7 : it I (7 CHAUT tTE DATLYlOBSEliTCR, APCTT. 2. Ifffi. - niif:nMimiHtit :: Out of Town People -: : : Order by Mail anything j ; ' : you see ' in this Adv. ' : : Money back for : any- ; ; :; thing not found just' as ;: " represented. x - , . . .. lf!lflMmiHlltlH. A T U k 7 To Be.'. ' iMfc Stdr-lav At" IPS 1 -'tan; viucio ; : Mail Orders receive prompt and careful at- : : tention day received, ; OIIIHMIIHtlHllIH you sce it iri Efe in Advertising) or; in Sclltng, i i ' i; a Embroideries Again Saturday A New Lot just in this week, and we have . filled our , windows. full ready for another Big Sale 'Saturday. The finest-quality Swiss,ainsopkndCambri(Li Edges, and Insertions to match, beautiful New Pat terns in Embroidery Work, widths up to 15 and 18 v inches, the Price Saturday.; . . . ...... .10 cents Store opens 8 o'clock. Be on: hand. ., - New Style Belts and Hand Bags '.The popular Merry Widow Belts. ; . . .25 and 39 cents - Hand Bags in Black, Tan and Brown. . . .... .49 cents Big J oh fine-Hand Bags,- all sizes, Shapes -and Colors, it:.- I.... .. .24 cents each :' The New Merry Widow Back Comb with the Music . m C and Words of the Merry Widow Waltz, a regular 23 cent Back Comb with above attachment, Special Saturday. ... .18 cents -" - v A One Cent Counter Dry Goods. . To make a clean sweep of all Remnants, Odds and Ends, Rags and Scraps the remains from our Special r 5 cent counters and other 1 Remnants accumulated v frpm the store we will have a great, counter" piled full Saturday morning. These will not be gold by the, yard, but by the piece. There's a lot of damaged Towels, and Remnants of Towel Goods in the lot Take choice of the counter Saturday-morning at-, ' . .1 cent a piece - LadiesVSunimer Underwear Samples For Saturday Fine Lot Lisle Thread, Balbriggan aiid Gauze Under Vests, Corset Covers, Pants, ete.r Bleached White and Colors; garments worth 25 to 50 cents each, all piled out on Counter Saturday, Special . . .,10 cents 'OWtejmdjaildren8 Sample Caps and Hats. The .Biggest Line Samples in the country. This Spring Season's entire Line Samples from the best manufac vturer of Fancy Hats andCaps. Every kind of Hat and Cap made for this season represented in. the lot. All' Shapes, Colors and Sizes just the thing for Cnil-J " :dren,,girs andjboys tp wear for the. next few months regular 50 cent Lane all to go on sale Saturday " : morning' at. . . . . ... ... . . ..... . . . . .25 cnts These will be sold, in Millinery Department. New Summer Hosiery 25 cent Gauze Lisle Thread Hose, fine Lace Hose, Lace all the way around and-down the top of the foot; also the Boot Lace Style and a specially, thin Gauze Lisle Thread, all out on Counter Saturday . . y. t . .. . . ............ .12 1-2 cents a pair Clothings Special? For Saturday - Boys' Knee Pants. A Big . Special in good, Heavy Knee Pants, well made, .full size, up to 16 year old sizes. Special Saturday,.,. .... 25 cents. Boys' Fine Knee "Pants The best All-Wool Quality . Goods, made up in the verir best style; hip pockets, Knickerbockers and Plain, all Colors; sizes up to 17 years. .4 cents Boys' New Spring Suits Some Big Lots arrived this week and are ready for selling Saturday; all the newest Patterns and Colors,. , made up in Knickerbocker and ohter popular styles Boys' Knickerbocker Suits in all Colors and sizes $1.98 .Handsome Brown and Plaid Mixtures Also Brown and Grey Stripes, made of the very best All-Wool Goods, nicely finished up; actually worth at the Clothing Stores $4 to $5 a Suit. Our Special Price.... ..... .... $2.98 . . . The New Spring Millinery. -Ourj Millinery Department the Busiest it has ever been. ' : With all the best people we" have ever had connected ' with this Department, together with several New People we have the best Force Milliners by far, we have ever, had. . . Thej' know the Millinery Business . and you will make no mistake to confer with them about your Spring' Hat. ' . T The Largest and Best Stocks-Milling Goods .we have ever had.; Every New Stylecan be found here, and ; ' at attractive Prices. Ready trimmed ' Street and Dress 'Hats for Saturday. We haw had. Several hun dred Hats, every one deferent, no' two just alike, trimmed up for SaturdayVTrade. Special pains ta r ken with these.Hats and every one is Correct ' in Style, handsomely made up and the. Prices have been. - figured the very Lowest possible on each, and every r Hat, the Prices on these range all the way from v-. -. . .