. .. : f - : . :'" " : .5 . ' CHAELOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, JULY 7, 1903.. . I VMOX1STS HAD. CEXEERATIOX. IJV UTTERS AXD, HARBORS PIAXK. 6PORT1XG UFK TS BCRMAH. ii 1 ' ' - - , '" ' ' - ' " , " "' " j" ' " ' ' " ' - ... . .- . - i v ' ! ' ounty Gathered to Help Monro l'o,', Remember la Prler Manner ti'f ! rt today of XttloMl Jmlepeua ente. ' ,,: . .. f?crl Thouind:cauMStlljWrTtorJlDer-Write ' Chairman (Wilie Jones, or the SouUi Carolina -Delegation, rrgtng Him to Get Such Juwertcd by the DerrKH-rai. , t I-"-Observer Bureau, ; . ...,'- : J49 Skyscraper Building. ; " i Columbia, ft c, July . ' Mr. U B, IXler, la charge of the South Atlantic seaboard territory a director of the National .'Rivera' and Harbor Congre, in it project to get a 90.ooo,DD0i appropriation from tne Federal Congress to develop inland waterway. has - written ? Chairman W'ille Jones, of the 8outh ' Carolina delegation; o Den ver, urglag him to get, inserted in the national Demo cratic platform a plank for rivers and narnors improvement, t ,j The correspondence Mr. Dollar and other directors has been- having recently w4th members of Congress and candidates for Congress indicates hearty approval of the project of the Rivers and Harbors Congress, and Mr. Dorier is convinced the project has a splendid chance of being put into law by the next Congress. Mr. Dozier says In his letter to General Jones: The directors of the Rational Rivers and Harbors Congress would feel very much gratified if it were possible to have a plank In the Demo cratic platform declaring for th im provement of the rivers and harbors throughout the United States. 'I enclose a copy of a letter which ha been sent to the Senators and Congressmen throughout the country, and In nearly every Instance their re ply has l)en that they are heartily in favor of our policy, ami will give us all thr assistance possible In getting the desired appropriation through the Kjxty-tirxt Congress. ' if this plank should be inserted In the Denver Democratic platform I have no doubt that it would be the means of getting a good many Repub- ocratlc party " ThiH is the letter that has been !ent nut to members of Congress and candidates for Congress: "Dear 8lr:-As you are, no doubt, aware the National Rivers and Har bors ('onrea. of which 1 am a direc tor, la very anxious to have Congress adopt at its next session a liberal and comprehensive waterway policy, which will provide for the proper Im provement within the next ten years of every worthy water course In the Union. 'V advocate annual rivers and harbors bills of at least 150,000,000 In the accomplishment of this much-d-lrcd end. and we are anxious to know just who our friend are, and what we can depend upon. Our country is vitally Interested In this question and needs large sums for Its rivers and harbors. "I believe this Is one of the most Important questions before the Ameri- i can people, and I am sure that th vsfft majority of your constituency are n favor of the policy our organiza tion advocates 'Will you kihdly Ter the" hear from f you In the premises, giving your views on the subject snd telling me how you stand. It would be gratifying to know that you are enthusiastically in favor of or pmpHganda and willing to give It your willing Bnd powerful .support" NKWH FROM 1KKDKIJ8 miTTAL Correspondence- of The Observer. I i .Monroe, July 1 About two ; thousand out-of-town people cam to Monroe ye - terdiy to help ths' town (oik celebrate the Fourth. - The number of -visitors was only half that' at last year's celebrstlon. but thl is accounted lor by the threaten ing weather of "the early morning. The showers thafell at Intervals during the entire' day could hot dampen the" en triilaani of the people, but they did have th effect of making the decoration . and regalia, look somewhat woe-begone betor the, day was over. . The parade, composed of old - soldiers, horsemen f rem all sections of Vhe county, - and ; "floats' representing all sorts of - things, was the first event ef the day. It was a-brave affair, and tbe bravery of . i th participant was tested, tob. and not found , wanting, tor they underwent a ' downpour of rain st one period that made . ' th name of 'float." which seems to be -. toestowed indiscriminately on any kind of vehicle as long as It is In a parade, quite applicable for st least once In Us life. Th prise of $15 tor tbe best commercial float wa awarded to the Jackson Club. This organisation was shrewd enough to leave the designing of its float entirely ' so some ladies, who constructed a thing f beuty and s .Joy torever out of an v rdinary wagoa by decorating the same with a scheme of color In which white - and yellow predominated. To crown all. rand to msk the ceiie immortal. Mrs. J. A. Stewart, as queen, and Mrs. James . Griffith, Mrs. O. W. Korhtiuky. Misses Pattle Lee, Margie Williamson. Lena - Henderson and Miss Dillon, as godesea - of liberty, dressed lu white robes, and en circled as to their liea.la with golden crowns.- filled the apotheosized wagon ttn grace snd beauty. Oh: the Jackson Club knows s thing or two shout ttie winning of prises. Mrs O B Caldwell does, also, for she took , the prlie fir the best prtvst float Little Miss Hattie n..lv maa awarded the nitre for the iertony no. t. and the Woodmen of th. J getting a good World from Price'. M.ll catn- down and. Ilea nvoU . for the em aptured the prtie for the hest noai rrnm a township outside of Monroe. The first prise for the best window decoration went to the W. J Rudge Company, and the second prise to the Heath Hardware Company. The Monroe Fire Company won the reel race hsnds down, snd with it the prise of 3 while the Independent Compsny carried off the grab race The foot race was won by the fleet-footed "Reddy" Stewart, the ssftie who distinguished him elf lster In the day by his pitching In the gsme between Monroe snd Wsdes " boro. when the-Jetter team whs detested, as slready chronicled The mule race was won by Mr. Lonnle Williams- that is. It was won by one of. his mules. The damp weather did r.oi prevent the fireworks exhibition at the power house, which began st t i at night, fioni being fins success.' This completed the set programme, but n unexpected feature was Introduced by the appearance of a socialist orator, who mounted a box in thtreet in front of English's drug" '"'tor snd proceeded to tell the crowd that quickly ga'hered around what fools they were for being Democrats or Republican. sndremI1ntHg downtrf'd'len and povtx stricken, when It was surb a simple matter to Join In with th HoclaltM party and make the plntor rats disgorge their Ill-gotten gains, so that everybody might hsve sn equal share Ui the wesllh of the country. This sounded all right to th. crowd. Which was utmiilijiniis in Its ex pression of willingness to psrtlc.lpate in the general distribution of wealth, but ''they wanted to know how the thing was to be brought shout without Incurring the dsnger of srrest for grand larceny or ffrnethlng worse The orator did not '"" hsve time to go into this matter fully, so he produced a pamphlet which, for the mall sum of cents expended thereon, regular price :tf cents, would explain the method which the crowd was inquiring about, besides msny other things useful for American citliens o know When Uie udlenee discovered that th' tuiclsltst was trying to get money from tliern. Instead f showing them how to get .money from others In as legal way. they lost all in- " terest in the game, snd not a hook was sold. K few quirk-tempered ones were o disappointed at having their rlreams f anrfrlen wealth so rudely shattered that there was talk of assassination, in which the orator would tw compelled to play the part of victim, but wiser counsel prevailed and be was allowed to depart with his lite and his books. Popularity of' Bull Ra1n g Pugilists -Strike- WlU-Tle-jEjFes - fcbaW Calcutta Statesman, f - A Tornr rf speculation not generally known in England but very popular In Burnish u bull racing. A cer tain nstive sports man Is the owner or one or tne bulls, tor woicn n ha refused aft -offer ef iifl.OOO rupee. It ha won several races and ie looked after and as carefully tended as a Derby.