' I SOCtAl AND PERSONAL r- , Alias Alice . uaiia, pi "i VlU-vlsU her jjister,' Ms-s? J, Glenn), this nrejt1 ...' -;fV - Mrs'' Ullzibath -Preston' Allan has retuxned from Montreat, were she pent several week.' . i a:-V- - - . , - Mrs. . R. a." Torrence left yesterday morning for WaynesvUle - to spend : several weeks., ;...;;.;''';( "; '. . v Ml m Mary Morgan. Myers has gone to Henderson vi lie to apend a fort night In the mountains. ' , t i -. , ' ' I- Mrs. O. W.Xovlng and family have "returned from a month's visit to rela tives In Virginia;; , ( ' Mrs. Morgan ' B. Spier has as ' her guests Misses Edith Spier and Alice Beckham of Rock Hill, S. C. . Mrs. C- S. Alston, of Raleigh, Is a ' truest at the home' of her parents, Dr. and . Mrs. J. F. Robertson, on ? South .Tryon street. A '- t' Miss Catherine Ray, of McAden ville; Is spending a few days Id the city .with; friends. Miss Marie McKlnley has gone to Roc It Hill, 8. C.Mto visit relatives. Mrs.' Mary A.- Barnhlll will 1 leave the first of this week for a an extend ed trip to South Carolina, visiting relatives and friends In ; Prosperity, Colurhbla, Newberry, La'ncaster. Rock H11J and YorkvlUft, She will be ab sent a month or more. Mrs. 8. V. Grler and daughter w 111 leave to-morrow for Wrlghtsville Kearh. where thev will spend awhile. Before returning they will visit Mrs. Orler's mother, Mrs. Eliza Johnson, at Clinton) They will be gone in all two or three weeks. that music-loving community. Quit party of Charlotte people will like attend thla conceri. -- - - Mrs. A. Hamilton Seats, of Colnm bta. 8. C. and tier sister. Miss Ma mlc Youngblood, are spending a few days In the city the guest of mends. Miss Sa.llie; German QJass, of Co- lumois,. is- visiung ai-rn.., aicx 'Irst-.street: Mrs. Peter Marshall Brown return edyesterday from Mooresvllle, where sne spent several osys wmi ner ju er,; Rev, Dr. W. W. Pharr. , . . Mr. W, Jti Cllnard'and family, of Winston, were registered among the guests at the Selwyn yesteraay. ( iii i - - , . ' PERSON AI :'Jj'r, Miss Polly Shannonhous is expect ed to return from South Carolina to day, where she has been vlsiting.rela tlves and friends. Miss Narnie Rogers, of Raleigh, will be here this -week, on her way North, and stop with her sister, Mra I. B. Xewell, on North Church street Mrs. Gljbert White will leave noon for her home in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Morrison wll' leave this week for Hendersonville, where they wIlV spend two weeks. Miss Laura Etheredge, who has been the gue3t of friends in this city for the past month, left yesterday morning for Saluda to be with MJss Minta JOnes. Mr. and Mrs. Ethel Parrott and Miss Jessie McLeod, oil Mayesvllle. S. C. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newman McLeod. A party composed of the following named spent a few hours nt the Sei wyn yesterday: Misses Effle McRae, of Iaurlnburs. and Bessie LeOwIn, of Wilmington, and Messrs. H. D. Malloy, Jr., and H. W. Malloy, of Wilmington. MLind Mrs. J AVI ShlnhohJer and Mrs. C. B. Walker, of. Macon, Ga. and Miss .Clara Morris, of Milledge- vine. Ga., were tourist visitors in the city, yesterday, stopping at th Sei wyn. Miss Lucy Squires, formerly of Providence, now a trained nurse In the University Hospital, in Baltimore, has arrived to spend awhile with her parents In Providence township, af ter a two years' absence. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wadsworth are expected home to-morrow or Tuesday. Mrs. Wadsworth is pleas antly remembered here as Miss Mar garet Douglass. Miss Ida Rankin and brother, Mr. iJn Mitts Rankin's guest. Miss Li la As- hury. of .Albemarle, spent yesterday In 4he city. Mrs, - Tumor Johnson, of Mount Holly, was among the out-of-town visitors in the city yesterday. Miss Mae Torrence has returned from Spartanburg, S. C. where she visited friends for two weeks. ' Little Miss Augusta Laxton, accom panted by Mr. Willis Brown, -has gone to Taylorsville. where Master Osborne Brown is sick. Mrs. Clem Dowd has several days at her home op. Ninth street. East Mrs. J. W. Blanton and children are home again after a visit to rela tives In Georgia. ' Mrs. W. G. Rogers returned yes terday after spending two months visiting in Ohio, Illinois, Georgia and other States. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Davis arrived from. Crewe, Va., last night,- to visit their daughter, Mrs. A. C. Porter, in Diiwortn. Misses Fanny and Bess Boyte will leave Tuesday for Memphis, Tenn., to - visit relatives. - , Mrs. T. L. Ritch has gone to New Tork to visit relatives for awhile, ' M1sa Etta Freeman is spending her vacation at Shopton. . ; Mrs. W. A. Ford Is visiting Mrs. E. - DMaun in uaimaaiHlla n wn jaa un urnwinct . . Miss May Torrence has returned from Epartanburg, -where she- spent ten days, visiting rrienas. i - v iibs Anmecuinn returned yes terday from Providence, : where ahe spent her vacation. ; Miss -Mary Hill Hall has returned to her home In thla city after a de lightful visit of five weeks to rela tive and friends in Retdsrille and Danville, Va. ,- :' . . .. - Mrs. - J. B. Montgomery and -son, Krevard. win arrira to-day . from uaosden, Ala., to Tlalt Mrs. A. X Mra. J. L i,ocas, of New Tork City, who visited her sister, Mrs. X A. Clirfard, this week. , has - returned horn. . . . , , ' ; Miss May Penfield and Mrs) A. D. Glascock win give a piano and song recital In Concord - Tuesday evening at o'clock for the benefit of the graded school park fund of that city. Miss Penfield has been teaching voice Culture In Concord for. several weeks and her alngtng andr" worlr has at tracted a great deal of attention In IHS BERT CHEFS AND CO)KS Far using Blue Rfhhnn Unvm and Va nilla liMh secret of their aucrss In mak ing dessert. .Always use Blue Ribbon Extracts and your success is assured, The Movements of a Number of Peo- nle. VlKltora and -oui-r. Mr, rJ W. Porter left last night for Toxaway, where he will spend the re maining hot days, i ' Master Algernon Reese has gone to Catawba Springs for a week- . Mr. Herbert Morrison, of the Little Long Company, left last night for Statesville, whence-he will go to Mon treat to join a party of friends for a week. He will be gone -in au tnree weeks. '- - - ' ; - '- ' Masters Stephen and Merriman Da vis have rone to - Richmond. Va., ' to visit their uncle, , Mr. William Davis. Walter Ford and Willie Vernon are In-Norfolk on a visit.- - ' Mr. T. T. Smithy jr., of Concord, Is In the city. Mr. R. L.-Bedle, t Augusta, Ga., Is at the Selwyn. ,Mr. H.'M. Eflrd left last night for New Tork to attend the biggest auc tion sale of dress goods of the sea son, which will be pulled off Wednes day. He goes in the Interest of the Enrd's Department Stores. . Mr. J. L. Wilson, who has been in Knoxvllle. Tenn.. for a month, the cuest of his brother. Mr. Frank Wil son, has returned to the city. He Is much Improved In health. Mr. George Stephens left yesterday for Hendersonville to spend a few days with his family. Mr. Q. C. Pettlgrew, of Anderson, S. C. was registered among the guests a the Selwyn yesterday. Mr. s. R. Jacobs, of Atlanta, Oa., Is spending aeveral days In -the city on business. Mr. D. F. McKlrne, of Loulsburg, was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. H. L. Candfer, of Ashevil'e, sppt a few hours in the city yester day. Mr M. Y. Key. of Duke, was regis tered among the guests at the Central. Messrs. W. D. and J. T. McLaurln. of Laurlrtburg, spent yesterday In the city on business. Prof. J. A. Blvlns, of Monroe, spent a few hours in the city