i'f fC? CHARLOTTE', DAILYOBSEffyElC' JULY 19 1903, "S . people's golu:.:;3 AH advertisements inserted tn- this column at rate of ten cent per line - af six words. Ha ad taken for lea than 2 cents." ('-ash In advance. WANTED. . !WA NTED Good buggy roadster. Box Not) 33. ; '; ; : K, . ' P. o. WANTJSr Bright-- boy 15 to IT years' l " ar Address in own nanawritjng. , 1 .WANTJKI-Oood stenographer. Toting - man preferred. - Address B, car Qb- Hrvw. . v.- : --, .- ' WANTED By young man, - book-keeping or other ollloe work. H. . E., General Delivery. Charlotte. ,- . WANTfiD-J-aundry agents. In all towns where ws ere not aireaiiy j-epreaantad, , Sanitary bleuSu Laundry Charlotte, N. ft '.V JtfANTED-Hlgh-elaas stenographer. Ex - . , . . , -, v- cellent poaltlon lor- right party. "Ex- .pert.", care uoserver, t WANTED Position as relief clerk, by ' registered pharmacist, with four years' , experience. "Kexau,"- cara Observer. -WANTED Position as stenographer and Dooa-aeeper oy young lady with experl- t enco,- . .aaaress -m. b.,-' nare Observer, WANTED Furnished house for August . ana,' M opt ember. x. Address X. x.- Z.. care Observer. . Ja.j,U Htm, WANTED Teachers for N. C. schools -and colleges. Many splendid openings. List free. If unemployed, write for spe cial guaranteed oner, snenaan s Aarwucy, , Greenwood, B. C ; WANTED For bur mill" store, a .good '" milliner. Apply, giving refsrencea. to High Shoals Co., cara Observer. - WANTED Position by competent steno grapher; seven years' experience legal . and commercial wora. aooresa o. ., to Observer WANTED Toung man stenographer and , office assistant. One who haa had sev eral' years' experience. Box C, , Green ville. S. C ' ' . - WANTED Teachers tor schools and col leges In N. C and other States. Beat service. Teachers' Co-operative' Agency, Charlotte. . -t t WAVTED Ladies experienced In sewing for our-alteration room. Apply Monday a. m. Furceirs. WANTED Touhg man. experienced me chanic, good common school education, desires position either in or out of his line. Address C. W. JC., cara uuserver. WANTED Table boarders, also room with board. All rirst-class. Just open ad. IU, N. College at... , ,. .,; WANTED-Saleaman to sell retail trade. 871 to IUS per month and expenses, or oommisaion. r.xprieucw uhuwumi Hermingsen Cigar Co.. Toledo, O. WANTED Capable salesman to cover ' .North Carolina with staple line. High commissions with 1100 monthly advance Permanent position to right man. . Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTEI-Lady sewers to make, up shields at home: $10 per 100; can make two an hour: work sent prepaid to re liable women; send reply envelope for full Information to- universal Keraeay uo., Desk i. Walnut at,. Philadelphia, ra. WANTED Book-keeper. 1136, assistant 186; office men 860-875; manager general store 1100, clerks 850-87&: time keepers $60 $76; shipping clerk $100. Apply American Opportunity Co.. Houston. Texas WANTED Position aa teacher or gover ness; three years' experience: any grade taught; references aa to character and efficiency. Helen I Prince. Landrutn, WANTED Handsome old-fashioned wal nut dining table. Address "Q," care Observer. WANTED Wholesale dry ' goods sales men. We . want several : flrst-claaa ex perienced road salesmen to handle our line of dry goods and notions in. North and uoutn Carolina, contracts from ceraber- 1st, : IMS. Wilkinson, Willie ma & Beed, Inc., Richmond Va. WANTED Every musio teacher in the Statato' send their, name and address land receive in return nice money mak ing proposition in connection with their leaching:. No money to be invested. We furnish that. For partlgulaitt addresai Jia. 4$8. Greensboro, N. 'CT WANTED Salesmen on commission for - North, Carolina and South Carolina. to sell Una of men's popular priced neck wear. Consisting of only tne latest atyle noveltiea. Address with commercial ref erence. Hartford Neckwear Co.. . Hart ford Bldk;.. Cor. 17th St. 4 Broadway, iew-Xorkv . , - . . . WANTED For U. 8. Army. able-bodied. unmarried men, between ages 18 and! s, ciuaena oi unitea niatea,. oi goon' character ana temperate habits, Who can . speak, read and write English. For In' formation apply to Recruiting Officer. 