CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, AUGUST 4,1903. 10 Ths State NsWs Happening f yesterday Told ta ; .;; Paragraphs, i ,;.. TRINITY COLLEGE, WEWS. of There was' a noticeable decrease In the prescription sale' of "whlsKey ami beer In Greensboro in July. Theesuo of intoxicant here is now limited to one drug store riMrr " H.; McFadden & BrdT. cot . ton merchant, bare opened an office 1b the Henbow Arcade, at ureensuoru, in charge of Jennings St Bryant, as 1 local representative. 'A teacher "intltute for Caldwell oouAtv was held In Lenoir the past weeg. closing Saturday. Prof. T. D. Moore waa assisted by Prof. A. E. tv'olix. And those attending report a pleasant and profitable session. . Recently Mr. J. L. Sams, a clerk la a Greensboro book etore, has won - two prises offered by the (Jurtis Pub llahlng Company for window deco rajkina. The urises were won over competitors in all parts of the United State. " Rain Is being badly needed in David son county and If it does not come within the next few days the corn crop will be cut considerably; if rain would come this would be one of the best years for corn that the county has toad in quite a while. The first volume of "Literary Ac tivltles," Issued by the State histori cal commission, is sure to make a hit- It is the purpose of the com' ;Jnislon to publish one 8U volume each five yfaTS and thn-it gut out - one annually. Messrs. J. M. Morris & Son, of Thoniasvllle. have recently had the brick fronts torn out of their block and have hai nlaced in their stead a beautiful modern glass front in each bulldlnc. which beautilies the block -Very much and adds greatly to the appearance of the street. --- The company that is playing the season at Lakewood Park, nt-ar Dur ham, ha been greatly strengthened by the arrival of several new show peo ple from few York: The new arrival are Mr. and Mrs. Bert O'ltourke, James Rowe, MIhs Alice Montague and Miss Clair Atkinson. A well-known tobacco buyer from the Greenville market says he has been in the tobacco section and finds the crop very good. In fact the best In the tftate, as It has not had too much rain. He says the heavy rains la the cast are bound co make the tobacco thin or papery as to leaf. News has been received of the death In Atlanta, Ga., Saturday of Mrs. R. S. Stewart, wife of Mr. R. S. Stewart, who, during the Spanjsh- Amerlcan war, served as first lieuten ant of an Asheville company In the nrst Regiment. -Mrs. Htewart was formerly Miss Myra Cunningham, of Asheville. The "tide of immigration" to Blow ing Rock Is Increasing at a rapid rate. Last Thursday forty people came In on the train for this popular resort. Miss Eva Goforth gave an enjoyable party to a number of friends Friday night. Miss Gertrude Noland. who has been visiting Miss Henrietta Montgomery, has returned to her home in Washington. Prof. Charles H. Moore, one of the leading colored citizens of Greens boro, who is traveling in tne Interest or the National Buslnes Men's League, has Just organized a local branch In Winston-ftalem. Booker T. Washington is at the head of the national organization and there Is an xtlve local league In Greensboro, the membership representing the leading negroes or the city. The board of county commission ers or Buncombe has approved the Issuance of road bonds by Black Mountain township and appointed a highway commission, consisting of three citizens of the township, to take supervision of the road build ing. It Is purposed macadamizing the roads In that section of the county and the work will begin shortly. The county will lend Its aid. DrKK TO KRFXT M.IXMOX. Tobacco Magnate Preparing to Build II 00.000 Home at Diirrmiii An-iil-tett C. Hook, of Charlotte, to Draw Plans. Special to Tli Obnerver. Durham. Aug. 3 Mr. H. N'. Duke, of Durham and New York, 's pre paring to have a mansion built here, this to take the place of his Durham home. It Is expected that i. n Ws than $100,000 wi:l be .pnt i.i Lull ing the home and the matter rf drawing the ;ina nai been 1 .