CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVE, MAT D,.1CCJ: THE A & M. COMMENCEMENT, The Graduating; Claw at lb A. M. College, Kalcigh. ThU l' w- Isrge One The lroiTJuiimc- A JKrrc 4. I nnaiullr . LarS;Cla f .'Gndntft.'-,". 'V,! -v-' -V :' ;' Y Handsomely engraved , lnv,itatlohs have seen received in he cltyuo the graduating exercise Vf nlo!i r!M of tii North Carolina College of Agriculture and MecnacicAris. wi-wi are to be new in BKuin.." JU to tne Sb o "'" " . ' ' - - North Carolina Collet, ? '!,.: '-t . of - ; Y Y Agricultural and Mechanical. Arts r ..--... tttW Anami Commeacement Mar twenty-fourth to twenty-eeverrlh , West RalelKh.i - ,. v, - - v The class roll"! as follows:. John ' Ca'millus App Industrial ; ehemlstry: Frank Oscar Baldwin. Industrial , chemistry; George- Francis Bason, . electrk-al engineering; John Inland Becton. civil engineering;: Harwood Beebe. civil engineering ,WUllam, La mar Black, electrical engineering :. Ass, "'Cray Boynton, civil "engineering; rrank Hamilton Broun. ajrlculture; r Uohn Harvey 'Bryan,' mechanical en gineering; William Bryant Burgea electrical engineering -Lewellyn Hill - Touch, electrical engineering; Claudo - Council Dawson, textile Industry; Al vin Deans Dupree. civil engineering; Raymond Rows Eagle, civil engineer tag; .Minnie Luther Eargle. agrlcul . ture; Isaac Henry'Farmer. civil en- giqeerlng; Benjamin iruj r-iu... agriculture: Percy Leigh Galney. agrl - culture: Junius Tannage Gardner. civil engineering: Seth Mann Olbbs i civil engineering; -Maurice Mordecal Ulasser, raecaanlcal engineering; . Moses Henry Gold, civil engineering; John David Grady, agriculture; Dor- sey Yates Hagan. civil engineering; lMaurtce Hendrlck. textile Industry; Herbert Vitllun Kueffner. civil engin eering: Claude . Milton Lambe. civil engineering; Crrles Edward Latta. trxtlle industry; David Lindsay, tex tile Industry; John Henry Little, elec ' trleal engineering: George Lafayette Lyerly. electrical tnjlneerlng; Clar ence Talmage Marsh, civil engineer ing; Dsvld John M.ddleton. agricul ture; Benjamin Franklin Plttman, electrical engineering: Lawrence Lyon Plttman. civil engineering: Rublo Poole, civil engineering; Harry Alex ander Powell, textile Indtittry; James Alexander Powell, roechstiical engin eering; Thomas Milton Poyner. civil engineering: Edjsr EngUah Kmlth. civil engineering; James Lawrence Smith, civil engineering: Jesae Page Spoon. sericulture: JohH .Bnlpes Stroud, textile Industry; John Lsw rence Von Glahn. el. -II engineering; Roys 11 Edward White, civil engtneer ' Ing; John William, civil engineer ing: Woodfln Bradsher Ya-borough. electrical engineering. and John Franklin Zlglar. civil engineering. The follow Ing Is the commencement i programme: fiundsr. .May I4th. 11;0 a. m., bac calaureate sermon by Rev. George W. McDanlel, P. D., Richmond. Va. 'Monday. May :3th. 10:00 a. m.. meet ing of Alumni Association. 1:10 p. m., alumni address. Mr. A. E. Escott class of 10. Tuesday. May 2tn. :00 p. m. bat- tailion drill drws nt.rade anj pu -llcatlon of promotions. 1:10 p. m.. annual address. Presi dent Paul B. Barringer, L. L. D.. Blackshurg. Vs. 1:10 p. m., reception In college li brary. Wednesday. May 27th. 11:00 a. m. graduating exercises. Orations by members of senior class. Reading of honors, conferring de w gsees. THE C. H. 8. CtIMEXCEIEXT. Annual Wtrrary Address In the Au ditorium Tufsday Menlnit. Iay lth, by Dr. J. Allison Hodges The Roll of Ihe Class. . Invitations hsve been losued to the graduating exerclsea of the class of 1101 of the Charlotte High School, which are to be held, In the Audito rium Tuesday evening. May lth,,at I o'clock. The cards Issued