CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, AUGUST 3, 1903. 'JK BV COL, FREP" A. OLDS. .7. guest end eeei the "Slums' after mid- Kalelgh; July J. From' what your correspondent Ml seen end gathered It seems very reasonable to say that thl u going to be a "bumper" crop year for North Carolina. Tne corn crop - i alrredypTactli'allttiSUie "In the greater portion of the State and k will most certainly be a record breaker. The year, from the start, has been favorable and crops were -'planted earlier than usual; marked attention was paid to the prepara- tlon of the ground; weeds -have been kpt dowa and there was no dlminu- - tion In the amount of fertilizers used, added to this being the fact that a - great many of the farmers have learned aluable pointers as to tlie best use of fertilizer For much of this Information and for the general Improvement along asrtf ultural lines there are thr-e prime i-ause: First, the admirable b.iilei:ns of the Agri cultural DeDanmen'; ."icond. the farmers' Institutes and third. the Agricultural and Meihiinlral Colleav. time. nev. r knowing or t aring of tho the students of which o Into nil parts world mituMe. The poorest North Of the State. Yh:it I now ilone Is , Carolinian, who has enough frronnd only a beginninK of what will be done I for a uirrU-n p. itch, and any sort of a In a few y;ars, : r there are not a roof oxer his head, and with God's fifth of the agricultural students at own sunshine upon him and real peo thls college there ou rht to be and it , p!e HvIiik around him. has a vast ad is the set purpose of Governor (Jlenn j vantage ov.t those pitiful folk who to bring about an increase in their ( dw.-:i In the congested districts of number. Of course, there are sec- i Hies like New York, and who do not tions In the State, here and there. really live, as we know life, but Where but little progress Ins been 1 merely exist. made, but the leaveninr of the lump 1 was i-urning down the stairs from ir sZJZl I ",, Mate Library one afternoon "tVils - . " j week with our genial friend, f'apt. berw.en the en- .i.e i:einy tnerri:i, and ne canea Mention has been' made of the fact that -tha writer secured a very large a veteran newspaper and attractive Dlcture of the-. North night and witness some of the terrers VI ciijr jue. i nave oeen mrouga ias "Slums" with jnanajida,.iletecUEa--and have area those poor cattle, for they are more like cattle than human beings, herded together and many of them living; about the life of a North Carolina hog; penned up and not having as much freedom as cattle. As I was riding along through some of our wide stretches of unoccupied country. which sermd id "beg people to comp and Ihe In it, till. It and make it fruitful. I thjnght of a half million or more wretched folk In New York who ought to be out here In the open living the 4ife of women, men and children. All this herded popu lation could be put In North Carolina without hardly making a show.; so vast are the areas here open to t'irifty people, and yet these unfortunate will live there and (lie before their even have to be asked to provide a Hall of Records; It ought to be glad of the opportunity to erect such a monu ment -to itself and show its public spirit, but " hecessary a .campaign will be made to "bring about tha construc tion of such a building. - ' ; ;'; ; In this interval herw.en campments of the National Ouanl of the State It may bo vell to mak.- some comment upon that force. Then- ere some delays and drjwhueks at the encampment of the F;rst !( gimen' at Camp Glenn. Mi.r. luuil ity. due to the fact that it .vat so hi!.- in h--season before the War I . j,.-. ri ui :it decided to make the a'.lo-var.ce of funilf for lh .