CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, "JULY 5, 1903.'- re SOCIAL Af'D FERSOIIAL fisf.-: mai Mrs. jaroas H. Honing ; frorSfa. f .august. Oa wera reglatsr- 4 tmoif tha arnsata t tna Beiwyn Fastssday, -MrrM4 jIti. John "TO, Tuofcer haf" -' teased the furnished; apartment at Mr and Mn, WBUgrthMMW loklDr Vane Pars;-an wm occupy V It during the lummer. Mr. and Mrs. f Orabam -will bo absent ta the npun ' tams until the fail. Mr.-and Mrs. : : Tusker will take possession early this ii' wsek. ' : r ""' " , ,-, '.,,--;- " .V-.;.. - ? Mr. and Mrs. Jt M. Miles, of Raek- Ingham, and Mrs. C. D.. Miles and daughter, of Imrobertdn,' warsregls ' - tersd among th fuesta at the Buford 33kFstrday.' - i r ' ; - "Tryoa-Street Metho&lst church, which - jromises to ba interesting, will be held blbi..aftarnoon In the Sunday school "... -room at o'clock. Mra, W. W, Ha " 'rood, it is announced, has a number TTf "sBrpi1sethesosiety and new members, together with vlrtorar;wH V be cordially welcomed. -1 't .T: 'mijs ary AaUihe llulalaaughter f Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hall, la spend ing some time In ReldsvUct with her cousin. Miss Dixie HH, ; k I. V Mrs. Martha Hall, of-Reldsville, -risking' at the home , of .her son. 3r,-J Tr- iiallr- on .South- MeDo well street. . , - ' ;. ' i,-. ..'; -Mitryrnntei, who . has bean pending the week at the Daridson Summer School, is now visiting friends 4 Mooresvllle. Mrs. Otis Aabury, of Richmond, Va., la spending a while Jit the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Mil ler on North. Myers street Mrs. As " bury recently tmderwoht ta operation for appendicitis but she is now fuily recovered and In the bent of health. MIw Mary B. Miller returned last evening, from Davidson, where she spent the week attending the summer school. - BRIEFS.. A Few 'a a nd Jfao Happening . ; , About tha ntT f .-: --. . Tws aaTsnaaaztwor:rnonth sound bstter thaa one In fifty, year -Communion will -he . celebrated at the First Associate Reformed Preaby- terianchurch;thls morning'. . i iRaln tM -: Interfered - with 4 the completion of tha steel work On the last story of tha skyscraper --Tha CaroIInaeaTtyiCorflpany haa sold to Mr. C. H., Robinson a lot on the (Providence road for f 1,5? 5. '. The Anderson fans certainly got two nice large lemons handed them for their money by the weather yeater nay. -,r . The excursion month Is hare and so are the .excursionists. ' Tha pic kickers, too, are hardly waiting for August, month of picnics. , 1 Rev; F. Dudley, Jones," pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church. ial-4h-iJAtJBaarsra-o-.w, J"l PP --- -Hec0-n'? 1 Inactivity la the real estate mar ket, is evidenced by the scarcity of deads beings filed with the clerk of the court, and register at the court bouse. ';-.-t. -.-iV 1 "r8mno-rla,4EEultaf all -kinds. Is be Inr broughMn from county orchards and placed on the market. Peaches, -plums and applfs are alt excellent this John Cowan Charlie Williams and Albert Gray, colored, were held In the sum of 150 each by the record er yesterday morning on the charge of gaming. . ; ; . . Rev. F. D. Jones preached an In terestlng sermon last nig:it In the meeting Is In progress. Much inter est was manifested. . -A-futt andTmptrreprt efUie present status of the city ex-hools of Charlotte Is being published on an ofher page of to-day's Observer, Mrs. J. G. Baskerville has returned from Raleigh, where she visited for several days her parents, Capt. and Mrs. James McGlenn. Mrs. Eduard gcholts and daughter, Misa Helen, will leave to-morrow for New York to visit relatives and fflnids for two months. . Mr. Scholtt and Ml Frsrces Bcholts will. leave for Newberry. 