yesterday read as follows: C. H 8 Too are cordially !nvitd to attend the graduating exercises of the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Eight In th? Auditorium. Charlotte, North Carolina, Tuesday evening, May nineteenth, at eight o'clock. The order of exercises is as follows: Sunday morning. May seventeenth eleven o'clock -annual sermon to graduating class Rev. Harris Malllnckrodt In St. Peter's Eplsroonl church Tuesday evening. May nineteenth commencement exercises annual literary address . by Dr. J. Allison Hodges President of Richmond Medical College. The class roll Is sa follows: Henry Johnson Allison, Willie Anderson, Sarah Louise Andrews, Annie Mae tilble, George Wallace Brlce, Flor ence ternheim Burkhimer, Birdie Margaret -CWnard.-Hajwah Attmore Constable, Charles Spurgeon Cook, Leland Miot Craig, Alma . Davis Crump, ' Beecher Tate Denton, Grace Elotse Ezell. Csmpnell Benjamin Fet ner. Annie Belle Finger. Russell Spain Henderson. Martha Howell, Mary Irane Hullck. Harriet Rebecca Klrby, Rosamond Lucas, Mary Mc Coy. Maud Victoria Miller, William Joseph PauL May Mltchel Pegram. Catherine Fay Polk. Margaret Elisa beth Prltchard. Lillian Elaine Reld, Alfred RelJiey. LHUe Grace Hhields, Roy Stewart Smith. Eunice Stewart, Kate Strstton. Mary Isabell Thelllng, Oforman St. George Vann. Rose Wil liamson Walsh. Lawrence Wilkinson. FIVAXCE COMMITTEE MEETS. City Purchases 7.000 of Sketches of Cliariotte r or The finance committee of the board ef. aldermen met yesterday afternoon In a short session to discuss several , matters of minor consequence. Fa . vorabls action was taken upon the .. proposition of Mr. Wade H. Harris to sell the city 1,000 of his "Sketches of 'h ajrjptl efor the. sum- of $ Th is: ""Hi pi'Wesvas'astd "because of an overstock In the hands-of the editor. The city will make good use of them. The molestations of -certain hack if mB was another subject brought to the attention of the board and an in discriminate discussion followed as to : the best method to rid the city of this nuisance. Some plan will be d . rided upon before the June meeting , of the aldermen, when the revenue x Mil In Hs entirety comes up for re modeling. - - ,. My. J. P. HsihWts to the Front. Mr. J. P. Sanders, president of the Stonewall Hotel, was asked by Con tractor J.' A. Jones yesterday If he would fee willing to aid In the move . ment to extend the bltulithlc paving - from Mint street on West Trade to tbe Southern- passenger station. - Mr. Handera responded that he was will ing to do anything to help the town and that he would gladly pay Y is pro rata share of the necessary upense; Jt Is needless to add that t ose who are behind the movement are working hard and that success is in sight.. Several of the adjacent i r"prty, owners are somewhat ret! rent about contributing, but it Is be ' lived that everybody will be in line within a short time. The movement Is one that deserves success. V C03LnTTEES .ARE ,XAfEat. Ctlttenton Clrtle Appoints Oommlt . iVcs For the -Kits nine A'car Ms ay ltateTeeprescnoed.1 -- At meeting; this week of the Crlt tentoVl Circle the foQowing commit tees were appointed . tor the ensuing year: ' .. . "V . ' Nursary Mesdames C N. G. Butt, chaJrmaJi: C. B. Brysknt,' J.f A. Alli son, J. A.' Bell, Willis trown, i Bussy. O. W. Lovlns;, Sam Maxwell. J. W. Pharr, John Todd. H. E. Thorn as. W. T. Wilkinson acd Charles Par ker. : -' ' - ' "- - ' ' ' " Industrial Mesdames W. Ha rood, chairman:. a.