1. . , - CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, 'JULY, 12, 1903.: 11 , . - . ., "I ... , '. Kugene CorreU;' MIm ? Jails Barrow , end Mr. Eugene Barnhardtr Miss Lue? ,' t: Mrewn sand Mr. -William, Wadswortn, MisaMargTierlta Brown and Mr. B. L. Morrison, Miss Geneva Parka - and ,l .Mr-C-Cllfler-MlM -Ohla- Brewi-ana Mr. A. Howard. Mlsa -Louise Mean J and Mr. Ralph Clin. Mis Mary Blur ; ham and Mr. Harrjr Hopklna Btag W. J. Montgomery, Jr., Noes, Corren, J. E." Martin. J. F.. CannM ana Ern est CerrelL- Chaperonea, I Mesdame S. J. Lowe, 8. J- Ervin, J. ,w. cn "v non, Jr, A.; J.Yorke and H. M. Bar- .row.-.,..- Vvr 4' ;t--.- . ... -.'''. --. ;.- -, :t 'The Union '''.Depot. riven at the " ;t Opera House on Frldsy evening , by ' -. local talents under the able managc anent; of Miss MyrUs Mas .Wtchneld, r Indlana,-was a-decided success A flargs audience waa in attendance, i 1 Apart from -th play . a tableau and several choruses were given, 1 all of . ' . 'which were pretty and effective. One . 4ialf of the nef. proceed goes to the Ladies Aid Society of Central M. C : "; 'church. : . ' ' , . ... - : ' '- : ' ';-;:;ii';Mrif.:C;'W.- 8 wink and little grand-i son, -Master Earl Henderson Brown, " Jr.. are vUlting relatives in Morgan ' ton. MeS&amea Charlea Stan back, of " Mount Ollead. and Thomas C. Ingram, ' of Norwood, who have keen the guests of- M rt. W t R. Harrta returned -hen .W, Wednesday. Mre. John D, Hatchett and children. Ktther and John, Jr., : are visiting- relative In th clty ' Mra Clara Branson. , and daughter, V. Mias Anna, r the guests of Mr. w ' R. Odell. Mrs. J. H. Wltherspo-jn, !.- of Lancaster, s. C, i visiting her par- enta Judge and Mra.W. J. Mont' ' gomery. Mra. A. E- Lenta, of Balls , bury, and Mra., J. C McDowell, of Morganton, are la the city. having - keen called here by the aerlous !! nesa of their stater, Mr. V. L. Smith. Misses Myrtle and Adel Pemhsr- ton left Friday for Monroe cor a two . weeka visit o friends. Mlsa "Willie , pemberton, of, Albemarle, Irfthe gut . of her uncje. Dr, W. D. Penberton. LEAKSVILLE. Correspeadenc of, The. Observer. iakaviUe, July XO. Th Chalmers Glenn Chapter of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy met laat with Mra D. E. Field and had for their Interesting subject, "The Confederal Government;" Paper Jfferon Da vla Mr. A. D. ivie. Beading, Mr. 8. M. Harris; vooal aolo, "The. 'Bonnie Blue Flag." Mra. W. R. Walker; pa per, "Battle f ChancellorvUle." Mr. J. W. Ivie. Each member gave an Item of Intereat about her sponsor. Friday evening. Mies lola Sweaney , entertained a number f young people In honor of the eight girls vlnltlng her. The tame. Anagram. i the amusement of the evening, the word "Sweetheart" was ehoen to form as many words from s possible. Mlns Helen Jones, or Reiasvuie, won ne prlae. Saturday, the Fourth, was a great day for -Leaksvllle and Spray, and on filled with varied intereeta and afoueeraenta. - The mills had so thoughtfully arranged an all-day pro rramme at Recreation Park. Spray At o'clock ' the parade formed on VI . I .trut In Tjlllrlvlllt wlttl ttl raviy decorated fldatsT band Wagonj) and private conveyances, and marched to Spray. M. A. Trent & Co. recurved th nriae of IIS for " beat fioM, a d Mr. Lawrence Oris Mm received-prise for best private -conveyance. .Recreation Park was a scene of great, attraction wiin us beautiful trees and rustic seats, and its booths where different churches dispensed their ware. "Lake Com Acroas" was a beautiful 'mirror 0 wherein was reproduced the passing ., scene In all its aright coloring, Shortly afterwards the Hon. Sir, Richards delivered a short address. Then cam 'the "tub" race, which was extremely amusing as the youngsters, '" seated in their tub. paddled across the lake, many of them upsetting, ut tie Master Spangle won th prise of 6. In the foot-ra.-e, which was very Interesting, a younu man from traper won the prize. In the swimming- 'i:e Master Frartcis Ellen was successful .and Mr. Tom Ollley won the wheel barrow race. 1 the ' afternoon, the crowd enjoyed a baHoon asccnalon 7 with a lady as ae rosmm. Theft cime the exciting game of ball between .' Madison and Spray, resulting in a victory for Spray, with a score of o to t. The hobby horses did good service during the day. About the time the exercises wcr over, a sreot downpour of rain seattera.l tlif rrcwd and gioe them a kodJ drenching But the crowd camo Hack a'r nlftht to see the excellent display of fire works. It was a great and memorable day and wearer much Indebted to the mills for their entertainment. - Monday evening, - Meaara - Layden and Scott gave a delightful boat-nae on "Lake'Come Aeross," tn honor of Miss lola Sweaney and her house - party, with Dr. and Mra J. B. Ray as chaperones. .,- Tuesday, evening the. young men gave a dance at the rink In honor of Miss lola Sweaney and her guests. ; r ' ' y . Wednesday evening 'the young; men gave an enjoyable drive to the club , house, three miles down in the- Mesy dowa, in honor- of Miss Sweaney and ' her gnrsts.;The club house, hung with Japanese lanterns, perched as it is on ' a high knol), served as a guldlng-star .to the party, lost though, some of them were, yet they kept their eyes - fixed on the golden light, and finally "reached the goal. Watermelons and ; peaches wera enjoyed