CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, JULY 12, 1C03. marriages. i Ilaaser-SftantrL at Winston-Salem, Special to The Observer. Trintn-fta3em. July 11? Miss Net lie Mav Shajnel and Mr. Arthur Haus r both of. ToteccovM; were united in Tnarrrage yesterday-srnoon; the ceremony being periormea ' V"3 ftc Or the register -wi - ciinir t. t.J"5nnrad. of - South' 1 township. The ages of tho couple were given as. 11 Tra The paptitl. "immediately after the ceremony the - bant of the herethey will re fi w" - ..... . . side. ; ,. .v;-, ;- ; ' - . Ttm-Prorfon Prh!B RnMliJ ta The Oterver. Durham. July llT Last night "a few minutes after o'clock there was i marrhwe at the home of ui..u Proctor, a widow, when ., It' ta Mr. J. W. Tatum. Z"Z : ,T;.".r Elder J. Y- Monk, '. .i.. b.iiH. Rantist church, offl elated. , So juietly' wee the DiarrUjf : kept that the license was secured but " thirty minutes before the marriage - for fear that it would become known in advance. W hen the hour arrived for the marriage neighbor had to be n.i.ri in in order to get a sufficient number to legally witness - the - eero- mony. THE DEATH RECORD." jm B. Fulghum, of Cedar Rock. Correspondence of The Obervcr.' Loulsburg. July 10.-Mr. Jesse B. Fulghum. a Well-known cltUen of Cedar- Rock, died suddenly Thureda night of heart trouble. He leave a wife anfl Ave children surviving him. Mr Fulghum was shout 65 year or age. The funeral was under the aus pices of the Masocle fraternity and took place at the residence Friday at o'clock. Frank Picard, of Hertford. Correspondence of The Observer. Hertford. July 10-Mr, Frank Ho ard, one of the oldext resident of the Tw of Hertford. died at his home yesterday. Mr. Pl.-ard was about .5 years of age and had been In falling health for a long time; consequently, Ms death was not unexpected. Mr. Picard was well known all over this county. For a number of years he ... .nnxid In educational work and many of Hertford heat citizen stsdied under him. For years he serv ed as county superintendent of school. 5Phe funeral was conducted this morn ing at the Episcopal chun-h, of which Che deceased wss a member. In the absence of the rector the burial service was read by Mr. WIIHam l'lcanl. of Jackson, a brother of the d iad. CONFESSES TO IlOKBKIiy. Negro When Arrested Say That He mod Two Yn federate Pulled Off Two Robberies One District In DavidMOii County Votes hiMilul Soliool Tax. Special to The Observer. Lexington., July 11 During the past ten day a series of rorrerlM has been committed in Iyxlngton. stores having been robbed in each In stance. One of the robb'-r. Car fleld Anderson, colored, wan arrexted At High Point yenterday and confin ed to having been implicated I" l Of the robberies but claims he know nothing or the others. , He named two other negroes as his confederate. Both of them have skipped and the officers have but little hope of gettlnK them. Sheriff Oelap received a report this morning to the effect that a negro hy the name of rharles Davis was shot last night by Robert Holt. nl.o colored. It I cald that-Holt broke, into the house nf Davis and upon hid ing discovered shot Davie, who In In a critical condition- The unerlfT and a deputy left Immediately after re ceiving the news for the scene of the trouble. It occurred in Roone town? hip, about ten mile from Iexinton. When the Ftate Superintendent of Public Instruction fixes up the map this year to send to, the annual meet ing of the county superintendent ,ie Will no longer huve to pi), e a r.ero mark over Davidson county.