... . CHARLOTTE DAILY- OBSERVER, JULY 26, 1903. METHOD OF. ANALYSIS I A OLVED BY R. CHAK. II. XtERTV the Otemicol Labors tory of the Vol versity of North Carolina Renders n Important Servtre to tbe Cotton Kc-ed oil Industry of . the Setb- I'romi of Revolution to the ladas try Amount of Oil In $eed Caw Be lxerwined In Very Short Tune ad by Kan of Averaire AMHty Hi Herty Decline Profit Flnan- - dally HU pwrevery xwumi w ' - I'eopln Tnroarbout South Appre ciate the N ew MeUiod. Dt. Charles JK. Herty. head of the Vprtment of chemistry la the Uni versity, Nocti Carolina, ha aite corns months' work, evolved a new method f analysS for cotton seed product which promises to work a; hth. . h method at the cotta oil Industry In th South. In this -work Uc. Horty has been aided by worn advanced student In his Iabora- JOrV,' Hitherto only those cotton oil mills - -which had a large volume of business could afford to keep trained chemist o watch the output of the mills for ' loss In oil and under the old methods of analysis from four to eix hours ' "wr needed even by the dhemlst to - determiee the amount of oil left in the ' products. By mean of Dr. Herty's new method any man of average abll- Ity can make the eWermlnatlon, and 4he time needed has been reduced to " - thirty minutes or even less. Now one ' can take a handful of cotton seed, n half an hour can determine, just how much oil that seed contains. THE NEW METHOD. The most trustworthy n-nd a-eeerallv used method hitherto i m,, ! v, toeen the extrartlon rf a small earnpl" wltli Jow boiling gasolin. and wcln The new method tnt the residual oil In brief is to extraet a !arKer woigh ' sample, whlcih is a yreat a'lva.ntiiff-, fcT carbon tetrachloride in ordinary ' flk, loosely stoppered, allowing tho liquid to stand in contact wiili th tnaletiai for fifteen minutes at a tern-, fterature from 56 degrees to 65 de-j xree Centlerad.?. Thn quickly cool I the flask in watr. shake UtoroughiyjA and niter. toe niters imu.u. sisjmi biwui ins uiniwrs ,it room to acquire tne room aiinonpnere. It peclfic gravity 1B fhjen determined ' toy means of a Wetrtphal balance, the temperature- of the liquid being care fully read from the thermometer a . 1 , . V. , riacco upon ins p.ommr, . y. u.-, means or taoies w.ucn uv eny nu worsea irai u.e ron.. rf oI U read off direct. In a Ursi nooper had to make good, which he Slumber ef comparative tests. ""'nsidld without much ado. but with con (both methods on samples of the same material, the results vary by not more than one-tenth of one per cent. METHOD G1VK.V AWAY. ' Dr.' Herty declines to make his tnciOhod a source of financial giin for tilm-tlf and offers it to the cototn seed ell Industry of the South. On June th, at Atlantic Beach, FU . he pre-, ented this method to the .Cotton Seed Crueher' Asuociatlon of Alabama. In a paper before tho American ( heml-; eal Society at its summer session at i New Haven, Conn., July 1st, he gavo an account of this work. Th Atlanta Constitution and The Jacksonville Times-Union at once gave flattering accounts of his add rem fcefore the Georjcla association, and the trade Journals hra.v published the address and given editorials on Hie rlut to the cotton oil Industry. The National Provisloner of June Uth, The Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter of June 15th ami Tthe Cotton and Cotton Oil News of June :'9th all give the ad dress alone or the address with an Edi torial. Th Southern Cotton OH Conpany, ef Charlotte and Montgomery, has al ready sent two mifn to Chapel Hill to tudy The methods of Dr. Herty and j the Georgia and Alabimm Cotton Oil i Oonrpamy, of Atlanta, will -nd a man. . Mr. G. A. Gardiner. :hemlst of the; Macawr Marmfteturtnis I'ompany, of, Macon, (Ix., will conve n xt week for t this pua-poHe. A number of others Will .probably come during the rum mer. Dr. Herty ha. lieen requested to tpend a weok In At'anta nl another Jn Montgomery for tlw purioite of drilling representatives of toe mills of Georgia nd Alabama in ini- m. thod. APPKECIATION FKOM MANY. Many letters of appreciation have fceen received 'by I'r Herty from cotton ell people throughout the Suth. Mr. George A. Gardiner, chemist. Macaw Manufacturing Company, Macon, Ga.. writes: "You are to be congratulated for contributing such a valuable jiro rss to rlie on nvi'l ixiratory." Mr. M. ft. HariT. pre.idnt of the Cot ton Keed Cruithers' Aswxiatlon of Qeergia, writes. "I wish personally, nd n beha'f of the Cotton Seed Crushers" Association of i-ors;ia, t thank ymi again for your very val uable paper read before our conven tion at Atlantic Beach. Fh Mr. V A. Rherman, of the Roberts Cotton S.cd OU Company. Hon? ton. T x . writes: "Any of us In'the business can fwlly appreciate th advantage of mich a rsipld determination of the ,u tn our products and it is . pii-aure to tmd uch men as --ou. wlio are not .1 ; r.