A). o cr TIi j O- server. , i . , ' , Dec . 25. "Hard j ;iv it; "Jtnotkln at our l-ut tlie "centuries oU ChrUt , . ,i" has not been quenched . t'l, 1 y it in ojr "twin cities," as evinced i; y the etii-r hurry in good natured crowds of shoppers on the 'Streets end Ja the gaily and most attractive ly dpcorated shops. Added to the kalledoscoptsof movement and color, have been the huge country wagons, piled Mgh with burnished leaved holly with, it ruddy berries gleaming torightly ia charming contrast to the silver green -of the mistletoe, with berries of )eari. Then, too, such Jieps of Christmas trees for saleF 4 always thdnk with a pang how I weh I could send a goodly number down on the prairies of southern Kansas, for t was there a wistful-eyed Utne boy asked mo in the most " pathetic rway, "You cam from where the Christmas trees grow.idld you not?; - Christmas day, and even before, was made the occasion for many fam ily reunions, or ,: to celebrate : the home-coming of the students in (the family. One of the -prettiest of these dinners was the one given on the Mrs. Fletcher Hamilton Bailey, of Troy, Ala. This diner was served in even perfectly appointed, courses, while the fragant narcissus used in the decoration of the table added tq the pleasure of the guests.' Besides thn honor ; gueeta, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Bailey, . Mrs. Bailey enter tained Mrs. J. K. Bailey, Misses Eva Teague and Mary Bailey, Mwwra Cal vin Grainger, Nrowood Ballon and (Eugene Bailey. ,. , " " Handsome engraved Invitations have been issued in the ckty reading as iquows: Mrs. Richard Joshua Reynolds ' will be at home a Tuesday afternoon, December the thirty-first, t from to o'clock, . SC West Fifth street, Mrs. James Stamper Dunn, Also Air. and Mrs Richard Joshua Rey nolds ' will be at horns ' ion Tuesday evening, December the - .thirty-first from -to o'clock,' . 66$ West Fifth street, Mr. and Mrs. James Stamper Dunn. On Tuesday evening a- congenial company . gathered at the hospitable home of Mr. Frank Stockton. Main street Salem, where a Dutch supper was enjoyed In honor of itha return from the North of Dr. Frank Shaff ner, Jr., where he has been attend In lMtnrM ' Much fan and wit flowed over the after dinner cigars, and all voted Mr. Stockton a charm Sng host ...... . . , There have been several really : beautiful rfcnroh entertainment. And , Centenary (Methodist Sunday school , has come in for a liberal supply of praise for their attractive programme ' rendered In the church Friday night There was an immense crowd present and the church had been elaborately 'aKAMful nr tVm ' nni-nnn ' Arlnrn- - ng the altar rail were branched can delabra made of feathery pine and capped with white tapers, while ce dar was used profusely in ithe deco ration of the public. Placed at Inter vals were wreaths of cedar, enclos ing a red or white star on the bal cony rail, It would be hard to dis criminate as to which number elicited the most Interest, but-a flag recita tion In which thirteen boys partici pated, representing different nation- m kill!: ttutUatln 4vi Mtt1rttt tftjt alow but charming Christmas music, many little girls mad th!r red Christmas fcells speak eloquently; a Christmas pantomlrw gracefully led by Miss Eleanor Albea, were all thoroughly artistic and much enjoy ed. In one of . the recitations. In which a great many wee tots recited, little Miss Frances McNIeve, (the win some little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNIeve. made her debut Little Miss Mary Hue, Henly eang a most attractive lullaby. At the close of the service, holly decorated boxes of 'candy, were dlrtrtbuted to the children. , Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Wright are spending the Christmas holidays In Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMillan. Before returning they will visit Columbia, where her sister, Mrs. A. A. Smith, resides. " . The following invitations have been issued in the dtvf , , Miss Edna Wilson At Home,' ' Saturday, December it, 1907, - Mian Burton.. Miss Powers. Miss ' anouei. Miss Burton is from Lynchburg, Va. and is the guest of Miss Edna Wilson; Misses Powers and Vanollet pfcV vita iti,vi vehiimiaiD ifruu m w visiting Miss Julia Wilson. Mr Hlgdon, of Franklin, a promi nent young barrister of that place, is the guest of Mr. William Wilson. Mrs. J. iA. Bitting entertained at a delicious Christmas dinner last Sun- Aav n famtll ; Tht vM.n 1nv 'tH very leniently frith Mrs. Bitting and ne is assured of a charming' recep tion when the guest of this tainted, gracious woman, whose delight U Is do give pleasure to other..,-,,. Miss Lora Ferrell has issued Invi tations to a large number ' of her friend to meet her house guests, M;p3s Wllla Korrls. of Raleigh, and Mayms Walker, of Richmond, Va on Friday, from 4 to 6. Among the large number of acad emy students who have left for their (respective honvrs. during the; pa K, are: ., ' BronxhtoR, who went to South ' Jfaroilna; Miss Laurie Jones, to Ola- con, Ga.; Miss NJcewonger, to Cliar loue: Misses ' Jeanne'' Farrier and Myrtle Bobbins, to lAshevlile; Miss 1 Annie Atwater, to Florida: Miss sa P.obbJns, to Raleign, , and' Miss Ha.xmnn, to Mocksvlile, Among the many guest' in ' .the r-1'y ore Mr. Henry Taylor and Iwls- ler, , ;.uss Kiirabetb Tajlor. of Rich a., who are wKh their aunt 3. V. 