CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, JULY 18, 1003. 0 NEWS OF IREDEIX'S CATITAU Mr. Stimson Nearly Able to Iave Hospital .Advance Ajrmt of Kftow Company Bitten by Dor Normal . lrU Raise- Neat Sum r Mclver Memorial Kund. vv-:; Special to The Observer. . r . PULtesviUe. July It. The many friends of Mr. Waft Stimson - are : pleased to learn that be to return home in a short time, Mr. Stimson be i me desperately ill montns ; . laiit hone .for bla re covery was taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore, xa., ana wont an operation for appendicitis, v wnr him recovery was - very . doubtful and all hope was despaired V. hut a. few weeks ago be began te In-iorove.-: Miss Mamie Stimson,-who was If :J6hnrHDp1ttaf0r-raome .week- 11 have a diseased arm treated, has re- turned borne. A surgical operandi proved successful. Mr.-' J. E. Bost, of Newton, who has ' been connected with a drug store at Anderson. S. C. ha accepted a tern porary position with Logan Stimson .' Son, druggists, and began work this week.- Mr. B. B. Webb, who recently sold the Statesville Marble and Granite " Works to re-enter the railway postal service, now has a regular run be tween Ashevllle and Toxaway and he and Mrs. Webb will move to Ashevllle . neit week to be convenient to his : work. - Mr. H. Hf Warner, of Raleigh, has arrived to take charge of the States- - vllle Martle and Granite Works, which are now the Cooper Marble and Granite Works. Cooper Bros., of Ra lelgh, having recently purchased the works. Mr. Varner will move his family here in a short time !-- "What's Next." the farcical comedy "presented at the t-prra houe Tiies dsy night by local talent umh-r the direction of MIksph -Martha Moore anil Angle Mullaly. for the benefit or tn Mclver memorial fund, was truly "the hit of the season." as advertised in ' advance by the Normal girls. Kvery person who took part In the play de serves praise, for all did tine work. The Iredell Mclver Association Realiz ed a neat little um for the fuTid as a result of the entertainment. At the annual metlnj; of the stock holders of the statesville Hardware and Harness f'nmpany this week the old officers were re-elected as follows: J. A. Bradford, president. T N. Brown, vice prexidnt; T. H. Hed msji, ecretary and treasurer. The company began business just a year ago and the reports of the year's business were very satisfactory to the stockholders. Mr. C. B. Turner, advance agent of the Jonnle Jones snoy, was In town Tuesday to arrange a date for his company to exhibit here. While here he was bitten on the finger by a small dog belonging to Mrs Kd Delta Mr. Turner went from here to Ashevllle and from there to Baltimore Wednes day evening to take the Pasteur treat ment. The hite was not serious but . Mr. Turner wants to be on tne safe side. HIGH POINT NKWS NOTES. New York -Man Has Purchased Ma lil lie. Work" Military Company Ieave To-Uay I'or KiK-ampnuiit Police After Blind Tigers. Special to The Observer. High Point, July IT rompany St. High Point Rifles, leaves early to morrow morning for em-am pment at Morehead City. buys will go fifty strong and are ue trained, ex pecting to show up with any of them Mr. MoClave. nf-N'ew York, has pur thased from Mr O X Richardson ttie High Pflnt Ma-ehine Works and has moved his family here. In a few days the shops will he opened and the line of work don for the past ffteen years will be continued. Mr. McClave Is a young man experienced In the business and the High Point Machine Works Is one nf the oldest enterprises in this city The ladies of the city In ro-opera-tlon with th Younj Slen's Reading Rooms have established circulating library witn headquarters it the read ing rooms The cotton null proje. t Is astumlng definite shspe and It Is ep.,ted that the deal will he consummated where by It n!l he among the varied In dustries of H igh Point The police force is hot on the trail of blind tlgerh Several have been run to earth in the p.