CHARLOTTE DAILY OB3EKOTR, 'ATTGUST 7, '1903. Social and Personal 4 Mrs.; JL aV Chalmers' and children - leave te-day ton Hlddenite to spend . 'eeveral weekt - , ,' Mm V K Tuvlor. Mrs. S. W. Bar- ron and child, of ROC It Hill. S.' C. '' were regUtered yesterday t th BU- -: lord. r y ; ., , - ... ; , Mr. William McDonnell, of Fee Dee, was at the. Central yesterday. naisoxAt V Mr. and aire. : P."Hauher .Watklna returned yesterday from a sojurn at . ' j i : ' - - f. . Prof. I and Mrs. . Edward . Kidder Graham went to Rock Hill, 8. C, yes terday to vWt friends. i Mrs. W. R Hollowell. of Goldsboro, and Mrs. Hutt, of Raleigh, who are enraged in the work of arousing In terest In the beantiflcatton of school bouses and grounds, were In the city . yesterday. Miss Mary Graham has returned from Sampson county, where- she visited awhile. Miss Hattle Graham is expected, to return to-morrow. Miss Nell Horton, ths young daughter of Dr. H. V. Horton, of Winston-Salem, returned - yesterday to. her home after spending; two weeks with her: cousins. Misses Mil dred and Margaret Cowles, Mrs. M. A. Jackson has returned from Llncolnton, where she spent a few days. '. The Charlotte Day Nursery Asso- eistlon will meet this morning at 10 o'clock at the Carnegie Library. Mrs. R. I Vernon and Miss Estelle Vernon, who are Bow in Atlantic City, will leave Monday for Philadelphia. After spending a few days there they expected to Tfturn. next week. Miss Olive Capps, of Toccoa, Ga Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Mason. The Movements of X amber of Peo- pic. Visitor aiul . Otbrs 1 Mr: A. T. Lindsay. 6f Castonla,- vis ited in thcJty yesterday, stopping at tne went raj. , .4 -. , ' Arodng those who sojourned In the city at the Central yesterday was ir. J, Jc unes, or Wilmington. Mr. C. R. Hud-ott, of Statesvllle, was In the city yesterday in the Inter est-oftfie gorernment aemonstrauoa .worn. . .. r. , ,. v v Mr. David Ray, of Wilmington, reg; istered yesterday at the Central Hotel. Mr. H. E.Reid ' of Llncolnton, wtt among those yesterday at the Buford, Mr. C. N.' KlmbaiL of Enfleld. wu a guest of the Buford yesterday. i '. Mr.. M.' li. Smith, of Clover, & C spent yesterday in the city, a Buford guest. :N ;'i -x : --y...-..v-::-Mr. HL. Wright, of Clover. 8. C. spent yesterday in Charlotte, register ed at the Buford.. , Mr. A. L. . Jackson, of Sumter, 8. C-. was . among yesterday's Buford guests, -' V,.' ' Mr. J. B. Wombla. of Concord, was registered at the Buford yesterday. Mr,.' i. W. Cuthbertson leaves to-day to spend awhile In New York. Mr. James Haf key will return the last part of the week from his vaca tion, spent in Canada and the North ern part of the United States. . Mr. J. B. Hamraerley . went to Shelby yesterday on Western sUnion business. Mr. C. W.-Tillett was In 8helby yesterday on legal business. Rev. Dr. W. M. Kincaid left yester day. to spend cart of his vacation in Connecticut, where his wife and daughter now are. Mr. Robert O. MlUer, of Statesvllle, spent yesterday In the city. Revx jL.At- Sample, of Henderson- ville, is the guest of friends In the city. Mr. w. F. Terrell, of Greensboro, spent last night at the Selwyn. Mr. Claude Ramaauer, of Lincoln- ton, was among the guests last night at the Selwyn Hotel. Mr. Ernest B. Taylor, of Salisbury, came over last night and is at the Central. Mr. R. L. Durham returned last night from a trip through the mountains. The social event of the evening will be the second of the series of dances given each Friday night at Latta Park Auditorium. This spacious and delightful hall is perhaps better adapted for "dancing than any other of its kind around this part of the State and being situated as It Is, with no buildings to obstruct the breese, it is