-favorite.' h owner values It at 2s, 809 rupees, and it -is said" it bring him In an annual in-, come of from 11,000 rupee to 16,-. 000. It is carefully guarded by four men lest it may be got at and "doctored.' j Burmana also, patronize boxing eagerly, . but 'the art can scarcely be practiced according to Queenaberry rule, for - we are told by a- pro vincial reporter that he ha ob served that "even the, best boxer strike out with-their eye tightly but. and mthyd-oJiiteach. other it is more by chance than anything else. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one needs a tonic to off-set the customary hot weather Nerve and Strength depression. Tou will feel better within 4K hours after beginning to take such s remedy as Dr. Snoop s Restore tlve. Its prompt sction In restoring the weakened nerves is surprising, or course, you won't get entirely strong. In a few days, but each day, you can actually feel the Improvement. That tired, lifeless. spiritless feeling will quickly depart when using the Restorative. Dr. Bhoop's Restorative will sharpen a railing appe tite; it aids digestion; it will strengthen the weakened Kidneys and Heart by simply rebuilding the worn-out nerves that these organs aepena upon. Test It few days and be convinced. Sold by Mullen s Pharmacy. THE ARREST OF II. ('. WYCHB. Man WIm la Alleged to Have Swindled a Charlotte Printing Cowwn and Othef Mrtna, After binding Oflltws, Gate Himself Away by lrcriitlng Hit Card. Special to The Ohaerver. 'Statesvllle, - July 6. R. C. Wycfcje. formerly of Charlotte, a "smooth article." was arrested by Deputy Sheriff J. W. Ward, of Statesvllle. late Friday night on a chargV of obtaining money by false petenso nd forgery ami was taken to Char lotte yesterday and turneoV over to the chief of police of that city. The arrest was made at Long Island, Catawba county, while Wyche was making an attempt to get to Ca--tawba station to board a train. Mr. 'ard had followed him to long Island from Statesvllle, a distance of about 12 miles. - Wyche formerly traveled for the Queen City Printing Company, of Chrlotte. and it Is alleged that h. -worked that compa-ny for $150 r mere: worked Boatwrlght Rros., of " Danville. Va . Tor 125; th Prople'e .Bank, of Roxburo. for JSO or mor nd probably worked others for mounts aa large. Ills game whs to 'Induce cashiers to pay bogus drafts, i: The arrest of Wyche was brought bout Jn an unusual manner. Klnce "he worked the ChaTTWe" printing -company. In 190. all effort to capture him have been in vain, al though It seems that he has recently -been traveling for another concern ind has beeti in the State a good deal of th time.- Friday Mr. F. H. f Farron, book-keeper for the Queen City1 Printing tNwnpany, was in town "fet : Hotel Iredell and it happened that Wyche was also at the. hotel, Neither of the men knew the other, 7uTwTOlern-tlie)rrihy-of -the hoti-t t;1b -th - afternoon 4hey t Engaged in conversation and Wyche handed Farron til card . r When Mr. Far ron J-ead the name' en the cail he recognised it as the name of the man. whom Mr. H. A. Mu trill, of the printing company, had informed him . bad swindled the company and he . Immediately began Questioning ' Wych. Wyche realized that he Was about to be .caught and asked for. Farron to return the crt to ' Mm Mr. Farron refused snit Wv.