i y the TiiAvixrn. John S. Engle, Savannah. .. DM yon ever think of t)io traveler. The fellow without a home. He aeema free from care, with no load to bear, ' tut he's often blue and lone. - He thinks of his wifn and baby : While over the land he roams. And the broad aria he carries with fcim Is only a cloak of groans. It's true he sees beautiful cities, And travels the land e'er. The best in the land la his to command - He teems to have money calora. His life appears very alluring . ' To the clerks, to you. nn.1 to me: ' But from his point of view, the towns be goes throufh v .. - Are Just bricks piled tip .differently. i ' ' Hea a kannv o.1urkv fellow: ' ' . He takes auniihine wherever he sroes, But. the smile that appeurs ofUn Udu . many Uars, .' ':- Though ha never mentions bis woes. You think of bis dreams In the Pullman 81xoina? the ak-er it the 1u But he-swears all the night In a freight at His piisht. v .. 'And eext day he Is covered with dust !. Wonderful stories be' talis us."" ' ; " And tnmrr a Ink i1oa h rrack: 'But wtuc he's alone be thinks of his home. And wonders when he can get back. There's alwavs two aides to a story We too often lust look at one. It's not always summer witk our care free drumrrwr; fi v Nor always by any means fun.r ' j ThB fi- re's to a right.- bright, good fel low; - A: lesson from him we can learn- XVben thins all go wrong, Chance the mcan to a song vw - .: And let tin broad smile return. ; , , . " "Bark to the Road." : . We are quite sure . this year has been a most prosperous one among the traveling men. - They have- : had their ups and downs, (for these go ' in all-business) but with all this they have made their; rounds, sold their A ...mm.A shut man- AflltftmFI passed many ; kind t word . and gave cneer to tne otner teiiows, ongnicu ' d their own' homes . atu thla i Joyful 1 Christmas time, and must now pack their grip, look out Into the future and prepare jor another yeara irug- gle. Our best' wishes and sympathy go with you brother. As your motto for 1808, say: l"I will do my duty ibetter than ever before; I will speak kindly of all or not apeak; I will ex : . .. tntfa ek A sttMnattlt it . those In distress, and God being my helner Ilva a better. life." , Briefs. ''" A most prosperous 1908 is our wish to you. brotner. "A haooy New Tear's greeting to very U. . T. ' Don't give New Tear presents be cause Others expect you to. .Give be cause you lore to. - If you .'Insist on worry!ns; during . Ia; eaaau- U IV f atll ft a KfM At flA( bring your worries home at the. end of your trip Leave your troubles that you have had during tne week penma when 'you enter- the door of your home. Be happy, cheerful and sweet Many, an honorable career has re sulted from a kind word spoken In season, or the warm aTasp of a friendly hand.- '. The sower of a clean recora as a success factor cannot : be . over-estl tnated. ' Confidence Is the key that unlocks the bank to the young man who Is trying to establish ; himself. . ' j ' . Give your, friend for a New, Tear'a , gift' membership r iri. Charlotte Coun- ell U, C. ,T. ; He will appreciate it . Do riot be discouraged eyen. If the pVopie you try to hflp and encourage , are ungraleful; use your best efforts to help others slways. ' Mr. Salesman, don't be iealoua or : aeiflsh; drive this habit away... , A good salesman must be a clear thinker' -Think, .brother ' ' Mr. Salesman.' try and make some - one happy. By so doing s you will double yur own happiness. : Try . It and eee the results. . ; , One hundred members In" one hun dred dsys. net buny boys Each day .now means something on this work. ; ; - ; . rorsonala. ..,.". Mr. L. N. gualff returned to the city last Monday. He had been at . Charleston, 8. . 