-riili Inunvivpmenl.l but after this there will hardly be another i, tion to the fact that his half !' k was hurting him. The other half he left on one of the Virginia battle tl'Ms, and the wooden limb which takes Its place did not suit exactly lie went on to say that In IMS the State made a gift, through an act of the Legislature, of legs and arms to tin. .to of )ts soldiers who had lost them in battle and that now issue of the kind ought Carolina-built ram "Albemarle" fight ing: half a -dozen vessels of -the Federal fleet in 1884. The picture certainly shows a stirring- scene, and the littl vessel looks like a pigmy among the big ones. This plctuee has been placed near the relics of the ram. Including- funnel, armor, etc., and by the pictures illustrating its construction and its de struction, which are a loan from the Century Publishing Company to the writer. Thus, little by little, material Is being gathered here and put before the public, and this has tended more than anything cue to Illustrate North Carolina. Pictures have been made of the seal of Albemarle which was used by the Province for some time, and a lady, noted as a painter of arms, etc.. Is to make a'very large copy of this In the proper colors. The seal is also being engraved and will be used on the en velopes and paper of the State histori cal commission, and it will aUo be Illustrated in Captain Ashe's -ery thorough new history of North Carolina. any more trouble. The most Impor tant thing about the tropin It not their drill, which It a minor mater, but rifle practice, whr h is a r . 1 1 h It -Vp to this yejr It i.m ir.! he snid that only trifling arte iti..n ha been paid to shootl.ig. !h volunteers be ing In very mirkerl comparison to the regulars in tn:- respect, the T?nlted Ptat.-s reau'ars. UeitiK. as a body, the best shooting troops on earth. While the N irth Carolina ml UBteers hav been to a great degre unacquainted with th" possibilities of the rifles thev carried The I'irit Regiment shot a: eighteen mrpets. and at all the ran from ina ar ls to a thousand, as well as at sKirnnsh targets The best record nude wss by a Palisburv Guardsman - out of a possible I'.'.O for everything The pits at the rill.- runs.- ,u. ,,, be !. ,; !i out of concrete and the rang. i:m ll is . ! t i be made. He went on to vay that he believed there were only about 1 000 in the St-ite who had bought iitulis of this kind. Your corret pun li nt ventured to suggest to him to try a new tack and make appli lation to the Secretary of War lor a ii w ii g He Jumped at the iilei and said lie would do that very thing and that he would write General Wrtght and ask for the proper blank .ii vvhl. Ii to make the application. It will be interesting to know what be . mcr. of this. Our good friend I'ri. le Sam does Ho many tine ihln; that who known whether he will not make' an Issue of this kind, and If be can do so to Captain Sherrlll then th,. various and sundry oth'r gentle man who are minus limbs tan "MIC In. Tin- fact that Gov. rnor Glenn Is lo mak.- a sp--rh at the ovinia up no to be made - irnplfe in even ,a The camp armi id", ate to le en. lo. d 'ha 1. 1 a u'jua at Purrelh !,. ,rjM With Wire fen -e and son n in rass'tbe f . t , -1 that North Cjmlina ha SO SS to give su. h a turf a - Dure is ' i ''in u : a u' un and lo--. i- lias bad one. On the drill field" F.c r thing , I ... . , r i . 1 It i sail I', be the iniii Slate Is Very good ind- eil. a your i-.,rres- . in t bp t'nion li I f i Is without .-i.-i a pondent saw npmi nspeeuon and the I featuie Third Regiment uiil rind 'bints in - better shape than . ver f'-r. . S od I M , ,,n , , ,,,,. f ,,(. urn in mi" -" - , !. ib it o... trior (ii. im it in v.rv ! it r. i'.t un a .'p.'.ik.r. and that tnrre Tyre irrr finrnrir are rrft'-r mm-. ' n r-1 1 1 1- ii:m lojt money to go upon tb" shooiii th ietritlne of iVu men lb if i - I Yfretf cnnittrct rm trnrel and In ntitfi There has been tor a g'eat main years a very wid.- t'nif b i s e m the militia and the rcKijiars. bot ''ils if now being bridged It I e-;i dent that there aie r it en pending chings In th.- miiit.iu tern In this country Tli th'ngt come along almost Insensibly. The failure of iihe old mn m in 1 s : 1 When the S'jr with Spain came and I Ii. I." fit at when modedrn conditions had to ! applied w i lament ible. and it Mas really worthless. It it now very clear that the volunteers must be mixed thoroughly with the regulars and must be under regular lomnmnd as Xn the larger bodies Year bj ear the War Depart no nt mil spend m and more mnev upon the National Guard, and the Kr.glmn or ti rrMorial system Is otilv now ,(t it !,. g.nrting It went Into eff.