-h. in. I Bltnuson. Newbern, . mediately left the hotel, secured team from stable and - left for lng Island, where h pretended to have buine. . Kr. Farron lost no time In hunting tip Sheriff Ward nd we ring out warrant for Wych before Justice Flosn. The warrants were placed in the hand of Mr, Ward and th latter -sfSsJ-f i ncw nn lhetri of Wyche,-, who left town about o'clock, and the arrest was made Mini hour later. '' - . Big Iitc-reann For Veiar In Internal lie veil lie OUnfJnna cvv Struc ture IlHng vrnplctc( and Work llcgun on Otlicra. Special to The Observer. Ktatexvllle. July i'ashler. R. li. Roberts, of Internal Revenue :ollect- I or Brown s office, reports thai the to taj. '.rpllcctlons b- the office for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 180S, amounted to J," 98,055 SO, against $2.3ss,2!ti S3 during the year ending June 30th, 07, an increase of 1409, 762.97. Work will begin in a few days on a handsome nine-room rcsldencevto be built for Mr. R. A. Cooper, of Marion, on his lot on Walnut street between t lie J. E. Sloop residence and the W. M. Cooper home. Mr. Coop er, who Is a Statesvllle man, will re turn here to live und will occupy his new residence. Mr. T. L. Mteele, lo cal builder, will have charge of the construction of Mr. Cooper's resi dence. The new business block on Centre street, the property of Messrs. R. V. Brawley, L.. C. Wagner and W. W. Cooper Is practically completed and one of the four store rOoms Is al ready occupied and the others will be this week. The first occupants of the new building are Messrs. Braw ley r Freldman, clothiers, who have moved into one of the largest store rooms of the new block from a small brick building on l'road street own ed by Mr. N. R. Mills. Gregory & Foster are arranging to open an up- to-date rafe In one of the rooms of the new building and Mr. L. A. Oold- man. grocer, will move his grocery business from the Hotel Iredell Building Into the iw building and will occupy ino two remaining ktore rooms. Mr. Mills will tear down the old building on 'Rroad street vacated bv Brawley A Freldman and will re- plsce. It with a handsome pressed- brlck huildlug. Mr. James 'ulire?h, formerly wl'h the First Natlovtl Haik. has taken a position with Mr. W. M. Barrinr at the Ire.1'11 Ifottllrg Works. As soon as he gels onto the business Vie will have charge of It as manager. Mr. Parrlnger has recently became man ager of the Iredell Telephone Com- Dany and will devote his time to his new work. Mrs. E. P. eiirnpli" Ind lll.tl daushter. of Charl-JUf...ar hre, lo snend a month or lon-' with Mr Clam nit' father. Mr. 1.. C. C-.i'A to while 31 r. Clarapltjls tit Hot rtprlngsv. Ark., undergoing treatment :cr rneu- mailsm. ' - Third Annual Convention of Archl t1. Sectl to The Observer. Wilmington. July . Th third annual convention of .lfaftJgQrlh Cro Una Architectural-. Association d- KPKCIAL U)W B-TES VIA SOUTH - KRN R.ULWAY $5 20 Charlotte to Biltmore. N. C and return account Young People' Missionary Movement July 3d-12th 1908. Tickets on sale July 1st, 2d. 3d, final limit July lt5h, l0S. $27.40 Charlotte to Cleveland, O., and return account International Con ventlon Baptist Young People's Union July th-12th. Tickets on sale July 6th, 7th and 8th; final limit to leave Cleveland midnight July 15th. 1901. 132 65 Charlotte to Dallas, Tex and return account Annual Grand Lodge Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Dates of sale July 9th, 10th and 11th, with transit limit of ten day on going trip. good to leave Dallas returning not later than August Ith. 1908. Stop overs to b allowed at points west of Mlsaianlppt river on going trip only. No stop-overs allowed at points east of Mississippi river. $5 90 Charlotte to Ashevtlle, N. C. and return account Southern Gro cer's Association July Hth-lth. 190S. Tickets on sale July Ilth 12th and 13th, good returning to leave Aahevllle not later than mid night of July 20h, 1908. Approximately low rates from other points ror turtner inrprmauon call on any Agent Southern Railway, or write R. Li. VERNON, T. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C. W H TAYLOR, a P A. Washington. D. C. NATIONAL EDt'CATION ASSOCIA TION, CI.'