CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, JULY J6, 100a 0 ptMf PERSONAL -1 . Mrs. Minnie Smith yesterday - morning f or; Wrt$htsvUle ' ech.' nvhere she; .will Ispen awhile. .T Mr' Jane CuthBot tsop. Miss -Daisy ' Cvjthbertaon -and' plaster Reynold ; Juthbertson have returned, from Hid' ' donlte, after a. ten days' stay at the -'- springs. ' - - - - - . ' Miss May Torrenen leavea to-morrow to spnJ awhlia ln-flpartanburg. . u with mcpua. .. . - i- Mlis Marie- Yeager' leaves to-day tor Concord .o attend the Joint- Suh ,dajr school convention of th Luther an Church bf Tennessee and. .North Carolina., - - '.Miss Arhea Phlfer will spend Friday the , Sundayv school convention In Concord, Tlie Movements of a Number of Peo- -ie. Visitor amd Otbr. Mr,, D.. M. Ausley, of , fetatesville, Jspnt yesteriay In.' tho;t; city ; With Rev. pr. an! Mrs." R. C. Holla na are among three who will attend the Tennessee-North Carolina Lutheran A Sunday school convention this t week Uk Co-jcord. -Mrs. I C. Harrison and Miss Mab Harrison are visiting relatives In Rome,, Oa. ' i, - . . -. V ;.V,' rMinsea Alice and Elisabeth McCoy, of fth county, will leave to-day for a twWWeeks' visit North. -; Mrs. M. A. Brackett and daughter, Miss Evelyn Brackett, of Powhatan , county. Ya., who' have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McD. ., Watklna for the past two months, will return home to-morrqw. They will b accompanied by Mr, Watkins, who will spend some time at his old homo in Virginia. aussi-s'nna and Mary Rogers uiooon left yesterday morning for Blowing' Rock to spend a while with Mrs. Bam Patterson. . Dr. J. F. Robertson, accompanied Dy Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Alexander, Jr. and little -Miss Mary Brevard " Alex "ander left last night for Atlantic City and New Tork, where Jhey will spend a couple of weeks. Mrs.- J. P. Caldwell and daughter, Mies Adelaide PearSon. . will leave this morning for Hlddrnite. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stowe, who are new in Atlantic City, w ill return early next, week. Mrs. c. W. Tlllett has returned from a visit to the const at Wrlghtsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. c. W. family left last night City. Johnston and for Atlantic Among the guests regiscered at the Selwyn yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. W. r. Harris, of New York. Miss Louise Anderson has returned to her home In Raleigh, after visiting irienas ana relatives in the city. ,. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hill, of Spray, pent yesterday In the city, stopping at me central. : Among the visitors In the city ves terday were Misses Lela Goodman and ueiia Thomas, of Polkton. Miss Julia Hunter, of Monroe, and Miss Pearl Rodman, of Waxhaw spent yesterday in the city. 'They were registered at the Buford,. Miss Lena Towns, of Athena. Ga, will arrive in the city this evening to visit at the home of Mrs. T. W. Crews, in Dilworth. i Mrs. Hope C. Neely leaves this rnarnlng for Atlanta. Ga., to visit her sister, Mrs. H. H. Springs. Mrs. Spring's baby is quite sick. Miss Helfn Llddell. who has been spending awhile at' the Seashore Ho tel, at Wrightsvillle. will visit rela tives In Wilmington for the next ten days. Misa Cornie Fore, who has been vis iting in Tlmmonsvlllo. 8. C. will Join a party of friends at Wrlghtsvllle the ,nvr va i ui me weeK. q Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Overcssh will, entertain thU evening at their home, No. 612 North Graham street.'. in. honor of Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Bovettf. . About 200 guests have been invited. Mrs. 2. V. Kendrick and two small children left last night for Pinevllls to visit relatives. Misses Delia and Btssie Kendrick will leave the last of the week for Fort Mill, 8. C, to VISll. Mr, J. T.