-et last April in Kng land and it w'l' .efam . nme here In a year or two Not many people leie an t ea .f , the Inside ..rkitiit of tb- l;. p.ihii- can party. Th' r- ore .., .,er five I Republican baler In N'.-'h ir-i:ra' and from (Jr -rit'.oro cue t o domi nant force it ''i i li",. in. i.,.i o:,.. 1'eerr. i n I' i go t- anvi well-Inform. , I. -, : .,. such and si- i. a ! , - . ' t publican ptrt'. , tin- Stat., h Sk oil ib r-. ; 1 v , I . : . about"!! Tom ! I . - t, . succeed er I . . n i . ,. In the no' a e i t ,. , i Prltchard i- .. ' p i t . -hi power in b - ; i ' i , , r. SB Innit a " b. : . , . ; e , , . i t ii t " p I i f o i ;n II ! a i ' i m.iti a lid boin. ... r. a . b t. roa'k'.l t-i no, and rone, doe.; ri.e an- .il I uiiklnir iIkm- long t.iir- an.l l e .,u.i M oil home for . t. n..-. p'-lbal... y, , b, o"S Hi ,nlv to p. ak and Im irrtai-ily one ..r the ,i ,. o'a tor in til' South. He We ,- In all the sr, Hons of the eoimiry bet(, be hit been braid and lilt f natation h it grown Like all ''"OTiims who do Ihiiii; . he has made i riemie. while In otlb e. but Una nuifi Is c that i nmli ;es low ardt Governors are n,,i .,f p,riK rliiiatlori. o-nai). v hile friendships hold on. "'I'll lias been I lo- esnlr of I lie ob . rati.,iiM ,,f vmir eorresnroidenr ill" war afer oMr bat heard main blt'i-r ibirus .tail naainM arion '"o.ernors. t . In r IiiIIIhk i-paee of l"i'e i V wall all' be f..t irott.-n. Til. G. Heritor will Ho mil of offlee ' . 1 1 - i . all-nil ibe Inth of Januarv ;,n'l ''- lat piibli,- runclkin will be the 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1- t i . i r i f m, Kitihln. bit I if rnure. hi a ei h on lo'l Will be brief one u ' "' ,"" will eontaln :, polnl I, ,, h"l air. two ..f in. re (ban pas,ug Inter, st "galnV ar(. .o.r-nor if'-nn i,i h;.,l .m I..i,.;,.iJ lifti j tr.ii:... not unmarked to M n s-i and Ii. i M. rr .,,,,) ,. ,.,, frrlt f,..,,lirr, ,,.,, I It Is a matter of congratulation that business Is picking up In ihe State and that th thrill of this is already being felt from the mountains to the sea. (Jreat crops will be a factor In this quickening. The tobacco crop Is better than that lJt season and will be fully as large. It totaled 110.000,000 pounds, and North Carolina goes to tin- very front as a producer and as a manufacturer of leaf in various forms. The year has been the hardest th otton mills in this State have ever known. This has been a worsa panic by far than that of fifteen years ago. though the latter was world-wide and this one Is confined to the I'nlled States. Kx-Governor Ay ock said to mi very frankly tbat while the panic of ivi:i was world-wide and. therefore, t ot at all due or charg able to either tile Republicans or the Democrats, to; I'r-sldeiii Cleveland or anybody else, j MUlte the contrary Is the case as to the j present panic, which he positively says, it due to Republicans and their man- i agement alone, and h- adds that that , party run I bear the burden of the whole thing. Hut thit apart. The fact remains that the cotton mill men have been hit harder than anybody vise, i worse even than the lumbermen and I they have beer kept on thn ragged dge for several months, nor has the situation lightened mib-h. What they I have gone through with In the way of holding stork; being kept ..ul of their money, making goods from material whiili outs more than the goods made, aid what tiny have dmi. in the way ol keeping on going, po as to In-lp their is unite beyond telling. A Jot of ir was pure heroism and nothing ,1. e Some day th' ir pi ..pic will ap pi i . ih I,, t his. i im rii.,r lib Tin s idea of lining the pub In- h-.'M lugs of pal. boi applications ' is a i ipital one. 1'ii liaps t ivcrnnr has had more su. h appli. atuni than Ii. . as. of , oiire. with th- growth of! pumiidihan i.umjL.4 i tut ,grj.i w Ih of j rjnii:.i and the C-oiii. il of state has sat with I him to beai eases which involved . 1 1 1 . -.1 l . r i o ol high tin poi t a n e. .mors lin.. l,lf. I. m views anniit n. w a-i to pardon--- i in. i ;..veru..r. t . r . a 1 1 1 -1 ' . w 1 1 1 n ' I" s I e out any new , as to lli.'in, but now eer thing H mad'- public, whether th pardon lie lefus.d or granieil. tentlarjr. buildings, .'ibis containing those people who must .nvt mix -with theprld at alL neither- with the world of reason nor with that of n reaton, si"c no man know what they will da nor when they will strike. These people, the criminal Insane, have their own world and . certainly lead a life apart.