8. C... the former on business anil the latter on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. McDowelt wTll : leav this evening for Baltimore, Md. and will sail from that city to Brem en, Germany, on Wednesday, July 8th, taking pasxnge on the steamer Neck sr. of the North German Lloyd line, The will be Joined by Mrs. McDow ell's sinters who have been residing In Europe for the pant three years and will spend the summer with them In Germany and Swttserland. Rev. and Mrs. John Knox Colt, Rock Hill, 8. C, spent yesterday the city with friends. Miss Nell And-erson. of Statesvilie, 1r expected to awive In the. City this week to spend awniie with her cou sin. Mrs. Paul H. Allen, ort North Graham street Misses Ruth and Virginia Lllllard left yesterday morning for Wadesboro to ytmt friends. , . Miss Mary1 O. Graham and brother, Mr. Archie Graham, have gone to Blowing Rock and Valle Crucls to spend several weeks. Miss Evelyn Grler is spending the weeK-end witn ner sister, Mrs. c. N. Ci. Butt. Miss Grler la attending the Piedmont Summer School, at David -Mrs. J.-H. Oibbs. of Westminster, 8. C, has been spending several days with her parents, Col. and Mrs. R. E. Mason, having brought Jur little son, Mason, here about a week ago for an perMon. , The little fellovr" under went the operation last Wednesday and Is getting along nicely. Mrs. R. V Richardson and little daughter. Miss Frances Roberta, have returned to their home in Birming ham. Ala., after spending several weeks in the city with Mrs. iA. H. Richardson. Misses Ill'lle May and Katherlne nissctt, of Raleigh, who h ave been visiting Mrs. Paul TT. Brow, ro turned home yesterday. which will repay reading, Unverified rumors of an expected strengthening of the learn are afloat, awakening considerable interest among the dying baaebaU fans. The hope whioh springs eternal is still a-tprltiging, The board of aldermen will meet to-morrow night for the July session. The extension of the bltullthic pave ment will probably come up for con sideration, along with other matters of greater or less Importance. Mecklenburg Camp choir will meet this afternoon In the camp hall at 4:10 o'clock. All members and those who will join are urged to at tend. Mr. R. B. Hunter la leader of the choir. The series of games with the Winston club the first of this week will wind up tha second Up of the race for the pennant. If Charlotte Is to do anything she wilt have to .hurry for the season" is two-thirds gone.. Charlotte people will be Interest ed in the announcement which has Just been made that the Llhden Cot ton Mill at Davidson Hll resume operations to-morrow af tor- a . shut down lasting some time. This re sumption is an indication jf some what better conditions elthVr present or prospective. Mr. Tom C. Hege, who runs tha Old Curiosity Shop beneath the Pres byterian Hospital on West Trade street, will speak oh "The Nearness of the End of the World" at the court house this afternoon a X o'clock. As an Inducement to get the people out he advertises that he will sing two of his favorite songs. Sallie McKnlght, a white woman, waa sentenced to Jail for thirty days by the recorder yesterday morning, tha charge being vagrancy. She en tered- an appeal. She was charged by the police with having no visible means of support. She said she had been here but two weekst and , had parted from her husband at Dallas. The AiSdltorlum Is predestined to have a virled career of usefulness. llepub'.'can and Democratic State cor-ventlcns are all the same to It, since It passed unsJeged through the lira of the rrcaibU'on warfaie, being oa risv Sun.1 ay hiCting place far ths rUhttt'itis ana the next a rendea vous for the wicked. . If Charlotte eves has a