- for this week a local school lx whk voted In Tvro townehip. district No l there was not a clriKle vote aatnxt ' the .tax. . Not only wan the vole unanimous but onlv one n-Klten-d voter failed to vole. Davldion wm one of. the three ,ountlf-K in the state Without a epeclal to district but It Is nowtut-of thl liii' I ;vidon ! forging forward In too hv of edu cation and anithrr year will fee mP atfentlon pHld ti the public schouU Of the county than ever before. CXIQCE A'EGRO pnEACHEB DEAD lTrirfe Mose Itajter.U Well-Knowrn ' Cotored Chce , . of .Durham. T JssvJl.ary Soddeiir' -Ho Owned ' His Own ChurHi and . Preached to "the A"Wie People Moatly. ' Special to The ' Observer. - i .. '; . purham. July 11. Rev. Moses HesS- ter "UrrcJe'MOs aa he wa gnerally known, la dead.-He died almost aud denl at his Txorti la the western part of tho eity. Tha burial wUI he tomorrow- He' was born in Greenville county hut had Hvad here for va num ber of years. Ha wa 71 Jreara of age. Uncle Mose-belonged to the oldJsTime o eolored poople and was often referred to as the "John Jasper of Durham." He was probably the only man In the State who was a min ister and owned his own church, lock, stock and barrel. His was Berea church and he, preached when he pleased and did' not have to deal with any person or persons as to when his term as pastor was out. He waa the whole official - board. In connection with his church was his residence and there he lived with some of his daugh ters. About the church Is a little garden spot and here he worked when he was not preaching. Uncle Mose deserves more -than a paasjng notice. He was more than an ordinary man. Belonging to the . old slave regime he was polite and honest almost to a fault and he de lighted more in preaching to his for mer masters and aons and daughters of former masters than he did to those of his own race. He talked Scripture at all times and showed a wonderful knowledge of the Good Book for a roan of his advantages. A few years ago he went to New York on a visit and he never tired of telling the sight he saw on that trip and of the kind and courteous manner In which he was treated by the "white folks." He was one of the characters who al ways InHlsted that tne negro a nest friend was the white folks and that the "upstart niggers, ' aa he called them, were causing more trouble for the race than all other things com bined. Moonshine StUI and Blofkader Cap tured. V Special to The Observer. v Durham, July 11. Revenue Officers K. W. Merrltt ajtd J. T. Donoho cap tured a moonshine outfit and a pris oner ome four or five miles north of the city late yesterday afternoon. The still was found In full operation and as the officers waited three men ap peared on the scene, one of them brining wood with which to keep the flr going. This man was captured .but the other two made their escape. The msn captured -1 Lonnie Cham bWy, a young white man, and the offi cers aro of the opinion that he is not the real blind tiger whiskey mak er but that he wan simply a helper. He refuwes to give any Information and when arraigned before Tommis Kloner M'tye he waived examination and was sent to court under bond of J ,i(lO and 1 In Jail. Ahes Ilronsrht Homo Prom Philip pine Hper-lal lo The Observer. Durham, July 11.. All the mortal remain of the lpte Karln J. Tatum. a sliver urn partially tilled wltn aahe.s. have reached here from the Philippine iflnndK, where the young man died March 19th. of smallpox. The ahe are at tho home of tho young man's father, Mr. J. V. Tatum, and will be kept In sacred remembrance of him who left the home In fine health and great hope sorrre four year before he wis stricken with the fatal malady. CURES CZEf.!A QUICKLY , SI m ,,.Tin.m nnu mm union 3 national dank New la Small Quantities. - Since Its discovery . ene vesvr o. the new drug, poslam, bss successfully cured l thousands or chroma . eases or eczema and othet-V distressing skin afflictions. Heretofore poslam has been dispensed solely for the benefit of ecsema patients In larsre lars sufficient for a- month's treatment.' . This waa found to be an la convenience to many-thousands who use It for minor skin troubles, suctr-as- pin-ples.