1 west Firth St.. charlotte. N. c: I South Main St, AshevtUe, N. C; National Bank Building, 8helBy. N. C: 401 South Centre St., Btateavllle. N. C; Springs Bulldins;, Lancaster. 8. C, or 167H West Main St., ;" Spartanburg, S. C. "'. WANTED Reliable, energetlo .-.sewing machine salesmsn to sell our sewing machines and collect on accounts; great opportunity for promotions Wa have men with' as who are now making from $76 -to $180 per month In, North Carolina, on Pa commission contract without a dollar Invested except horse and buggy. We .. now have an opening .in the city , of . Charlotte. . Monroe and wadesooro. it yeu mean business call or address us. Singer Sewing Men. Co., Charlotte. N. C. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Haynes touring car in good condition, at $400, Ham at Rosa, Char ' lotte. N.- C. V 4 t -i"- - FOR SALE At sacrifice price, one 30-ln. - baas drum, best make. Comparatively . new. Address Lock Box MS, Red Springs, FOR SALE Nice building At on West Trade street. Easy terms. C P. Ed wards, Model Laundry. , ' . . ' FOR 8ALE Jackson runabouts, r25 Maxwell runabouts. $8$; Jackson tour ing cars, rLSO. Ham ft Ross, Charlotte, N. C - - :. -,,-- -,-" ';.. V- " FOR'- SALE WeU established institr ment furniture buslneas, a real bargain for cash, located In good town, 30,000 in. habitanU., ddresa W. -T. C, care Ob server.. , '' - , ' ' . FOR SALE Small novelty works . in growing town in eastern North Caro lina, An opportunity for right man. ' Ad dress '"Z." care -Observer. :,' .z- t XFUR KAL14 At one-third cost, handsome liquid carbonic fountain. In use but 2hi w years. ; Will sell on -easy terms. - Liberal . - discount for' cash. J. Hicks Bunting ' Drug Cffi Wilmington. N. C .:. FOR SALE Half Interest In wetl estab - llshed - machine shop. , Running full time and making money. Will require about $3,000 cash. Good position goes with sale. Address "S. W", care Charlotte Observer.' . . . -.- - -- ' - - : FOR SALE A complete library and of - lice fixtures for law office In one of the vest court house towns In eastern Caro ' 'Una, with exclusive : representation of - . leading collection -agencies. - Will sell oa ' easy terms; good opportunity . for youne; lawyer. Addreae "Law,", cara Observer. TFOR SALE AIT or any part of the fol lowing newspaper machinery and sup .. piles for sale at once: Linotype, Eclipse Psper Folder,- -Cottrel -Printing . Preee. ; Type 8tands. ' twenyt-flve drawer Type - Cabinet. JJnotype Metal. Compnainar ' Stops and Tables, Card Index. . Address Machine, ete., ete. For particulars ad dreis W. A. Lucas, Receiver, V,'llao, - K. C ' . -. - 1- . ,' ', The Weather Prophet New Tork Press.. a;"-- y'--: "I alwayg have been ttnder the tm pressiot) that there ought to ibe a so ciety for repressing information aa to symptoms of disease." remarked' t,he piegmatlc man, "and now I'w comer to the conclusion that we need another J society-, one, that will prevent people 1 f,AM r nnr rr VlvlMh flf lit tle about the weather. I am afflicted with a brother-in-law who thinks he knows an infhtnr about' the weather. and all summer long my life and that of my wife who takes him seriously if made miserable toy hid predictions that we are foing to have a, thunder torm befpre, nighty He Iteept tw. In the house when In our ordinary ignor ance -we -would go'ouvaad njoy our rainless dxy; he drrves maoors vj knowing looks . at .thundet heads," And n the' one,-day recently 'when he haver spoke of tha weather at aU we want Sn W exeorsion at ma usswua and got, soaked to the skin. If anyone will aurt that society I'U be pn of, the charter ; membera.'i .r.-r-;y ,.- 'f ," " ' Why; Hunt TJniforma" Are- Blue. Pali Mall Oawattfc -" V-...