CEARLOTTE 'DAILY OBSERVER, FEBRUARY 2, 1908. i .3 a short white and from there she will go to California" to spend several ' months.' She. Wis accompanied toy her . .'sister. Miss' Susie Hoffman, of Gas ., tonia. rapt; J.' D. McNeill has re turned f rr . ruchmond. where he has " been Qttrt..in the Virginia legisla ture In the Interest ol certain leglsla , lion for tn firemen of that State. Miss Oarnett Thornton, of Pittsburg, Pa., h visiting MIks Blanche Thorn . torr on "Anderson "street. Mrs. Thom as Newton Halliburton and little daughter. Una Handle,"1 of Morgan ton, are visiting at the home of Mr. G, W. Thorofon on Anderson street. Miss Grace McMillan has gone to Kavannah, G;, to visit Miss Alice McMillan. Mrs. D. E. Davidson has gone to Washington, D. C, on a visit . Miss. Ernestine Anderson la visiting la Pass Christian. Miss... Mobile, Ala.. , and New Orleans. Mrs. 60L W. Coop - ,ef chrmingly entertained the Tues- l t .day Artemoon ciud at ner nome on V Anderson street. C . ., ? GASTONIA. ' Correspondence of The Observer. GastonUt, Jan. tl. The Tuesday Afternoon club was entertained Wea- nwday afternoon from 3:30 to 8 by Mrs. ,.i.- E. McConnell, in a most '. delightful manner. Progressive trail was enjoyed by tbe guests and after delightful refreshments, served by the fcosteaa in her ..usual happy manner. the guests departed .declaring this a. most delightful, meeting. . Mlsa Lottie Blake entertained most cbarmlnglthft. y. C. Club on Thurs day of last week at her home on East Air'Ine street, from 1 o o'clock, complimentary to two brtJes f the . i lub-AIwWi E.sUilllam and Mrs. W. L.' Balthts. The hours were most pleasantly' spent with fancy work and ocial. intercourse. Delightful refresh . ments were served by the tfracloua ; hostess,, v-, '. .. ' ,"' - y. Mr. Thomas Lee Craig entertained - very delightfully the Friendly Matrons . St her home on' Main street, from .3 to- i'bciock. Thursday1 afternoon The - guests enjoyed - an interesting game ' of trail and , delicious refreshments were served and the hostess in her usual happy manner made the after noon a most delightful one. '' 1 The V. C's were entertained Thurs day afternoon most pleasantly by Miss Ida Puraley. t The time was pleasantly spent In a game of pro gressive, trail. Delightful refresh ments in two courses were served. Be side the club there - were present Mesdsme T. W. Wilson. R. L. Rwian and Misses May Stuart, Laura Sloan and Pearl Gallant. , NEWIW. V.' Correspondence of The Observer. Kewt6n, Jan. Jl. The Thursday Boole Club - held its first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. J. It. Campbell and was especially en Joyed, as continued sickness in the families of so many of the members has constantly prevented ar meeting peing held sooner. Current , events was the topic of the afternoon and the members nearly all read most inter--estlng pieces. The programme for , the study of North Carolina history was presented bjn. the committee, ac cepted by the club and the real work will twain with the first February meeting. At the close of the literary 'hour, delightful refreshments were served by the genial hostess assisted by Miss Mildred Crowell.,., The guests of the club weret Mrs. Qwyn Harper, ef Wllkesboro, and Mrs. C. M. Mo Corkle. '...'.! ,, ' Last night the annual banquet of tha Newton Council Jr. O. U. A. M. Wfls held In tha spacious dining room of the Virginia Shlpp andcovers were laid for one hundred and twenty-sev--'n guests. The) occasion was a merry one and everybody returned home thoroughly delighted with the even ing's enjoymf nt. There could have been no mor, appropriate place s iTted at which to hold thl banquet than at Newton's flrxt-clastt hotel, one of whirn she is Justly proud, and . i2 Jl ..J:VurPIa V nK iMiiomn ii us v. (A 1 1 1 l a intarnv ' I'llles. : Mr. Vanstory. the proprietor. . had spared no pains to make the oc csslon an enjoyable ono, and he Is to he congratulated on the success . that crownod hi efforts. The invo cation was offered by Rev. C. E. Weh Jer, chaplain of the order, after which 'matters were turned over to the toaat Tnaster of the evening, Dr.. W. H. r.verhart. Th Newton csuncil was sponded to by Mr. W. C. Felmster, and those who know his enthusiasm as a Junior, were "well prepared for his most excellent "talk. The