CHARLOTTE DAILY ' OESEEVEE, JIAY 25, 1CC3. SCCLTJiD. FotSG.'ul illaa rU rammer. Mix's 6usan Stephana, avnd lU.jriet. Albert and Harvev Orr w!U leave to-night, ac ompanied by Mr. Harvey II. Orr, lor New Tortc, wQer tney win spend wek before leaving for Neva Scotia, whara Mtav will BDend the nmmer. Mrs. Orr and Mlsae Adelaide and MadaUna Orr will leave the latter part t tha weak lor Ne York from wfalck eolnt they will sail tor Europe tor a etay or several muu. Tne Yoane- People's Missionary So alety of Trywa Street .Methodist church will meet wltii jars. XI. soyer ai the parsonage to-morrow night at clock., All tha member, are urg ed to be preaent.- Viaitor will re ceive a cordial welcome.. ; . ? " Invitation Taadtnr a f olio wa have been received In tha city: o :X Rev and Mra, - Jame Boyee i request the honor of yonr presence at the marriage of their friend .;V. ; Him Nelle Stacks t -f- .'. IsTr. A M. Hasting on Wedneaday afternoon , . - June third, at live o'clock, t , . ' Due West Female College, ; , Due "Wast, Couth Carolina. i : Mlaa Stack , haa been expression teacher tn Due West Female College for-several years and . is extremely popular with a . wide circle of : ac fluaintancea. , Miss Amy Edwards, of Henderson vllle, la expected to- arrive in the city to-day, to visit at the home -of Mrs. I R. Gibson, on Tenth avenue.- . , , ; Among the fueata at toe 8elwyn yesterday! were Mrs. M, W. Ransom , and daughter, Mlaa Ransom, of W'eU don. :....- : il " -" 4 ' - Prof, and Mrs.' Henry iCAnSerson, of the faculty of , the Presbyterian College, have returned from . Colum bia, 6. C. where they spent a week with friends. Their return trip waa made through the country In a Ford runabout which professor : Anderson purchased, while in Columbia. . iii i ii i t t - "Mr. and Mrs. C- B., Bryant, Mra. A. W. Bryant and Mlsa Rosa Dell are expected to return to-day from Rich mond and Old Point, Va. , , '. ; Cards reading as follows have been received in the city: f- The honor - of your presence la re- - quested at the marriage of ' -, Miss Anna Morrow " Mr. John Rutledge Mouhee, ' .- - Tuesday morning, June second, ; f nineteen hundred and eight.; ''' at eleven-thirty o'clock . c First Presbyterian Church , ; Greenwood, Mouth Carolina. Mr. McGhee la business manager of The Greenville, B.C. News, and promising young newspaper man. He was one of the guests at the conven tlon of tha Southern Publishers' As oclatioa. last week. - alias Eatelle Reed will spend this week and a part of next in Columbia, 8. C-. the guest of Mlsa Eleanor Ham mond. - , Among those who will attend Da vidson ' College commencement this week will be Mlaa Juanita H'.vltt and Mr, Carl Hewitt, of Darlii.'gton, a C.' Mr. Hewitt waa formerly a. stu dent of Davidson and well known and . The meeting of the Saturday af tei-Boaa Tea Club Saturday with Mra. Walter 8. Uddell was the last of the season and a delightful affair. Mrs. L. A. Dodsworth won the first prize af bridge and Mra. Minnie WTrlston Smith the- second. The consolation was cut for by all and won by Mra vv, u wilhoite. , . i Mra. W.- I Burrougha , came t yesterday from Columbia, S. X3.. visit her father, Ma). A. G. Brenlzer, Mrs.-Julia C. Bryce, the mother of . Mr. J. Gi Bryce, continues very ill at ' the home of her son In Dilworth. Her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Bryce. Flagg, of New York, haa arrived in the city and la with her. , ; . . Mlaa Annie Bryant arrived In the city yesterday. from Waahington and is spending; a few days with Miss Elisabeth Conrad. HAS WOX HIGH TRIBUTES. Tin ISInrinir of Mra. Mlnnlo Wrlston Smith Haa Won Approbation From - Kmlnent . Critics. r i "There are many singer with great fame, who cannot alng . so well you and who have not ' the voice which you possess. Tour notes are ao full and rouni. and so beautiful. that had you sung the selections poor ly. I should have forgotten the mis takes, but you did not, your voice