'favtor; Mr. Comellle. of n, wirh Mr, and Mrs, ; r, at eouthafde: Mr. i. ..aw, of "Hlilofist,1 i, ni ana, the gust of v. jn.'.i'aw: Mr. and Mr. e. rf Wilson, with the . Ur, and Mrs. Ed . ; - 'i ikErset. Mj?. and :.:;.-. cue : .-.i. ,.3, : "T. ; - r Irs," is t':? i. )' t J ' r i .Mi:. Perry Gn.:..h, rt 1i. ,, Among the many lui.s i,i o..r x . y none promdsos to be more a'.ii ic:.v'" than - the "Tuseorora," rt-rrntly organized at the home of Mi.'-s J.'rnsa Bailey, .having as its object, both 'pleasure and profit , T-ne meetings are to be held at the various homes of the members, and era ta be tak en, alphabetically. Mrs. ieorge Pat terson Ja 'president C The members are: Mrs. ;R. h. Reynolds, Misses Erma Bailey, 'Mary Carter, Ethel and May Follln, ' Lenar Critz, Margaret and-Frank Hanes, Lourso Banuson,' Nellie Fries, Mary Shcpard,' Lucy Ljtorook and Gracei WJMtaKer. . Mr. and Mrs. Turner Farish, of Qrantly, Canada, have arrived , in the city to spend several weeks, the guests of relatives. Mr. and -Mrs. 'T. B. Crawford and family are guests of th letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C3oathom, in Oxford, .- , ' . Mls Anna Buxton : has returned from avlsit to ' New Tork and several months' stay at Jamestown. , '" Mr, George Pelt is visiting his brother, Dr. , Robert ' Pell, of . Rich mond, the well-known author of "Pell'a Kotes." - Mre.. John - F. Hanes, alls Lucy Haines, Misses ' Luah ' Critz, and Frankie Hanee,' have returned from Elisabeth City, -where they attended th Manes-Robinson wedding. Miss Ruth Hanes is home for the holidays from Gunaton Hall, Washington City.JMr. and Mrs. - Frederick Qdarquaand and James Riley, of. New Tork, are at the Zlnzendorf for . Christmas week. Miss Edwlna Lockeet. who has been a eftudent at Holllns Instlftute, Is - home for holidays. Miss Janle Graham, of HoipklnsvMle, Ky., 4s the guest of Miss iNellie Fries. -Messrs. Lyman and John Whitaxer, students at Guilford College, and, Mr. Wil liam Whttaker, aaslManit professor of chemistry in Columbia College, New Tork, where i has achieved " con siderable distinction in his chosen profession, are visiting neir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whltaker. -Miss 6alU Stafford, f "The Maple,m is- visiting Miss Emily Durham, la Charlotte. Miss Eva Wharton will spend the hoKdays witn Mrs. Junius Grimes, In Washington, N. C. Mlas Gertrude McLaughlin, Che guest of Miss Maude Bohannotx, has returned to Lynohburg. Mrs. Lindsay Pat terson has returned from Warrnton, Va. JMIss SadUe Walker is the guest of Miss Ronntree, in Newfbern. Mr, and Mrs. .George Brown, who have been In Baltimore visiting, have returned home.- Mrs. M. E. Mot singer has on to EiklH to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chat ham. Miss Nell Grlfnth, of Cleanmons who has been visiting the ' tMlsset jllnshaw, has returned tiom. Su perintendent Snipes, of the Winston city schools Is visiting in Slier. Miss Jennie P, Butford, the charming so dal correspondent of The Charlotte Observer, from our city, Is spending a While North. Messrs. John . and Clerence Clevell, are here from Le high Un!versity.--The following stu dents of the State Normal are ' at home for the holidays: Misses Mat jtle James, Anna and Delphine Brown, Lucretla W41son, Helen Mc lArthur, Margaret Dalton and Kate Shepard. Miss Ruth Sevier la visit ing in New York. Miss Garrison, a (member of the Salem Academy fac ulty, is spending her holidays in Boston. Mrs. J. P. Fearrington, Misses Elizabeth and Faith Fear rlngton, (Master Pass Fearrlngton, are vWtlng in Faisoa Mr, Clint Hin haw, of the A, '& M. College is home for the holidays. Mr,, and Mrs. Edgar Jenkins (nee Miss Ida Farish) are back from an extended Southern wedding trip, imX are at (the Zlnzendorf. Misses Nina and Lulu Cooper, or Raleigh, are visiting Mrs , Percy Mas ten. Mr. and -Mrs, P. M. Colbert, whose marriage was cele brated about ten days ago, have re turned from Louisiana, where ,(the bride Is a resident. RALEIGH. Correspondence of The Observer. Raleigh,' Dec, 28. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. A. H. Ball . enter tained the Young Ladles', Bridge Whist Club. After several rubbers of bridge had been played the prize, a lovely gold pin, was awarded to Miss Louise Linton. Mrs.. Ball's guests were: Mrs. W. N. Holt Mrs. W. N. a. Smith. Mrs. A. IL Arrington, Mrs. Herbert Buell, Mrs. Charles Ftttn, Mrs. . Arthur Cobb, Mrs.. George Jtlacknall, Mrs. Murray - Allen, Mr. waiters, of Washington. D. C: Mim Hell Hinsdale, Miss Irene Lacy(i Miiw Annie HlnBdaie, Miss louiso L.into, Miss Margaret Lee, Miss Mary Latta, Miss Katie Barbee and Miss Annie Duncan. Mr. and Mrs, W. IL Williamson delightfully entertained the Evening Bridge Whist Club Friday, Decembei JOth. , Mr. Albert Stockard and bride, who wa formerly MIhs Margaret Ashe, or Wilmington, are visiting Mr. Stockard' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Jerome Stockard. Friday night a delightful supper was - given the young - couple at Giersch's Cafe by Messrs. Henry Her vey, will Brlggs and Louis Smith. three of Mr. NtocKard s groomsmen. There were present also Misses Mar garet Mackay, josepnine Anne ana Elsie Stockard. The German Club of the A. ft M College gave the largest and most enjoyable dance of the season Frl The oar nignt. iecemer stun. dance was beautifully led by Mr. and Mrs. w. N. Holt Mr. B. b. ratumore and ' Miss Ruby Norris. The muslo for the occasion was rendered . by Levin s . Orchestra. Those dancing were: Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Holt, Mr. B. B. Lattlmore, with Miss Ruby Norris; Mr. Ralph Falson, with miss iiutton; Mr. v. y. ijagan, witn MUs Smith, of New York; Mr. Ralph j t.ong, with Miss Josephine Boylan; Mr. M. II- Gold, with Miss Lacy; Mr. IT. 