0., - to organize a new .; council. Thirty-three . members re ceived the medicine at hU hands. BrotheY Pchlff says that Charleston In course of time -will make one of the largest coundlg In the Carolina. Best wlfhe. .Keep the good . work ; going . brother. :. , . -'S.V 5 . ; Brother Lemley held the lucky number at JMessrs. Khelor A Co., on Christmas Eve, when the drawing was over for the handsome grip, . Mr, J. A.; Means leaves January1 1st on a twenty-days" trip. Good luck and best wishes. . Brother Means. Mr. Cart Detter was called to, Lln colnton, hi, home, by the sudden death of his. father." Brother Detter Jias our sympathy at thl trying time. Mr. Frank Land) changes his line January 1st We wish for him great er things. thaver before. , ' ' Beginning January ; 4th. Charlotte Coundtwlll hold regular meeting in its council chambers - every Saturday night at 7:1ft unt .April i 1st s We hop to see every member present during this' three-month, -campaign for one hundred hew members. ; 3t .every one put forth his very best ef fcrt and see to it that he attends each meeting.: Try and -bring a new member with you. v. He will appro-! L.1XDIXG A BIG OHDER.' How a SUilesntaa by Infusing' to fit-II it l n-atisractory Article Was Glv rti an Order JVr a Big Bill, . . -J, W, B. In Saturday Evenlna- Pnat.'', I had Jiwt etarted on the. road for a rnaenmery concern ana had - been ?"rr the buyer for a lare ahattnfr . ho wai fcuytng a comoiet nlant tn ' 'r new building, so I had a great i i vi eompeunon rrom oiaer and r-'.-re exprlenced saiemen; and as f v only.lt yars old I did not a great deal of confidence in my. '. -'. .i,:i.:,''.iJ;':;.:-' t'i i i, .y.tr, I !jd my man up at be 5 fair and level-headed, and. . i from a diitauce, I watched for a ' -kb to w i.i his confidence. The ..uie came saiUt-nly,;,-- tv ' - I a , j 1 on a larg- share-cf' would r " - ; ; . 1 : it." I mm-; ' . ! : , . . i fc desk er. J s- . ; : i rr,;.?r tie com; : .-: i f .. r i t i." Later he t 1 r e t t, n he wr a etrar"pr t n cf n, he felt Y coaid a.. 7rJ to ray u more for ou p jJs in return t .r da f-lr treatment ne received irom us. So r riikej an order for twenty' five dollars ana won an ordsr for great deal more, and, 'you may be sure, I felt pleased when the other salesmen asked me how I landed the business, as they thought him very hard to get around. Finnish Proves Finish. , A commercial traveler was making his first trip to Northern ' Michigan and had gained the Idea that the ma jority of people spoke nothing but the Finnish language. - - As a result the man bought a copy of an English Finnish dictionary and busied hint' self In a conscientious perusal of the same. By toe time he reached Mo hawk, he felt sure that he fcad a few stock phrases 'well In band and decid ed to try them the first opportunity that presented itself. When he arriv ed in Mohawk he entered the Peter- mann store to inquire regarding a ho- tel. In order to make a favorable Impression on the clerk In the, atore he looked In the book to see what Good Day" , was In Finish ' and dts covered it to b ."palva, ' :x With great dignity and a, good bluff V. -..... V. .(An .nil nllaA "nil. va" at the clerk, who had his head in a sugar barret in an effort to scoop out every grain. : ; s- -.i-,1! ?; The clerk extricated, himself from the barrel and looking at the drum mer exclaimed: . VPalva. nothing! My name la Murphy!". - A , Young Man Should . : Know Ilia , Strength. Z'' ::' TVn mm mntif men maklnr a start in life wreck their opportunities In unwise, futile protest against con ditions, which, In ' tha 1 ; nature v of things, their first duty Is to ' accept says an exohange. Often, too, it Is the young man of the highest , prom ise who thus becomes a victim to his own intemperance. This type of man naturally la of the nervous tempera ment He knows hut :' qualifications for his work. He is conscious of at least a ' thorough grounding In , the basic principles of his specialty. He enters business' life prepared to do his befit along tha line of hi Ideal. But suddenly he finds that business Is not Idealism; It ultimate