-, . blackhead, ; herpes, t acne, scaly scalp, complexion blemishes. Itching feet, plies. c, wblcb. require but a small quantity to cure. To overcome this, and In response to urgent appeals. ..the dis pensers of poslam have been obliged to adopt, in addition te the regular two dollar package, a special fifty-cent size, which In future may be found on sale at R. H. Jordan Co.'s and other leading drug stores in Charlotte, or may be or dered cHrect from the Emergency Labora tories. No. It .West 2tth street, iew York City. In ail ecsema cases poslsra stops Itching with first application, and pro ceeds to heal Immediately; chronic cases being curd in two weeks. In less serious akin troubles, results , are, seen after an overnight application. i Samples for experimental purpura mar still be hsd, free of charge, by writing ta the laboratories for them. A Western Romance of the Days of Monday 1 - , A t X t s m si a a A A s AA. -tifiA tist CHiarlotte, N."Cv Capital $100,000.00 X. W. WADE, Prwddetit. F. B. ' McDOWZXI Vice President. p i. M. wiCiyK, taahier. - . . DIRECTORS: r : F. TJ.-AtEXANDER-E. A, BUlTttl. W. B. RODMAN ; p. a ptumnter ., j..a. fore. :. :C ., t..w.v Wadf r Y, B. UcDOWELX. - E. D. LATTA, JR.' A. H. WASHBURN, . Tavr' business Is cordially lnv4ted.-;;.;" ' i .' Money to lend at per cent, on well secured paper. ?ji v':" ; Snlall accounts invited and receive .our. best car, 'and -attention.vKyi a- .p -r -. s ' savaqs'deparit - ' Deposits of $1.00 and .upward received. We pay 4 'per cent, and- compound interest . every three months. , iP&vri:' Safety deposit boxes for rent, $3.00y per "annum, T. W. WADE, Prest. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. Ve Arc Headquarters For 11:2 Siila . !. g- a' - s- ' i-' s " a ' . ' ma cxciiange rarming Lenas - 'we offer . . V". in Sharon neighborhood a valuable' tract of 100 acres; good five- : 'room cottage; two tenant houses and good barn on premises.,, Renta for $250.00 annually. "Price. $3,000.00. - ' r. '. . ,3$4 acres rn Richmond County. ; N. C, adjoining the Ellerba ..Spring? property. Long frontage n public road. sulUble for sub division Into" sm&tr-tracta. Healthful iocation. JW111 soon ba ycon. , nected with Racklngbam by motor car Una,. Prca. $10.00 ler-crei ' -- 34 H acres four , miles north of Charlotte on macadam road; stx : room house, barn, tenant house, orchard, etc. Land lies level,' four acres of wood land. , Price, $1,600.00. .- . . v - SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE - 10AH X- TRUST. COMPANY Capital. $75,000. . r ; - Snrplns, f 1M.0. . tV. 8. ALfiXANDER, ' R. A. DTJ3nr. vN A.Ml. McDOXAIA x Ptsialdeit . Vic. President. i , Sea and Tim. THE WEATHER. Wdshlngfnn. July H.-Torecsst: Vlrslnla. fair "and warmer Sunday; Mnnarty fair and continued warm; Ittht (oulh to west winds. Nrnlh and South Carolina and Georgia, fair and wtrmxr Sunday: Monday lair; HrIU to fresh south winds. Ivsstern Flqrlda, showers Funday and MnnilHy. light south winds. WcKtcrn Florida. Alalmma and Ixiuls larin showers Sunday and Monday; frefh to hrit south winds and thunder squall EiiKleru Texas. Hhowers Kunday an1 M'iriil.iy: fresh south winds. Western Txs. ahowers and cooler Sun- and M"day. A IK n n Him. MKiwnn PllUlin MJ1I1 ,M'Ilinj', pooler. Monday. Tt nnessce and Kenturky. fair and Wanuor Sunday; showers and cooler Mi.n.l.iy Will Virginia, fair Sunday pnd Mon V. wanner Sirnday. WEATHER lor.Vl. OKKK'E I'. f mnii'Ar.- fluirlritte. July 11. -Sunrise li : 17 s snns.'i 7.;C i. ni. TEMI'EP.AI I RE (In degrees). HlBlieM triiipitatire Lowest lempernt mo .