'.-. , - -i. .:. . CltARLOTTE DAILY' OBSERVER; JULY. 9, 1903. : 11 1 XOiniEECE ANP; FINANCE ' THB COJTOX MARKET STEADY. Owtair to rfcTorabla 4HM4 the Market :, Is Two to , iXuf llnt Jllgner or ' . All U0&U14 Except July Buioc - fcbow an Increase in Public ,J.n-t'v'-r terest. vjw r."-'-"",.T'HerV v New ' York,"- July The ? cotton market opened . stad withprlcea 2 '. pointa lower onJuljr and l.to pointa higher on the rest of the list in the - face of mora f avorabW cattle than ' expected; 'LAtar the cable naws , ' started covering- and a demand from abroad Was a factor more or"-lees j throughout the session. r.The local hears . tooled profits. Spot.- houses bought October and sold the latter menthsX Liverpool ' longs .aoldT out i July but bought October. ---- The vol :' nme of business,! while not larger than .' yesterday, showed an Increase in pub ' llo Interest and the market 1 the af . terneon had an upward tendency in the face of weak spot advices from ' the Couth and continued good crop ac ' counts, with the close- steady at a de cline of 4 points on July, and an ad vance of to 11 points on the lattej ' months, Wall Street parties covered short contracts and some were report- ed to be buying for a further reaction on the theory of an oversold market , with a crop summary by a Southern , newspaper, which, it says, as a whole, - is In a most satisfactory shape for the season, referring to the drought and other drawback in localities thst led to some uneasiness . In 7 cotton ; ctreies-here. ,.: . i Receipts at the ports to-day (,041 bales against I.S8S last .week and j tast year. - For-ther weelf-65.-, 000 - bales, against 65,63 last week and 15,802 last year. To-day's re ceipts at New Orleans" J.014 bales, against 318 last year, and Houston J.85t against 172 last year. ..... . Knot closeri aulet: mliirfllnr iinl&nds -rr , li 0rmiddllmj gulf 11.45r no sales. futures opened -ana closed steady. THE STOCK MARKET, Movement to Advance Prices Makes Material Progress Favorable Out loolt9Yr Corn Crop Haa Its Influ ence on Railroad Stocks. New York, July t. The movement to advance 'prices of stocks made ma terial progress to-day although the rise was not interrupted and was not free from some imposing obstacles in the volume of the selling encountered at some stages of the advance, Con spicuous strength in Individual stocks had a sustaining Influence on the gen eral list The most prominent In stance was he unusually volatile rise of I I- points in U. 8. Steel preferred. Aoms of the hesitation manifest in the movement of railroad stocks was due to the desire to await the appear ance of the government report on the grain crop. The favorable Inter pretation placed on the outlook for corn was visible In the special strength of railroads ' which carry much of that crop, as well as In the weakness-of the price of that rntn; .Reports of a threat on the part of the Erie to cut rates In trunk line terri tory restrained the movement In those stocks. Some of this restraint was thrown off in the latter part of the day when 'the general upward move ment gained considerable force. Ac cumulative Influence was exerted by reports from various sources of trade revival, and the fact that the work of the Democratic convention at Den ver is hearing completion was an ele ment in the awakened activity of the market. Curing the, Anal hour con siderable animation was shown and -substantial gains are shown on the ?day. Bonds were Arm. Total sales par Value $3,091,000. IT. 8. bonds were unchanged on call. Total sales stocks to-day 131,500 shares, including: Copper 21.700; Smelting 4.100; Sugar 100; Ceagt Line 800; C. & O. 5,200; St. Paul 64,600; L. A N. 1.800; N- & W. '00; Reading 101,800; Union Pacific 105, -400; U. S. Steel 117.500; Southern Railway 1,000; preferred 100; Vir-glnla-Carollna Chemical 100; prefer red 300. ' Baltimore, July 8. Seaboard common and .fd. nothing doinr. New York, July 8 -Moblle Ohio ct. 4s bid Hubbard Bros. A Co.'s Cotton Letter. Special, to Tne Observer. New York. July 8. More steadiness 'was sljpwn to-day though the weather map and reports showed continued favorable condition. The - market sots as though present prices could not be disturbed ' unless by some accident to the crop. Hol lers have brcn in the ascendant for so - long that nt pre?nt a reaction is more than pmtyurfn and some Wall Street buy - " admitted that the bullish elements are few and are taned upon tho laws of change, but Anything of crop damage 2 would speedily make the chance a sombre reality for the short interest. Hay ward ft Clark's Cotton ICtter,. New Orleans, La., July 8. Spot vales In Clverpool are .Increasing somewhat, the turnover to-day amounting to a to- tal of 6,000 bales. This may be the be ginning of another calling period and ca vities recelvedrather confirm this view. Should spot support again become the leading factor, .the market in general -would get In solidity snd the glaring dis count may attract buying to new crop options.- So much in regard to market prospects abroad.. - And now, as far as this is Is concerned, the pesslstent decline from Mi to ayund a f eants seems to have developed a coun ter current of sentiment which, en lltrle prf'ncatlon will seek a reaction or ad- Vance according to strength of Induce- ; meat, all this, of course. Is only a study - of the' phrsicologtcal aids which with speculation, hwever, must not , be dlare- - garded. Current facts, are not bullish. fV Spot demand here Is vera dull and wenth ; er conditions continue - more favorable. . - Good rains fell In northwest Texas, good showers In south Texas and light to mod- erate . showers covered all the rest of the .. r-elu Temperatures are right. Indications favor clearing and cooler, In the northern ; half-of the belt, cloudy wlth-ahowers in .. the south, central end southeastern halt of the belt - Ouenlng -trades here were at ' unchanged figures and prices, up to -. H ocloek never varied more than a few . pointa. -HAYWARO A CLARIS, ; , Tho Dry Goods Market r.'. "4 New York, July 8. The day was alow In the dry goods market s It how gh' many 1 buyers .were In looking about. , Knit goods tsivera .arar. bertnnlns- to oraf spnn being ordered with - considerable freedom - for . fall " and the vogue for - them - appears to be spreading. Cotton yams are selling slowly but prices are Irregular.- fewYork, July $, Beeves-Receipts 1, '. tO. Steers H to 670 stags 15; bulU S3 to 84.6S; cows $1.50 to 83.M. " ' CslvesRecelpts 8.015. : Veals 15 to 17.50; "' few at 75; culls. $4 to tM: buttermilks ' t3 50 to $4. - . ' : - - v - . ' , ' Sheep snd lambs Receipts 8.67. . Sheep 83 tir 4.itf la:nbs $4.7$ to 17.15. T " v i Hos receipts S.4S6, -feeling, weak. : : d. ; ." - . Cottoa Seel OIL V" ; 'New York, July 8t Cotton seed oil was ; easy under absence of bull support. Prime - crude nominal; prims summer yellow 47H; off do C a 45H; good do 43 a 45; prime white 4f'A a 50; oe winter yellow Dafly Cotton Market. ' , f New :iYork.: . July . A-Galveeton tone quiet; middling llj net rets, l,H;i gross ret J.v. stock 4S.iat.