object is the attainment of resulta If by chance Idealism atuins this objective will not do so. however. ' ma terialism must. : "Drive a nail where it wilt go" is the philosophy of the employer. , ' , ' Make Friend of Salesmen. Said sin experienced man of busi ness recently: "It la so foolish for a merchant to make an as of himself because a traveling man calls upon htm. Their business I just as legiti mate as his and nina tlmea Ota of ten, the traveling man is a gentle man, and will treat the 'merchant in a gentlemanly manner, and besides, a merchant who ha not the gentleman ly force of character and ability . to meet and hold hi own wrlth a travel ing tnan without trying to scare him to death or out of the store, had bet ter never leftj the protecting cara of his mother's knee! . Thank heaven, there are only a few of these, and they are getting more and more like hen a teeth -scarce. , 'The average merchant la aware of the fact that thousand and thousands of dollars are spent annually y tne most progressive firms In , educating their salesmen and getting together knowledge relating to their different business,, and that they can be greatly benefited by thl knowledge which the salesman I always ready to 'give up.' "Make a friend of - him and see what you will got bjr.itr As an enemy he can 'get back at yob In. hundreds of . ways you Jlttle suspect. , Jf you have made a fool of yourself, you may be dead sure that-your picture will hang on the walls of memory of every one of his friends, and hi friends have friend and so ad Infinitum. If he can't trim you. some one else will, while on the other hand. If you will give him a eouare d est, you will firM many. Mtt.1 favors coming your way bit of In form lit Ion tips as ,to bar srlw. -Thev alwaya hs' something rood tin telr sleeves. Why don't you try for nr , . " TO HEXOVATE IIOTEIj. With Extnslv ImnrovrTnents ltn. sionla Win Ttc-Opcn . Soon .Under New Management. - Special Jo The Observer. . t . Wlniton-Salem.'Dec. Jl. Extensive and much needed Improvements are Nelng made on tha W'lnstonia Hotel building., on the corner of Third and Chestnut .street.; Th : hotel vwas closed about two weeks ago In order to make the 1 necessary changes r nd Improvement to enable the hotel to be . classed among the best In the Btale. The building Is owned by the A. F. Messlck Grocery ' Company, which concern . has formerly . occupied the first two -floors on the corner. The stock of groceries , are being moved to the store rurther south on Chest nut street and the entrance to the hotetr-wlll e from the corner-In the future, . A . plate - glass front; will be put In and the lobby win be elegant ly furnished and made Inviting and attractive. A cafe -will be run In connection ' with the ! hotel, this be ing in charge of Mr. Peter Wood, of New, York, who has had years of ex perience la this line.' Tha cafa will be located in the rear of the lobby. ' The dining room . will be on the east aide of -the building Instead of the south side, as formerly, and sev eral attractive parlor 'Will be ar ranged for. Owing to th damage by the recent fire, the hotel will prac. tlcally be furnished throughout with new furniture. i .The property has been teased to Messrs. Wiggins and Coburn, of Greenville, & who will take hold as soon a the carpenters are through, T'tey will run a ft house. BADLY MIXFD UP. - . Abraham Brown, of Wlntmon, N. had a very remarkable esrwicmte; he rays; "loctors aot badly mixed up yrt mi", one said haxrt dlaoaaj two called It kldny trouble; the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth ntomai-h and liver trouble; but none of them helfd m; m my wife advised trying Klecti-tc Hitteri. whh-h are reatorlrg m to perfct health. One bottle did me ntoro ool thmi nil the rive doctor prew!rilii.t," Ounrnnteo'l f.if Mood pHort. weakneiw and nil stomach liv-r end kidney L-omp.'alois, by all dru J a I j C. . : i-c s j : ' -r ere fr t i i vi i.;. : ,!Ove any - I ' vs. Ti.e Cot company s i 1 to-r,;0ht wi;i 1 , ri." , , be ' ..