- It la a small world, too, limited to the" wing referred to and to a little yard in Its rear for purposes of recreation, Thla Is where they may be seen by the. convicts, but never be mingled with. -The whole story of tjje young renow is pitiful in the .extreme and shows, the fate which but too often befalls those wayward youths who think -the world their own. and that they only have to follow their- own impulses, and heed only the advice of those least qualified to give It, never thinking of the broken hearts and saddehed lives mey leava behind them. It Is learned from a member of the State board of public improvements that rather more than a third of all the State revenues go to State-aided Institutions, of which there- are forty-eight. BIWOOMBE'S JAIL COMPLETED. The republicans In this State talk ! Incessantly about the gains they are j n ink I mr. Here at Raleigh they talk Inek Only Window Screens to Make It Ready l-'or Prisoners -Three Murder Cases to It Tried Thla Term of Court Watershed Litigation Is Compromised. Special lo The Observer. Ashevllle, Aug. 2. Buncombe coun ty's new Jail is now practically -com- Diets. It was expected that the prls oners would be removed from the old Jail to the new structure next week. but It .was found that certain nty'e of window screen would have to be ordered and some delay w ill result. With the exception of the screens the lull is complete. With the occupancy of the new Jail the gallows; which Is now stored in the basement of the court house and which since Its construction eight years ago has sent eight men to deat.i. will no longer be needed and In all probability will be sold. The gallows was built to hang the two Emrfja burglars. Johnson and Foster. After wards It wait sent to Salirtury. where three men were executed, and also ti Stateavllle, where a nexro was nanged. Fetor Smith, of Madison, was also hanged on this scaffold. The last deadly work that the gallows per formed was the liangins of a negro here several months ago. In the new Jail a trap has been constructed and in the future If there are any executions this will 'be used. Fuperior Court for the trial of crim inal cases will convene here Monday witii Judge Ward presiding. The terpi will hold for two weeks. There are more than 100 new cases set for trial in addition to a number of hold overs. There are three homicide cases. Including the case of Joe I,ance charged with the death of -i little girl at Kkyland during the last Christmas holidays; Allison charged with th? killing of young Roberts, of Charlotte, several months ngo. and Schoolfleld Mll'er, a negro, charged with the mur der of another neero named Will For ney near Hlltmnre some time ago. There are also 1 :t "retailing" cases and aibmit 50 larceny i a,srs. The board of aldermen Ins formal ly ratifie,) a corn promise effected be tween Frank Weaver and Jinn A. Nfi'-li'i's a nd in rrty f-ht-vttre re-l-tlve to the sale of the Iblllngham watershed boundary f" X.O00. This . 1 boundary of H.Onn acres and compos- log rart of .the tity's macnlftcrnt wa tershed I'O m'l'.s 1 mm I own, has been in the courts since lltOH. when the city . oridemtied th property for Watersncd purposes and placed a otidemna t bin Jury on It. The Jury awarded the owners, Messrs. Weaver and Nichols, SACO AND PETTEE . MACHINE r SHOPS COTTON' MACHINERY Pickers Revolving "Flat Cards1 Railway Heafo and Drawing1 Frames Slabbing' , Intermedials .i' . ': , and Eoving Frames ' Spinning Frames Spoolers and Reels,- A. H. WASHBURN, Southern Aeoni OHASLOTTE, N0ETH CAROLINA v v MAHIOX NEWS MATTERS. $4000. The owners appealed from the award and brought suit In the about their Young Men s Club and Its. courts on demurrer to the regularity su. t h.i in will I I 'i tij'tiks, r n- ' iia ;i' :it ,,a-l .I'ldge eitt . . t II la l ir i ni t r- ' m'li Is ronsulr point. .1 t ii .'i 1 1 t The,,i in- are. Stated .-..'. i n.