prize-fighting, the Audi torium will be the place. , -Through the courtesy of the local rrvinager, Mr. James t. worthey, oi the Southern Bell Telephone anil Tel egraph Company, The Obtver will bo enabled to post long-disr)ine tele phone bulltttlhs from Denver through out the meeting there of the national Democratic convention. These are in teresting feature by which the whole country Is kept In close touch with Happenings in that ' far distant and highly positioned city. Correct! ix . Send; For Samples and Prices : J. P.Stevens Engraving Cof, Engravers . 47 Whitehall St, fltlanta,.ia. ; n n 1 1 - i , ' White House is easy to say and easy to remember. It's a Coffee that's rich with m exquisite flavor. It "will cause"ybu to remember the name. Whenever a de- iicious cup or . conee is . wanted, therefore, you must specify the brand. Say Qan of :White House, please. At all good grocer's. You'll be gladyou asked for . it White House Tea is just as !good as White House Coffee. PERSOXAIj. s. The Movements of a Number of Peo ple, Visitors and Others. Dr. E- Q. Houston, of Davidson, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday morn ing. Mr. Hsrry McRrayer., of Shelby, spent yesterday In tbo city. Mr. C. B. Steele, of Columbia, S. C, spent yesterday In the city on. busi ness. ' Mr. H. P. West, of Wilmington, was registered among the guests at the Buford yesterday. Mr. Gowan Dusenberry. of Concord, spent yesterday in the city on business. Mr. W. c. Heath, Monroe, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday: Mr. Vanre Norwood, Of Statesvilie, was registered among the guests at the Central yesterday morning. Mr. D. A. Balllnger, of Greenville, S. C., spent yesterday ( in the city on business. ' Mr. J. M. Edwards, of Hickory, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday.' Mr. Ked C.rimth, of Tbomasvllle, was a gut st at the Selwyn yesterday. Mr. John noiiside. of urcenviue, ('., spent yesterday In the city. Mr. Charles T. Williams, of Rich mond, Va. was a visitor in the city yesterday, stopping at the Selwyn. Mr. M. E. Hewstoe, f Birmingham. Ala., was registered among the guests at the Southern Manufacturers' Club yesterday. Messrs. W. S. Dllllng, F. W. Smith son, and M. K. Herndon, of King's Mountain, were visitors in the city for a few hours yesterday morning. Dr. W. W. IVnnell and Mr. E. H. Johnston, wore registered among the guests at the Southern Manufacturers' Club yesterdnv. Mr. s. p. Beatty. of Richmond. Wa., rls spending a few days In the city with relatives. t Mr. John R. Turrentlne. of Wil mington, Is the guest of Mr. C. M. Davidson. Mr. C. N. Harris, of Rock Hill. S. C. was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. W. It. Murray, of Rock Hill. S C, was registered among the guests at tne nurord yesterday. . Mr John Dtilln, who was formerly a resident of this city, now of Tampa. Fla., Is spending two weeks In the vicinity, the guest of friends. Mr, w. A. Kossamotu of Chatham. Va.. Is In thp city visiting relatives. Mr. A. S. Dalton, of Winston-Salem, waa registered amonsf the guests" at the Selwyn last night. Mr. J. F. Cannon, of Albemarle, Is spending to-day In the city. Mr. J. C. Smith, of Shelby, was a visitor In the rlty last night. . Live Wire Kills a Horse. A live wire belonging to the 4C's feu at the corner of West Second and South Tryon streets last night shortly after 8 o'clock and killed a horse passing by a few moments later. The horse belonged to Hartsell Kendal, colored, and was hitched to a night hawk driven by Lonnle Moore. Quite a little commotion was created for a short while until the repair force ar rived from the power station and cut off the current. Wholesale and retail a a. 19-21 EAST