Junlor"Or der as Viewed by Outsiders" was re sponded to by Mayor W. B. aither, who in thorouRhly aware of all the good done by the organisation and In his owri most excellent way told of the good that the order was doing sn'd of ita fine growth dur ing InV paist. year. There was much disappointment that State Councillor Charles O. tee had found at the last moment that he could not be present to rewpond to the toast "The Junior Order ' in North Carolina." Short talKs were also made by Rev. C. S. Wohler, Rev. R. D. Carroll and Rev. . E, W. Fox. It was a. late hour be fore th truest) disperw-d ' with many exproHsfoTttr of pleasuro at such a de lightful evening;. Mrs. A. J. Tate, of High Point Is a irufrt of her ' ian-nts. Mr. and Mrs. James' A. Garvin. Mrs. Owyn Harp er, of 'Wilkesboro., is visiting relatives ht-re. t-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thun . idhii, rf Philodelphla, are spending fmr time with their niatei1. .Mrs. C. f. MoCorkle. Mrs. George A. Kny dee aod children have returned home after iwvefal T-eWl sjjent In Hagers t'own With her Wents. Mr. J. S. fSarrlson ,hcs resumed his duties at Catawba -College having returned from Virginia, where h went two weeks ago. bearing with him the re mains of rtls little daughter for burial. Mrs. Garrinon was unable to come t'Hvk with him owing to he illness of Iht father.. " . , MORGANTON, Crrpsnorul' nVe of The-Observer. Morganton, Jlin. 51. Saturday, January 25th. .Mia Margaret DuBose " had M of the most Instructive and Interesting meeting .he Saturday Af ternoon .BiMlt Club has ever had. Ml Dufcose (ent'Uit summer In Europe and was thus qualified to trake her subject The Vatican and the Pope one of unusual Interest. She read Accounts of St. Peter's and the Vatl.-an and told of her own visit there and of tha wonderful treasures f art and "-sculpture. She did not have an audience with the Pope, but one member of her party did, and she. rave a ery mulng account of it". This friend of 'course had to be IrfFsed In black, from head to feet n.l had -borrowed varims articles of rrs from each member of the party. :'h-was wly to start when she hap vncd to Ifxik down at her feet and tier consternation rosy be ' imagined when she realized that she had on the nly shoes she possessed and they were.a brilliant tan.. It .was too late to purchase any and she ' couldn't wear any belonging to the others, so she gave, up in despair. But an in spiration seised her and she remem bered her etorm rubbers, so she put them on and wended her way on a hot, dry August day to the Vatican. After' the programme was concluded the hostess served a. dainty lunch of salad, sandwiches and coffee. The members present were: Misses Mary B. Presnell, Eloine JSrwIn, Kate Lax ton. Annie Moran, Julia Ervln, Ca mille Clay well. Josephine; Laxton.Ja nie Pearson, Mary Moran. Adelaide Erwin, Linda TilHnghaat and Mra. E. D. Alexander, Miss Olga roster and Miss Daisy King were the guests of the club. . : ' ' Mrs. E. McK. Goodwin enteruined at a spend-the-day party at her beau tiful home near the D. & D. school Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Lanier, of Winston-Salem, the guest of Mrs. J. A. Dickson. , Tntf guests' were shown over the .D. U D School In the morn ing and were much interested in see ing the work being done In the school rooms, particularly the oral depart ment, where 4he deaf and dumb chil dren are bejng taught to speak. After a delicious course dinner Mrs. Good win sent for the little blind deaf and dumb, child, Minnie Lovttt, of Hick ory, who I the only one In North Carolina, and one of tbe twenty . In the United States. She has only been at 'the school since Christmas and two of the teachers. Miss Taft and Miss Morris, have undertaken her training for this year. The" guests who en Joyed Mrs. Goodwin' hospitality and the vUit of. the school were:. Mrs. G. H. Moran, Mrs, G. P. Erwin, Mrs. J. A. Dickson and Mrs. Lanier., r The Papyrus Eook Club had a most charming meeting-with Mrs. M. -Silver Thursday afternoon. It was a Spanish evening and the, house was darkened and decordated in red and yellow. - Mm. J. D. Boger read a charming Spanish ' legend and Mrs. Silver and Mrs.. Annie Reid read se lections from the Alhamma and Don Qulote. After the Wterary part was concluded Miss Florence Huet in the costume of a Spanish dancer gave a most beautiful dance and she and Miss Marie Silver, who was also in costume, handed the delicious refresh ments, which consisted of 'a. 8panish omelet crackers, coffee and c cream and cake. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gilbert, of Chi cago, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hobble. Judge A. C. Coble,, of Statesville, ywas In town 'Thursday. Miss Irene Tate left Tuesday for Fairfield, Fla., to spend some time with Mr.' and Mrs. H. W. Tate Mrs. T. H. Bomar and Miss Louise Bomar went to Ashevllle Friday. Miss Wil helmlna Tate SDent a few days In AshevlIIe last week. ' LmjBERTOK Correspondence of The Observer. Lumberton, Jan. SI. An occasion of much enjoyment was a sociable given at the pleasant home of Miss Pearle Floyd Friday evening to .about twenty-five friends. . Excellent music was rendered on the piano by Miss Pearle Morrison, of McCoIl, S. C, to the delight of the guests. The amuse ments of the evening were varied and enjoyable. Dainty refreshments .were served. . Miss .Floyd.. is a charming young hostess and an evening at her homa Is always of rare pleasure. Mr. JohnD. McAllister gave a stag party at his home on Seventh and Chestnut streets Monday evening. The occasion was a most enjoyable , one. Those present, were: Messrs. J.' D. McMillan, A. McLeod.,- A. F. Ward, James D. Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lewis. . . Mrs. J. II. Morrison entertained at her home on Third and Walnut streets Thursday evening In honor of her young guest, Miss Pearle Morrison, of McColl, 8. C. Quite a number of guests were present and the hours oassed ranldlv In ' the enlovment of various amusements prepared by the hostess, ... Mrs. R. K. L. Correll entertained at a call meeting of the Young Matrons' Club Wednesday afternoon from 4 to o'clock. .' Mrs. Correll makes a de lightful hostess and tha afternoon was one of much pleasure for the young matrons. - Refreshments of bananas and whipped cream were served. Miss Mary McDufne, of east. Lum berton, was united In marriage to Mr. W. J. Price, of Britt's township, at the home of her father. Mr. J. Mc Dufne, In east t Lumberton. Sunday mronlng at H o'clock. The' cere mony was performed by-Rev. W.. L Thompson. Miss Bessie McKay, of Rowland. Is the guest of Miss Flora Nelll McMil lan. Miss Minnie Crawley, of Mor ganton. has been the guest of Mrs. Frank Wishart for the past week. Mrs. J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn. has been the guest pf Mrs. G. B. McLeod this week.- Miss Dora Smith Is spend ing some time at Clarkton and Wil mington with friends. Mr. and Mra A. H. Ward, of Norfolk, passed through here yesterday on their re turn home from a visit to .friends In Wilmington. Mls Ruby James,' of Laurlr.burg. U the guest of Miss Lizzie Whitfield. Mr. S. F Birthright of Washington, D. C., !s visiting relatives here. . GOIDSBORO. . Corrcxpondence of The Observer. " Goldsboro. Jan. SI. Mrs, Charles B. Miller . entertained the Thursday v4fterooon Bridge Club at her name on Walnut street, There were three tables of bridge, and after the game, a delicious two-course luncheon was served, : Those present besides the club members were: Mra Crawford Biggs,. of Durham; Mrs. Edward Mi chaux, of Greensboro; Mrsj Joseph E. Robinson. Mrs. James Lewis and Mrs. J. L Barham. Mrs. Herman Smith entertained a few friends on Friday morning In hoor of Mrs. Edward Michaux, of Greensboro. After an interesting game of bridge, the hostess served dainty refreshments. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Smith were: Miss Harvey, of Kinston; Miss Rogers, of, Tennessee; Miss Mabel Borden, Miss Ooorale Lee. Mrs. s Edward Ml rhau of Greensboro,' Mra L. M. Mi chaux and Mrs, J. L. Barham. Mrs. William Smith nostess FOR BILIOt SVESH AXD SICK ' ' HEADACHE Tftke Orino Ltlv Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomnch. aids dKeytmo and ct as a rnie stimulant on the lier and towels without irritating these nrsun. Orlno UtIlv rmi Bvrup rui-M hHimisnewi n1 patilttlMl constlpjt turn. Jht-D not n.iuo'Sie or grip" and Is rrild and pleuant to take. Rempfnber tt.e nitm Orino anl refuse to iwrt mnr substitute. R. It Jordan A Co. and W. L.. liaod & Co. this week for the' Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club, and a most delightful afternoon was epent by the members. Miss Elizabeth Borffeh ' entertained delightfully at euchre Thursday after noon. There wero six tables, and af ter the game delicious refreshments were served. The visiting ladies pres ent were: Mrs. William B. Hill. Dan ville, Va.; Mra Crawford Biggs of Durham; Miss Rows, of' Tennessee; Miss Harvey.