-ft to Architect C. ". jlook. of Char'.nM- . The site for th home nii beeii mk. 1 off on the l it h.? .i iw unr.K Mr Duke's home, this loi rowrl.T? n in tire block, bou-ilod by West npe Hill. Duke. Jrkim and streets. While ihe new horn-; n be ing built the ld h'wii- vl l. flipped to the rear of th bi'c!t anl aiwr the new one is cmnn M !d the ell cne Hill be movej aT the s to notner mock. it i. ( tie cte ;.ai the work" on the new man-ilm will begin at an car'y date. Caunnna iln Fin Shape ' and' tb1 Sleet of 3Iany Visitor Report f V Vuvrtlln of Dnke Statue PnMitilHVi i In Pamoblet Many store Aaai Uods taXlbrary WhtTCa bouts faculty and St uilertta. Special to The Observer. Trinity College. Durham, Aug. J. The campus was never more beautiful than it is now and tne snruDoery, flowers and trees present a very, at tractive and Inviting appearance. It is retting to be a very, popular re sort for visitors to the city, and al most every day some visitor Js shown over the camous. D una intra, eit. a corns of workinjrmen la kept employ ed on the grounas au ine ume, nu they" have it in a very presentaoie condition. A report of the unvolllag extrcises of the Washington Duke ptutue at the recent commei;em ;ut has ltu issued In pamphlet form, 'ine work has been artistically, dom and the pamphlet is a very attractive one. It contains a cut ana in scription of the statue, the speech of presentation on behalf of the donors by Mr. Ja.nes H. Snath- gate, of Durham, and tne speecn or acceptance on behalf of Trinity Col lege by President John C. KllrfO. It also contains a poem by Mr. II E. Speflce. which was read at the un veiling exercises, and a biographical sketch of Mr. Washington Duke. Librarian Breedlove has been kept very busy during the summer engag ed in cataloguing and indexing a large number of additions to the li brary. A good deal of work has been done and the efficiency of the library has been greatly increased. The growth of the library has bc-.i n very marked, and Its equipment is continually being addad to. It has been "remarkably rll - managed --and the collection of books and pam phlets is now a very notable one. President KJIgo la In New York, where he went the last of last we:k. He will be absent from the college a week or more, attending to some business relative to the college. Prof, and Mrs. John C. Wooten have returned from the eastern part of the State, where they went some weeks ago to visit friends and relatives. Mr. Ned Mcintosh left Saturday for Taylersvilie, where he will spend some weeks visiting at his old home. Prof. W. H. wannamaker, of the department of German, will occupy the house on Faculty avenue In which Dr. W. I. Cranford has lived for a number of years. He will move Into this house this week. A number of Trinity's professors Is spending the summer In ICngland and other parts of Europe. Dr. W. II. Glasson, of the department of eco nomics. waY. in Cornwall, England, when last heVrd from. He expected to leave In afew days for Parte to Join Prof. AM. Webb, of the depart ment ttt romance laniruages, who hns been spending the past year In France and Spain. Prbfessor Webb will re turn In September to take up his work again. Prof. C. W. Edwards, or the department of physics, Is In Lon don, but will sail In a few davs for New York. Dean W. F. Few is also spending the summer In England and Scotland. Dr. George B. Pegram, of the class of 1835, and now a member of the faculty of Columbia University. New York City, who has been in Europe for a year, reached New York yester day. Ho will soon come to Durham to visit his father, prof. W. H. pe gram. of the department of chemis try here. Dr. Pegram was awarder) the Tyndall traveling: scholarshln bv Columbia University. He has spent the greater part of his time In Berlin and Cambridge Universities. Dr. W. K. Boyd, of the department of history, is in Washington City, where he has been spending some weeks doing work In the Library of Congress. Registrar D. W. Newsom left Friday far a two weeks' vaca tion. He wlH spend the larger part of his time at his old home in Little ton and with relatives and friends In Whltakers, returning to the college nliout the middle of the month. Prof. A. C. Mcintosh, of the law de partment, leaves to-morrow- for Tav lorsville, where he will visit friends and relatives for some weeks. Mrs. Mcintosh and Miss Christine have been In Taylorsvllle for Some weeks Frerl Flowers returned to the city yesterday after a visit to the western part of the State. Dr Edwin Minis, of the department of Knellsh, returned to the city Fri day nfter an absence of several weeks In New- York. New Haven and Char I'dtesviMe, Va. At the latter place he whs engiiad In the summer school, delivering a series of lectures In the English department. HhhitunT . Constipation t m be pmw&gFMtyjK&H I lfflirl& vol hi he a&fjsTanr remedy, Srup of tigs n4 spew, wKicK ertablefr ontoorin regular katits daily $ that assistance to no ture may he graduaty dispensed with wKcn ttaiower ncec)e)asjjietstf remectic$,Hrieit featured. Are to assist patare and not to upf)ait the hitur. a) unctions, which rnustfleDnd ulti- naatcv upon propev tioufiaKmeht, proper e1)orm,art ngnt nvms generaiy. Toet tfs kehetetai eJeclS, always buy the Genuine Isn Aa laf sU-taa sta W tK California Fio Syrup Co. only SOLD BY ALL LEADINC JDRUOCISTS one sue my, rsgaiar price av fr ootiit 71 The i Merchants f&V Farmers f National " Bank v . OP CHAELOTTE, N, C.S Capital, ; ... .v. . . 