-. fert-m to r n. n. . .a. this i i mark o p : '' ' ' g white ; p il.; ',- i Of the State . Ui o eager o. e, . , . . . . , . C3 II In I e. a" .' ' ! .. which Is i 'i. ha 1 1 1 . and also .-'ta' : i where the i.ia i. - , i, on tliat sid-. : tlo ' I"k, t h. ij. si.. .i . ., SSV s lo" fa- i ; i, have !. ail on'i ,. the wh 'te : p ) hi '. ., n a Vfttr. W Ml ! leas! I,, , , An lillriois ro gro v e. h said Mated thai won. a race in his sta t w . towards Tafr e. ., t pa rt eif ; ).. pi r' . t h the wh' a '.i.t'o w in il election d..v a-,d ticket a - u - j i i. dlana ;.r:d , .1 I i., tln-n tlotis w .re e - y 1 ift e r -nt the hla- ks w ! -inti Ta t ', by (he fj.i.rrllor h. Is a anti-Tan man t will . I., en n. IM- i ,i - lie I. t le wav matters and llio... I. ni n-ra ri. e. II, .,,,, . ,,. . N"t II IiO'IUS I I,. V -lc ,. ! , rnin from rhe start and Cr.iham represented hi " w x !n Ih il '.r,,r,rh of the l,eKisla ir' so ; he i ;.,v . rn .r can not fa i l put d .wn a. on., of the , trerni-;!s i rale i. dm M,,,, j (,-r, si,,, ( ' ' ''' du le.,, ,i ;li,oMi ii,,. f ' ' I"!'. that bin .,,,...1,..., i.. be adlioiie-ii- i,v , M,, Iriier-Slate ion r. ' i oinml sl,,,, ,n,eH j) i po ' ' ' 1 I'" snoirr ,n, . ( 'our, ,,r c'ar-s. it I, n r i as,, nr this .1 no d". li-l and to lie, 1 '-mr utit.-s than th onimisoon. hi. h Il ''H'oliiia's Inter. "t 1 iwvi rs and Wlll t gnat membership A very prominent lierno. rai remarked a day or so ago that lie was unite willing to bet Its .lull , oiild n,.t pro. Iue. tlftv or even tvnty-tle men who had been nf Mlta ti d with the I ie mocr a t s in t he past. A a matter of fa.-t a lot of the mem Inns -ire not young iin'lj at all. If one goes In a certain '"tinty and ask., (republicans admit tlo- new s tahcre, he wi'l be very sure to talk about k.'iiris soiiirvvhere i-lse. riainltig some loiintv or other, but whin Democrats In the latter are askml about the tutus tlnv will show mat the claims In "Hi' r w m d.s, the 1 1 ways furtlor mi and thl; gofs to show that n I n t.-iit hs of .'the P. publican ilaiuis ah oil North '.i i i i n .i polities are ne re shams, idle I ' d -II; ' P I., i ft. r , nr. Ill rn it. r attrai tn put dt. atns and that sort of thing " i The farmers' institutes now In pr..n.-s ate being bett.r ait.-nded than . ver and the head director. Ir. T ut Duller. Is very nun b pleascl nt th" inter.'.st shown. Two or Ihree )e:ir ago the attend itoe waa light and interest l.inguhl. hut there Is a tutu of the tide. 'I Tie wives of farmers .ir.- b nil! cheered and Improved hv the meetings w hich at" lu l l for tin in. I" a treat many count ly households the in. .king has been riy poor and tither.i hive been many nnsanllarv thMik'". n"t to speak "T Ignorance nt Ml. or saving contrivances, and all .sorts ..r hou-. h-M.I h'-IV. and so life Iris lieiu. In th" main, not unmlx'd with h I hips whicli n-ed never have . T,i. .1. s lb t hi ll '..,..:;. I.. v i v . r in I thai l'i. r - - I I Ii. r. .i ! I', is l"t of his . r mi:n It v . it -. i ia , . . I Mi I -ne I--'. I.uh'l.'iii ah "it l-i i in . ondl and th (' I" In- ! I i rv bill, r rtainlv be , " " ' " k i ne oi ner iia v b. to. r Se, ,,;,,. f War Wright us ;1 ,. ,o, ,. ., I:,.,,,,,,!,, ;)n ' i.m .r. v,.,l( st ilus t1' 'I"'!' an! I,.. th.oiKhl hi r;u this, I i.i.igM ,,. ' """ 'ii "In r that he ' ,,' . , 1 ' " ' b ' ' o.ild i.-t t of th,. ne,,,,,,,,, i)n It's I, nt w If, out b- lnK ,,,, that ..j.!e I Un ten... and thai ni rivls- he o ' u , i ne ok. a llsli out of 'lie gen 1 a Demo the sllt.'- w as nee. - Tin pla. lug ill the irlinlnal Insane lep. i rt mi nt at the . nil. -Hilary h're of a v.. utig man of Kaletgh. barely ':' v ara of age, furnishes material for I st .. with a moral to it 'Ihe boy had lie,,, reared by relatives who were de- i i i hi in. whose father sines liis , i irli. st i hildliood havitiic lived a great j distaii. ,. from here and he b- lug I motherless, but bo was one of the. cu.