- iitien iteiCKa, tno clever en actress, -la st'il with th company and is ablv surnorted b an unusually large and well balanced cast of promine.it player i; tween acts high-class vaudeville will be introduced. geaU are now on rale at tiawiey's. Lidies will be ad muted free lo-4ilcht wnin accom panted by a 3o-cent paid ticket pur- .utteea uetore p.m, Next Monday 'night at the Academy oi music the Wills Musical Comedy company wtiw open a 1 thsee-nifrhts' engagement- Iprejontlnsr the "Two Old Cronies" for the crei.lnir bllL The Atlanta. Constitution gave s the foliowlnr account of tha Will Com peny when.it appeared in Atlanta at Die Grand "The oerformanoo last evenlnir. in which the Joha B. Wills Musical Comedy Company began the week in lwo . old Cronies,' was an indica' tlon that this will be another suc cessful production of tha Biiou. The company handling the musical farce a wen ntted for the different parts and the lines are bright and in places uproariously funny, , and are r inter spersed - with catchy ongs, most of inem new. -- V'"- "Harry Mack. and - John B. Wills were Two Old Cronies and while they were on the tage. there was no restraining tne laughter which -their action and words provoked. The dialogue which fell to their lot was calculated to put an audience Into a state' of 'pleased pain' and the calcu lation worked out ail right ineir songs, : especially "Cut It Out made hits also. Wally Helston In his. part a Patsy ; Bolivar, . did; some , good work, hi dancing especially attract ing much favorable attention, . 'Misses Shannon. Helston and Helston have become very' popular with natmn Xf ) Rllntt linil flrh received much , applause last -. even t Inc. Miss Helston Is a i nrst-ciass dancer and was compelled to respond to several , ' encores - whenever : h,a came before the footlights. Her bur lesque melodrama with John B. Wills as the heavy villain and the wronged husband 'combined was one oi me hit of the show., , , , ' t , SOUTH FAMEKICAX trade.'- $; Our Tariff .Stands Iq Way of It Be- , ' TCiopmenh i , . i Mexican Herald ' ... . ' "How to win South American trade" is the theme of many , Ameri can journals since the return ; from the lower continent of Prof. :, Shep herd, of Columbia ' University. This learned , gentleman went,; South at the instance of the Bureau of .Amer ican Hepubiics, how presided 'over by John Barenn, 'Pan-American di plomatist pushful "politician, ' and former - American' Minister to Slam, Argentina, and ithe Bepubllc of Pan ama, W ' ' ' , , Prof, Shepherd, - at some consider-1 able expense,; acquired m his travels in South America the following baggage- of familiar facts. That on the part of the United States manu facturers and mercnants,. ithere la pot aufflclent study y of - the - precise needs of customers; mat goods are not of? direct and wlft communica tion. All & this ; might f have " been learned from the files of The Mexican Herald at no cost whatever. But we venture to tell the Bight . Hon, v Mr. Baretit and th wandering Shep herd that what alls American trade with South America Is the high tar iff, shutting out the staple export Of th lewer section of Latin Amer ica, and making It hard to get re turn cargoesno matter if: a com- mercial armada be sent down there. : The Panama Canal will . not win any more trade wth the west 'coast of Couth America, so long as the standpatters of .protectionism 1 keep out the r Dlngly tariff bara " Till' th (tariff r Is i taken off characteristic South American' staples, it will be of no use to establish direct mibsldlzed steamship -lines, or to eet up ' Ameri can ; banks In ' Callao, Valparaiso, Bueno Ayre, Montevideo, and Rio Janeiro. . , HAD SHOT rL.Y5LTE. Gerncy Jsclnon In Forsyth Jail Fps Wounding William JIaybcrry Clslins It Was an Accidtit . gpeclal ; to The Observer -r ; . Winston-Salem, "Dec. St. Gerney Jackson, a young white: boy about 17 year' old, of Southslde, Is In the county Jail t awaitlnb' a prelimilnary hearing v on ' the, charge ' of shooting William Mayberry, j aged 12 year, which . occurred near the Southslde Cotton Mill Friday afternoon. Jack eon : was arrested by the Salem po lice and brought to the county Jail yesterday morning, ; Mayberry was shot with a' blank ' cartridge blstol. ft buckshot having been in the car tridge. f The shot entered the rlrht side of the; tad'a nose and basse through the nose, ' crossing under the right eye, The physicians, Dr. D. N. Dalton and Dr. A. P. Davis, failed to locate the shot. They. think that they will be able , to save th lad's eyesight.;'.; . -, - Th defendant will, it 1 understood, enter a . plea of accidental shooting. claiming that he did not Intend to shoot atay&ercy. .it : seems that the boys wer playing around a -brick , kiln, hear the Southslde Cotton MilL when Jackson exclaimed, "Let me shoot you.". Suspecting nothing, Mayberry arose. Jackson had placed a shot In the pistol and as Mayberry arose he ri fed, the shot taking effect as above stated. . :i ,-;;..-..:'?;..:; Jackson fled Immediately after the shooting, probably through fright He wa arrested at the home of Dr. Nicholson, two miles south of the city, . ( CODYS TO BE RECOXaLKD. "Buffalo Bill" Will ProlMiMy Ile-Mar- . ry Ills Divorced Wife. Denver Dispatch,, Seth. . ' ,1 A reconciliation between Col. Wil liam F. Cody-(Buffalo'BIll) and Mm. Cody will probably take place within the next few days. ; J." L, Sabln, a friend of Buffalo Bill, who 1 stopping at the Albany Hotel, is authority for th statement that th famous scout will be In North Platto, NVb., 'where his divorced wife lives, this week, and that he will rema:n there for several days. ; Hi believes that peace will be e t3bl!hed In th family before Cod returns to t$ V.'ycrr.lrs ranch....'.. : 1 : ' a n t - ! t;;e ! r'- - rtoire beers as .But taste can be cultivated. . And abcolute purity is much njore important. Judged by lilies, the few best beers may not differ enough to matter. ' v 1 " ( , V a p . . - i 1 $ ; C ,.: '. . ,'.;.. . . . :.,.,- ;v 5, - . '- V , v - . r , 1 . , ; Judged by purity, there is a vast difference; in beers. And purity means healthfulness, cleanliness, freedom, from Ask for the Brewery Bottling . . 1 ' Common beer is, sometimes substituted for Stklitz. r lo avoid behtr imposed Jttjion. 1 , bow Kiyo wox' at bakbeu. Hub, in, The Sportsman's Hevicw. , We'd run tho first amies - , and Pearl was ahead:? ; i ;. .' ' And Hose was a' shoutin' , s . tin Qarr could see red. W.'d run 'em through tlmter," thi ouch ra a weed. and sedae. Th boys bet on -Pearl) and no v one wiehod to houge, - .- - -' The day of the finals we'd put the dogs down ' '. . , On a long ridge cf aeubble '-.;.. : ana heaaea lor (own. pave Rose was exultant whilo iarr waa ouit. blu. . When a happy thounnt strlck him . ana braced him aiw, fc He went to the wagon, . ' . took King from his crate: t, Embraced him and aitsed him . ' and now I'll relate ' The rearon.that King won . X -While i'e&rl was aet baxk. . , ' Oarr told me the tory . . , going nom in me nocx. ; '? "I've bw-n bad man In my day,. ' niiuweu uarri - l'vf von to excess altogether -too far. . ' , ve drank, an' I ve swore, an' . ' I've Bumbled a lot: ' - But I reckon this sort o' thlnr i 1 won t bile th pot .., , Ulnca T ttif ole' Kaintuck I hav turned a new leaf. The Lord is now with me, add my ears are aear . - 4 . To evevy seduction Of drinkers and such. . . irnk no mo liquor, air; ' that is, not 'much, t - - "I returned to the wagon, 1 aot Kin en tho sly. 1 t An' wont with him Into a ' thicket clos by. 1 I asked the liord humbly to blot out the s'n Of my. former behavior, and " please let King win. , , 1- . 1 - I SiUffl Him to help King ' , ' as much as Me could: 1 . . ; To Klv linn ranite also - bird -)ne. it Hr would: To not let hint falae point -..