made all the more desirable for such use. There have not been less than forty couples at either of the preceding dances, and even a num ber of couples more could comforta bly dance without fear of colliding. A popular programme of music will be rendered during the evening by the Richardson Orchestra. COLORED CONVENTION TO-DAY. Mrs. M. K. Hall and daughters. Misses Irene snd Margaret, left last night for Hlddenlte, where they will spend some time. Mra J. P. Caldwell and daugh ter returned last Hifnt from Tayrors- IHe. Sunday School Convention of the Presbytery of Catawba to Be Held In ih St. Paul Presbyterian Cliorvh The Programme Attendance Expected to Be Large. The Sabbath school convention of the Presbytery Of Catawba meets at the St. Paul Presbyterian church, this county, at 11 a. m. to-day and continues in session through Sunday next. The programme, as arranged. shows quite a list of subjects and topics bearing upon Sabbath .school work. In attendance this meeting Is always the largest of any in Rhe Presbytery, and has proven a great incentive to the young people in missionary work in their home churches. In appreciation for services ren dered, the president and secretary have been re-elected successively for the past eleven years. Principal S. The wife of a famous cartoonist writes us that ' the ' best .way to clean diamonds and other pre cious stones is to soak mem over.; nignt , in a, bowlful ; of . Ivory Soap and water; - Shavings ; 01 tire soap dropped into - warm water . are best. lfl the morning, 'rinse - them thoroughly with hot water, . and . behold t they are as . bright as ; when received from the jewelers." Try it! Ivory Soap 9$iSo Per Cent Pure. " eo BRIEFS. and Mrr and Mrs. D. P. Hutchison and daughters, Misses Annie Parks, Selene and Susie have returned from a stay of some weeks at Atlantio City. Mrs. Frank O. Landis and children sre expected home to-day from Man cum, where they visited. , They will be at home at the residence of Judge .rtatt jd. waiKer. Misses Emily Glenn and Luclle Ma son art spending- a few days in the country with Miss Adella Levi. The Woman s Club of Charlotte Is expecting a coming year of work which shall count for a great deal. The programme has been prepared in detail and the actlv t es of th dlf Xerent departments of the club have been outlined with much care and discrimination. Following are the omoers: Mrs. 1. w. Falson, president; Mrs. w. o. Rogers, vice president; Mrs. E B. aioward, second vice president Mcrsincn, recording sec retary; Mrs. E. P. Tingley, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. C. G. McMana way, treasurer. 1 he chairmen of ths departments re as lunows: Literature, Miss Josephine Dellehay; uuutniun, jnr. 1. w. Jjurnam; house floia economies, Mrs. E. P. Tingley; music, Mrs. A.-D. Glascock: civics r. i. a. Bryant. Appointed committees: Ways and means Mrs. Eugene euiey, cnairman; Mrs. F. C. Abbott, Mrs. Lockwood Jones, Mrs. J. A. Fore, .oars, jttusn t. wray. Social Mrs. A. M. Spong, chair man; Mrs. Gordon Finger, Mrs. W. W. watt. Mrs. a. IX Heath, Mrs. A. H. wasnourn. Reciprocity Mrs. J. C. Abernethy. Mrs. Dudley Burkhelmer, Mrs C. w. j ones. traveling libraries Mrs. Frank ietneo. distribution of magazines In rural oistnci Mrs. J. A. Baldwin. Art in schools Mrs. J. W. Haw- IJ1B. of air. ana Mrs. - B. Whitfield, of irunswicK, uk, are spending awhile at tne aeiwyn Hotel. Miss Lucy Halliburton and Dr. . Annie Alexander returned last night irom an oxtenaea western tour. They iook in me national democratic ens. ention at Denver and visited other , principal cities of that section. Mr. jonn m. traig entertained at ainner at the country Club last even ing In honor of Miss Mae Taylor, of ew xorr. wno is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Osmond L. Barringer. Aside irom tne guest of honor there were present Mr. and Mrs. Osmond L, Bar rlngeV, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wads worth. 