7;;rnT:$2()ofooo.oo. Politic Tame in Anson. .Correspondence of The Observer, Wadesboro, Aug. 3. The political campaign in this county showed tha effects of some very cooling element latft Saturday when tile candidates cpoke at White &tore. mlany of those who attended expected to And It lively again but came away greatly disappiHntea, -Beeianng that it was getting "too tame to be patronl2ed.' THE WEATHER. Washington, Aug. 3. Forecast Virginia Fair Tuesday, warmer In extreme west portion; Wednesday fair; light southeast to south winds. North Carolina Partly cloudy Tuesdays and Wednesday with local showers In western portion: lijrht southeast to south winds. bouth Carolina Local snowfrs Tuesday and Wednesday, light south east to south -winds; - Georgia, East Florida, West Flor ida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louis iana Local showers Tuesday . and Wednesday; light south winds. East Texas Generally fair day and Wednesday: light to south winds. West Texas Generally fair Tues day and Wednesday. Arkansas Local showers warmer Tuesday; Wednesday ally fair. Kentucky and West Virginia Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. Tues-fresh and gener- WEATHER LOCAL OFFICE V. S BOREAL'. Charlotte, Aug. 3. Sunrise 5:34 a. m. Sunset 7:24 p. m. TEMPERATURE (in degrees). Highest temperature Ixwest temperature Mean temperature , Kxcess for the day Accumulated excess for month Accumulated excess for year PRECIPITATION (in Inches), Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. m Total for the month Accumulated deficiency for month.. Total for the year 25. 96 Accumulated deficiency for year 6.43 Prevailing wind direction 9. E. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. Note The maximum temperature 95 de grees was the highest recorded here so far ttiiss summer. Surplus and Profits;. v. ". ...... . 130,000.00. ; 'Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals , Invited. "We Issue Certificates of i Deposit Payable on De mand Bearing Interest at 4 Per Cent. Per ' Annum if Left Three Months or Longer- "We Also Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings Deposits and Compourid the Interest Quarterly. We Want Your Business. . Tr GEO. E. WILSON, President. 'TTa , JNO, B. BOSS, Vice President " W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. F. D. A. U-ATTO-LEMMtf bear your r ental IfduBTe; if "Wean collect your rents. IF U DID you could soar on the wings q the morning, free as a bird to the uttermost ends of the earth, and lo! there would my monthly state ment with check follow and find you. U-GO-WAT-OFF and test It. (All white; HO). nothing rented under F. D. ALEXANDER Fiedmont Bldg. 'Phones 617-145. GILBERT C Wlimi, C. B. Consul tine CIVIL ENGINEER Durham. W. C Waterworks, Sewerage), Streets; Wa ter ITltra ti on, Sow age Disposal; Plans, Reports, Estimates, Super, vlsiea af CaMMraetlaa. - BANDY A MTERS, Consul tins; Engineers. Water Supply and Purification, Sewerage. Sewerage Disposal, Roads, Streets, Pavements. Watet Power. Hydro-Eloctrlo Plants, Irritation, Drainage, Reinforced Concrete. Bur veys. Estimates, Plana and Specifica tions. Construction Superintended. Complete Plants designed and con structed. ' Main Office, ITS-T7 Arcade Building, Greetisboto, North Carolina, Branch Office, Lanrlnborg, North Carolina. Commercial National Band CHARLOTTE, N. C. ORGANIZED 1874. WOI LD T.V ItOMYAR'S HIDE. Moose Party at It Wy Mount. Fpeclsl to The fihsrrvpr. Rocky Mount. Aug 3. F!n" Thursday the home of Mr. ii"orc J. Halet. on Marigold strepf. h been one of gayity. tne ortanlon lclng a house party glvn hy his daughter, Mia Fannl Hales, to a few young friends. The hospitable home has been thrown open o the young people nd K has been thHr Individual ex jrsslon that each day has been fill ed with