- ' New -Orleans bite easy, middling -11; net rets. Vit; trosa let. t014; stock 59.- T . --vv-- -r '-v ' Mobile tens Bull and nominal: middling n; net rctsai gross rets. 8: stock ; 7,003. gvannah gene ull; mK'dl.ng 10; net ret Sl; (.Toss re'.s. aif; sties 78; stock 28,030; ctttrwlse 715. ' ' ' - Charleston, tons romin'al; middling 11; nt rets, 81; gross reis. SU stack 081.. WllmmgUm tons ulet; middling U; net rct. Me; gross lets. 00; Stock 7.841 Nort.-lk tone ouietf inlilfling UVi; net re, fit grose rot 5 ralea 4; stock 6,51U; eosstwlse it - Baltimore tone nonunaif piiaoung im: stock 0J44. - -. --' h New York tens quiet I middling 11.20; gros vct-4; Hock 75.4ii x . ruMt..n tone inlet; snWdling 1120; net rets.. 161; gross Ct 2.8S2. ' rhiluleli-lii .tns qvieti middling M.45; net r-ts. S4: t-Toss ret JVSfstock 1,798. Fort TJwnena. uei rei. mb. rci. !; japan W - , : -o- , T"tsl to-aoy. n an pens, nei m; pan 130; stock 248.820. , " ' brIUIn 7,Kf.' France 770; Continent 7,546; japan 130. Tutsi -tince Fcpi'motr it. ax an por net .fV..(S. t triialn 2.856.881;. France 3fi,CM; continent S.ft.l.S; Japan uu.ui. Mex:co 1.519. : ; INTERIOR MOVEMENT. . Houston tone steady; middling 10 15-16; net rets. 1,858; gross rets. 1,859; shipments 1,15:-sales stock 20.736 Augusta tone quiet; middling 11; net rets. 86; gross rets. 5; -shipments 204; alei 28lTStoclTl8,0? Memphis tone steady; middling U 5-18; net rets. 611: 'gross rets. 631; 'shipments 4; sales 100; stock 88,384. " ' . ...... IAJIIffl. IIUl'M St. Muls tons ouu. tuiuui... ,t. ret a; . gross rets. A16; shipments 3, 839; stock 14.82. ' Cincinnati, net rets. 698; gross rets. 098; shipments 578; stock 10,824. Louisville tone firm; middling 11. .... Little Rock tone quiet; middling 10; net rets. 890; gross rets. 890; shipments 891; stork 7.495. Total to-day. net rets. 8.768; gro rets. 4,589; shipments 8.K7; sales 1.6:5; stock 100,180. Xew York Produce. New York, July 8.-Flour easy with a light trade. Rye flour quiet. Corn meal tesdy. ltye dull. Wheat nrm; No. 2 red 97- s 88 elevator. Options to He net higher; July 9T!i. September 96; December 87. Corn easy. No. 3 white 81 nominal el evator. Options lo net higher; July 82; September 81. " .'.' Osti steady, mixed 65 a 58. Reef, cut meats stadr. Lard barely steady. Mess pork firm. Tallow steady. Rosin quiet. Turpentine quiet 4:'.. Rice quirt. Mr lasses dull. Kugar-Raw steady: fair refining t!.8! a $3.9; centrifugal N-3 a 84.12: molaxses nsar 8364 a 83.67; refined eteady. Coffee, quiet. Klo No. 7. 6 5-16; Santos m- mlh markeW oordova. a a 12V ru turea net Unchangsd to 6 pointa lower. Butter nrm. creamery specials 3; ex tra .; third to firsts 18 a 22. Cheese steady, unr-hsnged. Egss firm. Western firsts IS a 18'4; seconds 17 a 174. Freights and peanuts unchsnged. rota toe nrm; Southern. No. 1 per harrel i a $3.50; do culls 87Sc a 81-126. Cabbages steady, unchanged. Chicago Cattle Market. Chicago, July 8.