-d Bfinkman. D. Anderson, Harry Carpenter, C. C; Kennedy, E. D. Latta,- J. F, Mtsen hefiner, James S tee re r and . Ai J., Cratnpton. I Devotional Mesdames ll. - H. Straub. chairman; R- E. Cochrane, vir chalrmanr L. E. Steers. W. G. Jtoger R. C. Holland. !W. E. Taunlx, R. L. Durham. H. E. Noble, c 15 Mason. J. G. Balrd, Harris Malllno krodt, T. J. Lillard and Miss Eva Ud de . ' ' ' Membership Mesdanses A. J. Ha- good. chairman; E. C. Register, vice chairman: K. if. Lawrence, E. F. CresweU. M. F. Klrby, S. a McNlnch and S. B. Tanner. . ' Educational Mesdames ;. W. T1I- let. chairman: B. D. Heath. F. D. Lethco: Mlssea Allle Nooe. Lily Long twd Palmer. VSootal Mesdames I. W. Falson. chairman; Alfred Brown, P. C. Brun- sotiN C. A. Misenhelmer, F. H. Btew art;MlMes lla Summey and Laura Orr. . Improvement of Grounds Mes dames i H. - C. Jones, chairman; J. 0. Alexander,' vice chairman; 8. J.-As-bury, Vllliam Anderson, C. L. Hun ter. George B. Hanna. D. A. Johnston and Charles Moody. . . . , . 11 , .- ' FOR A STATK B. A L. LEAGUE. Movement on Koot to Organise Build- ing and Ijoan Associations of HouLh Carolliaa Into a mate lgu Ciiarlonte Men to Help. A movement has been Inaugurated by Mr. William Goldamtth. Jr., of Greenville. S. C for a meeting of dele gates from all the local building and loan associations In South Carolina for the organization of a State leSgue, This convention of delegates will be held at Columbia. Monday. May. 25th Mr. 3. WlttkoAvsky, president' of the North. Carolina State Leagua. and Mr, E. L. Keesler.) secretary, . have been Invited to atteod this convention and help la the organization of a South Carolina State' league. Mr. Goldsmith is secretary of the Mechanics' Perpetual, of Greenville. 8. C. and it Is thouRht that the or ganisation or a State league will stim ulate activity in tine building and loan association moveWnt throughout the State. The association at Gresnvllle was organized about two years ago and has been a fine success. Oaffney has an association started about four years ago under the guidance of Mr. Wittkowaky, and it nan also aone wen. The association at Edgefield was or ganized about six or aeven years ago and the secretary has stated that out of four business houses built In the town since its organisation, three of them were built through the building and loan, and out of thirty residences built since Its organisation, twenty sight were built through the building and loan. AT BAIX AOADEJIY. Commencement Occasion- as Usual Drew a iArgei Crowd From the City and County. As has been the case for severs tv years, the annual closing exercises at Bain Academy, Mint Hill, which were held yeaterday. attracted a vaat con course of people, coming from all ends of the county and from the city as well. Former patrons and stu dents of this' well-known Institution who are now residing here got their teams together yesterday and- made the trip. The exierclses were altogether up to the high standard which has been reached In years past. The recita tions, declamations, etc,, were all of a high order and much enjoyed. Not the least among the attractions was the literary address In the afternoon of Mr. F. Marlon Redd, of ths Char lotte bar, who made a splendid speech. The school has had s. "prosperous run under the supcrlntendency of Prof. R. M Gray. He Is a popular Instructor and has succeeded .well In holding up this school since he has had It In charge. BARKLKY CASE KENT BACK. Important Case to Be He-Docketed by the Mecklenburg Court Which Was Non-Suited by Judge Irrgu son. The esse which Mr. D. A. Bsrkley instituted several months ago against the South Atlantic Waste Company, asking for $10,000 for alleged Inju ries while In the service of the com pany, wss thin week sent back to ths docket of the Mecklenburg Superior Court. Pome weeks ago Judge Fer guson, holding court here, non-suited