-VKI.AND. OHIO. JUNE 29T1I TO Jt'LY Jl. im. Southern Hallway announce greatly reduced rales for above occasion. Dates of sale June 25th to July 1st. Inclusive; final limit July 7th. extension ef final limit can be had hy payment of fee of 2S cents until August 31st, 1908. FOCRTIf OF JULY CELEBRATION. (ireutly ;educetl fares In effect July 2d, Id and 4th: final limit July Sth. 190$. For further Informallni coll on your depot agent or write R. L. VKRNONi T. P. A. tjOW VEEK-Kn RATES. ' Southern rWllway announces week end rates from Chnrlotte to follow ing points and return: Asheville 14.85 Black Mountain 4.35 Brevard 4.85 Blacksburg 1.75 Connelly Hprlngs .... 2.60 Hickory.. 2 15 lendersonville. 4-15 Hot Bprings , 10 High Shoals 1.05 Jackson Springs 3.90 lcnolr. ..." 12.90 Llncolnton .... 1.05 Iike Toxaway 5.50 Marlon.... .i... .... ...... 3.50 Morganton 2.85 Rutherfordton 2.25 Skyland . .' 4.85 Shelby.... , . 1.75 Tryon 2.50 Tickets on sale Saturdays and fore noon trains Sundays, good returning Monday following date of sale. R. L. VERNON. T. P. A.. . Charlotte, N. C. T. J. WITHERSPOON, C. T". A.. Charlotte. N. C. xk r a a m sm a m m m a .rr m rv .-ti I im mi w , -.i rsasBaW m s-ai - ww- av. iw i l V 1VM w -.TT- l ii. VfMW . , v x4wr lJ" - M m w. T - ' 7r', 'L .. 9 ' - , aC a (lit - i I lvt' 4.v.' wex .t.s-JSi A irsxjr 1 1 vi i i -or - i - s At seashore, lake or mountains, the most popular Summer drink is , LI . . A aaaaaaaaa w - ii : j; an mu ii because no other drink is so delicious, cooling and refreshing when the sun is scorching and the humidity is intense. PEPSI-COLA is the Original Pure Food Drink, made from fresh fruit juices, acid phosphate and pep sin. Guaranteed under U. S. Gov't Serial No. 3813. At all soda fountains, 5c a glass at your grocer's, 5c a bottle. Beware of imitations. Journed with an. outing at Wright vllle Beach to-day and will meet next in semi-annual session in Greensboro in December. Officer elected are as follows: President. J. . Leltner. Wilmington: vie president W. P. Rose, Raleigh: sec retary and treasurer,' Franklin Gor don, Charlotte: director. J. V. llt ner. W. P. Rose, Franklin Gordon, W. O. Rogers. Charlotte, and II. W. Help for Tito Who . Have Ktotn acb Trouble, After doctoring for about twelve year for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly e hundred dollar tor medicine and doctors' fee, I purchased my wife one bog of Qiambarialn' Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much good that sli continued to Use them and the" have den her more good tbaa all Lef the nifdidne J bought before." KamuH lioyer, , r oisom, lows, this meenctn Js lor sal by R. H. Jordan Co. ttample HE IS WISE CLING FAST Wood Fibre Plaster Wp are now ready to make delivery of our Plaster. It pays to buy the best. "Cling "Fast is second to none. Ask us for prices. It will pay you. STATESVILLE PLASTER & CEMENT COMPANY Statesyille, N. C. wr pro vide him self with the best equipment (or the prompt, correct, and effi cient dis- Satch of is bnpi -n ess. We are specialists i n certain 1 i n e a of basinets necessities as for instance : For your clerical force we manufac ture Blank Books, Loose-Leaf Devices, Index Cards, etc. For your publicity department we are prepared to write, design, and print your advertisement, booklet, or catalog. If your wisdom prompts you, ask our representative to call on you. OBSERVER PRINTING HOUSE CbwtotU, N. C COURTHOUSE BONDS Wall Paper Paints fllabastine v Torrence Paint Co. 10 UTOBTH TBVO. , . $35,000 LEE COUNTY (SOUTH CAROLINA) COURT HOUSE PONDS. Notice is hereby given that pro posals will bt received by W. A. James, Secretary. Blshopville, 8. C, until' July Hth. 1908, 12 o'clock m., for the purchase of $36,000 non taxable, interest-bearing coupon Court House Bonas or Lee county, 8. C. Said bonds to be Issued in denomination of $1,000, will be dated Kebruary let. 1908, payable, to hearer 29 year after date, with right reserved to county to redeem" alt tsr arty part tnereoi wiier to. expiration Qf 15. years irum m muc, war ing Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payani annually on February ltt. PlC of payment of principal and Interest to be desig nated st selection of purchaser. Bonds to be prepared executed and delivered at earliest date pos sible after