-; Nav1 . uniform alt, the 1 world over pretty well are- navy Blue, ins cnw faahlon in thla matter baa been the rule with maritime people in general. That blue was ever, selected for the king's naval service was a -fortuitous happening:. When, in 1747, the Ques tion of uniform was being- considered the color selected- haa .very iixe to have been French gray lacea wn sn wr. ' 1 ' While the king was. still not quite decided he saw the Ducheea of Bed ford in a riding habit-of blue faced with -white and enlivened' with gold lace. It was a revelation. Here, the king- declared, -was- the uniform for hia aea.servlca officers and no more was heard of French array. The navy took to blue, and tvefy other navy has taken to it since. , Stran-ro. ' -WInston-Ralem 8cndneL . . We.notice that Detroit sndl Los An geles are asking for the next national reunion of Elks." which involves the entertainment of some 10,000 people. It is a little strange that Charlotte did not put in a bid for it. PEOPLE'S COLUMN All advertisements inserted in this column at rate of ten cents per line Of six words. No ad taken for leas than SO cents. Cash In advance.; FOR HLNT. FOR RENT Furnished room. Three blocks of square. JV 8. cnurcn. , FOR RENT Furnished room near South ern passenger station. Teiepnone un. FOR RENT Rooms furnished. 13 West Seventh. Table board $ West Seventh. FOR RENT Nsw six-room house, mod- am. -east 4th Bt.. Pet ween ttrevara ar.a Caldwell streets; $30. The Charlotte Trust ft Realty Co. LOST LOST At S. A. L. station, pocket book containing money and a ticket to Wll-mlngton.-.Beward if left.aL -Observer of. nee. LOST In grandstand yesterday a card case (containing articles of no value to anybody but owner. Reward for return to Observer. LOST Ladies' gold watch and fob with 'monoaram D. M. 8. Reward if re turned to Obierver office. . ', BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED-Informatlon regarding good business for sale; not particular about character, else or location) prefer to deal with owner. Give price and full descrip tion. Address L. Darby shire. Box 1303, Rochester, - N. Y. WANTED Information regarding good patent which would ne money matter. Only Inventory who -wishes to sell ont- Hht or on royalty oasis, neear answer. Give price and 'brief description., S. M., Box 984. .Rochester, n. x. (, t.. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Information regarding 'a good farm for sale; not' particular about lo cation; wish v to hear from owner only, who .will sell nirect no .ouyeri, give price, description and state when possession can be had. Address L. Derbyshire, Box 19(11. Rochester, n. .i. MISCEIXA NEOC8. 90,743 18 THE WINNINO number at the Consolidated cigar mores tnis weea. SPECIAL rRICE8 on , Hammocks and Porch Swings, parxer-uardner Co. v ...., MALE TEACHER wanting work during August Address j. c - urahanvrj Raleigh, C. . , . DIXIE MOSQUITO NETS for .Urge beds and cribs at Parker-Qardner Co. WOUJLD-LIKK'te rent surry about two months. Will take the nest oi care of It. 'Phone 90S. H. G. Harper. UNFURNISHED rooms close in; excel lent neighborhood, aw norm college street. -:,' . DILLON DRUG Company Store" must be sold... All new stock ana nxiures. a irood stand- C. Henslee; Trustee, Dillon, NEW ' STYLES In Leather Davenports and Couches at low prices Parker- Gardner Co. - : " - THERE IS MONET In the illuminating business. . something new in g lamps. Managers wanted. County ana mate rights given. Rector,-47 Leonard street. New York City. . I VUDOR Hammock Chair Swings to close out at H.60 each. Parker-Gardner Co. . . . ; : ' - - - ' PANAMA aATS cleaned and shaped In to the latest atyle. Michael Klrscbbaum, The Hatter, Established USS. Charlotte, N, C, , -.:-'.-..'. BIG STOCK new fall atylea in Carpets and Rugs. Parkerardaer Co. , STENOGRAPHERS . and - book-keepers wanted by U. 8. government. Examina tions hrriLiaan.. Demand exceeds suddIv. "High" salaries. Permanent positions. Write for free booklet K. C. Washington Civil Service School. Washington. D. C SALESMEN calling on ice cream manu facturers, confectioners, sods founts) n- Ists, saloohtsts.