-Barrier l?avK to-day for Concord to attend th Lutheran Butt day school convention. ; Mr. Harold Beaty will gn.'io Con cord Friday to atteni. the;' Lutheran, B'j'idav school meetn&. - Messr T. J. Davis v anj T. M, Webb. hare , returned 'ironj V Wrights. vllle. where they .went oa a fishing Mr. 3. W. iutfcVrtson ha i returned froma few day wliii hia family- at Montreal.' : ..'i. ',-' -,- ; Mr. H Cton;Mtft;iast night for (W yora on nusjnesa.-;v .... Mr. Eduard Scholtx haa returned from a business trip to ' Newberry, -Among" the guesta n the city yes terday were Messrs, J. A. Young, of Watertown, 1 N. Y.:: 8.- Phillips, of Elmlra,. N.Y., and .D. D. Welsh, of Mansfield, Pa. They were , reistered l m oeiwyn. Mr. J. Ey Stack, of Monroe, was registered among the guests at the Central yesterday. Mr, T. 8. Morrison, of Ashrvllle, spent 'yesterday in the city on busi ness! . Mr. B. Q. Gilmer, of Danville. Va.. spent yesterday , in the city, stopping at the Central. ,- Mr. J. I. Campbell, of Wilmington. was a Charlotte visitor yesterday, stopping, at the Buford. Mr. HI Wl Clifford, of Statesville. spent yesterday In the, city on busi ness. Registered among the guests at the Buford yesterday were Messrs. John L. Bryan. R. A. Love and Frost Tor rence. ofYjastonta. Mr. J. C M. Vann, of Wilmington. spent yesterday In the city. , Maj. John , D. Shaw, of Rocking' ham, was a Charlotte visitor yester day. Mr. T. P. Washburn, of Augusta, Ga., spent last night at 'the Selwyn Mr. P. R. Carlton, of Greensboro, vu a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Among the guests registered at the Buford yesterday were' Messrs. R E. Wylle and J. P. Hunter, of Lancaster, S. C. Mr. M. B. Edwards, of Monroe, spent last night In the city, stopping at the Buford. Mr. Frank Brown, of Ashevllle, wsn a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. C. F. Meroney, of Greonnboro, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. V. L. Fowlkes, of South Boston, Va., was a Charlotte visitor yester day. Mr. C. H. Trowbridge, of Brevard, spent last night in the city, stopping at the Central. Mr. I.onnle Vogel, of Sumter, 8. C. who has been visiting his mother. Mm. Moye, in Dilworth, left last night for Atlanta, Ga.. on a short business trip. BRIEFS,. A Few Mr. very 111 Mrs. H. C. B. Moye and Mrs, Frank Holllngshead and daughter wm spend to-day In Salisbury. Mm. Frank D. Lethcn and daugh ter. Miss Hejen, are the guests of -mr. ana Mrs. Robert Price, in Salls- Dury. ! Miss Fan Sims is visiting friends in rinevnia. - Mrssaran Virginia Young and miss bauie loung will spend thu Jatte part of this week and probably ... oi n ai iiaaentte. t Mr. R. C. Kennedy and Miss , Lillian Kennedy, of Basse mer City, spent yesterday In th city, stopping OFF FOR MORfHlEAD. First Battery, Fie 11 Artillery. Hornet's Vi Xest Klilea and tlie IIOspIul Oorps to Leve For tho ICm-ainpiuent To. Morrow Evening. . Th First Battery field artillery, ac companied by the Hornet'a Nest Rifles rand the hospital! corps, will leave to morrow evening at 7:15 o'clock over th 'Seaboard for Morehead City to go Into encampment wKh the First Reglmentt North Carolina National Guard. .The battery will carry ti men and four officers, leaving all of the guns behind except the pistols for target practice. , Tha riflemen, will go armed and equipped as the laws pro rid ts and Cspt. B.J. Wltherspoon and Ms hospftal corps will bs along to se that no one suffers for want of any sort o attention, spiritual or. other .wlse. , In tae company f the- Hor. net's Nest RMlea Will be fifty men and thre offlcera and In the hospital corps, twelve men and one officer. The battery la commanded by Capt. Mark William and the Rifles by CapL Roy Pag-' The return tripSrUl be iada the latter part of next week. Char lotte being reached Friday night or Saturday morning. All tera looking