-nt week and two suspivta arc- being given tint weather-eye now Blind tigers have a harj time of it In Hiifh Point. TORCH WA S A PPM I'D. Policemen Mixvivrr lim-ndlary anil hate the Otxiipant of Hons. special to The jliserer Wilmington. July 17 Karly Klrc llu this morning as Policemen M '. (iiay and J. S. Lane were patroh'tlg. their beat In the southern part of town, their at tention wan attracted by a glare from an alley leading from Seventh ,treet, between Orange and Ann Hastening to lnvestigat .they found ..the front door and piazza of a sn-iiill. four-room hoi)se occupied by Mary McKulehei in flames. They extinguished the flames without railing out the depart ment and carrying then investigation further, found that the door frame and sill with a considerable part of the porch had been drenched with kerosene and the torch applied by an Incendiary a few moments before. They awoke the McKulr-her woman, the only occupant of the house who knew nothing of the lire and liirns to be at a loys to know why an one should attempt to burn her up- The police are continuing their Investi gation, though for t;ie present they are absolutely without a clue. Xetv IluxiiiM ilnii In St ! Illr. Special to Tl,e obrver Klatesvllle, July IT sta iet.vil! la to have another ne- busmen nrm. Mr. C. H. Summers, who has been head salesman at Mr. H. '. Miller's - shoe store for six years, gave up his position with Mr Miller this week and he and Messrs. V. R. Mills and C. E. Hughey have form ed a company nd will open i hoe and men's fur nishings business (n the storeroom In jivvi iii-ueii cunoing. re.cntlv Vacated by Mr. U A. Ooldman Mr. '. Bummers will leave Monday for Bo; ton and other points North to ptr rhase goods for the new firm, which expects to be reedy for business by . the 1st of epu-mbr, Mr. Hummers, who know, the shoe and mon'i fur-! - nlshlngs buslneea well, la to be man ager of the new business. Heat proetratee the . nerves l0 tIKe summer one needs a tonic m off -set the eustoinar hot weather Nerve ,a ftrngth depression. You will feel better ' within 4 hours after beginning to ink. , such, a remedy as Dr. Snoop s Reator.. tlve. Its prompt action In reete-rlne lh weakened nerves Is surprising. Of enurs you won't get entirely etrong m a . , dsye. but.esch day yoy can suaMy im-i tbe Improvement. That tlrd. Iif !,' spiritless feeling wtH - eulckly denart when using the Reaioratlvt, Jr. gh.o's Restorative will sharpen a falling apns ttte; tt aids digestion: It will arenuJen the weakened Kidneys end Heart br eimpty rebutkilng the worn-out nerve imi inrw orsjane oepeno upon, j Test it ' a fw days and be convinced, gold by - Mullen's pharmacy. . . I v CHECK WAS WORTHLESS. Greensboro Hotet Clerk "Worked" v for $75 by SOirer -0b;r Ho tel teald to Have Kstffered Likewise c xew . Bakery Clisurtered- Kditor Rre Bas k at Hto Port After an Absence f Some Weeks. -r; ; '.' . r , Observer Bureau, , -; r,-. ,'. The BeviH-Buildlng. ; 'i Greensboro, July II. Mr. R. T. Kosemond. tjtlef clerk of the Gullford-Benbow Hotel. - learned to-day that be. bought 7S worth of experience on June 90th, : when- he was so accommpdatlng as to ch a check for that amount for a atnnger giving bis name aa C H- Blake. Blake ar rived at the Oullfprd-Benbow June 29th and registered from Utloa, -N. Y. Th rniinwinr iiiv he received in his -mail a letter from me Vtica Fixture Company, for which ne ciaimea io oe traveling, enclosing a.phck for tta for expense money. Ha exhibited the letter to Mr. Rosemond and by a lot of smooth talk induced me enii hotel man to cash the cnecx. Th rhecic was returned wun inc Information that there is In Utlca no. such concern as the Utlca r uxure Company. The ldss .falls on Mr. Rosemond. who endorsed the check after cashing it. It Is learned that Blake also had worthless checks for $75 cashed at tho Central Hotel, In Charlotte; the en- tral Hotel, In Salisbury; Hotel ten non, in Goldsboro.. and the Zinzen- dorf, in Wlnston-Salem. Me nas noi been .heard from since leaving win- ston-Salem. The caKe has been re ferred Ho the Hotel Men a Associa tion. The Washington Steam Bakery, or Greensboro, was to-day chartered by the secretary of state with an author- zed capital of $50,000 and Jio.ouv paid in, me incorporator unrig ut F. Kuppes, George W. Brandt and J. Brandt. Jr. The concern Is a consolidation of the Washington Bak ery, recently established here, and Brandt s Bakery. Mr. J. Lenlle Cartland. the junior member of the tailoring firm of J. K. Cartland & Co., becomes the sole owner of the ' business, having ptir- hased the interest of his father. Dr. K. Cartland. Dr. Cartland retires trom active business on account or tne condition of his health. Col. Joe Reece, editor of The Dally Record, was at his office to-day for the first time since he had a knee ap thrown out of place In a friendly scuffle with a young friend six weeks go. Just about the time his leg was getting in condition to permit him to walk with the assistance of rutches, he was stdkeked by rheu matism. He Is not