- lc-r you willing to make some good side money J No risk or expense; no sample. Davenport Ice Chipping Machine Co., Davenport. . Iowa. AN EXAMINATION of applicants for position - of teacnera in the Charlotte graded schools will be held at the south school 'commencing Monday, August Id, at a. m. Subjects for examination are: Arithmetic, grammar, history, geography, reading, spelling, writing, experience in teaching. - .Aiexanaer uranarn, Bupena tendent. ' - . ' . NOTICE Notice la hereby given that the . semi-annaal dividend of J'4 per- cent, en the stock of the- N. C. Railroad Co. has been declared and will be paid to the stockholders of record on August 1st, lfmg, and the stock transfer books wilt be closed for ten days next preceding said date, July th. W. 'A. IL EUer Secre tary and Treasurer. 4 . 'Ml HT Zj Would -'you""'avdvise young; man t-tx to, go to Australia pr out WegL, to $., job on the street cars T (2), Are there-any negroes In Africa, now T (I) . What la the poorest country Jn-the .wtrld? (4) In what country- r; the best roads; . to e found? ..v.j -v, .i, M .'A. Certainly not, .unless you know something of the conditions there. To go a, long distance- might 'be jump lag from the frylnsr- pan into the fire. I do. not know anything ebouf the chances .of finding- such employment, and they may' be infinitely better or infinitely worse than In thla section. 2) TlTe number of blacks .in Africa, is .estimated at 1S0.150, 000 fy, John Bartholomew; -fEdlhburir. F. R. S. G., 4"8) England. Scotland, - Walea, Frauee and Indie, - have - many1 fine, roada. (4) The countries -nvhlch- pay the highest rate -ola interest on their debts ' are Guatemala, Honduras, Nioaragua, China, ' Chile, s Equador, Italy, Japan, -Boumavnla, Russia. In 8. W-On wakins; "In the morning; I fmd in the corners of tny eyes s sol- lection of white anatter; how can I stop tt t - .- ? ' '-aJ- The eyes are too' sensitive to treat without competent advice. Better consult a doctor. They are prooaoiy weak; and may be strengthened by bathina; frequently in tepid water. If your duUes are trying to the eyes you should wear !' A. B. C. Tour Question Is Identical with thatjusked by "Ignoramus- week ego, and then answered. " F. B. M. Is the 'word Cifba a Span ish -word ? " , a it is not. it is the name by which the island was known to the Lucayan Indians who were with Co lumbus when he first saw it. What the word meant does not seem to be known nowadays. Oddly enough, the Island has been known . by other names, but is tiow culled by its origi nal name. Cohnmbua called it juana, and later it was known as Ferdlnsn dlna. It has been called Santiago and Ave Maria.. . W. W. F. What is the government of the Philippines costing the United States? ' A Tt rnata nnthlnr. The Oat and geodetic' survey has expended a small amouht in charting- the various har bors, but nothing is paid out of the tin Med atatee Treasury for the sup port of the Filipino , . , n v r. What is the horoscope of persons born February 22, August 25, and 8eptem'DT ui k tv,o Hrsit should be restless, af fable, kind, honorable snd be found in -nnsltlons of trust.. The second rnnri ulna-ins. lovers of tasteful surroundings, nappy a-nu """IU 'w 1 . j .....ki, moko a srnoa nuc. i nc last should be tne same, ... jj 15. F. How many Wen are there on thP nol ee foroe or new xuriv, what l their pay'.' -A Thpre .ire 9.322, of Whom 7 772 are patrolman. Tn cniei inspec tor gets $5,000, Inspectors 5,0UU. sur ioon"$3,5b6, coplafns 1,TB0nreutth ants $2,000. slants n.SOfl,' patrol men get $800 the first year, 1 900 the second, $1,000 third, $1,150 the fourth, 11,250 the first half of the fifth year, 1 inn th. but ziaii. anu years $1,400. I wV U V -... , . a v. K Is It noselble to clesn a red velvet carpet and bring back, its original color?. ' . " A. If the carpet is not oauiy soiled wash it with warm sum anu .mmni mWblnK it with a cloth wrung out In the water, going over the carpet on the floor. This will brhrg out the color as lar as ponsiuio. . hdi aollRd a professional cleaner may do better. .'