forward to a Jolly good time.! . SPEaFY BLUE RIBBON. ' . ' Tf yon are dissatisfied with the flavoring : extract- you have fcnen using, try Blu- Ribbon Vanilla next time. Minor Happenings jn and About tlie C'ty. Frank D. Hyams continues with malarial fever at his residence on South Brevard street. At the Tneato "A Guilty Con science" and "Hia Now Trousers" ars on exhibition. Mrs. James Montgomery, who was operate! on for appendicitis at St. Peter's Hospital last Saturday, ts getting along nicely.' A big force of workmen is en gaged on the west side of South Tryon. from the square to Third, laying that side in bltulithic. Passenger trains north on the Southern were delayed several hours yesterday by the derailing of'a freight near Gastonla. ohn Stegall, colored, was In the recorder's court yesterday, charged with beating his wife. The negro said he merely slapped her. which he thought under the English common law he had a right to do. He paid the costs. The funeral of little Rolfe Doug las Peattley, the 8-months-Qld son of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Peasley, wai con ducted yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the residence on Cleve land avenue. The interment was at ElmwooJ. There will be no lawn party on the First- Presbyterian church grounds to-night. A rumor to this effect has been. going the rounds and several of the officers of the First church called at The Observer office last night to ask that a denial bo made. Harry Boyd, colored, w a. arrested last night 1 by Sergeant Youngblood and. Qfiiner M.ick Earnhardt Vfor lot tering. A loaded pistol was found on his person and a charge of carrying concealed weapons was lodged against iiuii. nu in nif? uiir, ii b bmiu, wnu forged an order on Usher Bros., for which he was sent to the roads for a term of months. It's too !bad . Charlotte couldn't have got the State Prohibitionists' or Socialists' conventions to fill In the interim. This let-down la so serious It Is trvlng on the nerves. The North Carolina Federation of the Sons of Rest would find the Queen City a con genial atmosphere Just ffow. The Kon solidated Kollectlon of Knervy Knock ers Is contemplating adjournment. In the civil action brought by tha Glfford heirs against S. Q. Barnes, charged with killing him. the plain tiffs are represented by Col. T. L. flrUnntrlrlr faUn Ksslsrina: the solicit or in prosecuting? the criminal case). Instead of Messrs. Stewart McKae, as has been stated. The latter, to gether with Judge F. I. Osborne and Mr. T. T. Lucas, represents tha defense in the criminal case. "Hn rtnea thla strike von?" asked a Charlotte merchant. "A man In South Carolina says he has sent ma three checks by mail. Tlie first letter waa-found Jn the street already, open ed and brought to me. The second I never saw "at all. Here'a- the third, opened by mistake by a man with a different name in Charleston, 8. u, though ' It was plainly directed to Charlotte, N. C" Bowed with the weight of many toilsome years, bearing the Imprint of time and cart upon their many-lined countenances, t the surviving widows and other relatives of men killed or wounded in the - war between the States gathered at the county court house yesterday afternoon to file be fore th county- -patsioa board - their applications for financial assistance in fighting against odds tha battla af Ufa. The board passed upon, the respective cases on their merits. Tha State board will: render final . decisions on those sent op. I. ; t - appeal to the WeQ-Iaformed fn awry walk of lite and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor- ingiy, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs' and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of. personal and family laxatives la the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs en which It acta without