won; Dainty Belle. to 2. necond; Orly II. 20, to. 1 third. Time, 1:45 4-5. 1 . vfv y-'.: ' ,- tv-. Fifth race, mile." selling:" St; lliaro; I to . won: Meadow Belle, ? to 1, sco:id; Bucket Brigade a to 1,,, third. Time, 1:42 2-5. : Sixth rsc. mile and a. sixteenth, sell Ir.g: Lady Vincent, 7 to 2. won; Clara Huron. 9 to 2. second; Loulne MacFar-. Ian, 20 to 1, . third..-: Time. 1.601-5. GOOD COrOH MKT1ICINK FOR - . , ., : CHILDREN.. . The season for coughs end colds is now at hand and too much car cannot he usfld to protect the children. A child Is much more likely to -contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The antrker you cure tits cold the ls the risk. ; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the Sole reliance of many mothers, and few of .those who have tried It are win In to tiM any o'her. Mrs. F. F. f tarch- er, - of i. Ripley. -w. .Va.-sayjl- have never uned anythinit other than (Cham berlain's Comth Ii:in(y for my child ren and it h always alven v-d satis faction. This remedy cortaln no pnluni or ethr rarroiio and may be tlv ta as ccr:'. !".',:y,to a c'.'M as to aa i . v . 1 ; r. I a C, 1h f i ev ' 1:J SCV (t Cola' - .1 d.iyi in t! c. v w :.ir. home J. C. I'm in F.he".Dy returned to his terdav morning after sppnain; several days in the city. , , . Rev. Dr. J. R. llowerton, of Lex ington. Va.. has arrived In, the city to visit friends. To-morrow Dr. How-- erton will fill the putplt at the second Presbyterian church. Rev. W. F. Alston, of Warrenton, spent yesterday la the city, stopping at the Selwyn. r' Mr. J. -W. Thackston,1 of Raleigh, was a viator In the city yesterday. -y. Mr. B. O. Townsend, of Lumberton. was regisjered among the guests at the Selwyn' yesterday. , Mr. G. L. Pace, of Rutherfordton, was a ; -visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. W. R, Foreman, of Lynchburg, Va spent yesterday In the city with friends, v "T'-.-y-j 1 " ' , Mr. W. J; Kennedy." of Greenwood, S. C, spent yesterday hvtha city op bufelnesa , , Mr, J. V; Greer, of Columbus, Miss., waa "registered . among the guests at the Selwyn yesterday. .'. - Mr. Victor M. - Roberts, , of ."Rock Hill, 8. C.j was a visitor in they city yesterday, ' r .--' -.- -"a Mr. McKay McKlnnon' of Maxtonl spent yesterday In the city, stopping . - Mr. W. , F. ' Trordon." of Mnrth Wllkesboro, repent yesterday' lit J the Mr D. HLlttlejohnof the staff of The Evening Chronicle,, will leave this morning tor Lenoir to. spend a few days with friends,,.' ? " - Mr. D. B. 3mith ha returned from Greensboro,' where he spent several oayg wiin rnends and relatives. sMaJor John D.' Shaw, of Rocjting ham. spent yesterday in the city on legal business. , v . . Mr. B. L. Parkinson a student at Erskine College, is spending several uys in me county With friends. v ' Rev- E. A. Ranson. of Pittsbur. ., will arrive in ilte'clty Tuesday cvcri aays . with relatives. Mr. Robert E. Rnn. miu ' to-morrow night to Seaboard, where vr ;enm ot Salisbury. fr5i!!trfi Jun,on th0 ets at r. w m. Miller, of Salisbury, spent yesterday, In . the city with Mr. J, D. McLean, of rinnn ... . Charlotte visitor yesterday. , - v Mr. 8. S., Miles., of Greensboro, was resjsierea . among tne guests at the Buford yesterday. t . ' , . ' Mr. Kenneth Gant. of Burllnatan. wao a nanoxie visitor yesterday. ; Mr. Malcolm McKinne. of PriHce. ton, was registered among the guests at the -Southern Manufacturers' Club yesterday ts. . . , Mr. Thomas Wakefield. - of Ashe. ville, spent last night In the city. eto ping at the Buford. ,y . - Mr. W. K. fitone, of Charleston. 