-.'' ' r a n. What Is -meant toy ihV In i.uiiaiqI Halo line? ' 'I ". WIUI1.1' a An imaxlnary una . arawn through the Pacific ocean, somewhat i...n,ia,iv hut in a. arenerai uumt uu ..mth Htrprtion and separating the Isl ands of that ocean in such a way that those lying to tne easi oi n crry .. same date aa the United States, while those on the west carry the same date as Japan and Australia. . - n.Hin--If vour half dollar of tn& la In fond conaitiou iv for 52 ents. ' ( . pipsm tell tne something about chs statue of Wing's "Vlotpry?" A. Victory is a nn vw- statue in bronse, larger inan iwe, in the Museo Antlca at Buscla. The figure is winged, clad In light nu rich l drap ery, snd is in the act of writing on a shield held in the left band and sup ported y the left knee, which ts rais ed It is assigned to the first century A. D. "J' . Enoulrer Wiho did. Charles; Bona parte marry? What was his ntners i. a. VannlfVIIlT . name? irace own .-."---- Th.--l you mean Prince Charles Bo .nirte. who died In l$99. he was a .on of Jullen, brother of Napoleon i. TherV are no male descendants of Emperor Napoleon living. Charles J. wnrarte United States Attorney Sea son of Jerome Bonapjtrt. The latter was a k?n, of i and was by blm snade king oi WeuJbyut be Job ong. Carles J. msrfled Mis. El len Channlng, of Newport R . L His mother - was. formerly M1ss Elisabeth f atterson, of Baltimore. t , 1 t v rt I cannot teach book-keeping in the space -aiioweo V?ottW'U Vuor'bo.Tne.. when old ana nm w. ------ plOted. yf -. --; -y:: ;' .'. n n t -wh.t is the centre , of habitants .sianuiuB " ' , nVT-T : -,..m exactly balance. TTpoTnV is .bowt six mile, south- an m ' 45ahscriber--What Is pPr msUe of. and where? ; - ' ' . A Cneap pavper u . , ul. Other vnaterlal sed l old pa- ""V y .- .Unt. mtfl There ;nAr MfSj -i'uIVU r1-'"1 ------ per, A. ina aeatter- are tnouanu" vr- ed over tne wunuj. . , . v ir xt January- 2 0. an agreeable companion. ood natured rarely - I rra temper, qui' waa f al dealing with veopla- . . !w. E. R. ot : ' " . ; n Waa John the"" Baptist -"'-?-A -f the) Holy Ghost? (I) Did the Apowtle Job miraculously eawape .L.ArVettte of tjolllng- oil? J) Where an I find in the Bible reference . . ,1-. feat Awn Knttnm? to -a too smwiins r " " Av No, 2) No. tr U Is not there. Tou seem to bnot a very diligent tu tlava l'oa Tried Clinch field Coal? denf'of -the Bible. Batter 'look Into it I once In awhlte. - once In awhlte. B. ,C- Fruit preserves' cannot be mads, without sugar.so - far as' I know. The best blder is the pure juice of the apple. -It Is r obtained by ex pressing.- - " L.-K. U. The first rural mall de livery, route was established between Halltown, UvilH and Charlestewn, W. Va.. ' October l, I8. at which time William I.'-Wilson -was - Postmaster OeneraLf 1 wlH try to answer ; your query more fully next.weet, X A- 'B.- I have no afatistics as to the cost of converting a bale of cotton into .cloth, -but- probably- the figures you quote are not far out or tne way. Of course there, are ' n-u-meroui costs incidental to running a mill, cost of seHmgvi Lete..wJlcb k ot enterlw the computation made. -pronaDiy. any mill manager would furnish ihe Infor-matkn-' you -seeki or :the. facta mlg'nt be obtained from census reports. ' C. D.1 Th'e:yeing kdyv is not under any obligation to. return your gtft ring, though ejood taste lalg , prompt her to do so. - f"-rj"ij;i.lr-i-r7' . ; .:-..v s THE DEATH-RECORi). ' Mr. r. .T.yAklernum 'ofTonahawk. Special to This .Observer. j '.'.' - . " "7 ? , Wilmington, .July 11. The remains Of Mr Isaac; Thomas Alderman1 aa compahled by -the bereaved members of the famtly-and friends, arrived here to-night from Tomahawk, whera the venerwble man passed away yesterday afternoon at $:I0 o'cioek atter an Ill ness of several days. 4 Mr. Alderman was (born in Duplln county November $th, 1825. and-was,' therefore, in the ISd year of his age at the time of his death. He lived in Wilmington nearly all his life and was for many years agent and treasurer of the old Wil mington, Charlotte A ' Butherrordton and Carolina Central railroads, leav ing the service some years ago and liv ing in retirement' since that tlie tt Tomahawk, where he was held in the highest esteem. . He married Miss Mary Anderson Love, of this clt, and she preceded him to the grave sev eral years ago. There are now sur vlvlng two daughters and two sons, Mrs. Mary Anna Murphy and Mls Florence Alderman, of Tomahawk; Capt. J. T. Alderman, of Raieign. ana