-iiV personnel! son. listening in i v' is wind whh h blows, and pr. s. nt'y th'te was a marriage with u grl. Ii.lnrly devoid of character, and all f the nanr""' attendant complications - n l-iy ..r so ago. i hatt lug w it h 1,11 lMf killl'" -"t hill! clear or this I: 1 1. W. Connor, of ti. ""d set lit :it on the right path again, "ileal commission, .,, ,,,,r II, h id a dec. tit position; when along ab mt the stati- buildings ' ' "me a trifling hobo who persuaded i' v. ilhin vnw, these n. ' Iniii thai the North was t ha place one ih- Capitol. Agricultural I '"'"ht to be and that life here was and State Library and Su-ld'tll Indeed and pay poor compared art Jt will . dlllliult to to what It Is In tin grins t rlties. So the proceedings. The case was lo ard In the Supreme court recently and the cltv "ji The owners then brought suit In the courts on the mi tits of the ens" pnd this suit was pending when u compromise was ef tecled. the ffy ll.T' . ing to piy J.t.OOO for a fee slmV. title The city now tins und Isputr il poss'-ssfon. The Pity of Ashevllle now owns about 10.000 acris of thlcklv timbered land as a watershed Titf boundary Is all fenced and neither heast nor mnn Is permitted on the lanundary. It Is from Ibis "shed" that the city brings Its water supjiiv by gravity lint a distance of "U tn i !. s M IT AfiVIWr I fTTt MIT.Ii. l'inplo.vr of I lialslli f'lty KoJlory Who Whs Hurt In Mai hliM-ry Wunts SA.00O Dniiiiigcs. Spei lal to The Observer. Hllzahrtb Cily. Aug. 2. A summons lias been served on the officers of the ! Klizihith City Cotton Mills that a Milt ! for damages Is to he brought against j the mill i,y Mac Morrisette for In i juries receive, while an employe of j i be mill In January, 11102. Aydl'ett & l'.hringhaiis are Attorneys for Morrls- I . tie j I'nim Information gslned It seems ; I h it Morrisette, who has Just recently Income of age, while an employe of tiie mill In January. 190 2. hud his I baud caught in the gear of . spinning ; frame, mutilating it fO badly that an j amputation was necessary, resulting In the less of his thiirrub and Index linger ' of the right hatul. It is stated that 1 ibe amount 'if .damages to he claimed i is $ij. HOU. j The KlUabeth City Cotton Mills rar i n-d an employers)' liability pjllcy witn th.. Kldelity and Oasnaiity Company, of New York, who will have to defend tin suit The case will come up for beating at the next term of .court hero In September. j Ed I-iytle on Trll For Killing Pierce liuniett In July usmpaign upena in McDowell by ConfrresMnan Craw ford. Special to The tbarvr. Marlon. Aug. 1. Superior Court hsi been In session all this week snd will colitlnue for another week. The court has been engaged In the trial of criminal cases and its time will be entirely taken up next week in clearing the criminal docket. The only case of much Import ance taken up thus (ar Is the trial of E?d I.ytle for the murder of Pierce Burnett, the trial of which case Is now In pro gress and will probably be concluded Monday. 'The defendant is being tried for murder In the second decree. The killing took place near Old Port on the 3d of July. There were no eye-witnesses. The State, represented by Solicitor Bpalnho'i is assisted by Messrs. Morgan and Mor phew. The defendant is represented by Mr. Loche Craig and Pless ft Wlnborne. Congressman Crawford opened the cam paign here Tuesday. He made a strong speech tn a large audience during the noon recess of the court. Mr. Crawford was on his way home from Washington, where ne had been on business. The county executive committee was In session M" iday and Issued a call for a Democratic county convention to nomi nate county officers and to elect delegates to the senatorial convention. Ho far thera has been a dearth of candidates. There has been only one announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Ixicke Craig, of Ashevllle. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q Ollkey this week Miss Pearl Oardner. of Shel by, is the guest of Miss Marguerite (Irant. The foundations of the new Methodist church are being laid and work-lias been actively begun. A handsome church will soon be one of the attractions of thla growing town. ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARLOTTE, N. O. A fflch Grade Colics; (or s Vornes, Beautiful suburban loca tion, 10 acres campus, vsrlooklng the city; fin buildings; university edu cated, experienced teach ra. A. B. Datrraa Court oa level with th bast col legos Tar man;' alectlva legrea courses. Specialties! Mosie, Art and Expression Schools, Aim: To prarlda a bread and liberal culture for jroung woman. Illustrated eatalegiia seat free an application. CHAs. B. KINO, Prestd THK K.UXKX GODS. Mke a dead leaf that rol's along the ground. Driven by a wind that wanders round and round, I upc im heart, with edges cut and curbd. I.Ike ;l dead leaf that's driven without a .ound. Green faded Into red, and red to brown: Life lo decay, and death the latest crown! fo is my life, and lacks the heart of pn rr Here to lift up the god that's fallen down. isaosseasTta. Capital Stork $30,000.00. EDUCATE yourself. Why? Because KNOWLEDGE Is POWER. Where? At King's Business College because our couraea are MODERN and PRACTICAL, and our record for placing graduates li UNSUR PASSED. When? This fall. Avoid the RUSH and get a BIG DIS COUNT by matriculating befora August 15th. Write for catalogue and special rates. ' Address KING'S BTJSINpSS COLLEGE. Ralflgh, N. C. Charlotte, V. C. Alas' whv. In the days of mighty Jah Did I pull down thy pillars, Asherah? Una I. where art thou? Egypt, even thou Hndnt faith for me beneath the wings of ft ah' PHILLIP SAVAOK. PI Bui MmMclnm, Dintirtry, Pharmacy ftvntT-flrt 8Mtfls. WflitMaWpt Ifc, 190 Qr4 fjrvt-clMI Vf Am-rita M4 ml Aaavwrfa tints thracord of ltfrv!t ta. (HMMlubHaM. LiviMt sptmmm lw. Wn frf torni ftti4 eaUKifM J atW8BsvIissklailUJm,llcstslTi. 1S37 190S. Ciuilford College For Both Men nnit Women. Courses In the Classics and In the Natural Sciences. Departments In Bible Study and In Music. Labora tories for Chemistry, Biology and Physics. All buildings supplied with pure water and lighted by electricity. Noted for thorough Instruction and high mfiral tone. Located In the healthful Piedmont Section of North Carolina. For cntalouge address Ti. I. IlOBBS, rretMdnt, Guilford College. North Carolina. Presbyterian College for Women CHARLOTTE, N. C. The 51st session of this old and well established school will begin September 3d, 1908. Without making loud claims we point tn th work of one-half century. For catalogue address REV. J. R. BRIDGES, President. MCE INgrflTOTlS RALLICH.NC Tie Ul Hm Scftoal hs CifM4YwM Wormh. AJwcJ olmit .Hi CanamMr ti Mmk. iimi Schonfc f An. t'pnmnm. fkrr Biinsm PHywl Cuirara, tc A Im Pmnn Dnia r n U pw-Ut Man alacKi wliiii w nua yma u(lMt Caiiloa isahni m t VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoks, Va. OnertuMrpt. W.lwe. Oneol the laMtlng Hcboola tot Young Lwllea-to-tlie Mouth. Modern building, (.tarapua of ten acres. Gmnit mountain acenerr In VJli.jr of VlrgtDla. famed tor health. Koropeaa and Ameatcan leachera, Ooniervatory advantagea In Art, Mualcand Riocatton. Oertlncatw recalTed at WtUeatey. Mudeou from N Biatea. Moderate ratna. for catalogue addrtaa MATTIE T. HA KRIS, Pneldent. Roannke, Ta. Maa. usBTBODa Uaaait BoarwaiOBT, Vica-Frea, wat. i. I w ii .-I in. 11, nt in fr.,n( l.i'T.'iri ii re' .i r M.ii- h:.- tulk K.I- 1 111' Il I 1 ll'l I l:g Htn! -ling a new tiling In Am ri-jin i...iil.-s If! the nr-irro. In ttie W.-t iui l N..r'h ' In srtv lart'e nuin!'rr v.i'e f ir I'rvan. i Or feir 'invl' Haw :m uilr 1 eni.V.. i Uean. but strange thincs irnc t'nic ,,r' "'' fuppn. It la very certain thnt tirltlu r j " KhM,r'i'r ur ugllrr iiitni.t Initli'' fcung fellow drew out his money of the tiollticiil i),rt!. In ih', S'iqv ! :,r' h"'" l,r" "'''I I'ctvveeu 1 1. i f r.un the hank find the holin persuaded Hi.q!f Js seeking n- gr s,t, The lcm-! "orat are verv ennrt. m m.1 " hand about th!. hut the Ueri,cn'n lt --iKit years ago. y, t standu .TBtner hoast that Hk-v d. tut cr-1 """" ' ' "" """! gmec. -i t,,, fig fur the n.-gr..e any lunger I ii";'r-" p '"''! I"iil llng and the ,grl- aturally. the negroes hear of thi l Irrir ly buildings: l""' -I'lti'i'-.l hiilliilntr ' him tn ,eat his wav on a train. They y '.i it..', winch.'. ,i I w. re "riding the rods' on th Pmi- 7t If t 1 remarked ihnt th- negroes i ' h: ' U rill hn.-ird Air Line near Woldon, when midilmly there was a bump and the t.i.iir wretch, no eaallv led. was thrown ts!V mighty little tiollUcs where anv ; l,1"rtar' ',!'h'"" any nttemi.te,! dealgn. White people can hear them. Tim-1"'1'1 ,h,y i,r" ertalnly unworthy of Th. y ore rough brick nn-i the gloom of the night he wslk.