the case on the ground that when an employe was Injured while working with another employe, snd by the latter'a neglect, the company Itself would not be liable. The Supreme Court reverses this decision, and de clares that the company is liable. The case Involves the fellow-servant law. and Is therefore of much con cern to corporations. It will be re-docketed and tried Just as soon as It can be reached. Mr. Barkley's attorneys are Messrs. J. 0. McCall, Brevard Nixon and Jaks F. A Clowe Race For County Treasurer. it Is generally conceded that the closest race In the coming county pri mary will be run between Treasurer H. J. Walker and the new aspirant. Mr. James W. Btlnson, a young busi ness man of the city. Ths friends of both candidates do not claim any great majority, and seem to realise even now that the luckr one will come out not. more than m head In front. The next' In Interest Is the rscs for the- sherlirs-eflkiey "being made" "be-" 1 tween Messrs. N. W. Wsllace, W. 8. Orr and H. C. Little, This also prom ises to be exceedingly close. - Rev. Mr., Jlougjh Arrives. Rev. R. K. Hough and family, . of Corsica na, Tex., have arrived la the city and will In the future make their home here. Mr. Hough has , been made general secretary of the young people's Sundsy school work in the Associate Reformed Vresbyterian Church and has come to Charlotte for the benefit of a central location. He was -formerly pastor of the,- Back Creek church In this county, and has numerous friends who wUl welcome him back to this territory. : Combing Gin Company Elects on- cers. At a recent meeting of the stock holders of the Fuller Combing Ola Company, the following-named were elected members of the board of di rectors: Messrs. B. D. -Heath, J. M. Bcott. Vf. H. Belk. K. M. Cole. James T. Fuller. L. T. Fuller, VB. Tanner, Charles F. W'adsworth and. J. J. Far nap. Ths directors ejected Mr. James T. Fuller president of ths corpora tion and Mr. L. ,T.'t Fuller secretary and treasurer. t . Big Kelly and Dress' Suits; " Take if from mc' says Big Kelly, "dress clothes has done more to straighten out th' East Side . than th police. An' as for not bein democratic, they make it so you can't . tell ' th guests from the waiters, an' if tha: ain't. democracy, what is?". . 7Airmy life I've, been goin'to dinners. I suppose," one time and another, I've eat a thousand. IVe eat 'em for the glory of St. t Patrick; I've eat 'em Wash-' ington's Birthday. I'v ea five hundred dinners to free Ireland alone." , ':, - Buy this week's issue of The Saturday Evening P3ST, and read all that Big Kelly says about dress suits, , dinners, trusts, and-things in general. - , At ths NewsUnds,5 eanta. 11. SO tht yssr by maif. The Curtis Pusi.iKHtNO Comfamy PHILAUrll-HIA Our Ar Everywhar Copies will be delivered to any address by CAMDEN K. LYNCH. 121 Eaut Trade, Mreel, Charlotte. NO E'FECT8 OF PANIC Felt by the Building and Loan Asso ciation of the City A ntatemcnt of Ktffniftcance. The business of the building and loan associations In this city show that among the subscribers there Is no 111 effect of the panic In respect to diminished subscriptions or sales of shares or withdrawal of stock. Ev erything is going on with these or ganizations as before the panic. There has been, in reality, less stock being offered for sale than In ordinary times, and there is a good demand for the purchase of stock from people' who did not get In when the series first opened. This shows that the people are doing their full duty In taking care of the business as against the panic of the Wall Street specula tors. , , To Tell About Chattanooga Conven tion. To-morrow afternoon at the Y. M. Messrs. J. B. Ivey