tfllABLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, JULY 19, 1903. social Ai;D.rtriSG::.'.L Jrrof. and Mra. George Oldham, of Mobane. who are sosnding the sum mer with Mra. Oldham'a j, mother, ' Mra. Gassle Klrkpatrick la Sharon, jrsre visitors la the cur yesteraay. Cards reading as fallows havo been Issued: Mrs. Ella Virginia Mcllwalna ' Invites you to be present - i : . at the marriage 'of her daughter, . i-: .Virginia, (Ji.yv ?. v'- , . to :V - : , ; . - ytev. Donald . W. Richardson. ' - n Wednesday morning, August fifth, ' " at half past nine o'clock, ;v ,;., -' at her homa,v. - Abbeville, South Carolina. - - -Hew. Mr. Richardson la recalled as ; the most Intellectual as will as ana of the most popular students at Davidson college several -. years vago. Klas Jdcllwalna Is a charming and attractive young -lady of Abbe ville. . i c Hiss Battle O. Burgess, of Atlanta. Ga, la visiting Mra A Lee Champa, da Beutn vpurch street . ; , " - returned from Morehead City where . She spent two weeks. . .. .'V, ; . .. ' - ', .! , .t ' Misses Delia Tviomas and i Lela . Goodman, of Polkton. spent yesterday a the city, stopping at the Buford. ; ,i - Cards reading as follow have been received by friends in the city: Mr, and Mrs." Horaoe Baker announce the marriage of their niece ' Margaret Brydie Douglass ; . . ' v ,. u :. -: Mr. George Pierce Wadsworth an Wednesday. July the fifteenth Nineteen hundred and eight . Cincinnati, Ohio. :- . At Horn - ... after September first Charlotte, North .Carolina , " " Mra Bland Hammond, of Columbia, 8. C. who has been spending a month on the Hudson and) in Atlantic City, win arrive In the city to-morrow af ternoon to be the guest for. a few days of Mra John F. Orr, on East avenue. Mrs. Sam Majtwellleft yesterday for Augusta, Ga., to visit Mra F. R. Max weft. '. i Mrs. Edwin Howard has gone! to Hendersonvllle Jo apend same time In the mountains. N Mra J. O. Thomaa Misses Haseline and Louise Thomaa Miss Isabel Laney and Mr. V7. P. Belli are the guests for several dsys of Miss Jennie Me Lean at "The Oaks" in Lincoln county. ' Mra Elizabeth Preston Allan .spending some time at Montreal Is The Charlotte friends of Mrs. E. C. Sexton, mother of Mr. J. X Sexton, of this city, will be glad to learn that she is steadily though slowly im proving at the Battle Creek, Mich., Sanatorium, to which she was taken for treatment. Mra. J. L. Sexton and mother, Mra H. M. Branch, are aUll with her. - Misses Kate Shepherd and Ruby Simpson returned to their hlme in Monroe yesterday afternoonr after spending several days In the c!ty-with friends. Prof, and Mra. R. J. Corhran aha" " children have returned from Davidson where they attended the Piedmont Summer School, of which Profesaor Cochran ,wass general manager. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Smith have returned from a two weeks' visit to Taylorsvllle. Miss Sarah McNeils and Mr. James McNeils, or Kansas City, Mo., are visiting at the home of their uncle, Mr. C. McNeils, No. 801 South Alexan der stree. Miss Helen Clinard is visiting friends at Wilmington island, near Savannah,- Ga. Miss Anna Andrews left last night for Concor4 to spend the week-end. iff. and Mra L. W. Humphrey are spending some time at Morehead City. Miss Christian Hawley, has returned from the-eastern part of the State wnere she spent several weeks with frlenda ' j ' ' Miss Madeline de Rosset, of Wil mington, is a guest at the Seiwyn Ho- asaawMSM j Mr. and Mra CJU Moore, of Hel ena, Ark- are guests of their daugh- ter, Mra. W. L. Wllholta Little Miss Helen Watts, of Nash ville. Tenn., Is vlsltlnr her aunt Mra W. L. Wilholte. . ' . Mra . H. I Adams returned - last . nigm irom wrignuviiie Beach. Mrs.. H. B. Fowler was expected home last night, from Wiightsvtlle, where she has been snendlnr a few I Weeka ',f . I Mies Stuart Jones jias returned from- Easton, Md., where she visited Mra J. p. Wilsoa. . Misses Sarah and Annie ' Wllann have returned front- Morehead City, 'where they spent' awhile. . - Mnsic at Second Presbyterian Chnrth. ' Mr. H. J. Zehm, organist and choir tnaster . at the .Second Presbyterian VSSJ&' to-day: . - . . . , MORKINO. ; ''. Prelude, "Allegro Don trappo", Anthem. "Thou Shalt Keep Him".. Buck Offertory, "They Snail Net Hunr Nor Th'r,y' v ....Woodman PoaUuda "Fantaale" .Rheinberger ' - BVEf INfl ; . " Prelude, "AdoraUo Et -Vox Angelica", j a ! , 1 "Solaj Offertory. "O Sweetly 1 Breathe The Lyrea Abnve .Chopln-Shpllcy Poetlude. posthide'.'