D liSdCIAlAliOPERSOIiAl .Misses' tether ind Rum Shannon " J h,UM accompanied by Mr. JMlriK i- :,f M. Shannonhouse and Master V. M. f;-"fihaiwihowar-"J. ilaft.,liL-jaKtMLl9glhWrj,.yVl, spending Jfew days . v . , jaoreneaa i-iiy. werw mjj win ; ; iptnd ten days or two . weeks. If r. and Mrs. D. A." Hurley ar - TlTsd In tha city yesterday morning frem Kew York and ar at uis ta , ford,": Mr.-Hurley has Just returned from ' trip abroad,- having visited Ireland. England nd the continent. - " v : itr. and Mrs. F. H. Robinson and Miss Helen Durham were registered aon the guests at the Buford ye tsrday. ' ,.- :-. ..-vs . '- ' Dr. - and Mrs. C. A. . Misenheimer will leave Tuesday for AUantio City to spend several weeks, ,vr U: Mrs. V I' Jenkins, of Gaatonla, ; spent yesterday in tha. city, shopping. ' Mr. and Mrs. UL F. Anderson have returned from a short visit to Colunt ' : bla, ft. C where they were the guests . I Mrs. Anderson's parents. , Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Mlllersham bars as their guests this week Miss Nora Keith, of Charleston, 8. C; Miss Clara Parker, of Columbia, 8. C. and Miss ,Lola Alexander, of Concord. - Miss Christie T. Dulaney, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L.. 3. He-. Donald, has returned to her home in Baltimore, Md. , , Miss Nora Thompson, of Baltimore, Md-, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hugh A. Murrlll, has gone to Rockingham to visit friends. Mr. nd Mr. Walter E. Delllnger and Miss Elfreda NaJlle left ast night for Morehead City where they will spend a week. Mia Roberta. Lord, of Baltimore, Is the guest of Iter sister, Mrs. J. S. Walters, on. Tenth avenue. Mrs. X R. pruett left yesterday morning for Wrlghtsvllle to spend sev eral days on the coast. Mioses Sue Woodsldo and Clara and Ida Faulkner, will leave Tuesday (or Wrtgbtsville to spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Shelor will re turn to-morrow from Anderson. 8. C, where Mrs. 8hlor has been spending some time wrtfti relattves. Mr. Shelor went down last night to accompany Mrs. Shelor home. Mrs. Jane "Wilkes and daughter, Mm. B. A. Rankin, of Hartford, Conn., leave this week for Saluda, to spend some Urn. Mr1, stnd Mrs. J. O. Gardner expect to leave in a few days for Savannah, Ga., -from -which point they will all for New York They will to absent from the city about two weeks. Mrs. Thomas Powers is visiting rel atives In Hamlet. Col. and Mrs. A. IJgmithJha-ye away, -where they spent a week. Col. Smith waJ a delegate to the enectlng of the North Carolina State League of Leeal Bmilding and Ijnn Associations which met In Asheville. Misses Lacy Ray and Louie Jones are expected to return from MoreheaJ City to-jnorrow evening. Mrs. Ida Toung went to Sallsbnry yesterday to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Dodsworth. who is very- ill there but is slowly . Im proving, it is thought. Miss Lula Taliaferro, who has been visiting in Elizabeth City, Is now In Tarboro. She Is expected to arrive in the city Tuesday. Miss Margaret Thurmond Is now the guest, of her sister. Mrs. Hugh G. 'Chatham, at her summer home at Roaring Gap. The friends of Mrs. E. N. Clemenee, who has been critically ill for a week. will be arlad to know that her condl tlon last night was regarded as show ing a gratifying Improvement. Mrs. Maude Craig Matthews and Mrs. Lydia Craig will spend the month of August In Asheboro with Mrs. Ed Carson. - Mrs. Ed McDonald will leave this week for Concord to spend a month with- Mrs. George Patterson. Miss Susie Coaies will return to morrow from ' Montreat, where she has been spending several weeks. Mrs. Grace Adams and Miss Lottie Ray, of McAdenville, win leave tha last Of this week for Walter's Park, Pa., to spend some time. Later they will go to Atlantic City for a short Miss Frances Dockery, of Rocking ham, is visiting her sister. Miss Nettle Dockery. on South Tryoh street me ice cream supper which was given at the home of Mr. June Little on the Beattie's Ford road Friday evening was an enjoyable affair and resulted successfully,: about $35 being taken in xor the purpose of furnish lng a room at the Albemarle Insti tute. : r ' V ' Mrs. J. P. f roost ana children vr. , rton and James, Neave this morning xor Auanta-ua.. to, visit ner sisters, Mrs. H, J. McDonald and, Mrs. J. R. George.,-' ... v --. : .. ' v. . ?.. ,v Mlas Leonora Bear Is In Wilming ton visiting Miss Llna DeRossett , f Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Clower, of Lin eomton, are registered among tho guests at the Buford. - r. - - Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Wray and chil dren, of Lynchburg, Va., spent yes terday in the city. ; s r : -V.