TRADE SL "Get It at Hawley'a." Perfect Prescription Work The power of many drugs evsporates with age. Our drugs can't become aged. Our prescription trade Is large. When ecrlption to act, bring Quick blcycl here too you want a pre- It here. messengers to serve you. I Hawley's Pharmacy Phones JJ and 26o. Tryon and Fifth Streets. Great Eeduction in Ladies' White Wash : Skirts and. ' - Shirtwaists. :? - .t . $1.25 White Wash Skirts, uut full and wide Special fo - close . ... . . , ... . . . ,89c. ' - 125Ladies' White, Shirt- Waists, all new designs and v ; extra value . . ..... .806, "THE VERY BEST ONE YET." 40-Inch -Lawn, very sheer and pretty, looks like real French La wn .... . 10c. ; 36-Inch Full Yard-Wide Bleached Domestic, worth 8 c. yard. Special . ...... . ,5c, ONE CASE GOOD HEAVY HUCK TOWELS. Good Huck Towels. . .............. ....5 and 10c. GALETEA CLOTH. - . ' 'Arnold's Galetea, fast colors , ,10c. BIG CUT 'IN COLORED LAWNS. r Five-Cent Counter. You will find qualities up to 15j cents 6c. Don't fail to see these, 10 and 121-2-cent Colored Lawns.... 8 1-2 and 9c. GREAT REDUCTION IN WHITE GOODS. V 46-Inch French and Persian Lawn, bought recently at a great saving. Special , '25c. 2o-cent Luna and French Lawns, 42 inches wide ..15and18c. 15 and 18c. Chock Dimities ' 10c. LONG CLOTH SPECIALS. A few pieces Long Cloth at big reduction. $1.75 qualities x. . . t $1.38 $1.50 qualities $1.19 15-cent Wash Poplin. 'Remnants, 2 to 1Q, yards in piece . ." '. . . .10c. A general clearing in all Summer Goods and in White Goods. Our stock has been purchased at low prices and hence the great reduction. Don't fail to see the Ready-Made White Skirts and Shirt Waists at special price of 89c. ! r Mrs. Ioliorlh Xo Better. The onlv word received laat nlicht from th AYhiteriead-Btokes Sanatori um, Salisbury, where Mrs. Lawrence A. Dodswortii is undergoing treat ment, was that she was no better. Her condition is regarded as critical and all of her near relatives have been summoned to rhe bedside. Special Notices BELK BROTIK GOLDEN GLORY Creamed Salmon Mrs. T. S. Franklin and Master T. B. Franklin. Jr.. are spending a whllo at Wrlghtsvllle. " Mrs. Isaac Falson and little daugh ter. Miss Eva, of Mount Olive, ar nvea in tne city yesterday and are the guests of Mrs. I. W. Falson. Mrs. -Ow H;- -Brockenhrough has returned from- Richmond, Va. , Miss Belle Ilinson, who has been spending the weekwlth relativea and ' friends at Newton, returned . home yesterday. .. JTr. . and Mrs. William Q. Oreea. -of .Asnevuie, were, registered among the ruests at the .Selwyn yesterday. : Mr. And Mrs. W. I Smith; of Flor- ... ence, 8. C, were Charlotte visitors yesterday. , . v Mr. and Mrs. B, ' Mr Graves, of reensooro. saenFestem x t k. ( cur, stopping at me seiwyn. - The VD1U" Taft In Town. Jolliest, best-natured face. that vanre iu uimrKHie ia inai .vhinh - beama on all passers-by from the shop wmoow or tne van Aoas Art Btore on " fCorth Tryon street Tt Is a splendid . likeness or Mr Taft, Republican nora . Ineo for the .presidency, and la r cuted In colors. The artist waa alfted I tne coo's, Tor the picture is a liv init. breathlnmhlng-. Berreath Is but one word -'Bill." .- That word com bined with the invitation of the faos is enough to make one stop, and smile rvnd then smile again. -Tha picture ts arranged against one of the plate glass corners and looka as if Mr. Taft were Just turning to extend greetings. It s rreat nd as si amlle producer haa 6unny Jim" beat a. city block. Oar bn WUkei Most CriUcally TTL ' 'At 1st hour last night, the condi tion of Capt John - Wilkes waa ww changed. He Is regarded as critically lit and his friend and relatives have almost. glren. up nope of hi recovery. -Owng o h-is advanced age, Wa rally ing powers are naturally limited and hi physician and .hi family, fear the WOrst - ' . -:.' . . 