-Cattle-Recelpt easy 17.000; about 10 a 15 lower; cows $2.75 a $5 &; heifers 81.90 a $6.90; bulls 84.50 a 85 26; ealvea l.4b a 6.25; stocksrs and f seders 83.75 a 3V15. . Hogs-recelpt 38.000; generally 10c low er; choice heayy Khlpplng 8.60 a 86.70; butchers 88-55 a $fi T; light mixed $4.80 a $6.40; choice light $6 43 a 86.55; pigs 840 Bheep Receipts 1S.0M; weak: sheep 84 a $4.50; lambs 85 a ff.: yearlings $4.60 a $5.50. Tho 3Ioney Market. New York, July 8. -Money on call easy lam per cent.; ruling rate IVi; closing bid IK; offend at 14. A Time loiina quiet and stesdy; SO day 14 to 2 per cent, antf 90 days 8 per cent.; 6 months SV, per cent. Close: lTtme mercantile paper 34 a 4 per eent. Sterling exchange ateady with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 .97 tor demand and at 41KT..65 a 8W.75 f r n day bill". Commercial nills 4S3 flSV4. Bar silver 53H. Mexican dollars 46. Naval Stores. .Savannah, ffa., July 8. Turpentine firm 39. Sales 1.300; receipts 1,712; . shipment ZS2. Roiln firm, sales 3.750; receipts 3.1XS; Charleston. July Turpentine steady tiK; no sales, K.'otn utetrtv: sales noge. tjuote: A B C 12.70; X 32.90; K 3.W; n.; U w.; 83.m! lW- K 8505; M 85.55; N 86.10; W Q 8.S5W W 86.4ft - - New Srleana, July 8. Receipts 368 bar rela roaln; 10 barrels turpenUne. Exports, none. Wilmington, July 8.Splrlts turpentine steady 87H; receipts U casks. -Roeln steady $2.50; receipts B4. Tsr nrm 31.50; receipts., , Crude turpentine steady 82, 82.(0 and $3.70; receipts 68. . Baltimore Produce. . Bsltlmore, July 8.Flour eaaler, winto patent 34.31 a H5: iPrlng patent 85.20 Wheat easy, snot contract 90V a 80H; apot No. red Western 92tt a 92 new Southern by sample 77 a 87. Corn firm, spot mixed 79 a 79; No. t whits 82H a W. -r Osts firm; No. S. mixed 57 a 57. Rye steady. No. 1 Western export 88 a S3. Butter firm, unchanged. Eggs steady. Oftdianged IT a l7H.-- " - . Cheeso firm, . .unchanged. Sugar un changed." f " ; ' yew York Cotton. . Open High Low Close 8.4S--14S 8 28 in 8 27 8 38 8 .17 .a .i8 8.21 8.06 Feb. . March . . shipments .; ' 7 W. X spot and 1W to arrive. 9 "F: "r,rjr?: w v , l-uturea opened utet ' h '"' yesterday, I. b.is; v u " tie better than expected Oct. rr - n-.v. NOV. Sw-r- - " ' TJe .v:r.i-ir w ...V 8.97 - -06 r 8.95 8.08 S. tM '-;t.i 8.88. 8.99 ' ' WveTpool Cotton, Liverpool, July g-Ooalng cotton: Spot quiet, ' prices X points lower; American middling fair 8.88; good middling 8.47; middling low, middling 5 81; good or dinary 5.23; ordinary 4.83. The sales of the day wars 5.006 bales, of which 200 were for speculation and export and In eluded 4.240 - American. Receipts 4.000 bales. Including 8,800 American. - , Futures -epeed barely steady and closed steady; American-nUddllng g. c v July... .. . .. .. ...., ... ...... S.C July-August.. ;..J4 6.6i August-Mptember... ,. .... 5.n September-October ....... '..i f, 5.07' October-November... . . .. ... 1.09 NoTeraber-December... ..... 4.K ; December-January... ... ... ...... 4-92 J rnluary-February... ;,. ... ..,,... ; 4.4 February-March.. ... ... ,V. .. 41 March-April... ... ... .. .. 4.91 ." April-May v.. ... . w ....1 4.92H ft i.. LJ I 12Vi36,? Cooper Corliss Enginc l f 14 W. Allis- Corliss EngiB?.v - f 14t'x36" Murray Corliss Engine.' 