fully. ''Thursday morning Mra Kllatt gat a bridge party In honor of Mra. Watt, of Reidavllle, who Is the guest of Miss ; Annie Scales, 01 Byrdvill. . Thursday evening Miss Jessie King entertained 'The Toungar. Bet ' in , honor, of Miss lola Sweaney's bouse prty. . . ' . . , MONROE. i Correspondence ol Th Observer. -, . Monroe. July 10. The Monroe Ger man Club gave a german in honor of viaJUng young ladle Monday evt nlng, July fth.. Music was .furnish ed by the Third Regiment Orchestra, ef Raleigh. In th wee small hours of the night the young people went home thanking; th club for the de lightful treat and declaring It was th most ' enjoyable social event of th season. The following were present: Miss Wennern Tag r art, (Abbeville, 8. C, Wftk Mr. Jo Hughes, Abbe vi lie; MUs Frankla Self, Hickory; with Mr, Emsley Armfleld; Miss Marls Hardin, Oastonia, with Mr. Frank " Falrley; Miss Joe Griffin. Wood lawn, with. Mr, f. C. Stack; Mia Cook, Loulsburg, with Mr. Frank. Lee; Mias Luclla Dog gett, Charlotte, with Mr. Key Scales; Miss Sarah Dogrett, Charlotte, with Dr. n. Smith; Miss tmrni Cole, Rocking ham, with Mr. 8am Parker; Miss Cor nle Falrley with Mr. Fred Smith; Miss Margaret Parker with' Mr. Campion; Miss Lena Henderson with Mr. Hor- ce Keal; Mlsa Frances Lee Wrth Mr Lee Williams; Miss Margey , William-J sen with Mr. Thurman McRae; Mrs. Estelle, Stewart with Mr. Herndon Hastey; Mlsa Bertha 8mlth with Mr. C A. Kennay; Miss Lessle Houston with Mr. - Klrby " Hough; . Miss , Beth "English TnraK" L.-&-OsTburnf Mrs, Wilson Grlffini with Mr. D. K. Fitch; MUs CaroUne Parker with Mr. Penny; Misses Grace Smith; Goldie.. Ritch, Margie - Riten.w Hallie NeaU Mary Fitch, Clara Ashcf aftr Kte Falrley, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Mr. and Mra C. M. Redfera, Mr and Mrs.. James T. Griffin, Mi and Mra, Henry Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Griffin, Mr. and Mra C N. Simpson,. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rufus .Armfleld.- Mr,-: and Mrs. John Falrley, Mr. gnd Mrs. G. B. Caldwell. i KERNERS VILLE. Corresnondene of Th Observer. , Kernersvlllev July 10. The fifth an- rruaF reeepOort given by the Woman s Embroidery Club of KernersvlUe, last w-ridav afternoon at Korners Fouy, the beautiful home of Mra J, GUroef Korner. nroved to be onro of the most delightful events of the season. At S o'clock the guests began to arnva and regardless of the Inclement weather the receiving party was dls- Denalnar welcome until o clock. The guests were first conducted by little Misses Estelle Korner and Gertie Kerner to the north entrance where Mlasea Kathleen Korner and Jennie Willis -received carda They were then met at the head of the north stairway by Mias Kate Stockton, who presented them to the receiving party, composed of Meedame Korner. Martin' Holt, of Oak Ridge; Hasten. Willis, Spach, of Winston-Salem, and Miss Brlggs, of Cincinnati, O.. The reception room was tastefully decorated with potted plants, while on small tables through out the room, .were displayed beauti ful pieces of drawn work, battenbrg, and embroideries which testified to a year well spent by the members In th club diversion, needlework. The visitors were then escorted to the west vestibule, where the color scheme of green and white harmonised perfectly with the hangings and dec orative finish of the room. Here they were met by Misses Notre Johnson and Do re Korner and ushered Into th din ing room where delightful Ices wer served by Mrs. Morton, assisted - by Misses Tllla Harmon, Blanche Merl deth and Willie Stockton, and little Misses Mattte Lee Korner and Fannie Llnvllle. Here the club colors, red and white, held sway. From the cen tre piece of red carnations and aspara gus fern upon the dining table loops of red ribbon held clusters of red rospjt upbn Its four cornera The decora tions of the dining room are in car mine and thus the schema was the mope effectively carried out. From the dining room the guests passed through the "den" Into the library, a most artistic room, where Mra Harvey Holt and MUs Fleta Brown,, of Oak Ridge,- presided at the ' punch dowi. Arter a few moments or tete-a-tete the visitors passed out upon the south plas pronouncing the af ternoon's entertainment a most de lightful success. The Woman's Embroidery Club, nf Kernersviile, is federated undfr the North vCarolina Federation of Wo- n,,ft' Clube nfl i Aning -flourishing work In Its many departments. SHELBY. Correspondence ot The Observer. Shelby, July 10. A second formance of the "tTnlon Depot" given here July 4th with a.n por was an- dience of fully two thousand people, this popular play was received with great pleasure. Mix? Myrtle Mae Crltchfleld trainer for this. play returned ed. without her excellent management It would have been Impossible to have given it. Miss Crltchfleld is a woman of charming personality aside from hor exceptional ability as a trainer. Sh has promiaed tA. return in the early aiitumn and present "Snap Shots" for Two danres and a skating party at the rink were given this week In honor of the visiting youn ladies. M1s.ws LUlage Oates and Vera Webh. of Ashevllle and Birmingham, who have been the attractlvo guests of Mlsa Madge Webb for the pat week are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Eskridgo thi week. They