-of Kinston.' - Mrs. C. B. Wright, of Raleigh, who has been the guest of Mrs. F. K. Bor don, has returned home. Dr. and Mra' Edward Michaux. who have been the guest of Mr. and Mra L. M. Michaux, have returned to - their home in Greensboro. Mrs. William B. Hill and little daughter, Mildred, of Dan ville, Va., are visiting Mrs. L. M. Mi chaux. Col. P. M. Pearsall. of New bern. was a visitor in our city this week. Mrs. W. Yelvcrton. of Smlth nld. Is visiting In the city. Miss Mary Hughes, of Newbern, has been the guest of Miss Louisa eiocumb this week. Miss Male Harvey, sf Kinston, Is In the .city visiting Miss Mabel Bor den. Mr. John It. Borden has return ed home from an extensive business triD throuah the Northwestern mates. Miss Katherlne Street, of Newbern, who has been visiting relatives here. left to visit friends In Georgia. Mrs. Russell Robinson of the University, spent Sunday with his father. Judge W. S. 0"B. Roblnsort. Mis Nell For rest la the a-uest of Mlsa Mattie Rutf- sell Mrs. Ed.; Q. Porter, who has been spending some time at St. Luke's HosDltal. with ther husband, has re turned home. The many friends of Mr. Porter will be glad to know thai he is improving. Hon. C. B. Aycok is In Raleigh on professional business. Mrs. Louis B. Poole has gone to Charlotte, where she will spend sev eral weeks. Mra M. L. Smoot and Miss Josle Glddena are visiting rela tive in Wilson. LENOIR. ; Correspondence of The Observer. Lenoir Jan. Jl. The Wise and Otherwise Book Club was delightful ly enteruined Wednesday afternoon by Miss Annie Love Beall In honor or Mrs. Gwvn Flnley Harper of Wilkesboro Miss Beall was assisted by Mesdames E. F. Reid. J. H.'Beall R. B. owyn and R. L. Beall. The members pres ent gave Items of musical interest and Madame' Schumann-Heink was the subject of the readings by Mesdames A. A. Kent. J. C. Seagle and W. H. Craddock. The piano solos of Miss Gertrude' Hall and Mrs. Harper ana the vocal solos of Mrs. J. T. Jones, Mrs. Haroer and Miss Maude Rusml eii'wer much enjoyed. Besides the members and the charming guest of honor, those present were: Mesdames Wright Whisnant, Baldwin, Tuttle, McNeely, Barber, J. L. Jones; Misses Rusmisell, Corpening. uwyn, ceiesie and Allie Henkel. Miss Beall served delicious refreshments in three cours es. Madam Schuman-HelnK provea a delightful companion and Miss Beall a most gracious nosiess. inose prrp ent asrreelhc that this was one of the most enjoyable meetings the club has had in a long time. ITnder the auspices of the local chanter of the.U.t. C's an entertain ment was given in the opera house here Monday night. It was a grail fylngr financial success and a large sum waa added to the rapldly-grow-irir monnment fund. The audience hnwed keen appreciation of the pre sentation of the two comedies, "A Woman's Won't" and "The Evils of a Rummage Sale." The parts were ia en by local talent, and showed mark ed dramatic ability. Those playing "A Woman's Won't" were Messrs. 8. t. Tiutie. Harrv. W. Courtney and Richard Ramseur. The cast of "The v.vum of a Rummage Sale" was com wi nt Misses Lula Owyn, Jessie .vwiand. Anson Tuttle. Mra. Phlllipsj Messrs. W. C. Newiann ana wuiius Ballen. Miss' Minnie Downum gave much pleasure by two well-renoerea The "Ronnie Blue Flag" w sunt bv Mesdames Jones and Phillips and Mlssea Owyn Tuttle, Mill er and iNcwwna, wnuu nupiHiruiig I.,,., rnfederate flag. The pro gramme was arranged and directed by Mrs. R. L Gwyn, Mlsa Gertrude ti.n mnA Mm. J. T. Jones, who were fortunate to seeure the. assistance of such able talent - SALISBURY. Correspondence of The Observer, Salisbury. Jan. 31. Through the failure of the mall service last week the Salisbury social correspondence did not reach its destination and tho descriptions in full of several of the most beautiful and effective entertain ments given here this season were thua lost Notably Mrs. Richard Henderson's charming bridge party and reception for Mrs. Robert Vance Brawley and Mrs. Claude Ramsay, and Mrs. W. B. Strachan'a .delight ful entertainment at bridge. Mrs. Henderson's beautiful home "Eteelworth" waa most picturesque with it myriads of plnk-shaded can dles. Bridge progressed merrily for several hours and toward the end of the game a number of non-bridge playing guests arrived. The scores were then turned in and amid much talking and laughing the happy recip ients of the prises were announced. tMrs. Brawley ana- Mrs.