-w to mnKe nun wcra true. . - think tht Ird answered me, i ' ' slr,-iu.w don't youT Dar Lord, I asked humbly, twin. Kinit, 11 you can. And also th Judges to think ; - now ne ran Guiiint so tn.iny otstaclrs.'snow, , mud an' omrs: . Gainst burrs an' 'rain it critics; - gainst so many Hars. , ; , ...... (.i My colors sr flying, Lord, don't . . M them furl. ' What-pr you do, Lord, please, please don't nMp reari- -think I wns answered, sir, now, ' , air., don't voilt t allow that that Poarl dog la great and true blue," But whan Ornr an the Lord ! e a thing th snm way Dave Koc tnkes a back seat that all 1 ran say. I'nrber, N. C. Dec. 7th. 1907. INot The fori-colna tis written by Mr. Huhlinrd. of nnlle, l-;a, about Kg Oarr. of Louisvin ana uavo itwe, of Lawrencoburnh. 1tnn.. vetran . fiola trlnl tniinrs. - OMkI-y mil Kin won with Count VVhlttottrt's Pwirl scnl at th recent r.arber Bld trlalB). To Cure a Cold In On Day Take H LAXATIVE BH0M0 Quinine TabKHs., trugg!t3 refund money If It falls to cure. K. Vf. Groves r',? rsture U ci'''"i I-t. j-i. SPORTING NEWS NeMaaMMMMaaMM Prefer the crime bzi: tli: They, are .guided by do. germs, .It, means see that the cork or crown is kxows aoxvasG op nr case. Consul-General Anderson, of Brazil ' fsays ' He Knows Notlilnr of San Francisco Lad's A ppcftl l)r Aid Boy Claims He Was Shanghaied at ' Norfolk and Carried to .Brazil by Bdtialt Vessel. - - St Louis, Mo., Dec. 29. The story from , Pittsburg concerning Howard Ray,. aged ; 14 years, - who said his home was in 6an Francisco and that h waa shanghaied at Norfolk, Va,, by a British vessel and carried to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where his appeal for aid to the United States consul at that place was not heeded, -was shown .by t. the Associated . Press sto George' E. Anderson, consul-general at Rio da Janeiro, who passed tarough 6t Louie to-night from his home In 8pringfleldK III., to Nashville, Tenn, preparatory to returning to his post after a leave of absence. f - . , Concerning the story of Ray, the consul-general aid that while there were on an average of 400 applica tions for, relief a year at - the Rio consulate, he was positive that . no auch caaa as that offered In the story of Ray was -presented before his de parture from Brazil on , October 18th. "It Is possible that such a case hag coma up since that time," he said, "but in such event I" ara smr that It has been property, taken car . of. It is the policy of the office that every deserving vase should be taken, care of, even at personal expense to our selves. I :nave no doubt but that Ray, If he applied, for relief and de served -It, has been' maintained at the personar bounty of the men he com plains of," .. ' ' Cons'ul-deneral Anderson" cailej at tention to the tact that all such cases that of Ray could not be relieved at government expense, unless tne unfortunate person comes front an American "veasel,ior I by "habit and calling an American seaman' in which category Ray would not come, even had :ie been able to prove hi Amer ican citizenship. - Our Pace Too Swift Toledo Blade.' 1 ' The desire to possess wealth, hon estly, If possible, but at any costr If necessary, 1 the bane . of Cleveland people, according to a clergyman of that city, who urge the pressing; Im portance of a return te the simple life; . While . th declaration - was based on local observation. - Cleve land Is no exception to the rule. Similar condition prevail In alt parts of the country.-; The desire Is not born ao much of covetousness as it 1 emulation. A man who Is earning a moderate salary . seeks in keep pace with his more fortunate neigh bor, and the result Is disaster. , , There 1 no doubt that the great masses of American citizens are liv ing wholly beyond their ' Incomes. Th remarkable era of ; prosperity ha brought to many larger returns than they ever dreamed of, and this sudden acquisition of material wealth has - seemingly upset their equilibrium. Instead of Increasing their expend!