leave Tuesday 'for Charlotte accom panted by Miss Madge Webb where they will be the guests of Miss Lucy Oates. Miss Ledbetter, of Anniston. Ala bama, Is the delightful guest, of Mr, and Mrs. George Blanton. The Misses Smith of eastern Carolina are 'the ruests of Mr and Mrs. Carpenter. Mr. and Mra Thomas have as their, guests the Misses Daniels, of Tennessee. After a pleasant stay, with. Mias Pearl Gardner Miss Marjraret Grant left for her home -In Marlon Satrday-Miss XjOnSJ, OI IKlOItro-, nnv JJ&a uttcm V1B11- lng Miss Lotte Wordeon left lait week. Miss Elisabeth Ebeltoft has return ed from Charlotte. Congressman and Mrs. E. T. Webb and children are ex pected home from Jackson Springs next week. Mr, and Mrs. a. u. xmiier, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller and Messrs. Andrew and Robert Miller leave this week for Montreat where they will spend the summer. Miss Helen Dover bag returned from Gastonla where ahe attended Miss Jenkins' house party Mr. J. K. Dixon. Jr., of Gastonla, apent the' weekend hers, the guest of Mr, Forrest Eskrldga CoL and Mrs. J. T. Gardner, Miss Pearl Gardner, Miss Nooe-and Miss Madge Webb leave Friday next for Morehead City, e-Mlss Allle Moorcj of Charlotte, is the truest o hr slater, Mrs. J. T. Gard- uer-Mlsse Elva Wray and Ray Eut tie hsvs returned, from a delightful visit to Ridgeway, 8. c Mra a. w. McMurray and children -are in Ken? tucky visiting ' MraigptcMurray's. par. enta Mr. Claude Miller is visiting his, parent. He has bean- away two years and his many friends are glad to see him tack. Mlsa Violet Holland who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. fXh P. Holland has returned to Ttfounf Holly. Mrs. -Warren, of Gaston fa, Is tn guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoeyr-Mrs. Charles Forbes and' child. of Greenville, N,C are vlsltln at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' A. B. But tle Mr. John McSweea.who has betj a guest at , the ) College Hotel left Thuraday for hut home In Florence, 8. C hi mother and grandmother. Mra McSweeh and Mra McKenste. will epena tna summer here. Miss Taylor. of Raleigh, is a truest at the College Hotel. Mr,. George Frlck, of Norfolk, Is with 'his, mother and alater" at the College Hotel.'-Mr. and Mra Phlpps and - Mrs. . French, : of . Jacksonrtiie. Florida, are expected xt w eek to spend some time at the Colleae Hotel. Mra West, of Richmond, Vs., and Mra King;, of Columbus,' Ga ' are truest of - Mra L. M. Hull. Mr. J. Heyward Hull, of Xew Tork, fa spending- a few days here with relatives MUses Oro' Eakrldge.' OYU. Flack and Mrs. Hitchcock and Messra Eskrldga and Nichols left Wednesday morning for Chimney Rock. Miss Annie , Bryant left Saturday for Blowing Rock,-Mr, De Witt Quinn came in Thursday from Morehead City where he went .before tbeboaraVof iStatjexamlnera and passed on hi examination for phar macy. Mrs. Harvey Jetlow and chil dren and Mias Hattie. Green returned Monday from a visit in Lincoln county. -Mm- William Gardner and children, of Birmingham, ABCT are" tfirTuesfsToT Mr. . and Mra John Wray-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wray spent the fourth In Marion. . - . , ' - -; - SALISBURY: Correspondence of Th Observer. 1 ; Salisbury, July 10. Miss ' jcanie Klutu entertained Wednesday after neon at a bridge party followed by a reception, in honor of Miss Bessie Henderson, the charming bride of next week. The house was attractive ly decorated In white and purple' al thea, nasturtiums and rosea. Th guests who arrived t o'clock en gaged In a most Interesting; pivot gam of bridge and as It n eared its end the rooms rapidly filled with oth er guests, making the scene a very gay and animated on. . The lovely summer gowns and hats gave addi tional color and beauty to the charm ing picture. Miss Henderson -was most- becomingly gowned tn elaborate ly embroidered white linen with white hat adorned with the most exquisite of American Beauty roses.. As guest of honor Mlsa Henderson received the first prlxe, a gold hat pin. Mies Lis ale Bingham received the prize for the highest score, a gold veil pin, and Mrs. Richard Henderson drew the censo- lation, a pretty wafer color. Mlasea janet quinn and Kathleen Klutti dls pensed punch throughout th after noon. Mrs. Robert Vance Brawley will en tertain Friday at an afternoon recep tlon in Mias Henderson's honor, and on Wednesday evening next Mr. and Mrs. Archibald H. Boyden and Miss Jane Boyden will entertain In her honor. - Mrs. Frederick Bain, Miss Charlotte and Mr. Steelman Bain, Mrs. -Newboltl Ethlng and Allan Corlnne Mock, of PflUadelphla, arrived this week to visit Mrs. C. C. Mock and -to attend the Henderson-Cotton wedding. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Cobb, of Nw York, will arrive Wednesday to at tend the wedding. They will be thn guests of Mixs Jeanle Kluttc. The Misses Counlff, of Jacksonville. Fla are the guest of Mr. A. H. Price. DURHAM. Correspondence ot Tlie Observer. Durham. July 10. Mine Lila right waa hostess one evening this wek from 6:30 to 9 o'clock In her home on Main street. Her guests were me Bridge Club, and four tables took part In the contest at cards. The tables were arranged on the lawn ani Japanese lanterns scat tered about with a Japanese long screen made the slniDle effects in tended, decidedly beautiful. The (fame was without Incentive,' but "was played with ze8t The guests were Misses Kthel and Louise Carr, Ger trude Winston. Annie- Louise and Lida Carr Vuughan, Martha Cowan, Evelyn Jones. Joe Taylor, Eleanor Green; Nellie Watts, Baltimore: Catherine Bryan, Meadames J. Paul Taylor and A. Cheatham. A lovely party on the mornlna of the Fourth was the euchre and flinch party at which ' Mm. W. A. Guthrie entertained her friends at her home on Main street. Mrs. J. A. Robin son assisted Mrs. Guthrie in re ceiving her guests. The house was hospitably bright with quantities of potted plants and rut flowers, while dozens of silk flags were used throiiRhout the rooms, and the mantles were draped with red, white and blue silk, suggestive of the Gloriou Fourth. Those playing flinch were: Mrn. J. K. Stagg, Mrs. A. G. Carr, Mrs. lU ttle , Wright, Mrs. L. Ball. Mrs. J. R. Renn, Mrs. R. L. Flowers, Mrs, AnnieiLong, Mra J. H. Mahler. Mrs (Joorge Beall, ,Mrs. Julia Passer,' Mrs. E. C. Murray, Mrs. J. S. Cobb. Mrs. A. H. Stokes, Mrs. Julius Duncan, Mrs. Levitt Jones, Mrs, T. M. Gorman. Euchre: Mra. L. A. Carr. Mrs. A. E. Floyd, Mrs W. A. Erwin. Mrs. J. C. Mlchie. Mrs. W. J. Oriswold. Mrs. V. S. Bryant, Mrs. A. Cheatham, Mra. I. N. Carr, Mrs J. M. Manning, Mr. W. B. La Far. Mrs. W. L. Wall, Mrs. Otla Smoot, Mrs. Mary -Yancey. Mra. E. L. Bryan, Mrs. Jones Fuller. Mrs. J. P. Taylor, Mrs. J. A. Robinsin. Mrs. Julian S. Carr, Jr., Mra C. A. Jor dan. Mrs. B. W. Brooks,Mra E. J. Parrlsh, Mrs. P. C. Graham, Mrs. A. Cobb, Mra Paul Gilbert, Mra F. L. Walker. Mrs. William . Morris. After the game a delicious Ice course was served by Misses Ellse - Lloyd and Mary Louise Fallon. On the evening of the 6th Mr. Oscar Edwin Holmes and Miss Min nie. Holmes-Carter, both deaf mutes of thia city, were married In the parlor of Church Street Hotel. Rev. G. T: Adams officiating. The -wed' ding was a surprise even to thos who could communicate with the lovers. Both have been here sonfe time, though neither Is a native of this place. Miss Carter's home is in Cumberland county and Mr. Holmes' was originally Luray. Page county. Va. The bride studied at Morgan- ton, the State school. The groom Is a well, educated, bright young man, attended school in the Virginia State school, Galludec College, and Is a Journeyman, printer.- He was a com positor on iThe Durham Dally Sun. and wrote semi-weekly an interest ing column devoted to the deaf and dumb people. Quite a large number or rrienaa were present, out it was after eii a very qult ' marriage, a the bride and groom plighted, their trotn witnoui saying a word. The young people will b her several weeks and then go to Baltimore to live. Mr. Holmes has been traveling salesman for the Durham Office and Art Supply Company. - Last Friday evening there waa a bnsinesa meeting of the Fun Loving; Club at the home of Miss . Christine Macintosh. After - some dtseussHn the members decided to add books to their club next fall. The hostess presented each truest with a pretty stock collar. After some time spent In pleasant ! conversation, delicious refreshments were served., Those who were o fortunate a to be present at this ' pleasant meeting were: Miss Mary Sasser, Miss Ruth Green, MUs Catherine Turrentlne, Miss Mattie Leahman. Miss Susie Cox,, Mies Christine .Macintosh, . Judge R. Winston . i at Buffalo Springs, whexe he J spending a few days, in recuperation from the Char lotte convention and overmuch hard work. " HI daughter, Mis Gertrude, Joined him a day or two ago and will enjoy with him , the . health-giving waters, our cltjr I very much de populated new, that this war si , weather is upon us, and the social life is at an .ebb. " -1 rJfr.-'Peftf' Read and bride, nee Miss Haade. returned to the city yes terdayaftrnoon from the western part of the State,, wfieM th their honeymoon. They visited Ashe vine, Lk Toxaway and ' other points intho "Land of the Sky .-They spent about a week In thf beautiful cpun try. , They will make their home In thi city.. ' . , ; '. - " ' Mr. 8. P. Jones, of this city, and Mlsa 'Delia Catlett, of Franklinton, wera married yesterday In Creedmore gt t o'clock tn the afternoon. The ceremony was performed at the home of Mr. Claude Allen by Mr. Allen him-: self. ' A few, friends witnessed it. The couple came Immediately to Durham and, will male this their home. Mr. Jones has a position with the Singer Sewing; Machine Company. - RALEIGH. Correspondence of The Observer. Raleigh, June 10. a' party of young people, chaperoned by Mra James H. Pou, apent the week moat delightfully camping at Dr. Rogers' bungalow near . MUburnle. six miles from Raleigh, Fishing and rowing? were among the chief features of entertainment w'th a Jolly good time in general "roughing it." In the party were Misses Edith Pou, Llzsle Rogers, Nannie Hay, Juliette Crews. Annie Era Pou. and Messrs. Jessie Primrose, Hugh Thompson, John Cole, Burke Haywood, J. S. Mason. John Bushall, J. Y. Joyner, Jr.. Dr. h. J. Pegram and Mra Pou as chape rene. The Raleigh Sunshlners are making abundant preparation for their an nual outing, more than one hundred strong;, at Beaufort. They mot sev eral times with their chaperone, Mrs. Charlea H. Gattls, and their director. Col. F. A. Olds, the past week per fecting; their arrangement for the trip. They