Mr. A. M. Alderman, of Florida. Mr. Alderman was fort fifty years a mem ber 'of the old Front street Methodist church in Wilmington and a rrvnber of Grace at the time of his- 0 ath. The funeral will be conducted from that church to-morrow morning at 9:80 o'clock and the Interment will be In Bellevue Cemetery. Capt. E. J. Lilly, of Statesvllle. Statesvllle. July 1 8. Capt. E. J. Lilly, who had been critically 111 for several days, died yesterday morntn about 7 o'clock at the Home or wr. and Mrs. W. H. Allison, on Davie ave nue, where he had been since nrs con dition became serious, having been re moved there from his room at ths St. Charles Hotel. While it was known that Mr. Lilly's condition was hope less,' the end came rather suddenly. He was sitting up in bed preparing to take some nourishment,' when the end oame. Death reauJted. from cancer of the stomach. The remains were t.iKen te Lllesvllln to-day, accompanini i vy Mf. and Mrs. Alllson'and children and Miss Mittlo Lilly. The funeral ser vices will conducted from the Flint Methodist church at Lllesvil'.e, of which deceased was formerly a mem w.r. no-morrow morning and the In terment will take place at Lilcsville Cemetery. Capt. Lilly was born In Montgomery county and was (5 years old. Ha liv ed in his native county until aftor th war, when he moved to Liiesvuic, An son county, where he liven until aooai thrM vcars hs-o. when he moved to Statesvllle and went Into buslm-sa with Messrs. AV. H. and R. P. Ainoon, wm.n the well-known mercantile firm of Lil-lv-Aiiison ro. was formed. He w,is in business with Mr. W. H Alllnon wh-n he died, he and Mr. w. m. aihso.i having recently purchased Mr. It. P. Allison's interest in tne nrm. 'Mr. Lilly is survived by one broth er, Mr. O. 11. A. Lilly, sna one sm-r, Miss Mittlo uuy, ootn oi iYioiiiu'" j " -- j. ' county. He was siep-iau.i-r j. "'-I W. H. Allison, of Statesvllle and Mrs.: J M. Boyettc. of waaeeooro. ir. Boyette was at his bedside when 'he died CaDt. Lilly served Jo the Confeder al rm durlnir the civil war anl at h hotiift of Chancellorsvllla ho r celved lnjurif which necessitated the amputation oi m " -- al soldier, a gooa man and a jod cltisen. THE TAXPAYER'S 0IOS1TT. , Helps Support the Govenimenl and 8t Louis Globe-Democrot. "Many a time," said a poticcman In the southern part oi me "when arresting" men. especially in toxicated men. I have oeen ioia oy tnv nrlsonenthat he was a taxpayer and that hs helped pay my waes. I always regarded mis sort back talk as merely arunaen in solence and never paid nyicn at tention to tt until about a year ao. when I bought a house and lot and became myself a taxpayer. X had always rented before and never gave thmiaht , to taxes, put mm, into mv own house I be- sraa to aDPreclate tne feeltngs , Of at " because men , who resented ai resi they paid Urea. "There w.certainiy i-biiuci" addition to the dignity of the man who helps support the government. He feels & degree of responsibility that a renter er roomer never under, stands, and my idea Is that every man Id the country ought to become m i.tnavcr as soon as hs can, and the mere fact that he does help sup port the arovernment and bears his shsre of the expenses makes him a better cltisen. Habitual criminals are rareiy- taxpayer. .. they, may have to run any day and perhaps never ' come back, so , the do not buy real estate, but are roomers nd lodgers all their lives." On Choosing Mite. Rockingham Anglo faxon. . a Vtan should choose a wife as he would a dish at the table, not be cause he finds her attractive, or de licious,' r Spl?y, DUl - oecauw n knows She wiU agree wKh- him and sustain him and won't keep him awake nights nor give him a bitter taste in his mouth la the morning. PILES CUBED AT HOHE BY NEW ABSORPTION HETH0D.'