yesterday, stopping at the Central., Mr. G. B. Swayzo, a well-known traveling man who makes Charlotte his headquarters, left yesterday morn ing for Chicago, III., on a business trip. Mr. A. B. Suttle, of Shelby, spent last night in the city, stopping at the Central. Mr. W. C. Lester, of sStatesvllle, was a Charlotte visitor last night. Among the guests In the city yes terday was Mr. N. A. Currie, of Clark'ton. Mr. Robert Moffatt. of Columbia 8. (".. was a guest at the Central last night. . . Correctly and Promptly : Engraved v Send For Samples and Prices J. P. Stevens Engraving Co, Engravers 47 Whitehall St Atlanta, Ga. 3 fl: EET1 NEAR SAMOA.' Wireless Message Reports Fleet Near . Island or Tutu I la, . Samoa, ' and Headed For Auckland. . ; "Suva. Fljii Island, vAng.p 1. The United States .Atlantic fleet (t i p. m. July SOth reported by wireless in latitude 8. BO south and longitude lit. Id west. The cruise; was reported as uneventful. There .- were--four hours of practical evolutions daily The coal consumption . waa de creasing daily and the vessels had a greater steaming radius. The sym metrical development along all lhi was reported to be most gratifying. At 8 o'clock Friday evening tne .fleet was in latitude 12.42 south and longitude 189.57 west -The dispatch said that the fleet would pass the east end of the Island of Tutuila, Samoa, Saturday at 6 o'clock In the morning, cruise along the southern shore' of the Island and then shape Its course direct for Auckland. . Ail aboard were reported well. Flying Belt Fatally Injures White Man. M B. Helms, an employe of the South Atlantic Waste . Company, was struck by a flying piece of belting while at work at the plant of the company In North Charlotte and se riously injured. There were several id fractures of the skull encasing the brain, the most serious perhaps being at its base. When the physi cians reached the unconscious man. particles of brain tissue were observ ed oozing out through one of his ears and in several places the skull was mashed in.' The Injuries are Denev- ed to be fatal. Mr.' Helms was car ried to St. Peter's Hospital for treat ment. At a late hour last night he was reported to be about the same as when he was brought In. Loral Firm to Draw Plans for $85,000 Residence. A handsome contract which the local architectural firm of Hook Sc Rogers has landed Is for the planning of an $85,000 residence Irt Durham for Mr. B. N. Duke. This wlU 0e one of the handsomest and most costly In the State. Mr. Hook is In Durham and selected the location for Mr. Duke. The material has not ye Ibeen deter mined on. THE SACRED FREE. ' Quaint Fijian plant. ; . London Standard. . . There is nothing binder the- sun quite so quaint., so weird and wltcniike as tha pandanus prairies of FIJI. ' The! called, la a most grotesque specimen of the vegetable kingdom even, at the . est and In the early stages of Its I growth. In its very young days it is or an extraordinary screwllke shape and looks as though some unkind hand had taken hold of Its long, swordlike leaves and twisted them round and round. Later it straightens out a bit. and from It grow a number of tall wonrivn ctilts. Its follnM la slmnle. a' number of drooping, ragged tufts for all the world like mops and -Very mournful looking. Among these mops hang the fruit in shape like a pine apple, made .up of hard red and yel low kernels, woody and fibrous, and quite uneatable from a European's point of view. . It's; De Maiishuu House. "I 'clar 'fo' Gawd, dat'a er big buildin'," said one country darky to another yesterday as they passed the Charlotte National Bank Building. "Whut is It anyhow?" "Dat's de manshun house de man shun house day call it, an' it shoMs one. Dat's too much house fur me," said the wiser one of the two. "Get It at Hawley's." A visitor in the city last night was Mr. C. S. Wheaton. of Chester, S. C Among the guests at the Buford last night was Mr. W. S. Hall, Jr., of Gaffney. 