1"- '16"x42 Brown Engine. - A'- r lS'" Lane & Bodley Corliss. - ' . H'VIL S. &, G. GREENSBORO GREENSBORO, N. G. iDRAWINO a Iff MACHINE WORKS COTTON MACHINERY TAUNTON. COMBERS WA8- MULES UP MACHINES it LfJ0KS SOUTHERN OFFICE AT CHARLOTTE CDWIN HOWARD, AGENT. DOUBLEDAY-HILLELECTRIC CON The largest Electrical Supply House In this vicinity, and one of the four largest in the world. , This gives us many Important advantages. For Instance, in the Supply Business we are the ones who Are first asked to represent the beet lines. Secure every benefit in buying in large quantities.' . Carry the stock and canshlp""at once. Are prepared to give the most general satisfaction. OUR MOTTO: SPIKED ; 8JYSTKM SATISFACTION Home Office, Southern Warehouse, rittsbnrg. Pa. Charlotte, X. C. JAMES HAIUUSOX, Southern Manager. Cltnrlmip Cotton Market. Thene flgur-. repieaent prices paid wuaon, July Mli : Ptrka miOdlli .. Hli O.od MiiidlliK r. .. .... it MldoJins Hi. Charlotte Produc. (Corrected by It. 11. Field 4k Co.) Butter loijr- Chlckens Spring Vfaia Ducks 15 Egs .. 10 Usee per head v 40fi5 liens per heart 35$ 40 Turkeys per pound .... .... libit (Corrected dally hy Cochrane-UeLauf h. i'n Co.) Rye ; h Corn , 1.H24 Cmton aeed .. .... n Oats ST. :a Condition of Crons. Wahlnglon. July s Kprlng wheat av erage condition KM per cent, of a nor mal, S7.2 a year ago, winter wheat at ago, and corn KM per eent. tfl.2 a year time of harvest 80.H per cent., 78.8 a year ueo. with corn ai-rr,y;o eatimated at 100, m.OM. This wan the Agricultural Depart ment Juno 21t ri'pqrt announced to-day. Oata conditUm uvf 'raged 85.7 per cent., 81 lant year. Aiivmimi nf wheat remain ing on farms July 1st was 6.3 per cent, of last year's crop, equivalent to 33,797. 000 bushels. The average condition on July iHt of api'liitf hihI winter wheat com bined was S3. 'J per rent, against $1.6 a year ago. Toliaero KC.8 pT cent.. agalnet. SK.7 laat year and ten year average of 8; pres ent loliHCort arnsme M.OoO acres; flax 2t 6fi".ono acren; rnmlillan 92.5 per cent.i acalnat 93.2 IhhI year. Hay condition 82.8 against $2 laat year. N'cvt Orjcans Cotton. New Orleans. July It.-Cotton, spots were easy with prices unchanged; mid dling 'lie; sah'x wcro 1M bales on the arrive. 1 to I pointa above Ivcrpool being llt- Prlces were high er on the general complaint of too much rain along with rr porta of more than the usual damage by boll weevils. Following ; the oncnlnz the scarcity of offerinea alan aided in bringing a better market. There was little change in the market during the late session and the clone was barely steady with the active months 4 to 5 10.90 10.00 8.41 9.11 9.08 9.03 9.04 pointa above the close yesterday. Closing bids: July August September October .. November ; .r.. December .. .. January : .. Chicago Grain nnd Provisions. Chicago, July S. Wheat prices on the local exchange advanced sharply to-day, owing to the bullish ahnwlng of the gov ernment report. At the close the Sep. t ember delivery showed a net gain of a . Corn was a shade higher; oats were lower, and provlalons were 2V4 a 5 lower tb 6c higher. WHEAT High. Low. Close, t July... ... Sept... "... ... " Dec... CORN- ' . July;.; ... v.. Sept. IWsC t 1,4 .- OATS-.' 1 t 8Gf)t,ah -ltT 4l ' Dee... S W4 S4 88 90 S3 904 7?4 71H 72 73 72 T2 vi H 4H 474 -: 4U4 40Ui . 404 41 H PORK. r ' ; -July.. 15.52 1A87 15 51 U.7J 15.75 Sept 15.75'; 15.80 1585 U.87 4) -f 4rfj - t Ocet..-. LARD-,. July;r , 147 . Lt,5 182 '8.75 8 88 OCIH.. ... . . Mtt Oct.- . . , .,..- .i7JL.8 80 RIBS- . ., ...... . " - July... ... ... ff ... 8.(5- 8.80 Sept... i. W ".-;.. V 8 8.T0 Oct.. ..... i-85 8.80 r KfcW TORK B4JXDS. 17. 8. refonaing ta. registered .. .... W V. 8. retundlng 2s, coupon .. .. .. VB It. S. 3s, registered .. .. .. - 1"0 U. 8. &S coupon m. .. , .. . ..