CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, UULY 21, 1903. I; ?JCK PLANT IS BURIED "stixqo taxes. 6TFFERS. .- r. . . l - --.-..i. a rN,((ron I1f Which Is Believed to . lme Bopb of lncwidwrj onga lix?overed Early Yesterday Mors tlwfiut T Ibe carson liriok OomneOT On the Cetaw Total Valuation of th Coooffn Was 75,000 With a IjOss of $25,000- X Inmriar Whatever Several ,Jcfdstf Vandalism IjStHjr Indicate 'l nai ine - m ciarrvu w natural Sonrce." ; " The well-eaulpped -Jn4 arranged tliint if the Carson Brick Company, situated oft the mala line of ; the , KnKthfrn nn the Catawba, river, was nm-riv dentrovnd by- lire . which waa l IvAvurM betireM i ud 6 O'clock yesterday morning.' The valuation of the plant l $74,000 and the loss la estimated at one-third that amount with h Insurance whatever. ine presomptlpn H thf the lire waa of in- .. cendlary origin:, x y ' :" The nigh watchman at the plant rtatea that lie n me scene tooui o'clock to to to hla alck wife, bat people living In that vicinity declare that the flrst disoorery of the flame wu at about that hour. There la every indication that the fire orlgl- - dated In the engine room in the rear of the concern, burning four building ; with their content The biower. toller, engine and machine rooms , "were all consumed and the machln- err therein waa literally ruined ' Mr. ' J; E. Carson, president and J and owner of the plant, states that the engines were fired Saturday In order to make -ready for regular work which he expected to start up In about ten days. It waa Jits intention to ' take a party of Charlotte gentlemen to the scene this week and had al--. ready mad6 arrangements to have a -, rpecial car attached to one of the Southern's trains for that purpose. PROBABLE ORIGIN OF FIRE. : Mr. Carson has little doubt that the ; lira was of Incendiary origin. No theory is so plausible to him and Others as that It was flred by some - culprit. The roofing of all the build . Inge was of such material that It is ; not likely at all that a spark from a passing engine started the ruinous flames. The superintendent of the y plant states that he was on the (rounds Sunday from 12 to 7 o'clock and there was then no trace of fire About the scene of operations. The night watchman declares that every thing waa in order when he left the plant at t o clock yesterday morning , There is. however, considerable evi dence that the flames had been at . 'work before that hour. The progress tns nre had made when It was dis covered and reached by neighbor coupled with the fact that a passing ireignt train at about that hour, stop ., pea and blew its whistle several times, goe to show that the build ings must nave been In flames even Before 4 o clock. VANDALISM ABOUT THE PLACE. Mr. Carson has suffered within the last few weeks from several deeds of vandals about the place. A 10.000 gallon water tank on the third floor of the machine room had been emptied - several times recently and this was wnaouoieaiy tne work of sin uter mo tlvs on the part of same one around tne piace. iast year one of the Jarge belts used In running the ma- cninery was cut In a number of : Places, the guilty person belns DDre- hended and made to pay heavily for tils mean deed. Other little things use mis, occurring far too frequent- Mrtlmri rsed In' Ciuu-lotte .Are AnU- on a ted and Ineffective, - Declares - A Merman Sjcott, and Improvements Should Be Made -to Bring the CHj ;i'p to Iaie H Property . Owners Should Be Called Vpon Instead of J .Befog Forced to .Visit Tax-Lister p gomo Interesting Suggestions Made . Twentyrv Per. Cent, of Taxes . . Not . et Listed.. . j ; '.''; Alderman O. G. Scott, In talking with an Observer man yesterday, de rlarert that 2S Der cent, of tha people of Charlotte bad not "retufhed -.their taxes. He said that the metnoas usee. here were antiquated and not effective. Among ether -j things M-r.r Scott stated: .. - The attention of the public Sias been recently attracted to tha. unusual large number of taxpayers who failed to list their taxes as required by' law during the month or June. "The continuance of this antiquated method' of requiring taxpayers to po to the office of county' assessors to make their returns each year, deseryes such criticism as may be beard from those who have given this matter any thought. The method most successful in se curing tax returns is that which the lav reauires the assessors To call on the taxpayers at their homes w places of business and procure .toeip uaia. and a limited time be given the assess ors to complete tax returns,- and In event-of their .failure, proper punish ment be administered. The best