8, C. has been spending . several days here who his parents. Mr, J., B.: Stewart, of Monroe, was a guest of tha Buford yesterday. Mr, D. . A. - Garrison, of Bessemer City, spent yesterday In the city, stop Ping at the Buford.' Mr. B. C. Townsend. of Lumberton. spent yesterday In Chariot ter stopping at the Buford. , - Messrs. Fred Anderson, of States- vllle, and Esley O. Anderson, of Lin colnton, were visitors in the city yes terday. They stopped at the Buford Mr. -W, 8. Fowler, of . MooresviUe, was at the Buford yesterday. Mr. Lloyd Withers will return to his home in Athens, Ga., to-night. Mr. . Henry vanstory, of Connelly fiprtngs, is spending a day or two In the, city with friends. Mr. J. B. Rector, of Ashevllle, was a visitor In the city last night Mr. E. H. Picket of ; Durham, spent last night in (the City, stopping at tl Selwyn -Mr. F- J. Byerly, of Mooresvllle, was a visftor in the city last night Among the visitors m, the city last night were, Mssrs. Watt Martin. , W. T, Brown; said F, 8.. Vernon, p Wins ton.'.;'" -. ." ' ' ' . : . , ' y, Mr. W, MHanes. of Winston, spent laM night In the city.- Mr. TV E .: Allen, of - Winston, was registered among the guests" at the Selwyn last night y . Mr. J. R, Beard,- of Lenoir, was a Chiarlotte visitor yesterday. 'Mr, I. At Oarr. of Durham, spent yesterdav In the city. . s 1 ,,.,.. . Mrs W.-- E. McKamey Mil .return to his home In . Portsmouth Ohio, ..Mnffyy:WVr; BEWAS OF FRKQVENT COLDS. A succession of eoWs or a protracted rtAA is almost certain to end in chronlo tarrh: from which few persona ever wholly raoover. Give every cold the at tMttlon It deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure . eoldt Why not try Chamber !ln Cough. Remedy T; Tt is Wuhly res. ommendsd. Mrs. M. White, of Butler, Tmuv. says: "Severitl vear axo I was liothered.with my throat and lung. flomeone 101a m -win Courh Remedy. I began Using it and tt relieved me at once. Now my throat nd lungs ere sound and well. For sale by W. L Hand Co., ;,., IF YOU LEFT YOUR WIFE If you ' left your1 wife whit allv hk i wmiid out you in Jail, , Death riiv vou of the. law. but not of responsibility J Cleveland Free. J un 18th, 07 ; - This u a thought striking enough to make any man nop and tninn "If I should leave my wife and fami ly unprovided for 'and run away from .them, the world would call me a rascal, and if the law could lay Us hands upon me it mould -punish me. Am i any les guilty If death should suddenly, compel m to leave them unprovided , for. assuming , that I might fcave made such provision ? The law could not reach nor punish me If I' were dead, but would not my memory suffer quite as'mueh as If 1 had run away from them?" ,. A man's widows and orphans are a very different proposition ,from his wife and children, but he cannot teli when : this ;sad transformation may take place. J How can he be happy In having the former if be realixes thariat any time they may belong In the other class, and that not only their happiness, but their prosperity, will be gone, and that poverty as well as grief will walk with thorn T SlO.tlL: Insure; In the Inltairs - Life. ' ... i:ii i. J. & c. li J 1 'iiiiLihiUI Any Hat 'in the house, no matter what the original price, reduced to $1.9 We don't carry over any Millinery. Every Hat must be sold. ' To-day1 we commence our reduction sale. '-. .-.'V ' ' . ' . ' - ' Hau that sold for $5.00 and tf.00. all at same prjee. - ' Our milliners are putting up tome beauties In new, choice ' Hats that would have sold earlier la the season "?...-. v . 1 i for three times as much. AD at II.9S. ' "RjaixAsrr cocntJr ; N A big' counter full of Bargains In Percales, Ginghams. , Outings, etc.. etc. ' Short lengths at a substantlar saving..'- l" '- Vi ' - f ' J- : - , LADIES', WAISTS - ; Bargains in new ' styles ' White Madras4 and ; Lawn Waists, worth up to $1.60..., ,,..,.ic .Net and Silk Waists, sold for much mors..,.. 7., $1.98, $2.98, $8.00, etc. X - FUR BARGAINS , These Furs were bought late at close-out prices. We now further re. dues au K"' 'ij 'I . . $10.00 Fur V. .V. ; ... .$7.50 $8.00 Furs. V.. ,.$4.50 $4.00 .Furs $3.00 Nice, long Furs, worth $6.00. now reduced to..., . ... ... ..$1.50 -- - v PREMIUMS ' . Take your choice of big tot China. Silverware, etc. Tha . best lot - of Premium we have yet shown. - ' IVEY'S r DOM DISCARD . , VOURKWA or heavy dressing sacque slm-. , ....... At.-'. . . ..' t 1' ' t"J irewue me wora oi j me early morning, when you' wear it most, has badly spotted or stained It ., ' .'