yet well of rheu matism, but can manage to hobble round after a fashion. Dr. W. A. Lash to-day qualified aa dmlnistrator of the estate of his wife, who died a few weeks ago. DAVIDSON' NFAVK ITKMS. Movements of the Vllege Peoplo During Their Vacation Dr. Wool en Ha.v Some Fine Fox-Hound Pii ps. Corresnondence of The Observer. Davidson. July 18. The coming nd Kolng of people to and from Du Idson these hot sum-mer day.! would make quite a chronicle If It Were, at II accurately kept. Some of the nmes may be properly noted here. Prof. Watson Glasgow, nf the city chonfo of Oalxesfdn, ' ToxT,"" Is ere mi a visit to his parents. Mrs. hn field left to-night to spend sev- ial dH.vs In Statesville, the Kurst of Mrs. rr Mrs. T I. Harrison left esterday for HIHrnore, accomiianled y two of her children to spend some weeks Dr. J. P. Munroe is at Hick- ry for a few days Rev. Dr. M. K. Pentelle, who hss been In Tennessee or ten days on a visit to his pan nls. will return the last of the week to continue hia work for a part of the acalion at Bethel and the new liurch organization at Cornelius. Riifuf Reld, who Is playing with rtaligh this season, seems to h maktn so.-d," If one may judge by reports and the further fact that o as been the recipient of a special urse as a mark of the approval with hlch some of his ball work has been eeeived by the fans at the capital its l'n-hunters and those with sporting lood In their veins find some Interest- rig sights these rtaya In Dr. Woolens B 'kennels. He has in addition to Is pack of grown hounds one or two ir;e fumilif-s of ery tinely bred Walker" pups that would score high s dog show. They are worth see- ig and also worth about -a pair n the market. Tt) TKACH IS I'HIMI'I'IXKS. John II. .U-fforlc. of 'liorokcc County, S. V., Ki-'IvN a tiovcrntiicnt A-p-IKdntiiicnt. (Special to The Observer. (JnfTney. 8. C. July 1. Mr. John H. Jefleries. of thla county. who some time ao stood a competi tive examination for service as teacher" In the Philippines, has receiv ed an appointment fro mthe govern ment to teach two years In the Island at a siilary of $100 a month. He will leave CufTney about :ho 1st of August for his new field. Mr. Jefferles. who Is a recent graduate of the South Carolina l.'tilvcriily, has been since that time engaged In teaching and is eminently iiiiilllled to fill the position to which he has been appointed. He Is a son of Mrs M. H. Jefferies and brother to J. E. Jefferles, clerk of court. A big farmers' meeting will be held in (fatTi.ey next Saturday. Several distinguished speakers are expected to be present, among them Congressman I. eer. The young Representative of the seventh district has many warm admirers among the people of this county and a large -ludlcnce will be on hand to hear him speak. .Mr. Hayne Davis Kpeak at WayneWl tint-. Correspondence of The Observer. Waynesvllie. July 1 . Mr. Hayna Davis, founder of tbe Peace Congress of America and Its first president, ad dressed an audience In the court house here last night. He gave a his tory of the peace movement and showed how the North Carolina Idea regarding a large armament to Insure peace is the prevailing one. Mr. Da vis made a good impareaalon an 1 greatly Interested those who Were present. A? the meeting an organisation wa effected by appointing a committee to report plun of organization at a fu ture meeting. The following consti tute the committee:. A. Jones, J. w Banks. W. V. Rtrlhgfteld and W. C Allen. It Is thought that a branch of the Htate organisation can be estab lished here. Hoy"a L4f Have.'. My little boy. four years old. bad a se vere attack of dysentery. We had two Physicians; both of. f hero gave him op. e then gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cored him and believe that saved his life William fl. gtrellna. -Carhan Mitt Aim There Is no doubt but this remedy snvee ine live m many children each year. Olve It with castor oil according lo the plain printed dtrectinna nd a cure is rer tain. For sale by It. H. Jordan ft Co. , . '.; : A Sample Achievement. - ; Houston Poet, -T,'"v (- v-; A Virginia newspaper, saya j tb North Caro'iniana nevmr-ullt a great eity. Isn'tjyorfolk pretty good one 7 North Carolina uiit xsorroi. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Union NatFcnal Bank , At Charlotte, in the Stat of North Caro lina, at the close or business July Jim, 9ijg, : - - --e.- J 1 - '- . " RESOTJBCES. ' Ioans and discounts .