'R. Hampton, with Miss Wright; Mr. C. D. Brothers, with Miss Mar garet Boylan; Mr. J. M. Council, with MUs Lizzie Rogers; Mr. U. ,F. R, Johnson, with Ml Katherlne v Roy Ian; Mr, T. T Dawson, with MIhs Ethel Rogers; Mr. C It Smith, with tllss Hlnton: Mr. K. C Tanner, with lixs Detwllder; , Mr. -W. A. FaUon, with Miss Duncan;-Prof esKor Eron, with Mis Crlhtas; Mr, W. Harris, with Mis Bailey; Mr. M. O. An thony, with Miss Wllla Norris: Mr. Mahler, with Mis Margaret " i y; ; -,-s i.i, i : . nt I..; s i. j; 1 r. Jdcic i . ; ' ,.;-.e ; i A!'.' -i, r 'l aoTpsmn, Fe '-u- I.lnd-y 1 an vhle Kins. It a. :i, fi.s:i. son, 1,5'eily, Dickson, Cox, Cartwrl t, r. and Drs Whluker. Chaperones: and Mrs. M. T. Norrifl, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ttall, and Medames Paul Ie, Boylan. C. ,B. Wright James 1'ou and Walterst, The Capitol Club-will give one of Its delightful receptions and dances Tuesday evening, Decemoer 5 isu Miss Albert Anderson spent Christ mas in Goldsboro with her sister. Mrs. f!.' B. Avcock. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stone and - daughter, Miss Florence, spent Christmas in Greens boro with Mrs. . Stone's , mother, Mrs. R. P. Dick. Mrs. James N. William son and Miss Mary Foster, of Gra ham, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W, H. .Williamson, , ; burham.: ; Correspondence of The Observer, : Durham, Dec. 27. Thursday after noon of last -week The Tourlsts en ioyed one of the most delightful meet Ings of the year, at. the beautiful co lonial home of Mrs. William A. Gra ham, on Chapel Hill street Christ mas decorations prevailed In the li brary and drawing rooms where the club assembled. Mra - John ; SpruTit Hill, the president called the. meet ing to order in her characteristically gracious wax and the members re sponded to the roll call with items of current interest The literary pro gramme began with a charming read ing on "Folklore of Spain by Mrs. W. D. Carmrchael Mrs. .Robert Lb Flowers' clever notes on the "Spanish Army and Navy," were most Interest lng, especially her sympathetic tribute to Spanish patriotism and bravery in the Cuban war; Mrs, L. A. Carr gave', a most - effective reading on "Charles the Fifth," which had been written by Mrs. John Wily. A de licious luncheon of six courses was served In the dining room, where the decorative Idea ran 'most artistically original and , effective, the one end of the snowy cloth was painted the Spanish flag; the others-end was em blasened with the royal coat of arms, while the center piece of ferns was encircled ' by a painted " wreath of pomegranate : blossoms, -the national flower of Spain. Place cards of pome granates and yellow shaded cande labra completed the vivid color ef fect. Interesting conundrums, to be answered with the names of maga zines, were described on tiny rolls of parchment at every plate, and Mrs. Victor Bryant was awarded a beauti ful hat pin, the Spanish coat of arms, for the most complete set of answers. The club was happy In having as guests Mra Venable and Mrs. Craw ford Biggs. The Tourists will be home during Christmas and will resume their travels In January under the de lightful direction of Mrs. L. A. Carr. Mrs. Sallle .and Miss Mabene Har rell entertained the Bright Jewels and their respective Sunday school ciaass of Trinity church last Fri day evening. ; Many games were played during the evening followed by a contest in which Master Edwin Mlms wo nthe prize trlven to the smaller children and Miss May Bowl ing the one ylven to the older one. There were about fifty children pres ent and report having spent a pleas ant evening. . Sunday night there was a choral service at the Methodist church which was enjoyed so much by all who were fortunate to have heard the music. The programme was as follows: Organ voluntary: grand chorus by Dubois; hymn No. 107; an- tnem, "Behold I . Bring You Good Tidings.", by J. B. Herbert; prayer; hymn No. 115; anthem. "And iThere were Shepherds." bv L. E. 8ol1v. Scripture reaJIngs anthem, "God j Is Our Hope and Strength," by F. H. Young; responsive reading, 34th Psalm; quartette, "Sweet ZIon Bells,'' by J. H. Fllmore; anthem, "Sing, O' Daughter of Zion." by N. 8. Wilde; closing anthem, "Beneath the stars On. Bethlehem's Plain,", by W. R. Spence. ,v , , There was a quiet marriage solemn ized at the Hopkins House a few days ago, wh(s.h was a surprise to the friends of the couple. The contract ing parties were Mr. John Moore and Miss Annie Jones. - They came from Roxboro to Durham. , - They arrived in the city on the Norfolk ft Western train anj went Immediately to the Hopkins House. The license was soon obtained and the arrangements for the wedding made. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Thomp son, pastor of Mount Tlrxah circuit It was a prety event and those pres ent were very Intimate friends that live In Durham. The bride was a very attractive looking young lady, and the groom I a prominent young business man In Roxboro. - The mar riage came as a surprise to all their friends for not one suspected any thing of the kind. it seems that there were objections to the marriage on the part of the bride's parents so they came to Durham. -, ' Christmas Eve the Sunday school ot St. Philip' had their celobratlon, The Rev, Mr. Thomas Trot made the ad dress. It was splendid, not only did he make the Httle ones understand, but for the vrrown people to enjoy also. The Christmas tree was beauti fully dressed and brilliantly UghteJ sn-o wnen me electric lights were turned off it showed trt all Its atorv Each little tot' heart beafwlth Joy when they saw old Santa Claus appear to give iinem xnetr presents. They re ceived in turn a present and a bag were given the last carrol sung and dismissed with prayer by the Rev. 8. of "goodies." .After all the nrestents S. Boat all left as happy ss could be The carols were: 'Holy- Night, Peaceful, Night." Parish hymnal; 'Walls'- Shepherds Watch Thetf 0Cl N'f,ht hj:m",: - Uitie Town of Bethlehem, Phillip Brooks; "snenneTd in the FeM Abiding." W. R. Spnce "Hark. The Christmas Bell re Ringing' . Charles A. Carr; neyj organist. Mrs. George A. Carr; leader of celebration. Rev. 8. 8. Host. ' Tbere was a very preMy event at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1, William Thomas Watts, -Fhorwned, Heights, near'Lakewood Park, on last Thurs day when, Miss Reulah Carr, Watts was given in marriage to Mr. John lister Lea, Jr..- Rev. G. T. A dims, poster of Trlnitv-MethodH'chureh, officiating fct -th morringe. . Tiie V ,1 v. . ri w it .'l rt e, " r. el i of J . i mre. I rf i 1 ft I ! 1.1 , IT t lH '1 hat ar, Ji t ' 'nre t'.e nu; brl.le -wore a '., i travt Mng frown w i match. -Just l tered the parlor ; very beautifully. c:i- ; "U hltmoro f.'i Constancy." I mediately after t?ie vows mere sUJ the couple were tfrlven to the Union station and left for a trip Eiu;:i. They will take in Jacksonvllie. Tampa and other places. They will on re turning make their home In Durham. Mr. Lea is the son of Mr, John L. Lea, anj Is a prominent young to bacconist He has lived In this city most of his life. The bride is a very charming young woman and Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Watts, and she too has' always made Durham tier home. , Wednesday evening from $ to 12 o'clock Miss Martha Coran anJ Miss Lottie Sharp gave the most delight ful dance of the season in the armory to the graduates; anf their, dancing schooL The beauftful. figures of the German were led by Mr. Lawrence Tomllnson. The gown worn by the young ladles were the handsomest creations that have been seen In the ball room here In many yeara The music for the occasion was furnished by the Durham Orchestra. The spec tators felt that thev were in veri table fairy; land as the vnnnr tne.n anj maidens danced around In the beautifully decorated . hall to the strains of the sweet music. - It was with genuine 'regret that they bade one another good-night when the last notes of Home, Sweet Home." had died away, - OXFbRDV Correspondence of. The Observer. t - wxrora, Pea 27. Christmas is re markably pleasant here., The weather la Ideal. . The vounsr nanni ,ho lif.i;- i. Jut;ni .tnere " n"yLha been filled with functions, ten ..v.a ucn. iuusa Aieen vooper, Of Fayetteville, arrived Wednesday and is the guest of Mrs. W. B. Ballon who win give an elaborate . reception Tnursday evening giving the young people of the town are opportunity to Wei mttne,r ,r,ena m Oxford, A ,!rU80n te v,8ltin8r her sister. Mrs. Leak peace. Mr. R, G, Klttrell, superintendent of achools In Tarboro, is here, to apend his vacaUon. Mr. J. C. Cooper, of Ahoskle is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. o. Coop"r!-Mr Carbutt; of Baltimore, returned to- &tak charee Oxford Electric .nd Water-works of fice. Mis Jeanette Biggs has gone to Washington, N. C, to spend the hoU ys ,!t.h her frlend Mrs. Hoyt, ml alt,6r BtTk: "oompanled by Mis Erwln and Mr. Ed Stark fcft to-day to visit relatives In Loulrburg. Rev. F. M. Shamburgar artd family left to-day for RaW,'. .where Mr. Shamburger takes charga of. Eden ton Street Me'.hollst church. Rev. Mr. Massle has assumed charga of Oxford Metho list, church and 1 re ceiving a hearty welcome. Tlie orphans hafve haA !l a merrj Christmas. A very elaborate Christ mas Iree afforded unbounded pleas ure; I was beautifully decorated and the , orphans were the recipients of many presents. On Wednesday they, were entertained in the opera house by, a show of moving; pictures. Mr. Simeon Cmith has purchased the. Interest of Mr. Hughes. In the Taylor, Cannady Buggy Company, and is now vice president of the company, this office having been filled hereto fore by Mr. Hughes, of Lynchburg, Va. The