any debilitating after edecta and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. - It'-aets-ploasantlTand naturaHyrgntr truly as a laxative? arid its component parts are known to' and approved by physicians, as it it free from all objection able substances. To get its beneficial effects alway purchase the genuine- manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, and for sale by all leadjng drug gists. . ALL FOR ARBITRATION. IT CANT BE BEATv .v Tha best of all teachers la uuiu,,., C. M. Harden, ot Stiver City, North Caro lina.' y: "I find Electrla does U that's elstmed lor It. For Stomach. Lirer and; Kidney troubles It: can't b beat. I have tried ft and find It a most esculent medtctns.'S Mr. Harden h light: tt's the beat of an medicine ala for waa knsaa. lame bark, and all run doarn conditions. Best too tor chills and malaria. Sold tinder guarantee at all m Cotton Manufacturers' Association of North Carolina Passe ItesoluUoii at Rocent Meeting at Wrlghtsvllle Oilier Likely to Do Home. At the recent meeting of the Cot ton Manufacturers' Association . Of North Carolina at Wrlghtsvllle, a jreiiolutlon providing for -arbitration was adopted which should be of in terest to all cotton mill men. as Its operation will inevitably eliminate all of the evils of unfair and unjust com plaints, cancellations, hold-ups, etc., if carried out in good faith. The resolution follows; Resolved: That the-'recommen dation of the president to appoint two arbitration committees, consisting of three members to each committee, to represent the cloth and yarn branches of our mills in the State, be adopted. Working details of this resolution; B Huver or commission house. S Seller or mill. 1st: B places an order with S. the delivery to be spot, weekly or other wise, as may be agreed- upon- 2nd: After delivery begins, for some cause, lust or unjust, B makes a claim againct S. ird: In the meantime S has bought cotton against the sale, and reclamation, cancellation, hold-up or lay-down will neceiwarlly entail serl- oua'loas. 4th: . B In the meantime Insists -upon his position and the result is a conflict and disagreement. Our position is to submit to arbi tration. 1st: S will he represented by the arbitration committee of this associa tion. B to appoint his arbitrators and in case of failure to agree, then these arbitrators select a third and the decision made Is binding and must be accepted by S and B. 2d: Immi-diately upon any com plaint being made against S which S and B cannot satisfactorily adjust, then 8 is to lil- his evidence In writ ing; with the arbitration committee, and H, If he desires, is to do likewise? If, however, either decline to submit to the arbitration committee of this association, then arbitration as abwve proposed, must be accepted by both. 3d: If either should decline to ar bitrate, then the decision will go by default and In favor of the one agree ing; to accept arbitration. 4th: li haa the same right to file complaint with the arbitration com mittee of this association against S that S has in the above to file against B. 6th: The loser In each arbitration o pay the expenses of the arbitra tion. 6th: A copy of all complaints filed shall be sent to each member of this association with a copy of the de cision, and this to he used for future reference by the members ot the as. soclation. 