$18g,lM.6 fverd rafts, secured and unse- "Cured .. , - ' .it C 8. bonds to secure circulation 100.000.00 Premiums jozlJIL 8. bose S.Ttt.3 Ranklns house, farnitur and fixtures . .- $.270.67 Due Irom national banks (not reserve agents)..;. $4,t3tt5 4u -tram. -Htalft banlMt ' L and bankers ..- S,$H.7 Due from approved . re serve stents 19.70S.8t Checks and other cash items .. ' XJ.Mi.S0 Notes of other national hnnks UM Kractlonsl paper cur rency, nickels and cents M.27 Lawful money reserve in bank, via: v legal-tender notes S.W0.W Redemptlou fund with V. a Trutiirer IS ner cent. of circulation) $.000.09 S4.0S8.1S Total .$X8.K8.U LIABILITIES. Canltal stock paid in $100,000.00 I'nritviried nroflta. less expenses and taxes paid 1.1AS.69 National bank notes outstanding 100,000.00 Due to State banks and bankers .. $3,134.37 Individual deposits subject to check U8.15:.16 Demsnd certificates of deposit $1900 Time certificates of de posit 34.S74.98,u eharlri out- standing JS1.00 157.164.5( Total .t358,38.l Piste of North Carolina, County of Meck lenburg, ss: I. H. M. Victor. Cashier of tre above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If. M. VICTOR. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th dav of July. 11 THOS. C. HAYES. Notary Public. Correct Atteat: T. W. WADE. K. D. LATTA. JR.. PETER 8. GILCHRIPT. Directors. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF The Commercial National Bank At Chsrlotle, In ths State of North Caro lina, at the close of business July 15th, 190ft. RESOURCES. Isns and dl-scounlH $1.64.$45.M Overdrafts, secured and unse cured !W08 l S honda to secure circula tion 600.000.00 t. a bonds to secure C. 8. dposlts Premiums on C. rt. bonds Ftonds. securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures ". - Other real estate owned line from national banks (not reserve agents! $llfi.9t6.71 Due from State banks and hsnkers 3S.4S2.94 Due from approved re serve agents 9S.C1.89 Cheeks and other cash ITS. 000.00 33.031. 6.940.00 7,(199 0 3.000 00 Notes nf other natkmal banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents lawful money reserve In bank, vlii: Snecle 10.-0.00 SVM.iO lgal-tender notes ... Redemption fund with n .onoflo 35H.077.3S V S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of rlrcu- latlonl Due from I S Treasurer, oth er than .'. per cent, redemption fund M.O0O.00 100 00 Total ..$2,749,759. 87 LIABILITIES. Capltaf stock paid In Surnlus bind I'ndlvldfd proflls. less expenses and taxes paid Nitlnnal Jank notes outstand ing tue to other national $500,000 00 100.000.00 308,30(5.!tg $00,000.00 nks M.91f22 tine to State hanks and Isnkers ... Dividends unpaid Individual deposit 70.:4.OS K.4.50 ssub- )ert 1i check Demand certificates 573.799.32 of ileposlt lfi.lM.a Time rertlflcntes of de noslt 306.42S.I9 CnHbler's checks mit- standlng RlflOO 1.37(1.77 C S. deposits 11 Deposits of 1 S. dis bursing officers .341.2 l.Ctl.tW Notes and biys redlscounted. . :00.0OO.OC Tolsl ...$2,749,758.7 State of North Carolina. County of Meck lenburg, ss: I. R. A. Dunn. President of the above- named bank, do solsmnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ol my knowledge and belief. K. A. m r-resiaent. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of July. 1WS. KRED NASH. JR., Notary Public. Correct -At test: It. M. MlbbKR, JR., P. M. WROWN. WILLIS BROWN. L W. SANDERS. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Southern loan i-Savings Bank At Charlotte. In the State of North Caro tin. Bt the close of business July 15th. RESOURCES. Ixisns end discounts $l'09.994.50 North Carolina 8tate bonds All other stocks, bonds and mortgages . Hanking house, furniture and fixtures Demand loans $24,600.00 10,000.00 ).265.23 1,500X0 Due from banks and bankers 3,321.51 Cash Items 720.30 Oold coin 65.00 Silver coin. Including all minor coin currency.... 155.61 National bank notes and other V. 3. notea 1.311.00 82.173.32 Tot si $282,933X7 LIABILITIES.' Capital stock $30,000.00 Surplus fund C.&0.00 Undivided proms. ieee current expenses and tales paid ...... Dividends unpaid Kills psyable Deposits subject to $.113.3 tiOiK) IS. 000.00 check ..$1$2.SS3.M Demsnd certificates of deposit-; .20.ltS.SS Cashier's checks out- stsndlng .. .. 045.73 99.199.J1 A ecu red Interest due depositor. ZTO.U Total ..$2033.07 State of North Carolina. County of Meck lenburg, sa; 1. W. L- Jenkins. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la True to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. L. JENKINS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before m. this Hth day of July. W. FRED NASH, JR., Notary Publlo. Correct Attat: K. T. OANKLKR, T " , P.