-t-t -y tnte-rested, ljut etiil will devot.- home Cf their time to helplnjr us et f ct our work" Mr. James IJ. prm. chetnUt of the fSourhern Coton on oinpanv. of Charlotte. sun: "I have proven Di.it the method In fine for quick work " There are dozens of -.r)i-r p-tt'rtt to the name effect. To tnow hiw qtii-k-Iv fhe method ha f.eeome potml.ir, apparatus dealers ilteaiy adrt!e to furnish mllla with tf-np:i, ,,r . pparariis to carry out the - IliTtv Method." '.T complete the wr.rk I)r H. rty iepe to tssue in two weeks from the ITntrtrslty Press prcnUe tables from-- ahkh can bii read direct the. . $er cent, of oil in any sample of cot ton aeed (product analysed by this method. Hh A r h i m.,, I i .. - t rsi IvZVni. LTL 4 "'71'" - vu-! U. cheap In necessary equipment nd - " w - '"'"an rnin uw, 111' iworwy HrinVi.lU cH Dfy lrur(n for 20 or 56 Th. M.., r .x. if - V r,mr -ir.L P,W nt ra'itn" HHtiL t0.!mP i chemistry of thjXnlverslty. sUrh a; -fH 1 ihor,M f"r' and. now that it has been brought; aoow. n is given, to tne cotton med ell inanttrr.it he tjovth in order to ad vane rts. great work In developing' th country. - Two Pedigreed Dogs. Mr. Frank ,T. Jones ha recently received at his kennel bere two m-.u bred bird dogs.: In speaking of them, yesterday, ; Mr, J one declared that they are utesf the first in the Tani. One.' he id, i a Flshel's Frank pointer, and th other a Count What stone setter. Tbe two - dog are said to be of the world' finest pedi greed stock. -Both are registered in the America Field recordathe certi Bcate ef registration, which I have, being very much like a : national tank; certificate, or a certificate for '.'me big corporation. - These dogs ! yt-rr valuable and t prU them very bighlr." ' ' ' -' '' ' " Tte xv arrival make quit an ad sL , ii SJj. tUncs. kecrjel - ; A UTE WlftE BREAKS : The Square the Scene Of ' a ; Wild , ampede W a w Second A , Horse That Knew paneiOVhe He Saw It--A egr FUea Wlth Ilia Watermelon -" Judgment - Day i Coaldat Interfere ;W1U Him. J ' There was a stampede at the square yesterday? at soon, when a trolley wire broke and fell to the ground,. cnrUnf. kicking; and spitting. rnose closa to the centre of disturbance tarried not to ouestion the right of a live wire to precipitate a panic Just at that time but started tor nome and loved ones. Small boys In short phts and bare feet were.vleine; 'with elderly gentlemen ana laaiee 01 uig nity and avoirdupois In getting- to places of safety. Those who heard the frying in the air but saw not the cause took the hint and got to cover. The only person any where near that ,BOt run the Rev. Mr. Lynch, me uuna man. who a ju me need to roll out a long sentence, telling of his wares and the virtue of Belle Brothers, when the crack came. Hi rose hurriedly, sniffed the burning affaennhere. and sat back down resignedly, ready for any fate, while others w ho could see scamper ed by and awav. A tine horse, hitched to a delivery wagon and driven by a negro, acted as If he had made a specialty of elec trical engineering. The wire struck the ground and made a lunge lor him but. Iftina- his front leet rraceiuny, he wheeled on hi hind ones, turned and dasned out of the danger one The broken wire behaved like something allv. It crawled and squirmed as if angry and dltiappoint- ed at not be In able to knock me lire out of somebody. But K seomed do olie and submissive when a young man came up and threw a clamp abuul its hot nose and was soon drawn back in place above the tars. A suburban darny. wno naa jusi purrhused a watermelon from a country wagon seraeu hl property I1U 'l uUL I vi jitiutr. -a n n juw.ti, throuzh the crowd some one heard him say. Well, hit may be Jedge ment lav but I sho' is gwine to scrape dls rind 'fo' 1 aner any questions fur I'ncle Peter, A HOTKI; SWIXDLER. nxr Txi UrM Mr. Oirl' Jtewrd Hooper J "or $100111 Had One. Some time airo one A. C. Goodman, representing himself as an agent Of i Fleming A Co., a