-d Into may have views, hut If so they only expresa each other. The letter vour corresnondent wrntn The Observer about a trip to New Inrk CHy a4 Somo oC. . th orlrl things een thur has brought about no Uttla comment, not only hv The 5ffw York Sun. dltorlally, but In the rre generally, and a letter bas come from ne New Yorker, saying that he a lshes me eome there ss bis Tn Indigestion, the vital thing la to digest the fool. : Th pain then ends an. Irritation ceases. ' Tha ctomarh immediately begins to recover. . Ths nly perfect dleat la Ko4oi.-- tlie Mat.- Mr. -r'onnor anl.1 thni ih.,.. ought to 1 i-orne '.rt of n commljwlon in iook mu-r tiuiKjings and see that th. re whs some unity of design and Rurpoac an t. them. Bonn, food arrbitett ought to" iorne here? study the Capitol ami the other buildings and arrange a scheme uf design, this to Include another building which is very much needed a hall of records, where the priceless things the Btata baa In Its custody can be stored with out danger from fir r other loss. Convku built the Supreme Court Building and the Agricultural Building waa simply a. hotel parUy dona over. NVItber building has any merits what evr, excapt as to contents. , Tha nxt Leglalatur ought not to Welil'in. a mile away, and entered a hotel door, holding up hla bloody arm nnd crying out to the roomful of peo ple what he had done and how he was rult.-d. Thanks to ths kindness of officials of another road ho waa taken to n hospital, and blood pniaonlng having set In, his arm had to be am putated high up. His mind gave .", und nn aoon as be waa able to be moved he was' brought to the hospital for the lnne hre, from which he escaped. Then be wandered near and far. finally drifting here again and being aent to the county home, where ha attacked and almost killed the su perintendent. The Jail waa hla next place and from there, as dangerous rflmlnal.iunatla, ha waa pae4 on. perhsps forevwr, ta th-anne at the i Kest end of tba vast plla t tna ps- OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE A High-grade Fitting School, with Business College and formal Departments. Prc pMKf for the Professions, for Business, for Life. Diplomas honored bv Leadin? ColWe jfc. and Universities, North and iS South. Fifty-seventh year begins Sept. I. . For beautiful Catalogue, Address, J. A. & M. H. HOLT, OAK RIDGE, N. C, Trinity Park School A Flrat-Ciaaa "Preparatory School. Certiflcatea of Craduklion accepted for entrance to leading South ern Colleges. , . - - .- e,'' Heat equipped Preparatory School In tha fiouth. ' Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy-flva acres. . Library - containing forty thousand volumes. WeU-qu!ppd gym- nasium. High stsndards and modern methods of instruction. Fre quent lectures by prominent lecturers, Expanaya exceedingly pnoder-: ate. Ten years of phenomjial suecasa. - , - For catAlogus and other Information, addresa . .' . . VL M. NORTH, llradmaater, - . . 'if " . Durham. N. C. i 3 1 ?TI j I TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories In all depart-: ments of Science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Ex penses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Toung men wishing to study Law should Investigate tha superior advantages offered by tha Department of law at Trinity College. For catalogue and further Information, address D. W. XEWSOM, Bclstrar, Durham, If. C. UNDER XKW MAlfAGEMSKT THE SBLWYM EtmOPBAW AKD AMETUCAIf. European, tl.19 par day and up. American, fl.ta per day and ar Cafe open day and Bight Prices reasonable. The Most Modern and Laxurlaal Hotel In the Carolina. 1CU KLKOAJfT ROOkia TI PRIVATE BATHS. Located In tha heart of Charlotte, convenient to Vellroed station, atreat cars and the business aad shopping centre. Cetera to high class eommerclai and tourist trade. Trble do bote, dlnaera to 1:10. Hualo ovary ovanlna; fl:SS ta I:J0. EDOAR B. MOORE . . . V Proprietor. WARM DAYS AND TIRESOME NIGHTS mjtke the traveling man glad to get where good things to cat, comfortable beds and genial hospitality are to be found- all this is awaiting you at " HOTEL GLG.G Amertcaai and Europeaa. . - , fast Step Beyond th SUtloo, Greenaooro, X, C

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