ar to start Tuesday morning and be away two weeks. Two goodly boats have been chartered for the time and fishing and sailing will be among the chief pastimes. About seventy-five of the boys and flfty of th girls holding membership in the society are arranging for the trip. Mrs. R. B. Glenn and Miss Rebecca are at th Governor's Mansion again, having- been obliged to return from their Intended summer outing because of the accident that befell Miss Glenn In Joneaboru, Term., where her ankle turne. spraining it so badly as to mak it Impossible for her to walk again before September or later.. This 1 the second accident of the kind she has suffered In two years with the ame ankle, making the recent injury all the more serious. ' At the general reunion of the de scendants of the signers of the Decla ration of Independence in Phila delphia the past week, Raleigh had a representative in the person of Mrs. Helen DeB. Wills, a lineal deeendant of William Hooper, the signer. She returned to Raleigh Thursday. Miss Jennie Proctor, of Raleigh, apent the week at Sanford, the guest of Miss Mildred Williams, who on Friday evening entertained In her"' honor, the affair being pronounced one of the most enjoyable In Sanford In a great while, Mrs. Edgar Barhe has as her guest this week Miss Alice Peacock, of Philadelphia. Mias Peacock has visit ed Raleigh before and Is especially popular her. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Raney and Mr. and Mrs. Brown Shepherd returned to Raleigh from a three weeks' stay at Morehead Thursday. Mias b'aldee Robbins is home again after attend ing the silver service presentation at Beaufort on board the cruiser North Carolina and stopping over a few daya with friends In Wllxon and Klnston. Miss Elsie Haywood. - has returned from a stay at Wrlghtsville Beach. Mis Daisy Thompson is spending two weeks at Wrlghtsville Beaeh. MIm Swannanoa Home, daughter of Col. Ashley Home, of Clayton, spent sev eral days in Raleigh, this week with relatives. Mrs. Horace Dowell ha returned from New York, where she took special vncal training 'inttcr Sanger and was well received by a number of the largest and moat fash ionable church congregation as a soloist. Ex-Judge and Mr. T. " B, Womack have returned from their bridal trip, concluded with attendance On the North Carolina Bar Associa tion meeting at Morehead. Mra Womack has now gone to Rock Hill, S. C, to spend a few days with her mother. Mrs. H. E. Norrls Is spend ing a while In Plttsboro with her parents. Mrs. M. T. Norrls and daughters, Wllla and Ruby, of this city, and Mrs. Henry A. Cole, of At lanta,, have gone (b Capon Springs, W. Va., to spend awhile. The Misses Xorrie will also visit Miss ' Minnie Mann. In Bluefleld. W. Va. Mrs. p. C. Ennls and daughter, Mrs. Charles Brlggs, have gone to Ocean View to spend a lew weeks. ; HOLLY SPRINGS. Correspondenc ol The Observer. . Holly Bprlnga, July 10.-A beautiful wedding took place here Wednesday at t:80 a. m., when Mr. Archibald Vines Bohbltt and MM Cora Estelle Holt took the vows of holy wedlock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Benton Holt, RvV J, H. Buffalo officiating. - v The drawing room was artistically decorated with fern, palms and pink astors. embodying a color scheme of pink and grean. Quantities of rus nlng cedar was hung over the door and window, "while t h parlor, tb dining1 room and hall were decorated with numrtfu other flowers and v-ergreens- Precedlng'th entrance of the bri dal party Mrs. A. C. Hughes sang in delightful style "My Dear,'' and th party ; entered whUe Loherigrln' "Bride's Chorus" Miss Mamio Burt. was rendered by Th groom entered from the right. accompanied by Mr. Lewis W. Barnea, and the bride entered from the left, on the arm of her sister. Mis Clyde Holt The bride wore a going-away gown f charnpaT rajah," with bat. gloves and Shoes to match, and carried a shower fcouqust of roses and lilies of th valley. The maid of honor was attired "In a beautiful whits lingerie gown, wearing a picture sat and car rying pink, astors. - - '. ; . : Immediately after the ceremony th fcride and groom were driven to the station end left for Northern cities and Canada., ... " 1 On Tuesday evening before the wd ding, the fciidal party was tendered a reception, at the bom of the bride. . - A delicious) mens f saad course Icea and fruits were served. At the punch bowl. Misses Pauline Holt and Gladys De war presided, while two dainty lit tie girls. Misses Marguerite' Jourdan and Geneva Barnes, attired In beauti gfowns of crepe de chine, had chargw of th bride's book. "' ' The out-of-town miewta wore; L. W. Barnea Edward Bob Wft. Mlasea Ge-nva-Barnea Florence Currin and Le- oia Currin, of Henderson rD. N. Btew ard, of Montgomery, Ala.; Mr. and Mra T. d. Holt, of Columbia. 8. c: Mr. and Mr 3 B. Wray and daugh-d ter. Marguerites Mr., and Mrs. u u Holt and Miss Gladys De-war.- of Ral eigh; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jourdan and daus-hter and Mra By rum. of Dur ham; Mr. and Mr. A. C."