8. C. Mr. G. W. Pressley, of AsheyJlle spent last night 1n the city. Mr. W. R. Morrison, of Savannah, Ga., spent last night In the city, stop ping at the Buford. Among the guests in the city yes terday on business was Mr. Jay D Lents, of Coneord. . Mr. L. N.Vowler, of Canton, spent yesterday at the Buford with friends, BRIEFS. A Few !m and Minor Happenings About the C'.ty. Rev. William Duncan will preach this afternoon for the congregation of Steele Creek A. R. P. church. The friends of Mr. Charles E, Ader will regret to know that he has malarial fever and has gone to St. Pe ter's Hospital. The baseball team returned at midnight from Greenville, S. C. where it successfully .tackled the strong aggregation from that city for three days.- Rev. Dr. E. E. Boms,r returned yesterday afternoon from Spartan burg and Landrum, S. C, and will fill his pulpit at the Prttchard Memorial Baptist church as usual to-day. Some folks are hard to pi A man passing the bulletin board last night read, the inscription, "Charlotte 6, Greenville 0." "Great Lord," he exclaimed. "That's rotten." The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at Thy atlra church in Morning Star town ship to-day. Rev, Dr. W. W. Orr, of this city, 'has assisted in the prepara tory services. Mr. Thomas D. Moore., salesman at Belk Bros., who Jives on Winona street,::fell from a street car yesterday and broke an arm. His' hat fell off and he Jumped, or In an effort to Jump, fell. The police department of the city is rocking along as smoothly as could oe expecira, cuusiucrtusT mm . vr, Matthew Yandle, who looks after things at the station, is on his annual vacation. There Is a prevalent dearth of law-breaking. ' " The Anderson baseball club spent last night In the city on- Us Lway home from Winston. Mr. 'John Bass Brown has Ma Ramoler car again in commission. It has been In (he shops since his recent trip, through the country, to Colum bia, 8. C. - - Re F. 8windell Love, a recent graduate of Trinity College, where he. studied for the ministry, has been secured to occupy the pulpit of Tryon Street Methodist church during the absence of Rev. H. K. Boyer, the pas tor,' The latter left : this week to spend his vacation !n the mountains The attendance was large last night at he Academy of Music, where gifted artistg sang and danced for tha public through the medium of correl ated moving pictures and phonograph in penect time.- A number of the ac tors seemed present so realistically that they were encored and respond ed with bows and smiles. Pat Henry made a good speech on liberty.' Dr. W. H. Marqnem to Prcarb at , Serond Presbyterian Church.v Rev. Dr. W. H. Mareuess. nrofessor f theology in .the Louisville. Kv Seminary, and considered one of the ablest divines In the Southern Pres byterian cnurcn, . -, -was ' expected last night :. lie will preach at both morning and evening services at the Second- Presbyterian church to-day, next Sunday and the following Sun day,--The Second church is ron sidrfed'vfortunate to have secured. Dr. Marquess to till its pulpit on those occasions. - as his sermons will be well worth hearing. . Chicago Record-Herald. Woodman, spare that tree. Touch not a single bough; It has befriended me, And I'll protect It now; Neath It a hammock hung. And there, when it was hot I often gladly swung; Thy ax shall harm it not. Beneath that spreading tree One In a gauzy gown on snuggled ctosewme And lot her feet hang down;' Woodman, forbear to hack! "Twas here a lovely maid First dared to call me Jack, As carelessly we swayed. . When I was free from car And she was trim and slim. We often