well-known concern of Philadelphia, ot Mr. Charles h Hooper, of the Buford Hotel, to casii a ch fo. JJ00 fo. h)m Thp chptk J( stalfd ,n Tf)e observ,r Beveral days am back ,,ke cat ullj Mr siderable feeling toward the man who had solicited the favor. In reply to a letter, . friend of his In Philadel phia, wrote concerning Qoodman, to Mr. Hooper: "I called at the office of Fleming & Company, and. In con ! versatlon with a member of the firm, obtained the following Information: tJoodman has not, been with Fleming - friy on Kmm8Slon. He never made a sale for them n. n8(1 nl8 own business cards prlnlP( lt ls believed that he has nfdcrate here who work in it , . .... I . . w , 1. . . ,iaut i a n r- anil connection with him. He Js wanteu by the police of Baltimore, St. Louis and I'arkersburg. and other places. He forged checks at Claypool Hotel. Indianapolis;" 8t. Nicholas Hotel. Cin cinnati; and the police officers of these cities would like to catch him. "Memphis, Tenn.. is his home, and his right name is Fred Goodman. The following ls a fairly accurate descrip tion of him: About five feet and ten inches In height, stooped shoulders, blue eyes, round face, flat nose, dark, sallow complexion, parts hair in the middle, high forehead, careful but not flashy dresser, and Is about 38 years old. He is cut off from service by both the Western Union and the Postal Telenraph Companies." This same fellow was very active In this State. He touched a number of hotels In the same way. Warrants for his arrest have been Issued. WAHKHOl'KE ASSl'HKD. Sforr Tiurn Half the .Money Ne"iwry Has Been Kiibwrlbed no Branch of Organization In thn County Kub-M-rlbc $500. A prolonged discussion of the scheme of warehousing cotton and the fmlimixslo'i of reports of subscrip tion, were heard at the meeting yes terduy of the MecklenburK Farmers' Union, as a result of which It is an nounced that a system of warehous ing In this county this fall Is a cer tainty. More than half tho money necewary to brlnir ihis plan to reali sation has been, subscribed and dell nite uteris looking toward the erection of buildings will begin shortly. The farmers affiliated with the or ganization have readily responded to the calls made on them for subscrip tions for this undertaking, one town ship union subscribing 1300. The proposition is to erect one large ware house in the city and then have smal ler ones In representative sections of the county, easily accessible to all the farmers. The' leaders In this movement, which was tunned hut dropped by the local division of thn cotton growers' organization a year ago, have been assured, it 1h rtl)d-r-stood, that warehouse receipts will be honored by the banks of the city. Those farmer who deposit the I r cot ton in such institutions get its ap proximate value In ,-axh. while at the aine time It will Ve held until after that season when th market is de pieseed. The plan Is feasible and ca:i he worked siHvcsnftilly In the es timation of leading farmers, provided the hanks lend their assistance; oth erwise, it cannot amount to much. CAUKNDAR Mill THIS WFKK. Cases Which Arc IKs kctcd For Trial at Tills Week's Term of Civil t'onrl. The following list of cases have been threshed out from Hie original tale,ir and placed on the docket for ..,., ''w ,v,r. ,v,la ..v JJ Dowd vs. Mayes Manufactur ing Company. Monday, Jtily 27th. T....I . , , I ...I, ,1 . . , jB.i.e . n wi.hi vs. m. .Sies- by. Monday. July 27th. Arthur Mills v.. Southern Railway Company. Monday, July 27th. Willie Sharp vs. A ft C. A. L. Hallway Company, . Tuesday. July Jgth. K. K. Gardner W. H. Orr, Tucs-. day. July. ?8th. , -. R. E- Johnston vs. "Carolina " Man ufacturing Company, Wednesday. July Zth. E. J. Ashley vs. Southern Railway Company, Thursday, July 38th. J. W. Allen vs. J. W. Wadswnrth'i Sons Company, Thursday, July JOth. McCoy Publishing Supply Company V. E. J. Young Thursday. July 0th. Ed and Mry Boyd vs. - Bout hern Railway Company, Friday. July list. J. F. Stewart vs. Virginia-Carolina Chmlcal , Company, Friday, July list. ' ' - " J. B. 1 Readllng, administrator, va J. II. Potra. Friday, July 31st. - jl. W. Thompson va J. W. Wads worth's flons Company, Friday, July fist . - . , ; -: c - Bradford VH1. t aU va" J Bitnes, et al Friday, July1 1C -' - ' C. S. Hoi ton snd M. A Kd wards , 6am BaUea, Friday. July iXU , THE POLITE CROOK. , A; Oiarlotte Ladle Without Knowing It, .Become