'Miss Narnie Rogers, f Ral- eign; . miss Leoiine Etheredge and Messrs. John M. Craig, John Bass jirown, pat Harty and W. D. Adams. Mrs. W. W. Phlfer entertains to. nignt at ner home in honor of Miss Janet Qulnn. of SallsburyBridge will . urn vmjva. . Prides- of s4h Charlotte- -led graded school, and. Prof. J. D. Mar tin, of Biddle Universrty, are th president and secretary, respectively, 01 tnis convention. PROGRAMME. First Day Friday, August 7h 11 a. m. Devotional exercises, conducted by the Rev. A. Spauldlng, 8. T. B. 11:29 a. m. Words of welcome. On be' half of the Sabbath school, Edith Davis On behalf of the Saint Paul church Rev. Oeorge S. Leeper. A. ,M.. pastor. Renponne Rev. J. A. Thomas-Hasell, 8. T. B. 11:35 a. m. Regular orders 0-4) 11:46 a. m. Papers: "Is the Sabbath School Doing Its Full Worwr Amell Kearns, Mount Olive; Violet McQlll, Lisbon Springs. 12:39 p. m. Query box. Rev. A. F. ura ham. u. v., conductor. Receas. 2:80 p. m. Regular orders (5-7). S:00 d. m. "Preparation On the Part the Sabbath School Teacher Necessary to Successful worlt." rrof. r . J. An demon, A. M. ; Rev. S. A, Downer, S. T. B. 4:00 d.' m. Regular orders (9-10). 4:90 p. m. Words Of cheer. Instruction. review and outlook of our Sabbath schools. Rev. O. T. DUlard, D. D. Supt. Sabbath School Missionaries: At lantlc and Catawba Synods. 6:00 p. m. "Query Box" Answers. Dr. Graham. Recess. 70 u. m. President's annual address. Prof. S. B. Pride, A. M T:10 p. m. "The Twelfth International Sunday School Convention," Prof. J. D. Martin. A. M. 1:00 p. m. "The Co-operation Needed by a Sabbath School Missionary to Suc cessfully Prosecute His Work," Rev. W. H. Long, 8. ft. Missionary, Synod of Catawba. Second Day Saturday, Ith. :00 a. m. Devotional exercises, conduct ed by Sunt. C. E. Graham. Caldwell. :S) a. m. Regular order (). Recess. 2:1X1 d. m "Query Box." Answers. 1:00 p. m. Address. "Christian Educa tion." President H. I MeCrorey, D. D. Biddle tin verslty. 1:10 p. m. The annual Catechism contest. Th rd Day Sunday, th. 10:30 a. m. Wong and praise services, con ducted by the choristers neo. W. John- snn, St. Paul: Dock Orier, Church Rtrset: M. H. Neal. Tmmanuel, 11:00 a. m. Annual sermon, by the Rev, D. Brown, D. Middle university. Recess. p. m. Discussion: "Why Parents Hbomd Attend tne nunaay twnooi,- tea bv Roxana C. BelK, of Belief onte. 3:00 p. m.Dfscusalons: 1st, 'Temperanea In the Sunday ncnooi. Kev. )i. J". Wyche. D. D. 2d, "Anti-Narcotics," K, M Mrrrorey. The presentation of the Catechism prise banner. Resolution of thanks, etc., etc, The programme contains also tha announcement that "the. programme will be Interspersed with music that shall be enlivened and especially suit able o the occasion by persons In attendance who have some notoriety in the rendition of music", .Farmers Institato Near Hosklns. account or the omnipresent rain yesterday; the Farmers' Institute at the Southern Industrial Institute - near nossins was Held la the Wood- rarn "i nn nana nan, the women soiaing ineirs in the school bonding. adoui - were- present, half these , being women. Professor Massey opened up with a speech on -Soil Preparation.