dangled there Beneath yon spreading limn1: Twas there that first She laid Her head within my hand And ceased to be afraid; Pray, woodman, let It stand. Harm not that sturdy oak; One night I mind It well The rope, grown fragile, broke. And in a heap we fell. She put the blame on me, And said she'd have me not. So. woodman, spare th tree; This Is a sacred spot. , Prescription Work a Specialty Every prescription that leaves our department carries with it absolute assurance of accurate compounding and abso lutely pure drugs. Send yours to us. HawleyV Pharmacy 'Phones IS and 2S0. Tryon and Fifths Otreets. SUlLfcCHJoF HYf ni A KITS 4 draulic Ml rV? ' electric - vrr:. r.. i r.lTUCttfftMLJ rtAM ,X.Y rjyiXAXTON IX lCFAUDTTORIUM BLDG. CHARLOTTE. NjC. v- ndh Bros. 19-21 E. TRADE We want to thank the generous public for its most hearty and unanimous support and - patronage v ' during our 13th Anniversary Sale, making it by far . the largest and most successful yet given by us. Not- ' a day passed that our four stores were not crowded with satisfied customers, and again we thank one and all. Now, if there is any on6 (which we doubt) that ' did not or could not avail themselves of the oppor tunity of the great sale just passed. . , THIS WEEK IS YOUR TIME. Thousands of Odds and Ends follow such a tremendous-sale, hence these must be gotten together, ticketed and sold. Monday and Tuesday will be your chance. They must go. Brown Dress Linen..1 8 l-2c. 36-inch Finish Waist ing . .7 l-2c 5-4 Table Oil Cloth. , .,' ioc. White Dimity 5c. Good, heavy Table Damask... .. .29c, 36-inch Bleached Domestic. . . . 5c. Colored Lawns must go. See our great counter at Bif? lot at 3 1.2c Apron Ginghams 3 i.2c, LINEN REMNANTS Don't iail to see the Remnants in Dress and Table Linens accumulated from sale; it will pav you. Great slaughter of our Men's Straw Hats' See our big counter at ...'... ,25c. Remember that all over our four stores odds and ends, besides regular goods, will be moved out this week. 'So get a move on you. First come first served. BELK BR0& 19-21 E. Trade. SHAVING BRUSHES A large assortment of all kinds and at all prices, Just re ceived. The very beat Badger Hair Brushes. ' See them. ... , , . -Registered Bin rues Directory. luraauaie rxurses only. Burwell-Dunn Retail Store 'Phones 41 and S0O. ' ' The Charlotte Trunk! Strongest and best Trunk on the market This speclaj Trunk is built to our own specifications In 100 lota, and contains more points of value by $5.00 than 'any other: Full pise. strong box, full steel bound, every part riveted, linen lined, double trays. , ' Zf-Inch, $8.56; 30-lnch IJ.00; 35- Inch. 11.50; . 34-Inch, 110.00; 31-Inch, $11.00; 38-Inch. $13.00; 40-incn, $iloo. ' ' THE HERCULES TRUNK STROP Strongest strop made with paten sliding release buttle. Price . 0e. Free by mail. ' I ' GUIt-MOORE CO. Special Notices GET THE BEHT IT PAT8 TO USB Blue Ribbon Vanilla. It is absolutely fure, goes twice as far and the flavor s perfection. BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION WORK to Stowe's. We do our worn rarvfuiiy, accurately and promptly. 'Phone your orders if you are In a hurry. - JA8. P. 8TOWE CO.. Druggists. 'Phone ITt. WAT AHEAD IN QUALtTT. OUR NO. 1 Norway Mackerel. Just the thing to make you enjoy your, breakfast and don't forget our fresh lot of Swiss, Neufchatel and Philadelphia Cream Cheese MILLER-VAN NE83 CO.. tfJ N. Tryon. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IK THK - drug line, 'phone WOOD ALL A SHEP- . PAKD, No. M. They give prompt and accurate service to all parts of the city. NEW ARRIVALS Recent shipments have given us a number of new designs In popular priced, high grade WOOD MANTELS. If you are contemplating purchasing. It will pay you to see our display on second floor. J.N.McCausland&Co. Stove Dealers, Roofing Con y ' tractor. 