7th: Each member of the asso ciation will thus be advised of the nature of all complaints, who Is the complulnant. decision by the arbitra tion committee, etc.. while now, each member knows onlv of his own trou bles and oftentimes must submit to unfair and unjust settlements, t 8th: This method of settling differ ences Is adsoiuteiy f rlaot etaoinsru ences is absolutely fair to tha honest buyer and seller and will eliminate sooner or later l'o unfair and un businesslike methods of any- mill, commission house or buyer. Cloth S. B. Tanner, 'William En twistle. E. A. Smith; yarn D. V. Cooper, John C. Rankin, W. E. Morton. IliilS : To-Day To-day we will have a demonstra tor front; Philadelphia showing tha avhtagear ihewonprfuT" " West Electric Hair' Curlers. , Curls without heat In a few minutes.... S for 25c, FREE ICE '' CREAM AND CAKE . AT VANCE PARK FOR CHIL DREN WITH IVEVS RED WAGONS. Wednesday afternoon at 4: JO we want to entertain all white children who have our red wagons. Bring your wagons to Vance Park by 4:30 and we will be glad to give you a cone -of Habn s iuro ice Cream and a piece of Cake. Tho only condition Is that you must have along one of our Red Wagons. Jf t your wagon is broken, bring it upa to-day and we will nx it for you free. If It is not in too bad a condition. We have some extra wheels and parts. This Is not necessary, but we would like you to 'phone us, write us or JV-II us you will he on hand so we will know how many to pr6vlde for. LADIES WAISTS Another lot received of that big bargain In Ladles' White Waists, Special assortment at 98 mrli Nice lot Waists, regular 98c. grade, at -. 75c. Also special bargains In finer Waists. 19-51 EAST TRADE STREET. Our bu.OT is now sending us on every train quantities of merchandise that -will -' not only- save- vtm from oiie-thirfLlQ onp-half nn former Tvrices. but will so in terest you that -you will tell all your friends., . ; 7 1-2 to 10c. Colored Lawns in short pieces, from 3 to 10 yards. Special. . 5c. 10 to 12 l-2c. Checked and Striped Dimities in good, long pieces. . . . . .5c. yd. 15c. Checked Dimity, a real good one at 15e. Our special to-day is... . .Y.y . .10c. Dotted Swiss Special A good Dotted Swiss, well-worth 25c. per yard. vAs at iij-er at ..... ..... ....... ;.r i'i 15c New Tairefjwiss A new thing in Dress Swisses, checked and dotted cbnibined 25c. jiailor. SpeciaJ. ;15c.. ' . For To-Day-r500 yards (BaW Ginghams in desirable patterns. . .... . . . VrlOc. - , Dotted Swiss 10c A prhth lieer quality in Dotted Swiss, 15c. retailer. For to-" ' 1 .10c. 1.50 grade. USirtRKLLA SI'IX'IAL Special purchase nice look fine and will wear I'mbrellas well, about Very Special 25 to 50c. quality in Dotted and Figured Swiss, one lot only, pieces from 2 to 8 yardsj all fine goods.. As a flyer at '.12 l-2c,' 50c. Empress Silks 25c. This is a lot of Arnold's 50 and 75c. Silks that sold at above prices. Our buyer scooped them in at a sacrifice. Our price 25c. Dress Linen Special 25c Ten pieces Colored Dress Linen (all pure linen). Col ors, Tans, Hlnes,' Browns, Pinks and other good ;hades. Have" been sold all season at to 48c. Special 25c. Persian Lawns 5c. One case fine Persian Lawns in good pieces, worth 10 to , 12 l-2c; will not stay hero long. Our special . . . . .5c. yd. Long Cloth Bargains Two cases Soft English Long (Moths, in remnants; good,1 clean cloth and long 'pieces, 5 to 15 yards. On sale to-day. .7 1-2 and 10c. yd. 36-Inch Pajama Cloth 10c. Good, clean cloth; the goods you want for under wear, wide and heavy. On sale now at . 10c. 75c. Sheets 59c New York Mills Bed Sheets good, heavy Sheets, 81x90; worth to-day 75c. On sale to-day 59c. Watch this space for eye-opeeners. We haven't time to enumerate further now, but . will from time to time. Old Sol ig putting In some hard licks these days. The heat on the streets In the" btislnesn section of the city and about the square la enervat- Ingly terrific. ll.fiO grade 98tu IVEY'S HYDRAULIC lELECTRIC II I 1 I I II I 1 H US ILmm LLmm U U BROTHERS 19-21 East Trade Street. n A K TS II 11 I M I Pf Tlirifffltlf r.. v.rtrc wit! I LAM ,3, F.MIAXTON EC l C AUDTORIUM BLDG. Special Notices Peterman's Discovery Kills Bed Bugs. Water . Bugs and Roaches. Liquid or In Powder. 15. and 25 rents. 