-Hughes. ..Maixlft. TCnrrls and Llxzie Ut ley,- Messrs. Percy Olive, Lindsey Ol Iv and Raymond Harward, of Apex; Mlasea Marguerite and Ada Bright, of New HID; Rev. J. M. Daniel, of Dunn. ' The bride la the popular and ac complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Holt, of Holly Springs, and has numerous friend throughout the State. The groom Is a popular young bus! ness man of Henderson and Is well known throughout North Carolina. V CHASE CITY. Correspondence of Th Observer CAaae City, Va, July . Among the most pleasant of the week's af fairs waa the german on the Fourth, The ball room was in gala trim for th occasion, handaomely decorated In red, white and blue bunting and this, the merriest of the season's dances, was a fitting climax to the cel ebration of the glorious Fourth. Wed nesday evening there was another Quite a number of the guests en Joyed a tennis tournament Wednesday afternoon. . Mr. and -Mrs. a. H. West fall, Mrs. Smalley and Mrs. G. . O. Wilson are prominent and delightful people from Greensboro, N. C Greensboro Is also well represented by one of her ablest and most wide ly known lawyers. Judge R. M. Doug- las. Good bridge player here this week are Mrs. A. H. Wastfall. Mr. Wilson. Mrs. Hamilton, Major McCaleb and Mrs. W. S. Weatherley. Among the many guests registered during th week are: Rev. C. J. Thompson. Durham; W. T. Minor, J. H. Drake, H. M. Lovensteln. W. H. Shelton, Richmond; C. A. Jones, E. M. Dorson. W. E. Weatherley, Baltimore; G. W. Davis, John R. Armned. J. M, Rodwell. New York; R. L. Graves, Newark; R. M. Lindsay, High Point. N. C; A. D. Haynes, Chicago; Mrs. N. M. Hotaner, Kinston. N. C; Miss 8. J. Rchermerhorn, R. B. Lloyd, F. L. Schoflcld. T. J. Wilson. 8. F. Badgett, B. W. Young, Richmond; E. C. Den dan, Dsmville; B. M. Meyer. W. X. Whitmore, Petersburg; Mr. W. H. Patterson, Atlanta. . I Others expected in the- next few days are R. M. Hayes and party. Oreenwood. R. C; Mr. R. O, Cren shaw and brother, 8outh Boston: Mr. i-nd Mrs. J. L. Wlngo and family and Mias Boudar. Richmond. 9 DUNN. Correspondence of The Observer. Dunn. July in. Tha excursion from Dunn to Raleigh on the 8th carried many young- people to the City of Oaks. Mies Prsala Stephens entertained last evening: quite a number of hrr friends at hr elegant home on Wilson street In honor of her charmln guests. Misses Fannl Hales, of 'Rocky Mount, and Dorothy Howell, of Tarboro. Many amuslns content were Indutaed in, to gtther with music and dainty refresh ment making the affair on o( the most enjoyatil of the season. Miss Myrtl TYad waa "at horn" to many of her friends Wednesday after- ! noon from t to 7 In honor ol liar guasta. Misses Lillian Fields, of LaCJranda, and Faye Pierce, of Falson. Those who were ko fortunate aa to enjoy Miss Wade's hospitality were: Misses Mary Pope. Louise Young, Carrie Wilson. Mtttl Youn;. Pauline Wade, Hortence Thorn ton, lieaeleaiephns, Fannie Hales, Dorothy Howell. Rot ha Pope, Bessie Stephens, Kate Jackson. Viola McNeill. Emma Young, Met Harper and Corlnne Harper. t Th Algonguln Club gave a dance Fri day, July 10th, In honor of the visiting young ladla. Thos present were: R, L. Godwin with Mlaa Lillian Fields, ef La Orange; Loyd Wads with Miss Fay Pierce, of Falson; Nat Townsend with Mlsa Myrtl Wad; L- B. Pop with Mis Dorothy Howell, of Tarboro; Frank Draughoa with Mlsa Llllle Parker, of Kinston; M. L. Wad with Mist Charlotte Parrot t, of Kinston: Eugene Le with Mis Kate Jackson; Will Yelverton, of Framont, with Mlsa Oertrude Jarkson; J. W. Oarald with Mist t Resale Htaphans:' Hal Goodwin with Mlaa Fannl Hal, of Reeky Mount; J. W. Wilson with Mias Floasl Oarald; William Thompson with Mia Louise Young; Jack Le with Mis Carri Wilson; P. A. Le with Miss Hor- Itenoe Thornton; Louis Stephens with Mis Nannl Rmtth; L. Irving Orantham with Miss Pauline Wad. Chaperons: Dr. and Mra I. F. Hicks snd Mra Ryal Woodall. f Troy. Ala. ENFIELD. Cotrespondanc ef The Obrvr. Enfield. July 1.- Mis Routhe Rullueh dallghtfuily entertained the Card Club Wednesday afternoon from B to 7 In honor ef Mra George A. Carr. of Durham, who is visiting her mother, Mrs; C 8. Hunt, and her guett. Ml Margaret Bowera of Scot land Keck. The lovely home was beautifully decorated In pink erepe myrtl and magnolia, pink nd white being the color scheme. After sev eral hands of progrslv whist. Miss Bowrg was found to be the winner of the prise, a beautiful pack ef play ing carda i Rlnhnrato rafreahmanis vara aarv Ud m nlnk and wTilte, Miss Bulluck j'wa votd a most charming hoateaa Thos presant wer. - Mrs. George A. Carr, ef Durham;- Mlaa Margart Bowers, of- Scotland Neck; Miss Speight.' of. Tarboro; Miss Mary Me Gulgan. of Lake Waccama; Mra R. C Dunn. Miss BetUs Whitfield. Mrs. Jack Whltaker. Mias Sadls Bell Mc Oulgan, Mrs. David Bell, Mrs. C. B. Hunt. Mrs, R. R- Bulluck. Mra Ed Simpson. Mrs. Ed Whitehead, Miss Mary Collins, Miss VatUe Howell and MJss Ronthe Bulluck. -. - . SCOTLAND EGK. ; Crrespondeace'sf Th Observer. "- ' Boot land Keek. July 19.-Mlss ftebe Ehlera ha bad a number of frltnds FREE TO YOU-MY SISTERE-'- faotaont coraploto trial t sad tf yeq should wUh to oaotinao, it iU cost gos obis' about U eonto a woa. or tow thaa two otnta a day. It will aot tetorfor wtth yoar work or eoeopstka. Joot oaod S Foar bbbm aaS oddrasa. tail ssa ham raa antfar U warn arkk. aad I will soad roa tfa trastmaa foryour easaontiraly fia. In plain wrapTMr, by aooa woaii wnaia suffor. i tova to U daJdafori M or younf. To Mother of Dosthtors, I wiU sua pftoctuaUy onros Logua i boat. Groan Btrlmaa MKuaa. i-nunpnaaa ana taut aiwars i alts front Woororor Toa llva. I eon rof ar oa to todies of any ouff aror that this Hoato Traatiaat roaltv Strang, plums and roout Jo at song aw roar rt own m&IMCAl. AUVlSfcK with cdrplatatorr tlinatraonaa stMwmw war and how thaw cos osUly cere thsmsalra at hoa trmrr ssaas aoonld asr It, and link tor korsoif. Than whoa tha doctor aay Yos snoot garo aa, eoaration.' yoa oas rouraalf. Thouaaada oi num kaa f il Hi rth mmm hflojo namodr. It luaaa aaV also tea dook. wrtutoaar. airwatrtfftlMUusallsrataiii. ail ill an VMS. M. SUMMERS. Bex H. Notrw Dgme, Ind., W.. SelfHion of aindy la rwrany trrlaf OB tka bayor, but If ro know tha orrara rapu tat ions of t ha d MVmt brand, tha aoporlor ropoaaUon acid quality of Stonw's loos no room for doubt. omnrkaitaicf. Tho lacradtonta ara abaolutary pura, and the earn aiToaaach Individual pioeo." inanafaetuioandhandttnaraoulta la candy as attractive as it la wfaoloaomo. gold by all PrughB aad CoaJaatoaara, S Manufactured by UTTLEFIILD W. H. CROWEIL, Agent, Charlotte, N. C with her here some time at a house- party. Sh is a student at St. Mary's School in Raleigh and hers was a SL Mary's house-party. Sh and her friend hav gone to Virginia Beaoh to enjoy a St, Mary's house-party to gether there. Mlsa Hallie Baker has a number of friends at a house-party at her elegant home in Palmyra. Among thos pres ent arc: Misses Blanche Nicholson, of Bath; Gladys Beckwith, of Rome. Qa.; Edna Watklns, of Blanche, and- Annie Josey and Helen- Hllllard, of Scotland Neck. Prof. John B Dayley and bride, of Txas: Mr Dr. r. FJ. Rrewer, of Wake Forest, and Mrs. L. W. Bayley. of Littleton, are here visiting the family of Mr. and Mra. N.'B. Josey. GAST0NI4. Correspondence of The Observer. Oastonia, July io. MjM Kathleen Royce oharminaiv .ntertuin..i ,i iSans Sourd Club from. 5 to 7 o'clock: uiuroay artemoon at her home on York street. Bowl of sweet peas and nasturUums placed here and there about the.rooms mde them look very beauUful and Inviting. In the hall Miss Rath Boyce dispensed detlcloua punch. After an Interesting game of trail elaborate refreshments were aarva.1 H iMIsaes Ruth and Lucy Boyc. in nuT members present were: Mlasea Helen Jenklna, Clarice Knight, Marie Hardlln, Maud Bepark. Johnale Adams. Bertha Ixnr. Minnie" Cottner. Ixmlae Fry end Edith Fsyssonur. Miss Mlliner. of Iaksvllle. and Miss Hous ton, of Halifax, guesits of Miss Helen Jenkins, were also prewnt. Mrs. E. W .OlJUam. 1n her uaual clisrrrrlng munnor entertained the members of the U. C. Club Thuraday afternoon. The' hours were meat pleasantly epent In social intercourse, and the aittlng room with furnishing "i TTwnoiun was maae more attractive with sn artistic arrangement of sun flowers. Delightful refreshment were served. Mrs. Ida Pursier Is soerrdin ths week in Ashevllle attending ths mis sionary convention. Miaaes Llda and Rosebud Adams ar snendlna- th sum mer at Hot Bprings.. Prof. Edgar jjong is hi New Toric City attending Columbia University. Mr. and Mra T. L. Craig are at Morehead City for awniie. SEABOARD Th' arrlvala and departurao as wn as to um sod connoctios with eihar companies, ar glv,n only m intorms- " w sas W low. uai sgsoyal4 Dlrct line te th prlnclooi olUos North asst. Boum ana south west ttahedul ..kin. iMt 1 , 1 I. II.. . . gUt. Chans without ootlca. Tlckeu for peaa(e en all train are old by thi company and accaptad by tha thi company will net be raanonoibla tlr (ailur to run Itsrajo, oa Usul, "irna or for sny such delay as may be IneM.t to their operation. Car U eiVrc flirt ? f-'ve correct ume or eeoneeting Unoa KT hi tympany in not wsposalbla for aSf rors or emlaalon o ior r- Train leave Charlett as fbllws. )V. to, dally, st 4M a. m.. tor Was. roe. Hamlet and Wllming-too, sennoerlno irMoro. wuh If for AtlanJaTBlrtruna! nam snd th fcoethweati wiiKT, fir u elgh, Waldos and Portsmouth, wltn tt at Hamlet Jor Rslolgh, tUctuaoal WiAl fasten, Nw York. Ko. m dally, t I M a. m., for Uo. coin ton, Shelby and Kutberfordtos with, ut bnc- . '. Na ot. aally. at l:9 p m.. lay Monro. Hamlet. Wilmlnston and all locaJinSL connoctlng at Hamlet with a vor Coluiw bis. Savannah snd all Florida poiota aa? K, M for ftalefsb- WehswadT Wasblnstea and New York, Na 1S. dally. . for Monroe, eoaneetlng with 41 fof Atlanta. Birmujl. baa and the Southwest with uin M at Hamlet . for Richmond. wsshlogtoa and New Tork. With U st Monroe for ttaieisr. , r" '"""V' . rnorrofk. h rough siaepar on ini vrajn rrem Char. tta N. C. t Porttmooth. Va. daily. Train arrlv In Charlotte aa follow,, No. 19, I H L m. dally, from points lortb ssd South,6' , N. aa. dallv. U Si 9. m from Wllmlno. North sso seuin.-- . ton snd sll raeal poiata - '. - T No. ill, daily, ra p. ev. tnm Jtatave-ftjrttonTBba.hy.LlnouliM-rfl and C sVife. M. ao, oairr, u.w p, h tt i lining- yv. nniiway puiuw No. tt, 11 M p. sa. any.