. : -. - Tf you suffer from bleedlne-. Itching, blind or erotrudin adrlrcas. and I wil in( niem awna IM your ill tell yon how to cure vniirsir ai horn br the bw abwiroUon treatment; and will also end soma of this home treatment free- for trial, with reference from your own oeallty If re quested. Imrnedlst Sellet and permanent cure assuren. pend iw mje. mn ethers of- tuls offer. Writ -day to Mm. M. Summera, Bex r, etre lJeme, B PUECELL'S -mm. , rr , - yns - $.19.50, $J7.50 and $15.00 -Suits Reduced to t - - These Suits are high-class in every respect tailoring, quality and finish. They are made of,Holland Linen, English Rep and Irish Linen. ,, . ' The colors are -Light Blue, Atlantic Blue, Tan and White. Styles are Braided, others Plain Tailored. Skirts are entirely new styles, open and button front, gored and plaited models. ' . ; ' V If you need a Suit of any: kind twill pay .you to see these, as they, are V ex ceptional bargains, the , skirts being worth the price. ' " - Such extraordinary values a's they are, we expect every one to be sold quickly ; so advise you to come early for good selection. , . - ; Silk Jumper Suits and Silk Dresses $17.50, $15.00 and $13.95 Silk Suits and Dresses Reduced to. . . . QG9S Only 12 in the lot, Solid Colors and Checks, Taffeta and Foulard Silk Dresses; will be closed out at the ridiculous low price of $6.95, Not the cost of labor in making. Only 14 Dresses in this lot. Wash Jumper Suits $7.50 Jumper Suits Will Go on Sale at These Jumper Suits (12 in number) are made of Imported Wash Material beautifully trimmed and tailored, large pearl buttons down front of skirt. The colors are Tan aid Light Blua r Every Parasol will bo offered Monday morning at $7.50 Parasols at . 5.00 Parasols at . 3.98 'Parasols at.-... .' '.. 2.98 Parasols at $1.98 Parasols at...... 1.00 Parasols at Extra Charge for Alterations. CsC WOMEN OF PARAGUAY. ratieat and Good Naturetl Dress In Ahiie and Co IJarcrooletl. Boston Transcript. Parairuay Is rloh in lot-al color. The Dlcturesaue characters of the native - ... . I . tHl.. nn uuuuiaiion witn auaiui iiiumu ' ' and fcablu of CVeryay life are eX Vo snybody fond of observ- Ing strange phases of human Hfe. By nature these people are patient and emtio, seldom comDlalniR, cnatiering and Huahlng frpm sunrise to sunset ana taking small thought or wnat me tnorrpw may have in store for them. It is hard to Imagine how Ix-pes could have drilled into, iighllng material of strength cough to keep In check the combined, forces of Argentina. Drasll and Unaguay for live long weary years, and it epeaks volumes fnr the indom itable energy of the tnan that he was able to sustain his position for so pro tracted a time. Clothing Is very much of a super fluity in Paraguay. The attire of the women is a cotton chemlw with a. long shcetllke shawl, or manta, passed over the head snd around tne body in Moorish fashion. The-dress of the men is equally simple, consisting only of cotton shirt and trousers. Roth sexes are guiltless of foot covering. jAt times an almost uncanny nn f when a group of these dark haired maidens P"uJd.e"'Jr with the silent tread of unshod feet. Of a morning In the market p ace. the women folk flock to seir their wares carrying on their Iwada the basket containing the few cents' worth of native producs they have been able ?! rrlLv. ,.hr for disposal in the tow The soft Ouarani language, the conXi toSgu. of th.tPaW3rt,. adds further charm to the scene. ; UtlnK to lira. Boston'Globs- ' - The smlable philosopher, Wu Ting fang. Chinese minister to this country, haa glTsn eight rules of the system of living by which he believes a man Might attain to J00 years. These rules nesrly all relate ta dlt. snd they pro vide V S""??. Kf dally, abstinence from all food, and the thorough mastication ofey. ery mouthful before It is swallowed. ; Lulgl Carnaro, the Italian gentleman who found himself abandoned by the doctors at 40.. lived- as long r as he liked, or until he was approaching his one hundredth 3fr. - on a. diet the most meager, subsisting comfortably in his latter years on one egg a day. , . In Cornaro's time, which, extended about the middle of the fifteenth I to the' same period ot the sixteenth century, dletarisns oi nis sina were rare, but the philosopher Wo Tlng fsng Is only one of a very Urge and rapidly Increasing number .who seek to solve the problem of a long and hesllhful life through the wlsest use of foods. - , -: . : " " NuTalng