- Wi V. S. 4s, registered.. ...w .-i. .t: 121 "4 U. S. 4s, coupon ..122,4 American Tobacco s .. ,. .. .. ... 72 American Tobaooo ( .. . m ..114 Atchlaon general s .. .. 9 Atchlaon adjustment 4s bid .. P -Atchison cv." 4s .. . .4 : Atchison cr. .Sj .. V. ..... ,f .. l-iOH Atlantic Coast Una 4s ........ tl Baltimore . Ohio 4s .. ..-..'. .... 9b Baltimore Ohio . 1 K Brooklyn R. T, cl. 4s . .73 Cent ra 1 of Georgia 6s .. .. .. ..... Vm ' Central of Georgia 1st Im. i, , U , Throttling Enginfe SUPPLY CO. FRAMES MO rM Central of Georgia 2d hie bid .. .. Central of Georgia 3d lnc old Chesapeake Ohio 4"i bid Chicago A Alton 3Vis Chk-aaw. K. ft- fcjtrtncy new 4s . . Chicago, K. I & Pacific It. It 4 .. C . R. I. A Pactnc R. R col r. .. .. Chlcaso, R. I. A 1'ac. Ry. r frt g 4a C. C. C.J, 8t. Loula gen. 4a bid .... Colorado Industrial 5a Colorado Midland 4a Colorado Southern 4a Delaware & Hudson ev. 4a Denver It Rio Orande 4a Erie prior lien 4a 1U0H 47: 9CH 6S Xf.Uj 94 V4a M 61 80 ri4 90 Erie General 4a Hocking Valley 4Vs lil Interborough-Met. 4'a T, japan 4a bid Japan 4i$a (.,- Japan 4Wx. 2d Series l.oillivllle & Naah. Cnlhed 4h bid .. Manhattan consol geld 4a bid Mexican Central 4a Mexican Central 1st Inc. bid .. .. 97 96 8m 14 80 97 8.1 81 '4 i Minn. A St. Louis 4s old Wlasourt. Kansas A Texas 4s MinHourl, Ksnsas A Texas 2da bid National R. R. of Mexico con. 4a of it New York Central gen. in : New Jersey Central general 5s bid 121 Northern Pacific 4a .. ., lilVi Northern raclnc 3a 72 LNorfolk & Western conaol 4a bid .. 84'4 Oregon Mliort 1.1 ne rfdg. 4a CO Penn. ev. 3i, 1915 9274 Penn. Conaol 4a lO'- Reading General 4s Vfi Republic of Cul 5a Vtt St. L. A Iron Mountain C""- 5a .... 10; Ht. Ioula & San Klan. fg. 4a .... W St. Iuls S'western con. 4s &H -KcHhnnni Air Line 4 ,, ...... ,. .. .. h' Southern I'acltlc 4a , .. .. HOuthern TacKIc lat 4s bid 91 Boiithern Hallway 5s .. .. Texas A Tarinc'lsts Toledo, Ht. LtKila Weatern 4a .. . Union Pacific 4s .. T'nlon Pacific cv. 4a ,. ,.. V.' S. 8teei 2d 5a W Abash ihu Western Md., 4a ... Wheeling A Lake Erie 4s Wisconsin Central 4s N. V.. N. . & H. ov. 6a ctfs CLOSING. STOCK LIST. 88 72 101 m 99 1034 70 S 81 127 Amalgamated Copper American Car Foundry .. .. American Car A Foundry pfd. 5- .3114. 17 27 50 Ml Kll in 91 23 43 3 9-.i 91 K W 49 1U3 21 95 190 42H 155 137 51 s 50'I 127 Amerlcau-Omou Oil American Hide A Leather pfd American Ice Securities American I.lnaeed American locomotive- ,. .. ,. Amorlcan Ioeomotlve pfd. ... American Hmeltlng Refng. ...... Amer. Smelling A Rfng. pld. .. .. .. American Hugitr Refining American Tobacco pfd .. ... American Woolen ,., Anaconda Mining Co. .; .. .. .. .. Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd .. Atlantic Cnniit I.lne v. Baltimore A Ohio Baltimore ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn ItHpid Tranxlt Canadian Pacific Central leather Centrnl Ijeather pfd .. Central of New Jcmey , Chesapeake A Ohio .. .. Chicago. Ureal Western .. .. .. .. .. Chicago, North Weatern .. ,. ....... Chicago, Mil. A Ht. Paul.. .. .. C-.-C.i- C. Ht. Lmrt Colorado Fire) A Iron .. Colorado A Southern ,, Colorado A Southern 1ft pfd Col. A Southern 2d pfd Consolidated (las Corn Products fttiawar "' Hudson .. .. 7enver A Rio Urande .. .. Denver A Rio Orande pfd Distillers' Securities .. '.. .. .. ., Kris .. .. . . .. .. .. ..- .