people of this community are much pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Smith in. Oxford, where they will reside, occupying the residence of Mr. Smith on Main street Rev. Mr. Walton, who was callad to the. Oxford Presbyterian, church, about a month" ngo, has accepted a later call to the Presbyterian church ln Suffolk, Va. , The church here will be filled by young ministers from t.ie Seminary until call is given for a pastor. . . , ,. - MOORESyiLLlSA Correspondence of The Observer. . " Mooresvllle. ' Dec. 9.7 day afternoon from to o'clock Mis l,utelle Sherrill received In honor of . her friend. mi . iiait Templeton, whose . marriage took place Thursday afternoon. December 26th, at 6 . o'clock In , the , Presby terian church -of this place. This was the most charmine- social even f of . the season. The guests .were re ceived In the hall by Mra. Dr. Steven son and Miss Julia Stlrewalt In the parlor were Miss Sherrill. MIhrp Tfat and Nell Templeton and Miss Moore, of Spartanburg, & C. In the dining room where elegant refreshments were served, the guests wers received by Misses Grace Nawkln. Gertrude Melchor and Mrs. DeWltt Mills. In the library punch was served by Mrs. J. H. Ham. of Charlotte. Mra T, O. Brawley and Mrs. George Good man. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were at home to the members of the Presbyterian church . Monday afternoon. The guests were welcomed In the parlor by Mr. and Mrs. . Wilson. In the dining room and hall the guests were received by different ladles of the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were the recipients of many beauti ful gift from their-entire congrega tion. Miss Taullne Gwaltney, of Hickory, Is the guest of. MtaS' Zoua Brawley this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Braw ley, of Durham, spent several days In town this week visiting friends. Miss Julia Johnston, of Davidson, and Mr. Marlon Johnston, a very promi nent lawyer of Norfolk, spent Thurs day and Friday In town with friends;' Mrs. F. H. Walters and daughter. Miss Julia, went- to Savannah, Ga., Friday to, spend several weeks. - GASTONIA; Corrpondenc of Th Observer. , 'i, . . i" x- ."' f 'Gastonta, De. 26. Mrs. JoJseph "park - delightfully ' entertained the rnenoiy Matrons on Thursday after noon, when Mrs.- J., Lander Gray was guest of honor. The spirit of Christ was appropriately carried out in the 0i'corations or - this ever beautiful home In - the entertainments of guesU. Garlands and . wreaths of evergreens suspended from doorways and windows. Progressive trail was played, the scores being1 kept with small red silk stockings Into which were dropped bon bona and nuts for eactt game won. . -.' X dellclOUS SAl&rl " r j. v. . A. K i t" ' 'i a . ; . i s. . r, n i- t f t .3 1 r i I i t 1 v i t, n- on :j 1 r.;l p 1.1 1. :mt i-r eawi it her r .l-'sts a j"yo''s anj merry C".-; tmas. Mr. J. A. Iva and i:.. i;;hel Cray rendcrcJ many beautirul fclccrions during the afternoon whK-i added very an.uch to the pleasure of the guests. , Aliases Blanche. Maude, ana Myrtle Gray, and Maude Separk assisted In serving. About thirty-six guests were present Miss Susie Hoffman Is away on an extended . trip to Washington City, where she will remain until after the holidays. The following young ladles are at home from their respective colleges for the holidays: - Miss . Johnsle Adams, , Converse College, Spartan burg, S. C; Miss Kathleen Boyce, Due West Female College, - Due West S. C; Miss Marie Torrence, Presbyterian College, Charlotte, N. C; IMlss Bertha Long, Greensboro Female College, Greensbpro, N. C; Misses Lula White sides. Bught Crawford. Mary Brown, Florence Carson, ' State. Normal, Greensboro, N. C: Miss Marie Hardin and Miss Edith Fayssoux. St Mary's, Raleigh. -J - Mr.' and Mrs. Errard W. Gilliam have returned from their bridal tour and are with Mrs. I N. Glenn. " A ;HIGH POINT. Correspondence of The . Observer. ' High Point Dec 1 6. With the ex ception .of the sweet quiet home so cials . and the many church and Sun day school entertainment, the week dered Mrs. William Clay Jones, - the attractive bride of Mr. William Clay Jones,- and the - two brides-elect. Misses Elizabeth -Welsh "tJalt and Winifred Alice Sncvw. The largest and most prominent re ception of the week was Tuesday af ternoon, when the member of the W O. T. Club tendered a reception - to their two members, Mrs. William Clay Jones, nee Miss Alice Carey Ogburn, snd Miss Winifred Alice Snow," the betrothed bride of Mr. Alvis Decatur Barnes. Through the -urbanity of the board of the Manufacturers' Club their lovely club rooms were used as the place of meeting and between the hours of four - and five - were thronged with High, Point's smost beautiful and representative women, who In - lovely, stylish afternoon gowns paid their respects to these two charmingly attractive ; winter brides. .These always 'beautiful rooms neededvonly the touch of a few ad ditional potted ; plants, the drawn shades, the brilliant lights, with their, soft. colonial shades, and the strains of sweet music and they were made the fitting place for just such an oc casion. At the reading . room en trance7 Misses Mary Alexander and I Irvin Paylor