la exouislte." . This is a part of the splendid trib ute paid by Madame Schumann-Helnk the world-famous singer, to Miss Vir ginia Lloyd (Mrs. - Minnie Wrlston 6mith). who will -give a aong recital at the 8elwyn Friday night. The oo raslon'was the visit, of Schumann ' Helnk to Charlotte last November when Miss Lloyd sang for her. - "Tour, middle range," she contln ued., "a thing so rare in a contralto, la wonderful. There is , no reason wny you rsnouiu nv. uvf irni v- re r and great success. It Is a beau tiful voice, yours, and I only wish you could come with me and I could as sist you In. interpretations. Tour voice needs no more training. It la fclfhly cultivated and magnificent." The Observer the following morn In i- aaM In rniattnr the Incident: . - "The few ptople in the hotel lobby stood amacea ai sucn a voice ana uu til the face of tha singer was aeen. It was thought thru It waa the famous Schnmann-Helnk ainring." .. William Nelson Burrett, who haa charge of George Henschel's studio at the Damrosch Pchool, Fifth avenue. said of Mlsa Lloyd: . ' - "She haa a line, well-given dramatic voice, and sings with good interpreta tion, distinct enunciation and positive ness." - V The conductor with whom she sang In New Haven. Conn., rendering the dual parts of mezso soprano and con tralto, said- "I wish to congratulate you on your great ainglng. We never had a soloist here who pleased us more than you have this evening. Tour singing is certainly very artistic and effective.' - -' ' . Miss Lloyd accepted last year In vitations to sing before the Dixie Club, the Eclectic Club, the Sorosls Club, the California Club, the National Arts Club. In New York. In each case the presa waa very complimen tary in tta reference to her vocal per formancea. , - r- . Actor Boyd? Putnam Dead. . -. New Tork. May 24. Boyd Putnam, the actor and leading man for the Lil lian Russell company, died to-day, at IrvinRtonX. T., from Brlght'a disease. Mlv Putnam was a son of Judge Put nam -of Grand Rapids, Mich., and a descendant of General Israel Putnam of revolutionary fame. GET ELT'E RIBBON Lemon Extract. It la terpeneleae wfTl rvrr ret rancid, and baa all -the natural flavor of Ilia luoa. ... t ., , rEESOXAJj. die ITovetnmta of a X amber of Peo ple, Visitors and - Others, Mr. H. A. "Williams, a prominent rauroad man of Columbia. Ti. C, apen yesterday In the clty .in ; conference wun itr. w. j. yoreacre. Air. a G. Falilsand other officials of. the Southern Railway Company. - Mr. J. W. Thompson, of Sanford, was a Charlotte visitor -yesterday. . Mr. William D. Randall. Jr.. of Bal Omore, Ml, waa registered amon-a; the guests at the 81 wyn yaaterday. Mr, Peter O. Gourdin, of Davidson. waa a Charlotte, visitor yesterday, Mr. A. A. Tomllnion. of Richmond, ya., -spent yesterday In the city, Mr. H. I. Hungerford. of Coarlea toa, 8. C, spent yesterday in the city. stoppifig at the Beiwyn. : r Mr, Thomas Greaham, . of Rich mond, Va., was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. -. . .. , . Mr. Oscar F. Finke, of Columbia, S. C-, spent yesterday in the city.' guest at the 6Iwyn. "-'Vff1 Mr. J. !. Wells, of Gastonia, waa a sruest at the Central yesterday. Mr. H. Steele, of fitatesvllle, waa a visitor in the ity yesterday. , ; Mr. C. A. Tenant, of Monroe,' spent yeiterdav In the city. - - Mr. J. M. HoUand, of Gastonia, waa a visitor in the city yesterday morn inc. - . .. -i- . - Among- the guesU at 7 the Central yesterday were Messrs. W. C. Hamrick and c. s. Lipscomb, of oatrney, a. J. : Mr. 8.. 1 W Anderson, or Anderson. 8. c waa a Charlotte- visitor yester day..' .'?".: ;?'-:..' f Mr. J. M. Deaton, of Mooresvuie, apent a tew hours la the city yes terday. . '., .