. .....Rink May Build dertrlo Arch Armea Main . - eitrect. - A splendid Permanent electric Arch to e a thing of teauty and Joy for ever, or architectural merit alone juf flctent to make it worth while, aside from 4h atitnr Knn Whlxk mauM shine resplendent on special occasions. IS planned, to span one or the trincl pal Charlotte streets, perhaps 'Trade I street ai tne seiwyn. It will coat be tween ieot and 11.600. a committee of cltlsene is soliciting subscription. nis.nopea to Have it built in lima for the Republican convention, It ! will take-about three weeks to build It. It Is stated. It will rise some 10 1 feet above the trolley wires, the cnan i teeing feet If secured It will be a notable addition to the beauty of I Charione. - . - - . . - rc1da the fhnw, they aiwtys erclfr!1 what you'eeed of the foods that Blue Ribbon Lemon or Vanilla, because I you want, and let Kodol. for a little uy so iwice aa rar. , - , ltlroa'00 ine uigesitng. PERSONAIi. The Movements or a Nnmbtr of Teo- Pie, VUltora and Others. Prof. A. T. Allen, of Qrahem, wai visitor yesterday In the city. Profes sor; Allen was formerly principal of tne Dllworth graded school. 1 Mr. : B. iM.' Graves, or creenaooro, waa a " Charlotta " visitor yesterday. stopping at the Buford. J well inown 'traveling man, spent tax. W. E. jo una, or aign roinx. a terdav In the city on toualneaa Mr. Cowan Dusenberry. of Concoad was a Charlotte visitors yesterday. mornlnr, Mr. H. U Land,' of Hamlet, spent yesterday In tho city. Mr. -Francis D'Oller, a prominent commission merchant of Philadelphia, Pa., - spent yesterday in the -city on buslnesa He wai a guest at the Bel- wvn. Among tne -visitors in me cujr-ai a geiwyn meTda.rTiorning-Fa Mr. w. J. Martin, or . tne.iecultyN or Davidson College. - v Mr.r W H. Tlckneri of Hartford, Conn.. Is spending a day or two in the city.-. - A ,,.,!.-;. ,.1,-iy---' Mr . I. Kuhn has returned from WrlghtsvUle Beach,.. where -"ha spent some- time. Mr. .B. D. Arthur, of Lynchbarg, Va, was registered among, the guests I t!1!; Mr. R. A Morrow and eon, of Mon roe,, were visitora In the city yester- dav. . -': 5 f ' ' i - T Mr., J.' Frank) Flowers, of Fayette vllle, is spending several days In the City with relatlvea Mr. Thomaa "U Watson, of Char- lottesville. Va, was a Cnarlotte vis itor yesterday. ' Mr. M. S. Chlpley, of Greenwood, 8. C. was a guest at the Seiwyn e terday. .. :.,. , judge Jamea I Webb spent yester day In the city on his way home to Shelby to spend . the week-end wiih hia family; - Mr. J. E. Waddill. of Carthage, spent yesterday in the city on busi ness. " Among the guests at the 'Central yesterday were Messrs. Fred Hargrave and J. K. AUen. two promlnont busi ness men of Wadesboro. . Mr. R. T. Crawford, of Rockingham, was guest in the' city yesterday. Mr. J. L. Sheek. Of Mocksville, was registered among; the guests at the Central yesterday. Prof. J. A. Bivlns, superintendent of the Monroe graded ' schools, spent yesterday In the cltyonhls way home from-Davtdson, where for tn pasTslx weeks lie has feeen teachla In the Piedmont Bummer School. Dr. Emory Alexander, has return ed to his practice in Philadelphia af ter spending two weeks in the city with hia father, Cept. 8. B. Alexan der, and relatlvea. Mr. H. C Sherrlll la spending to day with his mother, at Connelly's Sprtnga " ' , Major C. H. Oattls has returned to Raleigh after spending a day in the city. - Mr. H. G. Morrow, of the Metropoli tan Insurance