- and Mr. A. O. Brant, of I ibb jnnuiuie. bdok on im ame sut jecu . io tne laaies Mrs. Hutt talk ed interestingly on "Housekeeping." I The exercises came to a clos in the - aiteraoon.' . , . .. f . ', - ' GET THE BEST. ; It pays to use Blue Ribbon Vanilla. It1 . ansoiuieiy pure, srtes twice as lar and ves savor is penecuoa. ; . .. t - r Bill Bailey' Airaire do Cocnr. "Mister."' "Twa BUI ' Bailey spoke. His steel gray, restless eyes were aught wttn feverish appeal. , - "Don't pot my name. In the paper any more." Why, what have you done now 7 "NothinV I ? ain't done nothlnV Jerkily! "But please don't write me up when I git arrested. It keeps the girls from -likin me. They don't Lke to read about my Txln' looked up. It's liable to hurt my social stand In'. My girl's done give ma Tne frosen xniV less'n I reform." . , - . . Here is a very tregedy of youthful lovs. . . . ' " .. Air DOnw at Elcctrio Park. V ' For the first time last nlrht the Air Dome at tha Electric Park was thrown open for the amusement of tha public. The programme-consists of -moving pictures and at a later stags of the gama It Is planned to have theatrical performances. Every Friday nlfcht, be ginning to-night, an amateur perform ance will be given, the prises to be given to the best performers. The ap plause eticuea rrom tne captivated audience will t tha - criterion for Judgment. ,.---. A Few Minor Ha nncnlnrs About the CtT. -A camp meeting will be held on tne Antloch crround next Sunday, The regular dancing elass is re- Quested to be at Latta Park promptly at 8:30 to-night lnstsad of. at new electric pavilion, by reauest of Miss Bessie Burkhelmer, teacher. . Tom Hege announces that his freak electrical shop on West Trade will be closed from the lXth to the 24th, while he attends the Soventh Day Adventlst camp meeting for North Carolina at Lexington. So far as known there s only one of the bloom-lne things in town and It hasn't ibeen worn to church yet. Fact is, nobody has seen anybody who has seen anybody who has aeen It, but rumor some days ago announced Its arrival. An excursion will be run over the Southern Railway into Charlotte from Norfolk. Va.. August 2Sth. leaving the Virginia city the morning of the zstn at 9 o'clock and leaving Charlotte at the next evening. Sleeping cars will be provided and the schedule will be faxt. Miss' Ida M. Anderson and Mr Gordon W. Arnold were married Wednesday night In North Charlotte at the home of Mrs. T. J. Wolfe. Rev. J. F Totten, pastor of Calvary church, performed the ceremony. Both the young people are popular, the sroom oemg an em ploye of Ray A Co. The rain which fell yesterday and the day before has been varioushr re garded by all classes an conditions, Tho farmers regarded it as a blessing, to the baseball lovers It was an un mitigated nuisance. To the other clashes of citizenship It was merely more or less of an inconvenience. None of any consequence fell later than 3:30 yesterday and the bsseball Isis Sre""fiopiTig for clear-weather to-day. Charlotte to Remain in Present Clrcult- The dispatches from Chattanooga relative t0 Charlotte's entrance Into the South Atlantic League are not corroborated by the holders of the present franchise In the Carolina As sociation. It Is understood that Charlotte will make no bid for higher company the next year, but will re main in the present circuit. The management considers It unwise to attempt such a. move at present, When baseball Is practically an . e periment here. The Jong Jumps which the other company would necessitate won I.I not be profitable, It is believed, and for that reason it is deemed wisest to remain In the Carolina league. IVEY'S Stats Cart Saiii- Any Hat in. Store at 98 Cents. We still have over a thou sand Hats and they must fee gotten rid of. They are tastefully trim med with flowers and rib bon, either the hat or trim mings worth more in nearly every case than we sell the finished hat for. You have nearly three months in which to weaf these. Think of getting a fresh, pretty Hat, worth $3 to $4, for 98 cents. Every Hat in this sale, none reserved, all colors-. Blacks, Whites, Browns, Navy, Alice