- . . i -.,... ;' ...,. . $1.00 to $5.00 Real attractive Hats for. .... . . ... . .$2.00 to $3.00 Do not fail to see them. . f Black and White' Sailor Hats Special Saturday NewJLotTof the Fine "Ro"GghStrawTSalio;frjus"n'n7 - ready to go On sale Saturday , Morning, ' both Black and White, extra Large FiiirShape, "real nice Jool- in'g Sailorthc best ever offered Special even at-50 . cents each. Our Price Saturday . . , k , ; . ,25 cents ' v Saturday's Silk Specials . Yard Wide Guaranteed Black Taffeta, the oest one ever Offered for $1 a yard. It's full 36 inches wide, extra Heavy, Smooth and Stiff quality Taffeta, every fibre pure Silk, guarantee on the selvage of every yard, Efird's Special Price Saturday 79 cents a yard r , : " New Shirt Waist Silks'" The'Newest out in Shirt Waist Silks, - handsome New . . - . .. . . . .. Stripes in Tan, Brown, Navy Blue,, etc.; actual value 69 cents a yard. Our1 Special price Saturday V'' Samples Long Lisle Thread Gloves' Saturday The finest Lisle Thread - and Mercerizek Cotton Giovcs ,7-full Elbow Lengths, White, BlAckT Tans Browns etc. ) This is a Big Line Samples aiid every Pair -.Perfect; all sizes; Cloves worth "up to $1 a Iair. v Special Saturday ; . . ,', . . T . .. . .49 cents .... .... ..... ... . .....50 cents Yard WidercplorebrTaffetas 4 Big Line all Colors, .Solid Colors, Two Toned Colors, JPli11801 Whi teChecks, Brown and White and Navy Blue and White Checks; the esUSilkinadeao-lLfoX Price, Saturday.. ... lt, .;75 cents 1 Big Counter Job Silks For1 Saturday Fine Lot of 39 cent SUKs, in eluding Fancy; k Taffetas,' Colored China Silks.'-mite China SUks, .etc. Special. I: SarJay V . -ffi i t;?:'' l9l ceiits a yard. Men's Fine Suits We sell High-Grade Clothing at Popular Prices. By cleaning tip Sample-Odd Lotsfrom Manufaeturers for Spot Cash we were enabled to get some of the very best Suits, "made in the very best Styles, and c have here now a great many of these several Hundred Suits, from Two or Three i to 1-2 dozen of a kindjf the very best Suits made to Retail at $15 to $16.50,. this Season 's very best Patterns and Latest Style Coats, Peg Top Pants with Buckles, the sleeves with arid without Cuffs, etc. Our Highest Price for any Suit is. . . . v . . . , $10 Men's Fine Sample Shirts Another extra fine Line Saturday, regular $1 Shirts;, very slightly soiled from being handled, every Shirt perfect in make and fit; Solid White and Colors, all sizes. . . . . . . . .49 cents AhoeItepaitment Full of Extra Good Bargains . This Departmpflt - is at its best now, never before ha vo we' had Vso many Strong Values. A Big Bargain Counter For Saturday A Special Counter piled Full Ladies' ..and blisses Ox-. Tip Oxfords, etc. There are Shoes in this lot actu ally worth up to $2 a Pair; the Lowest in lit Lot worth in a Regular Way Retail $1.50 a Par. Our . Special Price for Saturday .... . . ; .98 cents a pair Ladies'. Bright Vici Kid ' Two hole Ribbon Ties, in the New Plain and Patent . Tip Ties, selling evcrj where at $2.50. Our Piice .... , w. ... ... . .. . ..$1.93 Misses' Patent Coir Blucher Oxfords . ' The kind that will wear and look well, sizes 13 to 2; at.... .... .. ,$1.25 Ukl issesJn: Vict-KioPatenti Tipy .all - Solid Leather h every pair guarantced,"13's to 2Sv . . . . . . y. . .$124 Infants' Pretty Patent Colt Button Shoes With Tan and White Kid Tops, sizes 2 to 5; worth $1.25 a pair;... ... ..; ... ... ;...75 cents , Children's Vici Kid Pat Tip Shoes, sizes 4 to 6 ; ' VTnTr.T.-'-. . . .......... ...25cent9 Men's Fine Oxfords A Special Bargain In High-Class; uxioras- Men's Patent Colt and Tan Blucher jOxfors, Good- year Welt, Smooth White Oak Sofes; actual valuV $3.50 a pair. Our Special Price : Satiay . . $2.49 OH- -1. VIA s a J . A,. - o . . . .. . - I mil -v' - W ' t V-m mm.-mm. -M IT I ' ' f A . " ' v -. - - - " T . fM,nn, m MMhin Cor; Trade and Cdllcge Streets, WMMM" What Efird Adverti: ' r ... ,.-5 7 , J; -