Company, ia visiting In Burlington. Mr. 8. C. Lowry. a well-known druggist or Pelser, &" C spent yester day lr? the city with friends. Mr. W. H. Clarke, of Spartanburg. & C. spent last night at the Buford. Mr. C. H. Whltaker, of Maxton, was among those, who spent awhile last night In the city, at the Central. Mr. T. W. Wright.' of Greenville. S. C, waa at the Central last night. . Mr. 3. R. Robeson, of The Moores villa Enterprise, spent last night' In the city, a Central guest' Mr. J. W. Bryan, of Greensboro, was registered at the Seiwyn this morning. Mr. W. A. Leland, of Rockingham, la among those who spent .last night at the Seiwyn. ' Mr, W. F. Harding has gone to HIddenite to spend Sunday with Mrs. Harding. BRIEFS. A Few Minor Ilappenlnrs and About tiie Ctv. The Hopewell second team played the Sandy Ridge baseball club In Huntersville Friday and captured the game by the overwhelming score of i to . Rev. J. J. McLendon, of Mat thews, will preach at the Louise Bap tlst church at both morning and evening services to-day. , Mr. James F. Roberta former manager of the Charlotte branch of C. D. Kenny Company, dealers in su gar, tea and coffee, is In Columbia. S. C. arranging for the opening of a Kenny branch ' atore in that city. 1 Mr. W. T. McCoy Goes North. Mr. W. T. McCoy, of the McCoy .Furniture Company. , left last . night for Chicago. HU'to attend a big fur niture dealers' eonvention and inci dentally purchase Ws new stock for the coming tan ana winter, Mr. McCoy will return by way of New xorx ana wnue inert win lay in a full and complete line of carpets. Mr. McCoy has never heretofore handled carpets and this innovation is hi line with his purpose to expand his busl nesa The McCoy furniture store is one of. the most progressive in the South. . , Picnla at Ebeneaer.; The ladles of Ebeneser.will hold their annual nlrnle in the church AM DIn.vllla hull Tn..flv the 2SU1 of July. There win be an address to the young people at ' 11 o'clock and another in the afternoon. Dr. H. Q. Alexander, president of the Mecklenburg' Farmers' Union and R. B. Hunter. State lecturer, nave Been Invited to talk to the farmera There will" be amusements for the young and music for the entertainment ot alU. Refreshments will be served by sroun udie4' Everybody is In- v,ted- . . ' - Bunetla of Implant 1 M . . ing Trtnivy coinjre. , -y . In, order to supply information as to many facts or vital importance in the Jife, spirit and alms or the In- stltution which are not published in the annual catalogue, a well-prepar- d and well-printed bulletin has been iwn.j K.. Tvini r'niiApa. The facta are rrouDed under location, general spirit, physical training and athleUo sports, religious education ana me success of Trinity student. .. " Death of Mr. H. O. Shaler.-. A telegram r4)ervei in -the city yes. -4erday morning announced the deati or Mr. 11. O. Bhaier, secretary or tne Doubleday-Hill Electric Company, of Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Bhaier la recall' ed by many Charlotte people as a vis itor at the Seiwyn for several weeks last spring. - Be had been in fall ing -health, for some time and - his death waa not altogether unexpected. .- - A Card of Tbanka -- For the kindnesses and ministra tions, of our esteemed friends in our dark and sorrowing fcoura caused by the' recent taking away of our little Clarence LaFavette. we'beg to use this method of returning our- hearts' sin cerest love and gratitude. , ' MR. AND MRS. N. HTSSET. Don't starve, yourself oy dieting. for the body nerds all sorts of food. ALBATROSS CARRIED MESSAGE. Sfade a Journey of Over 2.000 Miles Wlin But Little J test New'Tpck 'Sun. . The story of the rescue of tweniy two starving French sailors from. Anti podes Island, printed on Monday, says inai xney tried every day to notify the world of their distress by releasing al batrosses .with messages tied to their necks telling of the serious plight of me : casta waya-;. ,. Vf :. ,.!.. 