- '- '' - . Mr. R. H. Burgin, of Wncoin. waa a ruest at the Central yesterday. ' Mr Boyd Mullen, of Hunteraville, apent yesterday morning In the city stopping at the central, - Mr. C. BOabanlss spent yesterday in Shelby with his wife. Mr. J. B..Meacham, or uaaionia, aiArn m. Charlotte visitor last niarnt Mr. J. O. Abernetuy, of Norfolk, Va.. spent yesterday in the city. Mr. J. M. juassey, or Monroe, was a guest at the Buford yesterday. Mr. W. f. McKay, of King's Moun Uln, waa a Charlotte .visitor yeater dav morning. Mr. T. C. Dunlap. of Torkvllle, 8. C; waa registered amoae; the guests at the Buford yesterday, j. Mr. T. H. DeGraffenreid, of Colum bla. 8. C- was a Charlotte visitor yes terday. ' ... v Mr. H. J. Forsyth, f Chester. 8. C a well-known cotton mill man. spent yesterday - in the city. ; - Master John Martin Barrlnger, of Statesvllle, , is visiting Frank Brown Alexander at his home on South Try- on street. . Mr. Harvey lAmbeth haa returned from a several days" visit to Fortreas .Monroe, va. , - POLLING PLACES TO-MORROW. List of Flacea Where Votes May Be Cai , m Prohibiuon Election 'io ; Morrow A Question of Majority Only; . The polling places for the prohl bltlon election to-morrow wilt open at sunrise and close at sunset in the various - precincts of the city and county. While much Interest centres about the election ' throughout the State, there 4s little doubt but that a majority of the votea will- be cast "against - the manufacture and sale of . intoxicating llquora." The rnult In Charlotte 'township and Mecklen burg county will be awaited with considerable concern ' for the reason that a atrong fight haa betn made here by both aides, those for prohi bition and those against the "bill." The Issue is but one of majority, ac cording to the estimate of the best posted politicians. . There are some, however, who claim that the out come . In . Mecklenburg- county will prove a surprise. The Observer has already'' pub lished a lint of the reglHtrars and Judges of the election. The follow ing is the official 'designation of . the polling places for Charlotte town ship: i - Ward , I, box 1 city hall. -" ' - Ward 1, box S. Beattle's store, cor ner Ninth and Caldwell streets. . Ward t. box 1, county court house. Ward ' 2. box - 2, Hooper's store. South Try on street - v Ward I, box 1, Page' shop, cor ner Church and Fourth bUeeta. Ward S, box . 2. Kldd'a store, on Mint etreet. Ward J. box J. W. J. Flte' rtore. Chadwlck Mill. Ward 4, box 1, No." 22 West Fifth street ' - ' Ward -4. bor 2. E. W. Berryhlll tore, corner Ninth and Pine streets. JUSTICE'S . DECISION1 TO-DAY, Thaw's Counsel la Not Highly Hope ful of a favorable Dcrbaon From Justice Morschauser Mrs. William Thaw Visits Marry. ' , Poughkeepsie. N -T., May 24.- Justice Morschauser will band down hia decision to-morrow morning in the habeas corpus proceeding of Har ry K. Thaw, in which evidence" was taken a week ago. No hint' of the purport of the de cision haa been given but action ta ken by Thaw a lawyers, Jamea ' G. Oraham, yesterday, waa. rewarded Indicating that he waa not highly hopeful of a decision favorable to his client. fSAr. Graham secured - from District Attorney Mack a stipulation that Thaw should neither be given his freedom nor sent back to Mat- aeawan after the filing of the decision until a formal order haa been aigned by (be Judge.. This will have the ef fect of keeping Thaw In the Dutch ess county jail for a week longer.' During, this time, should the deci sion be unfavorable to Thaw, an ef fort will be made to Induce District Attorney Jerome to consent to ThaWa commitment to one of the Staae In sane asylnma other than Matteawan. Thaw wa visited In the Pough keepsie court house to-day by his mother, , . . .