results are obtained by this method, not only In procuring, all returns, but doing so promptly and accurately, It is apparent that tax lists can be taken with far greater accuracy and satisfaction y the assessor calling on each taxpayer, than is now being done by the taxpayer calling at the busy office of list takers, who In the rush. accept returns that are often most carelessly made out. It Is obviously necessary tnat tax returns .be made out In a very pains taking manner, and each- retur:; solemnly sworn to. Assessor are paid to obtain tax lists, and tne trouble, time and annoyance of going to the office of list-takers should not bs tne taxpayers' burdens. Our present method places Ml re sponsibility of making returns on the citizen, instead of the assessor, which results In a large number of people In the city escaping the payment , of any taxes at all on polls and personal property, 'by tne lajiure or masing re turns, and a floras an opportunr.y 10 flla lists through agents, friend and employees, who are frequently iguo rant of the amount and value of tr.e'i Dersonal effects which results in a large decrease in the returns of tax able personal property. "The nubile Is Ignorant ol tne an noyance and trouble the tax depart ment experiences In the failure to have all returns promptly In at the close of June, the books cannot -be closed as they should be, and the county commissioners are forced to exercise their duty In Imposing the One of double taxation, which is not very agreeable duty. It is desired that our present method be discarded and hereafter tax returns be obtained in a manner above indicated, which Is most satis factory to all concerned county com missioners, assessors and taxpayers." "k. ' ' ' "HOW COME" RUNAWAY BOYS. Jy recently, makes Mr. Carson believe T1"' Kovuifc Habit One to Which that his plant was fired by some van A COMPLETE PLANT. Mr. Carson owned one of the oom pletest 'brick plant In this part 'of me country. xts capacity was 50,000 ' brick a day, and the machinery was after the most modern type. All this was leri by the flames one great " oi iwwea iron, useless for fur ther service. , The current issue of The Manufac- . turers Record had the following . nuuui me pianir 'The Carson Company Is complet ing Its now Toungren kiln, 12 cham bers continuous, -producer-gas tired, with a caDarttv of 20.000 hri-k iniiv The Scott Manufacturing Company's mtrnvrm oi nanaung and drying brick has been installed, and all clay will be moved by steam shovel. The steam plant consists of an Atlas water-tube ioner or zza Horse-power, a Hardle Tynes Corliss engine 14x30 Inches, an American Blower Company 220-Inch fan, with coils for using exhaust eteam fordoing, and a HO-lnch fan for Induced draft. "In the construction of this kiln over 1.000.000 bricks of all kinds were required, and- of these 200,000 Kll Jlan nre-brlck were used In making 11 the crowns, whhrh are a half circle, with a radius of t feet and 18 feet long. Fans are driven by sepa t rate engines. Plant is lighted by ,. electricity generated by dynamo d' rect connected." XEGHOKS AND THK 8C.V. Force "of Laborers on the St recta Out do tlte ilercencM of the Day's t About the only people who were nappy under the tierce heat of yes- , terday were the four score or more r.5T ,borr tr the Atlantic Bitu ilthlc Company who tolled uninter ruptedly on South Tryon street from . morning to night. Singing the songs peculiar to their race, they wielded Jilck jmd shovel uion the burn r ment without seeming not lee of the' . vyprrssiveness or tne sunshine. While ..ordinary citliens crouched around oda fountain, or in other spots where electric fans were endeavoring to bring comfort, these negroes kept Taring and singing and einglng. They not only seemed to be bear- a ui wopieasaniness, out even seemed happy and altogether con tented. Only one tlms during the day did they step from 'under the Charlotte Youngsters Seem to Be Peculiarly Addicted Rome Theories "I'd almost, wager that more boys run away from home from Charlotte than from any other town of equal slxe In the country," said a citizen resident. "It has always been bad and seems to- be getting worse. Much of the trouble lies with the parents. Some of course are altogether blame less and do all ra their porwer to keep their roving children at home, but there are. others, usually of a lower class who seem to care Uttla where their children are so long as they are not In the way. Those In touch with the situation know of many a boy who has slept around In dark and unsani tary alleys, whose relatives seemed to cars not whether he was living or dead. There Is not