-M. BROWN. - v - jNa h. corr, ' - ,v- Dtreetora. , REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Ite ;erch::ls 2d hmm At Charlotte,' In the State "of North Caro I Una, at the. close of business July-16th, I l&j. ' j - t I ians ana aiseounu $SC,69fJ.4l wveromtu, secured and : unse- .- m cured ,. ., ...,... j , 1 1.661 34 U. 8. bonds to seoure clrcula- tlon 300.000.00 V. B. bonds to secure , U. 8. depesits . . $0,000.00 Premiums on U. & bends g.mot Bonds, securities, etc. $,$00.00 Bsnktng house, furniture and fixtures :i.4.$7 Other real estate owned ........ Due from national banks (not reserve agenu..$20,7sl.$k Due from State , banks -- and-bankera ......... r7.47l.M Du from approved re-1 - - - serve agents ...'. R.$6$.$$ ... Check and other cash ' ' Items .. xi.36.sfl , Notes of other national : ' L. 1. MA Mk . Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents vl$.2$ Lawful money reserve in bank, vis: Specie .. 65,710." Legal-tender notea 10.5O..00 . Redemption fund wun , t h Ta.iirr ca Mr cent of circulation)... $.009.00 !S$,605.50 Total r. 7 ... . .V...V. . .7. .fl.iS8,t7!.$6 ' LIABILITIES. - - r- Capital stock paid In ............ $200,000.00 Surplus fund 100,000.09 T'ndlvldsd nroflts. less sinenses and taxes paid v zs.qmj.wb National bank note outstand ing J00.v00.00 Due to other national bank .. w.37.4 Due to State banks i - and bankers lcsjra.w , Dividends unpaid 45.W Individual deposits sub ject to check 3.,3S. Demsnd certificates of . deposit .. lso.oss Certified Checks Cashier's checks out- lnlna. Z.C7D.SS tt ft derxMlta 60.0Oa.00 BMP.WW.II Bills paysble Reserved for accrued interest.. 3,019.40 Total $1,438,872(3 Htste ef North Csrolina, County of Meek lskas Kiiar 1 1 W. C. Wilkinson, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swesr hn iha ituivi statement Is true to the best of my knowledge end belief. w I w i.h naun. ariier. Subscribed' and sworn to before me this 17th day of July. lws. BAXTER ROa. woiary ruoitv. Correct Attest : J. H. M AUKW, W. L. BRIJNS, . P. HEATH. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONJPITION OT The Charlotte National Bank At Charlotte. In the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business July lth, 1908. RESOURCES. Ians and discounts $1.040,$.$2 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured P. S. bonds to secure circula tion I". S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits Premiums on U. S. bonds Bonds, sedulities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Hue from national hanks $.307.98 173.000.00 60.000.00 7,250.00 12.300.00 S9.7O0.00 (not "reserve agent s..$Ti8,99S.TS Due from Btate banks and hankers 63.5S3.S9 Due from approved re serve agents 42.622.39 Checks and other cash Items 17.091.2$ Frsctlonal paper cur rency, niekels snd cents 733.1$ Lawful money reserve In bank, via: .., Specie 21,276.09 Legal-tender notes 27.207.00 219.811. M Redemption fund with t. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent, of clr culation) 9,750.00 Due from V. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund W.MO.0O Total $ I.TABIMTIKS. C'spltal stock raid In $250,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 I'ndlvlded profit, legs expenses and taxes paid 1S.063.C National bank notes outstand ing .. .; 175,000.00 Due (o other national hanks $34,772.64 Due to Slate banks and hankers 43.636.85 Due to approved reserve anents 11.37.77 Individual deposits sub ject to check 487,673.33 Demand certificates of deposit 244.637.M Certified checks V- 2.700.00 Cashier's checks out- standing s.sii .w F. S. deposits 60.OU0.U0 honds borrowed 30,000,00 Rills payable im.wu.wi Reserved for Interest 4,531.00 Totsl .i..$l,B6,90.$ Slate of North Carolina, County of Meck lenburg, ss: I W. H. Twltty. Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that tne nbove statement Is true io tne oesi oi my knowledge ana oene- n v ss ti t vrW4ewtnr rm klas Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of July. 1-- ' ... Correct Attest: . B. U. xi P. A i ri. W. A. WATSON. W. J. CHAMBERS. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The American Trust Co. At Chsrlotte. In the Btate or wortn csro lina, at the close of business July 15th, 1908- tn snd discounts $1,1M.M.K Overdrafts secured 1,020.1$ Banking house, lurnuure ana fixtures w0( Due from banks ana bankers Cash Items Onld coin IW W Silver coin. Including sll minor coin cur- rency .