-! tura wnnin reason, tncy nave lost their heads and are running; wild, as If the supply , of funds were Inex haustible. Bo, too, the American people are misusing the favors that are being; bestowed upon . them by a gracious providence. - He la an idle f earner who Imag-lnea that this na tion will never BKaln be forced to practice HkIJ economy. And the period of diHtrena Is being ' hastened by present prodigality. ' Better to put on the curb nAv an I eniny auc ceM f?mrcrfltely than be forced to fM cn 1 t lr, , and a beer tacte; that cannot cause biliousness. '... m,. ,1.1 j . n, .",. . ...... .,.'.1,. . It . is purity, above, all, branded TT EDDY GIFT HELD IT. Notice Served ou Trustees Not to - Make - Appropriation lYom Airs, v Eddy's Estate, Pending Outcome of Utlfmtion Proposed. Appropriation a Direct Violation of Jlrs. Eddys Deed of Trust .. Boston, . Deo.; S.Disputlng the power of Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy, head of the Christian Science Church to make disposition of so largo a part of her fortune' formal notices have been served upon-Trustees Mo LeUan, FernalJ andBaker, having in charge Mrs. Eddy' estate, ordering them not to make the 1 $1,000,000 gift to found a charitable institution re cently announce v or any other ap propriation from Mrs. Eddy's estate, pending the outcome of litigation. -r. SAccorJIng .to; former United States Senator William E. Chandler, this ac tion is to be followed by a sew lawsuit involving the Christian Science head and' her trustees, brought by the "Next,,; Friends," , Mrs. Eddy's son, George W. Glover, his daughter, Mary Baker Glover and Mrs. EdJvs adopt ed won, Dr. - Ebenezer J. Foster, of Waterbury,;.Vt. ;;;; v-:---y.:- The contention of Mr. Chandler Is that the proposed appropriation of a mlHloR dollars is In direct viola tion of Mrs. Eddy's deed of trust of March 6th, 1907, by which she turned over all her property to t:ie three trustees for life, reserving ' only the right to ue the income- and certain realty and which act marked the par tial termination of litigation against her and the trustees- by the "Next Friends,'.' a f w months ago. The new action, It la declared, will he -'entirely ;f independent of another suit now pending against F. 8, Street er, Mrs.: Eddy's attorney in Concord, demanding information concerning the deej of ,; trust for -1125,000 eet aside by Mrs. Eddy for the benefit of her son,' George W, plover and his daughter.' ,..;. f'' ;::,"(:;..-.::. ' M'eck BPslnntns;-To-Nlgut - Th2 Ca Stcrii Co. "''-' in' -' , Rppcrtolro " , Specialties Between Acts Mondny Xi"-ht . "THE COUNXEIU Emnis."' Prices........,.. :io, 20, SO - Seats now on sale at Hawley's. Ladles free to-night when ac companied by a 30-cent ticket pur chatted before p. m. t!;;ccu;i::, n. c, A preparatory licrac school for fifteen ' rirl3. On va cancy. For tcnr,3 - . . tl-a r"'!iipi cply to : c. rinpp. e e . that makes V Sphlitz so important. ; .,, All ordcra sent to x Whitlow and Pcrrow, ' 6ldPhone;366,: iMiddlcsboro, Kentucky, , will receive prompt ; , r, attentio'a, v.. Color ; W Combinations are indulged in by many care ful dressers,., and the effect It most pleasing. ,,'- Many of our patrons order coat and pant of one pattern and vest of another. ( J Let us show you. ; . SOTS OVERCOATS f. ' . , , ;. TAILORED .TO TASTED , $20.00 to $50.00. ,1 Ceidss & Coi, Ix- TAILOItS, 0 S. Tryoa St, t ZZ2 1ST PPJZE $50.00 worth of goods; winning number, 8,284. .: ) 2d prize. $35.00 worth of goods; winning number 10,953. Sd prize $15.00 worth of goods; winning number 7,044. Customers holding duplicate of the abov numbers will please call and make ."flection of anything to the amount of the above prizes in thj itore. n I ! in M n M r r '.5. h M 1 1 M 1 M I !

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