-- Erie 1st pfd. -.. .. .. Kris 2d pfd .. ,. .... General Eleajtlc .; .. X " Great Northern proV Great Northern Or Ctfa. . .. Illinois Central . .... Interboroush-Met. .. is !:. si 136 131 . 12 . Wl .11 Interhorougri-Mec pfd, International Paper... .. Interngtinnsl Paper pfd. . International Pump .. . II . 10 : 5nu 32 llowa Central .. ... . 1S'4 rvanaaa v nf iwnmiu .. .. .. .. tin Kansas City Southern pfd. -,v. - 571, Mexican Central 14X Minneapolis- rl(irt .. .....I7S Minn., St. P. Sault St. M. ........ llH Missouri Pacific ., ...... I 81 Missouri. Kannas A Texas .. Missouri, Ksnsas A Texas pfd. .. tl) National Lead .. .. .. 7t New Tork Central .. . ...I V New York. Ontario A Western .... 41 Nwflk A Western .. .. .. .-i..n4:.7s North American ... .. u. 83H Northern Pacific .. .. .; .... 144 PsCiflC Msll-..- ,nrn"T.irnrrj.,j 2SH Pennsylvania ..... .. 1234 People's Gas ,. .. .. .. .. ... , rtttsourg. i'- t "i. wm .. : 74 pTQwasd Hteel Car- ?f Pullman Palace Car .. ...... , .. .. 1 Rsilwar flteeTTTng-T.-.i . tt ..i ! I7H Reading .'. ju of .. . . j. ..' iW Ktubllo Bteet .... 3 .4 ,. 1S Republic Steel pfd, .. .. . 94 ILork Island vo. 11 Reck Island Co. pfd. .. .. .. r 81 Ft. Louis A San Frsn. 34 pfd. .... 25'( Pb ixutf pieutnwestern vw ,. . is Ht. Louis outhwetern pfd. ..- .. if 04 K! GOp-ONMlliM t ' 88n ea ke?i OOTH TRYOM T.. . OHARkOTTC. H, O. --y, - OtylTln j Rat C4wdj, ' Railway Head. Drawlnt; Frames, 5plhnins; Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Quitters and Reels, Looms, COMBERS ETC. ETC HTJBBAED BROS. & CO., HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YOKK MEMBERS OF New Torfc Cotton Er- chai.ge, New- Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase ana saia 01 cotton lor ruiur delivery. Co.-respoudence Invited. MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS CBABLOTTE, N. C. Motors, Dynamos,'' Alternating and . Direct Current. Any size and voltage. Stock on hand. We ask for orders. MACHINERY WANTED We are In tha market for the. fol lowing machinery of either Woon sockst or Provilenca Machina Co. make: 1 slubber, 48 spindles, 10" traverse. 12" flyers 12x8. ... . ,M 1 intermediate. 10? spindles, t 1-1" traverse. flyers 8x4 1-3. ' 2 speeders. 144 spindles, 6' trav erse, 7" nyers ix 1 slubber, 68 spindles, 10" trav- erae, 13" nyers 11x8. 2 speeders. 144 spindles, S traverse, 8" flyers 8x4. Address reply to Box t River, N. C. l-r Haw HUGH MACRAE & CO., Bankers BiiacellaaeaM 8totlera geeatloa WILairXGTON. w. a Waabtncum. D. O, 40 Oolorsda Bldgs Cotton Mill Stocks. ROOF INSURANCE for ten years Is what you ara assured of with an Ehret's Standard Gravel Roofing. Tffl your bnltdtnar Now U ih-time to hava it done by Warren-Ehret CompaJiy Ctiarlottc, N. t'.. .uh vears' experience can give you a Hrst-class Job. Ix-t ua examina ana estimate, . We have everything needed in tne Roofing. Damp Prooflng and Water Proofing line. . WANTED Fifty to KlxtyiHorse Powef Second Hand Engine and Bollef If in ood repair and. price right. Rock Hill Brick Co. ROCK IIILU C. CATLIN Su CO. Commlwlon Merchants 345 and 347 Broadway, New York . Boston Philadelphia, 128 and 130 Chestnut St. COTTON YARNS All number Skeins, Warps, Corral ana- clones COTTON GOODS Bontbern Psclfle .. .. 87 gouthern Paclne pfd. . Houthem Kstlwsy .. .. .. .. ... 