&.J1 National' bank notea and other. U. 8. notea $7,284.00 ES.SM.I7 Total .. .. ....41.426.355.17 LIABILITIES. capltsl steeh ..... UnrtlvMeo pronis. exnenses and taaes paM 115.270.28 7K.34 166.000 00 Dividends nnpara T3 HI nttvahlf. .... ee - .rtlflnales of deposit v - 1. ; - M - MM M Deposits subject, to check .. t-1 Trust deposits .. $7.75 Due to nanaa nH1-1.I-, bankers . .. Cashiers' checks out- standing .... -Certified cheeks ... , saw 7M2M.5I Total ......U..$1.42$J55.17 oe4T4fsieeeoe! State ef North Carolina. County of Meck lenburg. s: ..- :, ' , I J K. Davla. Assistant Treasurer or the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement le true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. DAVIS. A ML Tress. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this I7th day of July. 1S0J. f - FRED NASH, JR-. NoUry Publlo. Correct Atte-t : ? .- O BO. STEPHENS, , H. W. F.DDT. - , .' J. N. M CACSLANT. . , - . , Direotora, Why j 0srerhsat : Yourseli?? jMuch of your, tomratr pleasure depends upon hairicg a cool and comfortable Idtcb- en.- Why not be prepared for hot flays bef orcy they come ?,; Ask your dealer to show ": the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame 03 Cook-Stove. T It's a wonder. V ' Does the work of your, big range in every particular, but has this great advantage over it. Vick Dine Haine Oil Cooi-Slovc A THB - power. boars' burning.- Fre from ml objectionable features fa splendid fiunilT lamp. If not with tout dealer, write ouT nearest agency. - '. " STANDARD OIL COMPANY Xtoseeaaratsd) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank At Charlotte. In the Btate of North Caro lina, at the cloee of business July 15th, 1908. RESOURCES. Ixans snd discounts $t!45.17$-44 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured $30.7$ U. 8. bonds to secure circula tion $00,000.00 V. 8. honds to secure V. 8. deposits Tt.000.0n Premiums on U. 8. bonds 12,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc 6.000.00 Banking house, furniture and natures b,w.wi Due from national banks (not reserve altnii JO, 783 47 Due from State banks and bankers 13.758.83 Due from approved reserve acents &4,OT.9 Checks and other cash Items I10,T3Z.1 Notes of other national hanks I.wo.iw Fractional paper cur- renrv. - nickels ana cents K3" Lawful money reserve in bank, vis: Ppecle vo.(r, Ifral-tender notes .... i7.000 00 7,5S0.S4 Redemption runa wunr. o- Treaaurer (5 per cent, circula tion) i-.-.-r- 15,000,00 Total .. .$1,803,922.12 INABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund .. .. jmooo.oo Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paldT v 153,118.05 National hank notes outsiana Ing Due to other natlonsl hanks Due testate banks and bankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit.. Time certificates of deposit CeshleV's checks outstanding... V. S. deposits '. Noea and Mils rediscount ed.. Bills pavabl. Including certlfl rates of deposit for money borrowed 20 0no.on 52.S43.41 3. 103.77 1.655.00 389.04fi.S9 4 S33.M4M 5H.R0 5fl.0on.ftO 51 .000.00 125,000.00 $1,863,922.12 County of Meck- Total State ot North Carolln Lnjnhn "'orr. Csshler of the above named bank, do solemnly swesr that he above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. anowir g john r ORR Cah , Subscribed snd sworn to before me thle 17th cVUgUTT. Notary Public. Correct-Attest- , FRANK GILREATH, C. A. WILLIAMS. Directors. GREEN POND GRANITE BRICK COMPANY fJlBSOJff. W. am . .inn m rA " tillderM tbe -mere tuuu.wvi. -- . m ' MJIn. )On the tieaiesi preeewu uunu..., " . ' , market for the money. Do no$ break In shipping, not affected by frost, harden with aWe and compare favor ably with the highest priced brick In the country. Write for prices and testimonial. . Some years ago I was afflictejl with gome blood Impurity, which resulted In boils and sores on my body, and every year for five years X had to stop work and take to my room. Thla same trouble affected my general health. X began the nee of Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy and after using It n short white less than three bot ties I was completely cured and have hot suffered any since. v I have great faith In Un Joe . Person's Remedy nnd desire that, others af flicted with any " blood . Imparities may read -this and r begin t -one taking It. It will . certainly effect cure. Mrs.' Joe Person's Remedy '. is the best I know.