the home disci pline there should be." A Tather1 peculiar but nevertheless Interesting theory which has been ad vanced by some persons as an ex planation for the growing tendency to run away on the part of Young America is that the cause lies In the moving picture shows. Here, they ssy, rue youngsters see such beauti ful and alluring views of scenery In the world which lies beyond their own more restricted and' commonplace sphere that they, meditating on these things, are impelled to sally forth and see the world for themselves. Tnat Is problematical, but la more or lest far-fetched. The fact, whatever Its explanation, at any rate remains and challenges consideration. There Is practically nothing in the world which can be said In favor of the "hoboing" practice. Asld from the fact that by beating thetralna one violates the law, and compro mises character, there Is danger of being arrested if not hurt In an acci dent. There Is the bare possibility that in remote instances self-confi dence, and resourcefulness . might be developed,, hut the odds are 1,000 to 1 that the boy will be coarsened by contact with the world In the capac ity or a youthful adventurer. The problem is a serious one. Concerning the Proposed Arch and outer Matters. 'ine pisn ror an archway across one of the principal streets is ons which Is meeting with general publlo favor. Practically everybody realises tne ract that the city, just like an Individual, must dress us In order The Plnevllle Picnic Promising Under the auspices of the-Farmers' Union the people of Plnevllle will give a basket picnic Thursday. A number of prominent local speakers will be on hand and address the crowd on various topics. Ths Plne vllle picnic has beeome an annual af fair and Is always looked forward to with Interest by young and old alike. The, yrove. In which the people as tetr.Wi, is one of tne prettiest In ths county. A thousand or more persons will take advantage of the coming event to enjoy an outing In the coun try ; vrjfl Death of Lnsgan Caudle. Mr. L. L. Caudle received Informa tion of the death of Lusgaa Caudle, the 2-year-old son of his brother, Mr. W. D. Caudle, in Chattanooga, Terin. He died Sunday about noon after a prolonged Illness. STIEFF PIANOS Please Particular People 10 Per Cent. That is what DIAMONDS have increased every for the past "eight yoars. Do you know of any afi-r investment? We have all fixe stones, loose and moutitei!. Our prices are very low for the quality. Let us show them to you. . GARIBALDI, BRIM & DIXON Leading Jewelers. ' Of Our thousands pleased customers our best advertisement. is io mine a gooa impression on strangers, and that folks are Judged I VAPV lsa-s.t K eta.. lAUKd ?. rl y" Z t1 " un mn1 that was Since Charlotte is more and mors the slmllltuds '"J noon hour when they sat down taking unto herself "" nat or awnings and took dinner. Ths heat nly affected them la one way: It Injected liveliness ln te their songs and speed into their picking. , . Xeg-oes Held For Court. - Alex Ere-fls and Dan Fnuler. two negroes, were lined the costs for an affray and bound to ceurt In the sum f 1 100 esch on the charge of carry ing concealed weapons and for an as sault. The affair occurred one night last week at a houee on extreme Eart First street Both discharged thir pistols as tnereseK of a row about a glrL An "innocent bystander.' of -n)or, was shot In bis arm. ' ' Heat prostrates the nervea In the sommee one eoeds tonic to off-set tfce rttfitomsry bet weather Nnr, fcn(1 Fir-rrlh depression. Yoa will rrj betiar wi'hm hours aftee besinnlng t tat i a remedy as Dr. fchoop s Restora tive. .Its prompt aetloe tn restortng the wessened aerres Is surprising. Of course, you won't get entirety strong in a lew toys, but ch day you can actually toe) the Improvement, That tlr4, i--,n r-'rliieas wili quickly depart ' n using ths JFt esters U va, tr.' Soop's J'f-noraDve will stiarpen a falling appe t ; ft aMs ietlo; it will s'Mngtbea t- mtnk-ant Kleiners an Heart ,br e -rp!y retii!'ilcg the warn-out ; t .t f ie oittns depend tipoa. Tt tt a 1-w .U'- and be convinced. Bold by ;.'j:.mi's ltrmey. and the characteristics of a city, her people are beginning to realise the Importance of beauty secured by architectural and other devices. When the streets are eompteted and In good order H will be meet that other features In keeping with them should be brought Into being. UUle Typhoid Fever. IH Charlotte Tlus Summer. It Is a fact remarked upon frequent ly that there Is comparatively little typhoid fever. In Charlotte this' sum mer, as compared' with that of ths number of cases here last summer. There are very few cases of any par ticular seriousness and the general situation l reassuring to those who fear this disease. CtMmnertela'a Colic, Cholera ana Diarrhoea Itemed Would Have Saved Him 9100.O0. Is 1J I had a very severe attack of diarrhoea." - says R. N. Farrsr. of Cat Island. La. 