8PECIFT BLCJi RIBBOW. - Taaffla and yoa run no rink of spoiling yaw dslnty deweru. Tha beet cooks ar bsisa1 Blaa Ribbon Vanilla, : Try It onca ; 7 . . . . . : t : " . . ib. adjj:r gili,eswe dead. Vnrmrr Cliarlolto Otlscn Passes J.-aj In Columbia A Son of Jlrs. T. P. tilllesple and a Brother of Mr. Ju lian Gillespie. Both of-This City. Mr. Sadler Gillespie, a son of Mra T. P: Gillespie, and a brother of Mr. Julian Slllesple, both of Charlotte, died last night at 1:20 o'clock at his home in Columbia,' B. C, after a critical Illness of .' some tlvt. "fle had, wlthlathfl-paj!t-.f e w .days u nd er gone a serious operation and, follow ing fast on . his critical condition, there came late last night the intelli gence of his death. Mr. Julian Gil lespie, wher was maltttif preparations- to go to his bedside, left last night for Columbia. Major O. M. Sadler and Mr. Gillespie Sadler, uncle and eousinrTespectlvelyn" 6ftRe deceascaT will go to-day to attend the funeral. Mrs. Gillespie's going ig forbidden by the state or her health. - -The news Of Mr. Gillespie's death will be read with profound regret by many friend, who Tchew him In his earlier life as a Charlotte resident as well as later.-- He was born in this elty-t yeara-agor beinar the son ,of Col. and Mra T. P. Gillespie, who lived hers after tola birth a good many yriiri, rf raovinr ra i,nnmiuii, e. t... emu thence toTCoTtfrnbiar Mrr Gttlesi rwTid-aseTateaals sons In Concord, as married about a score of years ago to Miss Harriet English, of Columbia. His' wife and four children survive. H was a man of splendid character and ability and occupied an Important place both in tha commercial and social life of Co- Jumbla.,,.....-?.;;.-, . -,(,? rv..- : ' At liatta Park. ' The play for the first three nlgtrN or tne coming week Is entitled the "Ku-KIuic Klan, a story of the South shortly after the war. It Is promised to be one of the best effort of this excellent stock company. There Is not a dull moment in the play, the last act being especially good. Intruder Irft Clothe Behind. Rev. Dr. J. R. Bridges, whose home waa burglarised a4 law days ago and much clothing stohn. imonr the -lat icr ona coat worn by a boy Jellied In Virginia by a train, has written Chief Christenbury that later a, pair of un identified trousers was found chucked In the ce bog. ; Tha pant would fit roy of ll.f Ther may . orova : a Vsluable means of Identification for Charlotte parents, If tha chief can ob tain possession of them. " Dr. Bridges has returned to Uacolnton, :. , . Dr. J. a nifford to Rearn hi a Week: fDr. i.- Sv', Clifford, who ' several weeks ago went up to Kashus, to visit his mother. Is Just convales cing from a sever attack of malaria! fever and will not return to thai city for a week yt." Dr. Clifford's many friend will regret to learn of hi re cent Illness but will rejolc ta know that, he is getting along well. -. Kind's G hill and Fever Tonic Gives Appetite, . Renews Health. Restores Vitsllty. HO rrnti i bottle. ; 7 Registered Norses' Directory. (Graduate Nurses only). Burwell-Dunn Retail Store 'Phone 4t and SOO. 1HE-W40 TIE-TO .. Amherst Very fine Patent Leather two-eyelet Ribbon Tie, turn sole"," extension edge7I 'xnili-' tary heel; size 1 to 7, width A to K, Price.. . . ..