---. y-, ' 1 " i . . KILLING AT WIU'ITIKH. , Berry Dunlap Tank fp. Renew an Old Quarrel and Fires Three Sliot at -CW Ct-af a lUIllnf Him In atantly. . , ,. -. Asheville, May 24. A measag re ceived her from Whlttler, to-night states that Berry Dunlap shot and In stantly killed "Cub". Craig. In that city, this afternoon. Dunlap, It is said, bad been drink- inr heavily tor some time and when he met Cralge near the Whlttler sta tion, an dd quarrel between the men waa renewed. Hot worda passed fee- weeo the two, and Dunlap nulled a re volver and fired three times at Craig, all shota taking effect. Cralge fell without uttering a sound and Dnniap turned and fled Into the mountains. Up to 10 o'clock to-night be had not been captured. Lad Kicked by Horse. Master Jess Shumaker. the 10-year- Old son of ' Mr. Wlllam Shumaker, wa kicked by a boras Saturday night on .McDowell street, receiving a rath er ugly cut on hia left leg below his knee. Had he not been very close o the animal the Injury-would nave been muca more serious. The roam fellow shewed fine nerve. Five stitches were taken la the wound. - - Melt the millions of cakes of Ivory Soap which were sold last year into one gigantic cake and it would be bigger than the biggest battle-ship that floats ; Isn' t that Wonder ful ?" you say. "Shows what advertising will ::do,oesn,tit?,lvV:0; Yes. ; And it also shows how great is the demand for a pure soap Tthat sells at a fair price, v ; Ivory Doap f 99 4loo Per Cent. Pure. u BRIEFS. A : Few Bflnor ' Happening ' m .About the City. The "Anderson baseball team passed through the city yesterday en route home from Winston-Salem.. The rreat election la to-morrow, the polla opening at sunrise and clos ing at sunset. - .. .. . . - .. All of the vaudeville shows will ange bills to-night. One-half of the movlna- nicture show, will also put on trtittlmk-?rrr?tr.''?'' A calendar month from ? to-day until the Democratic State convention. which will be of Interest to at least three North Carolina gentlemen. The Margaret Wilson Society of the Second Presbyterian church will meet thla afternoon at 4 o'clock with Miss Eunice . Anderson.' on .Wast Fourth street . -a Dr. C. R. Montgomery was called to Lancaster. S. C. yesterday after noon by a telegram announcing the serious illness of little Martin craw ford. Mr. and Mra J. W. Crawford' little child. . The skyscraper on the Osborne corner I rapidly mounting skyward and it name- la daily becoming more appropriate. The steel support are now up In the -neighborhood of the fifth or alxth stories. - -- - : The meeting of Ossis ' Temple, Ancient Arable Order Noble of the Mystic Shrine, In Aahe vllle, June 11th, U being looked forward to with i maximum of pleasure. - The Indica tion aro a big delegation will at ten l from'Charlou. ' .. ' - , Mr. George s. Wilson spoke to a packed house at Belmont Presbyte rian church, yesterday morning - on missions. The veterans chofr fur nished Inspiring music. At a congre gational meetlnj after the service. It waa desldod to add a Sunday school room to the churcn. . f v v . Numbers 1 of Charlotte . people. both ladies and gentlemen, are pre paring to attend the various com mencements at Davidson, r University, Trinlay and other colleges,,. Davidson la already under way, tha University begins the latter part of the week and Trinity's begin , 8unday, June Had any of the members of the' board of pubMo service ventured on the streets ' yesterday " they would doubtless nave ., observed the reason why 'there Is a demand for street sprinkling on Sunday. " The board could hardly do anything that would excite , more approval and endorse ment,'.' ' . '.'.' ' l'i , ': ' IT REACHED THE SPOT. Mr. E. Humphrey, who own a lam reneral ator at Omera, O., and la prea- ident of the Adams County Telephone Co., aa well as of the Home TeleDhone Co., of Pike County, O., says ol Dr. Klna'a New Dlsooyeryl "It saved my Ufa once. At least I think it did. It seem ed to reach the spot the very seat of my couch when everything else failed." Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; It jiaals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and cheat Sold under guarantee at all drug etorea. too. and IX Trial bottle free. The King Fruit Preserving Powder , Tested and proven to be the 'beat made. , , A 2 Sc. package will preserve fifty-pound of fruit Registered Nurses' Directory. ? y (Oraduata Nurae only). Banvcll-Dunn i Retail Store Phone 41 and S00.' The Arrowsmith For relief of weak or broken down arch. A great many people give out In their feet on account of thla weak ness. Where the arch ! , broken down we have e shaping machine to adjust the prop .by acgreea, doing awst with the torture necessarily ex perienced by raising too much at first ; Made of Oerman Silver, will not rust; one pair will do the work. Send" for circular." Made for men, ladles, boys, girl and children. GILCER-fuOORE CO; SnOE DEALERS. KICE COUSTRT HAMS . Klngan' Reliable Ham and ' the celebrated Westphalia Hams. w. u. cRownj Tbooe Hi and 117. Prop IVEY S mm lili A becemlng.-'stytlsh-Hatl abac--j lutely necessary. Tou f ca ndo with last year's dreaa but you most have an up-to-date Hat. -". ., Special Jot wide brim Sailors, with ilk bands, regular 11.00 grade.. 75c. Prettr Trimmed Hau .....$2.00,. $2.&0, 9S.O0, etc. RTBBOX 6PECL1L Wide Silk Ribbon, Black, White and Color. . 10c. yd. Very wide Silk ''Ribbons, many of them regular 26c.gTades, stiff Black. White- an Colors fer-the hair, etc.,- at 15c. TAILORED SKIRTS AT 1-4 OFF From one of .our. best, manufa'c-. turers. Voiles, Panamas, etc., bought at( one-f ourtb off and sold same way. Ladles' fine Skirts, $4. 0 to 17.50; grades. .$5.00 $1.00 to 110.00 gradea........$7.50 $12.50 to 111.00 ffrade..... $10.00 , i LAWNS Beautiful atyle line 15c. Lawns, at ...... ....... 10c. yd. Good, nice Lawn ...5c. yd. Special values, 40-Inch Persian Lawns and India Linons . . .-. . .10c., 12 l-2c. and 15c. yd. IVEY'S ' Annonncement. : I : Dr. Newton Craig bega to announce that be haa opened office at No. 25 and 20 Piedmont Building for the practice of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat dlseaeea. . FOK SALE CRUSHED BTONK IN slsea suitable for all grades concrete work. Will quote you delivered prices by wagon or oars on application. Fred Oliver, Charlotte, N. c. ASK FOR BLUB RIBBON LEMON AND Vanilla, the finest extract poaalble to produce. Oo twice aa far as other kinds and flavore perfectly.-- - "GUARD WELL TOUR TONOUB." Llatenl Large Tongue, well, cooked, all the skin reiSovad, every once eatable, neatly packed In glass Ke. Richardson t Robbine' Cold, rolled, peeled Ox Ton ' rue in tins, tSo. , Armour's 2-1 b. cans OX Tingue. TSe. ' MILLER-VAN NESS CO. Fresh . Schwsitse's to-day, Oc- pound . t WOODALL BHEPPARD, DRUO Klata are now located at 21 South Tryon St. They give prompt and accurate aervloe to all parts ef the city. - Tele- . phone t. " . WANT - SOMETHINO OOODT ' TAKE home a fresh box of Jacoba' Candy. None better maile, try It and you'll see. JA9. p. BTOWE . A . COM . Drugglsta. .'Phone 17. - , LARGE; PINEAPPLE 16c.. BERMUDA -Onions Wo. peck. Oranges Kto.. Virginia Hams 16c., other kinds lJHo. Best Cream cheeee 16 t-lc., beat Lemons 15a. BRIDO ERS A CO., 201 West Trad street. . NICE -TO-DAT: ' SNAP tBEAN8 AND New Potatoes. Squash, Sugar Peas, Salad, Nw Dry Onions, Green Cabba, tRadishea, Sweet Potatoes, alee Straw berries, Banana. Oranges and Apples. , Nice Mackerel at 10c. that la nice. Try . our Coffees, Juat aa good a anyone In the city has. Prices from 10c per pound t 0c' Splendid line of all kinds of T. For Ice tea or any old way. JNO. W. SMITH. 'Phone 1322 and 1430. TO LET PALMER AND MIDDLE PT8., ti2.60; 11 West Palmer, tt; 10 Worthing ton Ave., flC7; Euclid Ave., tls.67; . Bunnyslde, 1H acres and nice cottage, -112-60; T1S E. th. g; Gold street tl2.M; Belmont Ave., Belmont, 17; at ore. V Pegram street ball over Mills' stora. 14th street,' , 010; office or bed rooma, Sanders' . Building. E. L. KEESLER, 25 & Tryon street 71(000 FOR RENT, m N. BREVARD, g ROOMS modern, eleetrie lights; to K. rth, T rooms, modern, elactrie lights; tig K. Hh, 4 rooma; Bit V. B.. 4 roomeulolj JC 4th. I rooma; tai N. Caldwell. I rooma -. Other 1 4 and S-room cntteaoe. 'phone U. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON ac BKO. THIS GEM I CONDUCTINO THE DEN. tr as a oining room tor ladiee aspa clally. This room haa been refitted and refurnlnhed and every facility poaalble U rrovlded for prompt, axeeUent aervta. 'ollte attandanta and strict order malnr Uioad. TTPEWKITERS RENTED 100 rental rrarhlnae. all makea. roy for Instant dltirry. Every onachtna flrat-elaas In very parUculnr. J. E. Crajrtoa Ca til a, Tryon, 'Pbona sot, . ParfiSijaaalat Special Notices rr BELK . MONDAY We Put on Sale a Lot of New Specials Suitable For Midsummer Wear and Use. . v. . t - ., i 18c. White Poplin at 10c Nothing equals this fabric for ladies', separate skirts. This is a pretty .'quality worth 18c. On Bale while it lasts at 10c. yd. New Bordered Lawns--The patterns we show are the latest. Special prices 1 v i .i .... . ;-Vi . ... . 5 . 10 &nd 12 l-2c. 5c. Colored Lawns at 4c An endless range of patterns to select ' from ; Col ored Lawns sold everywhere at 5c. yard. Our price. .. . . .... i.4c. 25c. White Dotted Swiss at i5c.AVhite "Dotted Swiss, 'the fine seed dots that are so popular and make up so prettv; 25c. quality. . . ... . ... . 15c. yd. 18c. Yard White Stripe and Checked Dimities 10c. These are in short lengths, 3 to 10 yards; prettv patterns in stripes and checks. Price. .10c. yd. Dainty Emhroideries Worth 20c., at 10 and 12 l-2c Dainty Embroideries, ... the, hand machine" kindy in matchsets, both Swiss and Nainsook; 20 and :u 25c. values, at. . . .17. 7777, .H; CTa". . . .7:r:7:iQ'md 12"12cr ydr 25c. Corsets at 9c A well made little Batiste Girdle that sometimes sells at 25c., all sizes; splendid for summer wear Special price. . ...... . ; . .9c. A good,' strong taped Girdle. . Special Price .... .23c. Ladies' Underwear Bargains Ladies' full taped , and bleached TJndervests worth 10c. Special ... .... . . . ..... .... . . .5c. Ladies' extra size Vests, full taped and bleached. .... .10c, or 3 for 25c Net Waists at Lower Prices These are a recent purchase from a manufac turer closing out spring stock: ' $5.00 Net Waists.,... ......$3.98 $3.50 Net Waists at.... ...... ... ..$2.50 $3.98 Net Waists at.... .....i .... .... ...... .... ....... .....$3.00 Heatherbloom Petticoat Bargains Another lot of lleatherbloom Petticoats, cut with deep sheered flounce and wide sween. COlors: urey, Tsavy, Royal Brown and Black; $2.50 values. Special... $1.93 New Lot of the Well-Known Cash Braids and Rufflings. WHOLESALE An Appreciation of the "Defense" Raleigh, CM lay 21, 1908. Mr. James II. Moore, Macon, Ga. Your arrangement of facts is overpowering ftnrl r.orivirifinjy. Tf: in the best elucidation of the subject that I have seen, and I believe I have read them all. I believe you have done more to solve this prob lem than any other liv ing man, and you have orougnt out an amount of proof that is quite a revelation to me, and I do not see how any one can attempt to answer your argument. With appreciation for your labors, I am, Yours for truth, -PINCK. 0. ENNIS, Secty N. O. Patriotic . . Society. Defense of the Meck lenburg Declaration , . of Independence, f ' By J ames H. Moore, Price $1.50 net. By ; ii mail $1.62. Stone & Barringer Co. Sale Agents, Charlotte, X. C. Commencement and Wedding Flowers 'V.- -- . - - " ' 1 - 1 .." -- .'.. r ate now the go. Dont fail to send or order them from Scholtz. Jhc florist BROS, i K . - t J 9-2 J EAST BELK BROS. Century Paint is a strictly pure linseed oil paint, and has been in constant use for the past quarter of a century. Pigments of un-. questioned quality are used in its manufacture. It is to-day the recognized standard for abso lute purity and real worth. TORRENCE PAINT CO., 10 N. Tryon. 'Phone 178. I . 1 TRADE' STREET RETAIL We have the clothes 'you should wear if you wish to be a , well . dressed man -a style leaderand have the, satisfaction of knowing that in A fashion, fabric and fit, you have the best ready-for-service clothes that can be pro duced. V.4, . . . . v lx V a- 4 tit m m m A km WW