- Mfn tempi'riiturr Ih flcii-ni y for the day Accumulated deficiency for month.. Accumulated excess lor year I'KECiriTA HUN (In Inches). Tolnl for 14 hours ending p. in Total (or the tnpnth 1 97 Total fur the year H I! Accumulated deficiency for year 3 OS Prevailing wind direction 8. W. V J. IiLNN'KTT, Observer. H Money Market .Now and SI. Months Airo. American Wool and '"olton n-portrr. The cbaniied condition In the tnoney iruwk'-t. si fnr n. It nffects thu textile trad,-. Is of u inont pro nounced character. Money Is now pl ntlf::l for all lealtimatn trade use. nrwl the loun te Is Just ahont on -half what If I Accumulated excess, for month was six months . ago. Good customers, the wool x trade, the cotton mills and t,h- woul manu facturers, vhit can show a kiI nun dltlon. can get all thf money they require at per cent.. 4 -z p-r cent., and at the top rate, S per cent., -and there is plenty available, i Sia months ago S per cent., and In not a tew instances 9 p r cent . was charged, and It required a case of pressing necessity for the fr-xtlle or any other trade to get money. The banks were curtailing loans and de manding the ulmoft confr-atbm from their customers, tho one 'Idea seeming to be to accumulate funds to provide for any possible emergency. 71! j o a'7ti "Jordan's on the Square." . E. P. PuroeU, President. D. A. McLaughlin. V. .Pres. Bring Your , Prescriptions to the drug Btore you know you can rely on. Our store is kept open always just to give you prescription work promptly and when you want it. R.H. JORDAN & CO. "Phone 1. NURSES' REGISTER Peters Stock Co, Advance Sale. HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR HONEY? R. A. lAre you doing it in a way to receive substant ial benefit! Are you laying aside something lor a "rainy day". If not you will never nave a better time to begin than now. To get quickly started, begin the easiest way, come "to the , ' a ..... - ERCIAL NATIONAL BANK v - and open a Savings Account. Do not wait for a large suni, for it may never 'come; just-deposit whatever you have to spare, jno matter f how small the, amount. Wc will gladly assist you in getting started. DtTNX, President. A. G. BREWIZER, Cashier. HOMES AND INVESTMENTS FOR SALE e-room cottage home. South Boulevard, DIlwortlT. with "all modern' conveniences; slate roof, lot 751S0. nicely situated and a splen did home. Price ' -.i... .$5,000 Vacant lot, close In. fronting 182 feet on railroad, convenient to both Southern and Seaboard; now renting for $80 per month. prlc ,....$11,000- Vacant 'lot, near Southern depot, In Woodlawn; sewerage water and gas on street, size 60x170, with alley. If taken In the next few days for cash .$850 l-room house, N. College street, comparatively new, on shady side of street: house in splendid condition and modern In every re spect. Price for the next 10 days .$0 000 B D. K LADIF..V OKN'TLEMEX: - Know all ye what manner of busi ness I do? Briefly told, read on. Sell Charlotte real estate. Find homes. Collect rent. Borrow, buy, sen or lend money. Represent non residents In the care of their Char lotte property. Wrlto the very best kind of fire Insurance. And "Watch Charlotte Grow." Call me. ' Watch me. Try me. P7 D. ALEXANDER J. E. MURPHY & COMP'NY 43 N. Try on. Phone $43. FOR SALE Items 1-Votn the Mannfarturlng City. -flpecUI to T'Ohervr. Hlgti'poinf. July 11 Mr. E. P. Carpenter has been promoted lo first lieutenant of Company M. High Point Rifles, bf unanimous consent of the company, to take the place of Mr. U, A. Millie, who has been promoted to staff fflecr. The cotppsny Is In good shape and is making prepa rations to go 16 the encampment at Moreead City on the lth Inst. ' It ta learned that the two negrjes who brqke Into Idol's store at Merhan- . IrsvLiJe.' one of whom was captured yesterday by the policemen here after a desperate chase, are wanted Thlr- , tngton for breaking Into a hardware store there a few nights since. The nerro Anderson was sent to court In default of a 1209 bond. Mr. J. p. Bostwlek and wife are In the cS:, tJie guests of Mr. A. J. Pods-mead. Mr. Bos t wick win preach ffonday morning nt the rirst Baptisf church' and that night will lecture on "China.",." -.-- BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS.-: ft aires me tmbeundM piessure' to recotnmnd Bucklea s Aroks Ple, say . W. Jenkins, ef Chapel Jful. K. C "f sm ronvinced It's tne ket ! th world scts. It carev a feos on my thumb, and it nr fails to bl every bxtrt cr wound to which u. Is eje j -i.- i-c. At aU drug alerts. 1.500 -A ere Kartn In (he Famous Wolf I'll Stftloii of lllihmond County. On Monday, July 13th. It08, at 12 o'clock m. at the Court House door In Rockingham, 1 will sell at public outcry my farm in Welf Pit Township, known aa the "yYetmore Place," supposed to . contain 1,100 acres, more or less. Terms i per cent, cash, 10 per cent. December 1st. 10, balance In five equal instalments. There, were It plows run on this place last year and ISl bales of cotton raised. Situated on the "O'jmI Koad" leading from ltocklngham ito Cheraw, 11 mtles from Rockingham. 11 miles from Chersw 'snd miles from Kollocka Rockingham. N. C June II. 10. H. C, WA1X, Agent- FOB SALE. The valuable house and lot, No. 324.' North Tryon street. K. 3I1LLER, JIl., Executor. 7 Per Cent and Safety ,W offer you a 7 per, cent. Income preferred stock In one of the permanent and suc cessful companies of North Carolina. This stock Is guar anteed by the entire assets of the company Issuing It, which has a capital stock of $50, 000.00. Truat Department -SOCTHEKM LIFE TUCST COMPANY, GreciiHboro. ,". c. Capita) and Surplus $0S,OOO.00 K. P. Wharton, President. A. M. Scales, Gen. Counsel. Robt. C. Hood. Asst. Manager. Strength, Courtesy, Progressiveness, Liberality Each of these words Is a synonym for our Bank and every month our books show that a larger number of people are taking ad vantage ui our unexcelled laciiiues. LET US SERVE YOU. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY r FIRST, NATIONAL BANK r - CHARIXyfTE, W. t -. - Oldest National Bank in North CarQlina. ' ' " - ' ''' Odveniment Depository.: Capital: andlProfils $550,000 4- per ' cent, interest on. time deposits, t Accounts so licited. - ! - ; HENRY M. McAIEN, ' President. JOHN F. ORR, r- ' Cashier. D The Merchants t Farmers National Bank OP CILRLOTTE, If. 0, , , . s -r ; -i CaplUl ... . $300,000 M Surplus and ProflU ....... ... .... ltO.OOO.OO Accounts of. Corporations, Finns and Individuals InTttad.. r We Issue Certificates of Deposit Payable on Inand Bearing; In terest at 4 Pes Cent. Per Annum if Left Three Months pg Longer. We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings Deposits and Compouad tha Interest Quarterly. . - We Want ton Business e - . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCrOOO Can. You Afford ;a Vacation Trip M If you can't afford a Vacation trip this summer, let this 'be.'' hint to you: 't ,. ::. Open an account In our Savings Bank, add a little each weak or each month and next summer you will . ha able to afford V tho finest kind of s trip. ' ' 4 per cent, toterest, compounded four times a year. ' ' SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANK JOHN U. SCOTT. President.: W. & ALEXAHDE&, Vlca Prss. - W. I JE2VKINS, Cashier. ' OOCOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOCOOOOCX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf BANDY A MYERS, " Consulting Engineers. Water Supply and Purification, Sewerage, Sewerage Disposal, ttoads, Streeta, Pavements. Watei Power. Hydro-Electrlo - Plants, Irrigation. Drainage. Reinforced Concrete. 