Blues, etc. The dark colors wilTdo for early fall wear. Sale Commences This morning and will continue from day to day until closed out. New, fresh Trimmed Hats will be put out each day. ' r. V EY'S Minor Law Infractions Tried In City urt. Two negroes who were arrested bv ontcer isner as they alighted from a train from Salisbury, each with grip containing more than two and one-half gallons of whiskey, were bound to Superior Court on the charge of retailing by the recorder yesterday. Frank Conners, a ne gro wno was round sleeping In an empty house and who admitted that h was not working anywhere, was sentenced to thirty days' imprison ment for vagrancy. Jap and Sam Likes, samll negroes, were Arraign- ea tor tnrowing stones at Annie Mor ris, colored. Jap was sent up for a month and Bam, who was of too tender years, was given the pink slip. GET THK IDEAL HOUSEHOLD DISIN FECTANT ANTI-GERMINE The most economical. Tha most satisfactory. Sold In any - quantity. Registered Nurses Directory. (Graduate Nurses only). Burwelf-Dunn Retail Store 'phones 41 and S0O. The Charlotte Trunk! Strongest and best -Trunk on the market. This special Trunk Is built to our own specifications in 100 lota, and contains more points of value by 15.00 than any other; Full size, strong box, . full steel bound, every part riveted, linen lined, double trays, ,v- - v. . ;' ', . 8-inch- $t.t0; tO-lnch $1.00; 12- Inch, I I0;. St-inch, tio ooll-lnch, 111.00; 1 1-inch, $12.00; 4 0-inen. 113.90. ..' ' . .' . ':'',". THE nEBCTLES TRCX STROP Strongest strop mads with paten sliding release buckle.-' Price 18c. Free by maiL ,;. . . v' ' iliMERifilOORECO: - ' V.; ' Let Everybody Bide a Wee. The Indications are that the period of three or four days, which includes August 35th and 26th, will appioach In some degree the liveliness of June 24th and the week that followed. The Southern excursion from Norfolk. which will be run to Charlotte. bringing hundreds of former Tar Heels here, together with the hoped- for coming of Presidential Candidate Taft and the certainty of a Republi can convention, which promises con siderable Interest, will probably com bine to make a season wherHn things will happen. Th- C'hnrlotte folks are determined that Mr. Taft has limply (tot to come, the report from Greensboro to the contrary not withstanding. "There's a good time coming. Help It on." THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON lT i J "A Sate oF Safety Razors" 10 Cents BEGINNING SATURDAY XOT OX SALE TO-DAY, It's com at last a good, stout.servlceable Safety Rasor for less than the cost of a shave. The flexible steel blade did it. No ornamentation." no expensive mechanism Nothing for show. Just the essential tart. Same Sheffield 8tel Blades used in $5.00 Safety outfits. We bought 60 gross Dime Safetys to control them in Charlotte, and we expect to sell twice this number. A complete Razor, guaranteed to shave, for loo. Three extra Blades lOc Every blade pure steel. If your flrst shave Is not entirely satisfac tory we cheerfully refund your money. Razors sent by mall for 12 cents I cents extra for pontage. Three extra Blades for Dime Safety Raxora for too. Each blade shaves from three to six times. fix shaves cost you 7,v ONE DIME RAZOR 10c". Saving you g.v. A Guaranteed Safety Rasor complete for 10 Cents. KALE BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING, 10 O'CLOCK. Can be had In Gents' Furnishing or Dry Ooods Departments Saturday morning. 