Parties to a Meat UtUe Deal, Which Eased a TeJlow Pas- enger of $20-As Interreting Xittfe Episode. - v - , . " ; "i; had a peculiar experience the other day. a th New 1 he station, Just after we had entered the train to tart for home," ald a Charlotte two- man to an 'Observer man yesterday "While we tny mother, my sister and I aat In the Pullman, waiting for the train to start, a neatly-dressed, well mannered young man earn tip, bow ed low and asked quietly jf Hrs. Bher wood was of oar party. - I told him no, and he disappeared, colng to the rear of the car. . Soon he cam again, stooped and deolared In a low, gentle voice: 'I beg- your pardon for speak- ing to you just now and moved on without removing hi hat. I remark ed on the fact that a gentleman with such perfect manners in every other way should not lift Ms nat on ad- dressing ladles. PTetty soon, nowerer, ail was ex olained. The oonduetor came to me and inquired as to -what the young fellow had aaid to me. I told htm and he said: 'Stung he touched the roan In the rear seat tor 120 by tell- inr him that he had brought his mother and two sisters (you three) on the car wimoui Duying xicxeu and that he had slipped his purse In a dress suit case In another coat, which he could not get at until th train started.' 'Yes. stung,' said the conductor as he walked away. 'The man had entered the day coach, walked back and worked his trick and departed wltnln a shorter time than lt takes to tell lt. I had never seen him before. Mother and I agree that he waa a very attractive looking young man, with rather tak- Ing ways. It would be interesting to Know what the gentlemen who let him nave toe 120 thinks of him," said the news paper man. Indeed, lt would. A SU-Vear-Old Mnslcal Prodigy. Hrevard Williams, the 6-year-old son of Mr. K. 8 Williams, Is a musi cal prodigy of the first stripe. Little Brevad can play on almost any in strument, but la an adept on tne piano. His little hand ls not broad novigh to reach an octave, but he switches his thumb over to the keys so rapidly that there Is not a break n the sound. Every member of Mr. Williams' family, Including himself. plays the piano, but the little fellow bids fair to lead them all In honors. He is also a dancer after the fashion of old stagers. Got a Glut of Music. 'You know I hav been a big fool about music all my life, but for the past few months I've got so I can't stand it at all," Bald 'an observant citizen. What's the matter?" queried an Interested bystander. 'Why, It a these darned moving picture shows. Every time I come out on the street I can'fhesr a thing but electric pianos all th Mm. The ocher day some of my folks started to play the piano at home and I had to get ud and leave. Mufdo at heron d Presbyterian Clrorch. Mr. H. J. Zehm, organist and choir director at the Hecond Presbyterian church, hns arranged the following music for the services to-day: Morning: Prelude. "Processional ' Loreni Anthem. "Out of the Deep" Buck Offertory, "And In That Dsy". .Woodman Postlude. "Allegro Hymphonlque" Salome Kvenlng: Prelude, "Vision" ., Parker )fTertory. O Tsste and See - (loss Postlude, "Finale" Lemmens Farmers' Union to Picnic. There will he a Dig gathering of I oiks In Providenee on the 11th of August, the occasion to he under the usplces of the Mecklenburg branch f tbe Farmers' Union. Prominent spcHke.rs will be present to deliver ddresses in the Interest of the move ment, and there will be plenty of mnsements to attract 'the crowds. Refreshments of various kinds will prepared for the throng that is xpected. lousands customers is our best advertisement. Fine Piano Tuning, Polishing and Refinish- I ing, General Repair- ' ing. All work guaran teed CtiASJ. STIEFF Unufacturer of the Artistic Rilcff and Shaw, the pUnoa '. srlth tle sweet tone, SOUTHERN WAREROOM " 8 w. Trad St, CIMRLOTTE, W.