the award of same, and all bids must include all expense of "prThl7h;iwu1igHd delivery of bonds to purchar without exception. - Certified . check, free from con ditions, of 6 per cent of Issue rnut accompany each bid. mad payble to B. w; McLendon. Chairman. I" ca of award, deposit Vlll at tlm of de livery of bond b credited to pur chaser; check of unsuccessful bid der 111 b promptly returned. . All proposal hall b eled and endorsed "Propoaal for Porch of court House Bona. - wnicn pro- BUILbCRS 6F Sa. SSk SV i a la MTUKAUUWM V 5TLAM ,t.W rMlAXTON EX kLEi STE 'S) CHARLOTTE. N.C. Voaal shall be subrHttUd lnjthe nsm of th principal and- not hi agebt without exception, and th same shall be opened at th offlr of th under signed. 11 o'clock -MU, July 14th, ltOS, nd award puk-Hely made. No bid less than par hll be considered, and the right to reject any and all proposal or bid I hereby reserved. Further information ' furnished on application. , R. W. licLE.VDON. . lua 14 th. 1101. If your hopes ara down to "Z" And you fee Ilk "23." Cheer tip, friend, quit your pining, Every cloud ha a allver lining. Get Mrs. Jo - Person's Remedy. If you have boils and bumps 'Til you feel like poor "Jim Dumps," Or if you have ecxema, bad. Until It make you almost mad. Oet Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. 8 When you feel "old rheumatls" Until you say. My! Gee Whls! Or your stomach's out of tune With "spring fever" as in June, T6Ti need Mr. Joe; Pero' Remedy. .4. ; When your blood 1 pink and whit And you've lost your 'appetite. Or you itch and cannot sleep. What's the use to moan and weep? Get Mrs. Joe Person' Remedy. If you're sickthin and pale And your health 1 'bout to fall, If you. are nervous and weak Until you can scarcely speak, ' You need Mrs. Joe Person a Remedy. If you've got a weak lung And your nerve are all unstrung. Or you have "old Indigestion" And think a cure out of the question. Get Mr. Jo Perfson' Remedy. 7 If you have a "breaking out" And cannot tell what's about Get this remedy, don't delay! See the druggist right away. Use Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy. '... Mr. Person' Remedy stands the test. Of all remedied It is the best Can't b beat for time to come, Cheers the blood of old and young. Is to Jove children, and no home can be happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usuaffyis so full of suffering and dread that srwv looks forward to the hour with apprehension. Mother's Fritnd, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, it isTJ worth its weight in gold. 81.00 per bottla of frergteta. Book isuug TtiosD inforsatttu Ires. THX BRaDFIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta. 0. " I fill II Inll 3VfTTr imm7 uMrrsn u Barrels, 12 doz, local bottling (well steamed) $10.20; barrels Brew ery bottling ; 'xport'V JO doz. $JJ fe 0. be, Lynchburg, Va. 25c. dozen for bottles returned CASH WITH ORDER. 4j a Ay Guaranteed uliislieys ! All our o4a aro avarant anaar tha Par Paa4 Law. ; - If not aatlafaetory, manay rafundael an ratarti af fo4. " 7 Ga ihlaaaa ia plain aaakagoa aama day arsla rolvg. LI. WE PREPAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. itaittaictt uirmiiiJjjnWHmHUfnMMHti trtv.tr ttfittmt Utter.. rVlee Cees not Uum4 will k fwrnlaliaa i Den River fry... ..... Oreeawead R,. ............. . ..... N MeCartr Whsdisy. Bettksd la Bees, I jrm. .. - Hig1ptf r..w....s-wreVR a If . . H, Cs Corn, Wliitktr.st ! Vtrviafa Cora WhWir I M VaryOK W. C Com Whtafryy. .., I t OI4 Bnrrt Cm WhifliMjreasf- , . llWOitt..M,....tM.Ut.Ml'W sm..i4iM J J Apitto BrWy.. 7. ...... niine.wn a a aaa a aWnyuM.,M0t.tlMHiilH 1 IN JUGS. IN BOTTLCS. Hi lefles. $ iiisst, fell ttt-frSW on. ..0N n t N I 1 -,1 -M w 7S it n . tit ...... M 1 75 . 114 . N 9 75 f M . S 7 24 1 .11 v 4 ' 17$ 2 : it n 14 44 Our Specials." amulet conn nna OM Caanar Olatlllaa 4 ru Ou.' ; . . p)Mh. $2.65 SS.00 CCCME DYE Smaatlt anal Mallaw. . 4 rH.Qt. V PM Qt. S3115 $6.00 ' Cousins Supply Co. y;,g" Ricfc:;j, Va. i - i 6-: