.a CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, JULY 15, 1903. SOCIAL AND PfRSOIIAl The New Tork Herald IaA Sunday Drinted a. handsome nhctura of Misa &f irv Duke, of Durham, who. wlttt tier mother and brother, Mr. Angler Duke, hu Ium returned from a trip abroad. , JkDDended wm the follow , ' tof comment which wilt be of interest to - Miss - Duke mwijr- tmnm" friends: - i ' -Mla Mary Duke, daughter of Mr. '' and Mrs. Benjamin Nj- Duke, and one of tho prettiest American youna; wo ' men presented at the court - of St. . James In May, returned to New Tork yesterday on the Kaiserin Augusta Victoria with her -inother and her fcrether, Mr. angrier Duk. '"Miss Duke sings and playa well and these accomplishments added to her ' popularity at hsuse parties Ha Eng--sand. . 6he - received her musical training- In Paris and New Tort' She was educated In Trinity College, Dur- 'ham N. C, which was built and en dowed by . her 'grandfather. Washing-. Con Duke. She Is fond of the South ern bom of her family hi North Car olina add makes frequent visits there accompanied by friends . from, the North. Eh has traveled much in , America as well aP hi Europe. Wlth her mother and brother she . fcas been touring Italy. . They re turned to America much earlier than was expected, i Mtea Duke -will make her' debut In New Tork next winter and -will be probably the wealthiest young woman introduced to. society In the season." - -.- - ,- 1 -'Miss Marie Hunter charmingly en tertained at her home on North ora ham street yesterday morning from 10 to 12 o'clock Ib honor of a number of her friends. The house was artis tically decorated with palms, ferns, and red carnations. ".About ,2 5 guests ' Mr. and Mra. J. S. Neely have' gone to Virginia spend some titns with relatives , -.T.'v-s t V ''-. Misses Lucille. Virginia and Cather ine Scott nave gone to Virginia to visit relatives. v. 1 Mr. and Mra Thomas Johnston, of Rock Hill. 8. C spent yesterday in the city shopping. Mrs. T. Foy White, of Stateevllle. passed through the city yesterday en rout to Rock Hill, 8. C. wheTe she will spend some time with relatives. field andwli a-this In view -will pur sue special courses for several years. The convention var one of .the most entnusiasuo vertyG.''- i. : . Mr. . and Mra John M.J Scott . have returned from, a visit to Morehead cy.... - , ... ; Mies Male Glenn, daughter of Mrs. Mary- W. Qlenn. and Mr. Andral C. Choat n-Hl to married this evening at 8:19 o'clock t the horn of the bride's mother, at Mo. 0 east Fifth streetri Key. J. A. Smith, pastor of Kast Ave nue Tahmacle, will oe the offlclat lng minister. There -will- be no attend anta Immediately after the wedding the young people ' will leave for- the mountains of western North Carolina, where-they will spend ; their' honey-. moon. ' Mr. Choat is a '' popular and promising young man, who holds a position with Che Ed Mellon Company. Miss Glenn is a young;-Jady - whose worth is attested toy the number and loyalty of her friemts. Mra IL J- Dod and family left test evenings for Hiddenlte to spend some time. :. '- ; . - 'Mrs. J. A. Baldwin and mother, Mrs. W. W. Red fern, of Ansrvnvil le. are spending idim time cut Hlddenlte. Mr. and Mrs. A M-.fipong and fam ily will leave in a day or two for Wrlghtsvllle to spend some time on the beach. Mr. Frank Rller, who has been vis iting her nother and other reVulves In Georgia, will Join her husband, Rev. Frank Slier, to-night In Wadesboro, where he went 4his morning to attend Mies Lottie Ray, of MeAdcnvillft.-Ts ""J district conference. at . Mr. and Mra H. O. Miller and daughter, Mia Allene, are at the Tar- rymoore Hotel at Wrlghtsvllle. They will Ball on the Mrs. Joseph R. Ress will return the last of this week from Fayettevllle where she has been visiting relatives, her home on North College street. Miss Anna Mclver and Mr- R. W. Pleasants, of Carthage, were' register ed among; the guests at the Central yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Offrmtd and baby spent' yesterday In the city on their way to Waynesville where Mra Lawrence will visit relatives. Miss Mary Wrljrht, of flpartanbunt, ,B. C.. was registered among' the gucxta at the Oentral yesterday. Mrs. T. H. Oalther, of this city, and Mr. R. C. Anderson, of Gastonla, left yesterday morning for Montreat to spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Colt and family will leave to-morrow evening for Blowing Rock to spend several weeks. -Miss Ltta CtrarhHrltHw return ad from Mooresvllle, where she spent some time with relatives and friends. - , Mr, and, Mrs. Wrlston Lee and Miss Lucy Lee, 'of Monroe, spent yesterday in the city shopping. They were registered at the Selwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAden will tie among the guests at the Hender-son-Coiten wedding in Salisbury to morrow .evening. Mrs. Minnie Hubbard Smith and Mrs. E. R. Fluker, of Atlanta, Ga.. were registered among the guests at the Selwyn yesterday., """XMlss Sallle Phillips went up to Da- Ylnson yesterday morning to spend a day or two with friends. ' - Miss Mary Darsey, who has been visiting friends In Augusta, tia., for a week, is now with relatives In Thorn on. Ga. Capt. O. D. Darsey is also visiting, in ueorgia. Mrs. Frank 1. Osborne and daugh ters ieft yesterday morning for Kky land, where they will spend the re mainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jenkins and daughter. Miss Lola Jenkins, of Gas tonla. are registered among the guests at the Selwyn. .. ; ; For what .purpose, do .YOU use lyory Soap? V For the bath?;.; ,- )' Good I But whiy" not for the toilet v as well? There is no purer or bet ter soap than IvQry; no soap that leaves the sktn so smooth and cool and clean. . ' . And it is inexpensive, - too costs 'only a few ; cents a cake. . -. Ivory Soap 994loo Per Cent. Pure "fcnoWD TO THOMASVILLE. for a trip to Canada. Baptists Turn Out. In force on F-- curion to tiie eieat of Their Orphan age Day One of Pleasure -and Profit. With animated faces and spirits light, betokening minds freed from care till the outing be over, several hun dred Baptists and friends boarded the eight-car excumlon train hound for Thomasvtlle. yesterday morning, there to spend the day amid the peaceful and Idyllic surroundings of a model orphanage, one of the very largest In the Southern Slates. No mountain or seashore was there to draw them, no Coney Island with its manifold amuse ments to tempt the spending of money In the unending and fatiguing tread mill of search for mere pleasure. Nevertheless there will. In all nroh- abllity, be hardly an excursion run this summer whose patrons will' have a better and more restful time than these. Abundant preparations had been made for the most substantial as well an the mont -delicious of dinners, and at the orphanage they were re ceived with open arms. Delightful 10fh of '.tiMt monthlr"u:,m " "rl Biven oy me cniinren Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Van Nes and daughter. Miss Alwllda, retured last night from Wrishtxvlln Beach. Dr. C. A. Bland and daughter, Mis Mary Terry Bland, were among thoo who returnod -last njjrht to the city after a sojourn at Wrlghtsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nuckols anil Miss Annie Ross have gone to Wil mington. Mr. Nuckols goos.epec)al ly to attend the gun shoot in that city this week. Mrs. De Ieon F. Green,- formerly Miss Dora Sater, now of Cleveland. O., will visit friends in Charlotte and North Carolina the latter rjart of the summer." T " ithere,- these1 eonslsting of a renetltlon In part of a commencement entertain ment glyen by them. They quite cap tured the heartg of all who saw them. There are few things more. Interesting than an orphan home fthe word anyltim, rendered unpleasant by asso ciation, l one that ought to have an other suhfititiited for It). There are few more- touching or appealing than the night of hundreds of little tots wh.i have never known fathor or mother, although for Home of them It Is doubt less best that it is o. The excurMionists returned to th tlly last night, tlreel but happy and well plfiined with their trip. It hail been in many ways an eye-opener for them. BHIKFS. A Few Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dowd and fam ily expect to leave in a few days for Asheville to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mary Hall, who have oeen vismnjr Mra Hall's parents, Mr. and Mra John Hall, have returned to tneir home in Abbeville, S. C Capt. and Mrs. W. R. Robertson are vhfltins; Mra Robertson's parents In Brevard. - y Miss Xancy Brown, who Is In Europe with a party of friends, Isnow In Switzerland. The party is due to arrive in Lucerne to-morrow. . Mra Harry 1 Gooding has returned rrom uaffney, a. C waere she visited friend. ' ' Mlsa Emma Howser, of ' Grover, pent yesterday ra the city shopping. Mra H. D. Stowe left yesterday for Pleasant View. Ky., where she will spend some time. ' Mra a. e. Cheek entertained a few - friend at bridge at her apartments in tne central Hotel yesterdav morn ing. Mra W. J. Chambers won the first prise and Mra J. H. Howell, the - consolation. -The guest , were Mesdames W. J. Chambers, , Minnie ,K Wrlston Smith, W. a. Smith. James Jiemi A, ti. Wlngfleld, C. Best, J. H: Ham. A. M. Sponav W. A. Zweler. J. W. Ferguson, J. P. Caldwell, W. U Wllholte, Edward -Phlfer. J. H. How 11, Schlff and Edward Purcell. - . Mra, L. B. Alexander andSittle son. Master L. B., Jr., have gone to Concora to spend the summer with Mrs. Alex- i ' ander's father. Mr. J. A. R.ankln. Mr. and Mrs. James ker,, Jr and children left yesterday morning for Wrightsrllla to spend a few days on the coast. It Mr. and Mrs. E- H. Wyman are the V r guests of their daughter.-MrsT F. D, , Jones In Dilworth. . ; . -. Mrs. Thomas ght'ton and-'chlldren are spending the summer at their cot Uge near Blowing . Ronk. Miss Bertha Atwrnethy accompanied by tver guest. Miss Kathleen Wooten. of Kl niton, wlirieave to-dayvfor Loray to visit her uncle. I;cv. E. Di Brown. - Bev. Dr. -ahd Mra R, a Holland and Mlssec Lslli Peaty and Marie Teager have returned from Asheville. where they attended the sixth annual " convention of .the . Young ' People's Missionary Movement. The many friends of Mis Beaty will be Inter- . ested to learn- that the has decided to go as a missionary to tha foreign Bit THE HEAL THIXO. . ilae Ribbon and you get the real vstulla, made from the Chest Vanilla beans that grow. r Bftnnr Ifapnenlnrs and About the C'tr. Mr. Herbert McDonaleL of the Belk Bros.' establishment. Is indis posed with appendicitis. If the Charlotte ball team really wants to come out of the subterra nean hole, she'll have a fine chance to hop. out and shove Anderson in, the last of the week. A small blaze' In a house occu pied by Lee Wilson, colored, on Boun dary street, called out the fire depart ments yesterday afternoon about 6:30 o'clock. The chemical apparatus did the work In short order. The county pension board meets this afternoon ;it i c-clock in the county court house in the office of the dork of the court. Applications for pensions will be received and pass ed on. This will' be the last meet ing of the year. The funeral of Mr. T. J. Wilmoth. who died early Monday morning, was conducted yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the residence on East avenue, by Rev. B." ' Bain, pastor of Trinity Methodist church. The in terment was at ElmwpoeV . One thousand eight hundred and ninety. fiv pnnndi "f Tvlflenr" shipped yesterday by Federal Clerk H. C. Cowles to Asheville to be used In the trial of Major William E. Breese there for conspiracy to embeixle mon ey from the First National Bank of Asheville. '', j A prettily decorated car was that In which the several score employes of the Ivey dry goods store rode over the city last night. On the outside In large letters was the legend. "It Will Pay to Trade at Ivey'a To-Mor-row." And there was laughter and buoyant gayety. The local baseball fans are much "holp up" over Charlotte's . recent showing. Six games out of ten since the new manager has taken charge have been chalked up for Charlotte and there may be still further strengthenings bf the . team '-soon. Fulenwlder showed what was in him Monday by winning the thirteenth game he-has pitched, on the JBthday of the month. Air-inm sttnttsrT'hrs-'WtTir. The Mlllards at the Air Dome this we k give quite n novelty In thcllne of a musical act anu rODt sketches. The rube is the best In the act and gives some good original country talk that has nor been heard here before. His comedy fiddle playing In all positions Imaginable is quite a stunt The act lasts about fifteen minutes, organ chimes and saxaphone" duets' being played, and is wound up with "The Mocking Bird," played on Uyo sets of xylophones. s. IVEY'S ;.. 1 Demonstration" - Vest; Eleetric Hair Curlers To-Day" r To-day we will have a demonstra tor from Philadelphia showing the advantages of the wonderful West Electric Hair Curler. Curls without heat in a few minutes.... 5 for 25c. FREE ICE CREAM AXD CAKE AT VANCE PARK FOR CHIL DREN riTH IVEY'S RED , WAGONS. '- we Wednesday afternoon at 4:39 want to entertain all white children who have our red wagons. Bring your wagons to Vance Park by 4:30 and we 'Will be glad to give you a cone of Hahn's Pure Ice Cream and a 'piece of Cake. The only condition Is tiiat you must have along one of our Red Wagons. If your wagon la broken, bring It up to-day and we will fix It for you free, if it Is not In too bad a condition. We have some extra wheels and parta This la not necesssry, but we would like you to 'phone us. write us or tell us you will be on hand so f will know how many to provide for. LADIES' WAISTS Another lot received of that big bargain In ladles' White Waists. $1.50 . grade. Special assortment at hH rat h Nice lot Wnlsts, regular 98c. grnde, at t i : . ?. Also spe-cial bargains In finer Waists. n p r rj r s m 0) I 19-21 EAST TRADE STREETS- - - ' '. t - . '' . , .-, ,. ' ' - ,-' ..' J ' : ' ' - ' ' ' :" :y ' (" - ' u- " " - : -' ' ;' - T ' - Our buyer is now sendi ng us on every train quantities of merchandise that will not only save you from one-third to one-half on former prices, but will so in-, terest you that you will tell all your friends. i , - : ' 7 1-2 to 10c Colored Lawns in short pieces, from 3 to 10 yards. Special. .5cl 10 to 12 l-2c. Checked and Striped Dimities in good, long pieces!.... 5c. yd. 15c. Checked Dimity, a real good one at 15c. Our special to-day is... ... .;.l5c. Dotted Swiss Special A good Dotted Swiss, well worth 25c. per yard. As a flyer at.. v ....15c., ;;.:;iOc. For to- , .40c Death of a Child. Rolfe Douglas Peasley, 8-months-old son of lMr. and Mrs. R. H. Peas ley, died yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock at the home of his parents on Cleveland avenue. The .little fellow had been ill some weeks. The fun eral services will be conducted, from the residence this afternoon at 5 o'clock by Rev. Francis M. Osborne. The interment will be at Elmwood. Carnival to Show Here on the. 27tli. . The 2eb Vance Aerie of Eagles has Just completed arrangements for a carnival which will visit Charlotte un der the auspices of that organization Monday. July 1 7th. It bears the repu tation of being one of the best shows of its class which traverse the coun try, bavins; numerous; and varied at tractions, - both . free and Tor pay. Among these Is the ever Interesting aeronaut who soars aloft into the dizzy heights 'tween. earth and sky drawn hy a power Invisible. - ; , - Mr. Laurie C. Dickson left last night for If ew Tork to resume his work as manager of the New York office of his father. Mr..E. B. Dickson. For the past rhonth Mr. Dickson has been visiting hi parents on West SevtfAtfc) street. ' - ' '-: - - KILLS Bed Bugs, Water Bugs, Roaches, etc. STERM-A-N'8 . DISCO VtSlY, liquid pr in powder. Registered Nurses Directory. (Graduate Nurses only). Burwell-Dunn Retail Store Phones 41 and SOO. VMBRKMiA KPKCIAIi Special purchase nl.oe Umbrellas. look fte arrd wiit war "weft . irtirtiir II. 5 grade ng,. IVEY'S New Taire Swiss A new thing in Dress Swisses, checked and dotted combined; : 2oc, retailer. Special. ......... ......... f . . . . . : For To-Day 500 yards Batos' Ginghams in desirable patterns Dotted Swiss 10c. A pretty, sheer quality in Dotted Swigs, 15c. retailor, day .... .... ... ..... Very Special 25 to 50c. quality in Dotted and Figured Swiss, one lot only, pieces from 2, to o yardsj all hne goods. As a flyer at . 12 1-ZC ' 50c. Empress Silks 25c This is a lot of Arnold's 50 and 75c. Silks that sold at , above prices. Our buyer scooped them in at a sacrifice. Our price 25c. Dress Linen Special 25c -Ten pieces Colored Dress Linen (all pure linen). Col ors, Tans, Dines, Drowns, Pinks and other good :hades. Have been sold all season at 38 to 48c. Special 25c. 'Persian Lawns 5c One case fine Persian Lawns in good pieces, worth luto ; 12 l-2c.; will not stay here long. Our special 5c. yd., Long Cloth Bargains Two cases Soft English Long "Cloths, in remnants; good,' clean cloth and long pieces, 5 to 15 yards. On sale to-day. .7 1-2 and 10c. yd. 36-Inch Pajama Cloth 10c. (lood, elenn clolh; tlte goods you want for under- wear, wide and heavy. On sale now at . . . . .". 10c. : 75c. Sheets 59c New York Mills Bed Sheets good, heavy Sheets, 81x00; worthy -to-day 75c. On s;ile to-day ,59c. Watch this space for eye-opwners. We haven't time to enumerate further now, but ' will from time to time. BILK 19-21 East Trade Street. i4 IBUlLDEftJ 6F HYDRAULIC feLFCTRIC r.. lutrMtj CAUDTTDRIUM BLDCL mm THE STYLE TO TIE-TO The Amherst Very fine Patent Leather two-eyeiet itiooon lie, turn sole, extension edge, mili tary heel; size 1 to 7, width A to E. Price $3.50 - This shoe fitted with buckle makes latest style Colonial Pump. Price $3.75 ?.--U Just Eeceived , ,c The Likely : Solite Cane Suit Gases, very handsome. Priced- -rr VV i $3.00 Gira-noKE co. Vanilla, Lemon,4 Orange, etc, are made from the fruit. v Special Notices REMEMBER BLCE RIBBON WHEN ortiylni? Vanilla or Lemon Extract, al waya atxoliy Blu Ribbon. It'a dif ferent Horn the cidlnary kind. TO-DAT FRESH EOQS AT 15c. NICK freah Butter and Cheeae on Ice. Fruit1 Jars, jar rubbera and jar cap. Call phon-8 430 and J.N (J. W. SMITH. TAKE A NEW "COMMON SENSE" Tooth Brunh with you. They coat but a ' WUla and are the beat B rial lee won't come out. JAS. P. STOWE CO., -. urugglata. '.Phone J7. IS BNCUAXTJNa. THE THE AROMA taste revelation, the price within the reach of tiny one, lo a cup. Stop drink- . Ina; atulf. Oet a Zic parka re of our Flowery Orange Peko tea and rejoice. MILLER VAN NESS CO., Zl N.. Tryon, HAVE TOU A CORN? IFlHO, WOOD- all A Sheppard'a Corn Remedy WH1 cure It In t daye time. Price 15c, delivered anywhere at that price. Juat 'phone n.l the good come In a hurry from the atore. rtR SALE CRUSHED STONE IN a lie aultnble lor all grades concrete . work. Will quote you delivered prWe by wagon or care on application. Fred OUrcr, Charlotte. N. C . . ' , FOR RENT- S01 N. BREVARD ROOMS, modern. TOO N. Poplar t room, modern. Wl E. tth I room, modern. M4 E. tth k-room oettage. T1S N. Brevard room a. n car line. '1 Uddell I TOom -. M N. Calirwell roomar Other-1 nd erflom houeea.- 1. ARTHl'R HENDERSON BRO.. N. Tryon. . .- i .i nirf, j . . . ' "i '. ' OASIS COTTON COMFORTS made at home, by home people, for home peo ple; made from pure, clean, raw cotton. Why buy dirty rags, the .filth and slime and scrapings of the sea van--gers of the great citier- Mr. Merchant, when the OASIS COTTON COMFORT is made from pure, raw cotton? Mail us your orders. We give better goods for less1 money and save you freights. TheSouthem Cotton Oil Co. Sole Manufacturer, .., Charlotte, North Carolina. :'"w'; WV t'Kfe ft1 t '"- V- J "S I- N - - 1 .. u i y. Knabe Pianos Come and see the new styles just received. A pur chase "of this Piano means ft satisfactory one for a life- time. We sell cheaper Pianos also. Write for catalogues. Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Second Floor,. EVERYTHING TITATS GOOD TO EAT In hot weather U t1ng aerved by -ua In the beat tl. Come In and eee whet we bave now OEM RESTAUR ANT. . . .., ' . TO I.rr- ROOMS. PALMER AND Middle. mnin.. nrw rainier. a; 4 room. 717 E. th. I; rooma. Sunny aide. ! acrea, well encloeed. barn, cnicken ho nee and yard, alt lor IllM I rooma. tH Gold St.. $1-to; room. Pll worth, 1.7; I r"! Grade St, ; rooma.. Oak St.. til: lanre.hall. 4th and C. Sta.. tt; rooma In PanAera Rulld lg, tS. KEtSLER, S 8. Irron 8U 'Phone Mi TYPKVv-RITKRS RENTED W rental machine, all makea. rmtly fr Inatant - delivery, f.very machine flrat-claae .la every particular. E avrajrloai a til S, Tryoo. Tbone Wi, . A NEW PLUME AT HALF COST Just bow at 4nany gtowa It Ha poaalble to bur plume and feathera that are allghtly aolled, ntuaaml . or . ahotoworn at a mere fraction of their former coat. . . . " .. . . ' - It will be a real economy for. you to look into thla matter, too, for- tf thr - feather- ta - la good condition. a.ldo from the mum In ir and aolt of banding. It can be redyed another or the name -colors ory laane4 -or re curled aa It may -need or aa 'you dealre, "and, you'll hava a new feather at a, very ' amall Outlay. : ' ii- ' : We do thla kind of work, and do u tifht.; , Charictlc vSleani U::iry , Launderrrs, Dycra, Cleaner. Sit South Tryon M. . 1 - - - mmmmmmmmmmm ' CLOTURES ! II I I - . . j - - ' 0 . for boating, fishing, motoring; : riling", ; hunting and' touring are indispensable. They make a fel low feel at' his best at Tfork or at play. Made of feather-weight fabrics that aire comfortable and dressy, -y-. ; Long-Me C!s;"::::r