received, , At the recep tion room ' entrance Miss - Blanche Bradshaw received and presented the guest to the president, Mrs. Charles Merrtmon Hauser, who stood at . the head of the receiving- line' Just inside the reception room. The 'receiving tine was composed of the club s bride. Mrs.: William Clay Jones, the bride-elect Miss Winifred Alice Snow, the president Mrs. Charles Merrtmon Hauser, and the two former presi dents, Mrs.. James Joseph FarrU and Miss Berta Louise Ragan. The punch bowl, the Ingredients of which and !s decorations carrying out the col Jr of the club, green and white, was presided over by Miss Charles and Mrs. Alfred Shorter Caldwell, second. All of the members wore beautiful reception toilettes, those In the re ceiving line especially beautiful and handsome., The block cream and cake served .was In the club's colors -of green and white. vldson Alexander, ; seconM, whose en gagement was announced some weeks ago. ' The shower was conducted in the dining room, and was in the form. of a Christmas tree, which was In the centre of the long table and was lit erally laden with useful and1 orna mental gifts for the bride and groom-to-be. - After refreshments were serv ed the &oor was cleared and a merry dance, led by the future groom and his youthful promised nriae, was in dulged In till near the midnight hour. ' 7 ' " The beautiful, well-designed hpme of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snow. on South Main street, with Us broad, far stretching low, porch and its ' novel shingled exterior was, Wednesday af ternoon, concededly Inviting -enough to the'suggestlons of the pleasing rec reation which had been arranged to enter the comfortable place in com- pltment to Miss . Winifred - Alice Snow, the young and popular sister of the hostess husband, as a fore run ner . to the beautiful marriage next week, when she will become the bride of Mr. Alvis Decatur Barnes. This home, which is so well adapted : to entertaining on either, a small or large scale, was especially Inviting with Its additional plants, which hovered near the- circular vends in the nan, ana the beautifully wrought pillars that supported the delicate grill - work, while the mahogany tables and hard wood floors made each vase of the late roses seem Ilka two, . While en joying music filled with sentiment from the handsome Victor machine the doors to the handsome dining room, with its elegant appointments were rolled back and the hostess, with the bride-to-be led the Way. The table, with Its doaten-lald "covers, was very pretty. From the handeller to the four comers fell the pink crepe rib bon. Starting at the same place and falling till U almost touched the ex quisite flower centre piece of pink and white chrysanthemums was an artis tic arrangement of white and pink hosiery, which suggested the nature of the shower, which was arranged ill tiuvei tiiH-tiitrs bvi vno uici nun uc hind the table. From a real clothes line, fastened on with real clothes pins, dangled the many' pairs of silk and lisle, embroidered and lace ho.xe. The two-course collation was pretty dainty, and delicious. Each place was favored Vith a tinv while or pink silk slipper filled with rice, The rurst ofthonor never looked prettier than when In cinnamon and ccrw net she mt at the head of the table in the ribbon-marked chair and while chattlncr'gnllv with her brlilefmaMi 1 a t ani t'.ie e- l-'yiert it t,v 1 not be rarj v . s the f i . !ch :rr. Ij. V,. tw- e Vrt i'"t OU.U-.' e ever.I:;-, la v-. e ot cario out Tinner and was r'- rt'.l wKh a hanJ.'ome cut-g!.s3 Cc3Mor, which he, in turn, presented to Mrs. W, G, Bcnvsn, Whose husband was his closest competitor,- Mr. John Under wood won the "booby" a cut-class water bottle, which he carried to his wire "just to show her," he remarked, "that water was good enough for him." Mr. McNeill was toasted by the entire company standing, as a prince of good fellows, an entertainer, Who entertaSis; and his wife, who looked in upon the guests occasionly, as the most charming of women. Among the guests were: . Messrs. John C Gorham, W. T. Bowen, W. E. Klndley, I. w. OverbaugV Herbert Lutterloh. Ralph B Lutterloh. - John O. Ellington, Malcolm ' Matthews, Charles Cagle, James B. Underwopd, Jdhn Underwood Arthur E. Armfleld, Herbert H. Dunn, Louis B. Hale. Galther Scott. Jack Harrison, and Lawrence A. Williamson. - Mrs. C- Miller Hughes gave a de lightful bridge party Tuesday after noon at her home on pick street. In compliment to Miss Mooring, of Ra leigh, and her sister Miss Ophelia Howell, of Goldsboro. Mr. .and Mrs. Howard Martin Cooke, and little son. Howard Martin, Jr., are spending the holidays with Dr. and Mrj. r. J, Haigh, on Hay mount ' - , Miss Anna. iM'aloney is . visiting in Savannah. , Ga, Mr. " Wil liam' G.