1 Tha idea of Using ' albatrosses : as message carriers was undoubtedly suggested to the men by a remarkable incident that occurred nearly; twenty one . years ago-, and ls-known to . all mariners. On September 22d, 1887. a dead albatross was found on the. Teach at Fremantle. Western r Australia. around whose neck vras fastened a bit of metal on which had been scratched In French: ., .t -,:. j- "Thlrteea shipwrecked men" took refuge upon the Croret islands : jn August aia, . . v. c The news. was -cabled around; the world by Governor Robinson of west ern Australia, and the French minis ter 'of marine at once ordered the transport Meurthe to leave Madagas car for the. Crosets to search for the castaways. -wr- ..5 v.v 1 The Meurtfle returned from her search to Madagascar on January. Cth, H8. She found no human beings on the Croze ta, but abundant . evidence that one of the four Islands had re cently been occupied, and under a heap 'of atones was a aheet of paper on which was written In French with lead pencil the details of the wreck or the ship Tamarls of Bordeaux with thirteen men In the crew. .The crew had lived on the Islands . for nine months and, their -food being exhaust ed, they were about to set out for Pos session Island. ? ' This Island Is eighty miles from Chocous. The Meurthe at once went there and also to East Ialand. . but found nothing, and the caataways have never been heard of since. It is quite, certain that they "were lost In the perilous passage, to - Possession Island. ' o - . Those poor fellows never dreamed that eight days before they set out the bird they sent over the waters had fin ished its wonderful night ana toia the world of the unhappy situation. The winged mesaenser had made a lourney ot over 2.000 miles with few chances of rest on the way. NaturallsU and aailors have told ua much -or the al batross remarkable powers and en durance on the wing, but no testimony to this fact will' outlive the story or the bird that waa the means or letting tne world know that poor castawaya in the waste or southern waters sorely needed succor. Recovery of Trade. Philadelphia Ledger. The volume of business In the Unit ed States In the early part of last year was unusually If not abnormally great The loss in the October slump was correspondingly excessive, and an immediate recovery to last year's level la not to looked for. comparison of current trade statistics with those or the same months in 1907 is thus misleading. if we can gradually get backto the level of the years before 1907, when progress waa more nearly, normal, we shall be doing well. There are many and various Indications of such recovery. . . Sacred Concerts This Afternoon and - Evening, r - The Richardson Orchestra will give two concerts at Electric Park in North Charlotte this afternoon and evening. The afternoon concert will last from 4 to 7 o'clock and the evening con cert from 8:30 to 10:10. Large throngs have assembled In the past to listen to the music and enjoy the cooling breezes from the balcony of the pavilion and doubtless crowds equally as large and select will gath er this afternoon and again to-night-New Firm Opens For Buslnesa The new firm undVr the . name of HutchiBon, Scahorn & HIpp. willed will conduct an implement and vehicle business hereafter, has opened at the old stand of the Charlotte Hardware Company on East Trade street A full line of goods has been received and ex hibited and business will run along steadily, now. AH these are young business men or tne, city who. have tne energy and enthusiasm and ability to build up a good patronage.,- -. ., Mr. Worley Organizes Company. Mr. Excell Worley, the youthful de votee of the art histrionic, will open up a show here In the next ten days in some storeroom In the central part of the city. "The Outcast, a four act Irish drama will be put on. The company numbers elghtsThe admla mlsslon will be 10 and 10 centa After playing here a week the., company will tour. .;, ; ;v - , Clinch field Coal la a Steam Producer. COLGATE'S DENTAL; CREAM 4 comes out like a ribbon lies flat on the brush..