Mothers and Malaria. The -Old Stsndard OROVatS TASTELESS CHILi. TOKIC1 drives eut malaria and builds up the system- , For grown people, and chil dren. tOo. , . t Ladies', Ready-to-Wear Garments J Mil Goat Suits- Parasols PURCELL'S We THE HUMAN TIDE. lis Kbh and llow Durbig Recent A'cars an IutereaUng Study. Indianapolis News. The "rates of Castle Garden" have been swinging outward In recent months In a striking way. In HOT there were 73,7 IS alien arrlvals;and 155.792 departures, in 10. the half year, there have been 18,5R arriv als and S77,6l departures. Never be fore in a whole year did so many people of the laboring class leave this country as left In this half year. More than this, the Immigration adds to the total it wh 70 per cent, less than a year ago. And this also breaks the record for panic effects. . The gprlngfleld Republican quotes the figures of 1893. showing that the decline In lmmlratlnn then was from (23,000 In the ".seal year to June, 1802. to 502.00tn 1 sag. sd from 114,467 in 1894 to 179. 948 in 1I9S. 8o the relative decrease Jn those years was le!s than this ear. After 1271 the falling off was about one-half In the two following years and about twd-thlrds I . nthree yeara. Hitherto the greatest decline was from 7KS.9O0 arrivals, in 132 to 3S4.200 in 1881 a smaller relative shrinkage than the present year, Possibly a greater proportion of re cent Immigrants were labor adven turers, so to speak that Is, our abounding prosperity sttracted Immi grants merely for the job. Men may have calculated the cost of passage and the wages which the certainty of work offered, and taken chances on a vjslt as an investment.' With hard times they incontinently returned. The theory seems to be borne out by the f Impression left by the returning aliens that they did not intend to oeme back here. - ? - fie this. as It may, the fact abides snd the drain on youth' and unskilled labor. In western Pennsylvania no tably, la so great that the Iron and steel Industry is apprehensive lest there be a lack of laborers when pros perity returns, But when two Jobs are again hunting one man we shall have a renewal of Immigration. The hu Hss stood the test of time. Our customers' wants receive care ful and prompt attention. For Superior Coal and Standard Ice . Thonb 19 or 72. Standard'lcQ Facl Gc'9y PUIICIILIVD $6.95 almost half price and less: $3.98 2.98 1.98 1.50 .... 1.00 .... 50c. Cannot Send Sale Goods on Approval. - man ITde sets easily these days be tween Europe and America, and Its " recent flow the other way may have Its useful lesson in demonstrating that it Is a small thing to cross the ocean. A New Bryan Anecdote. t : "" ? Last winter, when William Jennings Bryan waa here, he attended aa in formal reception, for men only. He. had told a number of clean, witty stories. -when suddenly a man, A a stranger, edged through the crewd snd began to joke with Mr. Bryan. Nothlng.was thought of this, as It was a gameof conversation.! alwe and take. Suddenly from the Hps of the stranger there fell a single coarse re mark. - , The Commoner's Jaw set like a steel trap, and his eyes snapped. The ' stranger waa quickly hustled out of the room. . . "He was a stranger. Mr. Brysn. said one present, "and bad no busi ness here. We beg your pardon for. this occurrence." i "Never mind me,' said Mr. Brysn, hU eyes softening. "The man's 111-. Judged remark did me no harm, and I know he had no business here, bat" pointing to a lad of IS years, who was watching the scene and waiting for . a handshake "It was not Just the' sort of speech for theTaddles to hear." From One Who Has Been Here. - ' Mocksvllle Courier. ' : . .' The name of Charlotte should be changed from the "Queen City" te the "Convention City." she la getting all of thenvthls year. But she Is get- ting no more than Is coming to her,1 for has she not the finest auditorium and the best hotels In the Staler We think so and then her citlaeng are so kind to the stranger. ' ' ' V Has Done Enough. ' : " Durham Herald. , . L ,1 We voted for Mr. Bryan twice and we think that that la about all we are due him. -. ; ' . i - L . ,,4