- Kamsay, guests of honor, eacn jeceivea an ex quisite bunch of pink carnations which harmonized moat effectively with their handsome gowns, irs. Brawley gown being or peacocK oiue cloth,- and Jwrs Ramsay's oi wnue lace. Mrs. Woouson received the prise for the hlhes score, a lovely pink silk bag containing a pink pack age of Roger & uaiiet's powuer ana the fluffiest of pswder puffs. Mrs. Carl Hammer received a prettily dec orated laundry list as the consolation prize. The place cards were envel-, ope chets hand-painted In pink car nations. ... . -, . . . , .Mrs. Stra-han's entertainment at bridge was also most beautiful and elaborate. A pivot game was play ed anj enjoyed, to the point of ad sorption by alt present The prizes were exceedingly lovely. Mrs. Claude Ramsay, guest of honor, was present ed with a beautiful nuncn of pink carnations. Mlsa Elizabeth Blgham was awarded the prize for the top score, a handsome bonhon dish. Mrs. Walter Woodson drew the lucky card which entitled her to the loveliest of consolation prizes, a flowering pink szalea, and Mm. M. O. Linton receiveJ the booby prize, a pretty potted fern. Mrs. Joseph McNeely and Mrs. Walter ' Blackmer were also gracious hostesses! at bridge last week. Mrs. McKeely entertained for Mra Robert McNeely and Mrs. Blackman - for Mrs. Claude Ramsay. McNeely and Mrs. Blackmer fori Mrs. Claude Ramsay " - Mrs. Charles Price gave a charming bridge party Tuesday , evening com plimentary to Mrs. Robert Vance Brawley. , The prise. . handsome copy of Robert- liu hcn s ' Uarbary Hheep. ' wa awaMed to Mrs. Claude Ramsay. After the game the guests were Invited into the dining room where an elaborate and delicious sup per, was served. ' (Mrs. Price's clients were: ilfsdames Brawley. Ramsay. Woodson. Robbins, Reynolds. Alias Annie Neave and Mr. Will Pinttua. Mr. Plnfcus.. whose home Is in New York, is here on a visit to his sister. Mra Sol Clarke. Mrs. Milton Slater Brown entertain ed at- bridge - Wednesday afternoon for her friend Mra Ckiude Ramsay. The gam was exceedingly Interesting and the prises very lovely. Mrs. Kamsay. guest of honor, received a flowering white azalea and Mrs. Wal ter Woodson won the prise for the beat score, a Salisbury souvenir silver spoon. Those present were: Mes dames William Wiley, Frank Robbins, Waverly fWrachan, Walter Blackmer, Claude Ramsay, Robert Vance Braw ley. Walter Woodson and. Miss An nie Neave. - 'Miss Rebekah Marsh has Invited her little friends to a Jotl wedding and reception Saturday afternoon and great is the excitement among ' the small folks in consequence. - Mra C. O. Vardell, of Red Springs, who Is taking the rest cure at the Whitehead-Stokea , Sanatorium, con tinues to Improve.' .. - Miss Luna Thompson delightfully entertained the Saturday Afternoon Bridge Club last week. This week Miss Rosalie Bernhardt is to be Its charming hostess. Mrs. Robert Lee Mauney will enter tain the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club at het attractive home on South Main street. 1 Mrs. Milton 6. Brcvn was gracious hostess to the Salisbury Book Club Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday afternoon Miss Elizabeth Bingham entertained the Chrlstluin Reid Book Club most delightfully. . The inter esting books under discussion were Mrs. Burnett's "The Shuttle,' and Zona Gales, "The Loves of Pelleas and Etalre," While the authors and their books are always of paramount interest the current events and many Items of interest are great sources of pleasure an J profit. , Miss Mary Henderson 'eft Thurs day night for New York. She was joined In Washington by her friends 'Misses Bridgers and Bebee, and chap eroned by the latter mother, they will spend some time In enjoying the pleasures of the metropolis. A number of out-o-towu people came in this week to witness the per formance of "The