7 Hnuthern Railway Pfd. Tennesses Copper . .. . Texas Pacific . ...... i Toledo, HU Loula A West. .. .. ...,, U Toledo. Kt. Louis 4k WssU pfd.. .. ..; ,4 L'trton Pacific- v. -.Tn -- -H 1 'nlA. PaetAO TfU, .. '.. u ,.a. n . fnited mates RuHber .. .. . . .. H Vnlted ittatea Rubber 1st pfd. .. .... . tf'i t'nited Ptates Bteel .. . .......... tTniod MiBtaa Ateel'IMd. .. .. .. Utah Copper .. '-,- 84i Vltgtnla-Carolina ehemlcal .. .... - J4ii Vintinla-CaroUsa Chemical pfd. h Wabash .. .. .... .. . . Wsbssh pfd. .. .. . .. .. ft JS14 WMtlfiBhoues ElectrUS ,. Ga Western fnlon ...... .. .. H'i Wheiln Lake Erie .. .... 9 Wisconsin Central ..- .. w.. ..... 1? Standard Oil . . .. m. . . 8XW Stuart W. Cramer, ; ENQINEER AND CONTRACTOa. - K. , r-"-1.t i. - . - 5-ubbera, Rovlnf Frames Inter tried la Jack F rain as READ s - . . V , ?.'-. '. - feWHI- W YOU HAVE. TO SELL, UST IT Vt THIS OFFEW U r hare houses or stores to rent, let me do your collecting; trouble and worry. Ths placeU Insure yaur property la lo this agents. R. E. eochrane. Insnranos end Beal Estat Agcn. s ' 1 TO THE TRADE- We desire to impress upon those interested in Building Supplies that wo are the largest distribu tors in the South, and that wp not only oant ship Cement, Lime, Plaster, Hoofing and. Building Ma terial generally direct from our mills but we have large stocks, at all times, at all Southern ports, from where we ean ship at a moment's notice in; solid or mixed car lots, or in small lots, at ad vantageous prices delivered at your station. Write us before buying anything in our line. We will save you money, time and trouble. Carolina Portland Cement Comp'y Southern Distributors. Charleston, S. 0. FOR DECORATING LIGHTS SEE AUTEN 'Phone 1307 or 130$. 202 S. Tryon IF supported you and the children; if you were absolutely de pendent upon her earnings and sho carried only the life insurance you do, would you think ahe had enough T The Equitable Life Assurance Society. Rtrongcst In tho World. Write Thone or Call - W. J. RODDEY, Mgr Bock Hill, S. C. ; LOUIS H. ASBURY ARCHITECT Law Building, Charlotte, If 43. fl FRANK P. MILBURN & CO. J ARCHITECTS WASHLNGTON,- D. C HOOK AND ROGERS r ARCHITECTS . chabsjottk, w. ; c Lcoeiard JU l?untet gad Franklla x' ARCH1TE0T3 v-' : Law BuUdlac C3uurlo(t4b. X. 3. . roi 111, and SIS. - , 'mat Tfc : ; : naaesi .mam . . - ,i ATLANTA, : - - " - ' - r - Automatic Feedt'rv' - Openers andTnink.. . Breakert Inttnnedlats and "i-1 Finisher lappwra,'-- i Kinccnerccrainetieaterw Waste Pickera. eta. "1 Raw Stock Drjrera, : ETC ETC r-"t taa. THIS SCREENS flies and Mosquitoes on the Outside Small Cost J. H. WCARN &:cor Ianufaclnrerg of Mantels. Write lor catalogn. Manufacturers and Jobbers : rieqnoails mud tt arrnaaai ta tuts Banking FadUUesj to ad dltlou ta Umm offered by local banks. TBS first National Bankf or ataiMoxi TimaMii Wltk J $!,0O4LO4a.M Capital ' Earned Stu-plaa ot.tM.M s SJiJM.tMC.U DtMUa . . $,M(.OO.04) Total tuatnwi I OBsrs Js tb. AAllUoaut, r22I - Jn. . C Farce tl. rTtsliljmi an Ule. Jr gJstant Oashlerr A. C SppUn. AssistauM . taalisx -i ;-, ! A. D. SAI.KELD & BRO . t commissiox itxstcujum M-7J Leonard Street. XEW TORK ; Fredlc Vietor & Achelis. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COHitlSSiaN. MEnCIIA.VTS v Cotton "Yarns and Cottca " ; - Cloths. -tTONSIGNMENTS BOLrCTTKO rtaiadclphU, 113 and 1J Chestnut tt. V Boston. Summer "- Krw York, N. tl IMsrd St. C3arlottw ti h. Xrjo St. moss cnenieia pivet ana mi .. 'I

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