. We can dry clean It for you and make it look like new again or if too badly stained we can dye it a darker color. Cleaning 50c. and np Dyeing ..75c. and up Charlotte Steam - Laundry Jundercra, Dftn, Cleaner. - tit South Tryon Street - Comfortable Price $3.C0. f , V ON DISPLAY sior.s Write' for samples to the , T1IE Charlotte, lie t New crop Seeded Raisins, Currants, Dates and! J":n Tt---i Hi trl ZZ1. ; ill u t ' r , J t v ?' '?-" "I, 1.1 s1 ".MS-ii:!' it. If , ity, Artistic r r .'-ii Warm and - ' "' M ' Comfortablci ."..'' tt .11 The remainder of our Toys, to make as .complete a clearance as possible, AT COST. This means a generous saving of 25 to 50 per cent., and includes many of the most desirable Toys - 1 '. ; - .'Slaughter Sals Women's Cloab Several hundred Women's Goaks at cost. There's no , . ' ' ' - i " l i ' 1 ; ' , . - reason for this except that we find our shelves with : 'too ;many-af this Rafter Xmas" season. ,The styles ' are bur best, the lengths are just right, the colors are mostly Brown, Black, Castor and Tan. ' . $10.00 Cloaks at;..;.v.;;;.;V....;VV:$6.60 to'$7.6fl $12.50 Cloaks at . .v ; . . . ,V. . . . . 1 ;.$8.50 to $10.00 V:- $15.00 Cloaks $16.50 to' $18.50 An Opportune Time to Buy Purs . . We have had tne greatest Fur business in our history. , The remnants of , our stock, in order , that" not one piece will be carried overj will be sold at tremendous- ly reduced prices. . ri BELK WHOLESALE ( BEST OF AIL . Home Comfort. Woven by band a' strips of flannel. Thick outlted fleece lining ana sort russet bole The nom no m nni both old and young. ' Men' sites f to U pne .. Ladle sises 3 to T price .. ...i Bent br mall on receipt or price. : v-';" GtLREATH CO, , m Special Notices AT.T. THWtriRnH . BROKEN.- THE PB nmnA fn ulna Hinrxm r lavorins jji- tracts this year for . "Chrltnea snd New Year's desserts the Vilggost ever. POTHBRSO V?ITH 1 A CJOLDT - WHY don't yu try mowis jxnnv Tahtotst Hst thing tjvjr' I to take. Try them. - JAs. P. BTOWB CO.. Druggists. , 'I'hon 17. t ' v r, fiirtey, Tomatoes, ira i-eppem, nleest Celery of the season, any kind of fnilt you want. Hers is tl plac to do your siiturday , shoppings W slva you Just what vou want wlien you want it. W nd 118. - JilU-Ett-VAN NKS3 CO, ' . ' v -, v ... - RKO GRAPKH BOUND " AND ZSC. r!i M. t;eiery irnm ounrnva lor 2&c., wect OrattsM filS box or 2ic. dMsen, Tocoanuts So., Mixed Nuts 10c.. Cnndy 1e Butter tic. and t quarts Cmnberrles 250. BKUX1KH3 tc CO.; aoff West Trad street, v , . - . FOH RENT EAST STH.- WQDKKN eorvenncee, i uunoii ei.j roomi, $12.50; 5 and tOT.Fcst 20th Ht. 2 H ner meek; Wl Wast 6ih, 4 rooms. $ 1Z1 rooms. $9. i. AlUHUR HENDERSON; fc .BRO., - ' - - - ?a WORTH OF 0ANITOL ' TOR til w will deliver to any onrson calling - at Our store before January 1st - Worm W Pnliui I"r .n . urn ' - ' . this ..liportwityiJ wOyDALiU, U WHAT WW RERVB 18 'APPETIZINI (lnd a better .menu, healthier food or prices more popular. fc-atln here fnesna SKtlefactlnn well Kood h'l- mr. GRM TUN I NO ROOa AMI . LUNCH COUNTER. TymWRlTEr.3 RENTriV-ll rental niar-liincs, nil maken. rmjy (nr Inntant Jfl'vcrv. - I.very macMn fri-rln lti every rrticu!ur. J. t .Lrayton ts Co 217 S. 'iryen, Thot) S t. jet Kent cottac.u in rn.vrtrtTii l J a v.ir. H-m-i.-n re',!, iii , Iioul hei'i', J.-'it I- T f.nl'. t-d. r.inir ifh . I I at..' 1 .!., If you !'! t to t iy, r''', I 'r t'tde, nn fhtiiiM -n L. Ki.'..- -r,.i;, 3. Trjcn street. a V- at Cloaks at . . BROS. RETAIL CL0TIE h It Iczxrnx ml; I mm. ' Our 0othc3 Aix i;novu quality. " Worn by some of the fast dressed men -in tpwn-why, not by you! ' ; , yr ' iMmm CL0THIWGCG. Good Sent on Appvi noJable at Oar rxpcne- 0ver!400 Schools end IV.ER.S C POND . - PHs.1 4 '1. . Kr.. W i- 7 ....$10.00 ..,$12.50 v i for their, style, fit and Cclhijes nov 7 Over 43.000 Iver & rer l r: made and aoli.. " Every j' ranted nd guars -1 .. r'.no f you t-i if j j beet. o r - . 1 ' ' ' j t

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