Lion and the Mouse." Salisbury too showed ap preciation by giving It a - packed house. . . -. Mrs. Milton Brown leaves In i days for her usual mid-winter to New York. , few visit Miss Hazel Bolton, of Charlottes ville, Va., will arrive this week to vlBlt Mrs. Robert Vance Brawley. Mr. .Stan-ton Tlernan leave Thurs day night on a buslnes trip to Bal timore. Mr, Theo F. Klutts. Jr., re turned home Wednesday from the Whltehead-Stokes Sanatorium, to re cuperate from his recent operation for appendicitis. He hopes to be able to return to Charlote soon and to resume bis work on The Observer. Mrs. Richard Henderson has been sHrmlnglv fll for several dayr with Moo.l polsonl" -caused bv a badlv cut-anger. While still critically 111 her condition is more encouraging, and her hosts of friends are hoo!nr to hear thst she is ntlre"v out of dsnrer. The symptom of lockjaw which appeared In the bes-lnning of her -illness have been arrested. DURHAM. t-- si a .a , -w. Durham, Jan. SI. On Friday night vi rani wee, miss tuny towan, at ner hhme on Queen street, entertained at bridge In honor of her guest. Miss Mary Ashe Denson, of Raleigh. The two parlors were thrown together and decorated with potted plants and cut flowers. The ladles' prise was won by Miss Hattie Owens, who very grace fully presented It to Miss Den son. Mr Sidney Chambers won the gentleman's prize. The guests prent were: Misses Mary Smeads, of Raleigh. 'Misses Hattie Owens, Louise Adams, Sadie Hackney, Lottie Shurpe, DJla Wright. Mary Weldon Husko, Jssi;n'l P3l1L,ii0rt'l'l-1 i'f1hm.rS.iJirvlnf Peav .nH the Mi. Cnw-n M.. Room sleeping, eaM, Observation and Peay and the Misses Cowan. Messrs. Claude Denson, of Raleigh; Tom Worth, Tom Pierce. R. H. Lewis. K. "P. Lewis. Sidney Chambers. Lawrence Adams, Paul Sneed, Sidney Minor. Tom Howell, Kuker and Robert Cow- in. Half past three o'clock Thursday afternoon of last week found fourteen members of the Up-to-Date Club as sembled In the attractive living room or Mra Paul c. Graham. The follow ing ladies were present: Mesdames A. G. Carr, B. N. Duke, T. JJ. Jones. Ed win Mlms. G. W. Watts, L. L. Sasser, J. M. Manning, N. H. Branson. E. C Murry, G. C. White. W. L. Wall, P. C. Graham, J. HarpeT Erwin. and Miss Haynesr also two out-of-town guests! Mrs. Kruce, of Massachusetts, and Mrs. White, of Virginia. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. A. G. Carr and the la dles responded to the-roll-call In tho usual way. After a brief business dis cussion, Mrs. J. Harper Erwin, the secretary announced the subject for the afternoon, "Climatic Influences of Mexico Divided Into Two Parts, Fauna and Flora." Mrs. Gilbert Whlte'a pa. per on the first part waa an excep tlonally well prepared one and wax read by her In a most pleasing man ner. Mrs. L. L. Morehead was not present to read her delightful paper; inn prtuiiu i, um urjfuiliwu Mrs. A. O. Carr to read it for her, which she did in a most acceptable manner. After the exchanging of books, Mrs. Graham invited her guests Into the dining room, where a dainty luncheon was served. The guests were seated at small tables which are always attractive ana mai wun ine soft glow of candles, spicy odor of alwaya attractive and that with the! carnations made the time slip by, all, too quickly. Each course of the lunch- eon had Just a HtUe touch of Mexico; i. ..kuk aa ..1 it. . delldousnesa The charming hostess who Is always original certainly added to her laurels on Thursday afternoon. The club meets two weeks from date with Mrs. J. M. Manning. There was a very pleasant meeting of the "Tourists' on Thursday of week with Mrs. Howard A. Fbushee at her home on Morehead Hill. .The drawing room in which th guests as sembled, was abloom with crimson carnations, roses and narcissus added their spring time beauty and fra grance. In the absence of the presi dent and vice-presidents. Mra J. F. Hill presided over Jhe meeting. The lire number on the programme was a description of "The Escurlal.' which was told In a graceful, easy manner by Mrs. A. E. Fioyd.