- frees Wtlmms ton, Hamlet snd Mosroo:. also' (rors soint avast. North ana foothwest. oe necting Hamlet snd Monro. Conn options ere Baad at liamlet with throujth train tor pointo North. rVsth and Southoost. which are composed of aotlbelo day eoaohr wean Porta. Jiouth " Atlanta and Washington and ackooBvllla, end lplng car botwaaa ersay City, PtrmlriBbana aad Meaophto. nd Joesey City snd JockaosvUis, Ca Cars en til inrousa rrai tlon or baaboard deooriptlv Uteatui tpoiy v "" aa-ma or aaaroaa: 9 Slwys Hotel. UaeruKts. iCb. wonao'ssafferinia ' J x fora4 tkacmr. t-r.;j'"-. mail. trM ot an dsm. ar am t. With fall BMtroetiMB ta im ut wcana eflwiwita - I want to tall woman .fanwl your sntlur, or rear antac I want to toll roa how to core sniirs.liw at bone without th help at m doctor. Mom caanat aaoontaad m omsa's full art nr. What we woaos know oxporiooco. a kaow bottor than ear sort or. lknow that bijt amotnat MBt is w aaf sad obto euro tot Imimaws o Whttlsfe aWkarrM, UtcoraiUaa, DUptocoawot or patUns; of to WmbS. KroIaM, Seaaty or Patnfa PeriwU, mot in or vranaa I bbmt or ( Orewtasi the spto. aaataacaaly. ooslr to cry. fcot Soaaoa. warlnin, Udsty aad bald dor troeMos whore cbms4 by weakassaae poeallar tooBv sos. I wont as aa rs m coswast toa aav- treat assart oatsfaty M to prove to roe that yoa a care yomolf Jr aoroa, auilr, nicUr aad vmiy. torn om-iW too tl wta cost root sot Bias- to awe toa 1 " Ikaow f will rotora raaiL. I will saw tond oa fco of coat tDP' ozplala a stawte bora troataBoat wbiab apoadUf end Painful or Irrosrolar Monatruatiso is Zoaog ha i soar ows toaaBtr wke kaaw aad wfll alsdhr tog enrcs all woman's rtiimn. and asakoa woman wall address, mnd tb frao toaaars Una tamt to yesasj A S TKERE CO.. Aaawiia, T Southern Railway N. B. Fellowlag schedule ngure pub llahed only as latormatlos. sad ar sot guaranteed. April Uth. IMS: 1: a. m.. No. te, cany, ror T-aahls. ton and points North. Punman drawlag room a loo part to New tork. Day coach to Washington. t.K a ui., No. 9, dally, tor Colsatbla. Savannah and Jackaonvllla PuUeasai drawing room sleepers to Aagusts and Jaokaoiivltlo. Iay coaches to Jacssea vllla. . -, a, No, l daily, tot Richmond and local points. lol.-, m - ,N . omx. for Waahmv ton ai.d points Nertr. Lay rinohas Charlotte to Washlng:on. . J, ."Li - dyyx for, Columbia . and local point. for Statesvllle, Toyloravllla and local ? S . cnnats st Moorsavtn (or Wis. '-8s'. od at StatssvUls tor As&s- vliia. ; 7:1 s. m.. No. to. dally, lor AtUnta. Day eoachet Charlotte to Atnta Stops st principal points en route I0: a. ta, No. K, dslly, ror Waahhae. ten and boms North. Puiimu r-Tr room oloopars o New York and niohmond. Dey eoeohet to Waahlngton. Dliuag ear arv'r. if '4 S. m- ",,r tor Wlaslssv Baiem. Roanoke and local points New Orleans Limited. Drawlnt room sleeping ears. Observation and eiub car. Nw York to Nw Orleans. Drawing room sleeper, New York to Atlanta Solid Pullman train. Dining ear service. U:0 p. nv, no. 11. daily, tor Atlanta, snd local point a 4:00 p. m.. No. 4 dslly, tar Greens boro and local points 4:35 p. m.. No. 41. daily, except Ousday, for 8enca snd local polnta 4 45 p. m., No. 27, dally, for Columbia and local points. aA0?- ,H, -,No' "y escept Sunday. '"I .tsteavlfl. Tylorsvllio ane local pplsta Cootacu st Ststeavlhs for Ashe vllla. Knoxvllle snd, Ciinttanooga 1:14 p. m. No. 11. datly. lor R.)hmead snd loesl polnta Handles Pullman slooo- wr. i-innoiii io wasningtos. and Char lotte to Richmond. ; p m.. No. A dally. New York and Nw Orleans Limited lor Wasningtos sad point North. Drawing room sUsers, observation and elub cars to Naw York. Dining ear Mrvloa. Solid Pullman trarsT "I wWfc J?- .?" Atlsnta and Inta South Pullman drawing room para New York to New Orleana. Rich- -mend to Birmingham. Charlett to At- ' tests. Day coach Waahlngton te New Orison. Dtntnf car aervlee. n,.t" le?'n reservations, dot ail Information can be obtained at SNACKeivrutl1 trSJLZ: Vice Pros snO Oes. MgS Waahlnstor, D, C, P. H. HARDW1CK, P. M W. H. TAYLOR d. P. i Wathtngtoa. IL CL. . It l TKRNON, T P. Av Charlotte, N. GL Th Norfolk ft Southern Railway aa nounc the followlns round trip rales ts -Morehead City and return account of .ths encampment North CarolIns'Btat Quard: ' rxoni Rata. Ooldsbors xjg ' t" - ... t arsns .. log Falling Creek iat Kinston , .. i eg ' Caswell 1TS Dov' M .. 15 t-ov .. ., ,, -... .. ...... l.ss Tuscarsra .. .. .. M M j .t " Newbora ...... ..... .. , iag ' Rlverdsle M .. ., .. .. .. .. .. tea , Crostan .. .. .. , .. i. .. j. - Havolock t. .. M NSWBOrt ., ., .. m .. ..': '. WQdWOOd m w . ....... ., '.. .45 C. Rseiabere .. .. M ;M .. ,. in arantabore - ., .. .. .. .. .. is Bsyboro .. .. .. .. .. .. i M . Tickets te be sold August tb to Uth . lacluslve, llmltad two Ol days la addition to dste of sahv ;- - r - v - RaguUr paaagr trsuswtll atoa at P the camp ground to let off end take en ' peastBgsrs. Bpaclol train arvlo WiU ha . Issugurstsd between camo rounds, at- ' laatle Hotel and BeauforU . 8ohdul will be publUbsd latr. ' R. E. U DCNCH R. C. HTJDOINS. Traffic Manager. Oen. Paa AaaaA," The Norfolk A Southern Railway aa ao- tboiised the following f low round trip rates He Morehead City, and return for Sunday. August Uth, uog, account of the encampmest of tbs North Carolina Stats Quard: : , -- ... Schedula Statloea ' ' Rates. Leave TO am.-' Ooldssors tl 0 Leave T:M am. La Orange' IM Leave :o a nv . ' Xinstes . .-, ;', l.a Leave t:3 a m. . Dover Lis Leave :ST a m.' V; Newbers ; ' X.(k Leave 10 J7 a aa Newport Jt Arrive Moreheed City U am. Return lug laTo Morehead -City at TO p. cn. the asm data y Tlcktta te b sold Susdsy, August Ut. 1901 Good only en sat ef sate. 1 R. E. L. DUNCK. H. C. HUDGINS. '' Trasno Mtnager. : ., GaaTaa Agaot, J i : '

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