10 o'clock. wP will sell with the DIMK RAZOR the celebrated J. B. Williams Shuving Soup. 5 cents. Not over two cakes to a customer. Will also sell Mennen's Talcum Powder, 10 cenu box not over two to customer. BELK BROS. 19 21 E. Trade. mm Special Notices NEW ARRIVALS Recent shipments have given us a number of new designs In popular priced, high grade WOOD MANTELS. If you are contemplating purchasing, it will pay you to see our display on second floor. J.N.McCausIand&Co. Stove Dealers, Roofing Con tractors. Ml South Tryon St. ' 1 t w t. . r T-1 Knabe Pianos omo and seo tho now styles just received. A pur chase of this Piano means a satisfactory one for a life time. - We sell cheaper Pianos also. Write for catalogues. Parker-Gardner Company Piano Department Second Floor. GREEN POND GRANITE BRICK COMPANY THE REAL THING. USE BLUE RIB- bon Vanilla and you get the real s nllla, made from the finest vanilla beans that grow. Magic heaoachk powders btqp nesdar-he In less time, and are perfect ly harmless. Not P. STOWK & CO., 17. had to take. Druggists. JAS. Phone THE STANDARD IS THE ONLY ADD- ing machine made that will not add ether than It prints, nr print other than It adds. It ia the only absolutely re liable adding, and listing machine on the market, and Costa lss than others not so good. J. E. CRAVTON & CO., 217 H. Tryon. Gibson, nr. o. Offers contractors and bulldera the neatest pressed building brick on ths market for the money. Do not ttraak In shipping, not affected by frost. harden with age ana compare favor ably with tha highest priced brick In tha country. Write for prices and testimontsls. HERE YOU ARE'. A FRESH LOT OF fancy pitted dates, seeded raisins snd currants. Ours have no bugs. See-us for cold boiled ham. sliced breakfast bscon. all ready to use, plenty of nics things for lunch, too. MILLER VAN NEKS, 27 N. Tryon. IF TOU NEED ANTTHINQ IN THE drug line, 'phone WOODAU- BHtP PARD. No. W. They give prompt and accurate service to all parts ol the city. FOR SALE-CRUSHED STONK IN sixes suitable for sll grsaee eoncrst work.' Will euote you delivered prices by wagon or csrs on application. Frsd Oliver. Charlotte. N. C. FOR ' RENT-STORE ROOM, 210 EAST Trade St.. Bne stand for retail and wholesale. : Modern t-room hous. ele ssntly finished Inside. 801 N. B.' St. Nlee t-reom hi. Tli N, B. St. ' Also others, i. ARTHUR HENDERSON BRO. EVERTTHINO THAT'S OOOD TO EAT In hot weather Is being servse fcy us In the beet style. Come In and see whst we have new. a KM RESTAUR ANT. - " TO LET-4 ROOMS. PALMER AND Middle, gis: rooms, west palmer. St; 4 room. 717 E. Ui, t: rooms. Mutiny, sldo. IVi acres, well enclosed, barn, enieken houses and yards, all for $11M: t room. 14 Oold St.. I13J0; I rooms Pllwcrth, ri7; I reoma, Orade St., J; ( rooms, Oak- St.. Ill; large hall, lit snd C. Sis , $10; ro"m In Sanders Pnlld lo, H E. L KEESLER, a S. Tryoe 8U 'Phene M. . Above Everything Else ,.' in your purchase of Printing; Blank Books, and kindred :r - supplies, should be considered the qaettion of QUALITY. . Quality does not mean ornate decoratieu or elaborate coloring, nor does it necessarily imply a V steep " price. : Quality means ; teste, discrimi nation, harmony in type, paper, and inks. QmaLty la just ss important tha lack ot rt hist aa evident ia BOteliead as la a catalof . We endeavor to give superior auaiily wita every )ob we send out. . It pays I both yets and as. - v It yon want quality In Blank Books,: Loose-Leaf Devices, En graving. Lithographing, or Print ing, send your next order to '. THE CBSERVEB PRIXTIXS ROUSE . Msoseeaane (Wasrs Qiatty is tsirsan) .f .r ,CH ARLOTTE, N, C. "If you care at all for the good opinion of the fair sex, dress yourself correctly for every occa sion, as prescribed by Dame Fashion. The first thing to consider in dress, is', style; ; second fit, and the third quality. .. " ." . . , Itis the perfect combination of these three that has made our clothing for men and young men famous, ' - Long-Tate Clfltinnf Co. feeds Sen; cn A;;rcYl Rctocile A 0:r x;;::3.