-after which Mra Jo Oraham read very delightful unlet on Th Mosque of Coloravo." "The Bourbous of Fpain" - was the snhject of th paper vhich waa pre pared and read by Mra I. F. Hill and was among the ber that has been prosecuted to the Club. Mra L, A. SACO AIID ;'-'v';v('G Pickers Revolving Flat Cards ' Railway Heads and Drawing Frames -Am. Hi Carr read a beautiful, description, ot the Court of Spain from "In the Pal - ace of the King," then there was an informal talk about the - current events In which" all members joined.) At the close of the program a dell-i ious and beautiful luncheon was, served In the dining room. The table had as its centre decoration a tall crystal vase' fll led "with crimson carna tions, resting on a centrepiece of clu- ny lace. ' Placid at intervals on the polished surface of the round table were massive sliver candlesticks With! yellow shades. The mints, bon-bons; and tiny frosted cakes carried out thoj Spanish colors, the whole effect pre-! sentlng a lovely picture In soft reds' p"rt velinn-s. Of the many pretty! ourses, the ice cream was the most; Southern Railway V.- B. Following MeOdte ngurea pur Milled only sa iufoimuuon and are uot EiiuiaintMd. Ja uiary l:nh, jfos. 3:a a. in.. No. Jst, otttly. for Columbia, bavannah and Jacksonville. Pullman Drawing Room sloeper end day coaches, Washington to Juagonville. l.SU a. m.. No. S. Ca'.ry, for F.lehmond and local points, comieeta at Greensboro for Wlnstor.-Kalem. Raleigh, CJoltiwbcro, Newbern and Morebitad City, at Laoville for Norfolk. 7:66 a. m., No. H9, dally, for Atlanta. TCty candies n.iil pullman sleeper, Cltur lotte to Atl-inta. I:3C a. m.. No. a, dally for Rock Hill, Chester, Columbia nnU. (ocal stations. 6.iii a. m.. No, 44, dully, for VVuslilng ton and points North. Handles iluy coaches, Atlanta to Washington. Jf-ull-man sleeper, Albnta to Chnrletto. T:10 a. m.. No. 18, dally except Sunday, for 8Latesvilla, Taylorsvill ttnd local points. Connects ot Mooresville for Win-ston-Satein, and at Statesville for Aahe vlllf nnd points West.' W:Ci a. m.. No. tt, dally, for Columbia and AutfUKta. Handles iuliinun n ir, New York to Augusta and day coaches, Washington to Augusta. pining car service. "" 10:06 a, m., No. Sd. dslly, for Washing ton and points North. Pullman Druwing Room alKDers to Ne York and lllch mord. Day coachs, New Oriean to Washington. Dining ear service. Con nects at Ureensbnro for Wtnstou-Salein, Raleigh and OOdabor 9 -S3 a. m.. No. V). dally Tor Wsflilnir ton ana ints North. J'ullinan Drawing Room sleeivr to New York, day eoaches JiiokBonvilIa to Washington. Dining car servie. - ;o;do a. m.. No. 24, daily, for Winston Salem. Roanoke and local stations. 11:06 a. m., No. 7. dativ, w ork and New Orleans Limited. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping tars. Observation and Club cars, Nw xora to new Orleans. Pullman Drawing Room steeping car, New York to LilrmlnKham. bolld Pull man train. Dlnltuf car service. 11:14 a. m., no. ji, aany, jnr Atlanta end local stations. Connects at Spartan. ! t,, tnr Hndronviiin mi ami..viii. 4:10 P- m- No. 41. daily except Sunday for Seneoa, S- C. and local (.lnts. 1:40 p. m.. No. 28, dally except Sunday, freight and passenger, tor caosUr, b. C, and local points. :0S p. m., No. i dally for Washington and polnti North. Huilman slcvprr, Au gusta to New ,Yrk. Pullman sleeper, Aiken to New York. Day coaches to Wellington. Dining rar nervlor. t-.aa p. m.. No. 24, daily except Hurxlny, for SUtesvllls, Taylorsvllle -mid loral points. Connects at StHteivilie tor A ho villa. Knoxvllle, Chattanooga. Memphis and points West !:( p. m., No. M, dally. New York and New Orleans Limited for Wanhington Club cars to Nw York. Dining car aer- Vice. Bona ruuninn irein. 9:3o p. m.. No. daily, for Atlanta and points South- Pullman Drawing Room tleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham. Day eoaehea, Washington to Nsw Orleans. Dining car scrvlns TleketST sUpin car reservations, and detail information ran be obtained at ticket office. No. Jl Smith Tryon street . C. H. ACKF.HT. Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. . S H HARD WICK. P. T. At. W, II. TAIIX)1. O. P. A.. Wsnhlngton, b. C R. L. VKRNOV, T. I. A., Charlotte, N. C SEABOARD Thesa arrivals and departures as well ns tha time and connectioa Willi other companies, are flven vnly as informa tion snd are nit guaranteed. Direct line to thj prlnc'pnl cities North, East South and rtouthwst. Hehedul taking enwt January sth, lJWi, subject tc oiiune without notlve. Tickets for ptissag on all trains are sold by this (nnipnny end accepted by ths fuMnKrr witn the ttnderetnr.dlng tliat this company will no be reaiiueniolu for fuller to Pin Its trHliis on cchedulu time, or for any such dUy as may tot incident to their operation. Cats is exercised to give correct time of connecting llnoa, but this ct'tripaiy Is not responsible for er rors or omUlon. - Trains it-Mve Charlotte as follows: No. 40. ".ally. at m., for Mon roe Hnmlct and Wilmington, connecting at Monroe with 13 for Atlsnta, ltlr-nlr.g-unA the Minti.wcst: with 2t for KhI- flah. Welduu aid Portumouth; wilh t at i llatnlet for Rlh, ttlclim ui, Wauh lrston. New York. No. VSi. dslly. at 10:10 a. m., for Lln eolnton, fehelby and Kutlirfordtun with' out clmngo. .,,", V j.-,, 'i,;nn uA ii r,.-i Z, H.mle . A .rAi1 No. 44. uiiiy, si mr jionrrw h," Havannab snd all Horida points, a" No. M for Hn!-,gh, KJclinniil, Washington i and Nw York. IU. dally. : u. in, for Monroe. ttTJTVi "Senbrd 1: lonua ijh-iici ai itu:nh-! et 110 a. ni. for lU'-l niond. Washing i'Mw York. With at for Raleigh. 1'ortnmouth mna Norfolk. Ttreufh leper on tltla train from ,"hr lott. N. C, to roruitmuth. Va.. daily. Trains arrive In Charlotte aa fillna: - No. 1JU. 1 w oal'r trom points Krth and Eouth. No. 4-S ail. lj jo p. m., from M ilmlng Ion end all ll rcints. Fur Inlcnontlon, t!me-tahl-s hwnrj. t ims or -tttKra lsrlptiv l!tenuum atii'ly t ticket ants or d'rrT No. A dilly. J. m.. irom Uuth--. fc-di'-n. SUflhy. Uncnliilor. and C. As N. W. Ilnilway lolnt. ... 1 No. . 125 a. tn., dally. frm Wtimins ton. llpnilet sn-l llenroo,: nisi rrm points !''. North and siithwft. ton lrtlng at Ilartilf't Mnre. " ' Connect I""" are"md al HmK with tht"f:h trains for rint North. H'nuh hotith and Ki uti'vrnt. whirii ar mm. M.ed f vem;hil ,lv cusrhe netwevi ('ir1inouth and I la.nl. ami Vhing tor and Jnrk-nvilK and lpn Car Kriwwn Jr-y Oty. Iilrml.ietiam - rnd Vtnj-h'a. and Jery O'y an- Jnrkw-n-Mile. Caf ti en all ttrnuh trains. JAMKS KLU. Jit., f. I. A.. tS relwyn Hotel, Charlotta. N. C PEHEE MCHIil MOPS ii mi. i '- T 1 llltMMar VJASH3URti3, Southern Agent CHARLOTTE, NORTIf CAROLINA - It Alls the arterkse. with rich., red 1 blood, makes new flesh, and healthy 'men. women nd children. Nothing ' can take Us place; no .remedy has done so much good as Hollister Kcky Mountain Tea. 35c, Tea or -laniets. NEW SHIPMENT OF- Rosette Irons, price SO cents. By mall 70 cents. Rosette Patty Iron. SO cents. By mall 75 cents. Heart-shaped Waffle Irons. J.NJIcCausIandSCo. t Stove Dealer and Konllna; - Contractors, No. 821 S. lryon. Hardwood Mantels We manufacture and carry a large stock of Hardwood Mantels; also dealer In Til and Grates. Can fill . orders promptly. Write for , cata- . lorue. ' J. H. WEAEN & CO., Charlotte, N. C THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY GO AGENTS FOR American All-Wrought Steel Split P alleys and "Giant" Stitched Rubbc , ' Dei (Inf. '- ; We carry In stock Yale lod Tomw HoUts up to six tons capacity; also full line of Packing, ripe. Valves and Mill Supplies. DOO' fWiM We have 100 of the best selected Horses and Mules ever shipped to Charlotte, tormrand see theni. We sell on reasonable terms. J. W. Wadsworth's Son's Co. IT IS.'YOUR . MOVE and we don't know of a better one than send jng us your repair work if you want it - done", quickly and right." We've got a shop that is ready to run night or day and emergency work is our specialty. Our shops arc equipped and our workmen trained with this in, view. i Write. Telephone or Telegraph' American '.Mine & Life. Go. SiKfetors to Contracting and Jlanaractortrij Business cf THE D- A. TOMrKlNS CO., C I tH LOTTF, N. C. Slubbing ; Intermediats : ,'- and ' " Roving Framei Spinning Framej Spoolers and : Reeb r MACHINERY For Farm and Factory v Engines Three kinds, from 11 to is6 H. T. Boilers " Return Tubular and Portable OS sklda, from It to l50 IV P. . Improved Gin Machinery filngle Ol.ns and Presses and com plete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and over. Saw Milb Faur or five kinds, all slaes In use la - the South. Pulleys and Shafting Atl sixes, from the smallest to com. plete cotton mill outfits. ., LIDDELL COMPANY Charlotte, N. 0. Dr. E. Nye Hutchison. Ilutcblsoa. ). 4. E. Nye Hutchison S Son INSURANCE FIRE, - LIFE, ACCIDENT OFFICE TVo. t Hunt Bunding. Bell Phone S03. J