- Broadfoot, . of : At lanta 4a visiting his parent; Major and Mrs... John B. Broadfoot at "Pine View, on Haymount The following young men are at home front college to spend .the'" holi days: Snowden Skinner and- W. A. Fry, Jr., of the University; Silas cMieci. ox Trinity h College; Al'Ntm 0cks. of Horner toan ev University; Henry Smith, of Masse Business, College. of Richmond; Thomas Rankla and Walter Lambeth, of the A. ft M. Raleigh; Albert Cross, of the University College of Medicine. Richmond: Charles BrnucTf nnt xv.it. Cook. Edmund Pemberton and Albert oiuari, oi we university. Mmfn Efc,1,zabeth Robinson. , Jessie McMillan fcieanor Huske, Katharine Jackson. Haiye Evans and Henrietta Evans, of the State Normal, -are at home to spend Christmas. .' , Misses Garnetfe Patterson, of the Blackstone Female Academy, Black stone. Va.i Nannie Campbell, Grace Jennings and Annie Tate Morgan, of St .Mary's, i Raleigh; Elizabeth Ran kin, of the Southern Presbyterian College, at. Red - Springs; France Bryan Broadfoot ' of St Mary'a Raleigh: Fannie and Sadie Smith, of the Southern Presbyterian - College, at Red Springs,, and Mary Agnes Monroe, of the State Normal, are at home to spend Christmas. - - - Mrs. ' W. ' J. Bradley . and -Mrs. : jr. G. Fletcher, of New , Haven, Conn., are spending the- winter with Mrs. J. E. Hawley, on Russell , street Mr. and Mrs. William. Taylor Bowers delightfully entertained e,t a bpautlful Christmas dance at the LaFayette Thursday evening from 10' .'until 1 o'clock.' It was a fancy dress ball and a prettier scene could hot have been imagined, with the pretty maids and handsome matrons in 1 lovely costumes and powdered hair. Mrs Bowen looked especially pretty in a gown of. black . satin. , she - wore diamond ornaments. and . dia-, monds - In : - her,-, - hair, : The figures were gracefully , led by - Mr. James S. McNeill and '. Miss Mary Fuller Robeson. Mrs. Bowen danced with 'Mr. J. Pelham Moorman, of Lynchburg, Va. -ln the grand march the light were turned out and the dancers carried Japanese lanterns. The effect was , trlklngly beautiful. The 'avers were ' Jaoanese , curloa such as dolls, fans, parasols,' etc A acrcvi uuiuuer oi uaiicers ana specta tors were . present and enjoyed - the unrivaled ' hospitality of Mr. ' and Mrs. Bowen. , i . - i " 1 1 , , Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones and daughter, Miss Sadie, of New . Tork. with a party of friends,, are spending the.Yuletlde season at "Alrlee," near Wilmington. Before returning to New York Mrs. Jones will visit her parents, Co), and Mrs. W;' J. Green, at their country place, Tokay, near this city. . , ' Mr. and Mrs. John C. Garnam and Mr. Waldo F. Anderson are. spending thb holidays with s Mrs. Lucy E. Anderson, at Fair Bluff. ' ' " SALISBUBY.. ; Correspondence of The Observer.' ' Salisbury, Dec. 28. The first dance of the holiday season ' was . given last Friday night In honor of the young "ladies . visiting y in Salisbury; Mioses Mary Armistead Jones, Mary young Madelene White and Ellen Gib eon. ... , , , ' The . dance given Christmas night was a very delightful one and the at tendance Was unusually large. The invitations were, sent by "The Drag ons," a new and secret order of pleasure-loving, brotherhood, and al though curiosity was r!fe to discover their Identity the mystery has not yet been solved. ,.,-, Creston Clarke, who played here last week, gave a delightful lecture to a most inibcirested aad appreciative audience at the Old. Hickory Club. In a series of vivid word-paintings Mr. Clarke gave fascinating sketches f Mac.klln, Forrest ' Edward Kean, Nell Gwyn, - Edwin . Booth ; and Kir Henry Irving. Mr. Clarke's near relationship to the two famous Booths erestlng. Dr. and Mrs. Clironc Kltittz sail on Christmas day from' New York to Galveston, Tex., from where thiey go to EI Taso, Tex., . their fu ture home. Dr. and Mrs.' Archibald llenderswn, of chapel Hill, ar visit ing Dr. Henderson's parents. Mr. end Mrs." John S. Henderson. Mi.1 Jennie Caldwell, of , Statesville, Is upending Christmas with her isi;it"r, Mrs. Theodore F. Klutts. Mr.. Ed win C. Gr Kfry. who is VifstUnj? reft lves in Ifilifx county, U nulte ill Tu o. J. ( ' . 1 I.:; I , f a-lw ys a t l"d SUli I', ." '0!:..-J(-ur Vu-t-f Frenchman anj f j ia to a a f r .i rt I t-r,.f.H. r. . . . . . 5.1 1 Oil moers were :v.-ti in conjunct! with this play. Friday evening M!ps Miy Carter en tertained most hospitably quite ' a number of your. people, who thor- " oughly enjoyed the occasion. Saturday evening a favored number .' of young ladies received the following ' InvitaUon,. which wa , beautifully hand-painted: -The Alices Walker Trill be at home " And will glv , welcome to all who come; ( So put on your bonnet and cajlco fro:k. " And com to the party at elgiu o'clock;-- . ". ihe young men, received invitations to correspond with the above,xso on the eventful-Saturday evening youths " and maidens, bedecked in childhood' " attire of variegated hues, hied Oetn- ' selves forth to enjoy -the hospitality' " of the MLsses Walker. The costumes were charming and Interesting and.' Miss Anna Taylor received the ladles ' prize for. the best costume, and Mr. . Walker' Willner , the gentleman's. -Youthful games were partlclpa,ted In with much enthusiasm, which showed' the gay revelers had not long fllnce , passed that happy stage of life. , Tuesday evening the Leaks ville Bap' tist church gave a very fine Christmas entertainment at the auditorium, pf : tho L. .S. L This entertainment wa gotten up by Miss Nell Fagg. pianist and -Mlas Mary tHy King, director, and was. Indeed one of the very best - ever presented here., About eighty '' children were on the stage at one -time, and made the bright choruses mb wnn : meir sweet voices Very fine anthems, "Christians Awake. Wi n,f S.y MlaBes Mary U jKiri and Nell Fagg.