- Very 'respectfully,, - - v , W. J. DUXSI.NO. -Aulander, N, C October IS. 1$90: MLS iffiSclll that it never heats the kitchen. Thtt - makes summer days endurable.: - Think of pre paring a meal in less time than you'd do it on the coal range, and then sitting down at table with the family not overheated, but entirely ! ; , That is the way you will do when yon have a "New Perfection 03" Coolc-Stove In yoor . kitchen. Made in three sizes ; fuQy warranted.' If not with 70urdealer, write burnearest agency. fmm. T 0rr i a center draft lamp ' JLtOmp of treat illuminating- Large font bold oil for several 1 I 1 I Nye Hutdiisoii & Son INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT OFFICK No. a Hnnt Bnlldlac BeU 'Phono 4S0B. WE CARRY A Large Stock of Plumbing and heating supplies. Write For Prices. k ' t ; ; - HACKNEY BROS. CO. Plumbing and Heating Con tractors.. Jobbers' Supplies. Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone SIS. CENTURY PAINT . WEARS LONGEST Torrence Paint Co. 10 NORTH TRTOX. r The Norfolk & Southern Railway has au thorised the following low round trip rates to Morehead City, and return for Bunday. August 11th. 1S08. account of the encampment of the North Carolina State Guard:. " v ; ' Schedule. Stations. - Rates. Leave-': a. m. , ' fJoldsboro ' ' $1.&0 Leave '7: a. m. I-a Grange 159 Leave $:0$ -a. m. Klnston . l.!6 lmvm 8:0 a. m. - 't Dover .. ' LIS t.,., ;7 . a, m. , Newbern - 1.09 Leave 10:17 a. m. wewporx. ,es Arrive Morehead City 11 a. m. Returning leave Morehead City at 7:40 p, m. the same oaie. Tickets to be sold Sunday, August 11th. D0$. Good only on date of sale. R, E. L. PUNCH. M. -'. MUIJOINfS. 'Traffle Manager. Oen. Pa a Agent NORFOLK WKSTEitN RAIL WAT Hciiieout' la nc(. May Uili. ISPS. -10:t0 am Lv Charlotte, Ho. By. Ar :J0 pm t:M pna LY Winston, . W. Ar Z 00 era HpmLr Martinsville. ., LrllrtJam 7;3pmAr ' sioanone. -L ula Connect et Roanoke via Shenandoah Vslley Route forHageretowa, e-e all points In Pennsylvania and -jw Tork. Pullman eleepcr. Roanoke acd Pbiladel. 'l-'hretigh' coach. Miarlotte to Roanoke.' Addiueaal train leeves Winatosr 1J m. daily except Sunday, if ran are thinking of taking m trip iu weot qtxi'iM. Wani ratra, r. Pablo and correct UtermaUon. as to routes, train scbedntee. .the moev com. fortable six quickset was. Write and tbe information te yonrs. for the asking. ' with one of our eompl-te map folders. . . , . .. M. r. ).iU, : Vrav. Pane, Ageat, W. B. BEVTLL. 43en'l Pes. Agent. , Roanoke, a. - ... Sdulliernjlailvay : Si. B. FtiUewlna aclMMlute Oanres uO Ushed oalr as liJormaUun, mad era -set, auarmnte April IZlh. uut: 1:20 a. No. U, asny. tor vashinc ton snd points Norto. Punmaa lruwif room sleepers to Nw, jerk. Day ctchea to Washlnston. ' - $:M a. lu., J4c. oaily, Jor Colusofcia, Savannah and : Jackaoavina. ' tu.Una drswlnc room sleepers to August '- sad ' Jackson vt'Je. ' Day coaches to Jacea. vllle. . . . :. .- m2$JLm"'-v'"i:'ua''-to wnma and local points. ' - , . , Ka. 44. eUJUi for Washtof. wa and : points Noru iejr uactM Charlatte to Wsakingtoa. . , . m, .. Si, ailr. for Columbia, and local points. ' . . . TJleD a. la.. Ji- is, dally except unoay.' for Statesvtlie. Vsylor.llle end Z.l s" . ""ia a aaooreeviue Lor win. vlul " 4ateTjioiaf4Mjte? kmtf . w.i. Day OOSfh . CharlAll. ta A SlnM Principal polata ea rente. - ' - ' : a. bl. No. nt, UIy. for Waahln. "f Pta North. Auman drswloa rC " rsw lorn ana Kienmona. ervc- . .. m New Orleans Limited. Drawlne room sieepins; oars,. Obeerratlen aod dab ears.. New York to New Orleans. . Drawtna; rOOm lltAIMP. Vaka V.a. a .a sa.ii Pullman Jraia- Dlnlna; ear oomee. " , . '. . oaiy, xor Auaata, and local points. ,v , J , j . 4:00 d. m.. No- as . a.n- boro and local polata. , : p. nv. wo. 41. dairy, except nnndan for Seneca and local points. . 4:4ft n. m M 17 Hmtm . and local points. - - 9mJt- .".f0' t exeept Sunday. . ""t,,"w"",fr- t owmnae tor Asne vllle. Kaosvtlle and ChsttanooasT -t.-U p. mJ No. 1$. duly, lor ftsamendl 7 and local points. Handles Pullman sleep, er, Charlotte, te Waaainfton. end Char lotte to Xtehmeaa. - - v :26 p. ra.. No. A dally. New Yortt and New Orle-na Limit- (n waKi. . . pniH. BOW points North. Drawlnft .-ooarj ar.eper. CbservatlOB end elnb can I. M v- Dlalni car service. Stolid Pullman train. J:. p-m-:wN' 9r Atlanu and points South. Pullman drawing room . - .,ww w iw- IU(,U" nnond te Birmingham, Charlotte te At- . uir ooaonea wasnington to Nsw Orltana. Dining ear service. eT';r,"ii,',,P,ln,t "rvaons, end ticket office. No. 11 South Ttyon street! Vi. U. AtKEHT. Vice Pres. ana Oen. ugtv Wsshingtor, D. C. f. H. HARDWICK, P. ' JV W. H. TAYLOK, ?f. V. A, -Washington. Tt).