$3.50 'This" shoe fitted with buckle '- makes latest - style Colonial Pump, ( Price $3.75 Just Received the Likely Solitf"Cane Suit Cases, very ; handsome. Price . . $3,0Q 6llLIER-f,:00RECO. NICE TODAY- FRK8H KGOS AT 16c. the doieti. Nice. Country Tomntoen. Okra unrt Oreen Sweet lepprii and Cantaloupe!.. Nice Tea and Coffer at all klmls of prices. Call earlv. JNO M'. SMITH.. I'll ones 12a and 1430. ISE BMR RIBBON VANILI.A AND your puddlna. cakes, le or earn and other table delicacies are always per fectly flavored. SEND V,a YO! R PRESCRIPTION TO lay In our store they are handled only by graduate pharmacists. A Service that will really elicit praise JAS p. 1 8TOWK CO.. Druggist. 'Phone 17. j THERE IS KO ECOXOllT TN BUTING cheap Tea If you are a fair minded peraon. I can prove to you that our Flowery Orange Peko Ta Is cheaper at II per pound than any wc. -pound Tea on the market. MII.I.ER-VAN NKSH CO. .. PHONE TOT'R ORDF.RS TO WOOD- ALL A SHEPPARD for drugs and sick- -room aupplls iuy iva- prompt ann accurate service to all parts of ths city. 'Phone s. RATjE CRT'SHKI) FTONB IN suitable for all gradea concrete Will Quote you delivered prices bf -viftm vr Mra on appHcthnu TttS Oliver, Charlotte. N. C. ron 1 slses work. FOR RENT-THAU. , NKW BRICK buildleg, Beiment Ave. ana peram Bt.. 1S. 700 N. Poplar I room; tm M. Brevard I rms: 1203 ft. Tryon T rooma: -7Ui ti. Ttrtver S rooms: Tit B. Church m room: 9 . . iiu . ruviua. vni- 4 and s-rnom bonnes. . J. ARTHCR HENDERSON Y,BRO. - -. - TOU CAN FIND A BETTER DINNER than we are servma now our (nt dining room, and ymi can't find a' mora tip-to-date and satisfactory lunch counter thaa Ours. OEM RESTAUR ANT CO. -' - TO T-KT- ROOMS. PALMKR AND Middle, mi room. I'aimer, fi; 4 rooms, 717 E. th. rooms. Sunny, side. IK acres, well enclosed, barn. TcSlcken heoaea and yard, all for U1.M; I room, su iota 17.mi room. Dllworth. n4.C7; 7 rooms. Orad gt, $N; I room. Oak St., til; larae hall, Uth and c t., fiu; room is vanosra Build Ing, IS. - KEESLEB, . Tryoa si. Phona'm .1..:- - two tablespoons Gol den Glory Cooking Oil, two tablespoons flour and 1-4 tablespoon salt and dash of red poppef. Cook and stir until smooth and bubbling. Slowly stir in one cup milk and the yolk of one egg. Cook until it thickens. Add 1-2 Tb. can of salmori, carefully minced. Blend it thoroughly into the boiling cream. x Turn into a baking dish or ramekins. Cover, with cracker crumbs and bake. SAVE BUTTKU l.'SE Golden Glory Cooking Oil A UJroccrJci. Pianolas at Sacrifice Prices A few slightly used Pianolas to close out quick at $150.00 each. Worth $250.00. Buy a Pianola and there will be no silent piano in. the home. Don't be confused; there is but one Pianola and that is made by the Aeolean Company, New York. Easy terms of payment if you wish. , Parker-Gardner Company Brannon Carbonating Co, Box 21. Phon 1876 1905 an4 have always tried toive them goods that were, exactly Wisfc ARE CLEANER B f01, theiriloyalLisupp TTPEWRITER8 RENTED-IOS - rental machines, all maka. rtaay for Inttanl al!rry. Rvrry machine flrct-cliut la erery particular i, K Cray too Co, ta n. Trroa. 'Pbooe mi. - , . -SffiijUwfianp- - W. aC CROWELIk rbosteal 144 'a4 f. AVhen a e launder your flat work we return the clothes to you cleaner than It Is poaalbls for them to bo made by any other method. , Wa use so much more water, change the - water, ao many more times, use so much beU: ter 'and purer soap and rlnso the goods so . much mora' thoroughly than It Is posalbla to do at home, by machine of hand, that there Is a difference Immediately dlscarnabla in the ppearanca of tha clothes. ' . If you try It onca you'll not to back to the old way again. Qi2ricttc ; Stcan ietnniry Laandcrrra, Uycra,' Cleaners, ; Sit Soatli Tryoa Bt..- . DOING THE BUSINESS - - WHY? " because we have- held the confidence of. our patrons the panic which by their aid we have not felt Through iotir r&ptipri; we Jbaye been known as the oldest and best clothing house! in the State arid we intend to still hold it . ? Us