'Tor seversl weeks I was unable to so saythlng. Otf starch lNh. I had a similar sttaek. and took Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and IX srrhoes Remedy which save me prompt relief. I consider It one of the best medi cines of Its kind In tha world, snd bad I eave It tn 1H believe It would bsre saved- me a hundred dollar doctor's bill." Bold by R. II. Jordan 4$ Co. r CHactifleM Coal Is a bteam Prodacer. Fine Piano Tuning, Polishing and Refinish ing, General Repair ing. All work guaraii teed. CHAS. M. STIEff ' . Manufacturer of the Artistic Stleff and Shaw, the pianos with the sweet tone. SOTJTUKRN WAREROOM 6 W. Trade St., CILRLOTE .N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. MAN -YOUR ; VESTS AND TIES the delicately colored, ones, the . vests that yon hesitate to send to the washerwoman or the laundry, the ties that soil after a few wearlngs these can be made clean,- fresh and. new at a trifling cost by- our French Dry Cleaning department. . We clean vests without alter ing the (it 4a any particular and we do not : make them board stiff with starch. We clean ties without damage to their colors. ' -. ; . Vests 25c up. Ties 6c. each. 'Oiarlclte Steam leandry Lsnmlerers, Dycra,? Cleaners, r 21 f Bontb Tryon M. . U.S. PROOF INK Writes a rich blue-black, and so remains forever. Resists the attack of any known acid that will not destroy the en tire fibre of the paper. Will not fade or deteriorate through age or exposure. Will not mould In any climate. Will not corrode or thicken on the, pen. Will not wash out or smear when In contact with water. Quarts 75c., pints 40c, J ox. Sc. POUND & MOORE CO. Exclusive Agent. . 228 S. Tryon St. 'Phone No. 40. Now to': hurry- away the 'straws. ". ' Every. straw;. hat' in stock from now' on will bear a reduced price. . Come. early and take, your pick. . ; ; $3.00 straws now $1.50. 3.50 straws now $1.75. $5.00 straws new $20 ' ''y-' - " k Tate-Brown Co.. -. WlUliSlirt' . R : O A A N Found on a Gate Post Of the Old Fort. One of the greatest Historical Questions that remains unanswer ed is that of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Mr. Wilson does not answer it in TheJ'Love of Lady Margaret," but ie has woven around it a splendid story of the times. Get a copy now $1.50 postpaid. At all bookstores or of Stone XBarringer Co. Publishers. s momjmjmimxmxmjmxwaumxmxm. "1 r 1 That " are just the '. f . . ; ihttnri trw hnimaalhoii k W vi x we are . snowing 7 ; noxvn beautiful dis- piay oi vail ; ine, nui vveather stylessty les that are flood sty les, and at the same time cool and com- : 'lortable. There Is Qo - v- r . --t Si' v MC IllClll til j : t. ;hot weather yet and J-;-now Is the time to .prepare, Deiore our stocks are . reduced. ; ; "We have ? all sizes now, for all sorts of f men, arid want an ;i? opportunity V tx fit you. ' : Have you .seen our beautiful line of Vash Suits. " ix ev. ;..-1 1 I f 0 WINDOW, RIBBED, FIGURED ROLL AND CHIPPED We carry- the largest and most com plete stock of Glass In the Carolines. Our prices are always right and de liveries prompt We solicit your orders. B. F. WITHERS, Distributor BuniiDKBSP sronJES Charlotte, N. C. VI 8 a r You Get ; A Run for your money, and then some. In our two-piece fcummer suits. , Blues ' and Qrayg In beauti ful patterns style and work manship, the best. . ; Tailored to Taste ; ' $20.00 to $40.00. ' " ' ' . , mcosKMArisSvB Always Kiusy J as we are, we always have time to wel- jcome newcomers to our store. This is especially true just at this time, as we have just gotten possession of our store again after a long seige with con- " tractors, and, we are now prepared to serve our friends better and more con veniently, . Car loads of goods arearrivihg t daily and being placed as rapidly as pos-. sible. Come in and criticise as well as admire 'the many new goods we are show ing. ; ' . ' , ' ,.y lib in Furniture Co. GOAL C. C B. POCAHONTAS SMOKflESS Unequalled for the Generation of Steam Our; Lump and Egg Are. Unsurpassed For Domestic s Purposes I Prompt and regular shipments; at all times. Shipments during J 907, 4,900,000 tons. Prices and other information on applica- : - : : " ; -; tion ; to ' j : :: " k : :.v.v; ..v Gastner, GUrran & Bullitt " SOLE AGENTS, v : ' ROANOKE, YA. t S. J. CXRY, rimjer, Roaaoke, 'Vu-ginia- ' ' A t

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