-'C. K ' 0.HWILn0TIi;Ugr. I STIEFF I PIANOS Please Particular People 'Of I 11 0OD vPrfEE : ' DEPENDS UPON mm Roasting- Making LUZWNECOFEEtE. You aapositiyely insured upon the Rrsf'FourPoinfs -.asYor fhe lasf ymmjmk poor (olfee; : ivouuSwLUZIANNE (31 -Sold Everywhere 251 Ibfan THE REI LV-TCVLO R CO. IBs r M Congress. Hall Hotel Dow WelL Capt. L. T. Royall, of Washington, was In the city yesterday, topplng at th Central. Congress Hall Hotel, the new and pretty hotel on Capitol hill, near the House Office Building;. Is a hobby with Captain Royall. Hav ing stock In the company that built th hostelry h ls very much Inter ested In It success. During the winter, when Congress was In session. about sixty-five Congressmen and other lived there. . This summer the house is kept open for transients, who atop ever In the capital for a Tew days. When asked how lt was get ting along Captain Royall eald that It was doing It share of th summer business. The place being convenient to the union station, the Library of Congress, the Capitol and other at tractive places, many tourists tarry, there. Congress Hall Is located in one of the coolest spots In th District of Columbia Free Books for Boys and Girls That fence in our north window suggests an incident in North Carolina history that for interest, pathos and mystery is unequaled. To the boy and to the , girl under 18 years of age writing the best essay on this subject, handing it in to us be fore August lst,( a copy each of ' The Love of Lady Margaret and Hill's History of North Carolina will be awarded. To the two second .best a copy of Hill's History will be given. Do not sign the essay but write your name on a sepa rate sheet, enclosed with the essay. Each e i a a one will be numbered and the decisions made by the judges absolute- i ly on the merit of the essays. Stone & Barringer Co. Booksellers and Stationers. Publishers of 'The Tar Heel , Library." Stock Ties! We have them. A splendid - assort ment toselect "from. ' .Whites, plain colors and color combinations. Price ; - .'.-'', 50 cents. The Tate-Brown Co. M Q3Ttltj! . BANDY. A MXKRa, e Consulting Engineer. ' : Water Supply ' and Purtaeatlon, Sewerage, Sawerag Disposal, Roads, (streets. Favenieate, Watet' Power, Hydro-Electric Plant. Irrigation, Drainage. Reinforced Concrete. Sur veys, Estimates, Plan and Specifica tions, construction Superintended. Complete Plants oesignen and cob trueted. Main Office. S7S-77 Arcad Building, ureeiisDorov xoerui ukrouna, Branch Office. Lanrlnburg, North CareXln. Oh! VJ Kir. Storekeeper Remember you don't have to buy dirty rags any more OASIS COTTON COMFORTS made from pure, clean, raw cotton marks a new era in the comfort business. Save us your orders. Buy at home. Better goods for less money. SAVE FREIGHT. The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Sole Manufacturers, Charlotte, North . Carolina, ZZ3 LXXIJXH 10 Per Cent. That Is . what DIAMONDS have increased every y.ar for the past eight yoars. Do you know of any safer investment? We have all tlz stones, loose and mounted. Our prices are very low for the quality. Let us show them to you. GARIBALDI, ' ' & DIXON Leading Jeweler. 3TJ HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW NO. 5 It's a Beaalyr let us show it to p: POUND & MORE CO. . ; AGENTS . -urn . Tryon St Thone yon40. Typewriter? Summer w 1 lk we, 1 e , . v - f 111 v : I ? I;" ED . MELLON CO. RFMKMBKH, MKIXOVS CLOTHES ITT. WINDOW, RIBBED, FIGURED ROLL AND CHIPPED We carry th largest aad most oom- plot stock of O lass In th Carolina. Oui prices ar always rlkht and de liveries prompt. , We solicit your order. B. P. WITHER Distributor ' BUIILDER8' SUPFXjTXI Charlotte, N, C. Would You Elnjoy the Prospect of looking at the finest Jot of Rugs and Mattings you ever sawt Then come and lettus show you what we have to offer. The high-grade Bugs and Matting we are offering will certainly, appeal to both your taste and your judgment We have always shown a choice lot of beautiful Rugs of high grade, but we are now able to show' you more than double the quantity that we have ever shown beforeT We know you will enjoy your visit and we shall be glali to see you. Lubin Furniture Company GOAL C C. 6. POCAHONTAS SMOKELESS Our Lump and Egg Are Unsurpassed. For Domestic Purposes Prompt and re shipments at aH timestv Shipments during 907 9 4,900,000 tonsT ' " : - .. - . . r : - .,- , : .- f - Prices and other information on appKca-; Gastncr, Gurran & Bullitt r S. B." CAIliV KMer Washuits 4' How" about it I . Are "you . satisfied : with the clothes -ou. have :on; now-are you perfectly; t. - comfortable t 1 It wont take us a ; miaute to convince yoir that the!' .:Vv. ;VS "'v . .'-:" .' ' v.-' ' v"': Hot Weather we have for RIGHT y NOW are worth just . twice as much to your w comfort as the price we ask for them. Will you drop in and eel ." WM 45 t V -v -sa ' m : --'--f ...:Il-.J. '!'".. : m - -. i e - - -U

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