and E. A. Cole, who attended the Treat Laymen's Movement Convention of the Meth odist Episcopal Church. South, at Chattanooga, Tenn., will I tell , of the meeting. There were many notable men present, including Ambassador Brlce, and such leaders of the Lay men's Movement as Messrs. J. Camp bell White and W. T. Ellis. A num ber of Methodist bishops and mis sionaries was present. Messrs. Ivey and cole were profoundly Impressed snd hsve much'to pass on of the bene fit they received at this meeting;. All men are cordially Invited to hear them. THE STIEIT sar-PLAVfR Represents the highest" standard of player piano excellence. Every person who examines the StiefE self -player ;p!ano be comes enthusiastic in tsraiser '"- " T' Its cost - is nothing compared to the pleas ure it adils to a hdmeY ' Chas M. Sticff Y Manufacturer of '" The Artistic Stleft, Shaw and Sticff Self -Player Pteac - - ' ' SOCTHEKJf" WAIIEROOMS S W. Trade 6fc,Y: . CHARLOTTE, X. C 0. H. OTIZIOTn, UgT. PIANOS "Get It at nawley." WHAT BfiAf.'D DO YODSLW. V If you are not ashamed r It, name your cigar and-we . have it here.' . We are hot ashamed of any cigar we sell.' Every smoker" who. trades with t knows we carry; a fine line and we want you to know Jt, too. Try us to-day. ; , " -Y ' If i you o f horns ' without them, "phone us; w;il : deliver them la a minute. i S: f TTiones'll and 0. . Trjon and . Fifth Streets. ... J.- - . . f GOLDEN GLORY CHFESK SANDWICHES AND " "'CHEESE BALLS . Y - "y.. ',- Y " i ; -'4 ' Melt .In ' frying .pan or chafing - dish " 1-t - pound of cheese with 1-1 cup - cream, 2 TABLESPOONS . GOLDEN GLORY COOKINO OIL and I teaspoon salt ' '. '. . When creamy and ' smooth, stir in the Juice of half a lemon. 1-1 teaspoon dry mus tard, 1 teaspoon grated onion, 1-t teaspoon Worcestershire, sauce, 1 teaspoon Tobasco ketchup. ' - 1 y When perfectly blended add the yolks of J eggs;, stir till well cooked, adding red pep per and salt to taste, and- put aside to cooL When Just solid enough ' to work easily, spread on crisp crackers and make 41 to 60 sandwiches, , If cheese balls are wanted, wait until the mass Is cool and solid and work Into balls, put ting - half a walnut - meat ' on each aide, or the walnut meats, may be worked Into the balls. ; SAVE' BUTTER USB . Golden Glory (Booking Oil AHGrocers. . . " 'i c- Y Brannon Carbonaling Co. 4 Charlotte, Iff. C. Box 15. 'Phone 125. xiiiniiirTtmnirxi'ziTT 55 CEMENT PLASTER K The modem Hard Wall T1 i i TT: l. . i - most economical and most durable Plaster made. ALWAYS UNIFORM. For sale by B. F. Wlf HERS Distributor Everything In BUILDERS' SUPPLIEa 4 Charlotte, N. C. " . TmmimtiniiinTTTT WE' CARRY A Large V Stock of Plumbing and heating supplies. Write For Prices. MiH bros;co - Plumbing--and -Heating Con- tractors, Jobbers Supplies. ' Charioue, Iff. C. 'Phone tiX. Matinee To-Dsy at 4 and 5 O'clock. To-Klght at T:SO. An Entire Cliange of BUI To-Day. Performance Erery Hour Tlkereaftcr Summer Reason of Hlgh-Clsm v ) VAUDEVILLE i : V Byrd and Vance, Comedy Sketch Artists': Hilly Bailey, tierman Dialect romedUa: William Sherklan. Xegro Monolnrttt "Alvln," Ring and Tra pese Artist. . v -A Bill of . Noted Vaudeville Stars 10 Cents- Admission 1 o cents . ' To All Parts of the Theatre. Oet In Una and follow the crowds. llawley Ivory Just received another' - - shipment- of r Y JriitSJlf: ; V 9 a V i that we are offering at ': very; low : figures. -": '.' "Come in' and - ' sep theml . - . ., T ; - J- ? fc ... " ." ' ; - ' - I - i Pound X Moore Co. - - , Commercial Stationers and;. , Office Outfitters. ' v w . .. "' ' ';-'''- ' ' '14,''' .'''