its pleasures. Many of the amusements on tuch an occasion have been rnnt through vith and mih. bve been rpared to make the affair a grand success In every detail. Anions; those in attendance are: Ml Ceorgle Hales, rf WilMn: MIm Dixie Howell, of Tarboro; Mies Uoma Hales. f Wilson, snd Miss Besrle Stevens, of Dunn. Jfcw Manacrr For Mlnston Tlieatre. fipeeial ta The Oveenrer. Winston-Salem, Aug. a. Mr. J. E. Kavanaugh, manager of the fclnren dorf Hotel, has been selected by Mr. Schloam. leasee of the Elks Audito rium, as the manager of the local theatre for the coming season. Mr. Kavanaugh waa notified to-dsy of his appointment. Ha is horoughly at) a lifted for Tils new duty. He sue eaeds Cspt. 3. D. Terrr. who was manager last season. Granulated Sore Eyes Cored. "Tor twenty years I suffered from a yi ease of granulated sore area. says XsrOa Boyd, ot Heartetta, Kf. "In February. WO. gentleman askee me te try Chamberlains I bought one box and (it about two-tnlrds of H anl fnr eyes have not gtvoa m any trouble idc." This aaH-e is lor sale r K. It Jordsa Co.. . - . Anlicllle iutrn Aniloua to RfH-ure' It ami Thii It as a Curiosity A (irrat Tank, Hut Not Too Dlfll. ult I'or tlio Tr Hoel CVmifru. Kpeclnl to The Observer. AshevlllB, Aug. 3. Relative to the e fforts of the Hans Hees Sons tan nery, of Achevllle, to purchase the hide of Bolivar, the great elephant, that died In the Zoological Gardens at Philadelphia Friday, a member of the firm said this afternoon, that his concern wished to secure the hide to tan It. He siild that to tan a hide of urh weight and thickness would tak rr.irn five to six ypars, but that the tan nery liorp was fully able to handle It. Several years ago the Hans Itees Sons tannery tanned the hide of I.iftln Jumbo, an elephant of tremendous proportions, which was killed in a wre:k on a Canadian Railroad. The hide was put on xalbItlon at several large leather exhibits and was on exhi bition at San FranclM-0 at the time of the great earthquake and fire and destroyed. It was stated that the He concern desired to tan the hide of Bolivar as a curiosity, and that the tannery still has hopes of securing it. Bad Negro Captured. Special to The Observer. Fayettevllle. Aug. I. Joe Carrol, the negro who escaped from the city chain-gang last week after being twice shot by the guard, was yester day afternoon captured at the home of his father-in-law by Deputy Sher iff Culbreth. Carroll's father-in-law, Shep itrKey, Uvea on Mr. Culbreths place, and suspecting the fugitive might be found there the deputy sheriff made a raid and routed the bad negro from Georgia out by the back door, covered him with hla re volver and brought him to town. Carroll was given SI daya extra by the mayor. "Jordan's on the Square." E. P. Purcell, President. D. A. McLaughlin. V. Pres. Tooth Brushes We carry an extra select line of Tooth Brushes, ranging in price from 10 cents to f0 cents. They are ' all good ones, with good bristles and are guaranteed. Other brushes at other prices. R. II. JORDAN & CO. Thone 7. KURSES' REGISTER Capital $500,000.00 s Surplus and Profits $308,300.00 We solicit your business. New accounts welcomed. R. A. Dunn, President, A. G. Brenizer, Cashier. Real Estate For Sale $4,700 For 7-room, modern, slate roof house, South Boulevard. Dllworth, beautifully located with barn and servant house on place, nice lawn and shade treess. $3,700 For 7-room residence, Elizabeth avenue, shady side ojt street, large lot, size 60x200, house has all modern convenience. $700 For vacant lot, Ijoulse avenue. Piedmont Park, water and sewerage on street, one block from car line, alze 66x150, If Interested in real estate, see us, we devote our entire time to this line. J. E. Murphy & Comp'ny 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone MS. Rheumatism Thlsls often a disease of the blood, though not always. It attacks usual ly the Joints and tissue and causes a deposit of uric acid. In Its acute stage It Is one of much pain and suffering, sometimes affecting a large part or even all the body. When near the heart it la dangerous to life. We are thankful to say there Is a proper treatment Dr. King Bama parllla internally, . to eradicate the poison from the blood. Dr. King's ! iRTi-iit isone untmtnt external ly. to aTvs-hr to the stiffened, pain ful, Joints and tlsuer Bold by Cur well-Dunn lie tall fetore. 