'Registered Norses Directory. (Graduate Nurses only). Burwell-Dunn Retail Store 'Phones 41 and 800. THE SM TO TIE-TO Very: fine Patent Leather twd-eyclet liibbon Tie, turn sole, extension edge, -military- heel; size 1 to 7, width A to E. Price.... .'..$3.50 v This shoe 7 fitted ' with buckle makes 'latest ; style Colonial Pump Price $3.75 just-received The - Likely Solite Cane Suit Cases, very handsome. Price.'.-". . . . V. . . ..$3.0Q GILMER - MOORE CO. TOtf'LL NEVER TtKCJRKT ORDKRINQ the ttr-Kt huttle of llluf Ribbon Vnnilia. I.ot8 of the tlneit cookH have been ecl fying Rlue Rlhhnn Vanilla for ten years. TO-DA T FRESH KOiS AT 15c. NICB "fresh Butlrr and Cln--m on le. Krult Jars, Jar rubbrra and Jar rapS. fnll 'phons H10 and 1X2. JNU. XV. SMITH, OASIS COTTON COMFORTS THE NEW KINO THE GOOD KIND All grades All colors All prices Why buy dirty rags,' -M Merchant when 1? A M r-2 Knabe Pianos Come and sec the new styles just received. A pur chase of this Piano means satisfactory one for a life time. We sell cheaper Pianos also. Write for catalogues. Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Krrond Floor. TURKISH HATH TOWKt.f AND 8ANJ tary Wash Mltn. the kind we are a Dleaing In weather like thla. Have you got either? JAM P. STOWK A i!0 , Druggists. 'Phone I'D. frehh ivOT of non.i:n hams to- day, and lha finest lot f Sardines on the American msrkl. either plain or boneless. In olive nil. tomato eaur., , linrdslnlae saoce. mayr.nal or plain . smokefl. 10. 15. M " e MILtiKR-VAN NKSS CO.. 27 N. Tryon. HAVK TOU A CORN? IF SO. WOOD all It Bhepparrl's Corn RmtKly will eufs it In I Jays' time, mo inc. npnrerei anywhere at Xhat price. Just 'phone W nn.i the oods eome In s hurry from the stars. . , POIt 8ALR CRIT8HED STONK W sixes nlibl for sll frs.les concrete v work. ' Will quote you delivered price ? by wsfon or pars on application. Fred Oliver, Charlotte. N. C FOR BENT Ml Jf. BREVARD ROOMS, modern. W r. ropiar r i uum.. iiwaern. 70! &. th I room", modern. SI 4 K. -tth i-room ottagp. 715 N Brevard t rooms, on ear line. 7 TJddil 6 rooms. KM N. Oaldwsil 4 rooms. Other I and f-room tooae. J. A RTIH'R' 1IENDER50M BRO, 215 N. Tryon. " jiure, raw cotton costs the same? Buy at Home and Save Freight. Our salesman is look ing fat you fine lino samples, fine lino prices, fine line goods Wait For Him. TheScuthern Cottcn Oil Co. Sole Manufacturers, harlotte, North Carolina., EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD TO RAT lfl-M-wesAne Is Wif serreo as In the beat style. Come In snd see what wa Jiava now. OEM RESTAUR ANT. - ;- v ' TO I.ET-4 nOOiJ9. PAIJieR AJTD 4 rooms. 717 H rn. P: rooms. Bunny. Ida. H4 acres, well eneloaad, ham, ehleken bnua and rsrds all for $12. IS; I rooms. tU Oold ft.,- f H.U; I rooms. Dllwerth. r7: t rooms, Qrads ft, $; rooma. Oak St.. HI: Urge ball, 14th and C. gts.. tlO; mnm In Kandera Rulld Ing. V.. E. U.KEfSLER. a a. Tryon HU Tlw Mi. . , . .-. . i jTrns -. RENTED 1a (4. a I makes, rrady for Instant . rental TTPF mar. aVin.i' , 1, ry machine flrat-claaa la rrj- Tiler, i. B .YSyta Co- BETTER THAN LAUNDERING Jt's better han laundering them to send .your wast, suits. tc, to our' dry clean lng "fle. partment wherrhey , become soiled or mussed. This process, does not wear them, csn not shrink or draw . tru-m put of ahspr, will not injure the fabric . or fad tha most delicate colors, and It ra iurns the .. gown or article cleaned la as new, fresh and dainty condition as , when It was new. ' - ( , ; Costa but a very trifle more' and it'e much better. .; , Gisrlctte Slcani -leun-ry 'La nndcrcra, Dyers, Clciutcrs, : tit South Tryoa Kt.-"!' ' - CL0TS1E llPlboating, fishing, motoringr? riling, hunting and touring are indispensable. They make a fel low feel at his best at work or at play. ; Hade of 1 feather-weight fabrics that are comfortable and ' dressy. , . . ' , t ' - " ' - ' Long-Tate umm Cc, stores. Wc . .... .:.. r ) ' : .