.' J2t 8. Tryon St fhone 40. Good taste" Y1Y Good style r - v Y " V Good quality '.All should find ex-, pression in the clothes you wear. - : : The clothes you buy ; at this v store , contain these very important elements, priced in such a manner, tas: to make your purchase : most economical. - The new models ' y $18.00 to $35.00. The-Tate-Brown Co. We Make Shirts ' WHEN YOU DON'T VAfiT TO WASH -y y'' :.'--- -. When ' hot v weather comes and yotf don't want to fuss all Monday and Tuesdsy over hot,' steaming tubf and h-onlng board,- send .your- flat work to us and get rid, of ; th'e blggesl and , hardest, part of the work.i The - few pieces of " fancy clothes left for you to do can be cleaned1 up n short brder and you'll . save . your strength, your- patience and your health as well as your time. . Flat work washed and Ironed for 1,' 3 and Sc.. a piece at Charlotte' Step . LaunOerers, Dyers. Cleaners, , J' -v; i Charlotte, N. . C -, Sa ' BGZBM71 i ' A few years ago-I had a ter- T . ... - "" v., ' i rible case of cnia - to break I out on my , ioou. . my ic camaV fearfully swollen and ; was ' covered Y with . running sores.1 ' The"; Itchlnf and pain were . past - description., and It wacswrratwecas-7-ws- confined '' to 'my bod ' and v not J able to walk a. step My wholo system became run down fro: the trouble.' After trying va"? us raedlcinea wlUat 'Aval, my physician suggestoj tluit I try Mrs." Joe Person's Remedy and Wash. Ia one week's time i . Was abls to walk, and by the tlmft - t'tooktwo bottles I was weU.and have -never had a touch of ectem since. : I can. not say: ..... too much for the T Remedy j and Wash, for .it T worked wondrs In tny case, J and was not Vn jn dolnj it, either." .' Y"Y . . Y . '" " , . " MRS. KATE E- DONALDSON: i Dillon, a C, Nov. a. 10. j Mf-fvTvi n it n n n 1 1 1 1 r :-ya: Beautiful Showing of u pi ! A imwwm if "Mom. J; .' -V"-Y i f ' Y-'ir - ItEMEMBEIt MKIXOJT8 CLOTHES FIT. YY ' ' v i CURES COLDS and GRIPR ;r-c Relitves the aches and feverinhneah - Ceatasso Ne Asstaalas Easter Lillies Hydrangas, Asalias, ' ' Y.,; Spiaries, Roses Y Y y Y r and Carnations.' . Place your Easter order in time,, before the Easter rush is on.' i --IY'h1' Scholtz, The Florist i-:;':'YYY' if Go'Qartsnd'mhite , Enamel Gribs The. largest' stock- in the State? Special prices 'oi ; Folding -Cart - vS:-:SV-:v: V Yudor Ec-enfqrced Haiocks-f they are the Nkind 'that don't have to aVsrf IfC tSMw Ur We Have Just W CVrlimiUMIJI.i:vU-bGl 15 left of the celebrated "BLOCK" make we are offering at ' - ; ' . J " " -33 1-3 Per Cent. Dbcount "We have always had an. established price on this high-: grade Cart and have never found it necessary to cut the price, and it is only done noW to make much needed room on short notice. Jw"-'.'-:. VY;.-' " Y -' Now is the time that baby needs one and your baby deserves "the" best and the best" is the r BLOCK. ; See them at once, for a bargain. '- . ' ; ,Y ; Y y Y MEDIUM B: 4( -ft. "TV WEIGHT . SUITS Ai) RAINCOATS -.'"A Y man ' can't leave town these- days with; V out wishingjr for Y and : ; jaee6Ung ; a medium-; fYweight suit of : clothes. 'YeVe .got, the; goods elegant" clothes for this season oi the year. And;' - too, we are selling lots" of. these ram coats. , ; Ask to see our water- - TTvi - proof coats for $5.00 1 .'.".,,v" - ' v tneyare good ones, y v .. . 1"' -Y : Y - GET PRieES M ' on tlAMOND8 .br SILVER. Ws can convince you that we can . compete with any house In the country for fine quality goods. A large assortment of all stse Diamonds, mounted any Stle desired. - f : Y"'- ,;' GARIBALDI, . ; & DIXON niinmxixitxxjtxrxxq .t - ?YY-; ,be bought eveiy season. dm mJ Ml CM WMm 33 Cent.- V

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