- A Car tilth A Record. i Th Osmond Barrlnger Company, State agent for the Franklin automo bile, has a car-in its show window -which looks like a new. one. but a large .card reading, "The air' cooled Franklin has been run i.lit miles an! 1 good for that " much more n.1 then some." tells a different tale. This car has been used toy one of their cus tomers, for a year and yet -while It . looks spick and span It has been run mors than Home people would travel In a lifetime. ..I. - .- 1 1 - I'iii, i , , i -' . BB PARHCrLAR - -Always specify -Blu Ribbon and your ruecess is assured. Besides, being the est It's the cheapest . to use. because only half the quantity la required. , . , PERSOXAIv The Movements of a Number of ro - pie, VUltors and Others. Messrs. John and James. Hutcfclaoii Will- spend . to-day In Concord, the guests of , 'Messrs." Ralph "and Arthur OdeiL ; v, 4 ; Mr. W. R. Foreman..- of ' Lynch- in the city with friends. , ' j MaJ. J. G. Batrd,-of " the facylty of the Piedmont Summer; School., l spending the - week-end In the city with tils family. . - . Mr. P, M. Clement, of Charleston, S, C was a visitor In the city y ester' day, stopping at the Central. Mr. A. O. New, of Greenville,' S. C, "was a Charlotte visitor-yesterday.-.- l .TV; v; ' , Mr. . W. L. West of . Wilmington, was registered among the guests - at the Central yesterday, . . ; Mr- l-,iircKeownrT f --ttr- burg,: spent yesterday In the city on Dullness. Mr, - WUIlam II. Smith, of Gaffney. 8. C.,' was a, Charlotte visitor yesterday,- - 'Mr.' Q. L. ' Bernhardt, of Lenoir, was a visitor in the - city yesterday,' stopping at the Central. . Mr. R.' a Stewart, of Monroe, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday; Itr. J. N.'- Johnston, of Greenville, S. C, was registered at the Buford yesterday. Mr. Fred X Smyre. . of GastOHla, wag a visitor - In the city yesterday morning.- 4 , Mr. M. B.'v McLauchlln. of Red Springs, spent yesterday in : the city on business. '-. Mr. W. E-'Ball, of Asheville, spent yesterday-In the city, stopping at the Buford. -v. Mr. W. F. Morton, of Kernersvllle, a welt-known traveling man, was registered among the guests at the Buford yesterday. . Mr, J, -B. 8Kew, or Ufaenviiu, Br C. spent yesterday in theNtlty. Mr. J. M. Muller, Jr of Brevard, was a guest at. the Buford yester day. Mr. S. A. Davis, of WIngton-Salem. spent , yesterday in the city. Mr. H. C. Long has returned from a week's stay at Saluda, where hit family, la summering) Mr. J. W.. Cuthbertson left last night for Montreat, to spend the week-end with Mrs. Cuthbertson, who Is there for awhile; . Mr. John Hill Bunting, of Wilming ton, was In the city yesterday on busi ness. i Mr. J. J, Breen Heft yesterday after noon for. Hlddenlte to spend the week-end with his family Messrs. A. H- Roehle-der, O. Frank McQee and J. K. Solomon will leave thds morning for a two-weeks' trip North. . Dr. J. S. Clifford will return to the city Wednesday from Nashua. N. H. Dr. Clifford's many friends will- re joice to learn that he has almost wholly recovered from his recent Ill ness. Mr. F. McM. Sawyer has returned from Jacksonville, Fla., and la spend ing some time with his family In Di( worth. . Mr. V. C. Tompkfns, Of Raleigh, was registered among the guests at the Southern. Manufacturers' Club yesterday. Mr. John H. Bunting, of Wllmlhg ton, spent yesterday in the city, stop- re-ljplng at theBuford. fir. jr. o. Barkley, or Uastonla, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. J. M. Connelly. Of