- C. B. U YXTRNON, T T.aT aarlotte. H, a SEABOARD h- arrlreiK and departures ' as well aa the time and oonneoUea with ether eompenlea. arc gives enly ea iaforma. Uon and are not gua.raed. PI reel line to the prlndavel eltlee Nk East. South and SouUWeet! iJuwi taking effect April Uto, UU8. subeo T to change without notice. Tickets for passage ea all trains are sold by this company and accepted by the paseenger with ha underetendlng 'tt,? this company will not be reepojuiVe Io? failure to run Its trains on schioul, ttnl or for any such delay as may be lncMT to their operation. Care is MTreuSdt glee correct time of connecting lltiMfc.,. this esmpsny --e no respeaeible tor rSJ rors or omissions liains leave Charlotte as followa- No. 40. dally, at 4:30 a. m. . forVon roe, Hamlet and Wilmington, connecting at Monroe With for Atlanta, Billing! . ham and the Bcutltwest; with Is ror ial. elgh, Weldott and Poruraouth. witir St Hamlet for Raleigh, Hicbmond. Washl lugton. New Tork. So. 133. dally, at t:M a. re., for Un. eelntnn. Shelby and Itutherfordtoa with out change. . " : No. 44. dally, at $: p. m.. tor Monroe. Hamlet, Wilmington and all local, polnte!" connecting at Hamlet with 4 vColunt bla. Savannah and all Florida points, and N. $4. for Raleigh. Richmond; Washington snd New York. No. IK. dally. $.-.. for Moaroe. connecting with J .AtMiua. BirmlBg ham and the Southwest with train $4 it Hamlet for Richmond. Arashlngtou and New Tortc With U at Mouree foe HalelcK Portsmouth and Norfolk Threui li sleeper on this trnto fnm The?: lotte N. C to Portsmouth. Va... aally. Trains arflve In Charlotte as follews: . . Mo. 131. 50 a. ro-, dally, from points Nerth and South. No. 45. dall. U:$ p. nu from Wllmlng ten and all local points ' . " No " . daily. 700 p. ,, .'rem KufJier. fordton., Unoolmo. and CAN. W Beltway pouila. - No. , 11:30 p. m.. dally,-from Wilming ton, Hamlet and Monroe: also . front nolnts Kast. North and Southwest, oon ueoliitg at Hamlet and Monroe. Connections are at wamlet wtth through trains for points North. Scuth and Southwest, which ate composed of Mtlbule day coachea between Ports mouth and Atlanta, an Washington and Jackinvllle, and sleeping cars between Jersey City! Birmingham and .'Memphis, and Jersey City antf Jsckaonvllle. sCafe cars on all through trains. enr i-rnrmetion. time-tables, reserva tions or Seaboard descriptive literature p - ' JAMK3 KKR. JR.. C P. JL. 0 Reiwyn potel. Charlotte. WTcL ; 1X5W WEEK-EXD RATES. "; Bnutharn Railway announces week end rates from Charlotte to follow ingrpolnteana rnuirni Ashevllle. V ' Black Mountain . . Brevard Blaoksburg Connelly Springs. Hickory.... Hendersonvllle 4.35 v 4.8S ..... l.?S . .... 3.50 MS ... .. 4.1$ .. ... .9.19 1.05' . ..'.."3.l 1.05 6.50 3.50 .. ... 3.36 . . ..: 3.1$ Hot Springs.. ... High Shoals... . Jackson Springs. . Lenoir LIncolnton .... . Lake Toxaway... . Marlon Morganton .... . Rutherford ton. . . .v: Skyiand... .... .... Shelby,... - ..... ...... .., 4$S ITS 3.60 Tryon Tickets on sale Saturdays and fore noon trains Sundays, - good returning Monday following date of sale. - R. L. VERNON. T. P. A., V " n ' Charlotte. N,C ', T. J. WITHKRSPOON'. C. T. A, ..Charlotte. N. C The Norfolk Southern Railway an- ; nounce the following round trip rates to Morehead City and return account of the encampment North Carolina State Guard:' From '- - , Rate. Ooldsboro .. .. .. ' .. $3.3$ Bests .. , .r i. i....ft'..-11. La Grange .. .. .. .. ....... to Falling Creek .. .. .. .. .. 1S Klnston --- . .. .. ...... US - Caswell ".. ' ' .. .. .. .!.."." 1.71 Dover v. ,M .. lb r . . Tuscarara . . ...... ..t. X.U Newbern Riverdale Croatan . Havelock .. Newport ..- . ..... ....Vl.i.a .. .. ,; . j. .. .. .. .. .. .r .i,, ... 1 .. .. .. .... .. .. ......$8- Urttr nW ere ee-tt't e---e65 : J ' " a Wfldwood .. .. .. Reelsboro .. '.. ., Grantsboro .. ,. , mm e e w - 'w . ,n. av et' U t i i t s a ' aL99 Bayboro Tickets to be eold August ft h to Vth Inclusive. ItmKed two (3) days In addition to date of sale. - ' Regular passenger trains will stop at the camp ground a to let. eft and take on pesaengers. . Special train, service will be inaugurated between camp grounds, At lantic Hotel and Beaufort, Schedule will be published later. - - 1 - R. BE. L DCNCIL .If. C HUUG1NS." ' Traffic Manager. aeo. Pas. agent. 4

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