-., - Cleanses and preserves ' teeth.," v and thi . Registered Muraea Pi rectory. " , (Graduate Nurses only). " Bcrwell-Dunn Retail Stcrf 'Phones 41 .and top.. THE S1YIE TO -JIE-TO Amheiist Very fine Patent Leather two-eyelet Eibbbii Tie, turn sole, extension - edge, mili tary heel;-feizc"l to 7, width A to E. Price..'.. ...a60 This shoe : fitted ' with buckle . makes latest . .style Colonial Pump. Price $3.75 : ; Just Received - ; The Likely SoUte " Cane Suit Cases, very handsome. Price.. ViUCO G!il-i:oof ca Correctly and 5enq hor Samples and Prices J. P. Stevens Engraving Co:, Engravers II 47 Whitehall 1KOE3 IGE :TE A Death of Mr. Reuben R-uaaeU. . Mr. Reuben Russell, a son of Mr. A. C. Russell, died yesterday morning- at S:30 o'clock at the Presbyterian Hospital after an illness of about three weeks. Mr. Russell was 24 years or age and had been a resident of Charlotte for some time. Aside from his widow, who was Miss Bessie Sea horn, his father, two brothers and four sisters survive him. The re mains were taken s Matthews, the old home of the deceased, yesterday afternoon, and the funeral will take place there this morning. Mr. Rus sell was a promising young man, of fine ability and sterling qualities and his untimely end brought sorrow' to the hearta of all of his acquaintances. New Retail Book Store Opened. The new retail store of the C H. Robinson Company at No. 11 North Tryon street baa (been opened for busi ness and hereafter all the retail pat ronage of this progressive firm wi:i be conducted from this stand, the whole raV buslneas to remain at the old quarters on the corner of .Tryon and Sixth streets. The new store room has beefi elegantly fitted up. I "Get It at Hawley'a" Perfect Prescription Work Every Prescription that leaves our store Is absolutely rigni. Every possible precaution to safeguard the contents and preparation or each Prescription Is taken by our firm and our three Registered Pharmaclsta There is no possibility Of spurious drugs or Improper mixing entering Into the wo of this delicate and Important part of our conscientious drug store, for we buy., our supplies only of celebrated, world-wide-known manufacturers and Im porters, and we allow, only Registered Pharmacists to mix medicines. Our- splendid stock, which Is one of the largest in - the Carollnaa su perior facilities and "way aheadedness of the times! Is yours for the simple asking, if you will but tell your doc tor to leave your prescriptions at. . i v " Hawley V Pharmacy 'Phones 13 and 2(0. Tryon and Fifth Streets. Special Notices THEY. ALWAYS PLEASE NO MAT-. - ter what you've bern using. Blu j Rib- : bon Lemon and Vanilla Kxtracte will please you better. COME DOWN. WE'RE 'CHEESY! . Swisa Roquefort, Limberger, Royal - Lucheon, Edam, Pineapple, Camera belt. Brie, Parmasan, Philadelphia , Cream, Neufchatel. plain cream. Any thing you want In Cheese. MILLER VAN NESS CO., ZT N. Tryon. ,, TO-DAY FRESH EOOS AT lie. NICE (rash Butter and Cheese oa ice. Fruit lara. jar rubbers and jar cape. Call phones 1430 and 122. JNO. W. SMITH. THE MOBT CAREFUL ' ATTENTIOH given to prescription work. Bring us your orders "and have them filled ac curately and promptly. JAS. P. BTOWB CO.. Druggists. 'Phone 17. urrJuitTT'S C L Vnl't.-J FROM AT V....!'.. w --- - - I - . , lahtav A fresh shipment Just received from Atlanta io-or- i po. pouna. .'Phone us your orders and we will d- ll-rer promptly e any part of the elty. . WOODALL 8HEPPARD. FOR. SALE CRUSHED PTONK W - alsee suitable for all grades : eoncrste . work. ' WUI euete you delivered prteee by wagon or nrs on application. Fred : Oliver, Charlotte. N. C . ' , t i - FOB SALE: ELEflANT MODBRN . room housae. 