8ur vaya. Estimates, Pians and Specifics tlons. Construction Buperlntended. Complete Plants Otilgned and con structed. . Main Office. 171-77 Arcade Rulldlng. Gresarabovo, North Carolina.' Branch Orfice, ' Laurlnburg, North Carolina. GILBERT C. WBTTJE, C. E. Consulting CIVIL ENGINEER , Darham, N. C, Waterworks, Sewerage, Streets r Wa. lev miration. Sewagre Disposal; liana, Reports, Estiiaates, feaper. vision of Coasumrflon. .. I Vocd fibre Wall Plaster, "Hard Clinch." s uu. uuiig'aino anicay-:;. ;.' " Preestng sWea not bsBtj nataral ensiakag - srlB not craek ttt srafer doe not make It fail affi hard aa aaonn, Write lor honkJeC . faemfactnred y r;,J , '-r ' . . GHKRLQTTE PLASTER GO. . .Writs or Booklet, v : A, Charlotte, Jf. C TAKE YOUR CHOICE . , For Sale, Exchange er Rent -12-rocm, modern suburban home, g acres of land, large grove, fruit trees, vineyard.-and one of the most desirable locations within the city limits. . For full information, call at our office, No. 5 West Fifth street, or 'phone 60t. CAROLINA REALTY CO., , O. J. Thles, V. President. B. Rash Lee, Secretary. W. D. Wilkinson, Treasurer and General Manager. - ! i 14 I i 1 1 1 I M H 1 1 Investment usiness rropi ?rtyl We offer a brick store buildings close to ' Independence Square, T leased for three years at annual rental paying 7 per cent, on Invest ment. , This is probably the only piece of business property within two blocks of Independence Square that can be bought at all. The Charlotte Trust- a- Realty Co. I ! Phone ;37fc&$ SbZtiMM I s-. , . . : .... . 'A i4mUltMMTlf4m4l4lTUlltllitt EIGHT ROOM HOUSE $9,000 Can arrange cood terms. , & Fourth St., all modern conveniences, well located in tha best peI hborhood, ops block of E. Trads atreet. : Easy walking distance of square. In our opinion this is one of tha best homes we have had for a long-time. Parties changing rest. denes. . . .-j... ..' Brawn & Companyi 'Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. Tllic Mew Series The game la-on," first payment waa yesterday, but ther are Just started. ; This week subscribers will roll. In by the hundreds. No time like to-day, N Po it at once. No matter where you 11 ve your stock' 'will ;sarn 'Just: the same.- : r'-. : ::,:iU.i-.r..i .. K-rr,. , . THE MVTCAL B. I. .. , ' is th" great friend -jot the masses. Use it avnd, bye and bys, you'll be happy. Don't wait until Saturday, but: act while you're. In the notion.- . - , " 'v . i .l:-r - ', .'v. --iT THE OLY WAY . . - , ' to beat tha" game.'- It's fair, safe, legitimate and highly profitable ' Pbona $44, THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Dcpooiioty - . Por ; the .United States, . r - . FStatfi of North Carolina. 1 - -i :". r-'J. r - vr County , of Mecklenburg, 1 , ,. ; TftiirrAfl - ' i ; $1.500.000 fV Large. and small accounts invited and treated in as liberal a rmanner as balances and responsibility warrant. -'i : ".- ,.' ;. r mi itrlTlf r...H..,l : 3. TT. T.I 'I "I I .W V - i J' 9QKS at. SCOTT, Tlca PnMdhvrW. XL T Will I, Cashier. - . ; . ' 'n 1 I tS 8, Tryon Sb . - ; "-..--.,.':. . . .' ' r -i. : -- Can be profiUDly, invested in ; . v . ': '. : ; .', ... ; u I.;-.-"'.;. North 'Carolina State Bonds, 4s and 4a l ; - , 7 . Municipal . and Industrial "Bond, I and ! per cent. - Bank and Trust .Company Stocks. , ' V - ,. ; " - ' HlgW-Orada Non-Taxable Preferred Stoeka.' . ' -. ' . , ,' 's 7 " Regular, dividend paying Cotton Mill Stockav .' "' " " First Mortgage Loans on 'Real ', Estate, ;, , . - -V'J. ' ;Or in CHy and Suburban Real SUtata. r ; ."..S"', ' . -j - Bend for. July list lust out' "' '-''l'". PV:.C.; A bboti--C Gom pony ; Evtrythintr ia Real Estate.'. ' ; - (IithOrade. Invettmecta, - B 9 X ',-

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