- and Messrs. Duncan and. Taylor; "O. Holy Child." by Mrs, Hopper. Mlss Fagg, Messrs. Jpne and Beam; and "It came Upon the. Mid night Clear,", by Mra. Hopper; Miss Elizabeth Taylor and Messrs. Duncan and Beam., .Little James Fagg and Mabe Downes mado each a. great hit with their cute little recitations, ren dered in the charmingly unconscious style of the very small Child. After a good many musical numbers and recitations, the cantata, I "The Real Santa Claus. began,. In which''' Mr. Hugh Beam starred as : the tramp.' whv nwwara turnea out to be San U Clauff and this Japaneae 'chorus; With it as mihtTit .Tansnasa A1 by eight lrls In Pmonasand Japan ese parasols, was a very picturesque number. - as - mu - . Tn . . ... tin.A iFalrlea' chorW sung by , lx'v-m&lf . Ml-la' .1.m j.HH. .. .1.1-1- - . t jwuV .cune oiwuping on rne stage , lo long gray capes and array , wrings on their heads. , . ,r - . . Creditable ' Christmas entertain- ' ments -were held Irf all the churches.- ':;v;tE-''Vyr Correspondence of Tho Observer. V 'V - Lenoir,-Dec, 27.-On Christmas Day!' at- o clock p. m.. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jamei T. Jones entertained at a course dinner at their home on College avenue the follow," lng guests: Misses Helen Celeste Henkei, Jessie Eveleyn Courtney, Mattle Mas Ballew and Hlna Atkinson; Prof. J. JR. Conley, - Messrs. Harry Courtney Jack' Tuttle, Clarenco Courtney -.and Carroll Moore. - . Miss Gertrude Hall, the accompIUbed and popular daughter of Col. and Mrs. J. G. Hall, entertained In a most gra cious manner a large number of friends' at their tcspitable home Thursday even' lng, December 26th. The guessing con test, "Nuts to Crack." was very enjoy able., After this mental combat the guests were Invited to the dining rboirt which was mtst uniquely -and approprt-1 ately decorated with ferns. holly an"! spruce. -' A delicious and refreshing salad courw was served. After a few rulnutes pi Bociai cnat tne guests were Again In vited to the dining room, this time to to -recipients of presents from a -dainty lit- tic Clirlntmos tree. Each one- received a nut insula of which was found an ap propriate quotation bearing Christmas greetings to the guest! After these were road ' and discussed, the good humored friends , returned to the ; parlor . where they, enjoyed excellent niustc, given by Mrs. J. T. Jones, Misses Mary Ramsey and Mamie Wilcox, until the hour-of departure- had unexpectedly arrived. The following guests were present and went away with a feeling of Indebtedness to - Miss Hall for the exemplary , and gra-' clous way in - which sho contributed to , the pleasure of these friends: ' M'inses Annie Ball. Celeste Henkei, Mamie ' Wilcox. Mary Ramsey,, of Hickory: Mat Ue Mae Ballew, Fries Hall, ot Greens boro; Jessie Ncwland, - Louise - Gwynt Mrs. E. F. Rcll, Mrs. George Robev, of, Hunena Vista, Va.: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. -Beall. Mr. and Mrs. Uufus Gwyn, Mr." and Mrs. James T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. J. W. St If. Pr. J R. Wilson, of Oapel Hill; Prof. R. N. JVIlson. of Guilford College; Messrs. Wade Shuford and Julius Ramsey of Hickory; John Moore, . Julius - Ballew, Richard Ramsey, , Dave Clark and Thomas Newland. - A party of young people were dellght-v fully entertained at tho palatial home of , Mr. and Mrs. M. M, Courtney Thurs evening in honor of their sons, Marshall ' H. and Jeff B. Courtney. Their . spacious dining room, always an inviting plaro for the epicure, waa prettily and tastily decorated. Delicious refreshments were served and game of. absorbing intercut ero played. . . - The weather here hHS been Ideal for. Chrietmas and' It has been nlmost. as. qulc and peaceful as a Sabbath. . Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Weaver are spend.' lng the holidays with "Father and Moth- er i Weaver," of Hickory. Mr. Tleorgs w;lson and Prof. Vm Wlliion, of Haver-.. ford. Pa., are visiting their pc rents here. Santa Claus' visit at the Presbyterian ehurch on Saturday afternoon and the ChriBtmnS tree at Ui Methrniit chiirch Thursday night were greatly enjoyed. Prof. Wolts snd family, of GoMatoro. ' sre spenolng tho holidays here find at . Granite Falls, the home of Mrs. Wnltz. GOOD cornTi MrcmcrNE for - CHILDRKN.. Tlite season for coughs s.nd colds Is now at hand and too mucheare cannot b us"d to rrntel the clillilren. A chf'J fa much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The, milcker you c,'r, ,,! rn,(1 lts the risk iCliamherlaln's Couph I?eniedy j. the sole rellanre of many mothrrs, nra lew ot those who have Trip.1 It sre ,. lng f u',',, "tf-nr. Mra. F. F. S'ta rub er, of Klpley. W. Vs.. Ka;. "I hv never tnfi anvtlilng oiher th,-m Clim herlttin's Cousli liemedy fr,r nv rl.H.t ren and It h" alwnys Riven to-d aN f.ntioii." This l'"inp.ly roiif-vim nit oiniiin or ohrr nrentlc and may I giy. on us ronfl.lenilv t,i a Chttit a n j , fc v. jA iund & Co. 4

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