104 snd tot West Trade St. ' Modern -room house tot N. Brevard St. Also otV nic modern and plain .homes, tTijO to tliOM. Borne fine hr .gln Just now. J. ARTHUR HEN DERSON at BRO. KVERYTH1NO THAT'S GOOD TO EAT In hot weather is bemg served by us - in the. beet atrle. .Come in- and e Vwhst we have new. ANT. . OEM RESTAUR- TO LET ROOMS, PALMER AND Middle, un rotmm. nm raimer, n; 4 rooma'717 B. its, lw; I rooms. Sunny atle. H4 aerea wail enclntM. barn, chicken mvw and yards, all for il.M; I rooms, tu Oold t-. $1110: ( room' DilwoTth. 117; t ronma Grade ft., I rooms. Oak $t, $12; large hall. 4tti and C. fits.. 110; rwm n P.ndera J?alld tnt, 5. ' K . L. KEK3LER. S 8. Tryon BU 'Phone 44. . . , . TTPRWHITERS RENTED tot r-nUI . machines, 'ail -makes, ready for Instant delivery. ' Fvry marhtn ftrit-clrte la every rrtlcule. i. g. Crayton a Ca. L7 a Tryon. 'I'bone a04 W3m rrarft33M?Ul3!w! Promptly Engraved Stffltianta; 0a. ; ' .' - It's a flavor you cannot forget, One trial can of our dencious AVhite. House Tea packed in quarter and half -pound net weight cans will more than meet your, ap proval. Don 't drink any old kind, because White House 1 1 Tea is not only good it's the 1 .very; best, and it costs no more tnan tne ordinary iana. I Just say. White House Tea, if you please. Get : your money's worth. All - nrst ylass grocers' everywhere.- OASIS cotton comforts THE NEW KIND THE GOOD KIND All grades All colors All prices ' Why buy dirty rags, Mr. Merchant, when pure, raw cotton costs the game! Buy at Home and Save Freight. Out salesman is look ing for you fine line samples, fine line prices, fine line goods Wait For Him. : : i i TheSouthem Cotton Oil Co. Sola Manufacturers, . Charlotte, North Carolina, Light Colored Shirts Cleaned The fight colored voile, batiste and other skirts worn In summer are easily soiled and stained. It'a not a mark of good taste to allow them to remain that way, nor In It a mark of good Judgment to try to do the cleaning Job at home. You'll not only find that we get your aktrta cleaner and make them- look better than you could, but we do the work in such a manner that there la no danger of Injuring the skirt In any way whatever. ottc Steam laundry Laondercra, . Dyers, Cleaners, tiff Son in Tryon tit. U.S. PROOF Writes a rich blue-black, and - so remain forever, Resists i. the attack of any knawn acid . that will not destroy the en- tire fibre of the paper. , . ' I Will not1 fad or. deteiiorata through age or zposura ' ' . Will not mould In any cllmata Will not corrode or' thicken n the pen.. . . . .Will not wash out or smear -'i when In contact with water.'- Qsarts l&tu, pints doc., I oa, ftc pou?iD&f.:ooaEco. ' Exclusive Agents. ' tSt & Tryoa St 'Pbooe No. 40. TJie comfort and pleasure of the home is in creased manifold when it is nicely furnished; and when you buy nice, substantial furniture you are making an investment of real merit seme thing that will be a real attraction and' will last for years. - From a lar,;e and well Room Furniture, we are with almost any style sire. We arc enabled to furnish any or every room in your home with neat, attractive and up-to-date furniture and house furnishings at the lowest market price, and our terms are within reach of all classes of buyers. Let us help you to solve" your furniture problems. j' w I v , ' , f -1 i s -s : ,t ' .1 i' - . - ' .': . j J-7ps-? ' i -V . ' V. Wit' j 1 1 - v . 1 - r 1 m z. v ea a j av. ..... t - selected stock of BecT enabled to furnish you or finish that jou may, de- Knabe Pianos Come and see the new styles just received. -A pur chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life time. We sell cheaper Pianos also. Write for catalogues. Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Second floor. Ji COOL CLOTHES FOR HOT WEATHER Isn't that wjiat every man vrantst ' . - Let us show you the cool two-piece suits1 we : are selling for just this kind of weather. If you 'haven't C one of our .stylish - summer , ' suits already, you will be surprised to ; find-t that . we can' dress a man so comfortably; these; red' hot days. . They are cer- ' tainly to your ad vantage. : : v