131 louth Tryon M. GREEN POND GRANIIol BRICK COMPANY FOR SALE-CRU8HED STONK IN slses suitable for all grades concrete "work. Will quote you delivered prinas by wagon or ears on application. Fred . Qliyer, Charlotte. N. C - FOR RENT 8TORE ROOM. EAST Trade Hu. fine stand for retail ami wholesale. Modern (-room house, ele- Rantly finished Inside. Ml N. B. 81 'Ice (-room home. T1S N. B. Ht. Also ethers. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON BRO. GIBSON. N. C. Offers contractors and builders the neatest pressod building nrlclt on the market for the money. Do not break In shipping, not affected by frost, harden with age and compare favor ably with the highest priced brick In the country. Write for prices and testimonials. . h II i ITU II II I iiii , ' . f - - i )'. Knabe Pianos Como and see, the new styles just received. A pur chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life time. We sell cheaper Pianos uiu. t rue xor catalogues. Parkpr-fiarrlnpr rnmnnv . . UHI liUIIIUUIII 1 Piano Department Second Floor. 1 EVERTTHINO THAT8 GOOD TO EAT In hot weather Is being served by us In the best style. Com In and see what ws have now. OEM RESTAUR ANT. . . TO LET ROOMS, PALMER AND 4 rooms, 7lT E. (th. I: rooms. Sunny stdo. acres, well enclosed, bmm. chicken houses and yard, ell for tllle; I rooms. (II Gold St.. I12.M; S roema, PI I worth, (11(7; rooms. Grade Su, ; ( rooms. Oak 81.. $12: large hall. I4tn and C. Its., $10; room In Sander Build ing, P. R. L. KEE8LER. a & Tryon St, 'Phone 144. . , TYPEWRIT ICRS RENTEDMS - ronUI maeninea. ail meats. ray ror instant delivery. ' Kvery snaehln flrst-eUse la very particular. J. F. Cray too a Co, til K Tryon. 'Phone SM. ' DOUBLE D'SflUED ABSOLUTELY PURE WATER We, fully' realizing the great need and benefit of our patrons or a pure, palatabl and wholesome water, have at great expense Installed what la believed to be-the HOST PERFECT WATKR DIHTILIJNrt A P. PABATITS In existence and arc prepared to furnish our customers and tha Intelligent public with an absolutely pure-and palatable aerated water for drinking, rooking and othr purpose. - -;. In five-gallon demijohns, fifty .cents., -' '" ;' r -Dosen half-gallon Magnums, seventy-five cents. ."-; -,.- Single gallon Magnuma, fifteen cents, i . ' W hav tha same water carbonated and bottled la Splits, plh(a and Quarts. . ' k ' - ; , .- . , - . On Dots. n Quarts, tl.tt; Ope Dozen-Pints,' $!.; One Dozen Splits. Tic. ox of six siphons, (0 cents, -v " . DeUvered free to any part of Oreetef fharlott. " ' ' tO. VALAKR BOTTUJfO WORK. Tboaa Na. i. ..... 17 Soath College feu-eel- Above Everytliing Else la your purchase of Printing'j' . . Blank Books, and kindred - supplies, should be considered the question of QUALITY. Quality does not mean ornate decoration or elaborate coloring, iiccdoea..U aecessarily-mplr- a steep" prlee, - " 'Qmafo? means taste, discrimi nation, harmony in type, jape, . and inks. . . . - ' Quality is jurt as important the . lack of it last as evident--ia a note head as in a catalog. - j . " We endeavor to give superior mwmiitj with every Job we send out. It pays I both you and tu. If yon want mvality in Blank Books, Loose-Leaf Devices, En grarinjr, lithographing, or Print ing, send Toar next order to TEE C2SEBYU PRIIT1X3 B3USE (VWafhstJkbSesnsjs) CHARLOTTE, H. C.' Need a Pair of o No article of mans wearing apparel rontrilnitcs : so much to his comfort and good appearance as his trousers. Therefore in buying one should V be very careful to , secure perfect . fitting as weu as gooa looking grousers. , -uur prices range from r .. .. ,.$3.60 to $8.50 No matter what the price may be, every pair em-: ' braces comfort and si vie. v ; Xrf: ; ! ; .,;;4-