4 THE UNION' NAT! QfJAL BANK ' or : CHARLOTTiN.CL 6 PER .CENT. THE 8AFE8T INTE8TMENT OBTAINABLE IS A FIRST MORTGAGE ON CITT RE AX. ESTATE. . --:.V"V ' Write for booklet describing ur First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds. t 7 JVORTII CAROLINA- TRC5T , , COMPAJjy, : Greensboro' X. C ' Cash Capital, 912S.OOO. ; A. W. McAUster. President R. J. Mebane, See. and Treaa, A Growing Patronage Is the Test of Good Service Our Business is Increasing Every Day . On the basis of guaranteeing good service your account is solicited. American Trust Company Assets $1,400,600. Wood fibre Wall Plaster, "Hard Clinch." THE BUILDERS FRIEND Freezing doe slot hnrt natural shrinkage win water does not make It fall off bard as stoae. Writ Msaafaotared by lor booklet. QHRRLOTTB PLASTER GO. Write for Booklet, . Char lota, If. a Will Be Opened Saturday Aug. 1, 1908: B. & L.' stock, has proven a blessing to thousands of men and women during the panic time we have gone through. Better than savings banks because you will save systematically.. Do - not delay. Be wise. Start now. - v . ; CHARLOTTE B.1 J. H. Van Ness, Pres..r J Office 203 N. Tryon St assocki Willis Brown, Sec. Buy the beautiful Jtorae "we are offering In . the pines on East fieventsratreet. ' Car linVlsnowbelng extended la . front xof the "premises and will "be completed tatmxtteB days to two weeka,. Dwelling: has eight5 rooms and bath, large IfronXtaaBdT0 : porches, every modern convenience, two-room servant house,' stable v and carriage house, all lighted" by electricity. ; Location, highest and '' healthiest in the city,' Let us show you the, property. Price ; and . ' . . " " c -r-i- ' i ' . i-... , . V terms at offlce. r.--, . . , : .',;'vv:-. . - : SOUTHERN REAl STATE LOAN 8' TRUST COMPANY - Capital.' $TS,0OO. -.' ' U " ; - Bnrplos. f lOO.eOO, ' W. 8. ALEXANDKTU " ; II. A. DtWX. "A. M. hfcDONALD. Prealdeni - Vice) Ff esldeat. Sea and Treaa. First National Bank charlotte; n. a Oldest National Bank in North Carolina. Government Depository. Capital and Profits $550,000. 4 per cent, 'interest on time de posits. Accounts solicited. HESOIY M. McADEN. i... President... JOHX F. ORB, Caahler. . FOR YOUR SAVINGS Thrift is a simple thing, but It means a great deal. It is the foundation of financial success and contentment. Save money and put It -away safely. It Is easy to save; tl.00 will start an account We pay 4 per cent, and compound It four times a year. SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANK JOHN II. SCOTT. President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. W. L. JEXaQNS. Cashier. 4 I IIHHIIfl 144 tiH-1 I HOWIES FOR BALEl 5- roont cottage. North McDowell St, lot 11x198 $1,700 6- room cottage, North McDowell 8t.f lot 49x150 8,100 . 5- roo mcottage. Piedmont, city water, 64x160 :.. 1,600 4-room coflage, near So. passenger station, good location .... 1,100 ' FOR RENT I! (-room 2-story residence, modern, close In $20.00 mo. 6- room cottage, modern 12.00 mo. " The Charlotte Trust & Realty Co. i: Phone 377 & ; S&SftS 18 E. Trade :j. 4 1 1 4 1 I Id) 1 1 8 t 4 I 1 4) t QUICK SALE E 9th COTTAGE Q23O0.OO CAN ARRANGE TpnVS Five Room, Modern Cor. S BroWn & Com y- 'Phone 535. 203 H. .yon St. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Resources $J,500,( Our method of doing business holds old friends and gains new ones. v B. J)i BEAm, President. mo. M. SCOTT, Vice President. t.XL LITTLE, Vice President. , " W. If, TWrrXT, Cashier. - v . Fourth Ward BuHding Lot 'We offer for sale on easy terms one of the most desirable' building lots la Fourth Ward. Situated at HI N. .Poplar street;-. 4T 1-1x11 and 14-foot alley on fJ4e and a 4-foot alley In rear. The lot is nicely elevated and pert eotlr level. - and one of the best ' neighborhoods in the city. Our gpeekai price, I1.T10. Terms $500 cash and balance - to suit the purchaser. CAROLINA'REALTY CO., ..... - - r - O. 3. TKIES, Pres. ,'' ;. W. J. WILJUNSON,. Treas and Mangr. Nor I, W. Fifth street B. RUSH LEE, See. P. LONO. Salesman. .'Phone 401. - to . We Offer S abject to Sale: 4s due 111. i.oo to root N. c. 1,444 to 10,800 Ti. C 4S cue ISIS. 1,404 te 14.404 CHy of Concord Is due 1417. v 1.004 to 44,004 City of Charlotte '4 1-Za due Ulf. 1.000 to 4,004 A- T. 4k O. due 1113. 1.004 ta 14.404 Georgia Ti. de Banking Co. 44 years 4a, - 1.404 to $0,004 1st Mortgage Real Estate 14 years ts. . 7 - And many other hlh-(Tade secvrttles. v j0J2.ilZlBBOTT & QOMP2LNY .

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