Statesvllle, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Dr. W. L. Grantham, of Mount GH ead. was registered among the guests at the Selwyn yesterday. Mr. J. P. Cook, of Concord, spent yesterday In the cfty. Mr. John H. Finney, of Atlanta, Ga.. was registered at the Selwyn yester day. ' Mr. Charles E. Carlisle, of Spartan burg, S. C, was a visitor In the city j-esterday. Mr. L. I. Fr&sler. wfto Is connected -with the Georgia. Cotton Oil Corropany, of Atlanta. Ga., is spending his vaca tion with friends and relatives In the city. Rev. A. T. Lindsay, president of Lin wood College, near Gaston la, arrived In the city yesterday and preaches to day at Bard Is ciuroh. REV. G. O. BULLOCK A D. D. Pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, Colored, Honored by Oonroo Col lege. The Friendship , Banner Weekly, colored, of Rock Hill, S.' C, has the following to say of the conferring of the degree of Doctor of Divinity upon a well-known ' colored mlnlattt of Charlotte: "Conroe College conferred the de gree of Doctor of Divinity upon Rev. G. O. Bullock A. B-, B. Thi, of Char lotte, N. C, at Its recent commence ment. May :8th, 1808. Rev. Mr." Bul lock Is a graduate Toth of th.e collegi ate and theological departments of the great Shaw University of Raleigh, N. C. Shnw Is the great educational light-house" for the negro Baptists of ;,'-rth Carolina. Rev, Mr. Bullock has pastored at different points, has been co-operative missionary for western North Carolina and Is now pastor of the Friendship Baptist church, where he Is meeting with marked success. Rev. Mr. Bullock is one of the ablest preachers that we know of. So Con roe College honored itse)f In honor ing Rev. G. O. Bullock. "The Banner extends congratulations to Dr. Bullock on his wen-deserved honor." May Remove to Texaa. The many friends of Mrs. Mary A; Barnhlll will be interested to . know that she has recently received several flattering offers . to remove to other cities for. the practrte of her . pro fession, that of trained nursing. The last and most flattering call comes to Mrs. Barnhlll from Texas. "She has been engaged )n such work for the last two years, having nursed both In North and South Carolina, as proficient " Her- recommendations are among the . high -class kind, and her - friends and former patrons hope she will remain In North Caro Una. Mrs. liar n hi 11 has noryTFan nounced her determination ' In the matter. During her ' residence in Charlotte she has resided at II South Church street-.A .:- ; , - Woman Charged With Larceny Flnd , Costa w Trespass. 7 :-. 1 Ella Klser, a well-known negro washerwoman, was tried in the court the theft of a gold pin; belonging toibucklc makes latest style mo. u, mj. Aiiun Buiir i i was aiiegea that tho pin wa in a shirt waist the woman had been given to wash.,-The defendant claimed-that she got the pin,-Intended to return It. but her .memory proved treacherous. She was bound over to court, her recognisance being accepted.' Later the ' larceny charge was dismissed., the -warrant was changed to read trespass and the woman was let off on payment of the CorreclIjLvand; IomptlygEnQraeil : Send For Samnles and Prices J.7. Stevens Engraving Co;, Engravers : 47 Whitehall WUfmost xerlafciV inspire BOTHfflrTZ 1 -AMHrTEHOmr'TT-aS ft &JSS' OLo lndVbl. LjtA V iC THESt Wsb Monkey Takes to Trees) In African Kb hI Uon. A lively chase took place at Elec tric Park Friday afternoon, when one of the tribe of several score monkeys served, for instantly a crowd of men door was left open. His exit was ob served for Instantly a crowd of men were In pursuit. The little fellow twisted up his mouth, .squinted his e;.es and without saying a word made for a nturby tree and dashed up it. for the next half-hour a crowd of men and boys made life miserable for the animal, who heartily wished him self back in the depths of some Afri can jungle. Hocks' were thrown Into the tree to frighten him, one or two men climbed up into the branches, but thu monk would not be captured in any such fashion. Finally the top of t-be tree was pulled over and after 10 minutes of desperate shaking he lost his hold and fell to earth. Caught, he was carried to his cage, squealing: In abject terror. When thrust Into. prison he lay upon the floor on his back, four legs pawing the air In tok en of full surrender. There is a reg ular jungleful of monks at the park. Republican Precinct Primaries 1'ester day. -...I . The Republican precinct primaries were held in the city and county yes terday for -the purpose of selecting delegates to the county convention, which Is scheduled for next Satur day. At this convention-a. county -ticket will be chosen and delegates ap pointed to the State convention. The precinct primaries yesterday were for the choice of delegates only, between 75 and 100 being named. Much In terest centres about the county ticket, which the Republicans will put In tho field at next Saturday's meeting. It t likely that a full ticket w'ill be named. Prof. R. J. coctiran Hort. Prof. R. J. Cochran suffered the misfortune several days ago of' hav ing one of the bones In his left fore arm brokon while playing ball at Da vidson College. A match game, was In progress and Professor Cochran, an ardent as well as a skilled wlelder of the hickory tlck, -was batting. A speedy ln-shoot caught him on the left arm. -the result being that one of the bones was fractured. Professor Cochran was a visitor In the city yes terday here for tho baseball game, and he was carrying his arm In a sling. He will not be ble to use It for several weeks. THE PRICE. Earth gets Its prloe for what earth gives us; The beggar Is taxed tor a corner to die in. Tha TM-Iput has his fee who comes and shrives us. We bargain for the graves we lie In. At the devil's booth are all things sold, Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold; For a can and bells our lives we oav Bubbles we buy with a whole soul's task ing; ' 'Tls Heaven alone that is given away, 'TIs only Ood may he had for the asking; JAMES RUSSELL; LOWELL May Bells Toilet Water, a delicate violet odor. In $1.00 bottles. Registered Nurses Directory, (Graduate Nurses only). Bunvefj-Dunn RetasI Store ' 'Phones 41 and SOO. THE STYLE TO TIE-TO u Very , fine Patent 1 Leather two-eyelet .Ribbon Tie; turn pole, 'extension t edge, , ; mili tary heel; gize 1 to 7, width A' to E. Price. Vi,$3.50 m'a cIiaa AUnA : ut Colonial Pump. Price $3,75 . Just Received The Likely Solite Cane Suit ases, very handsome. Price,, . .$3.CQ MMEliibifco. St; Atlanta, Qa. perfect ctrnfldence in our ecjua superb; WHiift HhiT:ft twh!ch PytuP,,n, 2Li?w2 Jm oiU.care(uyseoled F-S thrndwHrr'anted to ptvtt ramMa satistactioa HOUSE"COFFEE&VttTO HOUSlfTEAS ..ARE THE PRODUCT OF THE MOST FAMOUS PLANTATIONS IN THE WORLD, 4 IT&SlfSr NAMES, re0 pekoe" ' "OUH MEA1SFA8T- "Get it at 1 law ley's." You Don't Have To take your prescription to the druggist whose name is .printed on the blank. Take it to any drug store the best drug store. Bring it direct to us. Hawley's Pharmacy 'Phones 13 and 260. Tryon and Fifth Streets. A Western Romance of the Days of '49 at The ato Monday SPECIFY BLUB RIBBON VANILLA and you run no risk of spoiling your dalnty'desnerts. The ,best cooks are using Blue rtlbbon Vanilla." Try it once. NICE TODAY FRESrt . EGOS AT 16c. ..-.the dozen. , Nice Country Tomatoes, Okra and Green Sweet Peppers and Cantaloupes. Nice Tc;i and Coffee at all kinds of prices. Call arly. JNO. W. SMITH. Phones VXZ aiU 130. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT THAT YOIT CAN not patronize our cigar stand Hunday. Inasmuch ss we can't sell you 8unly. be wise and lay In a stock of eixars and tobaccos to-day. Many brands to - select from. JAS. P. STOWE St CO, Druggists. 'Phono 179. "WHEW!" . HOW HOT. NO VSK cooking, see what we have. "Lunch Tongue. Vesl Loaf, Potted Ham. Chick -' en. Turkey and TnKue, Corned Pigs' ' Feet and Beef, Boned Chicken and TurkeiK any kind of Sardines.' Mackerel In any style and don't forget our Franco-American Potted Beef, finest on earth. MILLER-VAN NESS.- WOODALL , SHEPPARD'S CORN .Remedy eures'corns. Does the work without pain and does It quick. Price . lie. Delivered anywhere. , FOR SALE CRUSHED PTONK - IN sixes suitable for all grades concrete work." Will quote you delivered prices by wsgon er ears on spplicatlon. Fred Oliver, Charlotte. N. C , FOR RENT 5ft1 N. BREVARD ROOMS. modern. 1"0 N. Poplar t rooms, modem. i 72 E. th( a rooms, modern. $14 E. tth 6-room cottage 7i ."s. Hrevara s rooms. en oar line. 7 i.tnneii p rooms km Caldwell 4 rooms. Other t and 4 -room bou-es. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON BRO., Z19 n. try on. , - "-w1 YOU CANT FIND A BETTER PINNER . thsn we sre serjlng now , at our ela gant dining room, and you can't find a more up-to-date and satisfactory lunch eounter than ours. GEM KE3TAUR .ANT CO. , . TO T.ET-8 ROOM8. PALMER AND .Middle. Iio. rooms, west f aimer. U; 4 rooms. J17 E. th. I: rooms. Sunny side. . aeees. well enclosed.. hrn, ciikken bowses swd yards, stl for I11M; 5 rooms, Oold t.. H2.S0; rooms. , fHl worth, tU fh t twmi, Orsde. HL,- .-V; rnrm, Osk Rt.. ti!:-larse nan, n,n snd C Bts., 110; rooms m Hsnders Build ing, l E. L KEESLER, 8. Tryon 8U Thone Ml . ., TYPEWRITERS " RENTED 1 rentsl msrhlnea, all makes, ready for Instant sHvry, F.very .machlns flrst-clnn la every paHlcolar. J. B Cray ton Co til S. Tryon, 'Phone 0i. . . Special Notices 13) J CS) UJs 1921 mm Summer i Goods at Melting 2,000 Yards Dimity 7 l-2c. "Special just in, Check Dimities that sell for. 10c. As long as they last at .7 l-2c " 30-Inch Solid Chamhray 5c. Good, Fast Colored Ghanibravt sells for 10c. Special , VV v . - One case Huck Towels,... 9c.r-.each " Good, large I luck Towels' at ..... . $1.00 dozen White Soisette, washes and wears better than linen, at same price 25cT ' . 50c. real French Swiss ..... 25c." . 38c-real French Swiss - 18c. 46-inch Wash Lawns in French and Persian, real ; 50c. value. Few pieces only, at 25c. ' '.Lawn, Lawn, 23c. A' real All-Linen Lawn, very sheer and fine.. .23c India Linons We own the best stock of these goods we ever had. Nothing better for" white waists or for children's dresses, A good one. . ... , ..... , 10c, Colored Lawns Cut Deep All Colored Lawns. must be dosed and down gQ the prices on all regular goods. .7 1-2, 8 1-2 and 10c. Just a few more pieces $1.75 Long Cloth left and the price will be. . . . , $1.38 bolt, No. 150 Long Cloth Monday at 89c. This is a .$1.25 Long Cloth and will not stuv here .89c. 50c. Table 50 dozen ' Monday 89c. dozen 72-Inch Table Linen . ?. Few pieces only, All-Linen, $1.00 value anywhere, will be on sale Monday at .75c (Don't miss this). Don't forget that at 2elk Bros, all Summer Goods have been cut and must go. BILK L '. H nut UIII MR. STOREKEEPER Remember you don't have to buy dirty rags anymore-- OASIS COTTON COMFORTSi made from pure, clean, raw cotton marks a new era in the comfort business. ' , Save us your orders. Buy at home. Better goods for lcsi money. SAVE FREIGHT. The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Solo Manufacturer CTarlotu North Carolina. THE EASY WAV Of Is to" nd tt ; to our laundVy. There la no othr ay. way or no other way so satisfactory. -' W will wash all Vour clothes, whits or colored, starch the places that need It, dry. them all and return them to you ready to dampen and Iron, or wo will Iron . all the flat ploces for. you. Just as you de sir. . - - - . The ic of either serrlco Is reasonabls, and tho work Is prompt overy week. -:. Lounderers, Dyers CleaneTs, I V tt9 South Tryoa Kt.' WASHING EAST TRADE STREET. ' J ' Linen 39c. For Monday only. Hemmed Table Nankins 45c. dozei $1.25 value in Table Napkins, match 1 jj Bl 19-21 East Trade Street. 1 t- B:i;V:P) ' " In i i r - . - 1 for boating, fishing,, motoring, " riling, hunting and touring areindispensable. . They m.ake a fel low feci at his' best at work or at play. : Made of ' feather-weight fabrics that arc comfortable and dressy. .. ; '..V". ' . ... "- ' ' u Prices . . . .39c for .Monday at 50o. Damask; n-ns Knabe Pianos n. Come and see the new styles just received: A piir-i chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life- -time. We sell cheaper Pianos ' also. Write for catalogues. Parker-Gardner Company Piano Drnartmrnl Rrronil Floor. , s

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